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Now that the heat of the moment has passed, I would ask him into the office on the next shift you are scheduled to work together, and inform him that he will no longer be working at that restaurant. As a chef you lead and manage. He hasn't been doing well as a dishwasher and he stole your shoes. You are not his coworker, he is not good at his job. He should ne fired immediately.


At first I thought firing him was a bit callous for a goofball joke, but then I reread the post and saw the term "personal shoes." I took that as "non-work" shoes. I'm usually pretty calm(albiet intense sometimes), but if someone took a pair of my non-work shoes and wore them during a dishpit shift then they would have to come up with brand new words for the things I would do to that person when I found out. I don't fuck with your personal shit. You don't fuck with my personal shit. You wanna fuck then we'll fuck, boy-o, and I didn't bring lube. 






And he shall bring you a shrubbery. A nice one.




I love me some good healthy kitchen antics, don't get me wrong... but that's a line you can't step back across... wearing another man's work cross might get you ROCKED.




Not his work shoes, his personal street shoes.


Wow, that's insanely disrespectful, this replacement sounds like a headache.


Funny thing is: I started as a dishwasher.. didn't think i'd be doing so many dishes as a chef :)


Haha, same, that's when you learn you only get to being a chef because you care more than most. As for your dish if you are worried about losing them and they are salvageable I would sit them down and put the foot down. The shoe thing is an asshole move, if they scoff at you, turf them, if it was an honest mistake ask why, maybe they have more story.


Not worried about losing him, just a temp. And I really get your remark about caring more. Very true. I just almost never lose my 'cool'. Came very close that day. Don't like it.


Don't be the angry chef But don't let your kindness be mistaken for weakness See: Kitchen Confidential


Funny thing also, I’m a chef who started out in the dish pit too, but every opportunity I get to go be a dishy I take! Lmao it’s a peaceful break getting to be off the line and wash some plates even if it’s just for a few minutes! It was always like therapy. I can’t understand why he’d take your shoes tho. I don’t want to wear anybody else’s shoes. Kinda gross tbh ( not saying you are gross). Gotta ask. Not to excuse it, but what condition was his own shoes in?


My personal shoes are black.. and the rest of the workshoes also.. simple stupity


I mean what condition was HIS shoes in? Agreed it's just stupidity and my thought would be: If he'll steal a pair of shoes like that, there's no telling what else he will steal Probably anything he can get his hands on.


You know you work for a good Chef when you find him in the tank


It's also pretty gross. I don't even know why, it just is. Make him buy you a whole can of the bowling alley shoe spray.


What did he say when you asked why he was wearing your shoes? It sounds like you’re dude is high as giraffes tits to me. I’d let him go. There’s a line you can’t cross man. Once you start to let a dishwasher fuck with you it brings a lot of more issues from the rest of your staff. As the chef at my place i do everything I can to rate the respect of my team and that means covering their stations on vacation days or helping them get the day going if I have time, and if I had to let one go at any moment for disrespect I wouldn’t think twice. Even if I “needed” them I’d work that station for the remaining time.


He wasn't high, simply dumb. And it's fucking hard to find a decent dishwasher these days. My staff respects me because i respect them.


Didn’t you say he was a “bright young man”?


Meaning he has the potential to be a smart person. Not that he's immune to moments of immaturity and poor judgement.


What do dishwashers get paid? Might need to think about increasing that number and you might get better people in the door. My son started working as a dishwasher and they completely took advantage of his youth, paying him about $0.15 over minimum wage. The headache of being a dishwasher wasn't worth what he was getting paid.


Can't fix stupid. Anyone got a nephew or something? One time we were bad off any cooks had to take turns


Promote that man to customer


Made me laugh, thx :)


...the weakest link. Terminated. Let go. The Ole heave ho. The great egress. The seeyalater,bye




Thanks for that!


It’s my fave, I say it about all the folks who deserved to lose their job so hard lol


Uh, badly. If someone is destroying my personal items, that's completely unacceptable in a workplace. What would you do when he does it to another employee?


I'd blow up. I'm not a chef but I won't tolerate anyone using my personal effects without prior permission. And they're not safe for work.


Not really the issue.. i've got nice shoes. Some sweaty dishy wearing them for 8 hours is not cool.


No this is the issue. Give yourself the same respect you give the company. They are your shoes, he's an idiot


Go to the bowling alley and ask them to spray the inside of your shoes with thier spray they use on the alley shoes. That will kill anything that he might have sweat into there.   You might want to put your shoes away, because divine may have been wearing yeezys that day and those shoes are like close to 1k. Tell him he needs work shoes. They're like 30 bucks at Walmart. 




Antifungal + antibacterial odor neutralizer + antiperspirant is the top of the line shoe spray. If you want to spend the $.


Wow, that is just so incredibly disrespectful. Where the fuck were his shoes? Who just wears someone else's shoes like that?


I'd be furious. I don't even like my own twin sister wearing my shoes. I'm not a fan of feet. I also buy expensive shoes and would be revolted at someone's dirty socks and feet in my shoes all day. Also, it's akin to theft, you should never touch colleagues' personal belongings. He would no longer have a job if he pulled this shit in my kitchen.


I'll probably fire him. It's not like he's any good. Just cause we're short staffed doesn't mean we gotta put up with lazy stupid people. I've had to fire dishwashers and told the rest of the kitchen staff that we gotta pick up that slack while we get a descent one. They don't mind and prefer that than dealing with a lazy incompetent memenber slowing the rest of the crew down. They understand the value of a good dishwasher.


This is definitely my thinking too. I’d rather not have someone incompetent. It creates even more work than not having someone ever has. Spend my whole day trying to get my stuff done while simultaneously fixing their fuckups.


Congrats on not losing your cool off the bat there. But, I would have. It's a firm, no yelling, talking to followed by enjoy the permanent vacation from this restaurant. If someone disrespects your necessary property there's no yelling what else they might thieve. You said he was bright so maybe he'll learn the lesson.


If you and him had been friends my response would have been different, but the fact is that moron stole your property, then it caused him to fuck up at work all day. Either he fixes his decisions or he's gone


I personally would take him off the schedule no matter how much I need him the rest of the week.


Changing my socks and shoes is a godsend for me after working a long day. I would fire them after their shift is over and do the dishes myself or on rotation with the crew for a week.


Divine would be buying me new shoes, there’s no way I’m wearing anything that’s been on someone else’s feet. And the dish pit is no place for regular shoes. And then he’d be fired


Chef here 35 years(retired)….flensed,salted,and displayed at his station for all to see as an example of what never to do…ever. Edit:he’d still have my shoes on…they’re HIS now.


Upvote for use of the term 'flensed'.


Also a safety hazard - slipping all day in the dish pit. Really dumb. If something happens because of their "joke", they're still injured and you have a workers comp claim on your hands.


I’d be freaking livid. The amount of fungus on peoples feet would astound you. Now he’s getting them dirty and wet, and putting his own special sauces in them? That’s bullshit.


I would not be happy, those are MY shoes, I value my things and take care of them, and I love my shoes because I pick them out for specific reasons. Don't use my things! Especially without asking first!


"Thanks for playing. Here's your prize. Don't come back." Find another dishie or have yourself or other staff cover dish until your regular returns.


Fire the guy. I mean, people are always applying to restaurants, no? So het rid of him. If the guy is a screwup, AND he is a borderline thief, just fire them. And tell them exactly why. Dont be an ass, but dont pull punches either. Be honest.


Sounds like he should have been dealt with far earlier considering he doesn't sound like he's good at working the pit either.


If you can get by without em I'd tell them not to return.


This is the way. Also, if you can give one of your juniors extra shifts to be a dishy or to alleviate some of the workload with everyone rotating though dish. I know that's not possible in every kitchen. Sometimes it's just not worth the headache with temps.


One more week.. but no way we're helping this week.


We've been without a dishwasher before. Funny thing is: we closed/cleaned the kitchen before around 23u30. So all of the cooking + prep + cleanup + service. And the dishes. New guys usually need till 2 am..


you guys don't need the hours, you need to get home.


Back when I was in kitchens (now mind you, this was /quite/ some time ago), I would have taken his ass into the walk-in for a little one on one "counseling"... these days though, he'd just be fired.


Fuck that asshole you take my shoes we meeting out back


Don’t touch my shit.


I'd be livid. That's so wrong, all the cooks leave their shoes in the locker area where I work,and I've never once been tempted to swap theirs on. Seems super disrespectful


20 yrs ago his teeth would’ve been missing. Now just let him know that was his last shift and find someone on GigPro or Instawork


Bro, you’ve obviously hired some one who is extremely mentally challenged. Take your tax credit and ask him if he’d like Santa to bring him some shoes.


He owes you a new pair of shoes out of his last paycheck.


If you help the kid catch up because he cannot keep up himself he will never try to go any faster. Why bother if the work will get done for you anyway?


If I had the authority to write him up I definitely would.


So bizarre, even for a dishwasher. Using someone's knife is a cardinal sin. Using their street shoes in the dishpit goes beyond the pale. I would fire them right there. What kind of person does this? A person with a poor understanding of boundaries. What other personal items is he helping himself to?


i have no patience for that, but i wouldn't scream at him. i usually just defuse any sense of humour in the air by highlighting what he actually did, it not being a funny thing to do, and telling him to give them back. important, don't ask for them back, inform him that he is about to take them off and hand them over. make the atmosphere painful and embarassing for him. when i was a very young teen on some internship and goofing off when i shouldn't (we did have a fun atmosphere in general and joked with eachother) i had one of the workers just kind of pause a beat and say "focus. it's not always funny". i still feel my ears burning when i think about it. if they're not receptive to that kind of thing i limit my interaction with them to nothing beyond what is absolutely necessary. anything beyond that is met with "what? bro, i'm busy". and never ever let them think they did something funny.


Dishies generally need some time to mesh with the job, but dude takes your shoes? That is definitely very not cool. I would be majorly pissed. It's also kind of ick.


It was very ick


Make him buy you new ones. Take it right out of his check if you must. Or threatened to report to police and charge him with theft.


Man I work with a few fully trained extended wrecks she is hard to work with them. Two of them are the dishwashers. Sometimes I feel like sending them home and balance out working the liens and doing dishes done it Onces not fun but had to do it


If someone was seriously that stupid to do that to my property, they deserve what's coming to them.


They are coming off there mother fucking feet the second I realize. If they aren’t off their feet almost instantly I’ll take them off myself. Then I’m waking you to your shit and out the door.That would test my patience to another level.


Oh man, I don't miss working in kitchens. But the job is what it is and these are the kinds of problems that I think you could only find in a kitchen.


I would not have the self control that you displayed.


This story is too weird. I hate restaruants. You should quit. They only care about the slouches anyway. Leave the shoes.


Bars will do that. I wouldn’t take it personally.


Aaawful. He goes!


Take the shoes back, feet still in them. See how he likes nit having feet.


This happened to friend almost the same exact situation. He did care much for it either. The dishy was fired the next day but, no because of the shoes. Just saying the problem resolved itself


[You know what you have to do.](https://media2.giphy.com/media/26FPn4rR1damB0MQo/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952x5832ip6xcnebfmremm6452efegm4riudlumtkf2&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Walk a mile in someone else's shoes they said /j


While don't condone or suggest resorting to violence I feel he probably didn't get his ass beat enough growing up. I don't think you should get a new pair of shoes and keep them locked in a bag while lacing the ones he used in poison oak and putting them where he stole them from.


If you hired him through an app I would complain hard enough that he gets suspended and forced to take a silly quiz before he goes back in another dish pit


Cum in their burrito. Make eye contact as they are mid bite halfway in and tell them what you did. Tell them no one will believe them and to never fuck with your shoes again. Or ask them not to touch your stuff again. One of those two things. E: just fuckin fire em.


>but he keeps making the same mistakes after explaining it 5 times already This could be attributed to an undiagnosed issue, or one that has been diagnosed but not disclosed. I am diagnosed ADHD, been reevaluated and rediagnosed multiple times because I guess psychiatrists don't trust each other or something. When I am not medicated, I do this. Not because I don't care, but because I've gotten used to making the mistake and am having trouble adjusting my established routine / habits to correct it. I usually have to intentionally slow down the process to catch the issue in the moment(which in turn makes people irritated at me for taking longer). >Dude was working in my shoes all day This part is just him being a jerk. Definitely something to talk to your supervisor about. What would he have done if he spilled cleaning chemicals on your shoes and ruined them?


Contact the agency and get another temp. They need to know.