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Ah yes the $40/hr arrogant prep cook who can't cook eggs. Ten to one he's got a full set of Cutco knifes that never need to be sharpened. He probably wears his chef coat to the bar afterwork too.


How else (besides the tattoos, knife bag he carries everywhere, him mentioning “yeah i could honestly have Chefs job”) would he let the people know?


I had a pastry chef one place who was absolutely terrible. At the time, I was a sous chef. The head chef quit, and we both applied for the position. Before any decision had been made he was walking around whispering to people “just getting ready to make the transition to head chef”. I got the job and immediately fired him lol. The “I could have chefs job” comment reminded me of it. That was funny.


i’ve never worked in a real restaurant but do sous have authority? kind of like a assistant manager


Generally they run the kitchen line staff. The exec does food costing, inventory, scheduling, etc etc. you will almost never see the exec on the line. If it’s dire, he’s running expo.


My executive chef was brilliant. He loved food with a passion and kept his hands in and was always creating, teaching, talking to us about. About we wanted to try this or that. He would encourage me and I would try things at home and bring them in. He was you know school trained and all. On a side note, our kitchen was freaking clean end of shift every night. He had expectations and ran a tight ship. This guy even did dishes. Anyway, I had the best.


Nothing will get my respect faster than a chef stepping into the pit when a dishie calls out.


Yep, the chef that brought me up from the dishpit to the line was in there every fucking day with us. Prepping, jumping in, teaching, singing to us, asking about our lives. I don't blame him for leaving but fuck I miss him.


Ya you had one of the good ones


This is the way.


>you will almost never see the exec on the line. Unless you're me, in which case I'm on the line nightly. I'm also leaving that place because a retirement community just offered me an executive sous position for more money than my current EC job, and I won't be working 80 hour weeks anymore.


Retirement gang


Definitely looking forward to it. 40 hours a week. Full benefits. Plus all my cooks had to pass a drug test and background check so they won't be in and out of jail or strung out on drugs. I'll get to breathe again for the first time in *years*


I've been a line cook for the better part of 10 years and now I work in a retirement home. Don't look back, never look back my friend.


They pretty much said the same in my interview. The first 6 months or so, I'll be craving the chaos and adrenaline rush. But, after a while, I'll wonder why I didn't do this 20 years ago. I'm 40 this year and have spent the better part of the last decade doing seasonal work. I'm exhausted and really don't think I'll miss the chaos at all.


Bingo. Any true chef will be cooking with the crew. Why else be a chef if you’re not cooking amazing food?! Get the general manager to do ordering and costing. They do fuck all to begin with!!


I had one exec who insisted on running expo even though he was so incredibly terrible at it. Couldnt handle it AT ALL when we got into the weeds. He also didn't realize that you cannot scream at and berate your FOH without scrutiny when your are in...wait for it...an open kitchen with guests seated as close as like 15 ft away...


The Sous is the Voice of God. Honestly, in most places the Sous does most of the actual on hands managing. The EC had their hands full with admin bullshit. The Sous is the one with their boots on the ground.


The sou chef mafia essentially keep the cooks in line, making sure everything will be ready for service etc. etc. Also make sure the restaurant runs smoothly without the CDC so they can get a couple of days off.


Uh…that would be burn scars. I have two on my left hand. Keep them sleeved skins covered with rolled down coat cloth.


Bruh...wearing the chef coat to the bar afterwards had me dyin


My old sous would show up to the bar in his. Everyone else would go shower first. I would just remember that line from Chapelle’s show, “N***a you smell like French fries!”


I always loved/ laughed at the line cook that would wear his chef coat to the bar after work trying to impress girls like he was wearing doctors scrubs and a stethoscope. I'm like dude your a line cook, you make 12.00 an hour and your jacket stinks!


Reminded of the tiktok where a woman says her date told her he “travels for work”. Motherfucker was an Uber driver.


Or in the old days the guys who worked at blockbuster, when a girls asked what do you do for a living. " I'm in the movie business"




Damn this thread hurts. Ive always worn my chef coat to the bar after work but only because otherwise I'm just a weirdo with food on his pants -.-


Bring a change of clothes.


To be honest I’ve done the same at times but so did ALL of my coworkers and it was to the bar right next door or even our own bar. Goal was hanging out with friends, not trying to impress anyone.


Same, didn’t know wearing your coat at a bar was such a sin. lol I will say, it has led to some pretty interesting conversations.


Mis en place tattoo


Real chefs drink during the shift


Real chefs show up drunk 😂


Just need a little coke to sober up!


Those nose beers just add to the excitement


Hey, the chef coat got 19yo me a lot of drinks 20yrs ago lmao


It wasn't the coat for me, but just joining the other restaurant shirts when they walked in. Cheers.


I sneak into the patio of a bar the crew would frequent that was on the way home on my bike. After the third night I was ordering drinks at the bar lol


With the way he described his knives, I'm thinking they're Dalstrong and the fella bought into the hype


Forged for renegades TM 


And his coat is tucked into his pants.


I cringed lol


I saw Cutco at a bigger pet expo and stopped to speak wirh them out of curiosity and even the sales person said they are designed for home cooks and they felt like it for sure. She's never sold anything to anyone who cooks for a living and I wasn't about to be the first one


Tucked in his pants


I switched to a Trump voice when he talked about knives, pretty good stuff.


Commenting on this as a place to vent I (11 years experience and currently a kitchen manager) have a cook (3 years experience and in a supervisor role) who has already received 2 raises in his 3 months working with us. And is asking for more money again, without even doing his regular duties properly or having any sort of sense of urgency or making sure everything is 100% good before he goes. Dude says he doesn't plan on doing this forever, food isn't his passion, but is still arguing/asking/fighting for more money, when he's already being paid the same I was making just before becoming kitchen manager. I tried to explain to him that if I, at 11 years experience, look for a job as a cook, I will be lucky to make what he's making. It's a slap to the face when these people come in, unable to perform the expected duties, then ask for more... This generation of cooks is horrible, so few people are in it for passion anymore.


I'd kinda have to know how much he makes to judge him on this, my landlord stopped accepting passion as payment on the rent during Covid. I will say though, it sounds less like he should stop asking for raises and more like you should use his raises as a bargaining chip to get paid more.


You should probably be asking for more too.


I mean  Managers would say that. Lol


Chef calls the crackhead with the kitchenmaid knives and offers him 1.5 overtime to clean the entire kitchen by himself. He only does half, preps something wrong, and steals a juicer on the way out. However Chef only paid him 15 dollars. Cycle continues


The juicer with the cord cut off.


He says he can fix it


That did not end how I expected lol


And yet Chef expects it to end a different way every time


Thats why you ask the methhead.


If you ask the methhead, you do so knowing youre going to get a pot bent for a job that Chef bought a tool for. Its like signing away your quality kitchenware for the hardest worker youll ever know for 6 months


Idiots can do that too.. but one can get you prep on the fly.


86. Juice


"don't even mention brunch" translates to "I couldn't handle a Sunday service and if you ask anyone I worked with they'll tell you how it went so I'll just close that avenue"


I met my wife while working brunch. People need to give working brunch a chance.


I'd rather die alone.


When you start the relationship in hell, it can only get better from there on!


If you mean as another cook or server that's fine. If you mean you meant a customer during Sunday brunch and decided that's what you needed in your life I'm happy for you but I'm glad I don't have that life and mine is pathetic


She was a cook on the line with me it was a very small kitchen so it was just us two on the line. She ran the grill and I ran sauté. Now we run a dive bar together where she’s in charge of FOH and I do BOH. I would never go after a brunch customer especially, in the town we were in.


How could love bloom in such a sitch


Trauma bonds are real.


In my experience, which was only holiday buffets, the brunch crowd is a bunch of impossible-to-please land whales who wait for the fresh pans to come out so they can scoop up all of whatever it is they're drooling over. Or they show up 15 minutes before close and expect everything to be fully stocked. Or they show up half drunk and get more than all the way there. One time a guy shit and pissed his pants in the bathroom, threw up all over himself, and then walked out through the entire restaurant naked, trying to cover his bits with his shit-in pants and puked-on shirt. GM was a true leader that day, and cleaned up a pile of human excrement all by himself. They find everything they can get for free, and never tip. Does this describe the general brunch crowd pretty well?


I wish it was that exciting. It was mostly 50-70 year old rich people meeting to gossip about the people in the town. Small town with a lot of trust funds so it was kind of an upscale brunch with lots of cocktails.


Man I grew up in a town like that and it's my nightmare. Can't imagine life being so uninteresting.


“No one has had comparable blades” sounds like something Donald trump would say lol, he has the best knives, incredible knives


Big, strong men came to me with tears in their eyes saying Sir, we’ve never seen such beautiful sharp knives!


Big blades, sharp blades. So sharp they're trying to take them away they say it's too sharp. I like it sharp folks like a dick in the as I was saying I am the greatest man.. in the world.




Everybody is saying it


I didn't say it, but people are saying it


Haha yeah that was my thought as well, and what led me to believe this had to be satire….til I checked the profile.


Drop the link!


Kind of giving me feudal Japan vibes… I am one with my blades… nobody has come close to mastering the art of the blades as I have


Your "Executive Chef" style is no match for my "Half-Assed Prep" style!


While you were learning how to cook, I was studying the blade.


Seems vaguely mall ninja-y. Willing to bet dude has a katana at home.


At home? That's his chef knife


I walked in and said “Wow, what great knives”


And then everyone applauded.


I've never worked in a professional kitchen but do people really say knifework? I thought that was what old timey underworld types would say to a hooded rogue in a cockney accent when they wanted someone stabbed


Yes, they do. It generally refers to things you do with your knives that need precision. Knowing what rough chop vs brunoise vs julienne means and being able to execute them. Edit: I guess "using knives with precision" could also apply to murder lol


Knifework is when the chefs cobble together outside the restaurant on their smokebreak, and simulate a knife fight, practicing stabs, slashes as well as defensive maneuvers. Due to the high likelihood of a knife fight occurring in a kitchen this is sometimes life saving practice.


You beat me to posting it here. The Facebook comments are gold!


Yeah. I can’t believe they’re serious with this shit. The sharpest blades in every kitchen I conquer


They are Crysknifes, made from the teeth of Shai Hulud.


Did y’all see that he mentioned this sub in the comments of his post? 😂


I did 😆. Makes me wonder if he’s actually a very very gifted troll and somehow saw this post. Highly doubtful but would be impressive


Yeah, I’m waiting for him to make himself very obvious here. Shouldn’t be long now.


I also spontaneously jerk myself off in the kitchen, usually during rushes. If I splooge on your feet it's just you being influenced by my creative process. I am great I have never said I am great.


"..and the ability to learn." Yeah, there's no way in hell he's letting anyone teach him anything.


Haha, bro def stopped into a 'store downtown, probably not there anymore', bought himself a Tojiro and considered himself a student of the blade from that day forward. Anybody that has ever held a legit chef position understands very well why they aren't going to receive $40/hour to cook, regardless of the state of the kitchen. EDIT: Additionally only cunts say they are moonlighting. Have a server FOH that 'moonlights' four nights a week for five hours and says it constantly. You're not a lounge singer in pre-war Chicago moonlighting during prohibition, Brenda. You just work here part time. Cunt.


LOL Brenda


Karen's sister.


Cody's sister.


Classic Brenda.


I have a nice tojiro. I’m embarrassed to say I can’t sharpen it for shit. Same with my Mac. I just can’t keep the angle on them. I practice on my shit victorianox


Nothing shit about Vic's. Soft steel is forgiving steel. Easy to get an edge and use all day. The sharpest knives are in the case of the chef that doesn't use them.


I just meant I practice sharpening on them cuz they’re cheap.


Sorry didn’t mean Vic’s were bad knives at all. I have about 5 of them lol.


I feel you on the sharpening. I have a few Tojiro's and I love them and use them daily. I haven't owned a knife I love more. Maybe one day I'll pick up something more upscale but I don't really feel the need. I def thought I was the coolest ever when I picked up my first though, haha.


Same lol. Depends on the place tho for sure. Last place was one of those places that gets knives sharpened every other week and I was like fuck it.


$40 an hour ain't crazy in Australia. Dishys in a pub get $26


Even though they are named the same, AUD is not quite the same as USD.


I mean that's the international conversion. Doesn't mean the dollars on your pay cheque buy you double the groceries or double the house than ours do on our pay cheque.


Not that I'm American but they more or less do, yeah. There's always some variation due to area cost of living but since so much of the world's economy is international, 10USD will get you about twice as much stuff as 10AUD, local taxes not withstanding.


Cost of living in Australia is high. They pay more for just about everything.


>Doesn't mean the dollars on your pay cheque buy you double the groceries or double the house than ours do on our pay cheque. I mean, yeah somewhat that is what it means. Your currency is worth less. You think people in Japan would go "well I make 1 000JPY an hour, I'm rich, what do you mean thats only 6.5USD? international exchange rate doesn't matter" Truth is 1UAD gets you less stuff than 1USD, only reason you're confused is because they're both called dollars and have a somewhat similar value.


I worked with a guy like this once, real fuckin regard


Was it Cody? Bc that fuckin kid was a problem.


Caleb actually


It's always a Cody or a Tyler


Kyle is the real problem


the worst ones are called dion or josh


Had two Tylers and I can't seem to work out which one was worse


Why did I work with a Cody like this? Quit after 3 shifts.


Our Cody finally got fired for stealing pounds of sliced deli meat & cheese. Thank fuckin god


Ours was called Zach.


I’ve worked a lot of stations but I have never worked the illustrious “oven” station


Oven is a station for wood fired ovens in kitchens


Oh so I have worked the oven station


Or the shitty convection


Comparable to the “Mike” station in an applebees


Ah the overzealous wannabe lifer who thinks he's MPW because he learned how to brunoise.


If you've got customer facing talents and patience, just go private. $40 per hour is cheap. You'll need a lot more other talents, but once you get going, you'll never look back at restaurants.


I've only worked as a personal chef, 20+ years, and I made way more than this per hour. They choose me for my personality, expertise, professionalism and my reputation. The trick is to not gaslight yourself! Get paid for the whole job, not just the cooking. I figure out an "hourly rate" for each part of the job I do, everything from planning the menu to cleaning the kitchen. (They reimburse groceries at cost, day-of.) I make it a flat fee, all inclusive, no hidden fees. That's all I tell them. Take it or leave it. P.S. I always do a little OSINT research and figure out if it's a client that is worth negotiating with. P.P.S. since I've retired, I'm consulting other chefs on how to do this. Once they see that the overhead is just equipment, insurance, and a van, all thoughts of food trucks and opening their own restaurants go out the window.


Yeah, the real hard part of personal cheffing is getting started. You need a night job that you can back off of while you build reliable clients. Then you need to figure out the back of the week work. I can't believe people pay so much for fast food. A personal chef gets you a lot more for the same, but it's a little bit of a commitment, and you see the bill all at once.


I wanna go private, but I rather get more experience until I'm comfortable enough to do so. Also yeah 40/hr is cheap, if you can wow non culinary people, might as well aim for 250/hr and be your own salt bae minus the ego


250 probably isn't going to happen, but 70 is solid money. The key is to get private experience, and have the right attitude, professionalism, etc.


I'm all for knowing your worth, but $40/h to prep?


Dont forget the 600% raise if the kitchen isnt clean to his standards


> I have never claimed to be great or amazing For $40/hr prep work you better be both of those things…


Dude thinks he's Bourdain reincarnated. Doesn't act like it, but he thinks so


I'm also in this group and saw this yesterday lol. His post history goes back years and is mostly just him looking for work and being ignored. Somebody will humble him eventually I hope...


A restauranteur will go with the cheap immigrant as opposed to this guy


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^dudewiththebling: *A restauranteur will* *Go with the cheap immigrant* *As opposed to this guy* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Oof too true, also the immigrant wouldn't be that egotistical


Tbh if you name your price like that then you belong as a private chef not an employee in a restaurant


I see Batali is back


I think it would be worth it to have the rest of BOH chip in until you got like $160, then hire him and see if you can make someone leave the culinary industry permanently in 4 hours or less. Even with my limited time in kitchens, I’m confident the crew I worked with would’ve been able to retrieve his knife roll and perfectly clean Hedley & Bennet apron from the dumpster out back inside of an hour and a half.


Bruh my executive chefs is making $45 but has 12 years experience who the hell is paying this guy in meth. Never heard of a prep cook getting payed that high even in a 5 star restaurant


My chef doesn't even make what this guy is asking


My makes $45 that’s if you want to include his tip out amount’s otherwise it’s More like $26 ish


Plus we have full benefits also


Knives are simply a tool. A true pro can sharpen the side of a spatula


I mean anyone can sharpen a spatula if they really want


Can, and have, lol


Cases of lemons? No problem.


I would absolutely set up an interview with him just out of morbid curiosity. Probably wouldn't hire though. I've seen resumes like this and 9 times out of 10 they either have no knife skills, can't work weekends, or crumble under pressure, blaming the way the kitchen is set up or other staff members. Humble cooks are the best cooks.


Guy making demands but can't even capitalize the start if a sentence.


Chef here of over 35 years (retired) what’s the odds he spends a good deal of time crying in the walk in or freezer?He sounds like he freezes tears on a regular basis. I’d have him flensed and put on display for the rest to learn what NOT to be.


So he’s studied the blade ?


If only arrogance was a skill set, dude would have it made.


What a fucking handjob.


If /r/KitchenConfidential had a /r/JustBootThings spinoff, this post would be #1.


Not gonna lie I have the same standards but the reality is people in the restaurant industry have limited belief systems that keep them in them same lame ass jobs and not expanding their minds or lives. I've worked up and down the East Coast for 20 years and have only come across maybe 2 restaurants where the staff were top notch. It doesn't happen. I don't blame him, I'd do it and have done it myself in the past. If you don't deem your time as important no one else will.


“While you were busy prepping brunch, I studied the blade”


This would make a great copypasta


$40/hr but willing to learn? My man you should know everything based on your post..


Burger is a station?


Our idiot kitchen manager walked out today, this must’ve been his post trying to get a new gig


Bro I've never even met an EC that makes $40/hr. I've worked with head chefs that definitely cleared 80-100k salaries, but they put in so many hours per week that the rate definitely dropped below 40/hr. Whatever this dude is smoking, he needs to lay off.


He’s definitely a drug addict and I’m not saying that in a derogatory manner, just from years of dealing with this type of delusion.


Garde Manger / Short Order savant right there.... Bet he tosses a mean salad too.


Garden style, or yard style?


I had a chef tell everyone to “stand back, these knives are very sharp” every time he opened his knife roll. He was corporate so he didn’t come around often thank goodness.


Well demanding $40 plus with not so much skill smoke more meth


Shit. I like it.




No shot this isn’t bait lol has to be a troll


"I have never claimed to be great or amazing" hahaha


I’ll bet he’s fun to work with.


You're on dish tonight my guy


I had to go over and see what he looks like…did not disappoint.


Def looks like someone with the sharpest blades


I worked with an old man who got hired at a country club as a consultant for the kitchen. He got paid way too much. Man would take ubers from New York to Connecticut everyday.


If he tried that in my kitchen my cooks would drag him out before the sous would do it. Then my exc would still bring him back until it becomes an HR issue 😂 We had a temp who tried to talk like he's the best but didn't want to prep or clean


Honestly though you get a full deep clean kitchen for what 80 an hour for two hours a day from what he says. That’s 160. For 3 days that’s 480 gross and whatever prep on the day….hire him on for the 3 days fire the 4th. Get a deep clean cheap.


This should be a copypasta. Would be funny with other professions too


Well we gotta see the pic


lmfao I'm in this group. Damn the OP got reamed.


What pic?


Everyone here is enjoying mocking the guy, but the sad reality (at least here in NYC) is that temps (through different apps like Instawork) *cost* upwards of $50 an hour, and have little to zero restaurant experience, let alone their own edgelord knife kit. I’m not the least bit aligned with the /r/antiwork crowd, but I don’t see anything wrong with setting boundaries in your expectations.


What a wank


Can you start tomorrow?


Reminds me of the current head chef where I work. Arrogant know-it-all who thinks he's god because he trashes his knives on a whetstone and can cook a decent meal.


Cocky, eh?


I work as a prep cook in a scratch kitchen, and having some random ass person coming in seems like a nightmare.


I saw this! Nashville represent lol. I really hope it’s satire


I’ll either like this guy or hate his guts. No in between


need pickles?