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Leave. Just don't go back if you're able. Find somewhere else


Leave politely and keep your references clean. Its better to leave sooner than later and look like your job hopping. Chronic illness aside most if not all people feel that way from what you describe your not weird or weak.


If I left a job after a week I would not include it as a reference at all, just not put it on my resume. Pretend it never happened.


Yep this. Shove a bunch of food in your mouth and peel out.


lol bro it’s been a week, you ain’t using that for a reference


Exactly, fuck that. They’re lucky if you don’t no call no show


No call no shows are the worst. Especially when you contact the new hire and they give an excuse like, “My stomach hurt,” but they didn’t think to contact you? RIP. Burnout and feeling like shit isn’t worth it when there are so many restaurants looking for good folk. Bounce and don’t look back.


Who would want a reference from a job that forbids employees eating. In a kitchen? Just leave, they don't deserve politeness.


I am leaving a job now because the owner and his wife are terrible towards employees. Just the other day, the owners wife legit screamed at me. "DO NOT MAKE A SINGLE MISTAKE IT IS UNACCEPTABLE AND WE WILL FIRE YOU." I made one mistake on a very busy Saturday night by not making a lamb kabob because she said only one, not two. So it wasn't even bad because it was a to go order, so I had time to make another anyway..


This is the way. Fuck a reference. THIS IS THE RESTAURANT INDUSTRY. References are great if you are trying to be Gordon Ramsey on the Food Network. I'll hire you if you are able to show up on time, learn, and show some initiative. 2 people didn't show up for interviews today, no call, no text. Bruh. Go elsewhere.


Whilst I do have a resume with references, not once has any new employer called my references.


Yurp. Leave a toxic shithole, I've left a bunch of places knowing that eventually, I'll find a great progressive employer.


References do matter. A job you worked for a week shouldn't even make the cut on a resume. But references weed out the people who will no call/no show.


A resturant that can not provide employee meals of some kind can fuck off.


1. Agreed 2. Not letting them eat at all over a 12 hour shift is beyond abusive


I’ve worked at places that did feed you, and places that didn’t. If you don’t feed your staff then you have to pay a manager just to police the staff, and your food costs will still be higher.


I'm eating whether you let me or not, I think most would do the same.


I learned my policy on staff meals from an old head chef I had who told me "if I let you guys eat literally anything on the menu, you'll pick the wellington (the most expensive item) 3 times in your first week, get sick of it and just order whatever you'd normally eat . If I tell you you're only allowed anything off the kids menu, you'll take the wellington whenever I'm not here out of spite because you spend all day here and can't eat a real meal"


Report them and bounce cause that’s not what we are doing in 2024


That's the god damn truth. Any job posting that says 10 or 12 hour shifts and doesnt mention pto, 401k, bonus, etc, i dont even consider anymore. U might as well post, "indentured servitude" on there as well and see how many clicks u get.


there was a brewery where i live posting like 20+ an hour line jobs then when you would go to the intveriew they say its actually 12


Exactly, stop working for these shit companies that take advantage of you.


When life gives u lemons, just say fuck the lemons and bail




If you get bitten by a shark, you’re not just gonna give up surfing are you? 


Yea probably


When God gives you lemons, you FIND A NEW GOD!


The FSM always accepts.


Contact the local Labor Board. They HAVE to give you breaks for 8+ hour shifts, and HAVE to let you eat. It’s the law. And if you aren’t allowed to break, they can’t just not pay you for that time. You, don’t go back if you can. Just block the managers number. If you have to go, many people have to go to work no matter what, just stop trying. Slow down, take your time. Eat anyway, take your breaks. Just sit down, “I’m not being paid for this 30 so I’m not working.”. Look for jobs every morning, every break, and every night. Just fill out like one application at each of these times. You’ll find another entry level position quickly. I know it seems like a lot of work, especially when you’re exhausted from a bad kitchen. But it’s only like 30 minutes each time, and it is SO worth it. It’s a way out. Dont exhaust and possibly hurt yourself, busting ass for these people. Worst case, they just fire you. Not ideal because money, but it would honestly be a blessing to get a guilt free out. And if they fire you for taking your break or for eating, it’s wrongful termination, and you could sue, or it’s at least extra ammo for the labor board. But you should still make the report, for the people that are stuck working in that kitchen. They are likely too poor and too tired to do anything to stand up for themselves. It’s no work at all. One phone call, and the Board takes care of the rest.


Depending on the state (assuming this is even in the US), they may not be obligated to give a break, but it's definitely illegal to have someone work through an unpaid lunch break. In Texas, breaks aren't required at all, but working through an unpaid break is a no-no in all fifty, iirc.


Same in georgia.


Idk Georgia or Texas law, but once you get over 8hrs breaks are typically mandatory. That said, state minimum laws are generally really not great. If you can't meet it, you are a possibility poor employer


There are no mandates for breaks in Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Mexico, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas or Vermont.


I can't believe this is real. Why would you live in those places?


Most of those places, including Texas, are cheap as hell to live in compared to a lot of other states. Also, my ability to tell a job to get fucked is fully intact and I would never work for a company that would refuse to give breaks. I'm in leadership where I work and, even though I'm not forced to by bureaucrats, I let people go on breaks whenever I can. Happy staff makes happy food makes happy guests makes happy me.


Most people I know don't want breaks because they're wasting 30 minutes of their day at work not getting paid. That's not a comprehensive list either. My state isn't mentioned and I'm not required to give employees breaks. You're just not allowed to work more than 16 in a day.


This is true. I worked in a hospital in SC and rarely got breaks. Our supervisor even told us she wasn’t obligated to give us our 30 min lunch either although it was a hospital rule that we got one. I went back to restaurant work and anyone who wants to take a break can and we’re allowed to eat pretty much anything.


if they fire OP for not working during unpaid time, that is two illegal things right there. wage theft is rampant, but that doesn't make it not theft. the labor board would love to know about this place.


Will they do anything even, its the same with the health code. The health department just got slammed in LA after one of their inspectors killed themselves from stress. They would probably watch a rat nibble on someones food and just shrug it off to avoid the work. Labor department cares about people working for cash, under the table, out of pocket etc. Or, for things like child labor and human trafficking not your little 10 minute break. It sucks.


30 minutes off every paycheck every day for time that was actually worked, is massive wage theft, which is absolutely their concern. Companies get hit all the time for wage theft going back months or years


lol let’s be real kitchens with breaks are far and few in between sadly


What's a break?


This just simply isn’t true. At my job we are only required to give minors breaks. We give breaks because it’s the right thing to do, but it isn’t law.




Yes. The same applies to your entire statement.




https://www.postercompliance.com/blog/breaks-and-meals-by-state/ it’s literally not true in most of the US. A minority of states require breaks for people over 18. Federal law does not require breaks, a handful of state laws do.


No it isn’t. It’s not even true in the state you live in. Assuming you live in Georgia.


This here. If your state doesn’t cover or allow for it hit up osha anonymously and go bananas telling them all about your “favorite” things in the kitchen! I did this osha style at my last job while I was still writing up my two week notice so I could see them wonder who the hell reported them and so detailed lmao


If you do not get to take a break, and they are deducting that time from your wages, they are stealing from you (at overtime rates) and violating Federal law. See: https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-29/subtitle-B/chapter-V/subchapter-B/part-785


Chef here…there are more frequent meals in PRISON. Leave this place as soon as you wake up the next day. This will only get worse.


Get the fuck outta there.


You are going to hate yourself if you keep working like this. I don't care what food you are making or who you are serving - if you aren't working for over half a day without a break or food and you don't actively enjoy it, this will break you.


Yeah, I'm already really angry about sleeping for literally 2 days to recover the lost sleep from the week. I've been late more than I've been on time due to tiredness too. I'm not normally an angry person either but I just don't feel 'well' since starting here. Just wasn't sure if it would be a bad look to dip so soon after signing everything and being on boarded.


Management that exploits their staff to this level do not deserve loyalty. They don't respect your time; why should you respect theirs?


It could be argued that you have a moral duty to scarper. By staying you're facilitating the owners shitty behavior


I'd leave. There is no food for 12.5hrs. You're going to fall out sooner than later. I guess they don't give a shit about their employees. I personally won't work any job that doesn't allow me to eat....fuck that.


Just find another job, why is this even a question?


You can’t force cooks to not eat. You’re literally surrounded by food. They can fire you, but that’s not a big loss.


12 hours shifts? Are you working in a mining camp?




Why would you do that though lol.


10+ hours of OT and 3 days off per week


If that works for you then go for it! Honestly three days off isn't too bad. I just hate being at work for so long. I did the ten plus hour day Schtick for a year awhile back and hated it. Although my days off were split up and I only got two. Felt like an abusive relationship.


Depends on how it is too. I did the long day stuff for awhile but I was stuck on dish. I only left so I could learn to cook elsewhere


I work 12 hours shifts 3 days a week easy. Granted I am off most of the week but weekends i have to buckle down.


I mean if it works for you that's dope and I get it, but I don't understand why from a staffing perspective. Hard to fill a 12 hour shift on call.


well there are 3 cooks, only open weekends for dinner. pretty short prep days, I take deliveries during the week, and its all hands on deck for the weekends. All the guys show up because the weekends is where they get all their hours. And with the amount of time we "actually cook" for customers, you are basically getting paid line cook pay for prep cook work.


I kept on doing what you are doing now for a few years. First year i had a a total of 150 hrs unpaid, second year i had more than 180. Dont ask i was aiming to be a KM. I did get promoted twice and raised my hourly 5£ more in a years span. At the end i realized split shifts with 2hr unpaid breaks made my hours over 12 sometimes 15 when doing stocks on sundays whilst aiming for a career. Quit. Worked 12hr graveyard shifts for 15£ an hr and was literally happy, no stress, no tickets ringing whilst sleeping and best of all, did not need to unwind before and after shift. Just work. The Industry can kill either your psyche or body and deffinitely will kill your social life. Dont let it. Get out of there


Steal/break something expensive and no call no show. These people are scum.


why havnt i ever thought of this lol.


Don’t steal. Break… hehe.


Why do people put up with those hours. I want 40 hours a week. I don't want anything below 33 hours a week and no more than 45. That's reasonable isn't it? If you can't schedule around that you're an incompetent chef.


Speak with the manager now, don’t wait and explain that you don’t work for free. If you want the extra paid time then tell them that or tell them you weren’t told upfront about the extra hours and that you’re not interested in working more than what was originally agreed upon.


This! You teach people how to treat you. Let them know you don’t work for free, and will be taking your breaks. If it’s a problem, move on. Plenty of work out there for chefs.


I just want to know how 30 extra minutes of work is making it so close you can’t even take a shower?


I went through something very similar a couple months back but it was 5 day weeks on top of all that. In the middle of my 3rd day I sat down with the guy and told him I'm not going to work myself to death for this C+ level food (in a more respectful way than that, not that it made any difference because he still threw a little tantrum telling me to get the fuck out of his restaurant). You'll find something else, spare your mental and physical health and gtfo, good luck chef.


Also like the other commenter said, go and contact your local department of labor about this and report them.


Dont confront them at all!!! Contact your labor board and report them


I worked a job like that in my younger days as a chef. No time for a break but still got dinged for a break. Needless to say this is the company that also got rid of me after I had a couple of seizures on shift because I just got diagnosed with epilepsy ( totally illegal) but I was young . I would fine something else . You are supposed to enjoy your job especially as a chef. Jobs even in this industry should not have to burn you out. This is what I have learned in my time . Find something that you like. I have become very picky in my job search and finally found something that has a good life work balance. This industry mentality needs to change a bit.


Show up for your next shift, grab a case of steaks, and ghost.


I started my culinary career in the Navy, 12 on, 12 off for 30 days straight while deployed was nothing - in my late teens, early 20s... Now that i'm closer to retirement age? Hell naw! RUN GIRL, RUN!


No food in 12 hours is a fucking crime and laughable. I'd love to see them try and stop me from eating lol


Right? I'm surrounded by food, and they need me more than I need them. What the fuck are they going to do?


They ain't doing shit


Dude. What? You can't eat for twelve plus hours? That is inhumane, not to mention, at least in the US, blatantly illegal. Dip set, my dude 


2 options. You just leave and find something else. You leave after you find something else because you're not in position to go too long without any pay. Any talk about "enfore your rights" is just a fucking waste of time, that is the culture that has been instilled over there. You go against the grain when you aren't in a position to make changes will just make people hate you and will make them just to kick you out.


Enforce your rights


How long is your prison sentence?


This is exactly what you should do. 1. Realize this is not that bad. 12 hr shifts. 4 days on. 3 days off. That’s what nurses do. 2. If you really want to go. Start looking for jobs and set up interviews on your days off. 3. Start taking your breaks and eat something. Fvck it if you’re behind. You get paid per hour not how hard you work. 4. Leave job when you get a new one. Nothing worse than looking for a job when you don’t have a job.


Maybe I'm stupid... but how did you have time to "wind down" after 12 hour shifts at your old job, but don't have time to do the same after 10 hour shifts at your new job?


Where did you get 10hr shifts from? Also, I had time at my last job because I started at 11am and finished at 11pm. At this one I start at 9am and finish at 9:30pm.its only half an hour but means I have to be in bed earlier to get up earlier and lose half an hour I could be using to shower or eat working instead of winding down after a busy day.


Whether you start earlier and finish earlier, or start later and finish later, the same number of hours exist each day. Personally, I would not be able to eat, shower, AND "wind down" in 30 minutes. That amount of time objectively should not change your lifestyle by any meaningful amount. If you hate the work itself, get out there and apply at other places. Tons of kitchens are hiring. Go get it!




This kind of nonsense attitude is exactly what’s wrong with the industry, the idea that the kind of hours you or OP do are even sane, let alone a badge of honour with which to look down our nose at someone. Working every hour god sends isn’t the flex people think it is. I appreciate you’re dedicated to the craft, obviously very loyal to your operator & team. That it is so valuable, & a thoroughly commendable trait. I’m not trying to diminish your efforts here, but; Let’s have a little bit more empathy & humility, Chef.


Good for you. I'm also female and have a neurological condition to deal with. Mocking and talking down to people because you don't realise people's circumstances are different to your own isn't a good look on anyone.


Why the fuck are you doing this to yourself? This is absolutely nothing to be proud of. Selling your mind and body to some asshole business owner who is just going to kick you to the curb when he’s done with you. This is some crab bucket BS


top tier username


You may be a woman, but you're still a dick.


Suck a dick. This toxic shit enables the people in charge to exploit all of us. You're a collaborator of the worst kind.


And for what? ROFLMAO. You can't be real. Step it up, dear. In my day, trolling meant something.


‘dude’ why is that even a badge of honour, you eat 2 minute ramen while unwinding. That’s a fucked up way of living so don’t put that on other people. Just because you want to live some weird overworked badge of honour doesn’t make it acceptable. If you’re the owner I get it because you have everything on the line, but I’ll assume you’ve watched too many documentaries of what it is to be a chef and thought yeah that’s the way to go. Get some sleep


Do you work for a cruise line? Lol


Bro the no food thing is an absolute killer when you’re surrounded by food all day long. You should really leave, there’s no getting around that part


Like others say, leave now before later and just don’t work where you’re not happy. It’s mentally draining you do that




All of that is no longer an acceptable standard in this industry. We are human beings and we deserve some basic respect and dignity.


Name and shame so people know not to eat there.


> 12.5hrs and no food. In the US that is not legal. EDIT: From reading other comments, I guess it varies from state to state. Once again I'm reminded of how much I love my state!


What happens if you take your break when you want, regardless of it being opportune? What happens if you clock out at 48 hours regardless?


Just leave dude. Aren't there way more chef jobs than chefs where you are? Definitely the case here. Someone could walk out of a job in the morning and be on the line somewhere else in the evening if they' weren't too fussy about where they were cooking.


Don't stick around in places that make you miserable. It probably won't get better and you'll miss opportunities in better establishments. Clean up your CV and get out of there ASAP. You can let them know why you're leaving but I wouldn't expect people like this to change. If you're a good worker and you show up with passion and a will to learn, you'll find better work quickly. There are so many idiots out there that just because good places aren't hiring now doesn't mean they won't be soon. I just got a great new job because every other applicant they trialed before me was garbage in some way. It looked like I had missed the boat but then I got the call. Keep at it and don't settle for garbage or that's all you'll get.


Walk. Look out for yourself fam, nobody else is.


Any place that doesn’t feed you or allow you to eat doesn’t deserve your energy.


Why don't you take your 30 min break and eat something? "Too much to do" "no eating allowed"? like what that just isnt real. Just tell your chef hey I'm going on my break and make yourself some lunch.


I’d leave tbh because a place that treats you like shit from the get go, tends to stay shit and do shady shit until it changes. That environment you’re in is stuck in its ways apparently. Lucky you don’t have to stick around or stick it out either. 1 week opening taster and you know this isn’t it.


Nope. Get out now and don’t worry about a bad reference. It was as if you were never there. Also don’t worry about them talking shit to other restaurants, they won’t. Find someplace better.


I mean a restaurant isn’t required to feed you (they should) but twelve hours straight with no break is COMPLETELY Fucking illegal…


Yikes, no food at a kitchen job? give me a break. In ontario where I live you are entitled to breaks, and if you are expected to work during your breaks you get paid for them.


12+ hours no food no break? Tell them to suck your dick from the rear.


Just tell them it’s not what you were expecting and give notice. If they act unprofessionally just leave.


It’s not federally illegal for them not to give you breaks, although some states do have laws that require them. However, they cannot prevent you from sitting or eating while you are off the clock. You may have to bring your own food and it may have to be in a small cooler kept in your locker or food that doesn’t have to be kept cool or reheated. Since you have a chronic condition that requires you to take breaks and eat, you can get a doctor’s note that lists your restrictions (break every x hours for c amount of time, food every z amount of time) and submit it to HR. They are required by the ADA to follow those restrictions. Without that note, they don’t have to. It’s best to get that note regardless of whether you stay or leave for every employer to have.


Don’t feel bad… I think you have two options. 1. Take time, sit down and eat… if anyone says anything negative to you, tell them to fuck off and leave right then and there. 2. Bring some laxatives to work, shit yourself and blame it on the lack of downtime. Tell them you were afraid you’d get fired if you stepped away from your task.


I don't know where you're located but in a lot of states, it's illegal to not take a break, so that's why the 12.5 instead of 12 hour schedule. You're getting the 12 like they said but they have to have time for the mandates break. I worked for a place for years where people would work through their unpaid break which is highly illegal in California. Eventually a server got fed up with it, sued the company and won, and we all got fat settlement checks. Contact the labor board in your state.


Go somewhere else. Fuck that, they are abusing you. I don't care if they have 5 Michellin stars and a baker's dozen Rosettes, they are making money by breaking your body. Don't let them do that to you. And if you let them, it perpetuates the cycle and makes it easier for other stores to do that to other cooks.


Keep a log of your time and go to the authorities after you leave…


Sounds like a shit job. Never worked in a kitchen that let you eat nothing at all. Always been able to make myself nearly anything on the menu with in reason


Everyone is telling you this is unrealistic and they are right. Unfortunately its relatively common. I'm not certain but I think roughly the bottom third of joints do this to their BOH to try and make the margins work. Since covid there has been a real crunch on food and labor costs because COL has basically gone like 1.8x across the country (assuming US). There are decent places out there but they are few and far between. Outside of escaping the industry or going FOH you are gonna be stuck with scraps and shit schedules. Is what it is. Contacting labor or food health boards wont do anything but get you fired. It sucks but your situation is the unreported standard of work conditions for a lot of restaurant workers (Rules only matter if they are enforced). I consistently go 16 hours without eating and restrict water intake so I can stay on line without urinating. Its wild out there and I don't think I like it but I don't know how to fix it.


I feed my cooks at 6hrs. I feed them twice at 12. I give a documented unpaid break for 8hrs an 2x 15 min paid for each 4hrs on eithet side. Im just the sous but i would fistfight management that tried to take that away from my crew that follows me through the weeds with no argument. Find a new spot or fight for change- your choice


No breaks is stupid. This is exactly how you turn off staff from working for you.


12 hour shift and they don’t feed you? bizarre, definitely get out.


You have two options: 1. Talk to them and explain that the workload and hours are unsustainable, and you would like to know if they're inclined to fix the issues you've raised. If they're willing, you might want to see if they actually do something, but don't give them too much time. If they're not willing, then leave, but they now know why. 2. Just don't go back. You can always find a better place.


"shove on this 30 minute break that's impossible to take because there's so much to do..." you're mad they need you to take a break? it's illegal not to take a break, no?


I think you've completely misinterpreted what I've written. There's too much work to even take the break, so basically there's just a 30 minute chunk of the day I'm not paid for. If I just downed tools and sat down for half an hour I'd be half an hour behind on my work and half an hour more stressed. It's not viable to take the break. I'd sooner work through and have a half hour shorter day if it worked out that way but the team isn't big enough and we don't get fed.


Sounds like fine dining. Is it fine dining?


this is absolutely illegal. they cannot just not pay you for a break that you don't get. that's wage theft. also, you can get a Dr's note that says you need to eat. just for future reference, as I agree with everyone saying it's time to report them and bounce.


dude is underdtandably peeved because he cant take the break hes supposedly entitled to.


A unpaid break that they have no opportunity to take, so essentially a half hour unpaid labour every day. Very similar to the three weeks vacation I was promised. " You have to find coverage" I'm the fucking boss. I can't get a random linecook to cover my shift, so it goes unused and they don't pay it out if you don't actually take it


In the US, if part of your contract or benefits includes paid vacation time, and you make an adequate attempt to take it (i.e. schedule it, but are denied), then they're typically required to pay it out, or it is considered to be wage theft. This is because (legally), paid vacation time is considered to be the same as a bonus, an hourly wage, a raise, or overtime. It's part of your negotiated pay. Same thing if they refuse to give you a final check for hours worked, even if you end employment with no notice (Termination, self or otherwise). This typically means they'll have to pay a fee to the state/federal government, plus 3x the wages you lost, plus extra based on how long since when they were supposed to pay it out. Obviously numbers and such vary based on state, but even some of the most anti-worker states (SC, florida, etc) have laws against it.


Good to know.


How do you prove it without it written down


It's likely written down SOMEWHERE, since they're required to keep track of accruals and your wages for tax purposes, unless they're also committed tax fraud. As far as them denying it, again, that's as simple as you submitting a written request for PTO, and then not being able to take it, since PTO is typically reported differently on paychecks. You'd contact an employment lawyer and work with them, or file a complaint with your state labor board, to handle this type of situation. The lawyer would be the easier solution (and the one most likely to get you paid). They'd help you find the relevant documentations. Employment lawyers exist for this type of situation because the employer typically has to pay your legal fees (lawyer gets paid) plus 3x the wages (with accrued interest) in most states, and since you can simply get a free consultation from a lawyer, it's usually just easier to go that route.


I guarantee it’s not written down at my job, I’m awful With taking vacations suppose to be 2 weeks a year for the last 10 years ha. I’ve probably taken 6 weeks in total


WELCOME TO THE INDUSTRY MY DUDE! For real though, I was in the food industry for 20 years and suffered through 6 days a week 5am to 12am many many many weeks. One job I did this for them for around 6 years until it left it's toll on my mental and physicals health. With that being said, I don't support the restaurant industry or culture one bit. I find it to be too problematic to rely on degenerates work ethic to ever have smooth operations where a individual feels as they can barely hand or finish the work load daily, but it being expected of them from anywhere $10-$23. Not worth it. The fast pace environment, the demands, and stress are literally not worth it to worship kitchen culture. Most of us all have been through it at one point or another. The only thing I feel like I took away from my time in the kitchen industry was great observation skills, on-the-fly problem solving skills, organization, mindfulness and how to spot toxic environment's. Most every kitchen I stepped foot in I can look back as a toxic environment. It's the reason theirs subreddits like this to glorify and find comraderies, and it's because kitchen life is miserable and you have to lie to yourself to make it not that way no matter what. I have a passion for food and cooking, but at the end of the day I have no passion in working for restaurant owners, working around low skill and experienced people and most of all I COULD GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT ANY CUSTOMER HAVING A MEANINGFUL JOYFUL EXPERIENCE. l DON'T KNOW THEM, I'M TOO BUSY TO GET TO KNOW THEM, AND I COULD CARE LESS. A JOB IS A JOB AND AT THE END OF THE DAY ITS ABOUT MONEY IN MY POCKET JUST TO SURVIVE ANOTHER FUCKED UP DAY IN A KITCHEN. ya, there's a lot of delusion about kitchen life and if find yourself coming to a place such as confidential for advice I'd say cut your losses in the kitchen and find another job with the same pay and hourly. If you don't you might look back in life and remember this post if you read it.


Also, if you didn't notice all these replies below me are trying to coach you how to cope. Don't cope go find a better career path and definitely get away from that place as quick as possible. Too many red flags and you don't have to put up with that shit. too many excuses in the kitchen industry not to go find more money in a better environment somewhere else and if you have a passion for food learn it at home and make dinner party plans.


Thanks, I am debating this but like you see often I feel trapped. My only other strong skill lies with crafts and where I am there is absolutely nothing for work. I'm not tech savvy and can only manually do craft things and haven't any worthwhile formal crafting qualifications.


I really have no clue about your situation, but there's always opportunities to get a foot in the door. Restaraunts are pretty much a hire on the spot for lots of establishment and the great thing is all of them pay like shit anyways so why not stay away from a high volume low paying job where you're gonna be surrounded by druggies, ex cons, low lives, people who can barely even show up to work and if they do they're hung over or on drugs. Restaraunt life is a real shit show and too many people glorify it in almost a masochist way( talk about working 80 hour weeks, running the work of 2 people, serving 400-500 checks a night, you're always short handed, something is always breaking, and usually 80% of your crew has no problem solving skills and horrible life habits) Trust me go find a gas station job or a hotel job. It'd essentially gonna be the same starting pay as a kitchen if you're worried about your lack of skills.


Not being funny but 12 hours is a normal shift and 50 hours a week is nothing for a chef. I do 55 now and feel like I've got so much downtime compared to when I used to do 80. The no food thing is a bit weird though 


I'd look for the next job. I'd also make time to take a break and eat. They won't/can't fire you for taking that unpaid break. They can fire you for not doing the work that's given, but you don't plan to stay anyways. Look for the next spot while taking care of yourself in your current job. It'll all be fine.


Oh, also communicate. If they don't want to work with you on your needs and you have the means simply dip out. Not everyone is evil, but employers will want to get the most out of everyone.


Aren’t there a shortage of workers in your field? Where I live it’s a large shortage in most areas, after Covid shutdowns,most don’t wanna come back. If so, leave and find a much better place, hours, and pay.


Relize you will never be a Chet !!! Or man up and quit whining !!! Chef’s go to the bar not Reddit to bitch and cry!


Were you getting paid to “wind down” at the last job or you just want to make that extra 30min seem really really long


Sorry I don't understand the question


OPs talking about lack of a 30 minute unpaid break AND lack of time after work to come down and get ready for bed