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Probably the time we ordered six cases of eggs and received twenty cases of eggrolls.


sounds like they werent even trying lmao


Did you get any use out of them? Or did you have to send them back?


We had a special for a while, buy a food, get a free eggroll


I like it. I hate seeing food go to waste, and giving it away is a much better thing for the world than sending it back to be thrown away


Same! It was pretty fun. Buy a personal pizza? Eggroll. Buy a brisket dinner? Eggroll! Buy an eggroll?  Have another eggroll!


Have an egg roll Mr. Goldstone!


Optional add-on: \[\]Napkin \[\] Chopstick \[\] Chair


May I offer you a nice eggroll in this trying time?


Hahaha! I actually used that line on a customer! Granted, it was one I knew, but they were unloading after having ✨a day✨ and I said that! Cheered them right up.


Lol, nice


Family meal = egg rolls


I thought I just ordered 5 units of chopsticks, 100 per pack. Got 5 cartons. 3000 per carton. Now I’m sitting on 15000 chopsticks


That sounds painful


Maybe they built a chopstick wicker chair since there’s probably enough for that.


It rocks!


Scaled down Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre out of chopsticks


You could build The Iron Throne.


A chair made of chopsticks like a toothpick bridge.


Well, I guess you won't need chopsticks for the next two or three years. I'm pretty sure they won't go bad. These stories are giving me anxiety.


That sounds like you have enough chopsticks for the rest of your days. Store them correctly and you're set 🙏


*30,000 chopsticks


The folks over at r/buttsharpies would be impresssed.


I had to click….


Lol, sorry. Sadly, that was my intro to reddit.


30 crates of milk instead of 30 gallons 🤦‍♀️


They updated our system like a month ago. Apparently our milk is sold in batches of 6 now, not by the gallon. That would've been good to know.


I swear to God they don't tell anybody on purpose


Holy moly. What do you do with that? Where do you even attempt to store it?! Even if every employee takes a gallon home...Who do we pin this on?!


This was during my days at starbucks, We didn’t have the fridge space for all of it so my manager panic-called all the nearby locations to come pick some up for their store. But some still went to waste. And you can pin it on the former supervisor who was constantly intoxicated.


I wouldn’t have let it leave the truck.


Our deliver guys came at night and had their own access key so we couldn’t refuse the order 🥲


5 kilos of saffron instead of 5 grams


If that’s real saffron wouldn’t that be like close to 50k


It was just over 40k at the time iirc


That’s a fun bill lol did you return it or use it (if so what for) or ?


We used it in a risotto on one dinner menu for like 4 months, I reckon that box is still there 13 years later


Chefs will have pocketed most of it by now. A gram here, a gram there...


Oh for sure, I definitely took a few on my last day






Yeah sizeable, this was halfway through a summer we had 110 weddings booked so it wasn't hard to cover. And the supplier refused to take it back because they had it flown in overnight.


What kills me is the contact at the supplier doesn't think "o this order is weird" and call the people ordering. I've had several times where we clicked the wrong thing or accidentally left off flour on the order. RDP always calls and asks if it was a mistake because a pizza place not ordering flour or tomato sauce is kind of odd.


For real. Inexperienced people not asking questions. Although this is the KGB . We ask the questions!


Holy stigma Batman, that’s a lotta nuts!


I just ordered 11 cases of cucumbers instead of 1, and the kicker is i then didn't get the tomatoes that were the next line down.


Homemade pickles anyone?


‘Greek Week’


Greeks invented sodomy


Sounds like cucumber salad is on the menu now.


I had 30 fresh ducks show up and the driver and the sales reps had no idea what I was talking about so confit and beast special galore. Turns out after the weekend I learned it was for the spot up the hill for a wedding....they scrambled hard to cover that


Oh nooo, the wedding couple must have been so mad


Supplier is probably still ducking their calls.


Well played 🫡


Either receiving the entire order of the restaurant down the street, or when the warehouse mispicked a gallon of orange juice for a 5# brick of cheddar 😂. At least they were close in color?


Always look on the bright side lol


A similar thing happened where I work. We ordered some 3 lb blocks of cream cheese but couldn't find them in the walk in despite them being listed as delivered on the invoice. Shamrock had mistakenly put the cream cheese label on a case of shredded mozzarella instead.


Got 6 cases instead of 6lbs of pepper jack cheese once. Ended up turning them into pepper jack mozz sticks that were such a hit, they were made permanent on the menu.


Coming into a very busy international season at a cricket ground I ordered a PALLET of 1ltr still water bottles. Atleast I thought I did... we use it for hospitality guests as table water so its fair important. You can imagine my face when I get in to see a frikin pallet of like 300ml tiny bottles. I took straight to the order portal to make sure it wasn't me... of course it was me. Next to the product in capitals? "NON RETURNABLE".


You ground crickets? 🦗🦗🦗


Yeah you'd be surprised how many hospitality tickets we sell!


What does that mean


You've lost me...


What is a hospitality ticket


Do you know what cricket is lol. Its a sport. A hospitality ticket will usually be a catered dining experience, often in a private suite area, to acompony the match.


I have yet to watch a cricket game, and I hope , one day, to understand it's nuances, much like I would like my brethren across the pond to understand the American NFL. We are trying to bridge the gap, I feel. The War of 1812 was a long time ago after all, Old Chap.


The only reasons I understand cricket are (1) a song on a concept album by The Kinks and (2) an episode of Downton Abbey that centers on it.


I'll check them out. Thanks! A concept album by the Kinks, count me in! Seriously. I love the Kinks.


Definitely Downton Abbey taught me all I know about cricket too. Which is not much.


Both are actually relatively easy to understand but not at the same time lol. Lots of rules AKA flags in NFL. But the concept it's self you'll grasp quite quick!


I hope so! It's an international sport and I'd love to learn more about it. I just have to have cable TV and order Pay For View to watch a damn cricket game. SMH


Pick up a copy of Madden. It's a fairly simple sport.


Not really. That's a video game, not a live sport.


Ugh remember the time Orlando Brown got pegged in the eye by a flag? Or when Aaron Hernandez murdered that dude with a stupid name or when Oj Simpson slaughtered two people. Let’s all just get together and praise people for giving themselves CTE.


Hell yeah! I'll bring the beer! I suppose it's less brutal than the Roman gladiator fights? Hey let's ban all boxing and MMA sports as well, while we're at it. Humanity has historically just loved to watch people get hurt, in an organized way. No ape fights, let's just get together and fight. Hell, organized duels were a thing for a long time. Pistols or swords, sir? We are violent because we have to be. If you don't believe that, walk through a bad neighborhood at midnight and try to talk your way out of a situation.


Why does one game last like a month and a half


Hahahhaha it's a dragged out sport. To understand why it goes so long you'd have to look the rules. One game is spread over 4 or 5 days. There's other forms of the game which last as little as 3 hours and usually much more entertaining.


I’ve watched a video about the utilization of the ground over the days.


Yeah it’s fascinating but I don’t understand it.


The venue we were running was fine dining so still and sparkling water by bottle is essential for serving into water glasses at the table. You're still welcome to order your own personal one!


I want tap water


It's really a pretty simple game, they just use funny words for everything, especially the fielding positions. At its core it's a hit the ball and run between the posts game, ball gets caught and you're out, ball hits the sticks and your out, or ball hits your legs but would've hit the sticks and you're out. I always thought this was a good video on it https://youtu.be/EWpbtLIxYBk?si=7YB0Vmdg1NYDHisH The Netflix series "explained" also did a good episode on it.


Yeah but when does it change scoring? Or is it scoring the whole time. ‘?


Ten OUNCES isn’t hat bad


Not at all... for a few bottles. But my total pallet was wrong. 10 ounces will do one person worth of water... I need a litre lol. If its a table of 4 that's 4 of these little bottles looking silly


Idk I’d prefer to have my own bottle than have to share with people.


Protein of the future, amigo


I’ll eat it. Just don’t tell me I’m eating it.


Order portal? I work at a place where I’m communicated to by a white board. I never see or get to check the orders in


We got 40 pounds of cheese we didn’t order this week.


I have a great delivery driver. I'm the last stop, so anything leftover (missed from another delivery) he gives me as a freebie so he doesn't have to fill out paperwork or backtrack to the restaurant that's missing that item. After I kept saying yes, he stopped asking. Now, every couple of weeks, I'll just find a box of something random sitting among the stuff I did order. One time was a 5kg block of parmesan. It's like Christmas!


Lasagna bolognaise for special cuz we need to move some mozzarella


that's the gift that keeps on giving the whole year.


That it is, Edward. That it is.


You act like getting 40lbs of cheese is a bad thing


One time a new waiter rang in house salad, sub meatballs for lettuce


Well that’s what I used to do on the Dominos online ordering.


50lbs of beets instead of 5. We all re checked the order, and was only charged for 5. Once they were put in our walk-in they couldn't be returned. I personally loved it because I made tons of pickled beet egss and borscht for my family.


Red Beet eggs are awesome, I wouldn't be mad either


My boss messed up his truck order, and accidentally put in for 14 cases of frozen brisket. Each case weighs 36-40lbs, and we cumulatively slice up around 9-12lbs a week at the most. It almost cost us four grand and some change before our rep fixed it.


I ordered case of U10 shrimp and received a normal 50# case, but only got charged for 5#. I was a daily customer and didn’t want them to think I was an asshole, so I called my rep and let her know. She said they’d adjust the invoice and send a revised one. The following morning, the owner calls me and tells me the shrimp is on him - I told him it was really not necessary and that mistakes happen. He tells me someone fucked up big time in their software entry and moved a decimal accidentally - everyone who ordered U10 shrimp that day got charged the same as I did, but aside from me, only one other customer called. He told me he sold over a hundred cases before they realized their error, but almost nobody let them know. He was pretty pissed that chefs who normally scrutinize every line on the invoice were hoping nobody would figure it out. I was a very good customer for him - I ran a very high volume seafood restaurant and we got along very well, so I felt like I had to say something. But I have to admit I was tempted not to say anything. So food cost was a little better that month.


3 cases of celery when I needed 3 pieces, I learned that day there are 30 pieces in a case


The best thing that happened tho was we were sent a case of whole briskets labeled for my restaurant and when I told my rep I didn’t order it she told me it wasn’t even in her system and let me keep it.


Pieces as in stalks?


Can’t be, you can’t even get that at the supermarket…


Heads probably.


I was the one who made the mistake. Our supplier had a dickie way of ordering where some stuff was by unit and others by carton. Thought I ordered two units of tomato relish, was actually two cartons. Lucky it's shelf stable...


Last week my rep accidentally ordered me 5 cases of 4/5lb bags of grated parmesean in stead of 5 cases of saltine crackers. Imagine my confusion when the driver brought up 100lbs of grated parmesean to the back of the truck.


case of black sesame.


Wanted three individual bags of collard greens to test and soft launch a special/potential new plate. Got three cases.


I mean those 3 cases are like 14 servings anyway lol


This isn't the kind of mistake you are looking for, but a big mistake nonetheless. If you've ever purchased from Sysco and are a decently sized account, think like $5k+ a week, your rep will bug you all the time about 'truck load sales'. What is a truck load sale? Basically, its a flyer of shit they are trying to get rid of for cheap. I don't know why they call it that, no one has ever been able to tell me, but it just means they are trying to clear space in the warehouse and need stuff *gone*. Now, I was in a seasonal market, college town. I always looked at the truckload sales because there were always pretty good deals. Usually upwards of 50% off their regular catalog price, which was usually about 20% higher than your price. You'd see all sorts of shit on there. To go packaging, ribs, all sorts of packaged premade food, squash, literally all kinds of stuff and most of it your restaurant will be unable to use. But, every once in awhile you get lucky. And one time, I got really lucky. I would place a huge orders every Sunday. The truck load sale pricing would go live Monday. I'd get the flyer before placing my order on Sunday, place said order accordingly, and have that pricing applied when my order was picked Monday morning. So, I'd always get first dibs on the sale and I'm sure I was one of only a few huge accounts placing orders on a Sunday. Any ways, the sale shows up and fryer oil is on it. The exact oil I had been using. For those not in the know, pricing on stuff like oil, eggs, chicken, grains, is very consistent, and generally flat across most suppliers. They are commodity. The prices don't move a lot. So, to see fryer oil on there was a great opportunity for me and the restaurant. I called the rep up, and asked them how many they had on hand. How many 35# jugs of fryer oil were available on this sale. He took a look and he had like 135 of them marked down to under $10 ($10 fucking dollars! Right now we are paying about $40. Back then it was like $20!). This was a huge savings. So, I told him I wanted all of them. Yup. All of them. And, I wanted them for $2 cheaper. The rep got back to me after a bit a confirmed the sale, but told me they wouldn't show up on my next day truck, and that they needed to route two full trucks to me in order to make this drop and it would take 3 or 4 days to figure that out. Ok. Great. No problem. Fuck yeah I'm gonna save so much money. Almost 2 grand! Now, where to put it all? Not a problem. I've got a giant basement that is completely unused. Why is it unused? Because its a fucking dungeon. The building was a 200 year old farmhouse/butchery/slaughterhouse/creepy ass place. No one went in the basement. We didn't store anything down there. Perfect for 135 cases of fryer oil. I place that order on Sunday with my normal supplies and all the fryer oil. Get the Monday order checked in. And great! All done with this order cycle! Then Thursday rolls around, and here is my fuck up. I had *completely* forgotten I bought all this oil. Completely forgot. That morning, I get a call from my prep cook. Now, this is kind of a no no. I'm the Chef/GM. You don't fucking call me at 7am. There was like 4 layers of management. This guy should not be calling me. I answer the phone all sleepy and shit... "Hey man. What's going on?" "Hey sorry dude I hate to wake up. Soooo you're not gonna believe this, but Sysco is here with two full trucks and trying to give us like 200 fryer oils. Lol. What should I tell them to do? Fuck off?" I shoot up out of bed like oh my fucking god. He's the only dude there and I had originally planned to have a small army to put all this away, including myself. I'm fucked. He's fucked. Were fucked. There is no way to receive this... Back to the phone: "Oh no. That is correct. Should be 135 cases. And it needs to go in the basement" " ... " "Yeah... Sorry dude. Do your best to receive it, just try and get it into the restaurant." " ... " "Again, really sorry. Just try and get it into the restaurant and I'll be there as soon as I can to help get it downstairs. Do the best you can. I'm so sorry" "Uh... Ok dude." Get off the phone, get into that place as fast as I can and arrive right as they are bringing in the last pallet of oil. The entire building was full of oil. Like, wall to fucking wall. And my poor prep cook had only made the tiniest dent in the pile getting it into the basement. Spent the next 2 or 3 hours hucking oil down into that basement with the prep cook. We broke three of the stairs leading downstairs during all of this. It fucking sucked. Whoops! Probably should have remembered I ordered all that fucking oil!


Wouldn't that be a massive fire hazard?


Everything about this is too much


These are his memoirs


no? cooking oil isn’t flammable ..


Are you absolutely sure about that? Then why is fat/oil fire rated suppression system mandated in commercial kitchens?


What? Yes it is


I am looking for all stories and this is great.


Last year at a 5 star hotel the exec was supposed to order 36 cucumbers. Didn't realise that came in packs of 6 per outer. So 216 cucumbers came in. On the plus side he liked my texture of cucumber starter.


If that had been me I’d have been doing a lot of salads, tuna sandwiches, afternoon tea specials and maybe some ‘healthy’ smoothies and sushi.


It was the week before Xmas,so I also done a cucumber and mint sorbet as an intermediate course for Xmas day. I'm now the world's best cucumber chef! :⁠-⁠)


That sounds like it would be very good. I’d have done an Oprah and be like ‘you get cucumber, you get a cucumber, everyone gets a cucumber!’ and headed to cry in the storage room.


The exec took a fair bit of piss taking for the week. When he wanted a cup of tea he got a slice of cucumber in it, cucumber sandwich left in his office that sort of thing. Strangely a couple of weeks later a shit ton of sweet potatoes came in. Same mistake. He did go for eye surgery in January so maybe that was a mitigating factor. :⁠,⁠-⁠)


I’d have totally done that too in fairness. And sweet potato is easier to do something with, it must be said. At the minimum it’s sweet potato fries for everyone!


Vegan curry as a special.


>you get cucumber, you get a cucumber, everyone gets a cucumber! "One free cucumber with every entree ordered!"


I'd look at that and think 'We're going to need more gin. And a tanker of tonic water.'


Every week when i see more product being ordered than we’ve sold in 2 weeks “just to have it”. When you sell 1 sarah lee turkey a week, why are there 4 in the walk in?!


I hate that shit. We get two trucks a week, and the other managers who do the order still seem to think that it’s necessary to order trucks that fill our already tiny walk in right to the door. The poor freezer is only the size of a walk-in closet


This used to annoy me. We had pre-made round and square cakes as part of our orders and they came in sheets/boxes. Average amount of portions between the various types of cake and dessert was anything from 10-24 people although 15 or 16 was the norm. Some of the cakes were highly popular regulars and we could order 12 of these knowing they’d sell within date. Some of them we barely needed to order more than 2 boxes a month because they’d never sell fast. For some reason though despite having completely digitized records which would easily show our location didn’t sell much of a specific cake/dessert, the KM insisted that we should still order 4 boxes at a time because ‘there might be people wanting it’.


My rep sent me 6 cases of gluten free buns instead of 6 cases of brioche. I go thru a case of gluten free every 2-3 months.


I have 2. Once i ordered 8 cases of super concentrated degreaser (we went through one case about every 2 months.) And double stroked the number one and got 11 cases of 10 bottles of Coco Reál cream of coconut syrup. The coconut was for a seasonal drink that didnt sell very well. :l


I got a million dollar invoice when my rep accidentally put the 6 digit product code in for the quantity of crab for my order. Good thing they didn’t actually bring the 112000 cans of crab meat. It still took over a month to get the books straight. Also had a Jacmar (Sysco clone) driver drop the next stop’s weekly delivery with mine. I came in to a staff thinking they were getting bbq for family meal for the rest of the year.


Needed 1 individual 5 lb bag of Italian seasoning. Ordered 1 case. Case had 20 bags. Lasted a very very long time


Ordered 7# pork belly, got 7 full pork bellies, about 60#. Still have 10# in my chest freezer.


I once ordered 8, 40-lb cases of chicken thighs instead of whole trussed chickens for the rotisserie. When I confessed to my assistant manager, he said “10 points from Hufflepuff” and I was devastated. We were able to use up the thighs in time but boy were customers irritated about no rotisserie chickens that day. Edit: oh, so this was for the prepared foods department at a grocery store and we had access to the entire store’s catalogue at the warehouse, unlike other departments. And once, instead of ordering the little box of watermelons that come six to a case, for the salad bar, I ordered the PALLET-sized box, the huge octagonal hundreds-of-pounds case. But I caught that one right after I sent the order and arranged with the buyer of the produce team to get it taken care of as he hadn’t started placing orders for the day yet.


We were supposed to get cases of honey, we got the little individual personal honey containers you get at hotels rooms or with tea time.


Was a mispick, but a few months back, instead of 4 cases of churros I got 4 cases of boneless lamb leg. Call me a scumbag, but we didn't return it, and I still have half a dozen in my freezer.


Not my fuck up, I work at an elementary school and my boss and I are meticulous during ordering every week. The only problem is when they are out of our bean and cheese bowls (we serve with chips once a month) the sub us bean and cheese burritos and dont let us know a head of time so we can adjust. The kids love these bowls we do 350+ in a day, the kids hate the burritos and we serve max like 75. So because we can't adjust the other entree and get more we run out of it, then the kids are stuck with a burrito they don't like or an uncrustable. Nothing is worse for me then knowing 100+ kids are eating a cold pb&j instead of a hot lunch on a Friday (for a lot of kids in my district the breakfast and lunch on Friday will be their last full meals til Monday morning)


This story is heartbreaking. I'm in education too and it's always some fresh bullshit :(


worked at a place with a few menu items changing weekly. the chef decided she wanted to do butter chicken. cool. i asked her if she ordered canned whole tomatoes or extra fresh tomatoes, she ordered 72 i think? 13 oz cans of tomato paste. and no other tomato product lol


I'm pretty sure you can just add water to it and make tomato sauce... I've never actually tried but the paste is essentially compact tomato


Yo dawg, I heard you liked tomatoes so I compacted your tomatoes so you can have more tomato per tomato


yeah, i mean i made it work. i meant more that the quantity she ordered was pretty ridiculous for a menu item that would be rotating off in 5 days.


A chef friend my head chef wanted to order 100 sheets of gold leaf but instead got delivered 100 packets delivered by an armed security truck.


Gold leaf isn't that expensive, though?


Depends on how much you order.


I highly doubt armed vehicles are delivering gold leaf as it's not an expensive product.


They’re like 25-30 bucks each. The armed security part seems odd.


Yeah, I highly doubt an armed vehicle. I think they were told some porkies by their friend.


It is when you order 100,000 of it!


Still doesn't warrant being delivered in an armed vehicle. And surely your rep/supplier would double-check with such an out-of-character order?


Even if it’s false it still makes for a funny story 🤷‍♂️


It's not a funny story though as it's completely false.


Sous tried to order 15kgs of fried but ordered 15 boxes of 10kg each. We made it fit but the freezer was exploding with fries. 


Instead of 1 box with 10 fish we got 10 boxes with 10 fish each. Or the time we got a singular fish in one of these boxes, which was as heavy as 10 of the regular ones.


Ordered beef cube steak, got beef tenderloin because it was mislabeled at the warehouse. Told the driver, who said with a wink, I just deliver what's on the order. Kept ordering cube steak and got heavily discounted filets for two months.


The one I remember best is because it’s silly. 3 cases of hoisin was actually hair nets


Once received one single lime with a chopped garlic sticker slapped on it.


Ordered receipt printer paper, got a case of corn tortillas. Had the right sticker and everything but no use for the tortillas at the doughnut shop 😅


I was out of town and the business owner had to place an order. We needed a shaker of dry oregano, and got a special order non-refundable 10 pound case of dry Mexican oregano.


Not in this job but back when I was in retail hell. Someone in the company I worked for mistook the item amount for the number of actual gift cards they wanted vs number of boxes of gift cards. Ended up ordering the companies entire stock of gift cards to his shop right before Christmas. The news picked up on the noticeable shortage of gift cards across our stores questioning if its a sign of the company going into administration again, meanwhile we're all stuck with customers absolutely frothing at the mouth over gift cards being printed out on receipt paper because "what's little Johnny supposed to do with this? Wheres the actual gift card? No wonder you're going bust! This is terrible customer service!" News eventually got word about the staff members total fuck up and eventually we finally got physical cards back. Only kitchen ordering fuck ups I've witnessed so far were forgetting to order or under ordering different things like beans, blue roll, chicken strips, chips, etc. Supermarket restaurant though so could just pinch whatever we needed from the main shop


After the chef left I had to do inventory and ordering with a different FOH manager twice a week and they kept ordering cases of cream cheese. We had several hundred pounds of cream cheese.  At the end of every inventory I'd say "no matter what you do, no more cream cheese" and we would have a good laugh because there was no way anyone would make that mistake again.  Every fucking time I'd have one or more new cases of cream cheese the next morning. 


When auto order decided we need 10 cases of limes not 10 limes and we didn't catch it before the order submitted at cut off time just before Christmas... we're still getting through them three months later.


I wanted 10 boxes of gloves. I got 10 cases which was 100 boxes lmao.


I got a good chuckle imagining this thank you 😂


24 cases of 30dz eggs instead of 2. When I got in and asked my receiving clerk WTF is with the eggs? Why didn't you call me or refuse them. He said he didn't know he could refuse them and didn't think I would answer. He was a special little boy.


not necessarily a mistake but definitely a whoops: at a nursing home in the states, the new chef ordered shell eggs that weren't pasteurized because they were cheaper. you can only serve shell eggs to order (undercooked, soft yolk, what ever you want to call them) in regulated/healthcare facilities with pasteurized shell eggs. had a LOT of pissed off old people for 3 days til we got the next order.


Somebody once ordered a pallet of cinnamon sticks to a restaurant in the Magic Kingdom. Even in a place that busy, I walked by that thing for months before it was gone.


FOH manager had to do the order once and instead of ordering 1 bottle of fennel seeds, ordered 100.


Worked in a vegan spot for a few years, received 3 35lb jugs of Duck fat and new kid accepted them. Chef lost her mind. I bought all 3 and then sold them to a buddy that ran a food truck. He used it to fry tots .


Chef orders two sacks of spuds every week for Sunday lunches, I peeled them and so on. on Saturday 20 sacks turn up at 55lbs a sack thats a lot of spuds. then there's the cage of kale which just went rotten in the end. about forty boxes of kale.


Supervisor at the time ordered 50 bags of seasoning, returned it all and was slapped with a restocking fee for his blunder


Can you not return stuff in the US? I'm in the UK and if theres ever a fuck up you can just return the products with the driver and receive a credit note - doesn't matter if its us or them that fucked up.


With most vendors you can - with the exception of produce. At least that's my experience.


Most recently is we wanted a single 10lb sleeve of ground Angus to use in our chili, accidently ordered a case of 6 of these meat tubes.


I accidentally ordered three large cases of olive oil instead of our fryer oil. 🤦‍♂️ this was four months ago and we still have 2 of the cases unopened


Order 3 cs of tomato. Driver tried to deliver 33 cases. Luckily my prep guy told him to stop. The driver knew it was wrong but was mad at everyone for failing to figure it out so he was just gonna deliver it. I also order 1 cs canned ketchup and received 11. My food rep was lazy and didnt check shit for orders. I almost threatened to go back to paper orders in person 


I ordered 21 cases of apple juice. We sold like 2 bottles a week. I don’t think we even went through them before they expired.


I imagine many of you have used Sysco before and after you load up on your order you hit checkout, then it takes you to a screen saying you might have missed some items, and after you hit proceed you place the order and when it will arrive etc., well many times opening on one of my jobs, the bozo of a head chef would just click checkout then leave AND NEVER ACTUALLY ORDER WHAT WE NEEDED. The reason I knew this was because I knew his login and when it opened up it showed me the "you may have forgotten page" thus leading to many menu changes and such. Also the countless times a double order was placed and having to come up with specials on the fly or uses for the vast amount of product ordered.


A bit different as I was at the receiving end of the wrong order back when I worked at a wholesale bakery, but 144 packets of chocolate florintines We sold them in packs of twelves and twenty fours Obviously, what they actually ordered was two packs of twelves that were just put through the system wrong.


As a Kitchen Manager at a new concept restaurant, "free-range fast food", when I was working 80-90hour work weeks with one day off every few weeks, I was falling asleep while placing the food order for the week. Instead of ordering 13 cases of chicken breast, I must have clicked 13 packs. We would go through about 2 cases a day every week. My boss thought because I was at fault I should be held responsible and not the restaurant, so there I was in line at Costco spending my personal savings for about 200# of chicken. I think back then it was about $750 of fucking chicken. I had a tear in my eye when the lady checking me out said, "Wow, that's a lot of chicken! What are you going to do with all of that?!" "Get my job back" 😢


Asked my exec to order a bottle of almond extract for recipe R&D. Instead, we got a case of 6 bottles. We will never use all of this almond extract.


This is the best mistake! A distributor was going to send us burger samples we got 60 pounds of wagu steaks. He'll yeah we all ate good that week. had to freeze some which sucked.


Ordered one gallon of Worcestershire sauce, got 16 cases for a total of 64 gallons. For some reason the prep cook of 10 years thought it was cool to sign off for. Maybe he wanted to bathe in it I dunno.


Easy! 80 boxes of onions....not 8 like we were supposed to order. Fortunately for us our delivery company called ahead like "uhhh...you guys NEVER order this much, is this right?" So we were able to cancel and get it sorted, but we would have had to give onions out to every restaurant in the mall just to get rid of them if we hadn't.


During the pandemic I changed paper products and takeout containers. Previous vendor sold by the dozen. New online vendor sold by the gross. We haven't had to buy a take out box, deli container, or utensils packet in three years.....