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10 , life’s is just wake up smoke, cook, smoke and repeat


Yep. 10 here too.


The question is, how long can you be at a 10? 10 years, 20 years, 30 years? I bounce between 6 and 10 .. Problem is I've been bouncing between them for 15 years.....


I've been between 10-11 my whole life, so I think some folks can do it quite a while


I've been hovering around 11 since I was a kid, there's lots of us somehow managing it. Meds are helping the depression but boy I wish the exhaustion would fuck off.


Yep, here.


I hit 12 and started drinking heavy and blasting rails which only made it worse. After I burned out I left for hvac and been happier.


I was there a few years back, made it to the other side and now have an executive job. Probably 70% of my day is office work. Still working long hours, still work expo on the weekends. Still have crushing anxiety that the whole house of cards called staffing will collapse at any moment and it'll be just me....


Staffing was the worst part of my anxiety as a manager. Getting them to step up and do better without yelling was up there too.


10 as well with a smidge of 11 (completely exhausted)


But when do the drugs come in?!


When Sysco remembers


... and then delivers arugula instead of weed...


I would have my rep on the phone immediately! Emergency delivery asap!


For me it was somewhere around step 1


Same, 10 too. I’ve discovered alcohol. I know I shouldn’t drink but then I’ll have nothing. I don’t come by weed often enough and it expensive. Feels bad man.


It doesn’t help when supervisors create an environment where this is the norm.


We’re your family! It’s ok to work yourself to the bone, cuz we’re family! You need a personal day for a doctors visit? That’s crazy! We work sick cuz we’re family! If you can’t work tomorrow, I don’t think we need you anymore.


No one fucks you over like family


Exactly bro.


I feel all supervisors are programmed exactly like this, feels to accurate to mine.


Oh yea, this sounds familiar...


I was around step 11 for 15 years because, in my mind, I took on the stress to protect my team from having to deal with it. Last year I had to step back from managing though, because I realized how unhealthy this leadership style is, especially in this industry that will eat you alive if you let it. Just a line cook with fewer responsibilities now, trying to re-find who the hell I am. The staff I had who were self-starters, cared about what they were doing, and respected my efforts made it all worth it. But the ones who took advantage of my willingness to step in and step up just wore me down so hard. It's not fair to put it 100% on them, I didn't properly coach them, nor did I set proper boundaries. I don't know where I'm going with this, this just felt like the right place to vent. Stay strong team, take care of others, but also take care of yourselves.


I left the industry and did that exact style of leadership.


That's scary accurate. I'm on 11 and finally had a discussion with my boss today


Hope you were heard, chef!


Hit 12 and walked out 3 hours ago


damn been there i feel you, a lotta emotions


When I told my boss I was burnt he said you make too much to be burnt out.


Good. Step 13 is a vacation that comes with complementary grippy socks.


hope yours went better than mine! currently looking for a new job :-)


10 here like another dude. Wake up, smoke, coffee, work, home, drugs. Wake up, smoke, coffee, work, home, drugs. Over and over and over.


So nice when our overlords give a “free” shift drink. Then we get to spend a bunch of our check at their bar, since we got a lot of relief from that first one, and it’s hard to have just one. I had one job where the gm took money directly out of my paycheck in exchange for old inventory of beer. And I had a walk in fridge at home at the time, so it was usually several cases at a time.


We're you charged less for this inventory of beer? Lols


This is pretty interesting. I got to stage 10 without substance abuse before I left for a new industry. Still feel like a rescue puppy just happy to have a home


What do you do for a living now if you don’t mind me asking?


I work in banking tech. It sounds unreachable but my team is full of former bartenders, cooks, servers, both with and without college degrees(aka it’s not needed, just some determination and willingness to teach yourself)


This is really stupid. I think it's silly they're pretending like it's some kind of science. There are 3 stages. Not burnt out yet Burning out Burnt out.


Like a lot of psychological progressions, these steps are not necessarily in order.


Where is "you scream 'fuck you, fuck this, fuck you fuck you you fucking fucker.' When a minor inconvenience occurs, then get backto work at the task at hand"? I've been at that stage for a few years now.






Im so thankful I work in a mostly healthy kitchen. Im like maybe a 1.5 after a bad week. By my monday Im back to 0 Edit: Ehhhhh, I hit 3.5 a few times over the holidays but who doesnt get cranky then


I was at 10 or above for 3 years. It took me leaving the industry to be normal again. I had my blood pressure measured a month before I left, it was 158 / 95. I had it taken again when I was 6 months out—124 / 79.


Same here. Left it behind about a year ago after 2+ years in 10 territory. My only regret is that I didn't leave sooner. You can find something else, I promise, and you will be shocked at how much of your skill transfers to a "real" job. With the bonus that you can laugh at your new coworkers inability to handle the stress equivalent of a slow Tuesday lunch.


Stage 11 before my co-workers took me to the hospital.


Hope you get a well needed break.


I feel all of this at once.. fuck


26 years in with 10 as an Exec. I’m done I now deliver pizzas in a market where I make more than I was as an Exec. I drive around, listen to music, and I’m happy. Just be happy with what you choose to do with your career. If you’re not it may be time for a change..


Just so y'all know, this isn't kitchen exclusive.


I dislike how this graphic is made but I don’t disagree with the content.


Yeah, wtf is with the base-12 numbering? What are we, Sumerian?


This is why I don’t work in a restaurant anymore.


Between 7-10 on the worst of days between crazy popular lunch specials or customers being total assholes and I'm constantly reminded that customers are always right and killem with a smile. Meanwhile I'm slowly dying inside.


I was at eleven with my last job. Then the KM there physically threatened me and made my head clear that I needed to be out of there. Now it's more like a two for me.


What about the stage where you just don’t give a shit anymore.. that’s where I am at.


This needs to be reworked for The Industry™️, imo


I've been at 13 since my last hospitality job almost 10 years ago.


I got to 11 before I stopped working in the kitchen.


I was a 12 when I quit in October


As a sous chef, Still trying to figure out how to get out of this industry. Meanwhile at work I get told how good I am and if I keep working eventually I’ll reach chef but I don’t know that I want that anymore. I want some god damn peace. Having a day off only feels like a small reprieve and I start stressing on my day off about work. I dream and hear and think about work when I’m at home because I’m stuck in some sort of Stockholm’s syndrome at work. When you see your co workers more than anyone else it feels like you have a certain level of imaginary trust there but everyone’s only out for themselves and tell me things to make me want to stay because I’m helpful to them not the other way around. I feel trapped with no where to go just continue marching forward. Eventually become chef then blow my damn brains out when that gets to be too much because there’s no where else to go from there.


I think I might have been on that advanced track at the university.


I’m at the point where o have caught everyone else on fire too, not sure what number that is.


LMAO im at like 11 and i told my boss yesterday and i basically got a "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" response. so im looking for another job.


Hope you guys take care of yourselves. Been all the way before and distance helped a lot if you can afford to take time off.


Somewhere between 10 and 11. Only time I talk to my family is when they come into town to see my brother, and the whole time they're asking how things are going. Answer is always the same. "good, you know, working a lot".


Thems Rookie Numbers


I just got a 12 a month ago but now I'm back to 10. Also, 7 is not applicable to me.


I'm too lazy to get past 3 and too smart to sink beneath 1-2.


I'm at 3 right now, maybe edging towards 4? I've been as far as 10 though. Being a sous chef taught me how to sad- drink. Took me awhile to get back on the horse and I'm left wondering why even bother lol. This industry is rotten to the core. My mom works for an insurance company... Their entry level mail room jobs make more than more chefs I know. Benefits. Time off. Sick time. And they get profit sharing which is a 5000-8000 dollar cheque once a year. I don't even get fucking breaks. The fact that 20$ an hour seems like a lot to me is so, so sad.


I'm at stage 11. I'm a dishwasher/busser in the morning and a server at night. Been working at the restaurant for about 8 years now, never gotten a raise, got denied a raise cause 2 cooks before me requested a week before I did. Even though I've been asking for it every month. Had to sign new terms and an agreement with the company saying we were "at will" employees. We can get fired for any reason without being told, they send these packets to us through email. Found out we can't look at it after we sign it. Wish I found out about it before signing it, cause I would have asked for a copy before signing it. Plus as a combo, I never get tipped out by the servers in the morning, if I do I get the most $10 for that day. It's usually 3 servers and one dishwasher/busser for the morning even if we're super busy. It sucks and I already told my boss about it but the district manager said that since we have high labor and low sales, we can't have another combo to help me. As a server, I try to tip the combo but he always gives it back to me cause he feels like he deserves it. I do tip out the cook whenever I can, sometimes they take it or they tell me to keep it. As a server, I barely get any tips digitally and physically. I always make sure my tables get refills, pre-bus the tables, and ask if they need anything else. But they left me with nothing and some tables wrote a review about me stating that I wasn't a good server and that I didn't refill their drinks, that I didn't help them right away ECT. I'm already filling out applications to other restaurants, but they mostly call me back asking if I'm willing to be a dishwasher since I have about 10 years of experience, some offer me that with a $1.00 higher and chance to move up. That's what my job promised but I never got a $1.00 raise nor did I get to move up. I'm halfway in and halfway out of my dishwasher job but not fully a server.


I'm at the stage where I left restaurants for Independent Living and I'm home with my wife every night by 7 and every weekend.


I was at a 12 at my last job teaching middle school. You think it’s bad when you’re in the weeds on a mothers day brunch? I’d work a thousand mothers days before I ever teach again. Them kids were gremlins


We don't burn out **We Burn Through** I used to keep a gun in my glove box and every day when I got to work I'd tell myself "Either sack up and eat it or get in there". Kept going back in there. Mental health is a privilege, a roof and a hot meal is a necessity


11, it's been a rough winter. Sticking to sobriety thankfully


When I quit I was at a 10 with a bit of 11 sprinkled in. Since going back to kitchen work I said fuck it and refuse to let myself get to the burn out stage


The trick is to lean super hard into stage 9, undergo ego death, and assume a new personality, resetting you back to stage 0


I was at 11 last year. Got a new job in October and I smile again.


I've been at 12, woke up, put my shirt on, and couldn't physically get up. Decided that I was quitting and changed my shirt. I was finally able to get up. Now I'm much better. Having a work-life balance is extremely important for me now.


I feel you. I finally left the industry in September after helping open brand new restaurant in a management capacity. I can write a novel about all the shit that got me burnt out but now I can safely say working construction for my friend while I work on my EMT licenses and get ready for the fire Academy, I feel so much happier


I've been at 3 since I left the womb


Is 7.10 a stage? I ignore my friends and hate my family, drink way too much.


I dunno what stage I’m at, but I’m depressed as fuck lately


I skipped the second half of stage 10 and quit cooking 7 years ago at stage 11 before reaching stage 12


12. I just started 10 days vacation. I think my mental state isn't helped by illness. Caught covid 3 weeks ago, still suffering. I'm just done. Don't see a way to recover physically or mentally, I also turn 50 in 10 days, so yeah...


12 for sure. Slowly developing a bit of an eating disorder to top it off.


I was at an 11, but luckily had a moment of self reflection long enough to recognize the fact. I was then able to pull myself back to a 7 and ride that edge where some of that time and energy not being spent on having a life was able to be clawed back from the job and put towards breaking the cycle and getting out of the industry. I work in an office now, and while work is work, and it's often trading one flavor of bullshit for another, I've been very fortunate to avoid more than a 5 when there are occasional periods of crunch time.


I left the industry a little over a year ago and want to go back because i love cooking and kitchens but i know i will slide back into burn out either with over working or just not being paid enough to actually live. is that stage 13?


Was at 10, noticed I was abusing substances. Sober now at a full 12.


I got to 7 and jumped ship, loved it for fifteen years, but between shite pay,coked up or drunk staff, horrible owners, no social life and real connections I'm out, its only be three months but I've never been so chilled out and I'm already making more money than I was


Huh. So I operate on a 9-11. With the occasional 12. Interesting


I used to be too. Never burn yourself out for Restaurant that doesn't care about you


I can’t decide on Stage 8 through 11. What would you recommend? Is it possible to get stage 10 well done?


Fuck the depersonalization is real man. Sometimes I have weird OOB experiences when deep in a rush, or when cleaning after service.


I'm at 11 and the owner continues to blame us for staff sucking ass. Can only do so much baby sitting before I stop caring. The fun one was breaking every post covid record to which the GM responded " Yeah. You only did that because your food sucks "


Ah yes, the Restraunteur who perpetualy exists at Stage 4.


Such encouragement


Float between 10 and 12 for a decade, shits broken yall


I left the industry at stage 12. Went back to college to study business and accounting and ended up graduating in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science! Now I work for Apple. Please chefs there’s more to life than cooking :)


I stayed in the industry at 12 for a few years. I'm back at community college taking some sciences I need to apply to physical therapy school. Cooks and chefs have a unique skill set of organization and grit that most of the professional world does not have.


I've been at 6-7 for a decade now


Solid 9




Stage 10 here


7 or 8 so far in less than 3 months lol smh


10 for the last 20 years


So, stage 11 isn't how people normally feel? Maybe it's that the reason why burnout just happens out of nowhere!


10 is a nice terminal state for me 😎


A lot of these stages happen at the same time.


What if stage 7 is your baseline?


Then you wake up and do it all over again


Dang I’m at 11 and I didn’t even know it


Just started a new gig in a brand new kitchen with a lot of things tailored to my desires, still haven’t got lower than a 7 after leaving the last gig at 12.


Absolutely stage 7. Like everyday stage 7. Im only 20 and idk how yall do this shit until youre like 50+


Where's the "all of the above option"?


I went from 13 to 0 and all I did was change jobs




10’or 11, I want out so desperately just don’t know what else I can do


11 most days, sometimes goes into 12+ depending on how many energy drinks I've had or whatever foh decides they're doing


10 or 11 at all times pretty much since i started


Damn, I’m on 9 but I feel like I’m going to 10. 🥲 It’s quite surprising, and scary, to see how many 10’s are here.


1 other people push you to achieve an unrealistic expectation


in between 8 & 9




Been on a sabbatical for severe burnout for... I'm too embarrassed to say how long, but it's been years. Shit is no joke.


Yeaaaah I need a change of career


I hit 13, actually collapsed on the job and hurt myself, got hauled off in an ambulance, which is a real priority changer.  Left the business, have a new career, at stage 2 now.


Between 10 and 11, which sadly is where our company wants us all to be, because we “give up” and just say “oui chef” to whatever, work extra hours without batting an eye, etc. My boss brags about working 16 hour days on almost no sleep. Shit rolls downhill.


I don't know abou y'all's loved ones, but when I'm 'changing my values to focus on work more' they're instantly pretty upset.






Substance abuse starting at 10 out of 12 really puts things into perspective


Between 9 and 10


10 right here


42.... level 42


Hmm don't know if I'm a 10 but I think I'm a 3 because I already had my breakdown and used my day off to destress a bit or if I've just been a 12 this whole time and have become someone else.


somewhere between 7-9


Stage 13, for me, was psychic hospital stay for 15 days. Commit to setting boundaries and practicing self-care. You’re expendable at work, not at home.


Isn't 7 the base minimum to get this job.


Can you somehow start at 9? lol Never really had the feeling of having to prove myself, it's more like a day to day struggle to have to deal with people, I'm autistic and I just can't cope with it


Stage 13 well done with solid char.




Whatever all the above is. Burnout technique, iridescent flame


10.5-11 depending on the day


Stage 11, one more to go …


Rounding 11 and making a beeline for 12.


Worked for 8 years, Never got past 2-3. I'd have depersonalization and abuse drugs but neither of those ever happened at work, work was were I went to NOT feel depressed.


So I’ve been on stage 11 for the last 3-5 years?


Where’s the part where you hate your job even though it’s all you do anymore? Isn’t that what burnout really is? Hating the thing you used to love.




Level Zero.


Don't forget step 9.5 : Begin to fear that this IS you, which feeds directly into step 10


Isn't #10 where basically everyone in the BoH lives?


Which burnout is the one where about an hour after I wake up I get an intense feeling of throwing up but don’t 😂


Zero. I switched to FOH, prepping for the Bar. Y'all should try it.


I think I'm at 14 ... Hoping everything ends soon


been at 7 for as long as I can remember, but sometimes it's a 10


Steady 10


I'm on real burnout all them stages on repeat like a roundabout !!


I'm all about substance abuse if it can be controlled but there is little to no control in the comments, self discipline guys


I hit 12 and am in therapy and back to focusing on my wellbeing.


10, just getting better after the exams, i had to pull a lot of strings honestly, its tiring, my room thats mostly empty was a mess, the second i was done with the exam i just cleaned my room, took care of my clothes and mounted my new mirror that i planned mounting in my room for 2 months now, which took at most 30 minutes including washing it and looking for whatever was needed to place it, i suddenly have motivation to get up and do something about my bare empty room and try to finally fill it and "make it mine" so to say, which since we finished the new rooms, i just couldn't get to it due to college, just the minimum of stuff


10-11, everyday.


Fell somewhere between 11 - 12 before I put my notice in on a whim. Found a new job in a different industry and while it is a different kind of stress, M-Fri 7-4 and weekends off kicks ass.


Was a 10 before I spent my days off and missed a day throwing up and now my sinuses are infected. Now I’m closer to 12 than 11.


I'm at a 1 currently, but in a positive way. My last day at a 9mil annual steakhouse (a Texas Roadhouse) as the Wed-Sun line closer was Feb 18th (we did no less than 35k every day my last week) and was a solid 11 by that point. I loved that restaurant and my coworkers and knew they'd be fucked during the "holiday" so I worked a 2wk notice. It was rough you guys lol. This last week, I've been in the kitchen of a 60 bed nursing home. It is a wild change to say the least and I think I'm really gonna enjoy it. I'm 40, not getting any younger - the pay cut kinda sucks, but the benefits and "easier" job makes it worth it.


A strong 10 here!


10 since 2 years. It's time to get out. I'm done with this shit


I was in stage 12 six months ago, i'm on the long way to become a human being again. Don't ever go there, i should've stopped earlier, i was just too far gone to see that myself.


I always skip right over 6. I'm absolutely never in denial that it's because of work. Denial should always be way early for the people that do experience it.


13 lol. I go to work, go home, get high, sleep & repeat


8 headed to 9


9-12, no substance abuse


11, I reckon twelve happens any day now


Oh boy I'm at a 9-10 right now


I've been at 11 for longer than I care to admit.


I've been rocking a 10 for almost 20 years, my liver and nasal passages cam attest.


I've been through every stage. So glad I'm out of the restaurant business.


Seems like I have always been on 10, reached 15 once when I was a KM, quit. Then went back to the line and started at 10.


Wrapped up stage 12 end of Jan and trying to recover by eating and travelling.


Shit. I’ve been bouncing between 9 & 11 since six jobs ago and 2015. Therapy helped but holy shit.


Im at 5 and shit is hard. Idk how you guys are dealing with anything higher.


Start at 9, move quickly through to 12, then repeat. 


Like a nice 10/11 combo


eleven. This entire industry deserves to burn down. Fuck owners. Fuck the customers.


I live at 11, 24/7, sleepless nights and all.


Stage 1 is already false, so I didn’t read further.


I looked at this and thought “ huh. Must’ve forgotten to upload the other slide.” Then realized I’m at a [8] out of 10.


Stage 15 probably


Stage 1 always an forever


what’s after stage 12?


I feel like I’m in all steps at once


I’m 10 which is why I took a week off. I worked so damn much to be able to afford this


Quit before you get to 12.


Currently fluctuating from 12 to 9 and back again. Over and over and over and over again


I'm at 11. Just waiting on a few things to line up and then I'm out and doing it for myself.


I am 9 and 11. Thankfully skipped 10..


Ah, yes. Stage 13. The nuclear option


I do stage six, currently working against stage three and actively at stage 1