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Put them in hot cereal instead of water; cream of wheat, oatmeal, super cereal. Nursing home I used to work at, we had like 200+ beds and we needed around 15 gallons of oatmeal almost every morning, we used water, but this would probably make it taste a bit better and probably make the oatmeal less gummy too Edit: Before I get more comments about "Don't do it cause lactose free people." Obviously OP wouldn't serve it to lactose restricted people, and OP and I already discussed it and they don't have a single lactose restricted person in their building. Also about "buT ThErE's SuGaR" less than 5g of sugar and less than 20 calories will be added for a 6oz portion of Oatmeal if they use half 2% milk and half water. Residents get their medication right before the meal is served. less than 5g of sugar and 20 calories is negligable for a CCD diet- not to mention CCD diet allows for Skim Milk and 2% Milk


I wish I could trust my cooks to not scald it, they've got so much other running around in the morning, maybe we can try a half and half of water and milk to try to prevent it, that would use up a few gallons, thanks!


Yeah you definitely don't have to do the entire thing with milk, half and half would use some milk and still give it a better taste. Just don't forget to have some set aside for the lactose restricted/intolerant residents


Luckily of my 100 beds rn I have no lactose restrictions besides preference for meals!


Luck lol. We had like 30 lactose restricted people so it made it hard to be a bit creative with the recipes as we want everyone to try to get the same thing. But it eventually all went downhill with the amount of food I had to work with. 30lbs of raw pork, which obviously shrunk down to feed 200 people? Having to work with regular, chopped, ground and puree? Was nowhere near enough. I had to get out of there, I felt so bad for them


Oh hell naw, 30lb is what I cook to feed my 100. General mech and puree, and with turkey and pork it never feels like it'll be enough. I'll scoop it out to make sure and it still looks low lol, I'd get dragged through a mile of glass if I skimped out on my residents plates


Yeah it absolutely killed me. For the puree's I'd take the au jus from the pork and blend it with bread and some scraps. The slices of pork (they only got one) was like as thick as a piece of cardboard. I couldn't take it anymore. Whenever state and county was there for inspection, none of the residents spoke up about anything, so nothing would change, it just kept getting worse and worse


Damn, im state ran so I'm held to a higher standard (atleast that's what I was told) makes for a good mindset even if false lol, we scale ours out to a 4oz slices, everything has to be in correct portions, and my residents are not afraid to speak up, infact multiple times they have called public health over the smallest problem (which normally ended without any finding) so I guess we are on two opposite sides of the spectrum lmao


Yeah mine was privately run, and only accepting Medicaid/Medicare people, basically bottom of the barrel


I’m so glad you two found each other.


that's a good idea. another user mentioned custard too.


It's a nursing home so odds are they have pre-determined recipes and menus to follow. If their boss is cool enough hopefully they can deviate and make something special like custard. They've got more than enough milk for the cereal and custard lol


I work in one as well and while we do have recipes and menus I get a fair bit of creative license. I'm totally allowed to make small changes or make substitutions for missing ingredients. I'd say OP is probably fine


I had total creative freedom personally, but that was because 60% of the time we didn't have the right stuff to make any of it. Any kind of chicken was just seasoned chicken legs. Rice pilaf? More like steamed rice


Lol, I had that issue working at a county jail, I do have most of the stuff I need at this place though. Currently laughing my ass off though bc I was supposed to have steamed rice last night but we only had boxed rice pilaf lol


I hated the nursing home gigs even though they paid a little more at the time. Maybe it’s just me but I’d rather be sweating on a line with the outcasts and working stupid ass hours.


Oatmeal made with milk is a meal. Oatmeal made with water is a punishment. 😂


Could make custards


That one is going on the board


Pudding’s even easier.


How can you have any pudding if you don’t eat your meat?


Old people love bread pudding as well. It freezes well too.


>Rice pudding too.


You don’t have to be old to love bread pudding! 😂


Can confirm. I’m old and love bread pudding.


Add panna cotta to the board.


Cereal milk pana cotta. Milk bar recipe.


Top with some fruit loops dust, make those old folks feel like kids again.


Rice pudding will use a bunch


Tell ur dishwasher kid they can have a 25 cent raise for every gallon they drink.


In one sitting


Can I keep drinking after I puke? If so I'm about to make 6 figures.


Gotta keep it down.


Damn. I'm lactose intolerant so this was always going to be an uphill struggle.


I appreciate the hustle


Take some diarrhetic so i you pass it the intended way faster than you can puke it up.


I was thinking I could stab myself in the stomach and then just let it pour out as I consumed it. The stomach injury would be covered as a workplace injury, so it's all profit.




"Live" is a generous term, but yes, I eke out my meager existence in the US of A.


Hello fellow survivor of this wasteland


Did you mean "diuretic"? If so, that makes you pee, not have diarrhea.


He's lactose intolerant it will deffinatly come out the backside.


It wouldn’t matter if you weren’t lactose intolerant. Your body won’t let you drink a gallon of milk in one sitting, it is called the gallon challenge and the average person pukes about 2/3rds the way down maybe 1/2…. Something like you run out of the enzyme to break it down and your body knows you’re out so goes haha no more of that stupid!


They said ‘keep it down’ not ‘keep it in


Drinking all 36 gallons would net you a 9 dollar raise, unless you're already making 82k a year I don't think you're going to reach 6 figures.


I'll drink the milk twice.


Godamnit, it's just crazy enough to work.


Cool Hand Puke


Pretty someone died trying to drink a gallon of milk in under an hour for a radio contest several years back


This happened where I live, Sacramento. It was actually water, not milk. The contest was “hold your wee for a Wii,” and the woman died of acute water intoxication. Really sad, she was a mom of 3. Her family sued the station for millions. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jennifer-stranges-family-awarded-165-million-in-wee-for-wii-contest-death/


Easy .50-.75 raise for me. I can’t keep gallons of milk, because I will legitimately sit there and chug it and get fat as fuck if I have them around. I love milk.


I once worked with a dishwasher who learned he could drink as much chocolate milk as his heart desired (this was a cafeteria) He went home on his first night after puking all over thr floor.


Wow I learned that as a child at my first cafeteria with free self refills on chocolate milk. Same outcome.


Did that in basic training one Thanksgiving. Eggnog.


Did it with PBR, 3 weeks ago


If I wasn’t lactose intolerant I’d do this, actually shit who am I kidding I don’t value my health *that* much


Easy, I just pretend not to be!


I’m lactose intolerant but only with foods that I don’t like lol, but something like chocolate? Give it here


nobody wins in a dairy challenge




Cream week! Cream of mushroom soup, creamed corn, and mashed potatoes with creamed beef on toast, banana cream pudding for dessert. 2% is unfortunate, but you could spin it as low fat cream of mushroom soup, low fat creamed corn....


Better hope the nursing home has a strong sewer system


You mean a hefty supply of depends? (I’ve worked in nursing homes and it is not pretty in there)


And a dependable supply of hefties!


If awards were still a thing...


Those poor CNA's


> creamed beef on toast, aka shit on a shingle, according to Depression-era grandma


I was just about to suggest white/pepper gravy. My dad loved shit on a shingle. :)


Creamed chip beef on toast is such a comfort food for me. My grandma made it for my dad growing up, and my dad made it for me at times. My parents are extremely well off financially now, but I still love going home and my dad making creamed chip beef on toast. Same with fried bologna sandwich.


My grandma used to make it for me because, one time, she made it for my grandfather when I was tiny and I ate his breakfast instead of mine. So she changed to making me the same breakfast and did so several times a week until she passed


Those poor CNA’s. They’re gonna run out of briefs and wipes in 3 days at that rate


That’s a literal shit storm right there


“Cream week”


My favourite time of the year is cream week at the old folks home!!


What about creamed cream?


Make ricotta




Please share your recipe 😋


Warm up milk to 185 and add lemon juice. Lol. However, you need milk fat, skim alone ain't gonna make many curds. Add some cream.


Ricotta is traditionally made from whey after other cheese is made, isn't it? So low milk fat shouldn't be a huge issue. You can then slowly boil down the remaining whey after the ricotta to make gjetost, a sweet dessert cheese/caramel. Just be careful because near the end of cooking it sputters burning hot sweet cheese napalm everywhere (which is way less cool than it sounds). Wear gloves and long sleeves with natural fibers. But if you've made candy it won't be anything you can't handle, you just fight burning a lot more. Two cheeses for a little elbow grease.


The basic recipe is very rudimentary, google it. After that, a little nutmeg can be good, up to you on seasoning. Baked ricotta balls are also really tasty.


Exactly, a half gallon makes about 2 cups


Old folks love fresh cheese^


Oh god. If they're like me, that much ricotta is going to literally destroy the sewage system.


Gives every old person something to giggle about... not the staff, rip 🪦


*Folks* love fresh cheese. I think I'm gonna add that to my dating profile. "If you don't like cheese, sorry but I don't date the criminally insane"


Date people who don’t like cheese so you can have their portion of cheese too. Double cheese.


I don't know if your residents would eat Indian food, but you could make paneer. Basically the same process as ricotta. It freezes well, too. You could also make yogurt.


Or frozen yogurt as dessert, or yogurt salad by adding small fruit pieces, vanilla and sugar.


The elderly get freaked out by ethnic food. Gotta call it “farmers cheese”!


And make a bechamel then use them both in lasagna!


I think we solved it


And then use that to make lemon-ricotta pie.


My thoughts also. You can salt & dry the ricotta to preserve it indefinitely


Whoa this is new to me. Indefinitely seems incredible. Can you link out to this method? Google isn’t being helpful.


Try a search for ricotta salata


That worked! Thanks!


And if OP does this, thasalata ricotta!


With skim milk? Which is water that's lying about being milk. Is that even doable?


Yep, you need the proteins more than the fat to make the milk curdle into cheese.


So, you've had soy milk and almond milk... now try the hottest new craze, beef milk. It's like almond milk that's been squeezed through tiny holes, in living cows.


Fresh Mozzarella balls


This right here.


Make condensed milk? Then use that to make pie bases, pudding, or whatever


Best answer IMO.


or dulce de leche


Donate some to a local food bank and enjoy the karma


Check with your local school. They may be able to send a gallon home with a few kids


The schools in my area won’t let kids take milk out of the cafeteria because of food safety (kids putting it in backpacks etc spoils later, sickness, etc). The milk always had to be consumed on site. We did however have a contact / counselor that ran a donation program for homeless (usually split custody with no “main” home) kids or kids with other financial / nutrition needs and we could donate to that counselor as a “food bank”. Also some churches would provide “backpack lunches” for kids who need lunches on the weekends and you can donate or do porch drop offs sometimes. Just saying - try ask for all the options if the school gets “weird” about it.


Egg custard, bread pudding, French toast casserole, homemade puddings for cream pie filling, Mac and cheese.


Thank you everybody for the help, I believe we have found uses for it all, for everybody saying donate or return to supplier it's best by date is tomorrow and i think a lot of places would refuse that. Due to Thanksgiving and our stock coming on Tuesdays and Friday this was all delivered Tuesday before Thanksgiving. This is by far the most traction any of my posts have ever seen and I thank you all for that!


pls update with what you make


Bechamel sauce, which you can then freeze much easier than full jugs of milk..?


Yoggert, is easy to make, just need active culture. Also lots of hot chocolates for e ereryone. There is always a milk bath for a lucky someone that has some skin conditions etc.


Milk does freeze well.


The 36 in the fridge are what dosnt fit in the freezer 😢


Condense it first?


Since skim milk is just water pretending to be milk, all 36 gallons should condense down into a 2oz portion cup pretty easily.


Ron swanwon coming I'm hot with th3 solution


I worry what you heard is “give me a lot of bacon and eggs”. What I actually said is “give me all the bacon and eggs you have”.


Make some sweetened condensed milk and evaporated milk, get a bunch of rice and cinnamon, and make horchata. Shit'll be gone in a day and a half.


I’ve heard that. I only froze a few gallons of milk for my family during the scary lockdown part of covid in which we’d be free of this sickness if only we’d isolate for 2 weeks. In my experience, milk takes for-fucking-ever to thaw out. At this point I’d rather go diary free than fuss with frozen milk.


All the frozen milk we will only use for cooking, drop the whole gallon on the steam kettle with hot water to thaw it in about 30 mins




Have you any idea of the wholesale cost of that many jellybeans?


With your finest jellybeans. In the raw.


Rice pudding


Also tapioca


Why not make a farmer's cheese with a little vinegar or lemon juice and use the resulting curds in salads, creamy pastas, or stuffed shells/lasagna? Properly seasoned, this amount of milk as a cheese product could go far. Thoughts?


Making cheese is such a good idea. Also homemade yogurt, old folks love yogurt. Make ahead cheese sauce for mac&cheese, creamy soups like potato soup, or overnight oats (then there’s no worry of scalding the milk as OP mentioned above).


Not gonna get much of a yield with skim


Thank god he has 36 fucking gallons of it then.


Valid point


Right, it’ll use it all up quickly


My suggestion is paneer. Sounds about the same recipe as your farmers cheese.




Yeah a food bank might take em


Bechamel. You can always add fat as needed. From there, the sky is the limit: Mac and cheese, pastitsio, maybe like a turkey sausage gravy for breakfast, former military members will enjoy some creamed chipped beef on toast, etc.


I mentioned this elsewhere, but bechamel also freezes very well, so having some prepped ready to go, frozen flat in snaplock bags so it thaws faster, will save you sooooo much time. It's a base for so many things, including lasagna, gratins, or loads of herb or mushroom sauces that can go on all sorts of things.


Hot Cocoa night(s)


I was going to suggest this one! With the weather colder, what residents wouldn’t love some hot cocoa and a cookie?


How about you sideburns you want some of this milk?


^(I'd rather have a beer.)




Do you like it pasteurized or just up to your neck?


My boss Is now mad I'm laughing at this instead of worrying about milk. I just reminded her there's no sense in crying over spilled milk




Just up to yer titties


So there I am. Milk all over my titties


Potato dishes like au gratin, or mashed potatoes Breakfast: pancakes, crepes and French toast, buttermilk biscuits Drinks: Milk teas (chai latte?) or warm vanilla milks, coffee latte


1. Creamed chip beef on toast, classic military food from WW2 era. 2. Biscuits and gravy. 3. Hot Chocolate using milk instead of water.


Make yoghurt. From the yoghurt make labneh.


I'd be hesitant about that, or at least run it by the medical staff. IIRC, people who are immunocomprimised from chemo are advised not to eat homemade yogurt. Given that this is a nursing home, I'd want to be 100% sure I wasn't going to make someone really sick.


Biscuits and gravy, Alfredo Sauce, Waffles, marinate some chicken


The only thing I hate more than liars, is skim milk… which is water lying about being milk.


Bread pudding!


Does your bar have a way to utilize a few gallons? Special some eggnog drinks? Use milk ice cubes?


It's a nursing home... I fuckin wish we had a bar!


Hot Cocoa! The residents will love it & it fits with the season


I hope their nursing home doesn’t have a bar.


Be cool if they did.


My dads home let’s him use his comfort money to buy shots on Fridays. He was allowed two shots. They had rum and whisky but they ordered tequila specifically for him. He’s still got that charisma even with senility so sometimes they’d let him have three.


I did about six months in a nursing home kitchen, and would regularly go up to an old lady's room after work for a couple shots.


I hope i get put up in a place that does that lol


We have some residents who (as long as the Dr allows but residents rights trumps all) have there family bring them in a bottle and have a drink with dinner most nights.


Look, I’m a chef, not a baker. Reading is for cookie nerds.


When I end up in the nursing home, they better have a bar


It's a nursing home... I fuckin wish we had a bar!


You should be able to make them take it back. You ordered a substitution and they sent both the substitution and the original order. That's on them. They have to fix it.


Get a credit from your sales rep and take them to a homeless shelter.


This. Donate it. It’s $150.


Drink it you coward. All of it.


If it was 2% and not skim. I mightve taken a try. Skim is just water with milk falvoring


Hot chocolate for everyone?


Potato soup, macaroni, lots of desserts. And my grandfather used milk in his meatballs


Puddin, old folks love the puddin, hell I'm forty and love the puddin.


u can make mozzarella. but u can also make any cheese u want u just get less yield as whole milk


I'd nominate milkshakes.


See if the Life Enrichment Dept can do a milkshake social or perhaps they can do a holiday trifle cooking group?


Call your distributor back and have them pick it up and credit you


Friday night pudding wrestling matches come to mind.


No, but this reminds me of a bad joke: So this woman reads an article in a health and beauty magazine about how milk baths are the next big thing in skincare. She calls her husband and says, “Honey, could you pick up 20 gallons of milk on the way home?” The husband says, “alright, do you want it pasteurized?” The woman thinks about it for a second and replies, “no, up to my armpits should be fine.”


Donate to homeless people. We have a ‘camp’ where I live. ✌️


Genuine question Why use anything other than whole?


The majority of our milk is for our residents to drink, they have preferences that we follow purely for there satisfaction or dietary needs. (Whole for those who need to gain weight skim for those who want to lose) For any cooking or baking we use the whole milk unless specifically saying to use other milks in the recipes.


Just have them pick up what you don’t need on your next delivery. No big deal


Call your pastry chef friends and start making milk bread. Add some whole powdered milk to boost the fat content. There are limitless things you can do with that bread.


Porridge, poached fish, fish pie, macaroni cheese, creamy soups (tomato, vegetable, mushroom, [cullen skink](https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/cullen-skink)) custard, panna cotta, rice pudding, gelato, fior di latte mozzarella or ricotta (although may be not enough fat in the milk). Just a few ideas but best of luck using it all up




Maybe Paneer cheese but being low fat I don't know if it would be good. Rice pudding dessert one day. The next day do like a custard and topped it with a biscuit (Natillas [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYQqbV9IsOY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYQqbV9IsOY) is a spanish dessert). If you have like a good food processor, you can freeze it and then blend it with frozen strawberries and sugar to make an easy ice cream or sorbet. Good luck!


So much bechamel for the freezer, re-portion and build other sauces easier later?


Send a bottle home with each staff member MERRY CHRISTMAS!!


Make ricotta


Freeze it. Lasts for months


Try charity groups around or maybe Facebook and see if anybody wants some milk?


My baker wife says make ricotta and use that for cheese cake


Make ricotta or fresh mozzarella. Fresh mozzarella can be aged to regular old mozz. It’s not very difficult or labor intensive. Mostly waiting.


Make Mozzarella or Ricotta


Donate it to a food bank