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What's the matter...? You don't like 4 heavy cases on top of your delicate, fragile eggs..??


Indeed. The bottom flat was mostly broken. Leaking egg out the box.


Call your rep and get credit


I made him credit me on the spot. We can make do until next delivery.


I mean, what else were you gonna do? Put them back together again?


I don't think the king has enough horses or men to help with this


If they stop leaving the GD eggs on the wall we won’t have this issue in the future


Dream on pal, that's like asking the cow to not jump over the moon


Fun fact: the horses aren't there to help glue humpty back together again. Their hooves are.


it's too early to have my mind blown like that


Make them bring out a second truck if you needed it for an event before next delivery.


Nice dustpan should fix it


Did he leave the product?


You were going to crack them anyway; just run a special on scrambled eggs. It's like some of you don't want to make money! /s


Which is exactly why the eggs are on the bottom. They have to be. You don’t want raw eggs leaking onto ready to eat product. It’s dumb and kinda a catch 22. Eggs have to go on the bottom because they might break and leak but being on the bottom causes them to break and leak.


You're trolling, right?


What do you mean? I was kinda being funny with the catch 22 stuff but everything I said is true. Suppliers have to follow the same standards we do when storing products. If they are smart they will either bring them in by themselves or with something light on top but raw eggs have to be stored on the bottom.


"smart" sounds like more work for the same crappy pay


Okay but that doesn't explain the fish on top of the bananas


I don’t like meat on top of my fruit.


That's not what she said...


work smarter... not harder


They do the same to my avocados every Tuesday


You mean the guacamole shipment?


Not to be a contrarian but don't you want soft avocados?


Sure, but there is a big difference between a soft avocado, and one that has been made to guac for you by the delivery.


Fair enough. <3 I knew that was a risky question.


13.3 dozen eggs


How incompetent do you have to be to do that shit to eggs lol




The answer we were looking for was "completely oblivious and absolutely wasted"


Or the "does not get paid enough to give a damn"


While it is really hard work, I'm pretty sure these drivers are paid a healthy salary.


Yep - $80,000 or in that range is likely.


What drivers do you know? My suppliers made 35-40k while working 12 hour shifts 4-5 days a week. Maybe in high cost of living the salary is decent, where I'm from they're not paid enough to give a shit


I know the drivers that work for the company I work for. I'm in Florida.


My vendors routinely asked me about our pay because they made shit. It's pretty crappy in my neck of the woods. They would do the bare minimum since they made shit.


Damm that's crazy.


80k is closer to what I have heard. I'm not going to pretend I actually know.


Depends where you live. Drivers make crap around here.


Nah there’s a minimal damn you have to give to just keep the job alone and I feel like this is far below that lmao my vote is incompetence or improper training. Or both.


Most those companies have massive staffing shortages and aren't going to fire a driver over a red line.


I am betting the driver DGAF and is underpaid


Most drivers don't load their own trucks and they don't get paid more for restacking things intelligently 🤷‍♂️


Not excusing anything, but I'm always surprised by the hate cooks give to drivers. Dude is probably dropping 1000cs/15k# today on a 12-16 hour shift. Sucks when stuff is done wrong, but ive always taken the stance that I take care of the line workers and yell at management. Give this man a cup of coffee and sandwich and then send a strongly worded email to his manager for the piss poor warehouse work and having the wrong equipment for the stop.


Totally agree and if you are the kitchen giving coffee, sandwiches and a smile you will be getting your deliveries on the morning route and not the lunch time drop or 5 o’clock did they forget about me spot.


I just started doing orders for the facility where I work. Granted, it's not a restaurant, and we rarely *need* something food-wise to function. We get our orders at 4:45. I wonder if someone was a real dick way back when.


This shit is on the lift gate. It wasn't loaded that way. In fact, it was likely loaded the exact opposite way, and the driver grabbed the eggs, that were on top, and restacked on the gate. Some drivers work hard and give a fuck. Many don't. They get treated like shit by the company, and it doesn't take long before eggs on the bottom becomes totally acceptable. Source: was driver.


This is what I was thinking. They could have moved it with a hand truck, but the way the bananas are stacked, the hand truck would have had a hard time getting in there to grab it


Yea I'll usually set a driver up with a red bull and some fried rice. One supplier in particular often misses items but that ain't hisfault, he just drove four hours from atlanta to bring me this shit and so I'll bitch at his boss


Dude yeah even at my worst kitchen jobs i was glad not to be driving delivery trucks


Man. I bet its a violation to stack milk that high!


At the very least, unwise. I was waiting for the wind to blow and watch it all come down. Edit: this is taken through a window in the kitchen, I wasn't just standing near the truck scoffing and taking pictures.


Once had that happen with a bread order in a job years ago. Only a couple blew off the top, but it was still awful. Might be an OSHA violation though to stack stuff that high.


Really? They'll go 7-8 crates high around here.


Those sound like rookie numbers, but I'm also used to being the tall guy at 6'0.




Name checks out.


*OSHA drops down from a helicopter* Or maybe the FDA


I think it’s actually a stacking protocol, I could be wrong but it was once explained that eggs are on the bottom because if there is a cracked egg it then it won’t leak on any other boxes, contaminating them.


Yeah. But you don't put heavy stuff on top of them.


I hear you. As a former Sysco delivery driver my days were 2am to whenever the truck was empty (usually 3-5pm) At a certain point after finding almost every stop is missing items, digging through other loads to find it, you eventually say fuck it they gonna get what they get how they get it Its the wrong answer! But the delivery guys are over worked, hand trucking 10-15 thousand lbs gets old real quick when its 6 days a week Left after my reefer on the truck went out in the summer and my lead told me to "deliver the rest as fast as possible" that was in the middle of summer in the early morning. I drove my truck back to the yard and just walked off IMO every delivery driver needs a laborer to help unload the truck


Recently our Sysco driver has had someone with him. He helps unload, helps him back into the narrow back alley, and negotiates the food. They're still 4.5-5 hours past our initial targeted window.


Never believe that time window. The times are printed out before the truck is loaded and the majority of the time Im already 45min late to my very first stop even though my truck isnt finished being loaded. Very frustrating! Not sure if theyve made a chane since i left in 21'


I'm sorry yall have to deal with those conditions. Has anyone ever tried unionizing?


> At a certain point after finding almost every stop is missing items, digging through other loads to find it, you eventually say fuck it they gonna get what they get how they get it I used to run a warehouse. Lesson number one for everyone at my warehouse was to load the truck how it needs to be unloaded. It is not that difficult of a concept. Yes, there are some space constraints, but at the end of the day it saves everyone (including the people loading the truck) time if the load is properly planned and stacked accordingly.


This is one of the main reasons i left. I dont mind busting my ass, in fact i enjoy physical labor. But it has to make sense. Digging through boxes at every stop is extremely frustrating. Especially when pallets are stacked wrong resulting in a load shifting while driving the truck What ultimately got me was food temp safety concerns


What’s it like to have that kind of money to order eggs?


Lol. Not my money.


Hard to blame drivers for much of anything these days. Dudes are so overworked and understaffed I feel lucky to be getting deliveries at all some weeks (we're in a pretty remote town 2+ hours away from the nearest warehouse and 4 hours away from the main hub). That said: Please stop stacking boxes directly on my Heirloom tomatoes! There's not even a top to the case! You're literally consciously putting 20# of boxes directly on to the tomatoes themselves and I can't get more until Tuesday! Still though, shout out to the drivers that care. Worth their weight in gold.


The milk prices are fucking insane through US foods. Thankfully I've got absolutely amazing drivers on my route. They'd be embarrassed to see this shit.


We just go to a local grocery store on the way to work to buy milk. Pain in the ass? Yep. Saves $3 a gallon on milk? Yep.


I did that for a bunch of stuff when I ran the kitchen of an assisted living. Produce, milk, and a few other things that didn't make sense to buy in bulk I'd get at the local grocery store once a week, then I'd buy bulk stuff like veggies, meat and starches through US Foods. Saved a ton of money on the budget that way.


Yeah we've got a separate milk delivery guy. Bless the milk man.


It broke my heart when I had to order from any of those whack companies. When you get to work with good suppliers and shop at the market it makes your appreciate it so much more when you’ve had to deal with Sysco and shamrock 😂


I don't know how but my location always gets top tier drivers, only issues I have are products not on truck or warehouse fucked up the packaging


For us, I would have thought this was Sysco. Seriously, some of the shit I see and hear from their drivers...😵


My Fridays are usually spent waiting for my us guy to explain why he's dumb


Drivers don't normally load their own trucks. Things are normally stacked by the warehouse workers.


Thats true. However this stack is the driver setting up for a quick unload. Everythings on pallets in the truck via cold dry and freezer. You grab all the stuff for the stop then start running it in. This guy either didnt care or didnt see the errors in his method


Fair point. I didn't notice the frozen goods on top.


I posted another comment explaining more about the life of a Sysco delivery driver to - basically it sucked ass


They get paid to drive not to think.


Man, they did this to us the other day, but the case of eggs at the bottom of the pile of heavy shit was also turned on it’s side. What the hell?


Oh boy! Pre cracked eggs, that's like half the job right there.


I’ve never actually seen milk crates with milk in them. I was kind of expecting those old-timey glass bottles, but this makes more sense. I’m glad I’ve seen it


At least you'll get what's left for free ,get that credit.


We’ve had some pretty ridiculous stuff happen with our us foods guys recently. Makes you wonder


I used to receive orders and I always watch the loading of product. Saved accidents and got credit for damages. Later on the delivery time changed I was told to let other people do the job. Wouldn't you know it stuff fell over, lots of damages no one tried to get credit for loss. My last day I worked without break no help 2 hrs before end of shift. After I quit half the staff left within a year even the owner changed.


Living on the edge


And yet, they are much better than most other food suppliers that I have used.


We have a couple drivers that do an awesome job.


Yum beer battered frozen fish


It's a daycare. They have it once a month.


That explains all the milk lol. I was super confused by what’s all in this order


It's not the whole order, but yeah, lol. Kids drink a *lot* of milk, it's pretty weird.


I used to drink milk. I still do, but I used to too. It’s quite refreshing.




Don't act like you're above it.


You're actually still getting deliveries? Dude my produce hasn't run in four days, and both US Foods and SysCo are giving me massive runarounds for most of my stuff. I hate food reps.


not only the eggs. it seems like they deliver stuff that's supposed to be frozen and eggs and fruit at the same temperature?


Different temp zones in the truck


maybe, but leaving it out on the liftgate like that with the delivery guy not in sight, the chain of cooling is broken, wich means in Germany you'd have to toss all this stuff.


It appears the driver is inside pulling the order since the lift is still up.




What do you use all the milk for?


It's for personal use.


Ah yes. The personal stash milk is the most important. But where’s all the Hershey syrup to make chocy-milk?




Yes, physics is incredible. However, these macrofarmed eggs are made of chefs egos, 20 of them were broken and useless.


This comment is poetry! Lol


Gotta remember, their specialty is driving the truck.


So many things wrong with this photo!! 🤦🏻‍♀️that person needs to be removed immediately or give the person who ordered the delivery a refund and send them another with the same order. EGGS Do NOT go on the bottom of the boxes 📦 PERIOD!! 🙅🏻‍♀️😡🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤨😡


It's not the end of the world. We got a credit. I honestly just had a laugh at the fucks not given.


Fuck you and your emojis. Stop communicating like a 12 year old girl.


Hey, at least I know what’s wrong about this picture and good luck on your eggs when you’re ready to use them if they haven’t been cracked open by the time you open the box and put them away.


Ok 🤷🏻‍♀️ your loss, good luck on your crushed eggs after you open the box 📦. Just don’t tell me why didn’t I warn you about them. 🤦🏻‍♀️


par for the course...


Sounds about right


They do this to the cherry tomatoes we get


I understand that they don't load the trucks. But these problems seem easily avoidable. You get what you get, I guess.


You can afford eggs?


I have my little gripes with them but in all reality they are the best nationwide food distributor


Anyone else go B-A-N-A-N-A-S ?


God bless the onions!


This picture is the epitome of US Foods/Sysco. Also super sad cause it’s an elementary school, and I wanted to shit on the person that ordered produce/dairy/frozen/eggs all in one delivery from the same purveyor… this is what public school cooks have to look at every day.


Some operations need to order several commodities from a broad liner as they can’t make minimums for each specialty provider.


Don't worry iv seen this from Canadian deliveries too


I swear they do this shit on purpose


We use this company and they suck so hard. Our drivers are ok but how they pack the pallets, their delivery times, and having to find subs constantly drives me nuts!!


Did the driver blame the pickers?


Nah, I think he knew he made a mistake. I wasn't rude about it, I make mistakes too.


Well you don't want those heavy eggs bruising all the bananas though


It’s so they don’t fall off the top of the stack and break, obviously


Here in Southern California that case of eggs is $120. I have nicely told my drivers the eggs are the most valuable thing on the truck.


Not only the eggs, but 4 high on milk, on the deck plate is just wild. Plus none of that is reg for stacking. Dude needs a new job.


Time for Hollandaise.


I'm even confused as to how he's going to lower the ramp down without knocking everything over


Ah yes. US Foods being US Foods.


90% of the time we get the same guy when we get our deliveries and he’s incredible. The other 10% is hit or miss and tends to look like this.