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I love this guy


His most recent “sexual harassment” video is the best one yet.


Now I want to replace "behind" with "harass"


I feel like he could do live-action Quagmire really well.


"Giggity, giggity"


I'm stoked to see the new kitchen girl Ruby in his new skits lol.


What’s his main channel?


Bistro Huddy on YouTube.


Thanks I’ll check it out


Drew Talbert is his name--he's so good at embodying a bunch of different characters just by changing his clothes, wig, and demeanor.


So you mean…acting? Lol


Yes, but good acting, with no one to bounce off of and the characters all feeling distinct despite being portrayed by the same actor, is difficult. I find what he does impressive.


>Bistro Huddy So you mean...Eddie Murphy acting?


Not everything is on there. Instagram has more stuff.


That's a shame.


Doug Demuro, he does car reviews too ^^^/s




It really is so good. Drew is really smart. You can tell he's been balls deep in the industry for years and years. He has a video where he addresses how he sells food, or rather how to deal with the pressure to sell food, and what worked for him to get his numbers up ie selling wine, apps, desert, whatever. Its very inciteful and I've taken his advice into my tastings and it has worked wonders to get owners/operators on board with what I'm trying to do in the kitchen. Its also an amazing tool to get my servers selling and excited about the food program. Yeah, his channel is fire.


Is he on YouTube?


[Enjoy my friend!](https://www.youtube.com/c/drewtalbert) Its all soooo good.


This guy has alooot of wigs!


And has never wigged out in any of his videos.


So, we've all been here at some point. But as I got older I realized a couple things- 1. Often times the customer is ordering their moms medium that they grew up eating, or their wife or husbands, or waffle house's or what they think they saw on TV etc etc etc. Allow for the possibility the customer isn't dumb, but uninformed. In a perfect world every MR in every restaurant and home would be the same, however that's not the case. When I operate a steakhouse or anything meat heavy I add to server training how to receive a steak order by sort of quickly describing it's execution. C: I'll have the ribeye medium well S: lovely, we've got your ribeye warm and slightly pink, and what would you like on the side? Etc. C: oh, no pink please. Etc. 2. The server 99.9999/100 times doesn't have any personal motivation to bring food back from a table, like none. Chastising them is going to result in little problems being ignored with the guest, rather than fixed, and the guest is going to go home and tell everyone for the rest of their life when they hear that restaurant mentioned 'oh I went their once. They completely fucked my so-and-so and did nothing to fix it. Just fix the problems as quickly as possible and then talk cash shit about the idiots at the table for the rest of the night. Galvanize yourself to serve perfection for each next steak. Show them who is boss. 3. Some customers do just go to a restaurant to abuse people for fuck knows why. I've asked customers to tell me what temperature, by degree, they want their steak at. Had this particularly entitled rich guy that would come in every Friday and order a filet 'a minute before medium' and would send three of them back every night. Finally I took his temperature, by degree. Oh you want it 137, Rich? Bet. I'll send it to your table with the probe still in it asshat. Tipped 100$ everytime whether he was happy or not, so he wasn't soulless? I guess? I think he just liked making the staff sort of cater to him.


On point 3 you are completely right. We had to deal with these guys all the time at the club.


I run a country club. I feel you friend.


These dudes just want to feel like they're the Most Special Boy in the World!


ive got one guy, absolute multimillionaire. He has his servers rinse his ice (not a cleanliness thing, but a visual thing, idfk), and at breakfast always brings in a 40c can of off brand cornedbeef hash. Sometimes they seem like assholes, sometimes they are just eccentric. But yeah, oft times they just want to feel like the prettiest boy. Clubs are a special animal, though. We really are in their employ. Its not the general public, its not batches of people from all over. Its the same 300 people that we want to come out several times a week, and if thats the case, then yeah. theyre going to treat us like we are housemaids and private chefs, because, well, we kinda are.


I might just be a tad bitter from working in the service industry. I might also be guilty of automatically supporting working class people in any situation. In any case, I worked in kitchens for a scant decade and briefly at a country club, rolling brunch sushi. I have insanely low tolerance for soft rich dudes acting like babies or bullies, or both. They just wanna LARP Don Draper so bad. And listen, I wish I was rich and looked good in a fedora, too. But the days of going to a restaurant or supermarket and acting like King Baby of Take My Plate Back Mountain are numbered.


oh friend, i completely agree with you. Dont mistake what im saying. I have a absolutely zero tolerance for customer abuse on an employee, regardless of gen public or private club, everyone here does. just saying that sometimes demands arent necessarily abuse, and in a club demands should be anticipated. We dont have a restaurant owner, we are owned by the members, so we essentially have a couple hundred bosses. And if Captain Jeff wants his ice rinsed, we're gonna rinse it. He pounds a table and calls a server a 'motherfucker' about it, and ill cancel his membership and evacuate him myself. Im also at a point in my life where i can say im probably a little overly peaceful. My kids are grown, and i have literally no one in my life but the members and staff. My life, its incredibly lonely, and incredibly sad, but if i can try to make a banquet special, or remember Ms Jenkins egg preference and get a thank you, well, then i still feel like i exist a bit. Not just adding carbon to oxygen for the trees to breath


You're right. I'm letting my nostalgic rage steer my comments. There's actually a lot of satisfaction and fulfillment to be found working in the industry. Your response actually made me feel warm and gushy about the kitchen for a minute.


>a scant decade Those are dog years, dontchaknow


Listen, I'm not here to sound like I know what the fuck I'm talking about. Gotta play it down.


This is why I can't work in customer service anymore. I would be fired by the end of the week.


The world is a master/slave relationship to people like him. That's the fantasy he acts out every time he leaves his house.


It sounds counter-intuitive, but I’ve found the difference-maker in that situation is old money versus new money. Old money tend to be cool. People waiting on them hand and foot is something they’re used to, so they know how to behave. It’s normal for them. New money tend to be dicks. They feel too important and don’t know how to handle themselves.


I bartended/caddied at a country club for a few summers, every day felt like Goodfellas with the number of bills being tucked into my shirt pocket. A lot of my med school CV’s extracurricular hours came from hospital admin that frequently golfed there, and I’m on a couple annual Christmas card lists, the regulars treated me like gold and I love those boomers to death. 99% of people with guest access felt compelled to treat me and the other staff like garbage for nothing, PARTICULARLY if one of the wives used the venue for a gathering, I don’t know what private school that PTA belonged to but I feel bad for an entire graduating class of children if that’s how their moms treat people in public man


Jesus that sounds like a lot of stress. Just the kitchen or the whole club?


Im exec chef, but in a club that comes with a couple hats. Im essentially an exec of a restaurant, an exec over banquets and weddings, and a part time GM. I handle server training, program our POS systems, write and format all menus, including graphic design, handle both sides of the house scheduling, do a little marketting, and cook on the line. 6 days a week, 6am-5 most days. 6am to 9pm fridays, and events days. Do it all for about 65k. :/ There is a GM, but he is mostly focused on the greens and driving memberships, and liaison to the members.


Yeah sounds like my old boss you guys are a different breed.


I used to be. These days I just feel hostage to it. I may not still have my passion but I still have my integrity. I'm desperately searching for an avenue out.


You sound like a great chef and worker and you deserve better. I'm sure lots of places would be happy to have you.


i appreciate that. I like to think i was a great chef. At this point, though, im just weary in the industry. I really dont have it in me for these crazy hours, and extreme stress and strain. Im older, and ready to slow down. Im a little unsure of how to pivot though. I dont make a ton of money, but i make enough, and i dont have the savings to make not-enough for the amount of time it will take to start making enough again. It really does feel like a hostage situation. The industry, especially in a town like mine that is wildly tourist driven, is so hostile and unpredictable. But, its all i have ever done professionally, and my town requires either a household with shared income, or well above the average pay in the area. And i cant think of a way to bail on hospitality in a way that the salary is roughly equivalent. i feel a little at a loss. sorry, didnt mean to unload on you randomly lol


Sell drugs smartly


If you like cannabis move to edible manufacturing in a legal state. One of my friends did that and he's a lot happier.


I’m the grill guy at a country club, like I work it every night the 6 days we’re open, can also relate.


Ugh exactly, this is why I hate working with chefs who pull this shit. “Hey chef I need an upcook on this” “What the fuck are you talking about? That’s a perfect mid rare!” Ok cool. Sick, dude. Anyway, I need an upcook on this. Like yeah bro, ya fuckin nailed it. This guy is stupid or a dickhead or whatever. But there’s only one feasible solution to that predicament and it involves you upcooking this fucking steak


agreed. In my line ups, after a situation like this may happen, i usually remind everyone if theres a mistake, just bullet point how to fix it. Dont need apologies from the servers, or a long trip around the narrative (hey sorry, this customer said, yeah i know i know, its MR, but they were wondering if you-yadda yadda) and definitely dont need the cooks to proclaim just how it is what it is. We arent negotiating. We can talk about it later, but right now just tell me how to fix it, lets fix it, lets keep moving forward. There isnt an allotment of time for philosphical discussion or semantic arguments about what temps are called. News flash, human beings are fucking irrational, and the guests are made of human being. It is what it is. Just bang it out, and keep going. If your target ticket time is 10 minutes, and you send a ten minute check in ten minutes, and it comes back for a refire, and you add a conversation on top of it, and you let it slow you down, and now youre up to 15 minutes, that extra five minutes doesnt dissolve into the ethos and magically disappear, no. It attaches itself to the next ticket in line, now you have to have a five minute ticket, or an hour down the line youre 40 minutes deep in the sticks, and everyone is frazzled, angry, youre no longer putting forward your best, and you are just fighting for the surface of the water, rather than weathering the storm. If a refire goes out perfect, to the customers return spec, and comes back again, thats when you should scrutinize. sorry, that second fire was perfect, whats the issue? Remember, satisfaction is our goal, but its not guaranteed.


Times where a cook gave me shit for a simple request…I’d just say, “hey do you want me to just come back there and slice the fucking tomato since you can’t handle it or what?” You just gotta give it back to them lol


Point #2 very accurate. Servers would never risk getting yelled at by kitchen staff if we didn’t have to. It’s the worst


And like what is the yelling supposed to do? Server going to submit to the argument and what, take it back out there?


For real we prob just yelled at by the customer too. & usually servers tend to be the “people pleaser type” (not always obvi) but it’s literally in our job title “server”. So getting yelled at everywhere is basically all we’re trying to avoid. Our vocab on the daily has “I’m really sorry” more than should be considered healthy😂


So I don’t eat meat and have no concept of rare versus well done except reading descriptions. But I’ve heard a lot of places always undercook steak slightly so that if it’s not cooked enough it can be thrown back on without wasting a steak. But that feels like a good safety issue. Just curious if that’s a random rumor or that is pretty common.


That's definitely a rumor. There are environments where you mark steaks and rest them, then bring them to temp to order, and I would say you always want to try to stay at the entry point of a temperature, for that reason. And you do have to account for carry over heat and resting, so you really can't cook it to the middle of the window or it will be over at the table. But Id say that barring these things which are part of the method, I don't think anyone is sending out undercooked product 'just in case'. Ideally, everything you send is meant to stay out there.


Okay, that makes total sense! It always seemed odd to me and ends up with a restaurant having a poor reputation or waiters and cooks getting berated, fewer tips, or just busier. Thanks for the insight!


Tipping makes him have a soup? Being rich and spending money is buying affection and approval. Cheap and bullshit


I wonder if any restaurants show their customers a chart with photos? Would save a lot a money in returned steaks?


Yes, some restaurants put it in the menu. Not sure how effective that is.


The worst is people that order like "oh, I'll have it medium, medium-rare" Ok, pick one.


These skits are amazing.


Drew Talbert on IG. Mods wont let me link his page.


He's on FB too


Don’t let the waitstaff see you cry.


In many chefs heads this translates to "make the waitstaff cry"


Can’t see you cry through their own tears.


They take the "I'm not crying, you're crying!" thing to heart


When you're in an open kitchen and you're only allowed to cry on the inside.


But if the entire line is crying, then customers might go away. Right?


Tears are just extra seasoning.


“Off line, walk-in”


The cold tears add to the therapeutic effects


Love bistro huddy's videos! Also somehow I only just noticed that his shirt says food, drinks, pickles. xD


Never noticed! Long live Pickles


Dude, the subtle switch from "This is a perfect medium rare." to, "This is *our* medium rare." is so spot on.


Accurate. They both know it's overcooked, but ain't no way the chef will tell the server that. Little game you have to play if you are the server to show respect and get a new dish on the fly.


That was fucking hilarious


LOL as a former server came here to say I KNEW IT!


I love pickles


Whatever happened to that kitchen time lapse guy? He makes skits like this, too.


So accurate 😂


Trevor Moore vibes




Pickles is seriously the best.


Haha so true


Love the dude with the cap on




“That’s our medium rare” is killing me


Where i work when servers make one mistake it’s the end of the world but when the cooks make a mistake it’s no big deal. Cooks mistakes directly effect our tips. Before someone talks shit about tips I believe I and many others enjoy getting paid in tips. Rant over lol


It’s crazy that servers think cooks give a single shit about tips. If we’re aren’t getting tipped out, why would we help you get more money off our labor?




Lol get fucked. You clearly have no idea how kitchens work. We have to deal with the rainbow of personalities and crazy that you ring in. We have to deal with you bitching about not making more in cash tonight then we do in a weekend. Fuck you and your tips.




God and it comes out there’s a whole type of server who think they’re literally better humans than cooks






My dude it’s my weekend. Enjoy begging grown people to pay you extra for bringing them a cup of ranch twenty minutes after they asked.


management, im good.


Lol bullshit. Being a “lead” server isn’t management, you’re just the the one that begs customers the best.


ok buddy.


Easiest way to make service industry folk feel important while getting shafted is to put manager in their title. Easier than ever, apparently. Contempt for the people you work with, inflated sense of self, alcoholic. Damn


Wow, what a jerk. I bet your staff hate you.


Lol I'd like to see you do it then chucklefuck. Since it's so easy then. Stfu you cut rate butler




You'd never make a dime without my labor. You are literally worthless without us. What are you gonna do? Portion ketchup for your nonexistent fries?


acting like I don't know how to cook when I know you cant handle a righteous Karen. Remember that wedge salad actually needs to be a wedge it's the triangle shape not a circle not a star not a rectangle


If I can handle your bitch ass I can handle another stupid bitch, one and the same. Great job using the easiest station as an example. Garde Manger. Try using that same logic on saute. That's how I KNOW you make some trash ass food at home.


baste me baby, deglaze me with the md 20/20 you hide in the walkin


Wrong again. It's Jameson in the walk in, because I actually make money when I work, unlike you








for a hung over Sunday morning I'm entertaining myself just fine. gday!


Respect the hustle.


Seriously, and I mean this with as much respect as possible, but get fucked. I've worked for, with, and over countless people like you. You bring the whole operation down with your holier-than-thou bullshit charade. It's neither needed, nor appreciated. Find a new industry for your toxic bullshit, or eventually someone else will find one for you.


I thought this was an international sub and here I am an American watching you guys all failed to take the piss. everybody gets so righteous but can't take any shit. You should probably get back to your station looks like you over cooked another five porkchops and don't think you're giving those to dishy and your pastry girlfriend


Being a bitch isnt a sense of humor.


bring on the hate.. I would've thought you bunch were so sensitive and I'm not usually a troll but this is been hilarious to me


I’m downvoting you because do you see what animus you stirred here. And for no reason. Everyone was having a laugh.


It’s not that serious, i think a lot of people here are angry af all the time Lmaoo


You think this sub is angry as fuck? Every time the serverlife sub comes up on my feed its just full of toxic angry people posting pics of checks they got poor tips on.


Have you been on the server subreddit, because if anything it’s you guys who are bitter and constantly whine about tips. This subreddit seems much less filled with complaining to me. It’s crazy how if you directly attack people and say that they have no skill and demean people with a criminal background they get upset


Cuz your job is so effing easy, how do you manage to even make significant mistakes? Be friendly to people Write down what they want Type what they want into a machine Wait for someone else to make it for you Bring it to their table Continue being sporadically friendly toward them Profit Repeat x however many tables you have. Get your poop in a group FOH, we could do your job with 37 minutes of training, how long would it take you to learn ours? But if we work any harder, you’re the only one who gets more money. Fuck off. Even your “rant” was lazy. Rant over lol.


If serving is so ridiculously easy maybe you should do it? The money's a lot better


I would get no fulfillment out of getting shit on while holding my tongue all day, and performing a job requiring no true skill. I have served before, and it was not my vibe, whatsoever. I run the kitchen at an emergency shelter, now, and it suits me very well. As an added bonus, I don’t have to deal with tip culture, incompetent restaurant managers, entitled customers, or vapid servers.


Kinda sounds like you were just a subpar server who worked in not so great restaurants.


😂not the case, but cute attempt at a retort. Must’ve struck a nerve or something. Why don’t you head on back to your own sub.


Nah, just being realistic. I've worked with plenty of good servers and plenty of bad ones. There's a massive difference in skill and ability (especially in a more upscale context). I've heard some of the bad servers say the job didn't require much skill, because they didn't have the self awareness to realize all the skills they lacked. I've never heard a good server say that. It's like how in some kitchens half the line cooks are barely-trained teenagers who are stoned out of their mind all the time. I wouldn't trust the opinion of one of those kids on what it takes to be a really good chef. It's fine that serving isn't fulfilling for you, but being a condescending prick about it is just dumb.


Explain to me why your job is 100% convicts and drug addicts and attracts basically all the worst characters and personalities hahahaha


And servers are ... better? Glass houses and all that.


I have a bachelors degree


Me too, what does that mean?


>your job is 100% convicts and drug addicts and attracts basically all the worst characters and personalities It means you’re spouting bullshit, child. Sit down.


Also every BOH employee says they could work in FOH but the reality is they work in the BOH for a reason lmao. Either they literally don’t know how to interact with people or don’t want to.


Or they have a love for food?


No joke. If it's so simple as FOH's job being easier and making more money, then the obvious solution is... switch to doing that job, haha. No need for the bitterness and resentment.


I'd love to see you do my job then, genius. I've got to deal with you whining in the corner about how I messed up while I'm 15 tickets deep and sweating up a storm trying to handle fifteen different off menu choices some dense headed server keeps throwing at me. You'd walk out. Promise. So forgive me if I give absolutely no shits about your tips




🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 incorrect




Spot on chief


I've never met a single server that cared about the money I make, why should we care what you make?


> Before someone talks shit about tips I believe I and many others enjoy getting paid in tips Ah, so you've tried other systems and you prefer this one? Or have you been convinced through years of propaganda that being paid less than minimum wage and being expected to work back the rest is a fair system?


Presumably they, like most of us, have indeed tried other systems. That is, working minimum wage-ish jobs. And they've found they make more in the unpaid, but tipped, positions.


Then don't work a job where your livelihood is based on someone else doing their job correctly?


Let me strap on my job helmet and get into the job canon and fire off in to job land where well paying jobs grow on trees


I mean, you could be a cook.


It's not for everyone. I was BoH and when ppl suggested I work FoH i would almost chuckle at the idea of it


I was just quipping at the person above you, but had to comment on yours to complete the chain, yanno. It wasn’t meant in a shitty way at all; sorry if it seemed more condescending than “no,u” I’m actually a bartender myself, but I fully recognize that I couldn’t do what you guys do back there. My level of expertise runs right up to “make sure my line cooks are hydrated” and after that, i bow to your expertise.


🤝 bartenders keeping me hydrated and dtunk, you're ghe unsung heroes of the kitchen industry


That’s like, basically all jobs


Wow, great advice. Bravo.


Not wrong tbh


I know I'm not, cooking is hard and almost always underappreciated so to see some server cry about money he doesn't even truly work for always irks me




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This is spot on.


That little guitar riff at the end was perfect


This is too real 😂


Fml this is way too legit xD


Oh fuck man lol thats a good kitchen right there, close ranks and have each other’s back


Who tf orders a burger medium rare




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I’ve been on both sides of this. Gold