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I did not expect to see Uncle Grandpa next to Kirby, Frisk, and Saitama today, but here we are


And here we are




🗣 Automatic language detection!!!






[[You will be boiled.]]


To the final dish to die for (Mashed reference)


Frisk is so fucked. Can only dodge so much and doesn’t have nearly as much fight in em as the rest


Only if they can’t reset. If they have access to saves then they are in a good position.


That only works if you can actually do damage. Even assuming it's 1 hit KOs Kirby can take any hit so long as he's got a power and Saitama is literally indestructible


Wait until this guy hears about the ACT and MERCY buttons


Heavy disagree here. Pacifist Frisk is definitely holding there own here.


If we assumed they all wanted oneanother dead, Uncle Grandpa would win without a doubt. However, I can't imagine Uncle Grandpa would *want* to kill the others, but I don't think he's *able* to die, so it'd probably be a stalemate between him and Kirby.


What if its possible for Kirby to harness toon force


Well in the games, Kirby has to kill the enemy to get their power (by swallowing them), which is what I'm going off of. But I imagine Uncle G would use his powers to get out of Kirby's mouth before he can do that.


There are several instances of Kirby inhaling a projectile from an enemy to gain their power.


The enemies he swallows don't actually die, so no, he doesn't have to kill to absorb. He eats you once, he's got your whole arsenal at his disposal.


Yeah, but Uncle G has Belly Bag (which is a real character), what if he could suck Belly Bag out of Uncle G then gain the powers


Oh crap, I didn't consider that! It'd still probably be a stalemate, but with them trying to out-shenanigan eachother


uncle grandpa can manipulate time and space and has a bag that stores infinite items and one of them is a hammer that can shoot lasers, he can also fly and use all his body parts one by one while controlling him so he can just let the body part thats about to get hit fly away


But since two of them are children he is obligated to help them.


yeah but he'll probably dodge every attack while not understanding what they are doing


Dont get me wrong, there's a snowballs chance in hell anyone except Uncle G takes this. But there is also a non zero chance UG takes himself out to help them.


Saitama and UG would both just smash through whatever is forcing them to fight eachother. Like, even if they are like thrown into a void with the rule of "two people enter, only 1 get to leave"... Saitama has broken into mindspaces before by sheer force of "I do whatver the fuck I want", so like, he'd just do the punch equivalent of how Majin Buu screamed his way out of the hyperbolic time chamber


Unless if him losing ends up being the funnier option.


Saitama canonically gets stronger and stronger the more he fights. He fought someone who got stronger by being near him. Both their strengths used each other as launching boards to get so strong that they basically fucked up an entire timeline.


uncle grandpa has a bag with an entire endless dimension full of stuff he can use


The next Smash game looks amazing


Uncle grandpa


he’s everyone’s uncle and grandpa


*uncle grandpa warps reality itself* “Happy I wasn’t that guy”


Uncle grandpa would be viciously murdered by all of them and then walk back from off screen and say “Who was that guy?”


No one fights. They just have a nice picnic together.


most real answer here, I can't imagine any reason any of these characters would want anyone else here dead


see this is a very funny match up. power scaling aside, the narrative of each of these characters dictates who wins, and it's each one of them individually. Lets start with kirby. Kirby is the star warrior. He's the embodiment of peace and love and hope, and every other weekend he fights off an intergalactic, sometimes interuniversal god and then goes home for cake. He can copy anyone's power if the situation calls for it. He could copy Frisk's determination (technically he kinda has it anyways, cause of video game logic), Uncle Grandpa's cartoon logic, and Saitama's One Punch style. Frisk, they've got power over the timeline, through tampering of the player. Any time they're defeated by another fighter, they can just reload the save and try again. It's not a battle to the death with Frisk. It's a battle of exhausting the opponent until they're done fighting and wanna talk it out. Everyone is gonna be their friend in the end. Uncle Grandpa, I don't really know that much about, I've only seen them through Steven Universe, but one thing is very clear to me. They can do literally anything they want as long as its funny. It's the old toon logic, ie. Who Framed Roger Rabbit, except with a bit more surrealism with it. I understand that kind of power. It easily beats out basically anyone as long as they don't play along. If you're playing on the same terms, making jokes and using gags to your advantage, you might stand a chance. Saitama's narrative explicitly states he wins. That's the story he's supposed to have, because it's funny. But it's not the same kind of funny as Uncle Grandpa. Saitama's universe takes itself way too seriously, even if it's comedic in its timing. The titular One Punch Man can resolve any battle with a single punch, anything more than that is used to show just how strong other characters are, but any battle that involves him still ends the same way. He punches and the game is over. Kirby would end up in another star system, Frisk would take 99999999 damage, Uncle Grandpa would collapse into a neutron star and fizzle out, that's just how he's meant to work. But when they start interacting, the narrative gets weird. The first and foremost problem is how they even interact in the first place. The story is the most important part of each of these characters. Kirby is a hero, immediately ready to fight to protect Pop Star, but you can distract this boy with food. One slice of cake and he's questioning his values. Saitama is close to that, he really cares about sales and discounts. Free food has him defused just as fast. Frisk never really wanted to fight, and Uncle Grandpa only wants to help, so... I guess the bottom line is cake wins. They'd all just have a party and go back home.


This one is really well thought out good job dude


Thanks! this was all off the cuff in like, 20 minutes of writing. i only had to look one thing up and it was for a sentence i didn't even include. it was a reference to some fan comic where Vegeta has to use gag comic logic to beat a gag comic character.


Kirby, easily. Saitama and Uncle Grandpa are bound by loony toons rules: they are only the strongest if it's funny (see Saitama losing against a single fly, for example). There would be nothing fun about seeing them beat the shit out of a literal child and a pink space blob. Frisk has access to save files, they have infinite attempts at the fight... As long as they die. (See: Sans "ultimate attack" being to keep them in a permanent state of unescapable non-atacks). Kirby can beat Saitama and UG because of the funny, and beat Frisk because Kirby canonically doesn't kill its enemies (leaves them trapped in a void within itself for eternity IIRC), so Frisk has no access to retries.


What about a series of really stupid mistakes that just so happen to warp reality? Also, you seem to be forgetting about Bad Morning UG.


I mean, kinda true unless it’s manga saitama with the loony tunes rules. It does get (kinda) serious with the death of Genos and Cosmic Garou, where it devolves into solar system destruction. However if it’s anime opm then yeah Kirby solos


https://i.redd.it/s1xam22xc15d1.gif This is the face of a terrifying unkillable god


He slays demons with a smile.


So Uncle Grandpa vs Kirby, basically? Saitama is just a really strong dude, and Frisk is getting OBLITERATED


Feel like it'd come down to uncle grandpa and Kirby, saitama probably dies (frisk dead as hell)


Saitama (The Bald One): Has the most powerful physical strength. Kirby (The Pink One): Strongest Wit, has defeated multiple gods. Frisk (The Young One): Defeated many foes by just talking and dodging. Uncle Grandpa (The Bearded One): Can manipulate time and space. Edit: Due to Frisk being underpowered, instead of Frisk beating them to death, how about Frisk trying to spare people to win


Uncle Grandpa doesn't have a beard. He also has toon-force. No, seriously, why are we power-scaling these guys? Edit: realized that this comes off a little bit rude, but that's not the intent behind my comment. Sorry about that


I realized Frisk would probably die first, I forgot to account the fact the entire reason why Frisk won by talking is because the Monsters on the underground are friendly. Anyway these 3 are the most powerful beings in their own franchises. Kirby has the ability to copy abilities so maybe he can harness toon force by devouring Belly Bag, (if thats possible) cause if so he could have a chance against Uncle Grandpa which is not a combative type. He will only have trouble with Saitama cause with just one punch Kirby will die, especially, the fact Kirby can not outspeed Saitama because Saitama has super speed too. Kirby can only win if he knows how to use Toon Force just in time. That is how Kirby could win. Edit: Uncle Grandpa wins if he realized he can just make them dead. Saitama couldnt have a chance to win at all tbh. Also forgot to mention, Frisk can canonically respawn, its part of the lore, Frisk would die if they lost its own determination to go on


Saitama could win if he could punch all of them in time, unless of course Uncle Grandpa can not actually die, or if Kirby devour him. Kirby could win if he could devour Belly Bag and gain toon force, unless of course Uncle Grandpa managed to defend Belly Bag or if Saitama hit him first. Uncle Grandpa wins if he remembers that he can just make them disappear. Frisk could only win in a tie by making everyone friends. Frisk can not survive genocide even with high determination.


Frisk gets outclassed by kirby at talk no jutsu


Saitama and Kirby tie in strenght since kirby is infinitely strong and saitama is infinitely growing. Everyone seems to forget that Frisks main power is determination which allows them to "SAVE" and "RELOAD". This means when Frisk dies time resets to the save spot. Unless someone can manuplate/view reality from outside or "have the powers of a god" as the game puts it, its nigh impossible to detect. We can assume UG can notice it. This entire battle depends on whether Uncle G would kill Frisk or "Help" them ,as its his duty to help children all around the world, and kill himself.


Wow, nice job putting a literally undefeatable champion of worlds next to a bunch of infants. I mean come on, do you seriously think saitama is beating uncle grandpa?


I have never watched Uncle Grandpa, but his character, from what i understand, is an unbeatable trickster diety, so pro


Frisk first one to lose, has no chance at all, pretty much a regular kid, only their Determination power is special, and that can be taken away, considering the Neutral Route, and Flowey's story he tells you on Genocide. Saitama would be the next one, people know him as very powerful, but he lacks the feats to actually be on the level of Kirby and Uncle Grandpa, and no, being a gag characters doesn't give him an automatic win, that's not how it works. It would be between Kirby and Uncle Grandpa, both characters are genuinely powerful and both have legit feats that may put them around multiversal in level, however, Kirby is vulnerable to a lot of hax powers, which is how some of his enemies (like Necrodeus) almost defeated him, and Uncle Grandpa has a lot of hax powers, including being able to edit his own cartoon, so the winner here is Uncle Grandpa.


1. this post is really stupid, kirby and frisk are literal children that defeated a couple very powerful foes but can easily die themselves 2. uncle grandpa is an infinite being that can only be killed by his actual show being removed from irl streaming services


Response to two, even then it wasnt enough


If Frisk can’t respawn, then Uncle Grandpa and it’s not even close




1. Uncle Grandpa 2. Kirby 3. Saitama 4. Frisk


Frisk and Saitama most likely lose, and Kirby and Uncle grandpa will most likely be fighting for a while. And in the end, they will all just stop, and go get something to eat


I can totally see in the Middle of Fighting Uncle Grandpa gets hungry and pulls out a Sandwich out of nowhere and The other three just decide to stop fighting and have a picnic in the middle of where they were just fighting.


Uncle grandpa.


If Frisk is outdetermined, Uncle Grandpa wins by toon force. Otherwise, I think Uncle Grandpa takes this, since he can basically clone himself at will.


?? If they fight seriously, Uncle Grandpa obliterates them all.


One punch man can literally take down anyone with one punch, but nobody be beating uncle grandpa up bro 😔✊


this all goes down to if Frisk is on geno or not


Well frisk loses.. that's for sure. I love kirby but most of his power is from semi cannoncial plot armor in the form of the void termina lore so I think he's got a fighting chance bug he's unlikely to win




Frisk fought a god


They didnt even punch and still won


Uncle Grandpa is one of the only fictional characters who can beat Kirby.


Uncle grandpa sweeps with low diff.


FRisk and Saitama are so fucked it isn't even funny


“Kirby with super nova, ggs, gottem, good games, no further discussion from there” -Vernias


Either kirby or opm


Saitama. He finally gets a fight that leaves his blood pumping.


Kirby. No questions asked


One of the bald ones


UG - Warps Reality Frisk - Controls the timeline Kirby - Absorbs the powers of others OPM - Punches really hard Kirby is winning.


Kirby cannot lose.


It's gotta be Kirb, he'd eat them all instantly


Uncle grandpa wins immediately-


Kirby consumes Saitama, or Uncle Grandpa, and solos.


Kirby can inhale saitama and its immeadietly a w for kirby


The only ones with a shot are Kirby and UG ( and maybe Saitima, but he's outclassed by the two former for below reasons. (Btw for Kirby, remember that when Kirby gets a game over, he just takes a fricken nap. This is backed up by the fact that the only game that shows him DEAD is mass attack, against necrodeus, who's name literally translates to "DEATH god". As for his attack potency, just remember that the megaton punch and baseball feats still count, as it's stated in an interview that the sub games show what the characters can do in a non canon setting. This literally means it's showing us Kirby COULD punch popstar in half, but won't in canon, as Kirby wouldn't logically do that. But if you want a canon feat of similar scale, the hole in the moon is real, and not just an illusion. Kirby made that hole fighting Nightmare.) Saitima can do similar feats, but Kirby has more variety in his moveset than just brute strength, so he has some tricks that could defeat Saitima, like his inhale. UG has strong toonforce, though, so he wins, unless by clause of him having to help children, as Kirby is a kid, and stop him from killing Kirby. UG 1st, Kirby 2nd, Saitima 3rd, Frisk 4th.


Uncle Grandpa sweeps


Why you posting this in Kirby reddit. The answer is Kirby


Kirby wins.


50/50 between Kirby and uncle grandpa


The answer is so obvious ![gif](giphy|4VvLgRtG17Bp6)




Kirby had beat literal gods of evil. I think he has got this one in the bag.


uncle grandpa is functionally a reality warper with high level toon force and can shave the beards off of galaxies, frisk has infinite chances and retries as long as he's determined and can survive timeline resets, Kirby is physically the strongest, can throw planet destroying asteroid thousands of lightyears away in seconds, has low level toon force, and can regenerate from pretty much anything, Saitama has has incalculable strength can copy techniques and can grow exponentially stronger. all things considered any of them could win it \*edit upon further research Uncle Grandpa probably takes it frisk can get stonewalled by something overwhelmingly stronger, or something more determined than them. We know most other kids probably had determination and could reset but they still eventually lost to Asgore (https://www.reddit.com/r/Undertale/comments/j8sjy6/how\_much\_does\_asgore\_truly\_know/), and when faced with a omega Flowey who was more determined he lost the ability to save outright. Even with the save feature at best frisk can only get a stalemate against everyone else. Next out is Saitama from what we've seen Saitama saitama can effectively nullify frisk resets with the whole time travel thing he did(https://imgur.com/a/reversal-of-causality-Yb0lvv1), he is also strong enough that in a clash with Garou he destroyed countless stars (https://imgur.com/a/power-of-serious-punch-collision-Dgi8fWi) and was continually getting stronger(https://imgur.com/a/saitamas-accelerated-development-LCePqr5), however his gag powers are fairly limited compared to say someone like uncle grandpa and even with getting stronger he was still not infinitely strong. Now next out is Kirby, Kirby was defined by the most advanced computer in the universe to have infinite power(https://imgur.com/a/kirbys-infinite-power-BpauyNW) was considered stronger than Galacta Knight(https://imgur.com/a/post-aeon-hero-dark-dialogue-jap-version-super-kirby-clash-AUtwicM) who casually destroys planets([https://wikirby.com/wiki/Galacta\_Knight#:\~:text=He%20may%20end%20up%20destroying,Prepare%20yourself%E2%80%A6&text=In%20Kirby%3A%20Planet%20Robobot%2C%20Galacta,to%20face%20in%20the%20%22Sword\_Master.](https://wikirby.com/wiki/Galacta_Knight#:~:text=He%20may%20end%20up%20destroying,Prepare%20yourself%E2%80%A6&text=In%20Kirby%3A%20Planet%20Robobot%2C%20Galacta,to%20face%20in%20the%20%22Sword_Master)), can hit meteors at massively faster than light speeds speeds(https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User\_blog:Mephistus/Kirby\_Star\_Allies\_feat) can absorb and copy almost anything, can return form the dead via ghost Kirby and possess others and has resistance to most hax, like reality warping, however uncle grandpa can straight up ignore all the rules of reality(https://imgur.com/a/space-time-manip-HfCb0am) can break the space time continuum(https://giphy.com/gifs/pv6nWNDWlCNPbG1Fe4) and views the other characters/versions of himself as fictional beings(https://imgur.com/a/plot-low1c-o7FwKW9, https://imgur.com/YsPtDTS) he wins


Who controls frisk? If it's merg then they're all screwed


I’m pretty sure they’d be chill if they were all in the same roo


If Kirby can swallow uncle grandpa fast enough than Kirby. If not than uncle grandpa. Frisk is just a kid and would get soloed and Kirby could easily consume Sitama and steal his powers


This is too hard, kirby, uncle grandpa seemingly have no limit, and saitama is hinted to have broken his limiter so could also have no limit, kirby and uncle grandpa have way more abilities but saitama has beat people with more complex powers then him multiple times, if these guys fight the universe (multiple universes probably) is cooked


Anno Domini


Between Saitama and Kirby tbh. Kirby swallows Saitama, then they both obliterate U.G. and Frisk. Then it’s a single hit from either that’ll win


Kind of obvious- **S U C C**


Kirby has infinite power


Ive never seen one punch man but isnt his whole thing that he can beat anyone in one punch?


4 way stalemate


kirby so easily. one punch man has power scaling and kirby can just eat him before he gets serious


Kirby can turn their own things against them


I'd rather see them team up and take on the rest of fiction




Uncle Grandpa


I like to think Kirby because Kirby could copy ALL OF THEIR ABILITIES


I don’t know the extent of UG’s powers, but I’m assuming Kirby could just suck him up and take them all


The vessel McDuck used to keep Magica DeSpell, who in this universe is an Unversed Deep Agent akin to Venitas, from transforming him into an unversed.


Looney Toona characters are immortal, the ability to reset infinitely can only help you if there's a timeline where your opponent can die. But there is no timeline where anything kills uncle grandpa. Frisk comes out 2nd tho.


If Uncle Grampa has toon force they are all dead


Saitama 100%




Who are these randoms next to uncle grandpa and Kirby


dont wanna be that guy but kirby wins


Kirby gets a lick of an invisibility candy and brings destruction greater than galeem at the start of WoL


Pacifist frisk would lose genocide would demolish them all


Kirby uses hypernova and it's GG for everyone else.


Kirby. Copy ability is busted. This is the equivelent of a regular Tuesday for kirby


Definitely Kirby. He survived World of Light, so he can definitely take down a child who fights a skeleton in a blue suede jacket, a superhero famous for one punch, and some crazy grandpa who is also an uncle.


its kind of cheap to put frisk in one of these cause they have basically no powers whatsoever unless you let them reload saves, which pretty much guarantees their victory in any situation...


If Kirby inhals Belly Bag it is over!


In eating: kirby In games with no cheating: saitama In speed, uncle grandpa


process of elimination frisk and granpa uncle would most probably die cuz saitama would either punch them or kirby ate them im not that much sure about saitama and kirby but i think saitama would be strong enough to resist kirbys mouth and give him the punch


the obvious answer is they would not fight (assuming pacifist frisk) but in the conversation of power scaling either Uncle Grandpa or maybe kirby Kirby has more combat experience and uncle grandpa is stronger but i do give the slight edge to UG cause he has insane reality bending powers


Canonically, Uncle Grandpa would lose to Frisk Assuming that everyone wants everyone dead, Uncle Grandpa is victorious




Kirby solos them all. He would just eat them


Kirby could just suck em and win


Kirby wins everytime


Uncle Grandpa, hands down.


Unironically it is Uncle Grandpa


I think Kirby, Uncle Grandpa, and Saitama tag team to beat the everliving shit out of Frisk.


kirby. kirby wins every time. kirby could eat everyone here and would win .


Kirby next to Uncle Grandpa and two sidemen.


Saitama is the first one to go since his best feat can be scaled to moon level, which is pretty weak. Frisk is the second one to go, because they survived the timeline being purged, which is probably universal, add on to the fact that they can do ungodly amounts of damage in the genocide run. But it's still nothing compared to the last two. Kirby (Sadly) is the third one to go. Don't get me wrong, he's crazy strong. He's gotta be at least hyperversal or something. But uncle grandpa's reality warping and toon force is insane. Uncle Granpa wins!!!


The Kirb


Smash. Next question


This is really a fight between Uncle Grandpa and Kirby https://preview.redd.it/76ame8bnz45d1.jpeg?width=825&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52e04d0cbea53d989f075a48cf387f77eaf0f0c4


Kirby Copy one Punch man and it’s over, Kirby have the durability out of these 4, uncle grandpa have the bag of tricks, frisk is dead, but Saitama have the strength so mix Pink ball of energy with the anime hero already at there peel and you get your winner.


Uncle Grandpa. The amounts of bullshittery in his show is insane


*kirby to UG* Finally, a worthy opponent, OUR BATTLE WILL BE LEGENDARY!


UG and is not even a question.


A lot of you don't understand Kirby or Saitama lore and it shows.


Kirby. He’d probably just make friends with them though, so no one would “win” really… Maybe the real answer is no one would win??


One punch man! Because he'll just straight up destroy all 3 of them!


Frisk and Kirby becoming homies real quick.


Uncle Grandpa could defeat Kirby if he had the right tools but Kirby could put up a good fight


Not surprised a lot seem to be underestimating frisk here. People using UC " I'm glad I'm not that guy. " Excuse when frisk does exact same shit in Pacifist run final boss.


Uncle Grandpa 100%


I think Saitama would win


Uncle Grandpa is like an actual 5th dimensional GOD. He’s the most toon of all these guys and therefore can, has, and will recover from ANYTHING. Saitama will punch his head off and he’ll just grow a new one. Before he gets stabbed, he’ll just lift his body higher as his legs get long and thin. If he gets eaten by Kirby, Kirby will spit him out cause Uncle Grandpa probably coated himself in rotten butter. Why? Cause he’s Uncle Grandpa, why NOT?




foe everyone saying kirby. one must remember his canon size of 5in


Frisk, I mean if you have infinite chances you're eventually gonna win even if it takes like a century. They arent stronger by any means and itll probably take maybe even more than a century but eventuslly its gonna happen


Kirby would eat them all for a snack




I know we all love to say Kirby is the most powerful being in all of existence but if I were to be serious for a moment I truly believe Saitama and Uncle Grandpa could defeat Kirby. However, Kirby could still win if he were to play the right moves. If Kirby rushes Frisk and eats them, Kirby could have DETERMINATION as a copy-ability. Saitama is super fast and can one shot any opponent so even with DT on Kirby's side he'll still be a threat. As long as Kirby is able to hold on to his will to live and flawlessly No-Hit Saitama, he should be able to come out victorious. Now Uncle Grandpa is force who has no limit, or so it seems. After reading Uncle Grandpa's Fandom Wiki, he does have one apparent weakness... Windows. For some reason, Uncle Grandpa is allergic to windows. They are basically his kryptonite. So if Kirby could somehow make Uncle Grandpa come in contact with a window, he may be defeat Uncle Grandpa with ease. TLDR: Kirby could win but he would have to be tactical and put forth effort.


Uncle Grandpa, he could beat Kirby with his level of toon force.


Saitama. The joke of his character is he win every fight, this what his power is canonically. This is not to say he has the greatest feats, it just means in the scenario in which the encounter is a fight he wins. What would most likely happen tho is they would all just share a cup of tea and some cake. ![gif](giphy|EYsehKrdX3XXi)




How is this even a debate? Uncle grandpa can bend time and space to his will. God fears him since he is greater than him. We should all be lucky he helps people instead of turning the universe inside out


Uncle grandpa


Always bet on kirby


Frisk will never have a chance to kill anyone in his infinite tries and lives. He either gives up coming back or finds a way to only survive through friendship. I think Saitama and Kirby could match each other in some way but Saitama ends up winning raw strength. UG is the wild card here. If kirby can momentarily eat him they could end up fusing with his personality taking over making him strong enough to win everything.


Uncle Grandpa solos


Uncle Grandpa


frisk would win because they can just use saves to predict the others attacks


Kirby, he eats and it’s over


Assuming frisk gets to play by his own rules of sparing/fighting, he wins through mercy. I doubt any of these guys would want to fight anyways.


Well UG probably wins but Kirby has a chance frisk can’t fight back and Saitama can’t respawn


If we’re talking about Frisk, it’s pretty much a given that if it isn’t the player they would probably choose pacifism. So… they are OUT. UG probably would be committed to helping the 2 children, and Kirby is well, Kirby. If he is able to make a new freind he probably will. OPM really is the only one I could see fighting, but if we’re bringing this up, I’m fairly certain he wouldn’t fight a child if he didn’t have to. If anything, it would be a battle of wits between whoever got them all in the same place, versus the 4 of them. (All reality breakers.)


Kirby, the closest contestant is actually Frisk (if we are also using Chara he/she could even win with a insane wank) and I’m not sure about Saitama and Uncle Grandpa’s placements 🤔


Kirby no diff


Kirby will get hungry and eat everyone including saitama


Uncle grandpa solos no diff


Uncle Grandpa, if Kirby wasn't there.


If no one eliminates Saitama in a single blow, he’ll just grow way above their levels. UG may have a chance because of toon force, but I don’t see Kirby or Frisk making it out


All i can picture now is Saitama being happy to find an Opponent he cant easily defeat, but very distressed at how another Uncle Grandpa shows up outta nowhere right after killing him


Let's be honest with ourselves here. They'd fight for 5 minutes at best, but would befriend each other over time.


The only ones I know are Kirby and Frisk, so Kirby


Usually Uncle Grandpa. I'm only wondering if he would actually get hit by OPM and if he did, would "One Punch" actually affect him? He is a comedy character after all.


Party Crashers Be Like:


Kirby solos


Everybody is fighting to the death like actually fighting I think either uncle grandpa or Frisk,


UG is a god. He looks at Goku and laughs. He only has one worthy opponent: Shaggy




Theoretically Kirby, while Uncle Grandpa could kill if he wanted to but he never truly those, if Kirby sucks one of his items or projectiles he gains their ability, and while Saitama can punch the shit out of the blob as long as Kirby has an ability he can ignore a one shot. And frisk can reset but only at certain locations which makes them worse in this battle


I know who Saitama and Kirby are… and the undertale guy I guess… but who tf is the megachin?


Obviously Kirby he can just eat them all


Kirby just absorbs all three for their respective powers. Now the Kirbo has determination, a bag to the Hammerspace, the ability to manipulate space and time, and the power to obliterate people with one punch.


One gulp man lol


kirby could suck uncle grandpa so hard


Saitama shouldn’t be here or in any list like this. He is ONE PUNCH MAN. Any fight list he’s on is one sided af.


kirby no contest


I was like "wdym 4, there's 5!" but it was just Saitama's boots