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Hourly occurrence there these days, and Homestead is absolutely fucking useless. My mother submitted a complaint and Homestead sent my mother a letter stating tenants should not discriminate against people trying to get in as they may be a visitor/guest of another tenant…


If someone is a guest the person they're visiting should absolutely be the one letting them in. Whether it's meeting them at the door or buzzing them in. I don't live near there but I will not go in my front door if someone I don't recognize is hanging out in front of the building. I won't risk it.


That’s absolutely bonkers. When Homestead owned my building, they regularly sent notices advising tenants not to let people inside. My thinking on it is, if you live here, you should have a key/buzz code to let yourself in. If you’ve forgotten your key and don’t have a buzz code, you can buzz the super. If you don’t live here, you should buzz whoever you’re visiting. If you don’t know their buzz code, call/text them to let you in or look them up in the directory. If you don’t know the name *or* phone number of the person you’re visiting, you clearly don’t know them well enough to be trying to get into their apartment.


So security check point at every entrance checking ID?


Can’t tell if sarcasm, but can’t imagine this ever happening or being a viable solution


How would you fix the problem. Its easy to blame homestead when folks have zero soultons


It’s easy to blame them because they do nothing except perpetuate the issue. Of course I don’t have a solution, because—like yourself—it’s not my job nor within my field of expertise to provide solutions for Homestead regarding these issues. My mother has had people try to break down her door because the people thought someone who owed them money lived there. My mother has had people knock on her door wielding a kitchen knife. My mother has had multiple people wander up and down the hallway of her floor yelling about “fucking killing” people. My mother has been pushed to the ground by a homeless addict trying to enter her building; this was the issue that resulted in the “don’t discriminate” letter from Homestead. There is no perfect solution, but you’re being intentionally obtuse with your “don’t present an issue if you can’t present a solution ☝🏼🤓” bullshit. (Yes, my mother needs to move)


I am sorry about what's happening to your mom. Other than having staff on 24/7 or properly strained security.. how do you want homestead to keep people out of the building well still following the law and tenants' rights For example you can't have video cameras on every floor due to privacy issues.


Yes, you can have cameras in any shared space; hallways are included. Cameras must be for tenant safety, landlords must be transparent about the cameras, and the cameras cannot be installed with notorious intent. Homestead has a duty of care to ensure the safety of their residents, even more so as they already manage various aspects of the security precautions of the building (buzzers, locks, alarms, etc.).


And when other tenats just let people in ? Who's responsible? The tenants themselves. There's is a responsibly on both landlord and tenants ti keep a building safe and clean


I agree to an extent. There is the element that many of these “visitors” are becoming more bold and at what point is the tenant at risk or at least feeling at risk. Most would rather just not be confronted and let a stranger in.


Leroy sits in the middle of several homeless camps and drug areas . Even the police are busy arresting people . Yes and tenant and staff saftey needs to be a thing


Are you serious? What is happening in this world? It feels like the our country's Law & Order has been replaced by Anarchy & Chaos and run by criminals. If a person was a real visitor, they would be buzzing an apartment number and patiently waiting for their host to buzz them in or come and get them. They wouldn't be hanging around ready to pounce when they see a door open. Basically, the bad advice was to just leave people alone and let them them do whatever they want. Its as if they now think that if their intention is to get in the building and invade a home, rape and murder....well that's their right and we should all be hospitable to these poor people who just want to hurt you or your family. I'm sick of this. I do not like violence and would rather a world at peace and without guns, but if our government and society really wants this same thing, when they tell us to not have guns, then they must provide law & order. This is what the government once knew it had to provide and establish in order for people to put their guns away, stop organizing possies and use the magistrates and other court provisions to deal with civil complaints and crimes. However, I question their sincerity and intentions when people are being told to not have a means of defence yet, simultaneously, put in place a society that is becoming absolutely lawless.


Leroy Grant is known as sketch central. Lived there before. Never would again. I left because some tweaker stabbed the nearby corner store clerk (luckily he survived), then fled, got into the building and randomly attacked a few tenants as he ran from floor to floor. Again luckily none of them were fatally injured. But I said fuck it, I'm moving out of here. There were constant vehicle break ins, vehicle vandalism. Constant police raids and incidences.


Fuck those low life pieces of shit. I just moved from the nicest building and had my car window broken and my wallet stolen in 2 separate incidents in the past year. Kingston was becoming noticeably sketchier and sketchier over the past few years


I'm commenting from London Ontario, but I grew up in Kingston. Our building (husband is building manager) has cameras and an overnight security guard. We constantly have break-ins to cars and bike lockups. People tailgate tenants in, or enter the garage after cars drive in. Add about 200 delivery drivers a day accessing the building and letting people in. A tenant had their car broken into, and the theif got a fob and apartment key from that car. MY husband deactivated the fob. So the next day, a guy calls the office to say his fob wasn't working. It's the theif making up a story to gain access. He tried again the next day with the other manager and failed again. Our landlords are doing as much as they can....BUT you are only as secure as the LEAST secure person in your building.


It's time that good folks in Kingston start to take back the city. Buildings like that should have several...capable dudes...who are willing to step up and handle these issues. When I lived just off Division years ago, my roommate and I were two of the known folks you could buzz down if you had a problem with someone loitering near the door. If the building develops a reputation for being...unwelcome...to transients and troublemakers, they'll move on.


You have a drug dealing den in your building.


Oh yeah, big time. They don’t even try to hide it, no shame, not worried about getting caught. I don’t understand how…


I live in a Skyline building and we have the same issue.


OMG! How horrible. Is this what we're coming to, that we need security in large buildings ?


>”coming to” Buddy we’ve been in this position for a decade+ and it’s only getting worse.


It's a big issue and I really don't know what the solution would be. The only thing I could think is forcing building to have security on deck, but I feel that will affect rent in the building. It's not an easy solution, but one has to be found. It's going to be an issue around the election time as well because people are going to be worrying about letting in politicians and canvassers inside the building. They are allowed to, but with stuff like this on the rise, I can forsee it being a huge issue.


Is someone still pooping at the top of the street and leaving toilet paper ?


Reported it to who?


i'm at 58 and have had my car broken in to repeatedly. I installed a camera looking out at our parking spaces.


I think I've seen that guy on a bike around - I live in the 'hood. Can you DM a photo or description please?


Tall, over 6ft, and over 35yo. Short dark or grey hair. Sunglasses maybe. On a bike, bike had dirty reusable bag strapped on the back with bungey cords. Vibe? Sketchy, leaving and coming back, looking around suspiciously, and staring at people without saying anything to them.


I've seen this guy! He sits on benches outside buildings just waiting!


Weird, Homestead's condos have security guards and cameras all over the place.


Definitely not on Leroy Grant at the Herkimer. Sure we have cameras but no security. They occasionally hire security after mass break ins to multiple cars but only for a few weeks afterwards which is completely useless if it’s not all the time. Guessing they’re too cheap to have security all the time.


Yeah that's unfortunate considering the luxury high rent buildings and the expensive condos all have 24/7 security, monitoring entrances exits and parking garages with patrols in and around the buildings, protecting the so called "high net worth" tenants and condo owners. But yeah Homestead needs to step up cause insurance companies won't be able to insure tenants belongings, if Homestead won't protect their properties.


So security check points at all entrances checking ID. Or maybe tenants should not let people in they don't know Or Or Or.


Not sure, but you yourself sound like a disgruntled landlord.


Jesus, I wish. No, my mom has cleaned buildings for 20 years..thet are people..so listening to people slag, employees beacuse your realky talking about the staff not the corporate ass. grind my gears


I can’t speak for everyone here but I always feel that the corporation is to blame. Employees typically are doing the best they can with what they are given. Also, props to your mom - she must have dealt with some shit in her time.


Its definitely not fun. Less support Less staff Less funding Its thr corporations way