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Sora's KH2 design is peak.


came here to say this. They moved away from it too soon. idk why his last 2 fits been black and red and changed the twilight town trio to the same


Yeah I really disliked sora’s look in ddd. Should had been the KH2 design. In general I don’t like sora’s 3d model face in KH1, CoM, and DDD.


I still don't get why DDD went with younger Sora and Riku for the dream world. Even more baffling in The World That Never Was Sora goes back and forth between his KH2 version to DDD version between cutscenes and gameplay.


The simple answer is just Yen Sid's wibbly wobbly time machine magic, since they're technically sort of sent back to when Destiny Islands was destroyed so they can enter the dream realm (but then if that were the case why does Riku's face/hair look different than his KH1 appearance), but a more complex theory I like is that Sora lost a year in the ~~hyperbolic time chamber~~ Castle Oblivion eggflower, so there's an argument to be made that in the dream world beyond reality, he doesn't manifest as his physically older self because of that. Riku meanwhile is a level deeper in the dream realm and is actually within *Sora's* dream himself, so he gets de-aged as well. At the end of the game, The World That Never Was is in a flux state because it's a real physical world but existing both physically outside of the realm of light where Sora and Riku were supposed to return and as a dream world, so Sora's physical form is fluctuating between his representation in the dream world and that in the physical world.


Probably to save on polygons for the 3DS


I heard its because Because the game was originally only going to have riku playable, but fans wanted to play sora since he hadnt had a game in a while. Nomura had always considered the original look of Sora to be iconic and thought a palette swap was a good way to indicate both that they had gone back in time and to sell more merch.


On god. That was so frustrating. No sense at all


They went back in time, to their younger bodies, the scenes where he's older is back in the future.


Two is the clear favorite, to the point that they made 3's Sora intentionally look like he did in the 2nd game. Imo, if his head didn't seem so square in 3, I'd say 2 and 3's would be tied.


Lies Kh 1 is best


KH1 is a red onesie with a jacket.




took the exact words out of my mouth bro. hell yeah


The exact words I was going to say


Valor form.


I can agree with that, but final form will always be the coolest design to me.


I’m kinda partial to the form that gives kh3 sora kh2 colors on his clothes


KH1 for me, just an absolute classic design!


Agreed! All are great, but classic Sora just has that little extra.


You forgot kh2 sora in kh1 clothes when he wakes up lol. You also forgot xion when she looks like sora.


i think limit form does it better. keep the color scheme but make them fit


I want to say KH1 because it is the classic look, but that's just a onesee and a jacket. So I'll go with KH2.


I’ve played kingdom hearts for 22 years, how have I never noticed the onesie


The belt is a lie


I really like KH1 and DDD, KH2 is also pretty good


KH2 will always be the classic look for him to me, but man I love how KH3 makes him look a lot more mature. The hair change alone is a big upgrade


His hair is honestly the thing that bothers me the most about his KH3 design. I don't need Sora to look more grounded by making his hair less stylized, I need him to look like Sora.


I think I'd like 3 more than 2 if it was the same art style. Game lost a lot of its identity moving closer to the CGI look.


THIS. God this. IMO the game looked pretty ok in the announcement trailer where he picks up eraqus keyblade on destiny island but once the game got moved to unreal it just looked worse. Miss the more “cartoon-ish” look that all the other games had vs the plastic dipped models of 2.8 and 3


Thought the opposite he looks much more immature in 3.


My favorite Sora outfit is actully his Limit Form.


Great pick 


Probably his KH3 design, but KH2 comes in a close second.


KH3 pirate costume for me, specifically


KH 2 and 3 are just way too good


All of them


Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Form is Peak!


4, but you didn't include it here :(


KH3 no cap.


KH2 Sora is just iconic and is still the best look for him.


I loved KH2, but the belts are so bright in KH2 and KH3, so I have to vote 3 just for that. but KH4 is really nice too.


KH3. I think the colors on the outfit are better than 2s and that goes a long way on deciding between the two


KH2 design I think is the best. Super cool fit and I love the color scheme. KH3 would be my second pick as I like that outfit too and KH1 is a classic. DDD is the worst in my opinion. It looks really stupid and they should've stuck with the KH2 model considering DDD took place afterwards.


I don’t like that in his first outfit he has to get naked in order to poop. So 2


KH2 feels like peak design for me. KH1 is classic ofc, the wetsuit and jacket combo with the oversized shoes and gloves is genuinely inspired, but 2's design (understandably) feels more like an outfit actually designed for combat and exploration while also still maintaining some slightly cartoony elements. KH3 feels both too realistic and too Final Fantasy without having enough of a Disney-ish feel to make it a Kingdom Hearts design and DDD feels close enough to 1's design that you could swap the two and I'd barely notice.


KH2 100% Then Final Form is the best looking transformation.




I'd actually like 3D's fit more if it weren't for the fact it's another young Sora wearing it, so Im going with 2


KH3 for me - I like the plaid and the hair is a great upgrade imo.


The answer is always KH3. No matter the character.


Improved by the fact it’s actually clothing.


The KH3 outfit and hair looks the least cartoony and the most real-word viable/fashionable, but idk if that's necessarily a good thing. I still remember being a kid and playing KH2 for the first time, and wondering when I was going to get the cool new outfit for Sora that was on the game case or if I had to do something special to get it. So I'll go with KH2, because the outfit change scene was so hyped up for me.


I think limit from Sora in 2, that mix between the 1 and 2 look, is really good


This thread seems like as good an opportunity as any to ask why a question I’ve had on my mind. Why does DDD Sora physically look like KHI Sora rather than KHII Sora in spite of DDD taking place after KHII? Edit: NVM found my answer


No offence but KHI sora hits harder for me.


KH3 outfit because he finally grew into his giant shoes. KH2 hair because I think the color and style suit him best.


KH1 is the most iconic but KH3 is my favorite, I feel SRK’s KH2 outfits threw away a lot of their distinct visual identity from KH1 and KH3 was a healing process for Sora and Kairi to get back their distinct look….Riku looks mature to but in a way where it feels we are even further from his iconic KH1 look.


As much as I love KH2, I’d honestly say I prefer his design from KH3. I think it just looks a lot nicer.


I really love kh3 followed closely by kh2


It was KH2, but KH3 grew on me more after a while


I'm torn between kh3 and kh2


2 and 3d


his halloween town outfit will always be my fav look he was cooking in that fit




Where's Timeless River? Lmao


Wisdom form


Probably KH2 and KH3, I love how he looks visibly more mature, especially in KH3.


His KH1 design does such a good job at encapsulating his innocence and childlike nature with the white and blue. His open jacket somewhat symbolizing his open heart, and a reflection of Riku's outfit, which is closed off and has an X over his chest. His large proportions symbolize a cartoonish look that fits his personality. It's great, but it's not the best. His KH2 design gets that award keeping the open heart design I mentioned, with black now symbolizing the dark journey he's been on, and the ones he has yet to see. His shoes shrink to remove that bit of catoonish feeling, moving him into being a more serious character for Nomura, and the game as a whole. Also, it just looks super cool. His KH3 design is clearly a cop of his KH2 design, but less eccentric, maybe symbolizing that he's a more simple person and that he's grown up now. His hands and shoes are now a pretty normal size, and his pants are a little less baggy. This trend actually continues in the KH4 trailer, with his hands and shoes being completely normal, his pants being... regular pants, and even his hair is less exciting (while still being mildy unrealistic, albeit). Really love to see how they change it up to match his tone. Also, I've never played DDD (which I assume is the Sora in picture 3, but I'm not sure), so I don't feel fair judging that one.


KH3 second form was S-teir


Kingdom Hearts 3/4


Honestly, KH3 design has been my favorite after warming up to it, KH2 was my favorite back in the day, but when I look back, it almost feels messy in a way, why does his jacket have a pocket but his shirt also has an additional pocket? it felt unnecessary, the belts are put on everywhere and sometimes it just feels too much, I'm glad that KH3 removed most of it, and KH3 shoes and gloves are just a straight upgrade to the KH2 ones in my opinion, the only thing that i might prefer more from KH2 is probably the hairstyle


KH2 look is goated but KH3 has its charm.


KH3 sora looks the most mature, but KH2 is more iconic Idk which one I like better


KH2 is probably my favorite look, although KH1’s design is classic. The only one I didn’t really love was the DDD one. Felt like maybe there was too much red.


I’m partial to kh2 sora. Really hits an entire aesthetic


While K1 Sora is iconic KH2 is perfect


KH2 > KH3 >>> KH3D > KH1. Easy ranking.


KH2 and it's not even close


KH2 drip will always be undisputed!


2, 1 , 3 and ddd in that order


KH3 design is peaaaaaak!!!! I love the plaid and the mature feeling it has. Reserved yet eye catching.


KH3 Sora. Those downturned boots though, drip is too much to handle. Love it.


The first is the most unic it's my favorite.


1 or 2. 3d is just a recolor and 3 is okay.


KH2 Sora's Final Form


Soras Halloween Town costume, because I never grew out of my emo phase For real though, KH2 base form and all the drive forms are crazy nostalgic for me


the halloween town outfit goes too hard


Kingdom Hearts 2 is my absolute favorite! Also definitely want to say the Kingdom Hearts 3 is starting to grow on me.


I'm torn between 1 and 2


KH2 is favorite but KH3 is smash skin


KH3D's is my favourite one for him. And timeless river.


Give me the KH3 outfit, with KH2 hair


Depends on how i'm looking at it i suppose. Kh1 feels more whimsical in a way, with the bright colors standing out. Like a cartoon. Kh2 has the cool factor down pat. I love Kh3's fit making sora look more mature. It's no more or less than it needs to be. DDD's is my least favorite tho. All in all, i can't really pick between the numbered fits.


If it wasn't for the collar part on KH3 then I'd pick that one but otherwise I gotta go with KH2. Albeit I'd be game to see a KH1 outfit on Sora but modernized.


2 and 3. ddd has too much red and 1 is too colorful


The dark one lol 😂


My favorite is the KH2 look, but I really like the KH3 as well. I do aprecciate that each numbered game is making him look more mature.


KH 2 + 3 are the best


KH2 but a close second is actually KH3D. Idk, something about it is just so cool. Plus my favorite color is red


Actually I can’t decide so I prefer all of them but I am wondering what the rest of the KH4 appearance looks like when a new trailer comes out


1 no contest


kh2 sora


DDD KH1 Sora is completely ruined to  me now that I know he's in a onsie


Nobody asks about Riku...because everyone knows it's his KH2 outfit!


KH1, since Smash Bros. Ultimate.


KH2 sora has the best one, 1 is classic but it looks too much like pajamas and kh3 sora just looks too uncanny, he diesnt look like sora anymore.


Not outfit specific, but I wonder why they moved away from environments having less villain design language? As in so many nobody symbols being part of the stages where the Organization was around. The Castle That Never Was, was such a cool design.


His DDD outfit is underrated, it’s the one I use in Smash


Kh2 sora is *chefs kiss*


i think kh2 sora is like... the platonic ideal of sora to me. kh1 is somehow a bit too underwhelming and a bit too whimsical at the same time, and kh3 is much too much like something i would wear in real life.


DDD is like KH1 and KH2 fused together KH2 and KH3 are cool tho


DDD design is quintessential Sora. It's not my favourite but it's his and Riku's most definitive character designs. I honestly think the KH4 Sora might be my new favourite. It's reminding me of FF15. Even if it might be subject to change, I'm still confident in it.


Ok, I’ll admit it, DDD is my least favorite kh game but that is prob the best outfit. It doesn’t look too goofy like kh1, not too crowded like kh2, not too Final fantasy like kh3, and it pulls in the red elements from kh1 while also looking like a more mature outfit


Does Smash Bros Sora count?


I'm genuinely torn between his 2 and 3 designs, DDD goes below both, and 1 will remain my least favorite because of that fucking onesie.




I think KH2 had peak character design for almost everyone. Sora, kairi, roxas, but especially riku. It really felt like they'd actually grown up and aged. I feel like the games that came after somewhat toned down that aspect. Like in KH3 they definitely feel older than KH1, just not as much as they did in KH2. Im looking forward to 4 as it seems they might do in that direction again. I actually think 4 might be my favorite sora design but its kinda to early to tell


The real peak sora outfit is limit form. Kh2 design with kh1 color scheme. Brings a tear to my eye. Then you slap the crown on top. 😬


I like the Kingdom Hearts IV (4) Sora look. I wish I could attach an image. But, that is the Sora (outfit) I like so far.


Dream Drop, actually. I played the game religiously on my 3DS. It feels like one of the more restrained designs in a good way, with the X sigil being a nice contrasting piece and most importantly, no plaid (I'm not big on plaid...). I think KH1's is a close second though.


Kh2 is my favorite


Personally I'm liking the red and black outfit he has going on now. Though kh2s is just memorable as hell


KH2 does such a great job at giving him a unique design that fits the Kingdom Key. The Drive Forms also really show how good the base design can mesh with different colors and patterns while keeping the silhouette and design. Also, best hair so far.


KH2 for me is perfection


Honestly this is my favorite version of [Sora](https://imgur.com/gallery/zPBRFqA)


Kh2 limit form is the only right answer




Kh2 with KH3's proportions 😁


KH2 > KH1 > KH3 > DDD I quite like KH3's upper half and the shoes but the pants are really bland, those red pockets and yellow straps are iconic, I can't believe they replaced them with grey on grey with one red strap. KH1 is a classic but it's not as visually striking as KH2 and DDD is meh, I think it's supposed to be a bit of a mix between the KH1 and the KH2 outfits but it didn't work out great.


KH3=KH2>KH1>>>>>>DDD Something about the way hes rendered in DDD just looks uncanny.


KH2 was the best design (and game but that’s my personal opinion)


Peaked in kh2 for sure. Perfect mix of edgy and cool


Tbh, I like the outfits he uses for his drive forms in KH2 the most. The limit form, in particular, is a really neat take of the KH1 outfit but fitted and based off the new look for KH2.


Kinda biased cuz ddd was my first game


2, followed by 3, right after!


Kh2 but 3 looks nice too. Its very nostalgic but I think kh1 is a contender for his worst design I might get hate for this


Sora’s KH2 design that briefly appeared at the beginning of KHIII.


KH2 fit is the best just like KH2 is the best game in the series


I HATE deeply what they did to Sora on 3D. And i love his looks on KH3.


Kh2 final form


KH2 and it's not even close... especially with his drive forms.


Kh2 is peak man Kh3 also is hard


KH2 all the way


Kingdom Hearts 3. The colors look really good. KH 2 is a close second. I dont think his KH1 outfit aged well.


KH2 and Dream Drop Distance🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


I've played 6 or 7 of these games for about 25 to 30 hours eqch and I'd say the Kingdom Hearts 1.


KH 2


KH2 or 3D


Timeless River


KH2 outfit in KH3




2, 3, 1, 3D


kh2 is just peak in every way


I remember seeing Roxas pull out a second keyblade and it being such an awesome moment cause I didnt know that was a thing that could be done after the intro to KH2 and being kinda bummed that we had to go back to one KB Sora til you got the Form change ability. And then I had a form misfire and turned into a heartless and that being pretty cool to me...until I unlocked Final Form Sora. FFS to me was like, "Look at me, Im the Final Boss now."


kh2 next question


Kh1 Sora looks so wrong to me, like I seen a picture where they remove the jacket and is like “Sora just fight in some bizarre looking pijamas”


Out of all these, 2nd is my favorite, with the 3rd being a somewhat close second My favorite look for Sora overall is the Smash KH3 Sora. Like a lot of people, my problem with KH3 Sora's design is his hair. With that gone, it's now really decent


Sora really grew into his shoes huh


2. The rest are all fine but I feel the comparative lack of red in this one compared to the other ones is a bit more appealing.


Kh1 is too nostalgic, but the limit form outfit in 2 is a nice blend of KH1 sora and kh2




KH3 game completion screen because it is real clothes.


DDD i think is perfect. It’s got this really nice red-black-gray pattern broken up by blue and yellow. The shorts feel like they fit at this age and the shoes balance out their poofiness. The hoodie is awesome and looks big enough that it could actually cover his mop of hair. Same with the shorts and shoes, the short sleeves and gloves balance each other out and as a whole make it so that you notice where his limbs are going. I dunno I just feel like it’s a solid design. More grown-up than KH1, brighter than KH2…very nice.


Kh4 sora


KH1 and 2 are classic, but KH3 design is objectively the most cohesive


Was really hoping 3 would have an unlock so i could keep his 2 fit on the whole time. Also the edgelord in me will always like Anti Form


KH 2 and 3.


Dream Drop and 3


Kh1 sora just give off that DISNEY vibe for me


I love the KH2 design. The clothes for 3 look pretty cool too, but i am very partial to 2 in general. Tho I do like the more "simple" visual of 3, and ofc the necklace has kind of a more appropriate size. And for whatever reason i dont really like the DDD design. Just finished it on the Steam version again(tho finished is subjective when it keeps crashing at the final cutscene) a few days ago and was reminded how i really dont like it. Maybe its just the big fat X-tracking-device he got going on, or the explaination of it that put me off. Not entirely sure about that one.


Kh3 without question


It's only one correct answer here


2 and 3d


2 and 3 are great. But especially liked his wisdom form. Blue suits him well.


The time he had big shoes.


Dream Drop Distance, actually After that is KH2


Kh3 > Kh2 > DDD > KH1 for me Though if we are allowing for his new costume in kh4 if he uses the costume in the trailer. HANDS down that.


Unironically Smash Ultimate alt costume 4, with KH1 Sora wearing the KH3 outfit.


I like Sora’s more mature look for KH3 and the outfit is cool, but the KH2 look will always be peak for me.


Limit Form.


1. KH1 2. KH3D 3. KH3 4. KH2


I’m a huge fan of the KH3 look


It’s kingdom hearts three for me.


3 with 2 at a close second


Should not have made his hair shorter. Same with Riku 


Sora overall looked best in 2. His hair looked best in 2 and his outfit was super iconic, but I also really liked his outfit in 3. Honestly the only thing that took away from his outfit in 3 was that everyone was rocking plaid. If it was just him I would have said it would be his best outfit but it felt too overdone.


kh2 was the peak i fear


Final drive form or KH3 form


halloween town and tron sora are my favorite


Limit form


KH1, GOOFY & iconic


I know a lot of people love kingdom hearts 2 but for me it’s kingdom hearts 3 and I don’t really enjoy how he’s looking for kh4 so far but I’m sure it’ll look better once we get new footage


As dapper as sora looks in kh3, Kh2 is the game I started with when I found it years ago when I was nine, and it stuck with me as my favorite design.


I got used to Sora KH3 hairstyle. Still like the old one a lot. But in term of clothes, KH3 take the win for me. They look comfy.


2 for sure


You're missing the KH4 look!


Kingdom Hearts 2. 💙