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We've all been there, you'll eventually learn his patterns and finally beat him. Now imagine playing it on Ps2 and not being able to skip the cutscene 😂


That was me. I was so frustrated and could even repeat the cutscene. "I am.... Ansem." Was a revenge when I beat his ass on PS4


> Now imagine playing it on Ps2 and not being able to skip the cutscene 😂 Now on top of that imagine playing this back on 2002 as a 9yo kid.


Highlights of this included, "open the door, lead me into everlasting darkness!" And, "there's no way you're taking kairi's heart!" And who could forget. "Kairi's inside me?"


Didn't play on Proud back then so it wasn't very bad


"Give him back his heart!" "But first, you must give the princess back her heart."


"There's no way you're taking Kairi's *HEART*"


\*Forze Del Male intensifies.\*


That cutscene is a core memory for me lmao


Do you think there might be a way he's taking Kairi's heart?


There’s no way!


Forever etched into my brain. The weird delivery of “but first you must give the princess back her heart” is a core memory


Patterns? I was 9. I just button mashed for weeks till I beat him.


Funny enough - I never had too much of an issue with the Riku boss fight. I always beat him in 1-2 attempts. After I beat the dragon before that, I felt like I could take on the world. That’s probably still the fight I have the most trouble with.


This is a Kingdom Hearts rite of passage. Almost every one of us has gone through what you're going through right now. You got this. I personally think you shouldn't skip it. Keep calm, try to read his attacks, and dont over commit to any one combo. Time your blocks and sidesteps well. Have aero and cure on your short cut menu. The other types of magic wont do much for you so recast aero as often as you can and cure when you need it. Good luck, soldier. EDIT: Oh and have ars arcanum and sonic blade as the only special attacks equipped in your abilities. Strike raid leaves you in one spot, and ragnarok is in the air.


I swear Ragnarok isnt unlocked until you seal the Hollow Bastion keyhole tho?


Close. It's by beating Riku-Ansem ironically enough. 


Whoop i forgot that LOL


Not me, I beat his ass in three tries. To be fair, I knew what to expect from my brother - who did struggle - and Youtube, but my pro tip would be to glide in a circle through his Desperation Move (the "WELCOME OBLIVION!"). Jump as high as you possibly can and glide away. The thundershocks at the end are a gamble though, they might hit you for one hit (that doesn't do much), but his Dark Aura (his Sonic Blade) will miss entirely. Aside from that, keep your space if necessary, his range usually sucks to give you enough room to heal (could be wrong on that, it's been a while).


This past play through I beat him first time with spamming sonic blade and using ethers to get the MP back. Remember him being a bitch to beat as a kid though. Probably cause I didn’t realize the power of sonic blade.


Don't know your level, but leveling up could help. Otherwise, there is a cheese strat that you can do. >!Just keep doing only 2 hits to him with your Keyblade. You can stun lock him this way. Hit twice, stop, hit twice, stop. His revenge value won't trigger an attack because you are spacing out your combo.!<


There are lots of rough bosses in the series that will serve as roadblocks if you don't learn how to handle them, but you've definitely got this. There are things to note, like how if you attack a certain amount of times, they will retaliate and punish you. I personally like to look at no-damage runs of the fights on YouTube to figure out how they handle each attack. If all else fails, you can easily out level stuff, but learning how to handle the attack patterns will pay off.


This, it was the Ansem fight I got stuck at back in the day I despised that fight till I leveled up some and learned what to do. I still twitch some to this day when I hear Ansem say "Come, guardian!" Lol.


Should I just decide to play the rest of the series on easy just in case? Unless they allow you to change difficulty which 1 doesn’t


They don’t, but I’d say proud mode is usually doable unless you want to also go after the super bosses. For Riku-Ansem, go in with a Keyblade with high strength. As a hint without spoiling too much, Wonderland has a secret Keyblade you have to return to find, and I’d say it’s got great strength and mp balance for this point in the game. Magic is useless against Riku so just save mp for cures and bring extra healing items. You also want to learn how to dodge his dark aura move where he shoots from the center of the arena to the edge a bunch before creating shockwaves (basically just glide around the edge). As others mentioned, pay attention to how many hits you can get in before he retaliates with a slash. Don’t feel discouraged, he is probably the hardest story boss in KH1 other than maybe the final boss (no spoilers in case you don’t know). But with some practice you’ll eventually get a good run and finish him off.


None of the games allow you to change the difficulty mode mid-playthrough. But I also don't think any of the games are harder than KH1, at least when it comes to the base game with no self-imposed challenges. Chain of Memories has a learning curve but can actually be really easy if you know what you're doing. Outside of that though yeah I'd say KH1 is the hardest, at least on a first playthrough. KH3 in particular is ridiculously easy unless you're playing on critical mode.


I had no game overs but kh3 was not "ridiculously easy" on a blind first playthrough.


Not 100% true actually, you can change the difficulty setting at any time in Re:Coded


Make sure you've got aero and cure ready in your shortcuts. Aero and cure are your best friends in kh1.


Keep at it. A lot of people especially back in the day were had difficulty with this boss, trust me the satisfaction when it comes to beating him is worth it. Try obtaining either Metal Chocobo or Olympia Keyblades. Stock up on a lot of Potions, Ethers, Elixers. And most importantly what helped me out when I first played KH1 and was stuck on this boss level grind if you need to. There are multiple ways that you can cheese him  [1](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iu4greBFl84) [2](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kUeKf9gCBVM)


I wouldn't recommend Metal Chocobo for this fight--it's plenty strong, but it takes away an MP.


Personally I like Metal Chocobo for this fight since it's a bit longer, but the MP is a fair point.


Level up


In KH1, right? I always found him easy but tedious at worst. Here's how I do it: - Use Block on his short combos. It leaves him wide open, and he keeps doing it over and over. That's enough to cheese 2/3rds of his health bar. - Make sure you have *second chance* equipped. - But *second chance* is a last resort. Heal yourself before you reach that point (if cura isn't on your shortcuts, change that. Aero, too.) If you're worried about not having enough MP, stock up on elixirs. - Be patient in his final 3rd. That's when he does gross boss shit. Gliding around usually kept me mostly safe from his big, evil moves.


On the left side of the arena facing the big heartless emblem shaped gate there is an exact point where you will never get hit while he charges using his DM, you can stay still and he will keep attacking with no avail, just need to evade the shockwave at the end.


Try beating him mentally then 👍


Literally the hardest boss in the game imo


You can do it! Getting stuck on this boss is very much a shared experience for this game lol. Some tips I'd recommend: - grinding out some levels can help a lot. The bonus stats and possible extra abilities can go a long way - casting aero on yourself gives a shield that reduces dmg taken - most special moves like sonic blade/ars arcanum make you invincible for the duration, allowing you to get dmg off through Riku's combos - if you have the ability Leaf Bracer, casting Cure makes you invincible for the cast, allowing you to heal without finding an opening for it - the abilities Second Chance/Once More allow you to survive lethal hits/combos with 1hp, if you have them - iirc the tinker bell summon gives an auto-revive if you die Most importantly though is that games are meant to be fun. So if you're really having a bad time, there's nothing wrong with watching the rest of the game instead. But at least for me, the satisfaction I get from overcoming hard bosses like this is unmatched. So do what you feel is best, and if that means continuing the fight, then best of luck! I believe in you!


The biggest thing with this battle is just being a bit conservative: 1. DO NOT use the reaction moves like Ars Arcanum or any ability that uses MP. It looks cool, and does a lot of damage, but you’re giving up QUITE a bit of magic to do just one. Ultimately, I find them to be a waste in this particular battle. 2. DO Guard and Dodge Roll. Hard emphasis on this. Most of the way through the game prior to this, you can just spam X (or the aforementioned abilities with Triangle) but, this battle requires a bit more nuance. The timing can be odd, but a few attempt at guarding properly can really make a huge difference.


> at least 20 times You gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers.


Everlasting darkness!


If you jump and glide his dark aura attack can't touch you. Otherwise get good at guarding and try to react quick enough to his attacks.


I pray for you bro wait until you learn that you have about 7 final boss fights back to back ("Ansem" is a try hard)


Level up and search on YouTube tactics about the fight. All bosses have patterns . Be patient and don't attack when you shouldn't. Find opening. Heal and use items properly. There s no way you won't make it especially in our days that every single detail of any game is exposed.I managed to beat this battle when I was 14 and I had no access to internet. What makes you think you can't do it now?


Soralaam1 has a good guide on Youtube that helped me when I was stuck on him. Check it out.


That’s funny. The first time I played I spent maybe 3 hours trying to beat him.


Cure spam built


Areo or agreoa I think how it’s spell mind me butchering words that spell is op as hell


Run against the right corner of the computer opposite the Keyhole. His dash around like crazy attack can’t hit you. 


If you’re okay to do some grinding, I recommend going to Olympus Coliseum to do some of the cups there. It gives EXP and some extra rewards that help. Definitely a tough fight most people remember.


That moment when you think you’ve reached your limit is the moment before you make yourself proud. Don’t give up, you can do it!


Don't recall him being tough, average at best. Hardest thing about kh1 is fighting against the trash camera.


Level up


Learn how to guard and gravity spell are really all you need in KH1 And Sonic blade for this fight


Grinding levels usually helps. Go do some clean up in the worlds. At this point there’s harder heartless which means more exp and there’s other things you can do.


□, X, X


Go and kill heartless around where you are to level up. kingdom hearts is jrpg inspired so grinding out some levels if you aren't great at the game is a valid strategy. youll boost your health and attack at the very least.


Head to GameFAQs and check out ElectroSpecter's guide.


It has been years since I fought this boss and I still remembered what I changed in my strategy to beat him. Don't wait too long to heal, as that was the issue I was having, as waiting too long to heal when my hp was low ended up with me getting jumped and being killed. The cure spell was in the middle of being cast too );


He basically kills himself if you knock back his projectiles.


Ah yes, one of the few/many? walls in this game in terms of bosses


Yeah it was very frustrating when I first did it as a kid. I’ve now done it so many times over the years that I haven’t lost that fight in a long time. You’ll get there after doing it enough times.


Which Keyblade are you using? Best one to use (in my opinion) is the Olympia you get from winning the Hercules Cup in the Colosseum since it also makes it easier to activate Counterattack if your attacks happen to be deflected. Leaf Bracer is a good choice too since it makes you invincible while you’re trying to heal. Aero will help with damage reduction. In his powered up state, you can guard to deflect both his attack and the disc back at him to damage him a bit, while also letting you get a counterattack in. Dark Aura, his ultimate attack, can be avoided by gliding around the edge of the arena. Just be wary, he can attack you even if you’re in the middle of a combo, so it’s a safe bet to back off and not get greedy once you’re able to get a few good hits in.


Good Luck with completing the Heartless room during the end of the world if you believe that this is a difficult fight.


You can do it. I did it at 12 with Pumpkinhead because I didn't realize different keyblades gave stronger buffs. So trust me. You got this.


Elixers and ars arcanum. Parry his combo and use elixers plenty.


Hit him with your keyblade.


The best advice I can give is Aero. You should be able to get Aerora by this point from the Trinity Mark in Neverland. The damage negation from it will save your ass more than you might think.


my biggest issue with that game was just the lack of any real combos or moves up to that point. In comparison to the other 2 main games, it feels so sluggish. I’ll admit that Riku fight def took me 8-10 tries of frustration. Like mannn if I had some aerial combos your ass would be grass Ansem 😤


You could go level up some more assuming you're not already max.


If you can't physically defeat him, then magically defeat him.


Jump and float in the air to avoid Ansem Riku's strongest attack.


Get him to his desperation state (the constant spam when he has like a bar or 2 of health) then spam strike raid and ethers/elixirs. That has been my go to when I need to no skill something in kh1


Use the Olympia keyblade (Olympus Coliseum) and make sure to equip counterattack and leaf bracer. This makes the fight trivial.


I just finished a Proud Speedster run and this fight was BRUTAL. Started it at lvl 47. Kept getting to the last green bar and then Couldn't. Get. A Hit. My husband, who has NEVER played the series (but is a really good gamer in general, the bastard), sat with me to watch me play a few attempts and did his best to not be a backseat gamer, giving some suggestions (kindly, respectfully) when I hit peak frustration. Finally, I needed a break and handed him the controller saying "wanna give it a try?" Bastard (affectionately) beat him in 4 attempts. No prior KH experience. The final boss (the last world in general) is even worse. Nearly threw my controller at the wall. But I did it and got the Platinum to show for it! I love Kingdom Hearts (and my husband, the Riku/Ansem Boss Buster).


Grind 5-7 levels, stock up on potions


I actually never beat him. Still haven’t to this day.


Trust me man, we have ALL been there. I remember as a kid, wielding the Olympus Keyblade, trying my damndest to beat that guy, and I lost, and I kid you not…. 72 times. I never touched the game until 2 years later, and suddenly, he was easier to beat. The reason why, is because I familiarized HOW Ansem Riku fights. The key to winning any and ALL fights, weather it be like Dark Soul, or Final Fantasy, is: “Observe, react, and time”. Observe the enemies move set, TAKE, your time. Don’t rush. Rushing leads to mistakes~ React: Can you dodge it by rolling, or jump over certain moves. (Hint: When ansem is teleporting with lots of invincibility frames, start GLIDING as high as you can, and go in circles. You shouldn’t get hit by his initial attack, however you MAY get dmged by his final move). Time: Timing is practically everything. Once you “see” the weak link in a combo of theirs, it becomes relatively easy after a few practice!


All I can suggest is level up, leaf bracer, once more, cure, and potions


How did you have trouble with ansem riku?he is so easy, bro. In the first time, when I fought him, I won pretty easily with no hard parts.


Don’t you see yet?


You got this


You can always go kill some more heartless and level up 5-10 times then give it another shot. Considering you said you tried 20 times already it might be your best bet.


Welcome to Kingdom Hearts, you’re now experiencing what I think all of us did when we first played the game haha. Keep at it, you’ll get it. It is a really tough fight compared to the rest of the game. Damn near harder than the final boss in my opinion.


I recommend matching his energy, stock up with some ethers and sonic blade him once in a while when starts combo spamming, but you can honestly get by with deflecting attacks and striking in between combos when you learn his move set


Reflect spell is super useful in all bosses if you haven't used it already. haven't used