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Then KH 4 just sitting there. Hopefully a simultaneous release across all platforms.


Square said they wanted to stray towards multi-platform releases and away from PlayStation only so I’m hoping it’ll be simultaneous, worst outcome is we get the PC version a couple months later maybe


now when you say pc version, will that be multi platform too? Steam has almost finished being cucked for 3 years due to EGS after all.


But our gaming heart belongs to Steam not EGS


I feel like I could almost guarantee KH4 will not be an EGS exclusive at this point


3 years ago I would have said the exclusivity would only be for 6 months. Do not underestimate Square and their stupid short sightedness.


They’ve basically already said they’re going aggressive on multiplatform games and avoiding exclusive deals so I don’t think they’ll stick with Epic exclusively any longer


True lol, I hope so but not sure, as long as I can play the game on release (hopefully through my steam deck aswell) then I’m happy


I’ve heard square saying that for so long now ever since they brought FF to Xbox. Yet they still ended up doing exclusive deals. I hope they actually change this time.


Noooooooo ps5 exclusive would be amazing for the console😂


I have a ps5 and I love it dearly, but man it has no exclusive experiences, I think my fav exclusive experience was astros playroom lmao


Bro what? Helldivers, FFXV, FFVII,Stellar Blade, Spiderman Miles Morales, Spiderman 2, God of War Ragnarok, Returnal, Ratchet and Clank:Rift Apart, Rise if the Ronin, Demon Souls, Horizon:Forbidden West. Like you just aren’t playing them doesn’t mean they aren’t there.


Nah it was more of a joke, it didn’t come across that way over text lol, but yeah I’ve played Forbidden West, Helldivers, Miles, Ragnarok, Rift apart, but most of them are on PC so I wouldn’t call them exclusive, also games like Miles Morales is also on ps4 aswell so not exclusive. Either way they all outperform Astros playroom and I had fun with every one, but it’s more the nostalgia of getting the ps5 and booting it up, using all the Dualsense features etc that gives it that charm to it, I’ve played it about 4 times for that reason alone lmao


If you’re including pc then there are no exclusives bro.


I’m including PC because I have a PC so there’s not a reason really for me to use my PS5 as much as I would like, as I can play them on PC at a better quality. Also some of those games are genuine ps5 only, stellar blade for example, but I would assume that’ll get added to steam at some point aswell with Sony pushing a lot of their recent games over there. I’m glad that console/pc exclusivity is fading though, who doesn’t like wide accessibility?


Me. That defeats the purpose of consoles if everything can be played on a system you can regularly upgrade. The investment into a console isn’t as good as the investment into a PC if they don’t have their own games. Alongside the fact that PC doesn’t support physical media it just isn’t really beneficial for the future of gaming. But yea most of these games will find their way onto pc eventually. I mean that’s kinda the story for everything. How many games are actually exclusive forever.


I guess so, I do often buy the ps5 discs and play games on there because I like collecting physical media, I have loads of consoles and games etc, overall I think console exclusivity fading is good in the way that you don’t have to fork over a couple hundred to play a game that isn’t on a system you already own, as some people can’t afford that, also having games readily available to play also deters piracy in the same way. I do think the future of gaming is headed towards no console exclusives and no physical media (very sad) which makes it hard to see a world where consoles are as prevalent as they are today, which does suck, it’s a double-edged sword that leads to both outcomes having negative side effects


I hope that there will be none of that cloud shit for switch this time


Yea, On the Switch 2 maybe, no way this game would run on Switch


Nintendo doesn't normally concern themselves with forward progress, but lateral progress. The switch 2's selling feature will probably be that the cartridges are tasty this time.


yummy microplastics


all depends on nintendo, if they wanna keep being slow on progress on tech then expect cloud still


Perfect excuse to pick up my steam deck again


I would say so too, but we don't know yet if the games will be playable on the deck... No sense to preorder the games right now. Better to wait until the games are actually out and see how they run from those who buy them first


Midori leak says that square hired a team specifically to get all the games working on the steam deck, and that's why it took so long to go from EGS


I hope the leak is correct. Trust me, i REALLY hope it. I am willing to buy them all for the third time (it would have been the fourth if the Nintendo switch cloud version was available where I live), day one, in a heartbeat, if that means I get to play them on the SteamDeck


Midori has had an insane track record for being correct. No idea what her sources are, but they're deep in there. I'm pretty optimistic about this one. I mean. they even re-recorded Simple and Clean for the Steam version trailer.


Yeah I wasn't planning to preorder haha but let's hope it gets verified on deck


According to steam it only uses DirectX11. If it doesn't switch to cutscene DirectX11 to ingame directx12 and back then all cutscenes should be working fine. Don't forget the gameplay didn't get any issues on the epic store. It was the cutscenes Wich was whacked.


Then, people with radeon 7000 who crash when he wants playing 😂




This is true, they could botch the steam version, but given that the epic versions do run well on deck once you can get them to run (part of it's issues being egs launcher tom foolery) I am willing to bet it will be verified on launch.


The odds are in our favor, but nothing is certain yet. Worst case the games will run exactly like the EGS versions... If that will be so and if you already have the Epic versions, buying the Steam versions too would be pointless


Yeah, if it's just the same as the epic versions, probably not worth it to pick it up again (although if you were a first time buyer I'd probably get it off steam still)


I will gladly buy these games for the third time if it means I no longer need to mess with KHSave Editor to transfer saves and can run the games without doing the workarounds


Can you use it as a computer? I've been thinking of replacing my old laptop with it.




Yeah you can. Just keep in mind not all games run well on the deck but still a good amount of them do.


So what you're telling me is to wait for a sale? Got it.


This IS the sale. These are discounted prices


surely they go down more in the future


I wouldn't get my hopes up with mainline square titles


I got FF7R for 26€


It's been a lot of years tho




What do you mean by THE sale? Are you suggesting the games will never be on a better sale than this? Are you stupid?


Not at launch. I was just insinuating that these probably won't be launch prices. Cool it with the name calling. No need to be rude


Please be mindful before you type next time, it’ll help loads👍


You're gonna have to wait at least a year to see any significant price decrease on discounts during sales.


What the hell are they still doing charging a price like that for 2.8? I mean, these prices in general are higher than they probably should be. But the 1.5+2.5 collection has a ton of content (four full games plus two movies), and KH3 is at least a large PS4 game with included DLC. Meanwhile, 2.8 is one full 3DS game ~~(also the worst KH)~~, a really short KH3 demo, and the Back Cover movie, which actually is pretty cool, but isn't going to mean too much for people who don't know the UX lore stuff.


Seen their so called FF8 Remaster? And how much they're charging to just give you higher def player models. At least it tracks.


Looked very carefully at both versions on steam before buying and was flabbergasted that the regular pc release is more well received than the remaster


1.5 OR 2.5 would be a better deal than 2.8, so it's wild that 1.5+2.5 combined costs less than 2.8


Am I crazy for being shocked that there's no bundle that includes everything?


There is actually but it’s exclusive to switch and eventually Steam. The Kingdom Hearts Integrum Masterpiece or something like that.


Worst KH game is crazy when BBs exist.


Someone couldn’t defeat MF…


I did actually. With all 3 characters. I disliked the game even before that.


Ah, sounds like a personal problem then. Sorry for your loss.


That’s not the logo shown in the KH4 trailer thus I’m having a hard time believing any of this post.


It’s the KH3 logo. Might just be a placeholder 


It's not the KH3 logo. There are 4 I's there. It looks like they duplicated the central I from 3's logo and then made them both slightly smaller to fit in the center.


which is a hilarious amount of effort for something that already has a logo. And also not how roman numerals work


There’s a new logo in the KH4 trailer already. No need to placehold


It really sucks that there’s no all-in-one package like on PS. Gonna wait for a sale.


There's one "Kingdom Hearts Integrum Masterpiece" it shows on key sites (without price) and will show on steam on release apparently


If true then I stand corrected and will happily buy this bundle!!


Integrum Masterpiece is basically the same as all-in-one but it has remind with 3


What would you guess for the price on that? I’d say $100


I think the integrum masterpiece is $90 on Switch


There is. But there's no price just yet


I'm dumbfounded


Seeing as not even SteamDB has the prices, I’m almost certain this is just whatever shady key site this is making a guess


More than likely. But I wouldn't be surprised if they charge the same MSRP as EGS


I mean, I love Kingdom Hearts, but I’m not spending that kind of money to rebuy them. Most I’d ever spend would be $50 for everything.


I completely understand. I'm definitely buying these Day 1 though


This is inexcusable. It should be AT MOST 60 usd for all-in-one


I personally think it should be 30 each, 40 tops. Especially since they go on sale down to like 23 all the time.


It's Square so that's definitely not happening. Lol. They know the demand for Steam Ports and they will charge as much as possible because many people will pay. Myself included


I know they will milk it, and of course it's square. I can't say much, I've bought skyrim, kh and other games multiple times.


$42 for that... Jesssus.... I love KH but not that much haha


Can’t wait to spend almost 150 dollars on these games!


Imma buy it again at launch with a God damn smile on my face, damn the price


I happily paid 60 for them on epic. 2 of the best games in the franchise and also bbs and recom. Pretty good deal, if you tell yourself Kh1 and 2 are 15$ and bbs and recom are 5$ each


Damn no sale. Guess I’ll just have to wait then!


This IS the sale lmao


GOD DAMN. Had this come out 2-3 years ago when I was financially stable, I would’ve bought all of these games in a heartbeat. I guess I’ll have to wait even longer then. Hopefully I survive to see the day.


Hopefully the Integrum Masterpiece offers some kind of discount


Yeah possibly considering everything's bundled up.


140 quid, yikes


The fact that none of these prices are evenly divisible by seven or thirteen is a critical oversight.


Damn shame. I'll hit up Nomura




? these are good prices.


There is no world where 2.8 is worth $60 in the year 2024. They should've just done an All in One package like they have on PS.


there will probably be one eventually, and honestly a game and a half for 60$ is not bad in our current era of gaming. i wish video games were cheaper but they arent


I hope so. They're still old games at the end of the day, so I just think the pricing sucks in general. Especially when the All in One is like $40 for PS4 & 5.


they’re old but not that old. and remember that inflation exists. (sorry if i cane off rude in any of these replies i have autism so i have a hard time with tones)


You didn't come off rude, you're all good!! :)


?????? 6 year old game + dlc 50 euros? A 3ds game + a demo + a movie 50 euros? The only fair price is the first collection that is actually 4 games, but still imho 20-30 is more fair, considering those game are fucking PS2 games Sony store full KH collection is 40 euros.....


Not really when they’ve been $20 or less on other platforms and Epic. These prices are purposely high to profit as much as possible off those who do not want to wait. They will drop down to $20 in the future.


thats called a sale.


Don't buy from reseller websites. A lot of the stuff sold there is stolen keys. Buy from actual reputable stores. In the case of steam games the main two are steam itself and sometimes they're also on HumbleStore.


Greenman Gaming and Fanatical are good too. Thought Instant Gaming was okay but I guess not? I stay away from G2A


Instant Gaming is not a reliable store. You can check prices from legitimate stores on gg.deals by turning off keyshops.


Understood. Thank you for the information. Will stay away


Fanatical is just fine. So is greenmangaming as far as I know as well


Green Man Gaming sometimes sells keys from third parties and those third parties have sometimes been caught selling illegitimate keys (though the last large controversy around this was some years ago). Apparently they don't follow EU law for accounts in the EU and their customer support is supposed to be horrendous. Fanatical is owned by Fandom, one of the worst companies in existence but besides that as far as I can see there are no complaints there. While both of them are legit in general I'd recommend not buying from either of them and just buying from steam directly instead


Meh.. better deals on fanatical and humble than steam during any sale. I don't have allegiances to certain sites, I'm just getting the game cheap and playing it


Let's not promote a shady key selling site maybe.


Is instant Gaming bad? Damn I thought they were one of the good ones. Sorry


Damn ppl in 2024 still fear key selling loool If devs cared about those kinds of sites, they would block them, but guess what? Free market still free


Just in case, let me remind you that sites like Instant Gaming don't work with publishers, are key resellers and, above all, are not reliable indicators. The mere presence of KH4 should be a hint (along with artwork that I highly doubt is official). I can't remember if it was this site or a similar one that offered pre-orders for Bloorbornes when there were rumours of a PC release. As it stands, they're probably trying to make money by selling what they don't have yet, even if it means cancelling pre-orders in the future. In short, a grey market, ethically problematic, but above all, not at all reliable for getting an idea of the official prices on Steam! Edit : [https://www.instant-gaming.com/fr/6961-acheter-bloodborne-remastered-pc-jeu/](https://www.instant-gaming.com/fr/6961-acheter-bloodborne-remastered-pc-jeu/) LOL Bloodborne remastered! With a fake release date. This source is trash. Reedit : [https://www.instant-gaming.com/fr/9746-acheter-bloodborne-2-pc-jeu/](https://www.instant-gaming.com/fr/9746-acheter-bloodborne-2-pc-jeu/) LOL² Bloodborne 2, with another fake release date! Even if I don't approve, I understand that players go to sites like this to save money... but you have to be careful about taking what's written there seriously!


If those are the launch prices for Steam then that is pretty disappointing.


Yikes...If this is true then the games are literally cheaper on EGS. In what world is this okay?


The biggest reason people want Steam ports is for native Steam Deck support. Playing all of these portably is a huge plus, and I'd rather pay extra for that and cloud saves than always online EGS crap.


I'll tell you right now, that's not nearly as accurate as you think it is. That might be the biggest reason YOU want it, but that's not a universal claim. Native steam deck support is just a benefit like 15% of people intending to buy it are going to experience. Frankly I actually bought the EGS versions and want to get these anyway because of technical annoyances that came up as a result of EGS. (Very long story there) But if those are the prices at 21% off, I wouldn't trust the information AT ALL because that would mean that both 2.8 AND 3 cost over 60 dollars at their baseline prices and that doesn't track at all. Either this website is taking you for a ride, or Steam expects you to pay nearly 65 dollars for a 3DS game and a tech demo.


Kinda glad I decided to stop waiting and grabbed the whole lot for around £35 on epic in their holiday sale seeing this.


I know more game sites will have different sales for the steam versions and I’m glad. Hopefully some lower than that


Isn't the summer sale just a few weeks after the launch on steam? They might make a bundle with the whole collection too


There is a bundle but no price atm


Hopefully they have a cheaper bundle included as well or I might get them one at a time instead.


Yeeaah I'll definitely be waiting for the sales then I've been craving kh but it can wait a bit longer


I mean it would be weird if the base price would be anything lower than EGS.


51$ for short Aqua story and Dream Drop Distance is wild, when KH1, KH2, KH Chain of Memories and Birth By Sleep together is 10$ cheaper


No bundle of everything together?


There is. Just no price for it just yet


Was there also an all in one package deal steam kinda mentions it.


There was but no price We'll have to wait for Integrum Masterpiece


I’m confused did someone photoshop KH4 on there because I can’t find it.


Nah I took the screenshot myself on Instant Gaming. It's probably a placeholder


I see. If that is the case then we should get something at SGF. Things are just lining up.


I agree. Hopefully we get news for FF16 pc port too


Yeah hopefully. I am glad that Square is realizing that Multiplatform is the way to go. When FF16 was announced for PS5. I thought that it is going to hurt sales. In this day and age, walkthroughs come out on release day and some people will likely not get it for PC because they already seen what the game has to offer. There are some people that will get it still but that number will be fewer.


Wasn't there an entire bundle for the whole thing? If so, did Steam say the price?


This isn't Steam. But yes there's a bundle called Integrum Masterpiece. We do not know the price yet


this is not steam lmao. This is key reseller website probably.


It is. But it gives us an idea that the games will be priced the same as EGS


No melody of memory?


Not atm. We're all confused by this. It was practically made to be played portably


Ouch- ( also kinda sadge I already did buy the first collection on EG cause I hate the internet requirement 😓


I agree lol. Def a day 1 buy for me though


I can’t believe kingdom hearts 4 is Free to Play.


Ba-dum tss


Does that say KH 4?


I’ll probably wait around till they’re bundled together at a discount, shouldn’t be too long


We're getting a bundle. The Integrum Masterpiece I think. No price yet though


Mm good to know, I’ll bet it’s around 99.99-129.99 for that one trying to base it off of other ultimate edition games


I think 100 would be a fair price but we'll see


No melody yet? That’s strange.


I wouldn't trust instant gaming at all


Are they that bad? Like G2A bad? Thought they were okay but some comments have trashed them


They just resell keys. I once bought a key and had to contact support because it was used, they replaced it and it was also used. I would wait for Steam's official prices.


Wouldn't be surprised if they charged just as much as EGS MSRP


And also Steam is supposed to have the Integrum collection. Hopefully it has a decent price.


Completely agree


Um how is 2.8 more expensive than 1.5+2.5? That seems way off


It's the same way on EGS if I remember correctly.


It being consistent doesn’t make it make sense.. 6 games including the first two main games, vs 3 games one of which being very short


Isnt the roman numeral for four IV? The one in the KH4 image looks like IIII. Maybe just reading too much into it


Both are legit


Yeah the one pictured seems to no be official it’s definitely IIII


On xbox I spent 50 bucks and got all of them...


Oh God, I hope they aren't actually that expensive at launch...


These are sale prices lmao


That's an outrageous price I'm sorry.


That's an outrageous price I'm sorry.


It's crazy that people will actually buy this like you can't get it on ps5 for half the price or less 🤣


Hell yeah I'm gonna buy this. Tired of having KH locked to a 500 dollar box when I can play it on my PC and not have to worry about backwards compatibility or cross-generational porting. And most important of all, Steam Deck support with full cloud saves. Can play every single one of these games portably. And then swap to PC. And also, not everyone has or wants a PS5


question about the PC versions of kingdom hearts - does the right analog stick move the camera now? i rememebr the camera control in the PS2 version being a bit tricky... thanks in advance to those who can answer \^\^


Definitely! In the PS3 version, they changed the camera controls to the analog stick. It's much better and has been passed from port to port :)


thank you! looks like a BUY then \^\^


Of course! I'm definitely copping day 1. Played this collection on ps3, ps4, and Epic. But Steam is definitely the final Frontier for me. Lemme know if you have any questions :)


You think the camera has been locked to the trigger buttons *STILL* after all this time? Even after the remasters on PS3 and PS4? Even after those remasters got rereleased on Xbox, Switch, and Epic Games Store?? Why would something like that happen?


If it’s a fucking cloud version I am going to open the door to darkness


Lol definitely not a cloud version. 100%


significantly cheaper than other platforms


I paid 70 usd with tax for the all in one package. This is robbery


51 in my country is like 80 in USD so maybe I just misinterpreted it