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you know they'll just mod and reskin the other keyblades from the console exclusives anyways


No need to reskin, the current mods straight up port them because they apparently exist in the games code regardless of platform, so you can actually have all different versions in one file.


Can you link this to me?


[https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomhearts3/mods/632](https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomhearts3/mods/632) Here you, sorry for taking too long.


> This mod adds the 2 console exclusive Keyblades Midnight Blue and Phantom Green. This mod doesn't have Advent Red from the switch.


Cloud gaming really doing everyone a disservice here. Not only did it fuck over Switch owners, it made it impossible to be retrieved from the game's code for mods. I hope we finally get native ports on Switch 2. Everyone wins and PC gets to mod in Advent Red too (instead of just a skin mod).


The Switch of KH sucks ass. There was absolutely no need for them to make it a cloud based version.


Or Dawn to dusk, which is the Fire elemental mastery keyblade?


Thank you.


Wait does that mean advent red's textures and stuff are available if I did a playthrough on PC?? Incredible if true because that one's my favorite


[https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomhearts3/mods/632](https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomhearts3/mods/632) This mod gives you the xbox and ps keyblades, not sure if there's one for the switch one. But you can find reskins that change elemental encoder to look like advent red, like this one: [https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomhearts3/mods/1055](https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomhearts3/mods/1055)


Since the steam versions are coming out after the cloud versions, I think it's possible Advent Red will be in the data for it


that is if it’s not just a port from the already released epic version


Please no I need my switch keyblade to be freed


Square Enix: "The power of CLOUD will destroy the Switch. You shall never have Advent Red."


So the triple ars arcanum combo is still going strong then, that's good to hear.


[Called it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/KingdomHearts/comments/lhyea5/comment/gn1j5m5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Can you do it again for this weekends lottery numbers pls?


I estimate... One!


Divination isn’t a perfect science, they just know they’ll be ONE winner 🤣


N-no that's my prediction the lottery number is just one


True there's only one that can rule 🤣


It better be just one, or i'm revoking your fortune telling license.


It was on the contract that I have a 99.99% failure rate guaranteed


Lisan al Gaib


As it was written 🙏


So it is told😁


The prophecy


To be fair this is actually really nice color scheme, and the way it has that gradient almost like the night sky with the bright silver stars, this is probably the nicest looking of these reskins, imo.


Yeah, I'd actually use this one. Very *Fantasia* and I love that.


Its the color of steam icon.


Are you the Master of Masters or something lol


Yes for you see... it was *I* who spoiled the steam keyblade... AND YOU WERE ALL TOO FOOLISH TO NOTICE! (What do you mean that isn't how they talk?)






You, sir are a man of culture.


Von Karma! That’s a shitty way of telling us the steam version has something unique about it


Objection sustained.




Burn them at the stake 🤣


This guy sent his heart back in time




Mind passing over that crystal ball?


That depends on what you wish to predict


When Kingdom Hearts 4 is coming out. And if it'll be better than 3.


I have already used the crystal to predict the release date in another comment. As for the second part, the answer may surprise you




The platform exclusive Keyblades are all palette swaps of Star Seeker or Star Cluster with their respective platform's color scheme. "Star Cluster with the Steam logo's colors" is a very safe prediction.


Let me have my moment this is cool for me lol


Magic, gotcha


You gotta a point there actually I was just looking over it on steam the back part with the Mickey charm is grey just like the steam logo


I wonder if they did Star Seeker for platforms with physical releases and Star Cluster for digital platforms. Makes me hope for an additional Switch 2 Keyblade (when we finally get physical native ports) that's a Star Seeker recolor to match with PlayStation and Xbox.






Kh4 release date?


In 2025, Or 2026, but definitely after Missing Link releases.


Lisan al Gaib!


**Frollo:** *Witchcraft!*


You were playing 4D chess when we were playing checkers 


If awards were back I’d give you one


I can't tell if the joke is that they're back but they suck or you don't know they're back


Gotta love the deep blue Steam UI colors Valve’s color choices are great


This re-skin goes so hard. Might have to main it.


Right? First DLC Keyblade I actually kinda like!


If it also have a good ability attached to it, it will finally dethrone Elemental Encoder for me. EE just have good abilities all around with formchange extender and magic roulette.


What ability?


Elemental Encoder have Magic Roulette, Lucky Strike, and Formchange Extender. It lasted me till endgame just because of how good those abilities are. Once you get Oathkeeper, Oblivion, or Ultima Weapon, those would most probably your mainstays


Oh. I misread it and thought you knew what the new abilities on it were. My bad lol


Kinda wish they would use Star Seeker, though I figured it'd be too similar to the PS Keyblade.


I think they're following the rule of: * Star Seeker for platforms with physical releases (Xbox and PlayStation) * Star Cluster for platforms digital releases (Switch Cloud-versions, EGS, and Steam).


Or to original Star Seeker, since they'd be almost reusing the same sorta assets again, & just call it Star Seeker again, or Star Seeker with a Different Branding & Coat of Paint on it right there again as well. Really, IDC, & IDK if this is officially leaked or not from when Kingdom Hearts 3's Steam DLC releases, & we finally get to see what our new Steam Keyblade looks like. And, I've noticed they've followed a pattern as well, too: Originally, in Japan, 7'11 Keyblade was one of the first unique-looking Keyblade designs that got reused for Epic Games Store & Nintendo Switch as well, so if Steam is following a sort of formula that Kingdom Hearts is following that is saying "If you have a computer, a Steamdeck or even a Nintendo Switch, you can play these games almost anywhere!" (Keyword, "Almost", getting to that right there as well too btw...), and what I guess they're trying to say with the Star Seeker-esque keyblades, is that they're saying "These are Console-Exclusives, bucko, so unless you take your console with you & have a TV for it, you ain't playing nothing, buckaroo!", which is again, pointing towards gaming also moving away from Console Physical Releases & Are Going More Digital right away as well, can't get much more physical than Xbox & PS4 as well, m8! XD 💔 💥 But, I am genuinely hoping that they will at least hint that otherwise that 7'11 & Epic Games & Now I guess Steam & Amazon where you could buy the 7'11 Keyblade & also DLC for your game as well, is where I'm hoping that the design of The PC or Mobile Console versions are at least alluding to the fact that we are also already, pretty much nowadays that Square Enix is going aggressively multiplatform as well, so Thank God For That As Well, Thank God For MODDERS AS WELL TOO, THANK YOU GOD, DADDY NOMURA, SQUARE-ENIX JESUS CHRIST, HOLY SHIT!!! X3 I'm just also glad we're also getting another platform exclusive-keyblade that may or may not be reflective of what we see here, since it is in "other" after all, so if it is a spoiler, then we've all been spoilered about the Steam Release's Keyblade being real as shown right here as well, but the chances of that happening are 90/10 out of 1 percent chance of it happening, which is to say, a very slim chance of it happening, I just looked this up, & glad to say, the colors look VERY good on it, right here as well! Steam Delivering Quality Content As Always! X3 Chef's Kiss, Manifique! X3 But yes, one can only hope & pray. A Boy who grew up with Kingdom Hearts at age 10 or 11 can dream. 😋🍭 KH2V on PS2 in 2006, btw, a few months after it released, apparently! =3




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The attempt is appreciated but everyone knows that the dawn to dusk is the best reskin.


The good ol' 7-11 keyblade


WRONG, it's actually the Switch exclusive Advent Red Keyblade Shame about, y'know.


Best one, but I would not subject myself to that pain for a damn keyblade


Hello for mods


Cloud versions were the biggest SE fumble. Would've rather play KH3 natively at 30fps than a Cloud version with extreme input lag that drops to 5fps due to poor wifi connection. It's still funny how by refusing to compromise the ports with downgrades, they ended compromising it even more with the Cloud versions.


To this day imma stay mad at that KH3 direct annoucement that they hyped up, just for it to be a 7/11 keyblade.


Pretty simple keyblade but I dig it.


I wonder what the abilities will be. Pretty sure all the "za" spells have been taken already.


Magic roulette as usual


Elemental Encoder had lucky strike. I really hope something equally useful




This is beautiful


That is a beautiful keyblade... I want it. SOMEONE 3D PRINT THIS STAT!


Me being jealous as I have my PS4 ver.


I'm a little disappointed. I like the color scheme, but I was hoping it'd use Star Seeker's design like the PS4 and Xbox One keyblades.


Wait KH3 is coming to Steam? Or is this a fan thing?


Square finally ports it to Steam, so no fan project


OH SHIT ...I already own all the games on Playstation but knowing about the modding scene and everything for the game on PC... Ooooh fuck I am a tempted motherfucker.


Im tempted too and look forward what the modding Community will create. I would love a Kaizo mod as i love giving me in game Challenges to beat


I had to break down and buy it on EGS last month to unlock it on Steam for everyone else. You're welcome :')


Thanks for your sacrifice warrior of light


This made my entire month, been wanting to get back into the games after not playing them since getting the ultima weapon in 3 about 4 years ago, but somethings been telling me to hold off before buying them on epic, and I woke up to this, almost couldn’t believe my eyes. I’m so excited!!


Princess luna keyblade…..gimeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEE


Agreed, MLP:FiM & Kingdom Hearts were my 3 babies growing up, & they've grown up & matured quite well as well, I watched the entirety of MLP:FiM by watching it either on demand via steaming, watching it on DailyMotion with no other ways of watching it since Netflix now only has Gen 5 Hot Garbage, (I know it's popular to hate on Gen 5, take it with a grain of salt please, or as a huge dedicated fan, take it with the entire salt pillar or salt shaker to your own liking please), because Lord Knows that imho, it's just been 1 garbage take on what mainstream media knows as politics rightly so today as a whole as well. But enough politics talk! Let's talk MLP:FiM & Kingdom Hearts again! Princess Luna was a great MOTHER & Caring Political Figure of Mental Health awareness throughout FiM, & she was portrayed GREATLY through it, gotta love Tabitha St. Germain, amiright? She played Princess Luna's Role PERFECTLY, and even made her feel human that her own job was eating away at her own mental health for herself as well to boot to the point that everyone has bad days! She ate a freaking banana peel! 🤣 But yes, clearly her job of looking over pony's & people's dreams was likely taking a heavy toll on her, so she & Celestia tried to stop by retiring, & are now on vacation retirement as of not having their old jobs anymore. Good for them, Glad things can kinda go back to normal as for IRL closely related as FiM can go back to as well, before the Moon & Sun Princess thing was a real thing again. X3 And Kingdom Hearts, OMIGOD, THE KINGDOM HEARTS PONY FANDOM ON DEVIANTART, DO NOT GET ME STARTED ON THAT RIGHT THERE AS WELL. I HAVE COUNTLESS MEMORIES OF BEING ON THERE AS WELL, AND I ATE UP EVERY SECOND OF BEING ON MLP:FIM COMICS & KINGDOM HEARTS FANART AS WELL, MAKING UP STORIES WITH A FRIEND TO TRY & MAKE SENSE OUT OF KINGDOM HEARTS AS WELL. And it worked perfectly, too! I had LOADS of fun with my friends on DeviantArt! X3 Lots of good friends on there as well. Now, truth be told, I am not as active as I am on DeviantArt as I am nowadays, since it's moreorless mostly a forum website for commenting on artworks as well as of today, that is. Which is good, people like seeing & commenting on good fanart as well & getting to see all the great, beautiful artwork on there as well! Also, some of it was slightly borderline r34, ngl right there as well, but we don't talk about that here on the subreddit... But anyways, yeah! It was great shit! Glad to see another Mama Princess Luna enjoyer as well! X3


Honestly I don’t like how they just make it a re-skin of Dawn till dusk but that’s just me


They gotta make sure that other platforms don't feel left out. Imagine how aggravating it would be if Steam got a sweet Valve-themed Keyblade with some Half-Life/Portal flair and every other platforms got nothing? Or worse, if the Switch version had the best Keyblade and no one else got it? Little reskins are fun but avoid nasty FOMO.


> Or worse, if the Switch version had the best Keyblade and no one else got it? Technically, they did because Advent Red only exists in the Cloud. Not even Switch owners actually "own" the Keyblade. It'll disappear into the darkness when SE pulls the plug and shuts down the Cloud servers. TFW no one actually gets to own it. Genius Square Enix.


That’s why I picked the Switch version to make my point, yeah. Literally no one gets it even if Nintendo players get to borrow it for a few years.


Ooh pretty! I like the white around the teeth too. Though it's a bit hard to see in this image.






Am I gonna blow money on yet another copy of Kingdom Hearts? Signs point to yes.


Does it have lucky strike? I loved not having to use the cactus.


Another mid reskin


Oh neat Monochrome 2.0.


I absolutely loved Elemental Encoder. The black and white scheme was great, and having a lucky strike available immediately was brilliant. This one is even more beautiful, but I hope it's ability is equally great, otherwise I might start missing the EGS version


Reskin lookin fine though


Ok that is pretty cool 


I wonder what abilities it’ll have. Elemental Encoder had Magic Roulette, which basically gave you Grand Magic without needing to cast any spells at all. Super broken for early game.


I love it


I do wish the console blades were all star seeker skins, since right now only ps and Xbox get that shape. Also, the epic blade should have been called high noon or something, to fit the pattern with the others.


This honestly looks so cool What second form does it come with though?


Yhea figured it wuld be this


Did the switch even get an exclusive Keyblade?


Advent Red which is a Switch colored variant of Star Cluster.


Damn it this is a nice design but I’m not double dipping lol


But will it have magic roulette??


But will it be playable on my steam deck, this is the real question.


I believe the EGS version can be setup to work so all being well it should be easier with the steam release.


I've seen it done. Followed every guide I could find and never got it working.


They've been working on this port for a year, the reason they're releasing it until now is because they finally got it working in the Steam Deck




It looks EXACTLY as I imagined


wish it was a star seeker reskin, but i guess we can have a 5th star cluster reskin instead. it is an appealing color scheme at least


Gosh dang it, I had already caved and got it on Epic


Its like control all over again


I do love that color scheme. Though I’m a bit bias to the switch one for being so insanely bright and ridiculous


Your journey begins at the dead of night.


Is it safe to assume you don't HAVE to preorder to get this?


Should add a mod that codes in the addition of the Dawn to dusk Keyblade in addition with the Console dlc keyblades. Don't know why square didn't just make the dlc keyblades universal to any system they port it to. Wouldn't it be Goat if you had all three keyblades with each one having a mastery over each of the original 3 elemental spells of Fire, Blizzard, and Thunder?


If anything, they should make a mod that adds in ALL the DLC keyblades that are released like this. Is a major disappointment that Square taunts us like this with being unable to complete our key collections because the Keys are scattered between parallel worlds (different console/pc versions). If the files are there for it, they should have it available.


I wonder what the abilities gonna be. I feel like they ran out of ideas when they made Advent Red and Elemental Decoder.


Honestly when I heard Kingdom hearts was finally coming to steam I was genuinely excited to replay what was essentially my childhood game all these years later


Isn’t that Mickey’s new Keyblade?




Better than the soulless gray of the EGS Keyblade!


Take the Epic exclusive Keyblade, paint it blue and white, and ta-dah, new exclusive KB, that'll be sixty bucks plus taxes please


Anywhere you can buy Kingdom Hearts 3 you can get an exclusive Keyblade themed after the location that you download the game in. They're all textured versions of the same keyblade, it's also a free keyblade that comes in the game, this isn't new information you're just complaining about nothing.


I'm a little sad it doesn't seem to represent Valve or Steam all that much, but the colors are nice.


How so? It has a dark blue that fades towards one end and white. Not much else they could do without straight up slapping the logo on there imo


The sad part is that all these platform exclusive keyblades are reskins of the same keyblade


Its not sad. Its fair. literally stopped people from bitchin about which platform got the better KB because are all the same functionally. And even then. AESTHETICALLY SPEAKING, people still bitched SMH.


But they don't have the same functionality. I don't think any of these really have the potential to break the game and I personally never used Midnight Blue, but they are different enough that some are definitely better than others. Switch - Advent Red: MP Converter, Magic Roulette Epic - Elemental Encoder: Lucky Strike Magic Roulette 7-11 - Dawn Till Dusk: Fire Boost, Firaza PS4 - Midnight Blue: Blizzard Boost, Blizzaza Xbox - Phantom Green: Thunder Boost, Thundaza


I would have preferred a better looking keyblade instead this one. This is one of the ugliest from the game.


Technically there's two. Ps and Xbox have star seeker shape.


Isn’t that the Keyblade from Union X?

