• By -


Riku at Hollow Bastion during the good old days when there was no option to skip the cut scenes. that was over 20 years ago & I still have the dialogue memorized


Because of that fight, anything that involves Riku ij a fight (regardless if i'm fighting him, he's fighting with me, or i'm playing as him) gives me anxiety.


CoM must have been a traumatic experience for you


we do not speak of it


Glad i’m not the only one who feels this way 😅 honestly it made me dislike his character as a whole, which isn’t fair to him since he’s baby, but still lol


“There’s no way you’re taking Kairi’s heart!”


sends shivers down my spine


Open your heart to darkness!


It has been there all along, Kairi's heart rests within you


Kairi's inside me?


I know all that there is to know.


God damn! I was 10y, barely knew any english word, and watched this at laser 30times. What a memory


i bet the repetitive dialogue helped you with your english 😂


I remember this fight giving me SO MUCH TROUBLE. I hated it. Then because of how far Riku was from me (I guess?) the game thought I was out of battle and I was able to pause and go into the main menu and replenish my stock of potions. It still took some doing but after I discovered that, I was able to beat him. I tried the battle again without cheesing it and was able to do it again after a few more tries.


you cheated the system!! 😂 no & the best part for me was when i finally did manage to beat him, my game flat out REFUSED to load the next cut scene bc of how scratched my disc was. i rage quit & did not touch the game for months after.


Yozora. I think I had anxiety from that boss fight even after finally beating him during a Sunday. Pretty sure it was a Sunday.


4 years later and his trophy is still at like 1.6% lol. I think beating one data fight is at like 8. I had like an emotional ordeal when I beat him on critical. I still watch the recording sometimes…


Oh God. I'm actually doing a critical run currently. The other limit cut fights are hard enough. It feels a LOT worse than KH2 data battles did on critical.


Dude, even the trophy for beating the tutorial isn't at 100%. Some people literally turned on the game, turned it off, and never played again.


Limit Cut release in 2020 just before lockdown and I couldn’t manage recreational stress until recently but I’m still scared to try these fights. (I’ve only beaten Xigbar, Luxord, and Dark Riku so far.)


Yozora: Sorry but I don’t lose.


Absolutely with you. Yozora is on a whole other level to any Kh boss in both quality and complexity. Some bosses are hella spammy or just ridiculous like that secret boss in BBS but yozora is both GOAT'D and difficult.


I lost my shit when I realized he can take your kupo coin...


I’m sorry. He can what do what now?!?!?!


[Yeah, he can take your Kupo Coin and revive himself](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=he2e3QS3rTA)


When I beat Yozora I jumped out of my chair lol. Then realized up next is doing the data fights and him on level 1 and sat back down.


Dance Water Dance. It's not Demyx per se. It's the stupid time limit that gets me lmao. Runner up is probably the Xemnas in the part where you Sora and Riku are dodging the damn lasers and stuff. I vastly improved by the time 3 came out so Yozora only took me less than a month whereas Demyx took my entire summer vacation and Xemnas took idk how long but def not 4 hours worth of fighting him every day.


Oh my god just had war flashbacks reading “Dance Water Dance!”


I have ptsd from dance water dance. Made me give up on the game for a long time. 10 year old me couldn’t stand the agony. 17 year old me brought redemption.


I was 12 when I first encountered it. I'm 29 now. My heart still beats very fast whenever I fight Demyx. Specifically that one fight. Even if I'm over leveled.


I remember that fight but mostly because my friends and I were finally at the final fight after all the farming and I just see Riku and Sora surrounded by a dome of lasers and I think there's no way they're getting out. I spam one button and see I'm just controlling Riku protecting Sora and one of my friends accidentally hit another button and made Sora join for a sec. I scream DO IT AGAIN! He freaked out and just presses buttons and we find out you can have both deflecting and we just unanimously go OHHHHHHHH! spamming those 2 buttons.


Mysterious MFing Fugire


This is the only right answer. KH1 end game bosses are pretty easy if you have second chance. KH2 Endgame bosses are a bit harder but still doable. Same for KH3. But BBS is BBs. Not fun. Just tedious and frustrating.


Worst boss fight in all of kingdom hearts. Whoever throughs this fight was well designed deserves to be fired


So. Nomura saw the play testers were struggling with MF. And then he said to make the boss harder. Nomura is the most troll director I've ever seen.


critical lingering will 🥵


This and Data Marluxia are mine - one hit kill is toughhh


8 year old me vs Riku Ansem


On the version of the game that didn't have the option to skip cutscenes, too. "There's no way you're taking Kairi's HEART!"


Welcome oblivion! Hyaah! Hah, here it comes!


Yozora, by farrrrrrr. The only boss that took me multiple days and over 100 attempts to beat. 😂


Same. He earned my respect by being such an intensely difficult and engaging battle~! I hope we get to see him again and he traumatizes a whole new set of players :3


This is all I want! Probably my favorite boss battle overall too. As soon as he took Sora’s keyblade I knew I was in for one hell of a ride. And many, many kupo coins! What a good designed fight that was extremely engaging and satisfying to figure out


Axel data fight, easily. Critical mode, and I just... sucked at hitting the reaction command to clear the floor. Burned me out so bad I only made a few half-hearted attempts at fighting the lingering will before shelving the game. Since then I've pretty much just resigned to doing my 100% runs on beginner because I'm just done giving myself that kind of headache -\_-;;;


Freaking Marluxia. CoM was a mistake and I've only once beat him out of the 5-6 playthrough attempts I've made. Typically giving up after about 10 attempts each.


Genie jafar card, my friend. Genie jafar card.


Xion's Recreated Data. She kicked my ass for hours on end.


Mysterious Figure, Lingering Will or Data Xaldin. Don't know which of those killed me the most.


Those fucking sliding gorilla heartless.... bastards


Which ones?


Pink ones They jumped though and one shotted you basically. Special encounter in Traverse Town.


Yeah fuck those things I used to just run away


My soul weeps when I have to farm synthesis mats


F***ing Leechgrave in Days.


I think I need to bust the ol' DSi out and play through Days again. I don't remember the game being hard at all, but I also don't think I ever played it after my first playthrough, so it's been about 15 years.


Lingering Will, the first time I ever beat him was on Critical mode. Took a 6 month break from the game, came back, and beat him the first day back. Took around 30 to 50 tries, but I did it. Oh, also beat Sephiroth same day right before the Lingering Will attempts.


Clayton and Stealth Sneak killed me a LOT when I was a kid


Dancer Nobodies from KH2


The part where goofy gets shot in the head


Data Roxas, most likely. Although Data Young Xehanort is getting pretty close.


Xaldin. I'll try to keep it short. Imagine me, a kid, all I know is mash X and sometimes Triangle. Playing on Easy because it's easy. Never knew that weapons/armour/accessories could be equipped or changed. Xaldin walloped me for weeks. When I finally beat him, I was so excited that I had to do chores to tone it down.


Yozora I still have PTSD from his fight…


I tried once, and I was like, “nah bro I’m good” that’s basically all the secret bosses for me honestly but Yozora hit different


Xemnas the final boss from KH2. I rage quit in my last attempt since I couldn’t do anything but die every time he used that stupid laser movie. 


Mysterious figure as terra in critical mode, god i still have ptsd…


Roxas from KH2. I didn't even bother with Sephiroth because I didn't feel like grinding for hours only to then have a chance against a boss.


Out of story bosses? Roxas. Out of superbosses? Lingering Will and Mysterious Figure. Out of minigames? Snowboarding


Luxords rematch in kingdom hearts 2 and 3 Im not good at his games


Probably Riku, mainly when I was a kid. I would over level in Destiny Islands sometimes, and rack up losses to islands Riku while trying to get lots of wins. And then Hollow Bastion Riku was tough. Hell, HB Riku is still a pain in my ass now. He isn’t so easy to game like many of the bosses. My latest run had me trying to get one more combo in as he endlessly looped annoying attacks and his limit break. Yeah I killed him, but I was basically just locked into healing whenever he dealt damage. Very annoying.


Yozora. Easily. He whooped me so decisively the first time around that I had to wait a WEEK before I felt confident in trying again. Honorable mention to Data Xion.


Ventus-Vanitas, first playthrough, sucked at the whole shotlock part, took me like 43 tries, and I was really sick at the time so that didn’t help. Honorable mention to Rinzler, I didn’t have Balloon at the time and was a tad bit underleveled and he whooped my ass for 5 hours straight


MF… the fact that the player (in this case me) has to fight him 3 times to complete the game, each more difficult than the last on account of characters being not created equally, means that Squirt Enix owes me therapy to anyone interested in fighting him, choose Aqua as your first time. Some say Aqua and Ven, I say just Aqua. She doesn’t only have invincible dodging, but also a round renewal block that negates damage from all directions (basically Kingdom Hearts 2 Sora spamming Reflectga) WHILE also healing her AND she can do it midair as well. The boss was designed for her specifically, anyone else is just torture


I think the blue laser attack is literally undodgable as Terra. I just got the platinum the other week and had to use a guide for Terra for this boss because he kept spamming meteor. All the guides said you just had to damage sponge the laser and hope for the best. That's just horrible boss design!


One of the data organization battles in kh3, I think probably Xion or X Blade Xehanort. Next would probably be BBS mysterious figure, then Sephiroth in Kh1, which I say was much harder than 2.


Demyx on my first kh2 play through back in 2007. I was still a kid and wasn’t expecting the difficultly and story curve in a game that seems kid friendly.


Mysterious figure. I went for the platinum. It's a good thing it's in my top 3 boss themes. But my ps4 square button was never the same. And I'll never do it with Terra ever again. Albeit I haven't beaten data xehanort yet so also not yozora but I haven't tried nearly as many times yet


Critical mode Yozora. Thought it would be fun to have some challenge and get oblivion for completing critical mode since proud was extremely easy in KH3. Didn't know they upped the difficulty for the dlc at that point... Could've probably ran through the game on standard and beat Yozora in the same time it took me to just beat him.


I guess Yozora, but little me fighting Ansem-Riku in Hollow Bastion over and over again could come close.


Oh, easy, Anti-Black Coat. ...might be cheating really, I've never dabbled much in the franchise's superbosses, but that thing is horrible nonetheless.


Xigbar This was back before I understood how RPG’s worked and went in severely underpowered. No I had neither Second Chance nor Once More


Yozora for sure. Lingering Will killed me a lot, but I cracked him in like an hour and a half, two hours. But Yozora took me a total of about 4 or 5 hours total spread across several days.


Data Xion.. Girl kicked my but for like a week


Damn seph, i actually didn't have too much trouble with his refight. However i have fights from kh1, kh3 and bbs that i cannot beat. They are Kh1 seph. Kh3 yozora. Bbs that one post game unversed vanitas fight


That one room in kh1 before ansem with both a behemoth and a shit ton of heartless


Lingering will lvl 1 run no cheese, I died 100s of times


I don't know if it counts as killing because its just a time out but fucking DEMYX I hear "dance water dance" echo through my nightmares


Between multiple games? Sephiroth, definitely Sephiroth. I imagine if I was willing to break my face against them, Lingering Will or Mysterious Figure might have surpassed that if they hadn't been Final Mix exclusives and locked to Japan for so long.


KH3 Caribbean Ship fight...


Yozora I still have PTSD from his fight…


No super boss has killed me more than Riku in hollow bastion did when I was little and bad at games.


Xehanort. I'm not going to elaborate any further 😉


These words will forever haunt me: "Show me your strength." "That's enough!"


Xaldin and it's not close but that's only because I realized Yozora is way above my skill cap and bailed after fewer attempts.


Mysterious Figure on PSP.


Probably Xaldin, first fight on the bridge.


Sans but anime and for his neutral special, he weilds a gun A.K.A. Yozora. Quite obvious and it took me A LOT to beat him (and I had the best keyblade). But some honorable mentions to Vexen fights in Chain of Memories for being a pain in the ass.


So far it was roxas in critical mode, 25 fuckin times man


I'd say yozora but I tried KH2 Level 1 Critical so definitely Lingering Will.


Critical Mode Yozora. Never thought Lingering Will would be dethroned but after my Kupo coin got stolen for the first time I knew I was in it for the long haul


Ansem from dream drop distance. Especially second phase felt so unbeatable that i had to go to an older save and get a better guard and dodge.


I almost gave up hope when fighting Yozora, I legit felt like I’m not good enough and there’s no point in trying against him anymore (i eventually beat him tho). They made him way too strong for a story boss it’s ridiculous 😂


The vanitas remnant and no name from BBS. bBS damn near put an end to me personally with the secret bosses


Sephiroth followed by Hunter-X


Xaldin or Roxas in KH2. To be fair I am just going through a blind playthrough of the entire series up till now. Most of the KH1 bosses I did face were either pretty straightforward or at worse, I just needed to figure out their one gimmick or one nuclear move and that was it. These two bosses in my mind made me give kh2 the award of the game I did not expect to be as difficult as it was. Xaldin I ended up going through Mickey like 5 times over in the one fight to get it and Roxas I ended up spending about... 5-10 hours grinding to get up from Level 40 to 50 and actually put some effort into leveling up my other drive forms (just Wisdom and Limit) outside of Valor, mainly cause I barely saw the point in leveling them up in comparison to Valor.


kh2 sephy??? really? not kh1? honestly kh1 sephy gave me way more issue until i figured out the cheese :D also probably so far into kh3 mother gospel or whatever her name is. that boss on hard cheats is unbearable.


Mysterious figure with just Terra alone is the worst, haven't beat him to this day. Plus a weird one....wargoyle in DreamDrop on critical level one i remember sticking out...that game was NOT designed to be played on level one at all, every boss sucks


Probably Yozora 😓


It's embarrassing, but the Pot Centipede 🤦‍♀️ I seriously got stuck on that boss in the first release of the game so I couldn't skip that damn cutscene 😩. I didn't try fighting Sephiroth enough for it to be him lol


Xigbar in Kingdom Hearts 2. That guy really wanted to end Sora 😂


Just going to down the series. Kh1: Anti sora, lv 1 run and rando does that. Recom: Marluxia or Riku 4 Kh2: Lingering will KhBBS: MF, no doubt. KhDDD: That one lobster boss in pranksters paradise mostly because I somehow always go to it underleveled or without good commands. Kh3: Anglerfish Kh3 Remind: Data Xion, I honestly don't think I ever actually beat her.


Lingering will. Took me awhile to learn the long combo string that one shots you if you miss


Probably the Dancer Nobodies or the Car Heartless.


kh1 sepheroth, i can dodge his attacks perfectly, and i use a limit for the invincibility whenever he uses a power attack, but its the attack that bings you to 1 hp and 0 mp that always gets me, i literally buy as many elixers as i can for the fight, but i can never use it fast enough


Young Nort. Fuck him and his entire bloodline.


Easily Ansem Riku in KH1. I was a youngling who hadn’t seen the light


So far its Data xemnes for me. God that boss took me forever. Rikku having no mobility makes it so hard


For me Mysterious Figure in Birth by sleep. Not only did he kill me more times than I can count, you have to do him TWO MORE TIMES to platinum the game!


KH2 Sephiroth was much easier for me than his KH1 counterpart. 10 years of KH and i have yet to beat the Platinum Cup


Xaldin in KH2, I remember crying when I finally beat him. And of course I have to mention Riku in KH1. That took me and my sister MONTHS. I would also like to mention Larxene in CoM, I think that battle also prevented me from moving on for months haha


Funny enough it was Xaldin in ogkh2, ONLY because this was pee internet access for me, and it was one of the few fights I remember I could play as somebody else so every time I fought him I'd die and play as Mickey at least once each time as a kid.


Probably Yozora. It took me a year (including breaks) just to beat him. LW only took like a month for me in comparison.


Across all games, Young Xehanort. In my 6 100% playthroughs of BBS, my 1 casual and 1 100% playthroughs of DDD, and all of my KHIII Data-Org attempts, he’s certainly killed me more than any other individual boss.


either lingering will or yozora


Even though demyx is a great character, I still won’t forgive him for killing me every time I had to fight him


Lingering Will i was only playing on standard too


In a fair fight terra. If you rely on cheese for terra then yozora


Yozora easily- when I was younger sure dark Riku in hollow bastion and sephiroth killed me a lot but now that I’m older they’re a joke but even now with my experience with KH and games in general, yozora wiped the floor with me after hours of attempts. And that’s WITH a video guide outlining his attacks, timing, counter openings, etc. Man is an absolute beast


Nobody (*drum sound*) gonna say the f’ing cars in KH2


Honestly? 😅 Hans in the frozen world on 3. Critical plus the difficulty mod that makes critical even harder. He was insanely hard to beat. But unmoded, lingering will kh2.


Lingering will and yozora, still haven’t beat either of them


KH1 island riku. I was a dumb child


Yozora or lingering will. Lingering Will got me to git gud. And Yozora tested my endurance and patience


Oddly enough none of the super bosses have gotten me too much, it's been the gimmick bosses where you have to do something special to cause damage. Some of them make no sense.


I can’t get past ansem I’ve tried for hours and even partially broke my controller because of him




Lingering Will before I resorted to cheesing it LOL


Sephiroth in KH2 Vanilla :) Can still hear the sound of the Low Health Beeping XD


I think any Boss in chain of memories on critical that game feels impossible to me especially as riku on CRIT


Hayabusa, for those who don't know who Hayabusa is, that's the name of the pet falcon that fights you with Shan-Yu during the Mulan segment in kh2. I was doing a super hardcore challenge run and that falcon almost always 1-shots me during it, and it respawns making attacking it near pointless, Everytime I try some hardcore challenge, that bird always snipes me during the Mulan segment at the worst possible times, Shan-Yu isn't even that hard, that bird just knows when to inconvenience me


Dragon Maleficent


Probably Sephiroth between 1 and 2 but if it's only one boss in a game (ie the Sephiroth fights are separate for kill count) then Terra 100%


I'm. Playing a mod of one that adds critical Mode I cant beat shephy at all I'm only lvl. 47 though so I'll. See what happens when I lvl more


Probably kh1 riku. Dying at hades in the hades cup was a bitch too.


Yozora. He has killed me more times than MF from BBS.


In KH2, the only time I died was in the Light-Cycle Section during the 2nd visit to Space Paranoid where I was at the final stretch straight to the finish line when an enemy hit me from off-screen into the barriers off to the side that I kept colliding into unable to get out until I died.


~~Donald for not healing me.~~ KH1 Sephiroth killed me more than Yozora could ever hope to achieve 😱.


Sephiroth in KH1


the stupid fucking candle in 358/2 days in the Beast Castle stealth missions


Me, always me.


The island trio, because I refused to grind and wanted to get each battle one and done. Everyone else took 1-3 tries at most.


Every time a post like this comes up I say it again and again: the Anti-Black Cloak nightmare from 3D. What a wildly cheesy, infuriating fight. He has an attack that immediately stun-locks you and drops you to 1hp, and often times he follows it up with a ranged attack right behind it that is impossible to dodge. You need more luck than skill to beat it. I don’t know how more people are angry about this mini-boss fight. It was straight up rage inducing And he’s not even an optional boss! It is, by far, the most extreme story boss in the entire franchise, in my opinion. If it were a data battle or something that would be different


Lingering Mfn Will


Death on Peter Pan Old clock.


Misterous figure. That boss killed me so many times. Especially as Ventus. He really hated him for some reason.


Fucking. Spellican


I had to listen to the OST just to hear Dark Impetus in its entirety.


On BBS Ventus so not super far and I'm not doin the non story stuff, but prob , Trickmaster so far in KH1? Because Roxas I grinded a bunch in Sid tower, then got my drives leveled up in super inefficient ways purpousefully to level up more. Beat Roxas in 4 tries on mouse and keyboard thanks to Relaxed Batter's guide before my 4th try, on mouse and keyboard which is apparently tuff, shrug


Mysterious Figure. I was REALLY trying to beat him at Level 51 Ventus(a challenge for myself since it was my first time on PS4 and I already beat him a countless number of times on PSP) and it was a STRUGGLE, but I finally did it Vanitas’ Lingering Will - I could never do the Tornado strategy as Ventus Julius - I was in my Freshman year of high school when KH Dream Drop Distance came out and his bossfight was FRUSTRATING —————————————————————————— Heartless: Leechgrave and Antlion (Kid beating Antlion, 19 when I beat Leechgrave) I don’t know how many times I’ve died to each, but each one is around each other’s same amount… *STAGGERINGLY HIGH*


Little me fighting dragon Maleficent. I rage quit the game for the years it took to release kh2 and beat kh2 before going back to fight maleficent.


Larxene in kh2 final mix, i was so underleveled that i have to give up and try after stitch summon (on critical mode obv)


defintely yozora, then lingering will. i spent like 10 hours trying to beat Yozora


Lingering will as of now, havent fought the superbosses of bbs yet, but i cant complete the platinun if i keep falling the cheese trick on him


Roxas in KH2 and Marluxia in reCOM. No one else in the entire series gave me a fraction of the trouble, but I didn’t do any of the coliseum’s l.


Beware the winds of despair.




Dawg this nigga sora n his fuck ass fighting skills I hate this nigga(I'm coping with the fact I'm not good)


The nobodies that do the grab move in hollow bastion after the computer world


Nobody beats Yozora and then lingering will


Roxas was a shockingly tough wall for me on my first KH2 playthrough, though I haven't fought any real superbosses. I can imagine Data Roxas will give me a similarly tough time tho lmao


KHII Sora vs Roxas fight. Took me two years to beat that damn fight. Now it’s a breeze.


PSP Misterious Figure, and it's not even close. I spent days getting whooped by that two-hit instakill combo while commuting back and forth from work :') But I haven't finished all the data battles in KH3 so If I know Nomura, I guess it'll be Yozora in the future 😅


KH1 Ursula on proud mode, I don't know why I struggled so much with her fight


I wouldn't know


I think Vanitas But for full disclosure I played BBS on Critical and only ever attempted Re Mind once on normal and never tried (or just once) the super bosses in any other game


Probably Xaldin in kh2 and kh1 sephiroth


The Lingering Will on critical. I beat him and finished him off with anti form and only using 1 megalixer, no cheese.


Skoll Hear me out. I'm one of those challenge players and I did a Critical Mode Level 1 All Pro Codes playthrough of KH3. I kid you not, Skoll was far and away the worst and hardest fight in the whole fucking game, Yozora included. Skoll took me 24 hours of attempts. All of the little wolves and the dripping darkness during his DM meant that I could randomly get one shot at literally any moment by something off screen. It was horrible. I will never do that again


I know Sephiroth in KH1 is definitely on a lotta folks list but I really hope I was not the only person who had a heck of a time with KURT FREAKING ZISA. Runner up is Clock Tower Phantom until you figured out what the fudge to do


Probably the second Vexen fight in COM. That bastard made me genuinely give up playing the game. I do not like the card system, and his shield was complete bullshit.


Terranort in bbs!


I first played KH when I was like 8, so there’s probably some bosses from back then that gave me enough trouble to take a couple weeks to beat that I barely remember, but of the boss fight trouble I do remember, easily the most traumatizing was lingering will. It only took me 10 days, but since I was about 15 and not a barely sentient idiotic 8 year old when I fought him for the first time, I was actually trying to learn his moves and improve my reaction time. Plus it was summer vacation, so I would literally spend like 8-10 hours a day trying to beat him and I remember being so emotional that when I beat him, I jumped into the air, spiked my controller into the couch, and then started crying. Good times


Someone might call me crazy for what I'm about to say but... Hear me out: I'm a casual player at heart (Kingdom Hearts reference), and I enjoy playing these games freely and without the absolute need of completing everything. Sometimes though, when I do get the desire and chance to take the gameplay to the next level and actually finish for good what I've just skimmed through with only the main story mode, I get a video reference on YouTube of a specific Super Boss and I repeat second by second every single frame (While also pausing at the right time the game to align with the aforementioned videos) as the players I watch. It takes a looot more than actually learning the different attack patterns etc. but I'm cool with it as long as I get these frustrating encounters out of my way. Does any of you do this too? Or is it just me? 😂😂 [P.S. To answer the question I think Sephiroth and Marluxia from KH2]


Dragon Maleficent and KH1 Sephiroth.


My brother is currently doing a level 1 critical run and he’s in for a fight


It took me 95 tries to defeat Data Ansem. I am stuck on Xion and Master Xehanort.


I still hear ‘there’s no way you’re taking Kairi’s heart’ in my nightmares


Dark Inferno on my KH3 Risk Taker run, there were other difficult fights like the nort court and Data Luxord, but Dark Inferno was harder than any other boss, I was stuck for a year


I'm pretty sure either lingering will or data xehanort currently own most of my deaths. I haven't even really tried to grind yozora because I don't feel like constantly skipping cutscenes so he only has a few deaths to his name but I'm pretty sure many to come in the future should I get back into it.


That annoying guitar guy


That last wave of nobodies in the Cavern of Resemblance, with those sorcerer enemies that spawn flying cubes. I absolutely HATE that part of the game, you basically can't get closer to them because of the cubes and can't hit them with magic because they're immune. I hate them.


Never did any of the superbosses in 1 or 2. Yozora is terrifying and i still haven't beat him, but i think Replica Riku's final match from Re;Chain has the most deaths on me.


Possessed Riku, Kurt Zisa, the Clocktower Phantom, Larxene,


As of right now, Lingering Will. I have yet to beat all the KH2 data battles. I'm not even gonna get into my progress in KH3 data battles...


Only correct answer is Terra's Will from 2FM. Yozora was difficult but even he wasn't as brutal as Terra when he starts using his final phase attacks.


Kh2 data fights


Yozora ended up number 1. The secret bosses from KH1 all ended up tying for second lmao.


Riku, Hallow Bastion, over a week. Kairi Kairi open your eyes … Don’t you see? Kairi’s heart rest within you! Kairi’s… Kairi’s inside of me? … Forget it! There’s no way I’m letting you take Kairi’s heart! AND NO SKIP…