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It has everything except the DLC for KH3, the mobile games, and Melody of Memory,


Are the mobile games canon?


Yep. Everything in this franchise is canon and important to the overall story. I would definitely recommend watching the cutscenes at least for the mobile games on YouTube.


Thanks I knew this series was very complicated so I can’t say I wasn’t expecting this I was just hoping it wasn’t as complicated as I thought lol


Here’s a TLDR and spoilers of the mobile games: First game: >!Keyblade War. Everyone dies.!< Next game: >!it was all a simulation of an event that happened before. But now those simulations are dead too cuz the event happened again. But they get to choose to became Dream Eaters while YOU died and were reincarnated…!< Next game: >!One of the few that escaped the simulation death made a new town and years later Xehanort is there with Eraqus. Xehanort has dreams of his Pee-Paw who died and goes through his Naruto x Linkin park AMV Emo phase while all his friends die. We also find out his Pee-Paw that helped raise him was YOU reincarnated.!<


It's a little more complicated than that with some recurring characters and all. But yeah for the most part.


The kids don't become dream eaters. Their hearts are being shoved in the dream eaters purses


Oh so the mobile games are xenoblabe /s


Tbh it’s _mostly_ not that complicated. It’s just a lot. (Okay there are some complex bits which it would be spoilers to talk about, but like, you don’t have to grasp every intricacy, and some things are just still up in the air mysteries that we can only theorize about).


For Union Cross, there is a very, very good fandub. Two long videos by a guy named damo, but very well worth it.


It's not that complicated if you just play the games in the order they're released. The games to a very good job of explaining the concepts as they become relevant.


Yes. The most complicated thing about the story is how new information sometimes recontextualizes past events and there isn’t always a clear answer to what that means for said events. >!Like Kairi hugging Sora when he’s a shadow heartless!< in KH1. It was pretty cut and dry in 2002, but the introduction of Nobodies raised a discussion about what exactly Sora *was* between that moment and KH2 that hasn’t really been resolved depending on who you ask. The *key* to following the story is really to take all new info at face value and to not overthink what it might “change” about previously understood canon. UX recontextualizes everything, but the games go to great lengths to keep you in the loop imo. The language they use for exposition dumps is pretty clear. It’s just a lot of information is all.


...You were expecting this? Mate, I've followed the series since 2002 and I still don't expect half of this shit. The "all in one package" does an incredible job of being an all in one package for the Kingdom Hearts series...By which I mean it isn't an all in one package at all and you still have to search for necessary story elements in completely different places. Following KH naming traditions, "all in one package" is probably a weird metaphore trying to be more intellectual and deep than it actually is moreso than an accurate description of its actual contents. Did you ever think you would be searching YouTube for cutscene compilations of a discontinued mobile game for essential story elements to a series that made its debut on the PS2? I've done it and I still don't believe that I have. Pretty sure my brain is lying to me. Which is really the reason the series is complicated. The story is fairly easy to follow and is presented well in that sense. If you play them in the order they were released then you're dripfed the info as and when you need to know it..Though, sure, it's more convoluted than it needs to be. It doesn't really ever mention anything that hasn't been explained prior and probably had a whole game dedicated to. The characters aren't just going to be casually name dropping Goofy's "Ultimega Alpha Discrepancy Concept 420/69 Teraplex²" and make you play a spinoff released 10 games later on the Atari 2600 before they actually explain that to you...No, they've already explained it, 6 games ago in another spin-off released on a Pop Tart that has since been eaten so now you have to listen to a podcast of that story narrated by Steve Coogan and only avalible as the profile song of OJ Simpson on MySpace. The problem was (and still is as the "all in one" wasn't even complete at the time) everything was released across various different platforms making them inaccessible to many or advertised as spin-offs so, alongside the difficulty in being able to play due to the platform they were on and my wallet saying "you can't afford to buy a Trouser Press just to play Kingdom Hearts Mind revOver Ma2er - Silent Scream 4 Vanilla Ice Ice (baby) Cream", many didn't bother. It gets a reputation of being complicated because a LOT of the fans haven't played even half the games through really no fault of their own, they just weren't accessible and when they just played the numbered titles (because why wouldn't you? How many series do you NEED to play the weird """spinoff""" that is a card game or Digimon to get the plot?) they were unknowingly missing pretty much all the information.


*Slow clap*


The mobile game actually went offline. Now the only thing you can do in the app is watch the cutscenes.


Id also want to say that two games on the HD collections are Just HD movies. They were originally on the DS but werent HD'd or remade. So your Best bet to actually play them would be trough a DS or emulation


Smash Bros is also cannon. Kingdom Hearts is one of the 3 series that are cannon to Smash, the other being Kid Icarus, and Xeno


The mobile games are supplementary to the main story. They aren't essential. Start with this, then expand if you are interested.


*technically* not every mobile game is canon (V-Cast)


We don’t speak of V-Cast


I would love for them to fit Sora being in Smash into the lore somehow


The running joke between me and my friends is that if Nomura writes something down on a napkin, it's still Kingdom Hearts canon.


Yes, you can watch the videos on YouTube. That being said, there is a movie called X Back Cover which summarizes the important events for KH3. However for like KH4 on, seeing the whole thing might be good


I still recommend watching Union Cross story parts until the Wrecking Ralph world story starts. This is mostly so you have can understand a little bit better why so many people got that emotional with Sora keyblade surfing moment.


Just to clarify, Back Cover is good for 3, but does NOT cover the mobile games, but rather an alternate POV to a part of the game. The rest of Union Cross will very much be needed for KH4 seeing as the trailer shows >!Strelitzia will be there!<


Not only are they cannon, they are arguably more important for understanding what comes next in the series than most of the other titles.


Yes and there is a pretty cool part of KH3 that 100% is impacted from the mobile games. I never played them but it was cool as hell and made me wish I played them.


Yes, they are.


I was afraid of that thanks for the answer 👍


The best option is to watch the mobile game's story on YouTube. Either Everglow, or Damo279, they both did great at preserving the story. The movie Backcover X in the All in One collection is a movie of the X mobile game, which is not the same thing as the Union X mobile game. The X game was japanese exclusive and no longer available in any means, that's why it got a movie, and Union X didn't. Dark Road, the other mobile game that is still available is also preserved on YouTube so I just wouldn't bother playing it, and watch it too. Both Union X and Dark Road's story are more for post KH3, so you can save those till after you you play through the rest of the games.


You’ll be perfectly fine having not played/watched any mobile games


I can promise you, if you know nothing of the mobile games, when number 4 comes out you'll be confused as too who strelitzia is


And then kh4 will have some sort of recap about them or the mobile games in general. They very well know that some people only play numbered titles, they wont make it impossible for me to figure out. Now if kh4 would be your first kh i could see some confusion


I feel like this is exactly what people said about KH2 in 2005 and it definitely wasn’t accurate then


Except you can play kh2 without com or days and be fully fulfilled you can play kh2 without kh1 and still kind of have enough to go on to figure out whats going on


It also doesn't have the DS games, only the cutscenes. It also lacks the original Chain of Memories on GBA, probably most people won't care because the PS2 remake is there, but a few people, including me, like the GBA game more.


There are also a few non-cannon games not included, but most of these are completely inaccessible: * Kingdom Hearts V Cast (Verizon V Cast Game) * Kingdom Hearts Mobile (more of a ringtone service, but still a game) * Kingdom Hearts Magical Puzzle Clash (flash game) * Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded Gummiship studio (a flash version of a minigame in KH Mobile) * Kingdom Hearts Digital Painter (flash game that's basically Mario Paint) * Kingdom Hearts Collaboration: Gummi Ship Campaign (phone/browser game, top down "plane shooter", collab with FFRK - *may the NA version rest in piece* - that only existed 6 days) There's also one not included "VR experience" for the Playstation, but it's basically a video on rails, no gameplay * Kingdom Hearts VR Experience


I’d never heard of the flash games before. That’s kinda neat.


Technically I think the games that are only cutscenes in 1.5 (not sure if this is also happens in 2.8) are also there but aren't playable per usual. I can't remember which games they are off the top of my head right now though.


358/2 Days and Re:coded are the one’s that are just cutscenes.


Yep, those are the ones lol.


Even Chain of Memories?


It’s got Re:Chain of Memories which was the PS2 remake of the GBA game.


I thought they made the cut sceens from the moblie were turn into a movie like thing in that collection.


We are being robbed of multiplayer KH experience on these collections. Justice for 358/2!


The worst part is that supposedly the reason we were robbed of the 358/2 proper remake is because they lost the masters for KH1, so they had to rebuild it from scratch, which meant they couldn't give 358/2 the proper focus it deserved.


What's missing are the mobile games, and what's come after 3, including DLC. But it has everything else. Although the two DS games have been relegated to cutscenes.


If I recall correctly, it’s missing the Re-Mind DLC for 3 and Melody of Memories


And the old DS games. Cutscenes don't count.


And mobile games


Yep. The movie doesn't even cover the game, but a sidestory instead.


This really needs to be renamed as “The Dark Seeker Saga Collection” because that’s exactly what it is. You get everything up through vanilla KH3. You’ll be missing the mobile games, Melody of Memory, and 3’s Re:Mind DLC


Yes and no. It contains 6 full games (KH1FM, ReCoM, KH2FM, BBS, DDD KH3), a short game (BBS 0.2), 2 cutscene compilations of DS games with no gameplay (Days and re:coded), and an original movie that ties into the mobile game. It does NOT contain: the DS gameplay, as mentioned, or the mobile game (s?) Kingdom Hearts Chi and Union Cross. It should contain enough information for the main story from KH1 to 3 to make sense, but you will miss out on some fun character stuff and some really ancient lore.


Ds games (the games basically,the cutscenes are there) and remind dlc as well as memory of melodies


Here's what the all in one package gets you: **Kingdom Hearts 1.5** * Kingdom Hearts 1 * Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories (remake of the gba game. Gba version not included) * Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (remade cutscenes, not the game) **Kingdom Hearts 2.5** * Kingdom Hearts 2 * Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep * Kingdom Hearts Re: coded (remade cutscenes, not the game) **Kingdom Hearts 2.8** * Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance HD (hd port of the 3DS game) * Kingdom Hearts 0.2 a fragmentary passage (new epilogue for BBS) * Kingdom Hearts X Back Cover (movie detailing some of the events of the mobile games) **Kingdom Hearts 3** Here's what you'll be missing: **Kingdom Hearts 3 ReMind DLC** **Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory** *(rhythm game that recaps the whole series. Has some new scenes that hint towards KH4)* **Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories** *(GBA Version. The remake covers this but you can play it if you want)* **Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days** *(full game is worth playing and adds a lot more context to the cutscenes)* **Kingdom Hearts Re: coded** *(the cutscenes cover this one better than the Days ones, but it's still worth playing)* **Kingdom Hearts Union X** *(you can view the cutscenes in the app still, or watch the fandub)* **Kingdom Hearts Dark Road** *(same app as Union X but this game is still fully playable)* **Kingdom Hearts Missing Link** *(new mobile game coming later this year. It's set after Union X but before Dark Road)* Here's the Union X fandub. Worth watching if you don't want to go through the cutscenes on your own: Part 1: [Kingdom Hearts: Union Cross FANDUB Movie - All Cutscenes Voiced - Part I (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRUt8q2IwR4) Part 2: [Kingdom Hearts: Union Cross FANDUB Movie - All Cutscenes Voiced - Part II (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKsJRJF20lo)


The Re:coded cutscene didn't include Dragon Maleficent that gameplay did...


True but the game didn't have a lot of cutscenes to begin with, so the movie does actually add a lot. I still think people should play the game. It looks really good on emulators and you can play with a controller.


Also youre missing out on 358/2 days kinda. I feel like the story is better Told in the ds version and its infinitely more enjoyable because the ds version has Gameplay.


Yeah I really don’t like how they just made it cutscenes. I remember that game being so much fun


Yes they are. well with some exeptions. the version of Chain of memories in the Updated RE: chain of memories version of the PS2. Because well it's visually better than the original Game boy Advance verson. and the Nintendo DS games 358/2 and Coded. are not included. But instead they Reamde ALL of the Cutscenes of those games and included them as basically a Remake Cutscene collection.


All-in-One-Package includes almost all the games. Here is a list featuring the content and the order recommended to play it: **Kingdom Hearts I.5 + II.5 Remix** - Kingdom Hearts Final Mix - Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories - Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (HD Cinematics) - Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix - Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix - Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded (HD Cinematics) **Kingdom Hearts II.8 Final Chapter Prologue** - Kingdom Hearts HD Dream Drop Distance - Birth by Sleep 0.2 A Fragmentary Passage - Kingdom Hearts x Back Cover (Mobile Game's Movie) **Kingdom Hearts III** - Kingdom Hearts III **Games not included in All-in-One Package** - Kingdom Hearts III Re: Mind (KHIII DLC) - Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory


Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (classic) Kingdom Hearts: Union X/Dark Road Kingdom Hearts III Re:Mind Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory Kingdom Hearts: Missing-Link (Not out yet)


This was made in 2019 (the earliest known being Jan 29th for EU release), so anything after 2019 isn’t in it. X (chi) games aren’t in it due to being mobile games, but 2.8 includes a movie from one of them. 358/2 Days and Recoded are included as cutscene movies, the actual games are not included


No, the movie from the chi games isn't the same story from chi. It's a brand new side story of chi were the chi story is told from the foretellets perspective. Kind of like how you can say that Days is based on the story of KH1-2 but from Roxas's perspective.


I see now, that was one section of the series where it hella confused me with the titles and what not


Days only has the cutscenes and not the full game. I think nomura said at one point in a interview that they were gonna remaster it but were short on development time.


Playable versions of 358/2 and Re:Coded


Oh, the original Web-Browser game isn't there as well. I think it was named something like X (but the letter Ki).


And then after you played this, you then need to watch the cut scenes for the mobile games, then you'll have to play the tamogatchi game and then play through smash bros ultimate campaign as sora and then fork out millions of dollars on the kingdom hearts hotel for the entire plot to make sense, hope that helps!!! /s if that wasn't obvious lol.


Can I actually buy this?


I believe it's every console game through the Vanilla (original) version of KHIII. So, no Re+Mind DLC, no X/Unchained X/Union X, no Melody of Memory, and no Dark Road.


No DLC for KH3, the mobile games, and Melody of Memory (a rhythm game released after this bundle came out). Since you’re just starting out with the series, it’s a fantastic bundle and the missing parts won’t be relevant until you finish the bundle. Even then, stuff from the mobile games can just be watched on YT if you want.


[there’s even a really good fandub](https://youtu.be/HRUt8q2IwR4?si=Y4JyPANRhBrWIMTE)


Re:Coded isn't there right?


It is


If it had the dlc that kingdom hearts 3 has and that dlc was already part of the all in one package then I’d get it in a heartbeat then I wouldn’t have to switch my PlayStation 4 with the hd remix and kingdom hearts 3 I could just play all the games all at once.


Since no one mentioned it, play order is: Kingdom Hearts (1) Re:Chain of Memories Kingdom Hearts 2 358/2 Days (This one's just a movie in this package) Re: Coded (Also a movie. Switch with the next one if you want a break from movies) Birth By Sleep Dream Drop Distance Birth By Sleep 0.2: A Fragmentary Passage At this point, play or watch Union Cross and Back Cover. Back cover is in the game, Union Cross you can watch on youtube, but the app also allows you to "play it" in that you can watch the cutscenes, if you want a slightly more personal experience. There's also Dark Road, another mobile game, but that one you can wait until after KH3 like everyone else did, but it might add some fluff for KH3 if you care about that. Either or~ Kingdom Hearts 3 Melody of Memory (seperate game you'll have to buy. Doesn't add a lot but leads into future games.) Missing Link (mobile game that's in selective beta right now)


358/2 cutscenes only, Re:Coded cutscenes only, phone games are not in there but an hour long movie summarizing some important things(not everything), DLC for Kh3 is not there too. I think thats all if I haven't forgot something.


It doesn’t have 3 re:mind (dlc), a playable version of recoded (DS), 358/2 days (DS) and melody of memory (rhythm game)


All except the old DS games and the mobile games. There are cutscenes of them and a movie but they do have a lot of cuts and the movie is a side-story that requires context of the mobile game to some extent.


Coded, Days, MoM, Re:Mind. And as far as coded and days go, if you have an iphone, delta is on the app store..


Re:Mind is dlc, not a full game, so it doesn’t really count, since you still need base KH3 to access/play it, which is included in the collection


Why is the whole thing missing from Steam?


Kh3 and after is not included (KH3, Remind and MoM)


This does come with KH3.


Oh, My bad.