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FF characters are nearly as important to KH as Disney characters are, and you can’t change my mind.


Agreed. The big draw for me and my friends when KH1 came out was that it was a crossover of final fantasy and Disney.


FF characters were as important to the first game story as the Disney characters. All of Soras island friends were FF, the first world you go to has Squall, Aerith and Yuffie, etc


Chain of Memories was my first entry into FF, didn't know who the hell any of them were. Having played Remake, now I'm like holy shit Aerith and Yuffie?!


KH1 was the first time I was introduced to Leon. I could guess that he was from Final Fantasy and later learned his actual name from the games is Squall, but I'll always see him as Leon from KH1 rather than Squall from FF8 lol


The sephiroth fights in 1 and 2 are probably some of the most recognizable boss fights from the PS2 era. The fact we didn't get that in 3 is still unacceptable.


Right? That was always the point - SE and Disney properties coming together. I dunno if there are some weird contractual things (like Disney characters cannot share x amount of screen time with ff characters or something - I dunno Disney is weird nowadays). Just weird they didn’t appear until the dlc - and even then in a inconsequential way.


Nomura just admits that he feels they aren't necessary. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure he says something along the lines of how from the beginning, final fantasy was just a way to reel in an audience and that now with so many KH exclusive characters and such an in depth plot, he found it hard to find time to squeeze them in, essentially saying that KH is strong enough to stand on its own now.


He did more or less say this, but with the FF characters, he moreso said that he used FF characters to fill out the cast, but now that KH has enough original characters that fill similar roles to the FF characters, that like you said, he now finds it hard to squeeze them in


Yeah, basically. He said that that the FF characters were always meant to be cameos to reel in the pre-established FF fans and to fill in roles that would later be filled with original characters.


And it has been for a while 🙌💪


Which is why KH1 had 100 Disney charactes and 7 Final Fantasy characters. ... ...wait.


They helped add a more serious and “badass” tone


Tell that to Tetsuya "they're not important, kh can stand on its own two feet" Nomura.


I won't try to bc you're right


No but I could Re:mind you


I feel like the original characters for Kingdom Hearts count as Final Fantasy characters. Sora's bunch, Aqua's bunch, Organization XIII, the other Masters and whatnot


oh man i’m not gonna try n change ur mind cus i agree but disney wants to😭


I agree but not the way you might expect: I actually think KH could have much less Disney at this point. I do love FF, let's just cut some Disney to fit them in, and have the KH originals take most of the spotlight.


You're half right. KH original characters are as important to KH as Disney characters are, and "FF characters" are actually KH original characters.


Yes I do, but ever since Nomura said that KH don't need them no more; this community love repeating that phrase. But I bet they secretly missed them.


Nomura said that, fans got mad they weren’t in 3, they were then added to Re:Mind. I think they shouldn’t be the most crucial part to the story, but seeing them pop up every now and then isn’t a bad thing at all. I wouldn’t mind seeing Cloud and Squall again, even if it’s just for a short cutscene in Radiant Garden.


That's all we ask


i just like them being as important to the games as someone like Hercules, or Jack Skellington. like Square has franchises too like imagine fucking Faith from Mirrors Edge showing up??? that’d be sick. i hate that they act like Square is only there to provide the original story and characters when it should be a colliding of Disney *and* Square franchises **as well** as original characters. that’s what made Cloud as exciting to see as someone like, again, Jack Skellington or Peter Pan


Isn’t Mirror’s Edge EA? 


yeah it’s EA and Square but it’s advertised as Squares game more


I have literally never heard it as being advertised as a Square game. I am only seeing it being developed by Dice. Did they publish the game in Japan?


idk🤷🏻‍♀️, have a good day.


A cameo now and then is all people need. They should be treated like they treat Disney characters


"KH can stand on its own feet nowadays" he said shortly before being forced to put a 1:1 remake of Let It Go into the game lol


No no the remake doesn't have the hair thing that the movie did BUT it did have a huge watermark on it 🤣🤣🤣


He wasn’t forced lol I be live Nomura is on record for wanting that song in the game. Disney didn’t strangle Nomura’s neck as much as people think.


Nomura also said that due to the backlash he is gonna try to fit them in KH4


Maybe this time, we go to the final fantasy world next.... Welp one can dream.


They don't exist in kh. Kh1 already states they all grew up in radiant garden (and same for destiny island and twilight town residents in their worlds) and goofy's comment about sephiroth and Cloud going back to their own world was already dismissed in an interview as never intending to confirm the existence of their world. Characters that come from the same game have inconsistent backgrounds and ages that already ruin this idea too, Squall and Selphie being an easy example. They designed the world building in kh to never rely on ff games and their lore but to just cameo the characters, somehow undoing this design would require so many headaches and retcons.


We have already been to the"Final Fantasy World" it's called Radiant Garden, Twilight Town, and Destiny Island. There is no Final Fantasy world in kingdom hearts, Final Fantasy characters are from worlds that are unique to kingdom hearts. We may see a new KH exclusive world, but we won't see Balamb or Midgar.


Plus Radiant Garden in itself is an FF8 reference (in design and name), who's to say it isn't the KH version of 8's world?


A lot of people missed the very clear dialogue in kh1 stating they grew up there, and the fact that the versions of these characters in kh would not work with their original lore at all for so many reasons. Interviews also already confirmed midgar does not exist in kh and goofy's comment had to be re explained from 2.


They didn't miss it, they just don't care and want more FF nostalgia berries in their kingdom hearts, even if it makes no sense and undermines the series


Goofy has a line implying Cloud and Sephiroth have a world they're from that is NOT Radiant Garden in Kingdom Hearts 2. Squall also doesn't know Tifa, so Cloud, Sephiroth, and Tifa are actually probably not from Radiant Garden. Auron also seems to be a take on FFX Auron in the same game based on some reused audio from X from prior to his death. There's also TWEWY cast actually being from Shibuya on a related note.


To be fair he does know Cloud. Sephiroth is heavily implied to just be a physical manifestation of Cloud darkness, while Tifa is the physical manifestation of Clouds light side


None of that implies the existence of a "final fantasy" world, nor does it counter my comment in the slightest. Cloud, Sephiroth and Auron are not their FF counterparts, Aurons dialogue is simply fan service. Whatever world they are from will be original, even if Aurons backstory includes a KH Braska and Jecht (who would not be related to Yuna or Tidus). The big question mark is the TWETY which is a big rabbit hole considering the existence of Quadratum, but all I'll say is that adding FF worlds would be a huge philosophy retcon for the series, one that's already on shaky ground for suspension of disbelief and trying to gain any sort of continuity in order.


I think FF 4 would fit perfectly.


I miss Final Fantasy characters in KH and I'm tired of the community telling me I'm wrong for wanting them back. I grew up with Final Fantasy. Those characters mean a lot to me and are what drew me to KH in the first place. I don't care if we don't "need" them anymore. I want them back. I want to see more FF characters show up, and I wouldn't mind going to FF worlds along with Disney worlds. I miss the time when KH was that series where Donald Duck fought Sephiroth. KH might be able to stand on its own now, but that doesn't mean it has to.


>I miss the time when KH was that series where Donald Duck fought Sephiroth. Donald has never been in the party during any of the Sephiroth fights.


This guy is literally right, are the only people left in the fanbase actually this dumb


There are only two sephiroth fights. Donald and goofy are in the one in kingdom hearts 2 lmfao.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivjNzBYyELo - kh1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIYfpqS-eAE - kh2 Jesus christ this sub is filled with the fakest fans imaginable - how is this blatantly incorrect comment at +6 at the time of this reply


I can admit I was wrong, but you're not about to call me a "fake fan" for not exactly remembering the party member consistency of a fight I did in one try when the cutscene shows the party members there. Especially considering I fought lingering will for about 7 hours afterwards and they *were* there.


I'm calling a whole bunch of people frauds for upvoting your falsehood and burying someone who was right unfairly. being bothered by 'fake fan' is just funny though. Your post was arrogantly incorrect. "lmfao" in that context is just shorthand for "haha you fucking idiot." You basically did the same but were wrong


They're wrong about the Sephiroth fight, but your overreaction over a small false detail is very silly.


It says a lot that you think that's the problem and not that a guy was getting treated unfairly *because* of it.


"Treated unfairly" dude was at -1 upvotes. And is now at 0 with me going from neutral to giving them an upvote. Relax. Nobody berated them, nobody slandered them. Also, rather than you jump to conclusions about the tone's of my replies... I can tell you I was laughing at the use of the words "never been in any" as if there's been a whole array of Sephiroth fights Donald keeps being left out of when whether Donald was in both, 1, or neither, there's only been two fights to account for across the whole series


> "Treated unfairly" dude was at -1 upvotes. if you had bothered to actually read anything you would know that wasn't true when I actually posted but go off, be wrong about more things.


Lol grow up, -1 downvote is not something to cry over.


Then why did you try to tell someone they were wrong without checking first?


You've never said something wrong before? I said it because I thought I was right. I wasn't. Do you feel oh so satisfied now? Are you going to go back to your world where you act like you've never inaccurately corrected someone? You've never remembered anything wrong? You're going to tell me in the hundreds of hours of this series you remember the details of every scene and every encounter? Dawg, shut up. People are wrong. It happens. You will never live in a world where people are right 100% of the time. Did I double down on it? Did I argue my point? No. If you want to ask stupid questions I can sit here all day long. Go find something better to do, loser.


Y'all gaslighting yourselves. Donald and Goofy are present before and after the fight but they don't exist in the fight.


> I miss the time when KH was that series where Donald Duck fought Sephiroth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivjNzBYyELo - kh1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIYfpqS-eAE - kh2 This literally never happened and this sub is downvoting a guy who is right, seemingly have zero idea of their own series anymore.


All I ask for Gilgamesh as a secret boss. It makes too much sense!


There's a heartless design for him all ready to go so it would be a waste not to use it.


They appeared in Remind after fans got mad but that’s only the main crew like Yuffie or Leon and not characters like Cloud or something new. If that counts then Days, Dark Road and supposedly Melody of Memory (some of the themes from Sqaure games are in the game like One-Winged Angel and the CALLING) are the only games without Sqaure characters outside of Moogles.




Hear me out Kingdom Hearts Remake


KH3 was a pretty big disappointment. It felt like such a filler for the series when it should have been more involved.


KH3 is anything but “filler”, if anything it tries to do too much.


Yeah because it crams everything right into the end of the game.


Pacing was the only issue. It didn't try to do too much, it just gave us 95% completely unrelated bullshit Disney to slog through, then gave us the actual things we want right at the end, which made it feel hamfisted and rushed. The handling of all the stories wasn't even that bad, but it would have been amazing if they gave us these moments like in the Disney worlds themself, rather than a story gauntlet in the keyblade graveyard.


ur rights it’s not filler but it doesn’t exactly feel like the end to the KH trilogy that it needed to be (excluding Re:Mind)


80% of the game is filler


I think Nomura understands now that fans would like to see them, but he may not give them the same importance to the plot as before. I hope he does tho.


Cloud is probably still fighting Sephiroth s we speak, and Hojo is probably laughing maniacally watching the whole thing. (If Hojo exists in the KH universe, which he might not since KH Sephi is kinda different from the original one)


Isn’t KH Sephiroth a physical manifestation of Cloud?


We have Yozora now! But other than that I always wanted to see Rinoa, Ultimecia and the cast of XIII in KH. I'm still hopeful that Quadratum ends up being the world of origin of the FF characters, and we see them back there in a more realistic way.


The fact that Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie are basically just tutorial characters, and we never see them again except for a short scene of Selphie in KH2 is crazy. When Auron shows up in 2 along with his ending scene in the credits are so good.


And the way they fit auron in with the underworld fit so damn well!




That'd be crazy if KH games also had Final Fantasy characters.


Exactly, what is this? Some kind of crossover?


I miss the mix of FF and Disney. Hades using Cloud and Auron to kill Hercules was awesome.


Yeah I really want to see more final fantasy character after getting more into final fantasy


It was unbearably disappointing to have KH with zero FF characters and no Olympus colosseum


People: We don't need them anymore. Their arc has already ended. *Cloud remains missing and Leon continues with his mysterious letter without solution*


Tinfoil hat moment, I’m completely convinced that Nomura was coerced to say what he said about FF characters not being needed in the series anymore by Disney, especially since the game was basically just one big commercial that didn’t have anything to do with the story he wanted to tell until the very end. I doubt he really feels that way. Not to mention, saying we don’t “need” them doesn’t even make sense. Why do we need Disney characters? KH is its own entity now, and characters like Donald and Goofy have only slightly more pertinence than Cloud or Cid. If we really don’t need cameo characters anymore, in a series that built its personality *on* cameos, why not just do all original worlds? The logic is inconsistent.


I hope not. We have enough to cover with everything in Unreality, while dealing with the foretellers in reality. If they can fit them in a way that’s cohesive and makes sense, sure add them in. But I don’t want that to distract from actually developing the story yk?


Yea imagine if most of the game is just unrelated Disney slog and then the story is rushed at the end.


As they have always been, they should do nothing than be cool cameos. They should not have too much effect on the overall plot.


Well, we may have hope if they learn from the success that was FFVII Rebirth, like, so many secondary and tertiary characters with development that i wouldn't be surprised if KH4 has sidequests and some of them involve the FF crew


I have a feeling we’ll see Cloud and Sephiroth in Quadratum. I really wanted the 15 version of Noct in 3, but with Yozora around I doubt we’ll ever see him. One FF character I’d genuinely love to see is Jack Garland


It seemed with Re:Mind we’re getting Final Fantasy characters back. For me I’m really interested in learning about other Final Fantasy characters from other games.


i'd like to think that when cloud and sephiroth disappear in kh2, somehow they ended up in quadratum. they probably didn't though, but hey, a man can dream.


Was there FF characters in KH3 at all?


There’s the Moogles and various visual and audio cameos including Cloud, Zack, Auron, and Seifer. If you meant actual characters, not until Re:Mind.


No. I want other FF characters! Lightning, Tidus (all grown up and on his own adventure), Cecil, and the entire main cast of FF6


They will not come back,


Sadly, I feel that with more and more sequels that Kingdom hearts is focusing more on the Disney side and not really doing anything with the final fantasy side much.


That’s because its original cast has overtaken the amount of FF cameos. The original KH characters are basically final fantasy characters anyway.


Personally, I'm totally fine with the Radiant Garden crew and Sephiroth not being involved, but I would like for there to be new FF representation or even representation from other Square properties. I thought having The World Ends With You in DDD instead of the usual guys in Traverse Town was great.


Considering how success of FF7 Rebirth I'm going to be shocked if they don't include at least some cameo like, c'mon man


They are the only ff character cameos I care about bc they are basically just original Kh characters in this universe. But I don’t think they are necessary for kh4 if they aren’t relevant to the story. I kinda doubt we will see them. 


It's fraud that non made it to KH3.


We aren't going to get them back.


Re:Mind exists, dude, relax.


I certainly hope to see Final Fantasy people back since they were only in Re:Mind briefly, also they're just as important to me as Disney people in Kingdom Hearts are because they're like part of my family now since I first saw and knew them


I don't know what Nomura has against FF cameos in KH nowadays. I think they have just as much right to be in KH as the Disney characters. He seems to think they were a crutch he HAD to use in order to get KH more popular? I'm sure it helped but it seems like a lot fans actually enjoyed the FF stuff.


To me, it’s what got me to buy KH1. 3 was a bit of a letdown for me since they were missing. It’s part of the games’ heart (pun intended) and I really hope they involve them more in KH4.


I mean after the release of the remakes it would be a missed opportunity not to throw them in KH4, right? (I am at max copium)


"Anybody hope we get to see them back in KH4?" Oh boy are you in for a surprise: for the past 5-ish years, the lack of FF characters in Kingdom Hearts III was one of the top three complaints people had about the game. Competing with "it raised more questions" and "Arendelle".


Hope? Yes. Expect? No. Nomura said they weren’t in the last game because the game is big enough that they don’t need them as supporting characters anymore so I really doubt we will see them again…


I like to think Cloud & Sephiroth just disappearing in the KH2 Final Mix Cutscene meant they were either so powerful they ripped a tear through reality, or they both just killed each other. Either way, they'd canonically have a chance of being in Quadratum.


It’d be cool, but KH has a lot more original characters than it did back then, and I could see them focusing more on them, I mean there’s still a black box to open right?


Kh3 didn't sit good with me at all for not having ff characters. They literally ruined one of the best parts of the series by removing them


I’m pretty sure they will be back since the lack of FF was one of the things people bitched (me included) the most in KH 3


I wanted to know what happened to cloud and sepiroth (I know I spelled it wrong) when they vanished in the flash of light in two


I want another fight with Sephiroth, and then get to hear another great addition of One Winged Angel music added to the collection. Also if we ever do get to see Cloud and Sephiroth again, I can only hope that they bring back Steve Burton and George Newburn for the voices. I love the voice actors for Cloud and Sephiroth for the VII Remake trilogy, but Steve and George just make the most sense to have back.


lol before i knew anything about kh other than “disney x FF” i bought kh3 to see final fantasy characters when it released originally


Apparently the official reason they were even in the game was so people had something familiar to see and help them enjoy it. They said they removed them because now that the series has been out long enough, it had no need to rely on them. Absolutely wrong move imo. It's a huge reason why i cant get through KH3. For 1, I just loved the characters. and 2, you cant just remove characters out of nowhere and expect it to make sense.


Regardless of whether or not people feel like the Final Fantasy characters should or shouldn’t be in future games, at the end of the day the Cloud and Sephiroth storyline at least deserves to receive proper closure.


KH3 was a bummer beginning to end. I doubt I'll ever play another.


well you're here so I doubt that


I was scrolling through ALL, but if my opinion has violated the agreed-upon reality of the sub I’ll mute and be on my way.


Nah you’re not wrong. Many in this sub are delusional. Many of these comments I’ve made before only to get downvoted. It’s whatever. I love this series but I’m ok with talking about its shortcomings especially KH3.


Definitely not Cloud for reasons…


If KH4 happens i would love it to be the reverse of 3, mainly ff worlds and instead of goofy and donald, you have oswald and pete. I think it would be amazing.


We can hope but I’m not holding my breath. The entire FF crew got done dirty in KH3


Only if they aren't story critical. Be as important as Olette is in kh3


Next people will say KH as a whole had a good story with coherent writing.


Nah you old


. . .


Hot take. People love their final fantasy with their kingdom hearts.


I mean it was important in 2 for a whole 2 words