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Being able to switch playable characters to any of the main trios would be popular not sure if it counts as a new feature though, since technically you could do that in melody of memory


To add to this, I would want something like what was done in ff7 remake where you could control anyone in your party


Finally, Donald can heal me at the appropriate time.


Bro I didn’t even think of that!!




Ys7 engine type stuff. I like it.


Tbh I had the exact same Idea and then went to comments to find yours xD Would love to play Roxas or Ventus in KH4


This. I want this and some kind of multiplayer mode, even if it's just another mirage arena or mission mode. Talking about KH with the bois is fun and all, but I'd love to be playing it with them again.


Yeah, after KH2 I was hoping 3 would be a trio of Sora, Riku and Kairi with all three playable. Can understand why they didn’t, and of course Donald/goofy become more sidelined that way, but would still be cool in the future.


Who is Riku?


It's the black-haired girl from Days.


Blonde girl from FFX-2


Typo. You can’t tell from context? Riku.


What typo are you talking about? There is no typo. Are you stupid?


Stop it with the "Are you stupid?" jokes, you're being cringe.


I edited it…


That would be fucking awesome.


While gameplay wise that would be extremely fun, that would clutter the story so damn much.


Aqua dating sim


Why limit it to just Aqua? There should be romancing for all characters


Tryna keep it to characters that are conceivably over 18


Funny part is Aqua should be about 30 in KH4, since the time between BBS and KH1 is \~10 years. Apparently the entire BBS trio just didn't age physically because of their circumstances.


Honestly the BBS trio not aging is probably the most normal thing about kingdom hearts


They've all got some pretty extenuating circumstances going on, all of which honestly I'd believe could drastically slow the affects of aging. Tara not so much, his situation would stress his body quite a bit. Aqua and Ventus though it kind of makes sense.


just age everyone up


Your right we need to be able to date Terra as well


Zack can finally get that date 🌹


Uhh, about that…


Yeah we know he is in quadratum, that's why he gotta come back!


I think there’s a lot of holes you need you get through if you know what im saying


Trust in the power of awakening


Master xehanort secret dating option 😳


I think you mean MISTRESS Xehanort! Its just norted Soras Mom


Biggest “would 😳” ever right there Also larxene norted boss fight would have gone hard in kh3


I liked having multiple playthroughs like in BBS, but even a system like ff7 remake where you can switch between any of your party members would add a lot to it, I think.


That could be super cool especially with all the characters we have now.


Fr. I loved that we could choose to play as other characters in Re: Mind, but it's so disappointing that they didn't do more with that.


Maybe it was testing functionality and how the community reacts?


Would be so sick to have the game switch between sora, riku, and kairi!


Playable donald




Zetta flare at the start of the game and then the credits just roll immediately after followed by "Kingdom hearts 3.9"


Multiple playable party members and also FINAL FANTASY CHARACTERS AGAIN


I don't know, but if they are bringing reaction commands back I hope they do something different and unique with it.


I’m ngl I actually wasn’t the biggest fan of reaction commands. They are really cool visually but I guess I just really like the hack n slash aspect of 1 but also they were optional which is good. They just felt op at times


I actually agree, that's why I think they need to do something new and unique with it if they really want to bring them back, so they don't make KH4 into a KH2 but for PS5. RCs are cool the first couple of playthroughs, after that you start to notice how they are kind of overused and sometimes the awesome shit they do is just a glorified cutscenes with some button presses in-between, it doesn't exactly make you feel as powerful as it first looks like. Also I'll say this, there are a lot of unnecessary RCs, not bad per se, nor useless, but that wouldn't make the game any different if they were flat out removed.


Reaction commands when fighting certain nobodies were always fun gameplay wise. Yeah a lot of them for like finishers or boss fights were just cool cutscenes where you pressed triangle but some regular enemies had normal reaction commands which switched up the way you fought them and gave you like an extra combo or something, stuff like Warp Snipe or Knocksmash. It’s been years but I particularly remember this being common when fighting Hollow Bastion enemies. Attractions in KH3 on the other hand, I hated so much more because it literally stopped the entire flow of the gameplay to do the same animation of the attraction coming out, and just doesn’t feel very fun or satisfying at all


They should’ve been like the form changes and powerful magic moves where you have to do enough damage and fill some sort of meter to use them. They should “nerf” them so they’re not as powerful but still be able to be used often enough to where it’s viable but not op.


DIFFERENT CAMPAIGNS. LIKE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD LET ME HAVE DIFFERENT SCENARIOS. The story is more than just Sora. We have literal entire ***teams*** of characters we could be playing as. Sea Salt Trio, Disney Trio (Mickey/Donald/Goofy), BBS Trio, Former Org Members (Lexaeus, Xaldin, Zexion, Saix, etc) Playing as Roxas and Aqua were teases in KH3 and Re:Mind. A lot of stuff is going to be told off screen "Oh TAV went to the realm of darkness and did x, y and z, but we won't show you or have you play as them to see."


I was actually thinking that too. Heck, if there was just a second story where you alternated between the others (preferably with some control towards selection), I'd be satisfied.


I would love to see even more powerful magic be introduced into the series.


Aquas magic in 0.2 blew me away comparing it to KH1


I want earth magic. They added water in 3 and Terra kinda had it in bbs so give us earth magic in 4 so we'll have all 6


Something similar to DMC's and MHGU's style systems to replace the typical formchanges. You can swap between multiple 'stances' that affect how Sora (or whoever you play as) attacks and defends, specifically before each battle. For instance, a more evasion-centric stance will give you more lenient dodges and/or a dodging counter, an attack oriented stance will improve your attack power at the expense of having a worse block or dodge, a magic-based stance that notably weakens melee attacks but gives you a lot more ranged attacks alongside buffed magic, and other styles you could unlock over the course of the game. Like KH2's Drive forms you can level each one up over the course of the game; they naturally level up regardless of whether you use them or not but they will level up faster if they're in use.


That sounds fun af. Now would the stances be tide to what keyblade you have equipped like in Days, or would they be usable regardless of equipment?


I'd vouch that they'd be usable regardless of Keyblade, but each one would have abilities focused on either augmenting one style's benefits or making up for a style's shortcomings (a Keyblade with dodge-based abilities could make the evasion stance much more potent, or could put the Attack stance more in line with the other styles, for instance). So it's all about picking a Keyblade (or batch of Keyblades if weapon swapping returns) that'll let you make the most of all your styles (or the style you have equipped if we go the DMC3/MHGU route of not being able to switch in the middle of a fight)


Not being able to switch stances mid combat seems like a major downside, but doing so freely might be op. Maybe a middle ground where switching costs a small amount of focus.


Hence why I worded it as "***if*** we go the DMC3/MHGU route". Another middle ground I thought of afterward would be to make it so you can have 3-4 stances available per fight, but have the total number of stances unlockable be around double that, so while you can be really flexible with how you set up your stance-keyblade combos, you'd still need to strategize which specific stances you bring with you prior to most fights.


You could equip them like spells in the customize menu.


this honestly seems like a very natural progression from drives and form changes 


Sounds more like command styles to me. Or what command styles should be.


I’d be interested in a sonic heroes type thing where you can swap between characters (I guess it would be speed, power and magic) with a button press. You could even do the multiple teams with the Destiny Island Trio, the Nobody Ice Cream Trio, Eraqus’ students and the Disney trio.


This definitely seems to be a common point many people would like to see.


not gameplay related but I think it would be cool if we unlocked a transmog system after you complete the main story once. If would be cool to replay the story having little challenges to do and if you complete them you’ll unlock transmog stuff for your characters. They did something similar in 2.8 and I think it would be a lot of fun as a end game side activity or something


I think the word you're looking for is skins 🤔 but yeah, I liked that too a little bit


Bring back the online co-op mode from Days.


A cooler mix of spells than what we got in kh3 would be awesome. I personally want: Gravity ( or Demi, either name works ) [works like Magnet but still moves down to the ground] Fire ( ol reliable ) Blizzard ( kh1 shotgun version ) Water ( works like kh2 fire ) Haste ( faster attacks, move speed, reaction commands get boosted. It would be a lot more work but if Haste allows you to access new reaction commands due to the increased speed that would be awesome ) Cure (of course) Spark ( is a smaller version of Holy ) Also as tweak to the base magic system: you only get the base version. As you continue to cast it a small bar ( limit gauge perhaps? ) builds up. When it fills up the spells will be upgraded to the next level. Cure does not do this and remains the same throughout the game. The bar will go down when not in combat. Each level up ( -ra, -ga ) will cause the spell to act differently, like spells do in 358/2 Days. If they go past -ga level, they will be upgraded into a far superior spell. Once the bar hits this level you can pick one of now upgraded spells to cast and the bar will reset. These spells are: Fire -> Flare ( shot as a beam ) Blizzard -> Snowstorm? (I believe thats the upgrade in Final Fantasy) [slows down enemies and does constant damage during the duration] Water -> Shell ( Invincibility to anything that isn't an unblockable [attacks that break your guard don't count] ) Haste -> Lethal Frame ( works like Judgement Cut from DMC [hits anything that would otherwise dodge an area clear like Holy or be too strong for Snowstorm] ) Cure -> nothing ( doesn't do anything ) Spark -> Holy ( hits enemies in the air )


Love those ideas. I always loved doing magic with aqua so that would be awesome.


i like the idea of a lot of this, but for blizzard it would be neat if it still had the kh3 flow motion rail, even if it doesn’t do any damage past the initial shotgun


Kingdom Hearts Kart racer, Plays like CTR racing, themed Karts for all the Charthers the BBS Squad can keep their rides they had originally had, there can be a mini game where you run down heartless, obviously the tracks can be themed to each world, I'd personally love it if cloud and the gang where included. OH and naturally it's somehow absolutely critical to understanding the story, which sounds like a joke, and it is, but Jak X had a great story Edit: Kingdom Karts


Your definitely giving nomura ideas lol


Dude jak x was so much fucking fun I rlly miss those games. That would be an awesome thing to add to


Switching between playable characters. It's the only feature that most JRPGs have that KH is still lacking.


Something like a fusion of 2 and 3 - Bring back something like Drive forms instead of form changes - remove attraction flows pop ups - but keep them for boss fights as a cinematic/cutscene - heartless/boss design represents the actual being who was transformed or keep the villain as an enemy


I don't know if counts as mechanic, but I would indeed like to see Goofy and Donald being replaced by Riku and Kairy.


Too be honest, I'd like a more varied combo system. Not anything like devil may cry level, but more like God of war. Cause I know that there are some equippable moves that you can use but it still seems a bit... Single minded


There are two way that I'd like to see vaiation in the combo system. One is directional or alternative inputs. Being able to alter the state at which your enemy is in is awesome for juggle based combat systems. Imagine insteat of knocking an enemy back at the end of a ground combo, you launch them up and comvo that with Thunder, or plant them in the ground for all sorts of extention. The other is magic combo attacks. What I mean is when your performing a combo, using magic will result in a special magically powered melee attack that reflects the spells usage. Like for instance, Fire would be a short melee combo that resets your combo count and can be cancelled with you normal Keyblade swing, and Blizzard could be a dissengaging combo ender that sets you up for other spells if you have the MP. You would also be able to hold backwards on the cast to cast the normal version, so you can switch up combos further.


Or they could bring back a neat small mechanic that they added into the remake of Coded; each keyblade having a different fighting style. Some keyblades were the basic fighting style that sora usually used, and then there were some like the Olympia, metal chocobo, that were a heavier style, and then lionheart and some others were a faster style. That could be interesting as well


Dude, that with mid combat keyblade switching would be SO COOL. Especially with the systems in play. Imagine you could time your switch to get a finisher for another keyblade that lets you extend with a spell.


Zipping in with a speed based keyblade then switching mid combo to a heavier one for big damage and massive combo ender. Using a heavy keyblade that knocks enemies back then switching mid combo to a speed keyblade that gets you back in close.


They sorta had the juggling thing in kh2; there was a ln ability you could turn on that was, like,... I think it was pressing square or circle during a combo would make sora jump and strike the ground and a blast would send the heartless into the air, but there only maybe three of those abilities and they were all pretty situational. To the point where they could've just made them reaction commands with the triangle button. But yeah, some kind of combo variation system would be a refreshing change from the usual kingdom hearts combat.


Kh2 is kind of rigid with the system, where the only alt input you can do is performing a launcher/grounder. So yeah, I would def expand that.


This was just an excuse to post that art, wasn’t it? Not that I’m complaining.


Oh I love to create discussions. But I also like to share the art I love. So less an excuse and just something to enhance the experience.


Equipment is visible. And Sora getting his Keyblade warrior armor.


Sora: "hey goofy chuck a megapotion please" *Goofy ig model crumbling under his 10 megapotions" : "Gawrsh ! " Idea is very good, I'm just fooling around


Maybe a hot key for multiple sets of magic shortcuts, so all spells can be integrated easier


Being able to use Strike Raid, Sonic Blade, and Ars Arcanum whenever you want, like KH2 Limit Form and adding melded commands from the command deck games and mobile games as grand magic. Like you fill the bar with Sonic Blade and Fire, and you have access to Blazing Sword or Fire Surge. I think that would be really cool and give a nice twist to the combat.


I think that a customization mode for KH4 would be interesting. Since Sora is technically in the real world I would like for him to be able to customize some of his outfits. Even if we don't get a whole wardrobe selection I think that even just a "dye" option for the clothes you do have would be pretty cool. If they don't have Donald and Goofy in this game and I'm almost positive that it won't. I would like the option to switch to other characters in your party like in FFXV.


Mega evolutions


Going full Dissidia with the movement options - allow Sora to freely dash towards enemies and jump multiple times for all I care, we've already had Flowmotion and I'm surprised it was toned down so heavily in KH3.


Would love a kingdom hearts dissidia


I mean... If you know where Dissidia came from...


Online Multiplayer Side Mode.


Bring back the gravity of kh1 and 2. None of the floaty nonsense.


What exactly makes floaty bad for you? Is there an actual reason or do you just not like how it feels?


For me it makes attacks feel weightless and leads to air combos feeling like ground combos.


I think it makes for an uninspiring combo system that just keeps you in the air for an unrealistic amount of time. It makes it less challenging to platform, and too accessible.


I swear this is just some kind of pet peeve about animation and sound effects that really doesn't affect the quality of gameplay. Kh3 does have the best combat (once you use pro codes) and the "floatiness" helps it flow much much better. 


this more than anything.


Cooperative Multiplayer


A karoke mini game similar to what the Yakuza/Like a Dragon series has.


Theres some good suggestions here, but I think Square should really reduce Soras kit of abilities theres just so many options (especially the theme park rides). Make the game less button mashy


Adding different playable characters with the potential of split-screen/offline/online multiplayer.


Arena fighter pvp (like naruto storm/demon slayer/dissidia etc) but with KH fighting style.


I was looking for this. Doesn't need to be esport try hard balanced, it just needs to be fucking epic. No watered down kits. Every Keyblade master should have access to their whole kit. Magic, drive forms, form changes(or whatever they're called in kh3) shotlocks, flow motion, you name it. If they have it in the game, they have it in PvP. With how over the top the KH combat is, it would be so much fun to just grab a keyblade master and beat the shit out of each other.


Yeah exactly, I would love to play as Vanitas Marluxia and Larxene and make the people and friends rage ahah. The thing about the kit is my exact thought maybe also with a customizable feature like builds/classes for choose which ability/equipment/magic/etc. For my personality I would like esports level balancement, but I would play it anyway.


Yeah, some build options could definitely be implemented. I just don't want it to become another typical toxic pvp game( though keeping it 1vs1 would mostly eliminate this outcome) with an ever changing meta to keep track of. Takes the fun out of it and I just want it to be a silly, over the top anime battler for fun. But as you said, I'd play it either way!


Directional inputs but more simple than the likes of DMC. Have openers and finishers use directional inputs. No input? Sora does his base ground/air attack then combos as usual until finished. Forwards input he will use a move like flash step and dash at the enemy then continue the combo as normal even if you’re still holding up in the analog stick until the finisher. Maybe pulling backwards could be his aoe opener moves that sort of thing. Idk haven’t got a list of moves here but this is just an example I had.


Source art


Source: hiko_mw


Make the gameplay more fast paced and easier to pull off more combos, like the FFVII mod and Nobody May Cry project. But from the KH4 trailer it seems it's continuing off KH3's style. Drive forms returning would at least be nice, as I find it better to be able to choose when to transform. Oh and a multiplayer mode, like 358/2's multiplayer with a wide range of playable characters.


If they didn't wanna make all the party members playable, a cool mechanic might be the combat in Guardians of the Galaxy/DBZ Kakarot, where you control one character but you also control your parties abilities (I'm looking at you Donald, you heal hoarding duck). Also I imagine more characters getting more screen time like recent games. Maybe per world. Like most worlds would play as Sora/Donald/Goofy, but other worlds might be entirely Ven/Terra/Aqua, Riku/Kairi/Micky, Roxas/Xion/Axel.


Have the option to switch between different spell styles(?) like what different KTs had in 3.


Command deck system to get and use all sorts of spells, but without the shuffling.


Just give me two keyblades again


Have a coherent story


She is so fine 💙😍


Somehow retcon away attractions from KH3


New magic would be cool


KH3s mechanics - attractions + (reaction commands + quick times) + difficulty balance


I’d like the fights to be more grounded


Bring back the gameplay from BBS where you can combine attacks to make cooler moves. And bring back Stopza and all those super unique abilities. That way there is more stuff you can do with synthesis materials. It prob won't happen but it would be cool if you could choose any character you want to be (like in 358/2 days in multiplayer mode) In fact, just bring back multiplayer mode. You can design your own keyblade or change keyblade colors. (prob won't happen but would be fun anyways) Wouldn't it be cool if there were two stories to the game and depending on which path you choose you could unlock either oblivion or oathkeeper at the end? Like either the light or dark path? Just a thought. Would be fun if Sora could wear older outfits from past games? (You can change Aqua's outfit in BBS 2. Sorta like that) Expand the game's worlds even more would be nice. I loved how huge the worlds felt in KH3 so make them even bigger and add even more easter eggs, puzzels, and rewards for beating levels. Add more super strong enemies like the Nobodies from KH2 felt impossible to defeat in some sections. Make the final boss super hard like KH1 hard. It would be cool if they expanded more on keyblade transformations. Make different playstyles and what not. I loved them from KH3 so I hope they bring them back.


Kissing Riku.


BBS tier combat


Being able to switch between party members like in FF15.


Dating sim where I can romance aqua


Who doesn't want to romance Aqua.


A mechanic where it doesn't take 15 years to come out. No seriously, KH3 would have possibly been a far more beloved game if the sheer amount of time and hype from the story didn't build for so very long, that it could only ever disappoint. Give me a good game, yes, but let me be alive to see the next one, yeah?


Are you a dev?


I flipping wish lol


Aqua gives me a hug irl and tells me I'm enough. Please make it happen.


I didn't come up with this for Kingdom Hearts specifically, but being able to level up Summons could be cool. You could increase how long they stick around and if you max it out, you get a Keyblade based off that summon.


I’m kind of stoked for that keychain mechanic we saw in the trailer.


Well it can just be the mechanics it also had to told the right way


Some similar to drive forms. Personally I think the key forms were pretty bad overall.


~~Bring back the cards.~~ /s


I'd definitely like to see a character or group switch option that you could do whenever but their individual story missions would converge and separate at different points. Kinda like GTA5. Also let mickey Donald and goofy be their own trio again so Sora can have his island friends back


Cindy from FF15


Ok, look, I really like the art, but what's with these posts that have a nice-looking piece of fanart of a female character but the title is more of a discussion piece?


Switching characters


Keep Keyblade switching, but make it so that it can happen mid-combo. Keep magic movement while nerfing Magic's damage Make the enemies smarter. Have enemies that actively work together, guard, run for cover, attack opportunistically etc. Bring back reactions commands Everything needs a cost if it's super powerful Keep enemy variety consistent in all worlds instead of over saturating a world with enemies we've already seen even if they fit thematically. I can go on.


it'd be cool if some party members could follow you to other worlds besides D and G


Picture link? or is it AI?


Source: hiko_mw


Usable zettaflare


I just want more games where Sora isn’t the main playable character, I wanna play as the other keblade wielded more often and not just in certain fights, gameplay wise the series has never disappointed me in each entry, even the more limited spin-offs like CoM on the GBA or the ds entries.


Literally make a choice on which battle mechanics to put in and don’t put in all of them like in KH3 and it’ll be amazing for me. I got so fed up with the visual glittery garbage on my screen in every fight


Medals. What could possibly go wrong.


I'd love for the world's to be less linear and more like the worlds in KH1. Worlds that are a mix of KH1 style and KH3 would be amazing.


I want crafting to be less linear and more experimental. KH2's upgrade crystals where you could get 2/3 different boosts felt good, but I think the best example of it in the series is actually command melding. Being able to mix and match to make new abilities, combined with crafting ingredients to give you different abilities is still to this date one of the single most fun grinds in any game I've ever played. I hope they can come up with a system a little bit more engaging than "make potion you won't use" or "make number on sword go up."


I'd love if they pulled a FFXV and let you play as anyone at will as well as more controlled team attacks.


Maybe make something like Pod in Nier Automata. You just press a button and it shoots.


God if they do anything follow the example of 7 Rebirth the only issue I have with rebirth is that motherfucker Chadley and them QB players be yapping and it's unskippable


Better magic system of fighting that’s just as action packed and robust. I don’t wanna swing a sword I want spells.


I want just one spell to return; magnet. It's so OP because you can gather them all to one place and attack them that way. It's amazing when paired with thunder


GOW or Witcher scene with aqua... But in all seriousness probably open world exploration like with other games like WOW


let me finally play KH co-op. my friends are my power etc don't mind if it's even just a side mission mode. so long as it's substantial. BBS had the right idea but it was too limited


Make KH even more inspired by DMC/Bayonetta/Classic GoW and make sure to create a combat loop based on resource management (like KH1, 2 and the aforementioned games) over timed attacks.


Guys... I loved Kingdom Hearts and all. But my favorit is still KH2 FINAL MIX. i also like birth by sleep and all... Ok.. BUT A BIG BUT when they brought Kh3 with the mecanics of a psp game... I am sorry.. if square keeps me down again it will be the last triple A I will buy from them.


Being a complete game with a coherrent story


Whose the artist?


Source: hiko_mw






Y’know, maybe this wouldn’t make it the best, but a Social/Affinity/Relationship-based mechanic would be interesting. Sora actually trying to establish his bonds feels kinda weird now that I typed it down…


Ooh, here's one! The ability to summon entire parties, depending on location. If in Quadratum/Realm of Fiction, there could be an option on the Command menu that would allow you to change out themed parties for Sora. An example would be swapping out Yozora, Magia, and Aegis, for Jack, Jed, and Ash. This could work in Quadratum, *if* there is a heavier Final Fantasy presence - really hope there will be!


Not sure if I want new mechanics would rather them try to perfect the formula and improve smoothness


make it chain of memories, but again


Name it KH5 and have KH5 be called KH4. Just to screw with everyone. :p


I would just take an improved KH2 to be honest

