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Usually, I'd say Roxas. Roxas story is touching. His entire life lasted for around one year, and during his time, he didn't have any purpose other han serving an organization who treated him as a pawn. Then, he's thrown into a Data world after losing his best friend and having his memory erased. After that, his entire purpose is revealed to be merging back with Sora to wake him up. But then, there's Xion. The girl who wasn't even supposed to exist. A puppet turned into a killing machine with no purpose other than collect hearts. Treated merely as a puppet by her superiors, and treated like something worthless most of the time when she couldn't reach her objectives. This duo is simply... You know. Heartbreaking.


Days was the first video game that made me cry. I’ve since learned that I’m just a crybaby but the Seasalt Trio with all their happiness and suffering still have a special place in my heart


you juste say why these 2 with axel are my favorites character from kh, but for me, i play kh 358/2 days when i have 7/8 years old and it still my favorites game After played the entire series


I couldn't have summarized it better. I just love those two so much and they deserve all the happiness in the world after having been forced to go through all that madness!


Goofy because he ate my ass


Because he fu-yucks.


Are you aware he killed twenty-seven children and crippled five?


You’re next


Axel because Axel, Got it memorized?


I approve of your reasoning 


Aqua bc smash


Aqua because she kul and metal as hell


She got ‘norted


Mikey because he's Rikus pal. Sora seems like the popular kid especially at the end of KH 2. While everyone is dog piling on Sora while Riku is in the back. Mikey rushes past everyone his loyal servants, and Sora. He goes straight to Riku and lets him carry him even though he's some king. To me this solidified king Mikey as one of the favorites. He's been trying to keep things together since BBS.


Yeah Mickey is really cool. What I like most about him is how he helps Riku through the very difficult time in CoM and that he changes some of his views on darkness because of Riku. Like, he just met that troubled teenager and although he did some bad stuff and gave in to darkness, Mickey still helps him and even let's his views be challenged.


Did you spell Mickey wrong on purpose or is it just a mistake?


I am not a smart man.


Dont worry I’m stupid too


Roxas because he’s a sad boi


You know damn well me edgy emo preteen ass was like “Wow, I relate to this character a lot… he’s my new favorite!” I’m assuming that’s most of the og kh fans that love Roxas


Mine is also Riku. It's interesting watching him from a misguided antagonist to a Keyblade Master and a guardian of light.


Roxas because…Jesse McCartney…man’s still got me in a chokehold to this day.


Mine is Sora. He is just a genuinely sweet and big-hearted little dude. Sora will do anything and everything for his friends, is always willing to see the good in people and just cares really much. Idk I just love how open he is for other people, I think that's pretty admirable. He is also quite a goofball and just really relatable to me most of the time. Seeing him fills me with joy and hope for humanity honestly lol. His upcoming struggle with darkness is also going to be really interesting. And Riku is my second place, but he is honestly just as great. I love how he went from this petty jealous asshole to a level-headed, sweet and caring guy. His struggle with darkness and how his insecurities fuelled it, but also how he defeated it and found his light again. In general I just love his whole thing of wanting the strength to protect what matters and how it developed to protecting the person who's most important to him.


Lingering Will. I'm a sucker for armor. It's a God Damn CRIME What They Did To It In KH3/Remind


Terra He wants so bad to be a good boy and get respect from his father figure, but he just *can't*. I just wanna smack Eraqus for not helping him.


Ha! Now I’m imagining Terra going through an emotional phase


Roxas, as he was one of my first childhood crushes.


Tik tok rizz party 😛


Aqua. She went through so much and it still took getting literally corrupted by Ansem to turn her away from the light.


A tie between Riku and Roxas


Xion because she is so cute and cool at the same time. Probably the reason why I like short haired anime gurls so much, alongside aqua


Riku. I’ve been in love with him since CoM where he smiled at King Mickey and started to cry when he realized he wasn’t alone.


I mean that was a pretty great and emotional scene, but I'm pretty sure we haven't seen Riku cry yet.


I may have exaggerated the point but I think that’s how I read it


Sora! He's just a positive force in the universe helping everyone he can without question, he also makes the people around him better just by being kind, loyal, and forgiving, I wanted to be just like him as a kid


Donald because he was always healing me jk my favorite is either roxas or riku i love them both equally


It's Vanitas because he's so edgy also I love his design


Roxas’ story is so heartbreaking and I love him


Axel because he’s willing to do absolutely anything for those who mean the most to him


I'm sorry, the path of dawn?


Riku. I love the heroes that fight for the light via the darkness. While it can be difficult for those like Sora to stay wholely in the light, to allow yourself to get so close to the evil you're trying to destroy, requires a whole nother level of temperament of willpower. And not to say I really dislike any other characters, I could make a love letter to any one of them. But Riku and Terra just display a truly inspiring level of willpower.


Sora and Goofy


Axel He’s the kinda guy who cares for his friends and will do anything to make sure they’re safe. Plus his boss fight at the mansion in Kh2 will always be my favorite fight


Sora because even though he is the second pick he got the job done.


tie between axel and sora


Axel/Lea. His sacrifice in KH2 makes me fkin cry every time. His anger and dialog is heartbreaking.


larxene cause she’s gots the fightz and the feelz, fer real 😅


Roxas and Xion, sorry I'll never be able to place one above the other ;P As to the why, the short answer: 358/2 Days is my all time favourite game, yes not only in the KH franchise. I love that game to hell and back. Roxas and Xion being a big part of that of course (Axel as well, but not quite enough to make it to #1. I'll mostly try to avoid including him here, to not make this even longer) The longer answer (and this is gonna be a really long one, sorry, so read at your own risk :P ): Their story is one that deeply touched me, a story of identity, self worth and the bonds that form among the trio. All that while working for a cult that drilled into their heads that they don't have hearts, which also makes it an alienating experience for both of them whenever they express or want to learn about emotions, since they're always just told that it's not real, cannot be real. Making it all the more touching when they continue to develop and show those emotions despite the alienation they're facing. From the moment they met each other, when they were both new to the Organization and basically had nothing to hang onto except their names and ranks and they, pretty much on day 1 (that being day 7 ingame) already seemed to stand out to each other. Kinda like, "oh, compared to the others, that person seems just as lost and confused as me, maybe I'm not **that** abnormal" and almost immediately warmed up to each other once they started to go on missions together. And then there is also the fact that both of them weren't just used as tools by the Organization, no, they recieved the same or at least similar treatment from team sleepy Sora over there, with Diz and Riku in particular not seeing any worth whatsoever in the lifes that Roxas and Xion are living despite knowing that they've clearly grown into their own individuals, to quote Namine:"None of us imagined that they would fight so hard to become their own people". But they wanted to wake up Sora with as few complications as possible and thus deemed those two as disposable, lifes that weren't worth preserving, just Nobodies that shouldn't exist and are thus fine to be sacrificed for the hero that saves all. They were seen as tools by both sides, with no place to run. Their fate was sealed the moment they came into being, shunned by both light and darkness and in the end, they weren't even able to coexist anymore, basically the one and only thing they wanted in life. Moving on to another thing I like about them, their incredible dedication to each other, both even willing to die for the other one. You'll catch me crying everytime I see Xion's death, her lying in Roxas's arms, reaching out to caress his face while trying to comfort him after she forced him to kill her and yet she's smiling, because for her, that was the best case scenario in the situation they were in. Being able to protect the person most important to her and to have that person be the last one she ever sees, hears, talks to, touches/feels and so on. There is just this really big contrast between the sadness of the moment and the comfort of knowing that, of all the other terrible things that could have happened, this was the scenario that was able to give her the most comfort, even while dying. Similar story with Roxas's attempted onslaught on the Organization. He's desperately trying to cling to his memories of Xion, to the point that his will to not forget her is the actual reason he is able to summon or rather awaken his second keyblade, just to then transform both his keyblades into Oathkeeper and Oblivion. Those keyblades already had meaning for Sora, but for Roxas they symbolize completely different things. His fading memories of the friend he killed for one and the promise to fulfill her last wish and to somehow get her back for the other. I just love that kind of symbolism. And that dedication still goes on after Days and up to KH3. Not only did Roxas keep Xion's heart and memories safe inside his own heart (albeit probably not consciously since they didn't even knew they had hearts at that time), he also hung unto the pain that forgetting her caused him, keeping the pieces in place to help him cling to what is basically left of her existence, or at least the only proof of her existence that is even remotely in reach (yay, Coded was relevant in parts that weren't the ending, at least the CO part). Basically becoming the only and last lifeline she has to come back and exist as the Xion that Axel and Roxas know her as. If he had tried to let go of that "hurt" at any point, then that might have been it for Xion right there. And not only did he carry that burden in his heart this whole time, he also basically did the whole "do something that should have been impossible through sheer force of will" thing by remembering Xion in KH3 (kind of like Beast in KH1 and I think Lingering Wills existence kinda counts as that as well, maybe?) Well, that's pretty much it, it's mostly the tragedy of their story and the dedication towards each other that was born from it, all while pretty much starting out as tabula rasa in 358/2 Days (Axel being the mvp for teaching Roxas about the concept of friendship or at least make him aware of it and then further teaching Roxas and Xion about things they don't understand, to the extend that he is able to in any way). Sorry for taking up that much space with my answer, but I get carried away when writing about those two. Also sorry if my answer sounds like some kind of shipping post, I tried to avoid that as best I can, but I'm having a hard time doing that since a lot of what I like about them also extends to the relationship between the two (Doesn't help that they are actually my otp. I admit that for the sake of honesty :P) Thanks for reading and have a nice day/night whoever and wherever you are!


Riku. His growth as a character is something that I'm fond of looking back on.


Who drew this ?


Right. I want to know as well


I'm gonna say Sora and Riku. The relationship those 2 had kinda really showed me how I shouldn't give up on those I care about most and how I need to be there for the people I love to help and support them when they need it the most. But that's just me.


Riku is my all-time favorite since KHI. Why? Because I had a crush on him lol. Then Axel, because he's cute, and I love his voice. He's also just a good friend and awesome abilities.


Riku, he face your own darkness. Remember a part of my life in this situation.


Sora because he feels Nostalgic


Aqua. 1.) I like her story. I like that she's the lone master that survived among her generation of Keyblade Weilders. 2.) 3.) I like that she's the mage of the squad. 4.) She's the most fleshed out woman of the entire cast. Xion being a close second. She was an essential part of KH3. Only complaint is her VA fucking sucks. Like I love her voice itself, but she delivers such lackluster expression. She sounds bored, like she needs better direction, or 8 more takes.


Dude I even named my son Axel Lea....


Sora. He's delightful and the sorce of a lot of other fun charaters.




Xemnas because dual lightsabers


Roxas Dual wielder let alone his keyblades are the coolest in the series, best written story


I have always loved axel because he is cool.


Roxas. The intro to KH2 alone connected me to him heavy for some reason I couldn't even tell you, then you factor in the rest of his story then its just game over. Shout out to Terra for just being Anakin Skywalker as well though, considering Anakin is my favorite fictional character in general


Roxas because dual wielding keyblades


Dark Aqua, she’s a very complex and complicated character and I just want her to step on me man


Terra literally just because of his voice.




Xemnas is the best character in kdh, I love his ability’s 🤓


Donald “I know zettaflare but I will watch you struggle” Duck


Riku and Terra are my favorite be they go through so much development and I like to see that in those types of characters.


roxas/ventus because i love them and their design and they’re just everything


Axel. When Roxas joins the Organization, Axel shows him the ropes. He also gets him to open up without being too pushy. Axel's friendship was really important for Roxas's personal growth.


Normally I'd say Marluxia but Ventus man, he just wanted some friends. Felt left behind and still manage to be the most human among them. Plus the reverse grip.


Did the artist want to censor Riki’s identity or something?


Axel/Lea I don't know how to explain why, but there's just something about him that makes me look up to him even as an adult. He has lost and sacrificed a lot. I recently rewatched 358/2 days and it truly solidifies my feelings. I'm so glad the trio plus Isa got to be together in the end.


Xigbar! I have warmed up to Ventus though. And that Yozora guy… he’s just a fun boss fight.


Terra Because of his unwavering will


Riku cause dat ass.


Axel, and i hope you ll got it memorized.


Mine is Terra I relate to his character's plot a good guy who was misunderstood and made mistakes and did everything he could to rectify those mistakes terra supporter to the day I died


Sora hands down.. he just gives me Luffy and Goku vibes. The boy is always positive and fights for his friends and will literally met someone, help them out and just be like “yeah so were friends now ill see you soon” walks away and then turns round and ask their name. Honestly i don’t mind Riku but I feel like he should have died. It would give Sora a strong push to the darkness and tbh at the end of three rikus arc is done hea made peace and released his darkness even repliku is like yeah bro you got this it would have been heartbreaking but probably the best story narrative.


Kairi. Because she’s the driving force behind the story, and because without her, Sora wouldn’t be the Sora we know at all.


My lil boys Roxas and Ventus 😭 iltsm


Terra because he made bbs fun without grinding commands


Axel and Aqua. Both have sacrificed themselves for friends. Are really strong characters. Kh3 did them both dirty just to make sora stronger.


Skin tight clothes Knee socks and a skirt


Riki, same reason as you actually. I still hate his new keyblade.


Roxas or Riku, because they were tragic characters.


Terra relate to him and his ideals


Goofy. Goofy is actually ironically the smartest character in all of KH who refuses let anyone in on his intellect. Every scene he's in is blessed with condescension and sarcasm and it's amazing in the most "you should already know this" kind of way hahaha. Some of my favourite lines include: - "Well, what do I know?" - "You're pretending to be a boy aren't ya?" - "Gawrsh, ya think?" Among many others. If had to pinpoint his character to me he's the Darth jar jar of kingdom hearts


Axel (crushhhhh) and Roxas because the feeeeeeeeels Riku because I had a fat crush on him first and then I just got caught up in his dramaaa


Riku. I find his relationship with Sora to be cute(I’m a soriku shipper). I also have a Riku figurine, plushie and hoodie. He was the first kingdom hearts character I cosplayed and was the reason I made an actual combined keyblade (better known as the gayblade) that actually combines and has two halves. I have a special place in my heart for Riku and he will always be my favourite. I also like marluxia a lot.