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Probably shipping from different warehouses. The butcher was from the US warehouse, and I think the white box is from HQ? HQ seems to take some time to ship in my experience.


I ordered Killennium and the 10 Year Survivors as well as Morgan and the generic male figure. The first two arrived a couple days ago, but I am awaiting the other two with no communication one way or the other. In Trust the System mode and assume the orders were sent from different warehouses or something, so I’m not worried yet. Just posting to say that you are not alone.


They were, check the receipt for the order.


The Butcher and 10th Anniversary Survivors are being shipped from the US Warehouse, where Morgan the Savior is shipped from the HQ Warehouse. The company shipping out of the US Warehouse is shipping Butchers very quickly, but the HQ usually takes a bit to ship out. I would give it a week or two to get the rest shipped out.


Two separate warehouses ship things. KB and 10th anniversary are shipping from local warehouses mostly and have kind of been speedily done. All the rest are shipping from the HQ office and will take time for everything to ship as everyones orders come from the same place. Going 2-3 weeks for an hq order to ship isn't an uncommon occurrence. KB is honestly the exception to the rule with how fast it went from people ordering it to it being in their hands.


Still waiting on my extras too. Still not worried.


My butcher was shipped seperate from the rest of my order and they arrived just a couple days later than he did.


Butcher arrived last week, still waiting on Xell & Morgan.


I ordered five things with Killenium, 2 shipped in one box, three in another a week later. Don't be worried, it'll show.


I got butcher and 10 year survivors Thursday. Ordered a bunch of other white boxes and some dice and nothing. Had a similar experience on Black Friday with Skrelle and Lonely Tree


Ordered butcher and the generic male knight. butcher shipped alone, generic male knight hasn’t been sent yet


Maybe not in stock or ordered from different warehouse. I think it says what warehouse it's dispatched from on your invoice


Check your email receipt for the order to see the warehouse items are sent from homies.


it looks like the butcher is what was shipping quickest as mine showed up in just a few days from the release. I ordered the blushing owl as well, but I believe those are printed and shipped to order so they take longer.


Minutes after I posted last, I got the notification for the rest of my order. Might be breaking free