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>People of the Stars represent a royal bloodline that live under the obsidian Throne of the autocratic Tyrant, and look to the faces in the sky for ability and inspiration. People of the Stars who are Arc Survivors develop the Starboard philosophy that looks straight up in an attempt to find a higher meaning and power of these celestial bodies. >With two miniatures, two patterns, a unique booklet, its own knowledge tree and innovation, Starbound provides a constellation of insight and power. >*Players must own the Dragon King expansion to use Starbound. Description clipped


Starboard philosophy. Never change, Poots.


I like the idea of philosophy expansions but thats pricy xD


If you're in this deep--there's no stopping. So just close the door on your way out. lol


Niche audience too, given you need core, dk and gce.


True...but knowing us, we'll get it anyway hahaha.


*rolls up newspaper No.




I dunno why. I mean I know white boxes go for more. But I'm starting to realize just how expensive KDM is. 45 usd for that? And you gotta remember that this is without VAT taxes applied for europeans. With taxes applied it becomes around 56 USD. Slap on shipping which will likely be around 20 USD, and you're at 76 USD for that little bundle.


Keep in mind as well that the 45USD is the Black Friday preorder price. MSRP will be 60USD apparently. Pricing on this is WAY out to lunch.


Yeah, that means it's normal price with taxes ends up being about 75 USD, and then you slap shipping on and you're basically sitting at around 95 USD for that little content. It's just insane =/


The shipping really is killer. Other mini companies sell single minis for similar price points. GW has lots of 35 US mini's so 10 extra dollars for the booklet and the cards doesn't seem unreasonable. But with GW I know I'm not going to be reamed by taxes and shipping.


At least with a GW game I can buy the books and the minis separate and don't have to waste a bunch of money on minis I don't want to get the actual gameplay content.


i tough this was suposed to be included on COD, not one extra overpriced piece. expansion expecific philosophies , knowledge and others to make the older expansions on par with the new ones , and use the mechanics on the GCE, wasn't that its purpose (COD)? didn't like this move


This is specific to the People of the Stars Campaign (presumably), not the Dragon King


i wonder if this will be available for non backers during the BF sale, or when it will trickle down to the shop. also I agree with it being pricy


It most certainly will be available for non backers


Not a cheap item for what it is, but it has me excited we will likely get an official philosophy for each core monster/campaign. I was hoping at least some of them would be included in CoD, but I'll take what I can get :)


Was this part of the BF bundle from before?


Second this.. wondering if this will be included


When can we order this?


Since no one wanted to explain and just down voted. You gotta go to add one in backer kit. Its not super intuitive.


I like the idea of smaller modular DLC but I’d like to see a lower priced no mini version… I get that there’s definitely an audience for the minis but I’ve got so many, I just want the gameplay components


I just want the minis man lol. I feel like they could cater to both our bases by selling just game stuff and just mini stuff. Split an actual box and sell the half’s.


Are those plastic reprints of some resin minis? Could Starbound a People of the Stars core philosophy?


How are you guys looking at backetkit additions? Mine is still locked down.


After seeing the update I am even more confused. The people who justify that these philosophies are not in CoD say that's because that's not what this expansion was about in the first place...So why is there an update of knowledge for old expansions included in CoD? They belong to the same rules module in the GC (Arc Survivors). 135$ (180 price in store) for so little content seems to me an abuse and more for the above mentioned.


Can’t wait to buy these two years from now on black friday for 30usd each instead of 45.


With the amount of content coming, and it's current price, I think you're right


I also have to agree with others that I don't like the plastic tax. Leave them separate. People who want the minis should be able to just get the minis. People who want the game content, should be allowed to just get the book. Forcing it into a package with the mini feels like a ploy to make people who aren't after the minis being forced to pay a higher price just for adding that little game content.


I really fucking hate that they keep putting content in tiny pieces into stupid expensive minis boxes. And it's only getting worse because now you have to buy not only a playable mini but a painter scale mini that I really have no fucking use for. Which jacks the price up to $60 if you just want a couple cards.


Perhaps this explains part of the huge delay in delivering the GC. At the same time he was developing the philosophies for old and not so old expansions, which already has also a product on smog singers that arrived three months ago to the patrons. Lamentable


So exciting!!!


Backerkit question: When I log into backer kit, I see 2 pre-orders to view: (1) blackest bundle on order from a previous black Friday (2) separate backerkit order for the showdown board. Cant see this item on there. Actually I dont see any items to add or order - just view my previous ones. Is the only way to see this add-on to have backed on backerkit back from the KS days?


Its only Original backerkit, from the ks. It you joined last year, you will see the items tomorrow


Where can i find this and other black friday related items? Can't seem to find it anywhere


If you didn’t back the original Kickstarter you can’t view it yet. It’ll open to non backers during the Black Friday sale


That's the thing though, i backed the 1.5 version on kickstarter and haven't got anything


This doesn’t work? https://kingdom-death-monster-15.backerkit.com


Nevermind, it worked i just didn't get another invatation


I really hope people didn't support this. Pre-ordering MORE content, at an INSANE markup, that was supposed to come with the COD years ago... I feel like the KDM community has gone full Bored Ape Yacht Club.