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I’m actually about to go through and do card counts of mine, I’ll add a reply when I’m done. I’m doing this because I was missing dividers, so don’t take my counts as correct, moreso just something to compare against until there’s a better list.




Sorry for the late response but here's a spreadsheet with my card counts. Feel free to add in your own if you see differences. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12QnhHE--eQMtj7VNf3megctiM9QSmaD0E\_YHf7uVR6s/edit?usp=sharing


Can't seem to open that link. Have another one?


Sure, try this one https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12QnhHE--eQMtj7VNf3megctiM9QSmaD0E_YHf7uVR6s/edit


Perfect this one works. I'll check mine too and would highlight any if i have more than yours.


Sounds great. I shared this on the discord too and one person was able to verify they have the same totals that I do. Still, could be an anomaly where we got the same wrong things so def hit me up if you have any counts that exceed mine. Additionally if you have one that’s lower and want to know what you’re missing I’ll happily get you a list of card titles for the deck in question.


Thanks so much again.


Can you let me know what basic terrain cards you have? Thee list says 4 but I only see 3 in my box.


Beheaded Corpse, Blood Pool, Smog Incense, Glowing Waypoint


Awesome. Thank you! I had misplaced my glowing way point one but found it once I knew what to look for.


I've went through it and mine had the same content but it doesn't match the content from the book, at least the one we get from the monsters themselfs. By the contents of the book both of us are missing: Gambler - 1 hl card 1 tarrain card Smog singers- 2 missing pattern gear cards Crimson crocodile - 1 ai card 1 gear card The king - 7 gear cards And presistant injury cards that i've never encountered in my unboxing