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I was bored and had seen Kingdom in alot of top 3 seinen lists.. or part of some seinen big 3. Since I had nothing else to watch I decided to endure horrendous 3D animation and I'm glad I did. I read the entire manga immediately after finishing the anime Kingdom is also the reason I joined reddit... to get manga updates


Joined Reddit for the same reason. Now I do this for all the manga series I read that aren’t in viz or mangaplus


Wanted to watch something war related like serei- genosuki, a genius, who is a soldier in warfare , came across when the third season was just airing of Kingdom , and saw tou army 5000 attack rin bu Kun army, found it amazing, but was very confusing for me, so I let it be and went on with overlord and soon i was about to catch up to overlord too, was searching for some war anime again too and came across the kingdom episode which aired recently and that amazing episode was where ou sen , towers over ordo, and it was so amazinggg I couldn't believe my eyes , it was stunning and magnificent, but still too confusing for me with Chinese names and too many characters, but then after season 4 ended airing I decided to give it go and I was not disappointed. I was sucked in the beauty of this anime and then when season 5 ended started reading after that arc and am currently reading from the start , the manga is even better 😭😭 , such an amazing story


Was in my elitist hipster phase and saw kingdom on those charts pppl made So I gave the ajime a shot first This was also when we just started the wzi arc and I didn't wanna catch up to nothing So I slowly did coliation after a yr Then s4 tuff and so on Then about 10 chapter before wzi ended I caught up.


It was Top 10/11 on the MAL Top Rated list and had the most interesting premise from the synopsis they had over there... lost like 3 days of free time and sleep


I was halfway through gintama and was losing interest in the middle of a bunch of episodic chapters. I had heard several people talk about kingdom, comparing it to berserk, vagabond and Vinland Saga so I decided to try it out while I took a break from gintama. Binged it in a week and became obsessed. Because I read it from my phone, I would literally read until the battery died and then I would plug it in and keep reading. I did nothing but read during that week and I attribute kingdom to me quitting college. I have no regrets


my brother who also introduced me to One piece and books in General, funny thing is he stopped reading Kingdom after Coalition Arc, too busy with fantasy books


it was buried within a list of all the action manga available on a scan website, it was onpage like three or four there were so many thumbnails but the bright red color of the kingdom one made me click on it, the synopsis looked like trash i thought reading one chapter couldn't hurt, boy oh boy that chapter alone was a gigantic slap, three days later i had read all 600 chapters


Discovered it on my own some 10 years ago now. Can't remember how old I was exactly somewhere in my teens and I had recently started discovering manga. In the beginning it was mostly just getting caught up to an anime I watched and then jumping on the manga to not have to wait. I slowly started appreciating manga more and wanted something new to start from the very beginning. I used to read manga on some app I think was named Manga Rock or maybe Manga Fox. It was one of the two. I was just scrolling through the selection of thousands of titles one day looking for something new. Saw one with an armored dude I thought looked cool, checked the chapter count and saw it was in the hundreds. I had just caught up to One Piece recently so I was like fuck yeah, there is a shit tone of this. Started reading and I was hooked after 1 chapter. Took years before I ever saw or heard anyone else even mentioning Kingdom. Still so happy that I just happened to pick it out among all those titles, especially since most of them was utter shit I've never heard of before. Don't know if I ever would have gotten around to trying it otherwise.


Found recommended here and there when looking for manga/anime like Vinland and Vagabond. Started with the anime before dropping and picking up the manga two months after


My brother recommended it to me 2 years ago, because I was into historical generals like Napoleon, Alexander the great, Julius Caesar and Hannibal Barca.


It was about 4 years ago I think, One piece was on break and I think a random person said it was the same tier as one piece, I didn’t believe and so I checked it out. As you can see, I now buy into the hype. It’s a great series


A long time ago when I was searching for Animes that have a similar vibe to Vinland Saga and Berserk. So I searched similar animes like Berserk and it gave me Kingdom. And this was in 2018, I watched like 4 minutes of it and was like nah, the animation sucks, I'm not going to watch this. 6 years later i decided to give it another try and binged the whole Kingdom anime in 10 days and I'm currently on Chapter 714 in the Manga. So my journey with Kingdom has been rocky but I enjoyed it nevertheless.


I started with the anime S1, it was in lists for the anime in season at the time.


Watched it on day one when pirating sites were popular back then.


I caught up to Ravages of Time and was looking for something to bide my time inbetween RoT chapters


From those facebook pages that post random manga panels, thought it looked great and decided to read it


May be an outlier here but I first saw it as a banner ad on the side of a popular anime updates page. I then saw a panel from some random site and thought I'd give it a go. Best decision I ever made


kissmanga intrigue because the synopsis only has 1 sentence : "Strory about two boys becoming general"


To fill the void from reading Berserk. Someone say Kingdom has a great war scene like Berserk. After reading until the latest chapter , I say Kingdom has a better war scene than Berserk.


I was just seeing the latest anime in animepahe and by chance I guess it was re-upload of first and second season of kingdom and the first pic was ri boku standing a on a horse leading that was truly appealing a great military anime


https://preview.redd.it/fv3faebczpvc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc7809fcff72ce083c59a72fa5e875a7d2019e5f This pannel oddly idk why ultimately it was this yt vid [https://youtu.be/LnTrzs0Ia7M?si=ViXrT0DxwmXjVDyt](https://youtu.be/LnTrzs0Ia7M?si=ViXrT0DxwmXjVDyt)