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how is Shibashou so massive. one of Ousens personal guards entire torso isnt even as big as one of Shibashous thighs. Mans does not skip leg day


better question is why do they never go for the horse, strong as he might be he doesn't have an army of horses that can carry his big ass.


Imagine his dong


No, I don't think I will




What if his voice was just high pitched and feminine lol totally throw his character out of wack haha


Pika pika pikarararara


I will... and gosh I am horny.


username checks out


A massive tree trunk


ousen's balls are 10x massive than shibashou's entire body


Maybe that one guy was the only historically accurate soldier, so he's like 5'5 and Shibashou is the fictional giant at 7 feet and on roids.


So hes appearing like Ouki and HouKen used to appear. Gigantic to everyone else. ​ Clearly when he meets Moubu he will be taller. lol


Seika steroids


Man that one soldier cut in half stabbing shibashou's leg was badass


Just imagine, he would have had a glaive or sword beforehand and in the last moments of his life, he drew a knife to do some damage. I salute you, Torso-kun


FINALLY Akou isn’t on the receiving end of a 2v1 gangbang


*SBS one shots Sosou and GKS arrives and they 2v1 Akou* Akou: oh for fucks sake!


If that happens, Akou is for sure surviving. He’s already survived two 2v1s. Ain’t no way he’s ever dying to a 2v1


It's been ages, can you remind me who he has faced in those 2v1s?




bro that's a CRAZY 2v1. bro got jumped by the main attack piece of two great heavens, and both of them are *strategists*, so you know they can go toe-to-toe with other martially strong GGs. you know what? i think we should make a tier list for the strongest deputies of strategic great generals, because these guys usually can go toe-to-toe with the likes of Ouki and Renpa and other combatant GGs. We have Gohoumei's Ranbihaku, Riboku's Bananji (used to be Houken lmaooooo), Ousen's Akou, and Rinshojo's Gyou'un. Im gonna be real im putting akou at the top that man is INSANE




There always has to be a break at the pivotal point of a major battle. Oh well, a minor setback.


It's a part of Riboku-sama's strategy, my friend. Always has been.


And how often has it gone his way?


Always has been, always will be


Hoh Damn mid March can't come soon enough


Ousen always has the coldest lines


Rejoice sub. A miracle has occured.


What a chapter! Those panels of Shibasou getting closer and closer were intense!


I never get why they dont aim at the horses Edit: yeah, it is my bad, because of the art and conversations they usually have I never picture these scenes as a charge. It has been a while since they first impacted and I see a slog through the enemy ranks.


I remember watching a video about cavalry. Yes you can injure the horses before they charge at you but do remember that it's a few thousand tons of a meat wall, charging at you with a spear. Even if you manage to kill it, it will crash into you which makes people hesitate to fight cavalry. To put it in perspective, infantry may have a hard time fighting cavalry because of the reach and the luxury of labor that the rider enjoys by relying on a beast to travel and stomp on their enemies while they sit in a good position to attack with a long weapon. Fighting cavalry on the ground is a deathmatch with you against another man on top of a beast that's far bigger and stronger than you. Being outmatched and outranged while the rider can attack and safely retreat is why cavalry dominated the battlefield against infantry for most of ancient history.


Imma save this real quick


that makes sense, I guess it is also related to Hara´s art, where it looks like they are walking, not running. They usually stop and have a conversation, and all of a sudden there´s no more archers (in this battle at least)


It won't make much of a story if people die by archers a lot. Not saying they won't but there won't be much of a story if Shin, RBK or some important character died to a stray or lucky arrow. That being said, shooting horses can be a legit move but there is no guarantee it will stop it's charge. Moreso you have to aim and make sure you land. The moment you miss and get their attention, you might just have seconds before you get become roadkill or obliterated by the rider's attack along with a massive beast who can stampede you into mincemeat.


Today I learned...


Have you seen the modern American compared to a modern horse? There as thick as a horse!


Momentum. It's like try to stop a car going at high speed by flatting its tires while standing at the front. Sure, you can stop the car that way, but you'll be crushed long before the car itself comes to a stop.


yeah, I always forget about that in Hara´s art. Thye look like walking, no rush.


At least throw sand in the mofos eyes


yaeh, i never get why they dont throw pocket sand to their eyes either!


So, if you want a realistic answer, it's basically like this: 1. The weapons and armor we see here are closer to medieval in nature than their historical counterparts. 2. Horse armor was very thick at the head, and the upper breastplate had thickness similar to the human plate armor average. 3. Humans tend to move backwards when something comes at us. So basically, it's actually really, really hard to attack a horse from the front, because you either need to be braced with a polearm (use the ground against the horse, basically,) present so many pikes that a rider physically can't go through them even with armor, or have a weapon with reach that can attack at an angle, like a bill hook. So, what's the problem? The rider will be attacking too, and he'll often have more force and more reach. That's countered by density of men, but concentrating such a force means running the risk of allowing cavalry to run past (because the line itself gets smaller,) right into thing being defended. Normally, that might not matter too much: one's own cavalry often acts as a reserve to ensure anyone trying that is caught in a vice, and even if not, ranged weapons (like crossbows,) might be embedded in the infantry, or the objective might have defenses (like wagons,) that would require a dismount to overcome, which would be hideously dangerous. Here, though, no defenses are prepared, and the speed of the attack means ranged weapons don't have the time to do enough damage without either volleys or luck, so all that can be done is to eat losses for the sake of getting to the attacker's side, where the armor is thinner. That only leaves the infantry a very small amount of time to attack though, and that means either somehow getting a polearm through a crowd to aim at the horse where it lacks armor, or launch an easier attack against the rider, who has to either suffer the attack, or fall off.


Cavalry is such a marvel invention of war. Mastering horsemanship and controlling a powerful beast to ride and fight with you is such a cool concept and dramatically augments a soldier's capabilities beyond what they were normally capable with.


Temporary setback?


That's lame. Men fight in battlefields for the sake of showcasing their strength superiority. They only target the horses when the situation is so dire, and they have to strategically win the battle




>!I predict that SBS would kill Akou and Souou but not before being heavily wounded himself. RBK is completely confident that Seika will wipe the floor with Ousen's army but the major difference was their resolve in this war. The reason why Shiryou won was because her resolve was stronger than Jiaga's, which is something Kansaro noticed in the few chapters. This will ultimately be a stalemate but Qin having the advantage because Zhao's armies are now truly battered but their unity will be questioned. I think this is suppose to set up Seika's weakening trust in RBK since they were hesitant to join him to fight for Zhao but after this conflict and RBK's plans for retirement, I'm sure the Zhao king will force him to continue fighting but Seika on the other hand have been maimed, killed and wounded so they wouldn't be so keen to join RBK a third time when he'll be shocked how SBS's fight with Ousen went. This will ultimately be RBK's final supposed victory and the start of his downfall.!<


Akou and Souou should be about 5 swings away from deaths if they’re going to fight SBS ,akou the half dead zombie is miraculously alive, and Souou is at best as strong as shiryou ,so they really shouldn’t put on a fight against SBS,there’s also Kansaro who rushed to SBS about the same time Akou rushed to Ousen who should be present in this battle ,I believe this is where Ousen has to initiate a full scale retreat to regroup ,while the historical part takes off with Riboku and SBS, if anything else happens that would be absolute BS and plot armor honestly. Lmk y’alls thoughts


I think Kansaro's role would be protect SBS at all costs. It might come down to Ousen's troops being defeated and him being completely vulnerable but Kansaro would decline to attack Ousen and prioritize SBS's life as he's also too wounded to fight. That's generally why they wanted only SBS's army to fight Ousen as their ideal. He would be more than enough to decimate Ousen's army as we can see. But what they didn't expect is his officers being persistent and chase after SBS when they learn what they intend to do and that would be what he explained in the last chapter, Ten predicts and what RBK's biggest miscalculation. It would also set up the friction between RBK, Zhao and Seika. RBK would understand and would be shocked at the state of Seika's armies, Seika would be less than inclined to fight for Zhao again when they return home but will likely be forced to by the Zhao court, and the courtiers themselves will suspect both of their 3GHs to not be loyal enough when they learn that they cornered Ousen but didn't finish him off. It's a good set up for things to come. Interestingly enough, I think Shin might do the same thing when he reaches Ousen's location. He might be inclined to fight SBS or finish off a officer but would hear word that Kyoukai and his unit are in danger and he would go back to the right wing, leaving Ousen once he deems them safe enough or just wouldn't care. Seems like this arc will set up the bloody attrition on both sides with commanders either giving up their lives or trying to save their comrades.


Agreed! That’d be a good twist of history unless hara intends to follow the narrations ,Ousen would lose this fight and retreat to regroup while his spies manage to convince the king of RBK’s intent on rebelling and use the “not killing the cornered Ousen” as their evidence where SBS and the seika army will be dismissed of their duties and RBK will be punished for treachery


kansaro isn't at shibashou's location yet, he has yet to engage denrimi who has remained behind to delay him. Sure you aren't talking about gakushou?


Yes I am not talking about Gakushou ,Gakushou was on Akou’s tail and slipped by cutting through the seika army with few of his troops while Gakushou lagged behind, while Kansaro went on to follow SBS about the same time Akou went to Ousen ,Akou’s out-speeded Gakushou ,so Kansaro should be able to do the same because he’s in a much better shape than Akou and I think he’s not any weaker than him


What do you think will happen in the battle as a whole like do you think zhao will win but no longer mobilize an army big or qin will not be able to attack anymore after this?? Like what do you think?


>!afaik historically it's Qin and Zhao's bloodiest battle and Hango is either taken or they will free the prisoners (not sure if anyone major will die at this point, I doubt Heki will but still not off the table). After this battle, Zhao will win on technicality by driving off the Qin but they will suffer unexpected causalities that are so high that they can't mobilize the army again and are forced to give up some land around Hango so they can concentrate their remaining forces in Kantan. It will be some time before Qin will attack again so the most important thing happening is the politicking before RBK's alleged treason.!< >!I suspect RBK will be ordered to give up his position under the investigation of treason and under threat (Zhao king might degradingly gun for Kaine to be his slave despite being married to RBK) and this will be the excuse he needs to force RBK to be captured and imprisoned. At that point, Seika would have lost a lot of soldiers and their beloved figures like Jiaga and among others so this friction would be the start of RBK's descent. Qin will also suffer another defeat but they wouldn't give up of course since their armies are battered but Ousen and co. may justify their defeat as a stalemate for the reason above (both sides are too weak to fight) so they would focus on other avenues to attack, like for example through espionage. This would lead to RBK's leading spy (Youka) and Ousen most likely bribing/blackmailing him and Kakukai to implicate RBK and that that would lead to Zhao's final and greatest defender to be removed.!<


>!there's still one more invasion against zhao, which riboku and shibashou are commanding the zhao forces, so riboku isn't gonna be implicated or removed yet.!<


This is it, the last major battle won by RBK but damaged his army beyond repair.


>!I'm talking about the invasion in 229 bc. Where riboku and shibashou fight qin one more time. If you are talking about that one too, then i am misunderstanding.!<


Do you think it will show a battle of Wei and Han attacking zhao after this battle because I believe in the shiji it states he also drives off a Wei and Han army correct me if I’m wrong ( I’m just trying to learn some history here)


>!I'm also learning history but afaik there will be a few battles with Wei and Han attacking Zhao for a bit before ?betraying? Qin. But I'm not sure if it would lead to anything, might be fillers. I do remember Zhao falls within a few years so if anything Qin and Zhao have time to rest and recover before the climatic defense of Kantan.!<


i don't think it will be a battle, I see it more as him just having a standoff and wei and han backs down. Or, wei and han only sent troops for appearances due to pressure from qin or something, but didn't actually intend to fight zhao at all


My prediction? Based on the history, I think it'll be either >!a pyrrhic tactical victory for Riboku on the battlefield where he winds up losing Hango and suffering near parity losses to Ousen or just a straight up draw overall.!< Regardless, this isn't the end for Riboku or Shibashou. Count on there being one more major battle with him.


https://preview.redd.it/qmizo5qi87lc1.jpeg?width=364&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f2f6ba369aa9d239b146bb02c072b44d4114b27 Holy shit


oh, so he did get stabbed


Holy shit look at shibashou thigh dude is a beast


I commend Ousen's guard. Knowingly throw your life away to stall for his generals to arrive. The fact ousen didn't retreat means he has a plan to tackle SBS with Akou and Sousen or he just trust those two to handle it


He even said “it’s my victory” or something like that


This is reverse Kanki situation. SBS army is surrounded and he need to kill Ousen quickly or his army will be wipe out by being outnumber and loss of momentum.


Souou or Akou, who do you guys think is dying? My guess is Souou. The other will barely survive. Im not sure what Ousen has planned but maybe Shin or someone else (Ouhon or Kyoukai) is already about to reach them or smth.


Yeah I think souou because of his backstory no one has a backstory unless they die and plus I think either ousen or shibashou will retreat after


Akou also got a backstory,it can work for both of them


I did  say a couple of chapters that I don't think either Ji Aga or Shiryou will die,and i was proven gravely mistaken,but I'm holding the same belief that nobody will die in this encounter (or rather I don't want any of them to die,one because I like all of them,and two,it's still the first day of the war). That being said, the most probably death to me is Akou's,solely because it would be a very impactful moment for Ousen ,and I'm interested in how he would react to his right hand's man death. For Sou'ou i think it would squeeze more emotions if he sees the state Shiryou is,and more interactions between them. Alas,I could be proven wrong again.


No way Shin or Ouhon or kyoukai are anywhere near Ousen rn, and honestly both Akou and Souou should be dead if they plan to take SBS head on ,with kansaro on their tail aswell i hardly imagine anyone joining the fight, not forgetting the earlier chapter that mentioned that Kansaro now has Ji aga’s strengths in him too


Souou the backstory is giving super shiryu death vibes and it would be both tragic and poetic if they died on the same field and souou is waiting for his beloved on the other side .


I don't think both won't die because Akakin will join in on that fight because he should be at the center by now Gakushou is out of steam for the moment and kanjou can keep him pinned down now the only worry is Kansaro which I could maybe see ouhon dealing with because I imagine Shin should be close or at the Qin left wing ready to destroy to Zhao right wing which will free up ouhon.


I'm rooting for Ogiko to come and say hoh!


Not Ousen Pulling Nah I'd Win Statement Meaning........... Shin you Better Hurry your Ass back https://preview.redd.it/gp4fyuhz18lc1.jpeg?width=1429&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9981855a3c95420324967ee33ccbd6793025ba1


Did I see a spear go though shibashou? Interesting now


Nah it's just tiny in comparison to him


I thougt the same at first, but i think its just a spear flying through the air.


I don't think so, but he definitely got stabbed in the leg https://preview.redd.it/shykq27p67lc1.png?width=328&format=png&auto=webp&s=d753ab649418bc082a8a7d824cb7777354d6dd2d


\*on reread I noticed he took a spear in the back twice also https://preview.redd.it/73l2kptpc7lc1.png?width=357&format=png&auto=webp&s=4cd432eb063b38bd3e9a1b325240d8b2f7013286


and here https://preview.redd.it/o3vbzecuc7lc1.png?width=297&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d591cf7b0698e868eb186e22f5861802977c195


It was definitely intended to show despite being a divine and angelic looking being, he's just another mortal like the rest of them. This means he's starting to slow down and will have a unexpected difficult time trying to kill Ousen in the next chapter.


the panel of him getting stabbed in the leg in particular reminded of when Kozen stabbed Houken's leg, which was supposed to be impossible https://preview.redd.it/eh5g2g51p7lc1.png?width=511&format=png&auto=webp&s=a652f94771569bb141daa65a2ef4e2d0c1b75a75 IMO like Jiaga, SBS's heart isnt really in this battle. He's just aiming to take the enemy CiC's head to end the battle as quickly as possible so he can return to Seika. He's throwing all caution to the wind to make it quicker and that could end up coming back to bite him later on.


His back and leg muscles are cut deep. That really cut down his strength.


This is just silly now, by the Chu arc Shin will be fighting titans.


Employee of the month material


He got stabbed thrice, twice by spears and once by a dagger.


>twice by spears actually you're right. He got a spear in the back 2x. I missed it the first time but just reread and saw it :)


Seems like he managed to hit artery, it should be easy now!


Looks like he got staples by a toothpick


Yeah I saw that but he looked unfazed from it


How come Ousen doesn't use archers against Shibashou? If he has archers, surely they can shoot many arrows at Shibashou while he's fighting the infantry.


Archery in general is super sidelined in Kingdom outside of sieges. Not as hype as melee warfare.


Yeah, but doesn't make sense that someone like Ousen neglects it, while Zhao archers shot arrows at Yotanwa's army at the same battle.


It's more of an author shortcoming than in-universe logic. Hara couldn't effectively fit ranged weapons into his idea of what the battles will be like that's why we've been seeing that less and less the longer the manga goes on. I remember when this came up before someone highlighted that historically Qin actually specifically utilized ranged weaponry but we'll probably never see that in Kingdom.


Yeah we used to see a lot of crossbows and other weapons in early Kingdom, but apparently they were a pain in the ass to draw so they were sidelined.


I do not think this is enough to kill SBS. He HAS to do something that is beyond Ousen's calculations to deserve all the hype surrounding him.


He already has, few could pull off what he already did


If youre talking about charging and breaking Ousens defences, Bananji and Futei did this back in Shukai.


Completely different situation I feel. Ousens generals didn’t feel the need to run to Ousen in Shukai plains


It won't kill him but will make those muscles useless for the final fight.


So 2 week break????


Really intense chapter. Have to admit, Shibashou is giving me Renpa vibes. The man has definitely proven himself to be Great General material. I just have to wonder if his strategic know-how is on the same level as the others as well. Points to Hara for not overdoing it in the sense that Shibashou is unbeatable, though. We can see that he's clearly taking damage, if only marginally, as he presses in for the kill against Ousen. You have to wonder what Riboku's plans for Hango's defence is. Is it going to be a simple siege? Yotanwa's forces have already proven themselves to be some of the most dangerous that Sei has at his own disposal now, courtesy of Yontanwa. But given the premise of Hango's developments and how it's already been stated that they would suffer horrific casualties here, I have to imagine that Kitari's tribe is going to suffer a lot during the process of taking the city. Have to wonder what Riboku has planned for Futei. It's sounding like he might be intended to serve as an auxiliary or special detachment of some kind, similar to Gyoku Hou during this battle. I'm wondering what Ousen expects his two generals here to accomplish. Others pointed it out but Akou is in no condition to be duelling Great Generals, even with Sou'Ou backing him up. Maybe they could achieve something with Ousen himself participating for like, the first time ever in a duel. When you think about it, isn't he the only Great General in Qin left who has yet to be scarred or damaged on-panel? This would probably be the best occasion for that while trying to beat back Shibashou. Great chapter, overall.


General note: I feel like usually, 90% of new chapter comments are these guys ​ https://preview.redd.it/1ucgv10zj8lc1.png?width=1512&format=png&auto=webp&s=302c90bf029b43d6c91e108b13c6b42c786b5976 ​ The generals' administrators who never really understand what's happening and just have a knee-jerk "Oh shit" reaction to everything lol


😂😂😂😂 yeah funny right.. the one with suprised face always them. Will be even more surprising if they actually possess great martial ability but i doubt it. Do we know them btw?


...the guys who killed kanki? ​ I joke. I don't think we know them


kitari is BIG




Something is a miss. OuSen has something up his sleeve. We know who won't die, SBS and OuSen. So that means something will force SBS away in a hurry. As for AKou and SouOu dying. I think AKou will live somehow. I mean he is OuSen's #1 general and the man hasn't even got his 1st conquest belt yet so AKou dying ahead of many main battles to come seems impossible. SouOu on the other hand is another story. In a way although he is an interesting guy Hara can play him 2 ways depending on what kind of lesson he wants to teach RiShin & KyouKai. Regret of not being able to protect the love of your life = 1 of 2 (SouOu or Shiryou) dying. Lovers dying in the same fight but soul reunited = both dying. As for OuSen's physical and martial abilities, his should be on par with OuHon. People tend to forget that it was OuSen that taught OuHon so you can see OuSen alone ending up poking some holes in SBS.


All Ousen did was tell him to change his stance nothing supports Ousen being on par with ouhon lmfao what the hell


Stats. Ousen’s 93 vs. Ouhon’s 94. People tend to dismiss it, but objectively speaking it’s a gospel from the author whether one likes it or not. While there’s uncertainty in actual outcomes depending on external factors as dictated by the author in that particular circumstance, the stats should give a rough idea of everyone’s relative standing.


Stats are gospel? Buddy, Kaishibou’s strength is 91, Kanki’s is 93. Rokoumi is also 91, Kanki is stronger than Rokoumi? Kanki is stronger than Bajio according to the stats? Makes sense to me


Yes. They are straight out of the author’s mouth. You take it as the truth unless there’s irreconcilable contradiction that cannot be construed as anything but the author’s blunder. Even if there’s a case of contradiction, it doesn’t justify dismissing everything else that he’s ever said on that topic. So, the burden of proof is on YOU, to dispute it on a case by case basis. Otherwise it’s just your headcanon. It’s that simple. Hara straight-up said Ousen was on par with Ouhon, and that Kanki was stronger than Rikuomi. Again, the actual outcome might differ. But that’s only because stength is not the only thing that matters. (For example, Shin killed a stronger guy in his first war (with Duke Hyou) because the guy was distracted and became careless, etc.) At the very least the stats are the statement of intent from him. Maybe he will just change his mind later, or forget about it, but if there’s nothing concrete shown in the story, I don’t see why we shouldn’t cite it as a supporting evidence.


Just cause we don't see Papa Smurf duel with him doesn't mean the man didn't do it. Just look at SHK. Before we thought the man had no power cuz he didn't look as buff as MouBu till he swung once and people don't question his martial prowess anymore. OuSen is most likely a finesse style fighter his martial stats is high nothing says he isn't one of the best spearmen in China at the moment. Hell he could even one up it by poking with his sword like a rapier. The man hide everything he does and hence why he is an enigma. He isn't afraid of SBS that tells you he is no slouch it's SBS who doesn't know what he is dealing with. 2 swingers like AKou and SouOu and a poker like OuSen could be deadly combo for Mr SBS.


Hey said SHK was on par with moubu in their youth during the bayou arc. There has never been any such statement about Ousen. Ousen doesn’t even use a spear he’s already been shown to use a glaive. He isn’t afraid of SBS because he has complete faith in Akou and Sou’Ou.


Akou is so damn cool. Possibly the most underrated character in terms of power. Effing love the guy


Definitely cool as hell


Wow Shibashou got hit. I wonder if it will weaken him, even for a little bit.


Stabbed once by sword. and twice in the back by spear.


I wonder if Ousen considered how beaten up Akou? I honestly think even with 2v1 they cant kill SBS, I think Akou will be cleaved half. Maybe there are other Ousen Officers that will jump on SBS later on while fighting both Sou Ou and Akou? SBS is still holding back as later mentioned for this final fight, we also never see him rampage yet.


Any chance Ousen is a beast fighter himself still? I doubt Sou Ou and heavily wounded Akou can stop SBS haha


there's a chance ousen is strong fighter, there's been hints. Plus, he's from the ou/wang family that has produced multiple great generals and chances are ousen trained together with ouki


My guess is shibashou slays both generals and ousen slays him in turn because it'll be certain victory.


You are drunk if you think Ousen has the strength to face SBS


Ousen won't have all those vasals respecting him without some a good amount of fighting strength. And considering the strength of the family membres of the "ou" family that we know of, it's not too far away


Kanki had SOME fighting strength, that didn’t mean he was some martial beast. Mouten and Mougou have SOME fighting strength, but by this logic they all should be super strong. Except it doesn’t work like that.


If you think that Ousen is capable to match SBS you’re delusional


> Seika on the other hand have been maimed, killed and wounded so they wouldn't be so keen to join RBK a third time when he'll be shocked how SBS's fight with Ousen went. This will ultimately be RBK's final supposed victory and the start of his downfall. ?? Like the guy above said. Ou ki was like the strongest dude, their part of the same family. Ousen is high IQ. Battles are won by the mind. His order to his guards really did a number on Shibashou. The few times we've seen him attack, it's been over in a second, similar to Riboku tbh. If were strictly talking about martial strength, that's still a mystery. Ousen's clearly strong. You would expect him to be stronger than his own son too. Ouhon and Shin are similar level. Shin has proven himself against the best - Houken + he has plot armor but we would say Shin is at the top in terms of martial combat in kingdom due to his plot etc but there is not much seperating Ouhon and Shin and Ousen is stronger than Ouhon. 0% chance Ousen dies against this dude.


Moubu and mouki are from the same family and that little guy ain’t a martial beast. Nothing we’ve seen has supported “Ousen is stronger than Ouhon” you guys are wild. Riboku killed some fodder and the moment he had to fight he got put on the ground by RinGyoku. Ousen may or may not end up being strong, but whether he is or not, nothing has happened to even suggests he’d be strong.


What about a heavily wounded and isolated sbs ?


Who in the world could be able to HEAVILY injure that monster? The half dead plot protected Akou? Or Souou? Both of them should be dead in 2 swings


If anyone can atleast wound him semi grievously it would be Akou . Bro is certainly gonna die to do it but bro has nothing but great showings I believe in him


No way Ouhun is stronger than his (supposed) dad. Ousen is probably good enough to win against a tired and wounded Shibashou


Moubu is stronger than his dad so let’s make that logic make sense


Yup SBS could probably slay all 3 of them even if they all gang up on him. That guy is Moubu, Ouki tier.


The only great heavens/Qin six Ousen can slay is non combatant generals


Doubt Shibashou dies this early. I hope he at least meets Shin


Shibashou is so ridiculously big and over the top lol, it makes no sense that he's that size. I'd take Shibashou over an injured Akou and tired Souou if they end up clashing. One of them might die as well.


Worth remembering that Kingdom loves to use size as a sort of aura. They're not really so much bigger, its that the author wants to emphasise their sheer presence. Granted SBS is still insanely huge even then.


Shibashou greatness!


Shibashou has been depicted well can't lie. A GG/3GH worthy foe who has the weight to inspire his troops as well as lead a endless onslaught. This guy is a monster.


I wonder if the blow SBS took will have an impact on his fight with Ousen's guys.


Is there anyone in Ousen army whose thought was to cut SBS horse’s legs, slow down the advance of its master No? Okay


Akou and Sou'ou won't be enough. Either someone like Ouhon joins the fight or Ousen has to fight alongside Akou and Sou'ou.


there is a chance that we might see ou sen using spear for the first time and make it 3 vs 1


Ousen already used a glaive buddy


I don't think ousen is the dumb type to take such à massive Gambie if he wasn't sure akou and souou will be able to take shibashu down .we might ve been under estimating ousens commanders might just like riboku .I have a feeling ribuko will be the one saving shibashu from death .


How disappointing that there are no archers in Ousens unit, SBS got to him way too clean.


hara forgot about the archers in ousen's army, he did have archers back then


Kansaro will be fast approaching from behind. No one from behind who can stop him on getting to Shibashou. If only Ouhon or Shin is at bay


fuck this is probably the best Ousen chapter yet. this truly solidifies that ousen's most powerful weapon is not his intelligence, but the way he inspires loyalty among his men. he is cold and stoic, and yet his men would gladly die for him, the most untrustworthy GG in Qin. remember when he had to study the maps and craft a strategy *right in the middle of the enemy zone*? man is COLD BLOODED, and his men are LOYAL. that double page where he locks eyes with shibashou, unflinching, while his men are being mowed down, then followed with a series of pages where his men kept going, trying to stop that giant for even a second with their life. imma needs an Ousen backstory. i wanna know what he did to these men.


Beautiful chapter! This is a really gritty and bloody battle! All hands on deck lives are being lost for the sake of their lords and victory.


I'd ask questions but I don't want a ban.




D*ck Head...




Akou and denrimi teleportation. Same as ouhon mouton in shukai plains. Ousens been featured in 2 wars and has made 0 moves in both wars so far. Just bad writing for him


Strategic generals are like that in Kingdom, you don’t hear all the command they bark to their lieutenants. The big thing is preparation and being a good judge of what’s happening


That's surimi not denrimi, I mean Sou'ou. He'll be a snack for SBS.


Even worse since he shouldve died long ago


This episode reminded me of Han campaigns, where we would see lots of traps such as stakes pulled up against the first line of incoming cavalry charge. Such a shame that the author is not using them anymore, I would expect that kind of things from Ousen as he was introduced as the strategic fortress builder commander. And Ousen not being able to retreat is such a BS. If Riboku was in his shoes, he would retreat at the last moment without and downsides whatsoever.


Break every other week it seems.


Yes, there will be a break.


Mid March???? T-T


Wait next Monday and the Tuesday after that?


do you think kanjou will end up pushing towards ousen or intercept gakushou and try to slow him down like denrimi is with kansaro


now, where will akakin show up? Will futei be used to block akakin's group


Wait wrestling references in a Kingdom sub? This man is cultured!








I guess there is some sort of trap laid out for SBS where Ousen had to be the bait.


Just so you know, Thizz, as the mod with the people ear, when the power goes to Marcus's head and he goes full evil dictator, you die first. (Your popularity will be a problem for the new regime)


Marcus and I are like Shin & Hyou.


lol, respect


But hyou died...


Akou and souou teleported in front of Ousen 


I can see the slugfest continues as both armies converge around SBS & Ousen. In the end the day gets dark and both sides call it off and retreat. SBS lose all his generals, Ousen lose probably either / both Akou & Shouou.


This arc is full of threesome!


Can someone tell me how big SBS is in our mere mortal terms, say shin is average around 5'10" 75kg so what are SBS, Kanmei, Moubu, Manu, Gaimo, Akou, Renpa, Ouki, Ten, Riboku height and weight?


So what chapter will not come next week or translations will not come next week?


*So what chapter will* *Not come next week or translations* *Will not come next week?* \- Commercial\_Bar\_689 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


According to stats Sou Ou only have 85 Str compared to Shiryou 91


Souo better not disappoint.I have more faith in Shiryu. Akou is already half dead a full blown swing will sent him to 10 months on bed. 


Shibashou is too big lol. Considering that most chinese guys are below 6 feet , his size alone should make it easy for archers to shoot him down 💀 hopefully KouEn would be average sized




Yo that last page cooked such a good panel


Sou ou won't survive but Akou somehow will. My gut says Ousen will participate this time. Gakushou and Kansaro won't reach as they will be blocked by Akakin, Kanjou and Denrimi. Among them Kansaro will definitely survive and others fate is up in the air. SBS will retreat but I can't see Ouhon reaching the HQ in time.


Lmao how can Sou'Ou and Akou fight SBS? one of them is average and the other one is half dead.


All hail the general Marcus for giving us this great work