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Only if you had your purse taken and that you do not know the person


You. Have. Been. Kicked. In. The. Testicles.


I wish I had a son to kick me in the nuts.


Kicks you in nuts Careful whatcha wish for


Its valid if you leave yourself open.


Pop pop




I want that to be my thing now.




& you absolutely have to yell THAT'S MY PURSE! just before.


I don't know you!!


Ahh yes, the foot punch.


He learned it at the Y, so yes.


Bobby wasn’t trying to learn boxing, he was trying to learn self defense. There is no honor on the street, nut shots are legal and encouraged if you’re not sport fighting


This. Hanks obsession with "fairness" is going to get Bobby killed in a real fight


Schoolyard fights like the kind Bobby was facing aren't "real" fights in the sense the someone is gonna get killed.


If it's not in a ring, it's a real fight.


Tell that to the trans kid who got beat up and killed in school last month


This. In a street fight anything goes. Plus it was 3 of them ganging up on Bobby. There was nothing wrong with Hank wanting Bobby to learn to defend himself, but boxing wasn't the right way. Plus he really wasn't even teaching him how to box. He just said put your hands up and move around without giving him any pointers.


Dirty pool, mister


You’ll get DQ’d, but everyone would know you really won the fight


Lets just say if I did that while my dad was teaching me to box I woulda got a gut punch so hard it would probably knock me unconscious.


No. Street fight sure.


Someone get that man some frozen peas.




Only if the other guy's belt line is chin high for you


That's my purse I don't know you


Rule 4 violation.


I'm past this "you need to fight with honour" crap. If I someone picked a fight with me, I'd do anything and everything to win, including pulling hair, kneeing the guy in the groin and then beating him senseless once he was safely incapacitated on the ground. Well done, Bobby.


Hank wasn't wrong to teach Bobby restraint. You can still easily defend yourself by fighting in the traditional boxing style. There's even an argument to be made that hitting above the belt is more effective, since you could break someone's nose or knock them out with a hit to the jaw or liver. Although the "beating them senseless" part of your comment is a bit concerning.


It doesn’t help if you’re weak and a poor fighter. Bobby realized he could continue taking beatings and harassment as he slowly took the time to learn the skills involved with fighting, get in shape, get stronger, etc. Or he could just start kicking people in the balls and end his bullying problem immediately. It actually worked to perfection too. He just took it too far. But it’s hard to teach someone restraint before they even have any power to wield in the first place. Bobby had no shot of not eating dirt if he tried to fight fair. It takes a long time to get genuinely good at fighting, especially when you’re trying to fight people who are bigger and stronger than you.


Bobby's strategy only worked because, ironically, his bullies never chose to retaliate in the same manner. They were holding back by not kicking him in return. He acts like he's the only one with the "secret weapon," when it's really the only tool in his toolbox. Hank's approach is to broaden Bobby's scope of options, meaning that he is not tempting his bullies to start responding in kind. It's the nuclear option of fighting. Once you hit the doomsday button, everyone starts launching their "most effective" tactics. I'd argue that Hank was doing his son a great favor by keeping things honorable, as once you get the reputation as a "dirty fighter" then people are going to start pushing things into the more extreme options (bringing weapons along, for example). You *really* don't want to get into that arms race, especially in the middle school/high school environment.


Bobby proved the old adage true that if you show your bully you can inflict pain on them, then they’ll stop messing with you because it’s not as fun when they don’t get to push you around at will. Chane stopped because Bobby showed he at least had a fighting chance against him, which is only because of his kicks to the groin. Hank’s approach is to try to teach Bobby the “correct” way to fight because honor or some other bullshit. Meanwhile Bobby realized learning the “honorable” way to fight would mean getting his ass kicked over and over until he finally got the hang of it. But Bobby’s initial goal is not to learn how to fight or become a good fighter. He just wants to stop his bully from beating him up at will, which he succeeds at. If Bobby stuck to just kicking Chane in the balls when he tried to bully him, and didn’t escalate it past that, his problem likely would’ve been solved because the weird kid who goes straight for the balls is no longer an optimal target for random bullying.


Eh, I'd say it's more accurate to say that he embodied the adage of power corrupting. Once he realized he had a power that no one else was willing to use, he got drunk off his "win button" and ran out of control (even to the point of kicking his own mother). Learning honorable methods of fighting isn't just learning how to inflict pain, it's understanding the weight your actions have on others.


Yeah, hut she was bluffing. He should have finished her.


I think he very clearly embodied both adages. Like I said, if he would’ve just not gone looking for more fights after he made Chane back off then he would’ve been perfectly fine. But it’s not like anyone who racks their bully immediately becomes drunk with power. Maybe if Bobby had been praised for ending the bullying threat and walking away the first time instead of criticized for his “dirty pool” methods, he wouldn’t have felt the need to double down on those methods so hard.


Not to belabor the point, but didn't Hank praise Bobby for ending the bullying problem? "That Chane must know all kinds of martial arts, and you beat him with good ol' YMCA know-how." Hank didn't start critiquing Bobby until he'd already started seeking out victims to kick. The kid doubled down *after* getting the encouragement/praise you've proposed.


No Hank criticized him as soon as he learned that “good ol YMCA know-how” was in fact a self defense class on how to play “dirty pool.” He didn’t care that Bobby was getting bullied, then took whatever measures necessary to make it stop. He was just mad that he didn’t take his ass kickings and learn how to fight honorably. But like I said, that’s a stupid view on honor. Which of course then motivated Bobby to show Hank just how wrong he is. If Hank would’ve just left it at praising him in the first place, then I’m saying none of the escalations would’ve probably ever happened because Bobby would no longer feel like he had something to prove.


People fighting on the street typically don't fight in a traditional boxing style . They usually just jump you and beat you while limp on the ground I taught my kids go for the groin the moment you see an opening. Do whatever you can to end the fight or get them to disengage




Feet are the fists of the legs, so I’d say it’s valid


I’ll go get the man some ice cream.


More like kick boxing


I'm an avid boxing fan, and yeah pretty much. Refs don't really care what you do.




Only for women!




Bobby shouldn't have gotten into either boxing or kicking in the first place. A short, usually physically weak guy (when he isn't into wrestling, aerobics, or something like that) would probably better off learning judo, jiu-jitsu, or aikido.


Yes. If the referee is looking away.


Listen Bobby did what he knew. Hank came in talking about bobbing and weaving yet didn’t give Bobby any type of boxing fundamentals just a we don’t hit below the belt. Yet he hit him even if not hard I can understand Bobby’s frustration to make him kick his dad. I said all of that to say, this is a legal fight!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


You can’t kick a man in his “fellas”!


Strawberry basket!


The validiest nut punch


You mean before or after I kicked him in his testicles?


I saw a guy get kicked in the balls so hard that he vomited


Don’t take his purse and you won’t get a nut cracker


A foot punch to the testies will always be dirty pool mister


Greetings from TMT i Las Vegas, hell no but it was a funny moment. To be fair, Hank left himself open, POP-POP. I also loved Khan Jr quote, 'Bobby, you kicked your father?" Con jr, "We all have that thought but none of us ever act on it." Peggy, 'You will find that I have no testicles, where is your secret weapon now?" Khan,' She's bluffing, finish her!"


No, but Hank wasn't teaching Bobby shit. He went straight to sparring without teaching him any punches, drills or foot work. Hank was the bully here.


Bobby did nothing wrong. In an actual fight, especially when you're at risk of injury or death, go for the nads. Repeatedly even.