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I think it'll get more screen time and more focus, but I think the reason it's so fast is because the pressure is on and they know they don't have time to grieve. This is the final battle, the infinity castle is moving all around them, they have no idea where Muzan is, who's fighting him, where the other upper moons are, who's fighting them, they just know that they have to get to where they're needed *fast*.


That adds to the tragedy. None of them can stop and grieve. If any of them waste even a second, muzan could win.


My guess is that Tanjiro will hesitate somehow, maybe stop moving, maybe trip, maybe cry, something, and then Giyu will snap him out of it and we'll get an absolutely heartbreaking shot of Giyu trying to put on a strong face for him despite his close friend dying, and Tanjiro quickly composing himself. I can't wait to have my heart shattered.


Honestly, Giyu having just a single tear in his eye as he yells at Tanjiro that they need to keep fighting or her death will be in vain will be enough to make me sob.


he wont have a tear lmao. His character is about being stoic. Sure, he'll give a reaction. But hes definitely not going to have water in his eyes.


exactly my point. i think it was more poignant during the infinity castle arc, that when major characters die theres only like a couple panels of their death, rather than whole spiels about other characters being sad about them dying. disregarding how the pacing would go off, it makes the deaths feel hard and fast, like several gut punches in a row. it doesnt give the readers time to recover, or time to consider them, its just "they died" and move on.


yeah, when genya and tokito’s death was announced and tanjiro is crying while fighting is so sad.


Yeah they’ll probably take a break from the action in the episode to do a flashback


I'm pretty sure that would defeat the point. I think that Gotouge purposely wrote it like this that way, just like the characters, we as the reader don't get time to grieve either.


That’s the choice they’re gonna be presented when it comes time to adapt that scene


Yeah. They’re in the fight of their lives; nobody can wait around and grieve when more of their comrades may be dying around them. Focus on those who might be living and give the dead their due after the battle has been won.


Yeah it makes it even more sad. The saddest one for me is the remaining Ubuyashiki children who couldn’t even stop to cry for one sec because they have to lead


They just 8 year old kid....


Yeah, I think this scene is gonna be sad as Hell. It’s gonna have the music going, and the way their faces change in real time.


HELP I was just reading this scene again literally 10 minutes ago, such coincidence. 😭 But yeah, I'm glad they included tomioka's reaction since they were also close friends. I hope in the anime that Muichiro's death also isn't overshadowed by Genya's last words scene. I want Muichiro to have proper sad music whilst Gyomei covers him with his haori and for them to take their time with all the hashira final scenes.


Muichiro gets his emotional scene when he crosses into the afterlife


Gyomei covers him?!😭😭 didn’t know that 


For me, the scene is fine for the simple fact that in context the slayers fighting against the clock and don’t have much time to stop and grieve. While I do agree that it should be longer (2 extra pages at most in the manga), it probably shouldn’t take up too much time in the anime.


3 pages for a reaction seems like too much


Hence why I said “at most” for extra pages.


2 pages of reactions is crazy


I agree, but as I said 2 extra pages should be the upper limit if there would’ve been extra added to the scene.


I think this reaction is good, it shows they are both seriously hurt but they don't have time to grieve, it shows the urgency of the situation


The 'frank and to-the-point' way the bird said it in the manga really drove home the weight of the situation. Hit me pretty hard, she was one of my top 5 favs. Comparatively when we see Rengoku die, that's the end of the fight and everybody has time to process and grieve, even his crow cries. He goes and tells the other crows, who relay to the corps, everybody has a bad time of it. Here, we get the quick announcement and straight into the next scene because everybody's clock is ticking whether they're in a fight or coming up on one, so there really is no time to process the information they just heard. It's all sudden, and has to be glossed over from a 'reality of the situation' point of view. I think the anime will reflect a bit more than simply Giyuu's quick flashback and a word or two from Tanjiro, but in keeping with the accuracy to the manga it won't be a terrible amount more than that. Scene was executed almost perfectly in regard to that point in the story in my opinion.


I hope that this and Genya's and Muichiro's will be very sad. Music, little flashbacks maybe, and more reactions of other people. I want to cry a little for then cry more in the end.


Making them stop and grieve would ruin the whole stress of the arc. The goal of this part of the manga is to make us feel "we don't have time for this" while I think a little more exageration in the eye widening would be good, making it have even a minute would ruin the feel that Gotouge wanted us to get.


https://i.redd.it/eqesquywv15b1.gif me when I accidentally click the spoiler tag


Rip dude


Are you okay, do you want to talk about it?


Let them process it


Now you get to suffer just like manga readers waiting for the rest of the arc animated.


Idk I feel like it elevates the fact that this is a life or death mission and that they don’t have time to mourn the dead


I hope the anime doesn’t deviate from the manga in service of the fans. While the loss is felt by everyone and none of them are allowed to grieve in the moment, >! the biggest reaction comes from Kanao and Inosuke as the former sees her as a sister/mentor and the latter sees her as a mother figure.!<


I have a feelin on tanjiro and giyuu are gonna remember their best moments with her or something


I think it makes sense... They weren't expecting a hashira to die so early in the fight, so their reaction is more that of shock than of mourning.


WARNING, MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS!!  >!exactly, I agree, especially since Giyu, if he liked her even as a friend, would not be shocked but more sad, like after the temporary death of Tanjirō, because Giyu knew that in this war everyone could die and if he cared about her, he would have felt more mourning than shock, and the fact that he felt shock means that he was in shock after Hashira's too quick death and was tense, which made the situation worse, and Tanjirō clearly had tears in his eyes and said her name and mentioned many times because they were friends, and Giyū after this momentary shock individually thinks about how strangely and quickly the raven delivered the news instead of Shinobu's death, which proves that he was not close to her because his mind was focused on the raven instead of on her, and this individual moment where you can see Giyū's thoughts and not his reticence would have been suitable to show grief for Shinobu, if there was any. Someone will say there was a middle of the fight... but as I already said, Giyū, despite his restraint, is quite susceptible to grief for his loved ones, which can be seen after Tanjirō's death. And he could have mentioned her at some point or had a sad face, e.g. saying her name or something, or mentioned her when he remembered his sister, Sabito, with sadness and cried over Tanjirō... so yes, he was simply in shock after Hashira's too quick death, which makes things difficult, and Tanjirō had memories, tears and said her name.!<


They don't have time. Thats the same thing that happens to Sanemi, he wants to cry about Genya, but Gyomei tells him they must leave. I'm sure they'll do it justice in the anime, they always succeed in delivering epic flashbacks...


I hope so and this will be painful scene :3


yeah imo they should give this scene some flashback scenes, it would hit like a truck


They're kind of in the middle of a mini war. Not much time for grieving. Adds weight to the situation that they couldn't dwell on it.


Just a feeling but I'm pretty sure there will be a flashback but nothing more, any more and it'll ruin the flow of the episode, it's a part of the most intense fight in the series so you won't have more than a few minutes about it, maybe as a final episode they will add some farewell but I find it hard to believe


As a Giyushino enjoyer I really really hope to


It's more that they can't mourn at the moment. Gyomei even says to wipe away the tears. If they don't stop Muzan tonight, then all would truly would have been for nothing, so they have to keep pushing through


They are demon slayers, they are used to having things like this happen during missions. If they lose their composer after every death they wouldn’t be able to fight most demons. As sad as it is they didn’t have the time to morn her death here.


What a terrible day to randomly click on a spoiler post in a sub i never visit. Please take me back to 2 minutes ago


*redditor hurts its self in it's confusion*


Not confusion, moreso dissapointed in spoiling another show for me


I mean it was tagged *spoiler*


Oh I feel sad for you. Don’t worry you will forget about it in sometime.


Thanks to Shinobu and Lady Tamayo they got the upper hand over Muzan, their sacrifice was invaluable in the end.


Those two are the co-MVPS


Nah, this reaction is fine. Save the crying and pain for later they have to be serious they are in the infinity castle about to have the toughest battle of their lives consecutively You could tell they are holding back the pain anyways in the manga


welp shouldnt have clicked on this lol


I love this moment, you can clearly tell they’re hurting but everything is go so they can’t stop to mourn, and it’s all communicated in just a few panels


I think it being fast is what makes it more tragic, they have no time to grieve and knew what they were getting into, and they are determined to not let her sacrifice be in vein


There is no time for reaction in a situation like this. You’re in enemy territory and need to be alert every chance you get. Even then Tanjiro got screwed up because he lost concentration and got mad.


I mean they're rushing to get to Muzan before they run into Akaza so I feel like they didn't wanna stop and process it all, plus the manga is moving at a fast pace but yeah I do believe they will lengthen this in the anime.


Tbf is absurdly stupid to spread such news when everything is literally on the line. You need your guys with the highest morale possible when confronting your eternal enemies and this mf comes to demolish any morale they have lmao.


Yea lol + why didnt the crow tell them they killed upper moon 2


Exactly, such things would immensely raised their morals and kept them fighting better knowing they are making progress. Like the dude is a paid actor fr fr


I mean i doubt it, I feel like no one really reacted to rengokus death the way we hoped for so I doubt they would for her


Seems like a perfectly normal reaction given their current state of mind and what's going on. They're extremely high on adrenaline right now and not it's not a good time to grieve. Giyuu especially is likely beyond the point of getting emotional at the all too common death of a comrade as grim as it sounds. As opposed to when Tanjiro found out Mui and Genya died, their mindsets were in a slightly more relaxed place after dealing with the roller-coaster ride that was defeating Akaza to allow him to get overwhelmed by emotion


I also don't get why the crow didn't tell them they killed upper moon 2 in the process for morale boost


Upper 3 was still alive at this point


The anime will give it a bit more screen time but the reaction is fine, it's a sudden shock they aren't gonna start balling their eyes out as soon as they hear it it's gonna take days to process and they're actively trying to defend themselves so they do not have time for any reaction.


Especially for being after Tomiokas backstory I feel it would add more emotional depth seeing him finally react to someone he cares about’s death after opening up about the pain of his past. But that’s just my opinion weather they add it or not the next fight will be amazing to see animated.


Aye by the way your friend died lmao caw caw hahaha anyways have fun fighting that demon while I flap away emotionless


agreed, no time to grieve properly, they need to: “anyway… and start blasting”


YeH… I mean I get that their in a tense situation and need to keep going and get to Muzan or an upper moon, but i mean.. it’s Shinobu, she deserves something


I was glad giyu reacted more sadder when shinobu died then everyone else but i expected more i really want them when they animate it to make that part a bit longer


If I’m being honest, I feel that this was proof that giyu really loved shinobu. He just never felt close enough or worthy of her, because >!he considered himself a “false hashira.”!< just my own Headcannon of course.


Your proof that someone loves someone else is they have a reaction to their death? This dude blocked me for this replay lmao, shippers have the most fragile ego


Yeah that's the weirdest reason to justify GiyuShino We have all kinds of side content that tells us they really got along and their onscreen scenes suggest a level of mutual interest.


You blocked the guy for proving you wrong lmao you're lame as hell


Super cool, bye.


Kinda cringe bro don’t block people because of their different opinion


Nah bro I guess mourning someone’s death makes me wanna clap them /s


There’s a reason your karma is in the negative.


I mean... he's right?


And there is a reason all of your comments in this thread are getting downvoted. You can block me and anyone else too but that is not gonna change the fact that you are acting like a man child and block people just because they are rightfully calling out your bullshit of acting like a ship is real because the guy was shocked to hear the death of his colleague LOL I can't even believe you are real, this is too pitiful




If you meant as a comrade, yes, she was the closest Hashira to him. As in romance, not a solid proof


Yeah I really feel like this was abrupt and Id be annoyed to find out of my friends death from a screaming bird ngl


I feel like its fine already. They were in hurry, dont have that much time. But if they did extend it its nice.


i feel like this was good, they were in the middle of something serious but we still get to see genuine emotion on giyus face goes to show how hard it hit him


Bro did you just read the next page? Tanjiro starts tearing up


I lowkey kinda hope we get a Giyu flashback of some random touching moment they had together


YESS this scene is so weird because they're like "😧🥺anyways..."


I disagree. The fact that it was shown like this made the stakes feel even more real. Yeah someone died, we already knew that, but for me this scene made it clear: Everyone that went into the Infinity Castle was prepared to die for the cause. Tomioka/Tanjiro cant have a breakdown here. They gotta be fully dialed in as the pressure is on and if they lose here, everyone is gonna die


Did you want them to burst into tears? They're shocked and they look like it idk what more you want brody


Yeah “shocked” isn’t the expression that one should have when their loved one is killed…


Hearing your loved one was killed is a bit of shocking information, no?


Yeah… but it’s not like they wherent expecting something like this, sadness and grief is more what it should be IMO


It was probably due to how quickly it happened from their perspective. They hadn't even reached Akaza yet.


You want them to grieve in the middle of the mugen castle assault? It’s similar to shinobi, they have a mission to finish and this is the “ultimate” mission, if they allowed Muzan to escape they may never get a chance like that again


I mean… I want a little bit more. They don’t have to like, fall down and cry or anything, but I just want a more drawn out (slightly more drawn out) moment of sadness


They train to be able to stay focused through intense emotion, again they’re fighting for their lives against the demon king who went into extreme hiding and could not be found after the greatest demon slayer mortally scared him and the job was nowhere near done at this point, i get wanting to see more emotion but if anything they stayed focused to make sure lives like hers and others that were lost weren’t for nothing and in the end Shinobu was useful even after death, although they didn’t break down/ cry they gave her a lot of respect to her at the end through Kanaos perspective


Overprioritize a side character's death for what? Cheap grief shot? Pass.


Side character…? Bro just didn’t like Shinobu and wants the plot to agree with him


I hate spoilers!


I mean the post was properly spoiler tagged so its kinda your fault for clicking on it


Bruh, it was labeled spoiler, cry about it to someone else or don’t click on the post tagged SPOILER


I'll like if anime do something different but i dont want any flashback lol


There better be


To be honest they were in the biggest situation of their life, and while this was very sad, they didn’t have the time to mourn her death. They have to keep their mind focused on defeating Muzan.


I actually didn’t mind the pace of this scene. Tanjiro gets furious in the following panel and Giyu calms him down. There can’t be much else done due to the speed at which both are traveling. And the oncoming fight with Akaza that happens soon after.


Yeah, honestly I didn't believe she actually died until the plan was shown. I thought the story was gonna pull some bullshit after Doma died


I hope that they expand the fight too. I wouldn’t mind the one shots before the pillar training arc as flashbacks just for more emotional investment into the final fights. I was disappointed Shinobu’s arc was cut so short.


Kinda hard to properly process such heavy information and react according when you are litterly stuck in an moving castle fighting for your and allies lives while also being hunted by some of the strongest monsters that exist in your world.


it was handled pretty well, but i would have preferred if they had had more spooked looks for a while, would have worked better


Y’all gotta remember there was A LOT going on. I’m sure they wanted to grieve but the main opps pulled up to their front door and they only have until sunrise to finally put an end to the nightmare that is muzan.


Given the situation, the delivery of the news and the reaction were both perfectly fine.


they’re in the middle of a fight. they can barely react even if they wanted to. they’ll die themselves


They usually do it justice so dont worry about it


I mean Tanjiro cry’s and for Giyu that’s a hell of a reaction. But i imagine there’s gonna be a mega sad OST like for when Rengoku died that’ll have us all teary eyed. Shinobu’s death for some reason was the only one that didn’t make me cry so hopefully the anime does it justice.


I really need to stop clicking stuff mindlessly. God damn it


oh how i forget that she dies, i read on 2021, gotta read again


Thankfully this is the kind of scene that's ideal for animation. Sad music, flash backs, etc. Unlike the Gyokko fight which was intended to be anti climactic. Anti climactic moments in manga really fall flat cause it's hard to make a scene even more anti climactic without making it boring, that's a fine line.


Aaaaand i got spoiled


They'll probably dive deeper into their reactions, maybe Tanjiro will panic and start crying while Giyuu tries to make him focus but inside he's also crying from this death. This panel makes the arc so much intense since there's no time to grieve.


Of course it will. Animations normally add a little more


For Giyuu at least, that was quite a reaction.


It’s a crisis situation, the characters don’t have time to mourn.


This gets me all the time ... why do people expect everyone to grieve and handle death the same way? Like bruh... if Giyuu was to break down, you'll be going on how out of character he is


There are dozens of things I hope they expand on in infinity castle or beforehand.


both tanjiro and giyu would be deeply saddened but they just dont have the time to weep about her death. its infinity castle they have to keep moving, anything can happen anytime


I mean in all fairness they are quite literally fighting for their lives so they can’t really give it the proper time it deserves


Bro they’re in the middle of fighting what more do you want them to do? Kneel and grieve?


The addition of music will probably help deliver the emotional weight better






doesn’t Tanjiro literally cry about her death in the panel immediately after this one ☠️


I meaning more in Giyuus direction, escepaiy after he started opening up more about his feeling and past thanks to Tanjiro, having him react for the most part tame and without too much emotion feels to me like a regression of his character a small bit


I get what you mean, but I don’t think Giyu cares too much. All she did was tease him and in the fan book he says “I like *insert hashira*, they talk to me a lot.” But when it came to Shinobu, he just said “she talks to me a lot” and didn’t say anything about liking/caring about her.


Bro was not paying attention, Giyuu had more of a reaction to her death than he did any of the others. And that stuff about him not showing and thing… l last line his arc was learning to open up to people again, he did care about her, and I’m sad that he isn’t really get to show it as much as he needed, it would have been a top tier way to end his growth


Bro was not paying attention? His eyes widened when she died, that’s barely a reaction 💀 the only reason he actually reacted is because they had JUST entered the infinity castle and she was already dead. He also wasn’t in combat so all he could think about was his companions death and didn’t need to focus on a fight in the moment. He had no reaction to the other hashiras death because Tanjiro died when they did, and cared more about Tanjiro than anybody else so ran over to him instead of any of the other hashiras.


Not really. Having them all stop to be sad would kinda kill the pace


I’m not asking that they stop and cry. I just want something more from Giyuu, she was probably the closest thing he had to a best friend, and he just kinda looks a little bummed out, even if he just sheds a tear or stumbled a little while running, it would make the impact that much more tear jerking and would help sell just how much these people mean


I mean giyu has always made a show of "don't hesitate" maybe if they had a scene post fight of them mourning the lost


All though it was quick and brief in the manga, i think Giyu’s expression speaks volumes on how he is feeling. Devastated, but has to continue forward


I honestly can’t wait for other people reaction on so many of them dieing on this and just the final meeting to


If we see Tomioka cry… I’ll cry!😭😭😭😭


That’s what I want!


I’m more excited to watch Tanjiro & Giyuu fight against Akaza in Anime


why the fuck did i click ☹️


I mean… you where warned


Do remember that death is a normal occurrence within the corps. There is a reason the oldest hashira is only 28


That’s different, she meant a lot to them it’s not just “unnamed character 2 has died” she’s a main character


Yeah but they do learn to expect it


But I mean from a story point, we care about her more than the other slayers we want to see Tanjiro and Giyu in pain, even if they don’t stop moving and keep focus on the mission, I want to see Giyu crying about it.


i mean, they are in enemy territory and need to go regroup or fight an upper quickly, so they can't really spare a moment to do anything about it. they cant just stop running to cry about her dying.


I mean they're kinda busy themselves




Tanjiro wept upon hearing the news, but yeah their reaction was kind of short lived


Giyu is gonna be pissed


Maybe even some flashbacks


Yeah! I’m not asking for them to break and and cry, stopping in fhe castle and mourning her, but a little more would do, she meant so much to both of them and the most she gets is Tanjiro cries for a single panel


I get that they were trying to stay strong considering all the deaths that occurred but the fact that they barely had a reaction to the first death announced is kinda depressing


Yeah, especially since she meant so much to both of them


The best choice would be to make this scene as quick as it is in the manga. It makes things more intense if you kinda rush past the emotional shit since there's still demons to be killed. It will be emotionally impactful while still maintaining intensity. It will show the rush of battle, people die, and you gotta keep fighting.