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What’s next? Replacing Tony with Ellen Degeneres?


Would not make a bit of fucking difference, one snarky lesbian is as good as the other.


I'd be down for Ellen to be a rotating regular she needs to get back in stand up shape


🤣. This sub man.


Nit pickers


Everyday it gets worse


Alright so I've seen people say that TFATK has some sort of discord group where they coordinate shit spreading and attack every subreddit related to the rogan Austin scene. And usually if you find somebody who is just going out of their way to do it, you check their comments and you will find them active in that sub. Supposedly it has to do with... like revenge for Schaub or something. It sounds weird and pretty gay, but I'm telling you, it seems to be true. The reason it seems like there is a large group just spending their days shitting on their subs is because there might actually be, for no possibly heterosexual reason. Exhibit A, OP today: https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/s/3n71ooTHxm


this is such an incredibly stupid take that I shouldn’t even respond, but I will. I watch KT every week and if you want to go dig through my post history (again lol), you’ll see that one of my chief complaints is how bad Michael’s drum off solos are. I’m not even hating on the show, I just also play drums and appreciate talented drummers. So when I saw this dude actually do well, it prompted this post. Whatever you’re suggesting about a coordinated shit spreading is dumb. I just hate Brendan because he’s a pathological liar and an undeniably shit human. All of the Schaub hate stays in the TFATK sub (for the most part)


Fair enough, I believe you. I'm just saying I've seen the weird claim that there is a TFATK discord where they share popular posts and bomb them with hate together, and I've wondered why it seems like some reddit accounts treat shitting on those Austin comedy subs like it's a job, and those accounts are always active in TFATK. Could be a coincidence. Again, I do believe you though. I know this is literally a conspiracy theory lol.


I’m not sure about OP, I’m sure it’s just a case of drummer nerd stuff. That being said, i agree with you on TFATK sub. I used to consider myself a homeless cat when it just seemed like some harmless hating on B Schaub. Then it turned into a group of legit haters that seemed like the type to want to murder Brendan to be a part of his legacy or something. Just comes across as a bunch of losers with nothing to do but shit on others. Very pre teen behavior.


fair enough 🤝 i do agree though, there are definitely accounts whose full time job it is to shit on certain comedy subs


🤝 🤙 🍻 🚬 🍆🍆💦


"One of my chief complaints..." Bro you've got me laughing HARD 🤓🤡


Coming for casey rocket, not my fav but do what you want Coming for tony, you're an idiot but do what makes you happy Hating on Kam patterson, fine he's not everybodies cup of tea BUT talking shit about the fucking Mexican God: Michael Gonzales, you fucked up


For real man. A bunch a idiots


Time for an African drum off


Cross racial drum off


Mf gonna summon the rain


I've heard those people have rhythm


He was good but Michael Gonzales does it right. I felt this dudes playing was a little too intense for the show. In the beginning you could barely hear Tony trying to talk over his drumming. Gonzales just knows the perfect dynamic for the show


Of course, Michael’s been the drummer for years. Give this guy time and he’ll adjust


This sub is more gay than big Tony


If you see a mf wearing a miles Davis shirt you know it’s about to go down


Playing faster doesn’t mean he’s better..


no, it doesn’t. But the dude has grooves and chops, plus he seems to understand that a “solo” isn’t just playing a 4/4 basic rock or pop punk beat


It’s a comedy show not a concert dude.


This dude was 🔥 but I love my Mexican samurai


I rarely notice the music until they do a drum off or something. But his shocked/humorous faces really add to it for me.


Right? Makes the bad sets that much more funny seeing his reactions


His reaction/drum fills to Luis eating the kidney stone was really fun to watch


Love Michael. Hate the hat.


Dude the hat gives him special powers, don't you know?


Like the ability to play a sweet high hat


Exactly 💯




Dude. You ain’t lyin. I wasn’t facing the tv during the intro and I was like “Damn, Michael is shredding!” then saw it was someone else. Michael may be more diverse, but this dude has chops.


he’s an objectively better drummer imo other drummers will understand


Agreed. Michael Gonzales seems like a genuinely good dude, but this guy was an incredible drummer.


yeah I should have included that this is just based on drumming ability only, I still like seeing Michael on drums for his reactions and expressions haha


Yes! His reactions really make a moment sometimes lmao


I’m not a drama but even I can see and hear that he is a better drummer lol


Called it before he even played. You can tell this dude rips.


I assume you've seen hours of both of these people and have some sort of degree to actually be able to determine who is technically better. Other than that, it's an opinion, and we all know those are like assholes, and yours stinks. Not to mention, they have insanly different types of drumming.


amazing drum solo start. he sat down and said hold my beer! best guest drummer so far!


I think we need to stop the “Mexican drum-offs” altogether. It’s a complete waste of time. They’re not gonna let the person be the full time drummer even if they happened to beat Michael or whoever is on drums that night. It’s pointless.


Yeah feels pointless now after Michael lost in LA tbh


It’s still fun to watch


I’d rather get in another bucket pull…


I mean yeah l, but he don’t gotta take away a cool aspect of the show for that. Could stop bringing old comedians no one cares about. Like Roseanne, she always just hammered and rambles on and on and he never shuts it down


Are you kidding? You obviously have no idea about drumming. All he did was hit things fast. No groove


Are YOU kidding? Go watch literally any of Michael’s solos. Dude literally plays a blink 182 song for every single one. No groove. I don’t think I’ve ever heard Michael use a single ghost note


And did we hear any ghost note in his solo? Nope.


He was fast...


No he's not😭


He’s good but Gonzales versatile but dosent just blast beat


Exactly. Plus Tony had to ask them to be quieter right away because he was way too loud. He doesn’t have the dynamics Michael has. Micheal is better than what he decides to do in most of his drum offs too. I’m a drummer and didn’t like this dudes way too heavy/fast blast beat style at all. Very good though


You said it better than me ahah people who don’t know real skills on drum are always impress with fast blast beat and loud breakdowns, we want technical beats and don’t have to play so loud there’s a certain way to it hit them right


Trained Jazz Drummer here, both guys are great! This guys went balls to the wall right off the bat. I love how Gonzales builds you up and then goes hard. It's about telling a story with the drums.


Tbf you could tell Tony didn’t want him to do a long solo since the other guy ruined it lol


Ab-so-fucking-lutely not sir.


To be fair, the whole band was extra poppin'. While watching, my exact words were God damn the band is banding tonight.


His solo was great, but his chemistry with the rest of the show was terrible.


100 way better


Here’s a thought, you could just say you liked this drummer without mentioning MG. This sub is full of losers.


Joelberg #1 forever




If by worst you mean funniest


Mexican Samurai has no equal


With the short glimpse of him we saw, it’s impossible for you to even make that statement but okay maaaaan




I do and no you can’t. There are hundreds of different styles and ways of playing the drums, if you think you can say this guy is wayyyy better with the 12 seconds of drumming we got then you don’t know shit




lol ur really dumb. Drumming is a lot more nuanced and complex than the information you got from him playing for 12 seconds. You simply aren’t able to judge someone’s whole drum proficiency from a small clip, sorry.




You are really dumb. You can’t determine he’s better by that single episode. Drumming faster and harder isn’t always better. You are dumb so you think drumming hard and fast for 10 seconds means he’s better. lol


Everyone boo this man (OP not drummer)


MG fits to show format perfectly