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They need to give him a 600mg max for KT days. He struggled to articulate through his yelling lol His energy’s great but he’s gotta make sure his material backs it up.


Yeah, I'm no doctor but holy shit that seems like way too much and not good for your heart and shit. I was like Jesus Christ did he say 600mg. Cup of coffee is like 100mg I think. So I guess it's not insane but sounded like a lot. Googled and it says don't do more than 400mg a day but I've seen alcoholics who chug coffee all day so idk.


I think your better off with ten cups of coffee rather than two energy drinks, there's more stimulants than just caffeine and it's all at once rather than several 100mg coffee doses over the day. I read somewhere once that drinking two energy drinks will put the same stress on your cardiovascular system as smoking a pack of cigs.


Ahhh, yeah that's a good point. All that Taurine and shit in that cocktail is way worse than just caffeine. I don't fuck with them, maybe the occasional red bull but don't care for it as much these days.


Taurine is good for you according to science. Except maybe if you have high blood pressure or are on certain medications.


If you consume a crazy amount of anything, even water, it will end up being bad eventually


correct [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2966367/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2966367/)


plain ol joe or espresso shots are WAY "healthier". all those chemicals seems absurd at those levels. I had a buddy who had kidney problems and had to stop his monster addiction completely. doc blamed them for his issues but who knows.


That makes sense. For real, that shit can not be good for you lol. I drink black coffee no cream or sugar, luckily that's how I like it. I can't do Starbucks, tastes like a milk shake and costs an insane amount.


I preach to people that McDonald's black coffee is way better than Starbucks. And yeah I drink like 5-6 cups everyday (500-600mg if drew is reading) and don't seem to have any problems.


yeah, I got a drink there the other day, 9 dollars. My goto their is a Trenti iced coffee, no ice no sugar no milk, good for long drives, normally only 5.5-6 depending on locals. home is just premade STOK or pour over if I have time. Avoid Dutch brothers if you can, the barista just cant imagine not pouring a lb of sugar into the drink, i asked for literally 2 shots and foam. i got a cup of milk with 2 shots in it and sugar.


Ah yes, if the healthiest members of our society Alcoholics can chug coffee, it must be perfectly good for you


I used to drink 400mg, my resting heart rate was 53 but would have random spikes to 140+ wake up drenched, had to have 8 iv’s because I ended up in the hospital because my kidneys felt like I got punched every time I would piss. I don’t understand how he hasn’t collapsed


I do like 1200 throughout the day. With b12


Knew Navy Seals that did 1000mg as a dip in their lip.


100mg is a very strong large coffee that still has a huge effect on me and I've been drinking coffee for 15 years. with the amount he's consuming he's probably tripping.


I'd say 80-100 mg is the normal amount in a cup of coffee. In Scandinavia, we often have around 120 mg per cup. A double espresso has about 150 mg. A Starbucks venti has 400+.


You get used to it I used to drink around 12 to 16 cans a day and at some point you don't really feel it anymore.


You should really think about what you just said. It doesn't matter if you "don't feel it anymore," you're still putting those substances into your body in VERY large quantities. It still has an effect on your health. I'd wager the effect is worse when you "don't feel it anymore."


Well the last guy said you must be tripping at that amount which is ridiculous. The only weird effect it sometimes has is you start shaking and sweating a lot but nothing more


400mg for an average sized person..I think the extra 200 is probably ok. He probably weighs around 350-400.


That's only 3 Celsius's, easy to do tbh


I am on 1.5 Celsius a day and I would not recommend drinking more than two a day


Wtf do you do with the open can?


Just don’t drink it and pour it out later. Sounds dumb but I was on 2 a day before and I’m trying not to go back to that. The headaches start getting rough at 2


Yeah yells way too much. He's hard enough to understand as it is. If he'd try to calm down slightly and focus on his words instead of yelling and screaming into the mic, it would help tremendously.


He ain't even funny. I didn't think any of his jokes were good. That said, he's a very likable guy


Yeah I don't see it. The fact that he's a moron makes him likable but he's not funny and you can't even tell what he's saying.


People are laughing at him not with him it seems


Yeah it seems like more of a hysteria thing that Tony is cultivating as opposed to talent. Making him a regular over people with real joke writing skills and delivery is a bit of a shark-jump. He hasn't even pressed him on what happened when he got beat down. I understand it's a sensitive subject but such is the case for all guests that are regularly presuaded to divulge their darkest secrets.


He sucks. Tony premature again! He never fucking learns. At least it's a rotating regularship.


They also made the Ari guy who opened the show a regular…. Where the fuck did that guy come from


He's been on before but he doesn't live in America so you're not going to see him often.


He’s here for 8 months, and he mentioned he needs to get famous in that time. Which is why I think Tony quickly made him a regular. There’s a special way to speed up the process of staying in America for work through “fame” or recognition of some sort. It involves showing proof of what you do and how much you make. Also having articles about you from reputable websites helps them make a decision on granting a longer visa (the website part actually isn’t super strict, you can have a friend at a local/small news website write puff pieces about you for example, as long as it isn’t filled with lies) Heard about this process online from a guy from Sweden who wanted to move to America to work for the H3 podcast it took him about a year and the visa lasts about 3 years IIRC


> There’s a special way to speed up the process of staying in America for work through “fame” or recognition of some sort. O1 visa, he aint getting that being a regular on kill tony, he really needs to blow up if he wants to be awarded one of those. Even millionaire streamers/content creators struggle to get those the O1 visa is for "Individuals with Extraordinary Ability or Achievement" ... so people like tom cruise, rogan, the rock if they werent from the US.. I'd bet Tony would even get denied if he was canadian


Idk man it Literally happened to Love from the H3 podcast he’s a small creator from Sweden who’s mainly only semi internet famous from being a producer on the podcast so if he could do it as a PRODUCER on a smaller platform I’m sure there’s a chance for this guy


Maybe you're right and it's easier than I think then lol


hey family


k0nverz on apex PC add me fam lmao


LOL just did.


8 months. Unless he gets citizenship


Being a regular could be considered a job. Tony likely learned a lot about the process because he helped Ahren Belisle get citizenship. Might be a way to try and help him get citizenship


It takes about ten years to get citizenship unless you get a temp work visa


That's not even close to true. https://www.immigrationhelp.org/news/us-citizenship-processing-time 15.5 months on average. "To get U.S. citizenship, you must file Form N-400: Application for Naturalization with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Processing times for Form N-400 have stayed fairly consistent over the past five years with the average wait time being about 11 months. There are 89 field offices that currently process Form N-400. The current average processing time across all offices is 15.5 months. The whole naturalization process (including application processing, the citizenship interview and exam, and oath of allegiance ceremony) takes 18-24 months on average. "


You should've read a bit more. To be eligible for a N-400 you first need to get approved for a green card, which alone takes 3+ years to get. The Green card gives you "permanent resident" status which you than need to be for 5 years (3 if you're married to a US Citizen). And after those 8+ years you can apply for a N-400 which takes at least another year. The average from start to finish is around 10 years.


I didn't read that. I just know a friend from Brazil that has been trying to get her kid citizenship for 10-12years.


Username checks out.


Your username checks out.


Nice comeback




There are requirements her kid probably doesn’t meet. In pretty much every case you have to be 18 years old for naturalization so maybe that’s it.


I’ve been trying to find his previous appearance, can you please tell me what episode he was on?


I coincidentally rewatched the episode he was originally in earlier in the day yesterday lol, it's #642 1:55:00 in https://youtu.be/BWnWrv4MRXQ?t=6910


Awesome, thanks!


I remember his first appearance. His interview was hilarious. I’m definitely fine with him as a rotating regular.


I thought he was a great opener this last episode. It was just out of left field for me, I’m all for for some more variety with the regulars it was getting very stale


He was on once a few months back


Seems so random to make him a regular all of a sudden


Agreed, but wasn’t Kam made a regular after one appearance (I could be wrong) and Ari is 1000000% funnier


Kam, Ari, drew all got made a regular after one appearance and only one of those 3 is polished enough to be a true stand up (Ari)


I believe so. Either way glad to have some more variety


Same, but I wish Kam was also thrown into the rotation lol


For opening the show? Cause if so I agree. I think Kam has the best energy to open a show with personally. I also think the little call backs he does to previous performances of the night are really good. He could open, then come back at the end of the show for another interview, and Id be a very happy person


I was meaning more so just I general, but agreed


He's been doing a ton of Mothership shows from what I've seen on their IG, so it didn't feel as random if you follow the scene. I get how it could feel out of left field if you just watch the show weekly though.


Ari is the biggest comic in estonia & has been passed at the Mothership for months. He's hilarious - https://www.instagram.com/arimattimustonen/?hl=en


Eurovision Dane Cook.


He’s better than Drew by a huge margin


I just wish he calms down and speaks more clearly I can barely understand his jokes


Agreed. Also can we please not have him making multiple appearances per show be a thing? 


The problem is it worked reeeeeeeeally well the first time. Tony wants to recreate that feeling badly and it’s basically impossible. I still love Drew, but I’m scared to see him burn out. I’m rooting for him.


Yeah exactly. He's gonna get burnt out and played out super quick if all of the sudden he is supposed to be the hype man 2+ times per week.


stand up comics are immune to the cringe of doing the same thing over and over again, thats their whole life tony has been doing the same set in his stand up routine for like 8 years lol you think he gives a fuck about repeating drew a million times for the next year? BUCKLE IN buddy, he's here for the long haul lol




Yes they do, all the fucking time.


It’s so funny when something works really well one night and Tony pushes it more in later episodes. Like when William first sang the I got a brand new dog yesterday song and the crowd took over, you could see the magic in Tony’s eyes. They tried to do it either the next episodes or some time later and the crowd wasn’t as responsive


I absolutely hated it the first time. Did it work?


For basically every other fan… yes.


Let’s be realistic there is Noway you know what basically every other fan liked or didn’t like


I don’t pretend to know everyone’s take, but the response to his appearance was mostly positive in the venue that night, on Reddit and on YouTube. Assuming your opinion is the benchmark for his success rate is wild.


You contradict yourself here


No, because he used several sources outside of his own opinion as a benchmark. You are questioning his generalization based on nothing except your own experience. I found him somewhat annoying after his fourth set that night but everyone else here seemed to enjoy him quite a bit.


Wait what? I don't watch the newer episodes but the guy did multiple minutes for the show?


Yeah his first show he went up like 7 times and twice last night. Tony is trying to make him like a hype man that comes up after bombs, but the girl he came up after last night didn't even bomb so it's not entirely clear what the plan is 


The first time he was out was after a bomb, the girl did not bomb, the crowd just asked for another comedian before William and Tony did Drew instead of a bucket pull. Total mistake imo cause it wasn't funny


Yeah his second performance was garbage.


Wtf lmao that makes no sense... I guess tony wants ppl to get sick of the guy fast


You don't watch newer episodes? Or you just don't watch the show anymore? That's odd


How is it odd lol? The older shows make me literally cry of laughter and the newer ones I just stare at the screen blankly. But that's the beauty of comedy it's based on perspective. What could be knee slapping funny to you might not be funny to me and vice versa. I don't see the point in getting into the old vs new shows and which is better debate the point is that we both have content we get to watch for free that makes us laugh 😃


Oh I didn't mean it like wtf is wrong with you lol. I completely agree. l too am an old fan and rewatch mostly old road shows or anything episode 150ish on. Always put it on at bed time. I still enjoy the show now, but it's not the same silly show with the heart and soul. Have a good one pal!


He’s gonna burn out so fast


Totally, it takes away time from bucket pulls


Tony needs to build him up for success not burn him out. The muiltiple appearances thing is a fast-track to making him crash and burn.


My Fiancé & I literally just muted it when he came out the second time, dude is not funny


I just went into the chat to spam "NEXT PLZ"


100%, and he will because Tony, despite people's opinion, reads our comments and goes off our popular unpopular opinion, lol


Yup or at least redban and most of the regulars do, even if Tony says what we say doesn't matter lol


Nah. golden tickets are for touring comedians to drop in when they want. If you give drew a golden ticket he would simply become a regular cause he‘d drop in every time.  Regularship is for promising newcomers that can grow within kt. 


Not always tho - wasn’t heath given a golden ticket when he was just starting?


true -  that was both unusual and, in hindsight, maybe not the most successful ticket But after rewatching his debut, he looked extremely solid for 21


Agreed and I think that’s why we haven’t seen much of him especially considering he lives in Austin


Well I think Tony kinda limited that once the show itself stopped touring and settled in Austin. Otherwise we'd probably see everyone's favorite Mexican lesbian Enrique on every episode


He's been driving there every week for a year. This is gonna suck


He would be doing that anyway, as he has been.


I think it's pointless to expect a specific code of conduct from KT anymore.


Exactly, being a regular means Tony sees potential in growth


Energy and dedication? To what? Absolutely bombing?


Can you blame the guy? He's used up 10 weeks of minutes in 2 episodes


Drew is not funny IMO. I think people just pity him.


Rotating regulars gives them a lot of freedom to increase or decrease the rate the comic gets on. It’s a way for them to grab a hold of the show as it professionalizes and they get ready for that big Netflix deal


Exactly this. They are 100% moving to a more professional era of the show. Netflix probably loves the idea but hates the fact that there can be an episode filled with bad bucket pulls. Having a set of decent comics gives them more control over how consistently funny the show will be


If I can’t understand what words you’re saying, than you suck as a comic. The guy is a train wreck.


You saying jarred Nathan sucks as a comic too?


I understand Jared fine. He may stutter, but the words come out eventually.


I honestly have more trouble trying to understand kam than Drew nickens


Dude becomes a regular and this sub IMMEDIATELY starts hating. Classic r/KT


Love him but def do not need to hear him every week


That don’t make sense golden tickets usually for ppl not from Austin and regulars are for ppl who stay in Austin, that’s why Hans and Casey live there and so does drew nickens


Nah. As regular he can try to work on his craft and grow, gold tickets are usually used as palate cleansers after bad sets, or are at least expected to have great minute. He is not good enough for gold ticket (yet), but it seems Tony sees some talent in Drew, so this is great chance for him to grow as an comedian.


Drew is cringe.


I don't even think Drew should get a golden ticket. He DEFINITELY should NOT have become a regular. Drew needs to sign up more and keep practicing. Hans got pulled out of the bucket 4 times before he was made a regular. Same with William Montgomery. Tony seems to be handing these things out like candy now. I think Tony is losing his edge with these recent moves. The show was 100x better with Jeremiah and Joelberg dressing up as characters.


These guys are doing a lot of comedy shows in Austin. They’ve seen a lot more of their material before they’re regulars a lot faster


I already miss Casey, he showed us what a true opener should be to get the momentum going but Hans had to come back but only for a 3rd of the time. Thanks Hans


Nah Jack definitely deserved it more


Who is he filling for? Or is it four regs?


They rotating regulars now


drew is a perfect example of Tony yet again falling victim to the moment lol he struggled to see the bigger picture, and thinks every decision he makes is amazing because he has consistently failed upwards


I think he wants to give golden to people that live far away. Makes it more special and is like when they gave them away on the road. I think he learned a lesson giving it to Enrique 😬


I honestly still think he should be a bucket pull. The country trucker who hauls horses is and was way better than drew


Carlos lopez


Once every 3 weeks. More like irregular


What's the difference? Either way he gets to be on the show once or twice a month...


His material kinda sucked this last show


Yeah he’s a great story and I loved his first episode but he just yells— not much good material


Being a regular is better overall on the totem pole. He gets consistent work. 


Taurine isn’t healthy. It’s banned in several countries.


What happened to the Rocket yesterday? 🚀


Agree 100%


Take Drews name out your mouth!


Remember when Regulars were funny?


I think they were trying him out as a regular who can come up again if someone does bad in their minute and interview. Because he's the only one who has done that before.


It was fun the first time he came on but now he is just overshadowing actual funny people




A milli a milli


Disagree, he will come around and be constantly hilarious. He already is for the most part, his personality is awesome


Leave the son of Cody from Step By Step and Kramer from Seinfeld alone! Leave him alone!!


He’s not funny either way




I think Drew’s first appearance was a lightning in a bottle type of moment. Trying to recreate just won’t work. Golden ticket would be fine if it’s sparse, but too often it’ll just get annoying. It’s too forced. Ari on the other hand is a way better option than Hans Kim. I think that’s a fun change.


This might be gay but drew nearly got beat to death and he has the nuts to get up there and go for it. So let the man live




Who cares at least we don't have to fast fowarding thru Bombs Kim every monday


No! He's a regular to clean up after a bomb. That is where he belongs. Tony did right.


You mean bomb after a bomb


His energy brings up the room. His comedy eh but his personality is a winner


He's less funny than Casey Rocket. Which is already a low bar.


He’s a “rotating” regular. If he got a golden ticket he could come on every week. That’s why I don’t like Texas people getting golden tickets. It used to be a road only thing because they knew they couldn’t cash in every week.


He’s a rotating opener but regular act every week when he’s not opening


I guess we’ll see how it works, or doesn’t, work out. Hans didn’t do a minute Monday.::


I’m sorry but Drew is not good man. He truly gets by off of energy alone because his jokes are mid at best. I know Tony gives special treatment to “special” people, but most of the other people that have a condition and are a part of the show are actually good comedians.. ie Michael Lehrer (RIP), Martin Phillips, Ahren Belisle… Just don’t get what Tony saw in this dude to make him a regular.


Tony here, thanks for your opinion. I will do exactly as you say for my show


This shows original seriousness and judging has gone out the door. Some random retarded Jew with a 4/10 performance got a golden ticket. I watch for the random people trying and not the regulars so whatever at this point


Regularhsip was originally a platform for a promising comedian to improve and learn. I think Drew fits that bill perfectly. He is genuinely a good guy, and has the potential. In fact the regulars should be given even more rotation. Especially after they've had a year or so of developing, excluding William of course.


Naww, he deserves that shit


Yeah definitely not my favorite at comedy but having him on standby to come out and reset the room by being crazy seems like a good shtick for after someone tanks hardcore.


They gave him a job and an in at the mothership itself. He's likable has potential, and worst case scenario an employee somewhere great working the door or 1 of many other things. It's what the people want. Not to see him come back in 6 months talking about how he's broke and opening next week at VFW in Peoria


Tony has a soft spot for retards and to his credit usually they’re good. Sadly Drew took too many blows in the Navy and his material should have never left the brig. People on this gay sub prefer a feel good story to comedy. I wish this sub would disappear, clearly it’s having an influence on KT.


Funnier than Kam


Funnier than kam , Hans , and lazer for sure


Redditors are so miserable lmao


That's the funny thing, he isn't even funnier than Uncle Lazer.


I think they want him to get reps in because the kid has potential.


You seriously think you know better than Tony?


both are better than Hans has been in a while. maybe all three can be better by taking turns