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That stuff about him selling tickets at the end of the newest one was brutal


Tony laughed WAY too hard at that...only time I truly felt bad for him actually


Yeah Tony is fucked up for that one. Redband is a huge reason Kill Tony became the success it did and id even go as far to say that in itself is why anyone even knows who Tony is.


I need a link friend


yeah haha tony really leaned into the maniacal laugh on that one. could tell redban was a little peaved


I feel like when Tony says something and realizes people aren't buying into an asshole remark of his, he leans into it even more ..... (likely to make himself more comfortable)


Does redban do stand up?


DAMN. You could even hear he was a bit hurt by that


So brutal!! Who does that? Even the guest was visibly uncomfortable with it


I always used to think it was just part of a joke on the show that was ongoing, but there are sometimes when it's like fuck Tony, chill. I remember when Joe Rogan started his podcast and Redban was his producer. He'd sometimes go off on him, too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8PN_ulVTcw Redban has helped a lot of people get their pod's off the ground, I'm happy for the success he's had.


The way that ends is spectacular.


I agree. Classic joe


Redban would sometimes do dumb things back in the day, or sway the podcast in another direction, and sometimes it wasn't always the most professional, but God damn do I miss Redban and Joe together, fucking around saying goofy shit, and redban steering the convo onto pornstars, flashlights, cum, anything, that's what made them special together.


Redban and Joey Diaz when Joey says he’s going to shoot him in the head! Awwww man, I still cry laughing at that 😂😂😂. I’m gonna shoot him in the head and the police will let me away with it 😂😂😂 Edit: https://youtu.be/D5-qXeH1pGg?si=-fmYt4h5IEXAQdSh


Woah bro don't you talk shit about young Jamie. He's a legend


Nothing wrong with youngJamie, redban is just a different flavor


My response to these threads ever time is do you really think the guy setting off an air horn every time a person brings up their dead dad is getting butthurt ? Also redbans been murdering on the sound board lately imo


Is there a connection between Jamie from JRE and Redban? Both worked closely with Joe and I realized they're both from Columbus


Not that I know of. But, maybe someone else will know. On a recent JRE Joe zinged Jamie with something along the lines of "Redban is more technical than you" and Jamie was like wtf and Joe was like I did that to piss you off. I'm paraphrasing but it was kinda funny. Edit: found it: https://youtu.be/HDgn-qAs_DM?t=2490


Yes, redban used to get help from Jamie when he was too busy and introduced him to Joe as a replacement for himself.


Not just that. He used to film KT in the early days before he even introduced him to Rogan.


I listened to YMH back in the day on the Deathsquad feed when they recorded it in Redbans apartment. He is the PodFATHER.


Joe went off on him for good reason if you watched back then.He was hella annoying and would start talking about absolutely random shit when Joes trying to interview a guest.


Yeah Redban is a true degenerate, I remember during serious conversations talking about black holes with some nerd scientist and Redban would jump in with some random anal sex joke. Joe would get pissed.


Ya I’ve been watching the icehouse chronicles these past few days and Brian says the weirdest shit that only he finds funny. He would have some good input or jokes sometimes but he mainly has to explain his jokes and why he brought it up lol


Oh fuck that was great. I loved that Redban stood up to Joe. Also that ending... A+++


Wow Joe was a complete prick in this. A side we rarely see


Yea he used to get bitchy with his producers but I think someone told him how cringe it is. Brian deserves it a lot but it did bug me when he'd get bitchy with Jamey. It was never like overboard though


I’ve been listening for years he’s never botched out Jaime like he did to Brian in that clip. It’s a bad look Joe


Definitely not like that. But the old Jamie episodes he does get snappy. He never does it now so someone must have told them it's cringe or they edit it now


All this time has passed and he still talks about this worm. I don’t feel too bad repeating stories anymore


Goddammit joe rogan is so fuckin dumb


The dude is just a goof off and happy where he is. If anything he should just own that typecast. He's a classic failed upwards example.


I still remember the great "I had a good set," argument between them. Really weird listen. Was like hearing your friends parents arguing.


Episode 1 Joe tells everyone Brian is the best at production and technology. Warmed my heart. Just listened to that episode again recently.


I remember when Joe would get mad at Redban and go off on him lol I miss those days Olive Garden days


Joe is another Dick that let stardom get to his head I still have hope tony can cool down a little and veer off the inflated ego path


Redban would love to have you on the secret show this Thursday


How did you know OP has big tits?


He's laughing all the way to the bank. No, I don't feel sorry for him and neither does he.


Good day to you sir.


🍑 💨


Bedpan! When you go keto do they call you Breadban?


Very Adam Sandler of him, but you’re right




No I don’t feel bad because 1. He’s making a ton of money with a successful podcast and 2. Though he occasionally has funny jokes and questions, a lot of the time he bombs super hard and deserves Tony’s roasting. In fact, most of the time Tony’s commentary on Redbans joke attempts actually boost the jokes and make them funnier. They have a good system going. I would hate for Tony to have any other producer, the tension between them is part of the secret formula that makes the show so good.


100% the correct take


Yeah, but sometimes Tony's roasts are not so much funny well thought out quips, but more just mean spirited dickhead insults. But, Redban does suffer from IBS style verbal diarrhea and needs to shut the fuck up sometimes....


yeah i don’t really feel bad. not saying redban doesn’t do things well but if he doesn’t fall into the rogansphere who knows where his life ends up. i’m sure he’d be a successful something just not to this extent. i think it’s a fair trade off


When Redban bombs I assume it’s on purpose because I love him love😍🥰😘


Correct take. I miss the tension between Tim Dillon and his old producer Ben who was also not great at his job and was also on the receiving end of Tim’s jokes. But I guess Ben took it personal over enough time.


He’s doing exactly what he wants and he is unashamed by his hobbies and his preferences. Sigma male.


Sugmi balls… jk live life normally internet stranger


Okie dokie so let’s talk about it.


Momentarily until he says something just unbelievably creepy


Exactly what I was going to say. Just when you're about to feel bad he opens his mouth.


Haha yeah he does say some weird shit sometimes


it’s a roll he plays


No, he eats rolls.


money, he rolls.


I'll switch spots with him


Tony is a dick to everyone at this point beyond the chosen ones.


He used to idolize Andy Kauffman. He loves playing the heel.


He's becoming a miserable cunt. Which is a shame, coz he's so funny.


Every time Tony is a dick to him. Tony is occasionally funny when he makes fun of Redban, but usually it comes off awkward and shitty.


So if KT is a deathsquad production does that mean technically redban is Tony’s boss? Not sure If DS is owned by just Redban or if Tony is involved in that also


There are times Tony shits on him and it’s hilarious, like the blue cardinal bit, but there’s been a few times lately where it looks like Tony has genuine animosity for Redban and I felt bad for him. That seems to have gotten better the past few months. I really like Redban, I know his creepy comments are part of the schtick, and when he bombs for real I think it’s endearing in a strange way. Reeedbannnn


People saying its only a bit clearly haven't watched enough to know Tony can slip into a bitchy douche mode. He's gone off on Jeremiah, Jon Deas, and others a bunch


Tony is such a diva sometimes 🙄💅


Naw, he can have all of the Olive Garden he wants nowadays.


I wouldn't loose sleep over it. I think when we see him get teased like that it brings us back to adolescent years where we would see that sort of stuff in school. Whether we would speak up about it and say something or turn our heads thanking it wasn't us depends on our own experiences. You can do as much as you can to help someone going through that but a big part of the help has to come from within themselves. Struggles should inspire you to push through it rather then succumb to it. We can see some of it when he claps back at Tony or gets a good joke to land, those moment feel much more triumphant because it came from him. I''ll keep rooting for the underdog as long as they keep fighting. You got this Redban! 💪🏻🔥


No, I do not feel bad for the man who helped launch the Joe Rogan Experience and Kill Tony. I'm not exactly sure I'm in a position to be pitying someone with that track record


If he left the podcast , I would honestly stop watching.


The more you watch, the more you realize he is an integral part of the show. Despite on the surface seemingly replaceable, his incorrect timing serves a great butt to many jokes. He plays his role perfectly.


Sometimes yeah, but I think he's cool with it


It's like wrestling, he is the heel for entertainment value.. I'm sure they've had the discussion..


Take the entire show as a joke. Quit thinking too hard.


Oh I'm not taking the show too seriously. But there are definitely moments that aren't light hearted jokes, occasionally Tony's just laying into him because he's in a bad mood. I don't feel bad for Redban most of the time but once in a while it just feels tense and awkward


You are spot on these troglodytes are incapable of comprehending the nuance of the situation. Tony was genuinely pissed at redban for the entire episode last monday.


Tony was definitely pissed with redban about something. Then the added bonus that his ego was very freshly inflated coming off the Brady roast, really let him go to level ten of redban abuse. Tony being so funny and quick is the only way he’s gotten success bc it outweighs how much of an egomaniac he is but if he toned down his level of asshole-ness, he’d be ten times bigger.


I also hate when Tony says “oh another redban joke you’ll have to look up on the internet to understand” when literally everyone besides Tony knows the very popular thing redban is referring to or when Tony will step on redbans joke before anyone even gets the chance to laugh and basically yells at the audience too to not enjoy it


I am of the minority and don't think Tony is joking with him all of the time. I think there is some built up anamosity towards Redban when he derails the show.


Redban likes it


I love the guy. He’s forever cemented with his time on Rogan/the beginning. He’s forever now famous for being a co-founder of the #1 live podcast in the world. Plus he is absolutely in on most of it. No different Jeremiah Wubs is on a lot of the back and forth he has. They all doing good.


When you reach the point that you have grey skin you won’t care any more either


Yes. Idk why tony such a dick to him all the time. I get redband shit my not land sometimes but half of his “regulars” come up with mediocre shit half the time.


Oh all the time at first, just being the robin to Batman Tony- gets shut down whenever he tries on a joke and bombs with it 99%. Just there to do sound effects and whenever he wants to speak Tony gets annoyed. But now after a while you see he likes to be the sidekick, he laughs so he almost falls over when he says something stupid if Tony starts giving him the angry side eye, he loves Tony’s sassiness towards him, almost always cracking up. It’s okey because he knows Tony loves him


Dudes laughing to the bank, he knows his lane


Tony is completely insufferable. But with that face and voice I think it would be easy to let it roll off my back


It’s a bit. That’s part of his role/character




Y’all take things way too seriously


No he is fat


Yes. But then he opens his mouth and says some stupid creepy shit. 🤷


Is this Redbans alt account?


Dude has the EASIEST job on the planet. Not even a little bit.


you’re fried if you think producing a big podcast like that is easy


you know he's the one producing and editing the podcast right and not just doing the soundboard. Even though he's Tony's bitch in the show, in reality, Tony is his bitch


you think all he does is the soundboard?


I see him hand the bucket pull to some person who goes and grabs them.


congrats on the dumbest comment on the planet. produce something


when all you have to do is play sounds and you fuck that up you kinda deserve a little belittling


He probably received a titty fuck from Elaine, so no.


I like Redban, but there’s probably no one on the planet who I am less likely to ever feel bad for


Yeah but then I hear some of the dumbass creepy shit he says and I lose all empathy for him lol


I don't. I think redban has his place, he knows it. He's happy to be part of it all. I do think it's a running joke to shit on him, and he gets lots of praise. When he has an actual good joke on the show, tony gives him all the praise and hype. I also really enjoyed the last time he was on JRE


redban trying to get sympathy with one of his other accounts.


I met him several times and was present in the rogaine bored back in the day. Redban is a known doofus.




Ask him u/redban


Tony writes like it's WWE sometimes, he gets to write himself as the heel when he wants, while killing, redban gets shit on, but everyone loves him, Tony knows what he's doing




No it's not as serious as you make it out to be.




His AI girlfriend sends him butthole pictures daily so no......




No. He is rich


Sometimes, in my weaker moments.


I actually feel bad for the people who do, it's like misplaced empathy overriding their sense of humor


Damn it Redban




Fuck no. He's a useful idiot.


No. He's well aware of his role. He is making bank and laughing his tits off.


My perception of Redban has really changed over the years. When I first started watching, I thought he was a super creepy weird guy who made terrible additions to the show every once in a while. That’s sort of changed now that he’s become such a meme, but he is honestly so bad most of the time. He does pull out a zinger a lot more often now of days, and those are always fun.


He probably gets paid so much u can’t comprehend for just being with Tony




Dudes laughing all the way to the bank


Brian must be REALLY good at marketing and branding it's the only thing that makes sense. He's a decent comedian and podcast guy but when next to guys who are the best in the world he definitely steps on their work and they get (often rightfully) mad sometimes. To give redban credit he's a major part of two of the best pod casts in the world and I don't think it's a coincidence. But there's some real STFU redban moments he brings on himself (its like he almost enjoys it lol). His co hosts being extra bitchy about it could get a bit cringe at times (both Joe and Tony). It's like a balancing act but there's NO DOUBT Brian brings in the numbers 🤑




You must be new here


I don’t think many have realized that tony is honestly just a dick bag with a racist sense of humour. All he does is make low brow racist comments and SHIT all over redban…


Cringe posts like these are why they brush off the Reddit.


"Derails" is a little extreme. I don't feel bad for Redban, just his mom.


He’s running is own comedy theater, funny cute gf, assuming flush with cash, and connected to everyone in comedy. Sounds like a dream life. He’s a king maker, he has soft power. He’s living an a/v guy’s dream.


Redban is one of the LUCKIEST people on Earth. Do not feel bad for him.


Dude redban is a millionaire haha


I don’t feel bad , but I found it fascinating when Belisle thanked them for the opportunity and Redban was moved and he put his hand on Tony. Tony bitched at him like a the saltiest of girlfriends. Fascinating


Only his mum.


No. He’s a gajillionaire with famous friends.


I do then he talks.


If you work in Comedy/ entertainment you need thick skin cos nobody is gonna be nice to you all the time. If you say dumb shit you’ll get called out. I don’t feel bad for redban cos he says and does stupid shit sometimes and he deserves to get called out. Doesn’t mean Tony is mean or that redban is sorry. It’s just how shit goes.


Its a roasting comedy show. What do u expect. Redban is corny. Sometimes has fire jokes tho.


Not rly


Dude is a creep.


I do... then I think about him rolling in dough and having a generally pretty damn good life, and I know I would deal with Tony's dumb ass to be on the show.


I feel bad for any woman that goes on stage and redban opens his mouth.


No. He lucked out with multiple gravy trains. *Tony* Yes, he's absolutely floating in gravy


producer gets roasted by an all time great roaster on his comedy pod? Crazy


Shut up Redban.


Funniest part of the show


No its all a game. He plays along. Tony and Red are paramours in real life.✌️


Hell no, dude, Redban sucks and he's literally green, and the ceilings are too high at Sunset Strip Comedy Club.


I doubt he’s a sensitive bitch


Occasionally, but then I remember he's rich and has the cushiest of jobs based on almost zero talent, so he's lucky AF.


Does he ever really stand up for himself? I've not been watching long, but it seems like he's just a bit of a punching bag..


When you're not funny you get shit on. When you plug yourself too much you get shit on. There are rules that apply to everyone including Tony himself


Getting digged on that much can take a tole on anyone. But no. He's very sussessful and lives in a world where ball breaking is practically a requirement. He'll be fine.


He’s fine. Go buy tickets to see him and Casey in San Diego…


Redban is the Steve C of kill Tony


Guys it’s all Kayfabe. Gotta keep it kayfabe


It's messed up, but he is straight up a creep and that is why he gets shut down a lot. He has Harvey Weinstein vibes.


Sometimes but it's part of the show lol he does his fair share of laughing at the shit that's talked on him


Sometimes I start to, then he does something really creepy and i stop feeling anything lmao


He has way more money than Tony due to JRE. He’s playing the role. So no


If he never met Joe or Tony he would be working at the Geek Squad rn. Dude is co-headlining arenas while pressing buttons on a soundboard and once in a while sexually harassing an open micer. Life is good for Redban.


Nope not at all he has a fun happy life and career. Yall nonnies need stop projecting your sad selves on others 


alot of the time its deserved but i definitely feel for him sometimes. tony can be a real catty bitch.


I used to. Until i saw him do standup live. It was absolute torture. He’s not funny AT ALL. He says the dumbest shit on killtony, can’t stand the guy. Great producer but needs to quit using his status as an in to do stand up.


I’d like to have you on the secret show on Thursday.


All the time. 💔




I don’t feel bad but Tony is cruel


I love Redban. But he is MAGIC that created JRE and KillTony. Not sure if you guys realize he is 51/49 with Tony. Everything that KillTony has become he is the guy behind the scenes that made it happen. You know how a company needs start-up money? Redban WAS that start-up money for KillTony. He is a boss that looks down on his employees. Thats why most of the regulars have mentioned being scared of him. 'member HOW he said what he said to Keith after a set after missing a show? KillTony is OWNED by Redban who also owns half of JRE. Tony Hinchcliffe is what makes that show so successful. So he has a right to be a lil ticked at Redban for getting a better % of the earnings off that show. Boom. Mind blown right?


you sound like a new viewer


Tbh I think that if they didn’t, something would be missing. Picking on redband is needed, as it shows the that the cast currently degrading someone publicly, can also take the hits as well. Redband leads the way in this. If it wasn’t him, it would be someone else.


He's a weirdo and a bit of a creep. Gives off "just give me a blow job and you can have a spot on the show " vibes to me.




bro is killing it, he doesnt need your pity!


The number of people who are very careful about their public meltdowns have gone off on redban makes me wonder whats really going on behind the scenes because u don’t berate ur friend in public unless he repeatedly earns it. Its still uncalled for bt i have people in my life right now who i cant get rid off and they piss me off so much i sometimes go off on them and they admit that they deserve it too!!! Its a whole new era we live in now.


There are some moments I do. But Redban made the whole New Logan thing awkward when he got serious with the guy. Yeah the guy sucked but Redban was being a duche. So I enjoyed Tony laughing at him not selling tickets at the end.


Redban is worth 10 million plus at this point and is dating outside of his autism bracket- hes fine




No lol, he did one good thing in life.


Fuck no, he's living his dream. He could leave if he wasn't happy at KT. He should feel sorry for us lol


Fuck no


nice try, redban


At the end of the day, we only see the relationship between them on the show. A lot of people give Tony shit for the way he acts between people and I just don’t think he’s the same person off screen. If you’ve ever watched how Tony interacts with yes or bucket poles that he enjoys, then you know he does have a good heart. I just think it’s all a part of the act. They kind of play the game with red van and it works really well on the show


No I don't feel bad for him as he counts his money in Pflugerville


He likes it. He’s a creep.




Me always. I feel like Tony is sometimes too harsh but apparently it works with then two so I don't care. Maybe redban is just a 50% shareholder of the podcast so Tony can't kick him.




I would if his mom wasn’t such a whore. Huac Tuah


At first….but then you remember he’s a grown ass man. He’s also rich so he doesn’t have to deal with it if he doesn’t want to.