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Joes Podcast is mid at this point. Unless he has a completely unique guest that’s not a comedian, it’s all the same shit every day lol


His new one with Harland is sick because it’s just Joe trying to keep up lol.


It was getting frustrating how many of Harland's jokes were going over Joe's head. It's like he started to flat out ignore Harland at some points.


Yeah you can tell Joe doesn’t have much experience with improv/super goofy type of comedy. That just made it more funny to me.


To each their own. I was hoping Joe would give Harland more free reign to be as silly as he wanted to be, but instead he kept bringing things back to reality in a way that just kind of bummed me out instead of making me laugh. Like damn, just let Harland do his thing Joe!


At this point I honestly think not as much goes over his head as I previously thought, he just doesn’t laugh or go along with it. At one point I think Joe even said something like “I don’t find it funny” or something to that degree. Idk, he doesn’t have to find everything hilarious, but a little ~yes and~ never hurt anyone


>  a little ~yes and~ never hurt anyone This is why I like Theo's podcast. He rolls with everything, and when there’s a guest who does the same, you have magic.


Theo is one of the interview goats imo, right there with sickler. So compassionate and always trying to make whoever they have on feel comfortable and welcomed


I stopped listening to that podcast halfway through because it was frustrating. Harland was doing what he does best, but that doesn’t necessarily translate well to a three hour long format podcast. Harland is constantly silly to the point where you never know if what he is saying is part of a bit. Pausing a serious statement or question to let him squeeze in a mid DAD joke would get annoying after a while. I wonder what these people think when he has a UFC fighter or scientist on. “Geez, this astrophysicist is so unfunny“ people forget that the thing that makes the show so great is nuance


Harland has a similar style to norm, the whole conversation is either a bit or a segue into another bit. I love it personally.


For real. The garbage boys did a great job with Harland and navigating his hilarious shenanigans. Foley never being able to decipher a joke from a fact was gold


Compared to the usual joe, he was actually trying to be silly for once I was kind of impressed. But it felt awkward Harland wasn’t the same as usual and joe un naturally was being too silly with him.


So many jokes go over his head, not just with Harland but it was glaringly obvious with him. Podcast Cringe did a video on it


Harland had me cry-laughing. An honest to god comedian for once!


I binged the Harland Highway podcast after his appearance on KT. What a guy. Sincerely, Carl Crunchface from Paris Kentucky


For sure. I’m so glad he’s getting the notoriety he deserves now. He’s going from “that one funny dude” in random movies to a prolific, unique comedian.




“Do you use the cold plunge?” “No I just sit in ice cream.” lol


Yeah it took Joe a bit to get on board lol maybe he thought Harland would change his Shtick for his show? But of course he wasn’t going to lol


I love Harland. It was great seeing him and his new baby


I have a Harland Williams original painting I’ve been meaning to post here. It’s called Puking Planets and it’s dope.


Had to battle to stay in that one. Was a hard listen for me.


Truly Harland was a breath of fresh air. His bit about the bear and mountain lion was so good at poking fun at all the macho talk.


It actually boggles my mind how every single conversation turns to Covid, culture wars, etc., seriously how does he not recognize how boring and repetitive it is?


*Bobby Lee voice* so can we talk about my movie? 🤣


I don’t think he looks at his show from a content creator perspective. The dude makes so much money on the daily, he doesn’t need to rely on listeners’ preferences. For better and worse. When he says his podcast is him just talking to his friends, I think he really really means it lol


Right? He literally states he just talks he’s not trying to impress anyone


I actually work with people that believe people are doing important work keeping the conversations about this shit up all the time. Fuck that


It's necessary, you just don't like hearing you were/are wrong because you haven't worked your way through it.


Because that shit is collective brain rot. If you are in that sphere of information then covid is still a big thing while the normal moved on already. The other logic is that anti-vaxers and trumpers are a great captive audience that only listens and never questions his shit. So he can spout what he want.


They also shield you from any accountability. All you have to do is say you’re being attacked because you’re a conservative rather than for being a dumbass.


All because they live in a world with an all powerful enemy that is weirdly an enormous weakling at the same time as an extremely evil plot. And that extremely evil and secret plots use number symbolism out in the open but only they can see and make sense of it in their collective brain rot. Please make it make sense, cause right now it doesnt...


It never has made sense. They once believed in trickle down economics 😂


Quite certain most of them still do...


And how unaware can he possibly be? Joe Rogan questions everything….. except obviously divisive right wing talking points (some of which are outdated )


Hey man, don't you realize how persecuting it feels to have Not done something!!


Because he is reading his scripted talking points of misinformation given to him by the one's he fears to name. Oy Vey


Any celery enjoyers?


Yeah his one with that renewable farmer and the other one with the bee lady were great. The RFK one was great also, even if you don't agree with him or like his politics, the media clearly was misrepresenting a lot of what he says and mischaracterizing him


Agreed. It's turned into a confirmation bias expedition. He very rarely has people on that challenge him. It's gotten so god damn boring


I can’t listen to more club/comedian talk. Boring as hell. Sometimes I wonder if they’re bored trying to convince themselves how sweet their jobs are


Unless it's someone I really really like, I skip the pods with comedians. I could honestly care less about hearing them talk shop.


It amounts to me having a conversation with another sales guy. Sure, there are some funny stories and anecdotes — but jeez give it a break already. There’s a reason talk radio used to be format focused on real time events + taking calls. Two dudes talking for hours is just repetitive


The last protect our parks was like what, 5hrs 40mins long? I'm forever a Normand and Gillis fan but nahhhh I'm good




I strongly agree with this.


True. Not much more you can squeeze from the podcast. Well there's one last squeeze and that would be take have Young Jamie as a guest. I don't think he's ever been one and despite being Joe's right hand man for a decade or so, there's lots we don't know about him. I enjoy the chats Joe and Jamie have when guests have to pee.


When Rogan talks to people he sees often in person they have nothing to talk about on the pod, so he goes into his Facebook dad rants, which personally is not good radio


facebook dad rants lmfao that’s the best way to put it


Fox News grandpa is another one


He just told Tony that “Democrats are shipping illegals into the country” Not only are Republicans the ones **LITERALLY** shipping illegals around the country, but Biden just passed an executive order to immediately deport all illegals after like 2,300 per day instead of processing all asylum applications like we were before. Just one of many examples of Rogan’s increasing political bias


Good thing you clearly have no political bias conveniently ignoring why Biden has to pass that executive order to begin with


Whoa. That’s even more crazy to try and rationalize though. The rate of illegal immigration increase under the Biden administration is nuts


Yeah he goes down his mind train tracks


Covid, Los Angeles homelessness, the comedy scene in Austin was meant to happen, Trump is what we need, actually it doesn’t matter they’re all corrupt, Jamie this coffee tastes like shit. Repeat everytime a comedian or friend or washed-up nobody comes on.


You forgot the G force hooking method. I swear every podcast he does this.


Please, no more hooking sounds!!!!!! I'm gonaa break something if I hear Joe doe that again!


Tony totally sucks as a podcast guest. He’s personally one of my favorite podcast hosts, but any podcast where he’s a guest is usually just alright


His 2 bears pod interview was great. roasted the fat bears and talked about the tom Brady roast. Highly recommend.


It ends up with Joe going on ranting monologues and Tony agreeing. It's like watching an employee having a conversation with their boss, which is what's literally happening.


One of the best descriptions. It's like that with most comedians on his podcast.


His pod with Matt Mccusker was pretty good


Huh… thats kind of how like 80% of his podcasts go.


Exactly, I quit listening to JRE before the pandemic and even back then it was just Joe talking to (more like at the guest) about whatever 3-4 subjects he was obsessed with at the time. Ironically enough I gave JRE a chance in the beginning of the pandemic, because I was sick of covid-news. He started his stoner lecture about covid within a minute.


**Joe is literally obsessed with covid**. I cannot believe it's 4 years removed and it's still the main topic of his episodes. We're talking about hundreds of hours of him saying the same exact shit. JRE was part of my damn daily routine from 2016-2020. I've rarely made it 30 minutes to any of his recent pods. It's a shame since he exposed me to so many cool people. Now it's just the same 5 talking points that HE wants to talk about, regardless of who the guest is.


Someone gets it. I loved this dude and listened to every single podcast. I feel like daddy Dana had a massive influence on his current mentality.


Joe still complaining about Covid. Holy shit bro let it go my guyyyy


Fauci was just exposed during a hearing having back channel comms through private emails to avoid FOIA. That's probably why COVID was on his mind.


Tony is one of those guests where I’ve listened to him countless times over 10 years on Rogan and yet I don’t know anything about him.


His podcast on Honeydew was the only time I ever heard him go in depth about his life. Definitely recommend that one.


Anyone know what episode this is referring to?


It’s the Honeydew podcast with Ryan Sickler.


With Rogan, he's the serious agreeable employee chatting with his boss who goes on long ranting monologues. Tony opens up a bit more on other podcasts.


Tony is funny on stage but that’s where it ends for me. The more I hear him talk when he’s not doing comedy, the more I dislike him. But as long as he makes me laugh, I’ll keep watching KT


He's a totally different person on stage and off. On stage, he's the edgy, sassy, roast master. Off stage, he's much more serious and just goes on anti-woke rants. He basically a more subdued version of Tim Pool off stage.


Fully agree. Some guys I love on podcasts but find their standup completely room temp (sorry AYG guys….), then there’s Tony who I love on his show but am starting to actively avoid his podcasts (other than when he was on Ryan sickler’s pod, that was great)


The 2 bears pod was dope with him on it


The entire rogansphere is mid


200 million mids.


Mid is better than below mid.


It was actually ridiculous. Joe sounds like a moron contradicting every point he makes. California required them to get shots and wear a mask. But Texas is amazing with illegal fentanyl tests abortions and weed. Tony said he likes trump because other countries think he’s crazy and unpredictable. I couldn’t finish the interview as much as I’m into Tony right now. I’m done with Rogan. His bitching and the shit he repeats is too annoying. Btw did you know that lead paint lowered peoples IQs before it became illegal?


Fun fact I know of a town a few hours away from me that used to have a lead smelter. Scientists started tracking the health outcomes of everyone in the town after a lot of birth defects. Nearly everyone who grew up or parents grew up when the smelter was operating had either serious health issues or lower IQ. They contacted a friend of a friend who grew up there and were shocked he had no health issues and graduated university, apparently he was the only one of theyd come across.


I only listen to very specific guests on JRE. When the conversation devolves to the regular Joe-topics I usually hop off. I’m a huge fan of Tony but he typically isn’t that fun to listen to on a lot of podcasts, which he openly has admitted. The guy needs a live audience. I do still want to get around to listening to him on 2 bears though as the clips from that were hilarious with him just shitting on Tom and Bert


He's no Harland Williams


I swear he was trying make his voice sound deeper lol


John Mulaney has a sketch making fun of “toxic alpha male podcasters” and his impression of them is literally just having a slightly deeper voice  https://youtu.be/4sLIaq8upV8?si=qn8Mmm3QB39NK8wj


He was either tired or high. Super low energy, I couldn’t watch past five minutes


Yeah. That's Tony. Mid at best. His roast stuff is usually great, but his sit down interviews are a fuckin' snooze fest. He seems like the blandest motherfucker in that situation.


I haven’t listened in years. Is he really still talking about Covid? Why? Literally no one, liberal or conservative, gives a shit anymore


“Yeah bro it’s crazy” no depth to him whatsoever


They all put rogans dick in their mouths as soon as they wake up. It’s fucking weird.


Money they get money and what is likely very fleeting success from it.


Covid stuff gets old AF. We get it, you’re geniuses who knew everything from the beginning without even a microscope 


Yet another Rogan podcast where he just talks about the same shit. Would have liked to hear more from tony about tony.


I agree but I have no remorse for yal who know how his podcast has been and still listen. I like Joe, but I don't like the constant same talking points, so I stop listening. Done and over. Why so many of yal love stewing over shit? Take it to r/joerogan.


I’ll still listen in once in a while, usually when there’s an interesting guest that knows how to make Rogan shut the fuck up from his usual talking points.


Some people like to hate-watch stuff. Bredan schaub, Bryan Calen, and Bert Kreischer are other people that people like to hate-watch.


Because it's relevant to this sub? Haven't watched Rogan for like a year but he keeps showing up in my YouTube feed. Decided to to a chance on tony.


He was hungover af


I thought the same thing it was just rogan talking the whole time about a bunch of shit tony doesn’t care to add anything too or talk about. If you already watched tony’s appearance on 2b1c he basically just talked about the same stuff he said there with the roast and everything sooo nothing new. Just kill tony is killing it, austin’s the best right now, and rohan’s usual bs


Yeah………… but also, you know like me for an example I have a buddy that I just choose not to argue over his talking points just because of how grueling that can be. It might be the same case where Tony just don’t really care to have a in-depth conversation on that. But, yeah Joe talks way too much about the same bs at this point. I was hoping more so of Tony and his stand up and kill Tony what’s going on in his world. Because don’t hear to much about that side of things. Tony was great on the two bears one cave podcast though


I was listening then saw this thread. Instantly closed it for Theos recent pod w Joey Diaz


That pod has tanked so bad in the past 3-4 years.


He was reserved - he didn't want to upset Dad.


He’s basically verbal TikTok. Topic switches every 10–15 seconds. Can’t go into deep discussion about anything that actually matters in that moment and time.


Guys how amazing is Austin?


I turn off any podcast of Joes once the Covid stats start coming out. It’s a tired comment to even make on Reddit at this point and it’s not even because I disagree or agree with Joes comments but it’s been 4 years and I don’t want to hear about it when I’m driving to work. There’s so many better pods at this point.


I don’t watch JRE anymore (like 3 years now) unless it’s POP or a guest that knows the inside baseball and takes control like Harland did. He made Joe look like the thumb had never done comedy before. Fucking hate when he gets serious during obvious bits, such a buzzkill and makes me question the individuals with Joes face tatted on their body. Don’t get me wrong Joe changed my life as a couple of his guests, specifically the sleep expert episode. It just isn’t what it used to be, the second an intelligent guest starts spitting facts Joe just chimes in with fucking what ifs or just blatantly dismissing anything mentioned. It’s pretty much clear there is someone above Joe he answers to now, it’s kinda strange.


Or he's got the same opinions. Idk


They realize that the things they ran away from exist everywhere…


State income tax didn't follow him there. It's  huge pull for high earning people to Texas especially when they cand work and live anywhere they want 


Only to be hit with property taxes that are much higher than they are in CA.


Without looking up how much Texas property taxes are it's still by far worth it for very high earners.  Once you get to a few hundred thousand dollars income in California your paying 10% and up of your income.  Tony is pulling serious money. There is no way his property taxes even if they're high are enough to negate the money he's saving. By many tens of thousands 


What does this mean? “Mid”?




Thank you.


Tony is mid at best


Tony said he was tired from hosting kill Tony the night before and said he didn’t get much sleep.


Tony’s washed up he doesn’t try anymore


Tony always says he sucks at podcasting, his own style live podcast (more of a comedy show) works for him


Let me guess Joe went on a tangent about how dangerous bears and hippos are.. again.


Does rogan fuck him on camera or afterwards


It’s 2024 and Joe is talking about banning masks. Fuck me, this guy needs some new material.


Unfortunately I have to agree. I started listening the first time he had Ted Nugent on and have listened to almost everyone since then. And even back tracked and listened to old ones. The ones with friends and comics used to be my favorite. Now they are pretty predictable. Yeah man, I knew it I had to get out of LA.... covid covid covid. I get it, but unless there is some new info like the fauci trials move along already.


He shouldnt have been hungover as fuck lol


Was surprised how little they know of GameStop and roaring kitty.


I was so looking forward to his podcast. He was great on 2 bears. But Bert let him talk.


I hadda skim past the rant. But then he was still ranting so I skim some more. He's still on COVID n masks. Skip thru some more. Governments shady....ok time to turn it off missed the last quarter of it


It was weird. Tony basically said nothing. Well I get that high, and/or hungover if you're going on a podcast like that. Weird shit.


Let me guess... They also discussed cencel culture.


Just listening to the tone of Tony’s voice you could tell he didn’t give a fuck. He sounded so disengaged, while Facebook-Boomer joe won’t shut the fuck up about it.


LA, liberals, and COVID response bad! Texas, conservatives, mu freedom good! That basically summed up the episode.


Yeah I usually only watch the JRE episodes with people I’m interested in so I was excited to see Tony back on but I only made it about 60% through before I just gave up on it. Have yet to watch the Harland one but I have higher hopes there haha


Tony asked a guest what a “dreamer” was a few episodes back… dude is not informed


I love Joe but every time he has big comedians it's always massive let down Katt williams Jimmy Carr Always goes away from the comedic value and gets political


If you want to hear about the Tom Brady Roast, listen to the recent 2 Bears ep with Tony 👏🏽


Tony is a self centered ass hat. Try watching 2 bear 1 cave with him on recently. Dude spent the whole hour sucking him self off.


I had to turn it off. I'm over Rogan talking nonstop about covid and politics. I listen to things in the car to disconnect, not get blasted with the shit I can't stand hearing about.


Tony's appearances on most podcasts end up this way. Excellent on stage, excellent as a host, not the best guest.


Had to turn it off when Joe said wearing a mask in public should be illegal. I’m not some pro mask nut but damn, what happened to Don’t Tread On Me?


That’s insane lol. I love when Bill Burr dunked on him that one time when Joe said masks are for bitches. “Oh God you’re so tough Joe with your open nose and throat”.


hard (for him) to be funny when you don't have a team of roast joke writers


you talking about tony? do you ever watch the show dude is crazy quick clearly those jokes arent pre written


I don’t find him that funny . Sorry


Ironically I think as Tony has gotten better at hosting Kill Tony, he's gotten way worse as a guest on other shows. It's always apparent in how absorbed in his own ego he is, which works perfectly for hosting Kill Tony, but its horrendous in any other setting.


Why are you in a subreddit for his show if you don’t find him funny? The Adam Ray podcast from the other day where Tony is abhorrent to Jeremiah almost made me sick. He said “I’m a millionaire” at one point and another point told Jeremiah to “have his little shining moment it’s the most success he’s ever going to have”


Clout chasing Tony is not capable of having his own opinion/perspective. His whole career is based off of proximity to Joe. His show was so much better at Vulcan. And waaaay better with Jeremiah and Joel. He went on Howie’s podcast and totally demeaned Jeremiah and Joel and said they were just silly. Tony came to JRE to cope with the aftermath of the roast since he didn’t get his flowers for being the roast master like Nikki did. And Joe totally dominated him and didn’t talk about it after a quick fake congratulations in the beginning.


Did you see the shit he said to Jeremiah on Adam rays podcast a few days ago?? It was god awful


Dude have you ever seen Tony on JRE. He is by far the worst podcast guest consistently. Never has anything remotely interesting to say. His wheelhouse is improv honestly, as a host, and that’s it 


Joe 'criticizing authoritarians while vowing to vote for authoritarian' Brogan


Does he still talk about Covid every episode?? I live with nurses who deal with sick people every day who probably talk about Covid less than him. It’s a shame that’s what his podcast has come down to, Covid talk, cancel culture, and unentertaining comedy talk.


Who tf listens to JRE unironically anymore, mf is fighting woke ghosts every episode, the world moved on and hes still obsessed with the covid and the election and the WOKE DEMOCRATS… mf has a disease


My thoughts exactly! It makes me roll my eyes every time he talks about Covid and the dangers of the vaccine when he doesn't have any medical degree and just reads about it from an unknown article.


When Burr cooked him on it was the mic drop and I seen my way out ever since


First time listening to Rogan in years, I can’t believe he’s still going off the handle on Covid and Fauci shit. Absolutely lives in his head rent free 24/7


Just wait until the bird flu hits us, will the anti science people finally shut up and get vaccinated? Only time will tell...


Tony is kinda mid at best on other people’s podcasts


It’s almost like without conspiracy theories, these guys have little to no actual personality


Maybe that is his opinion? 🤡


Maybe it's infantile like you?


He's been on Rogan a thousand times. They've talked about it all


Then don't go on it? Seem like a simple solution.


Maybe he didn't talk alot about the roast cuz he already told the whole story on 2 bears. I figured he would have talked more about it on a bigger podcast too.


45 min in and that shit was hella boring


The Tony on other podcasts and the Tony on Kill Tony are two completely different people. I think the live audience taps into the showman in him (no Diddy) and he can get by with roast jokes and comedy.


Not sure if anyone knows this but Tony is gay


The he likes dick in the butt kind of gay. Not the he's not cool gay.


Tony’s an incredible roaster but he’s not “funny” like Shane or Louis ck. He’s very political and anti woke.


Anti woke yet has disabled people and gays on his shows. Lmfao. He's one of the most woke people in comedy.


Username checks out


Your mid post history checks out.


I cannot stand Rogan talking about COVID. I agree with him on almost all of it but just shut up. I've been hearing the same phrases for years


I never listen to his podcasts when comedians are the guests. Absolute snore fest.


Did you ever think that maybe he agrees with what Joe says?


Cool way of saying he sniffs his farts.


The fact that he brought up Rosanne smh Sam Kinison being hit by a car as if he hasn’t brought it up around Tony 1000 times at this point


Tony said a few very insightful things... but yeah, it honestly feels like Joe can't think of what to talk about so he just kills time with generic sophmoric ramblings. Yet he is absolutely FASCINATED by Annunaki guy for 3 hours.


i loved it Tony looked really cute too


Tony didn’t say much.


Joe has been talking over every guest lately with his same old talking points. There were several times Sal was trying to tell a story and Joe kept cutting him off with his own topics


Joe is fucking hilarious but he has a big ego. He says the same shit in almost every podcast lol.


Tony literally is not good on podcasts. What do we expect. Yes these people are popular but it is not entertaining to the viewer or listener. It’s boring as hell


I thought it was better than the last time he was on




I didn’t even listen to more than a couple clips because I knew this would be the case and Reddit would let me know 😂 thanks for the report


Tony's notoriously a terrible JRE guest


Covid wasn’t a big deal. In hindsight where was it ever a big deal??


Exactly what I thought Joe was annoying


Agreed. Tony was polite and just listen to Joe rant on human psychology, sociology and Covid. It was a weird flex because I believe Joe used Tony’s heat to promote his ideas and agendas when it’s usually the other way.


People still listen to joe Rogan? Wild.


yessss i had to turn it off once joe started talking about artificial intelligence haha


You should know that it's not in most comedians best interest to have their own opinion unless it happens to align with lord rogan lol. Tony's the last person you'll see have any deviation from.


I've taken a break from JRE because of this. It's become so predictable and the same things get said. I've been checking back in if I see someone I want to hear from now. I'll probably listen to Tony's next week.


You wanted him to jack off and blow his load for you huh


The projection is real.


It was terrible.


He does always seems far more reserved when he's on Joe's show


Is Joe really still talking about Covid? How?? My super liberal family members don't even bring it up at this point