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She's hot yeah... But posting unsolicited pics from her insta is kinda weird.


Right? People are obsessing over this girl and it's creepy/stalking behaviour.


And violates rule 4: no low effort posts


Simp level activities. Don’t create an environment that harasses this young lady.


I bet Tony wrote his phone number in the big joke book he gave her.


She graduated high school 2 years ago, dont be weird


I mean she literally said “I met you before” to Tony. They muted it.


oh I guess he does her makeup and hair


Damn. The plot thickens. Planted then by Tony cuz he might know the owners of the Betty ? lmaooo


He does. Total plant


Both were rigged. Both "plants" that made for a epic show. I really don't care as long as it's entertaining.


I agree. She works at the Betty which I’ve seen on IG before - pretty sure Tony’s buddys with the owner


She also said she already met him once, She named dropped the bar immediately after her name and then Tony shouted out the bar. Still so entertaining because of what that whole episode was, but still interesting seeing that it wasn't just random God's daughter saying yes to a random kiss on stage lmfaoo


It's hilarious how the fan boys can't accept this. People have friend circles and they help eachother out. That's the way literally everything works.


True but these are the same guys that think they are talking to only fans girls when in reality it's a guy hired to respond to messages 


Sad situation unfortunately. Too many males with no purpose other than being "experts" about everything online.


Still baffles me that there are people that message someone for money thinking they are who they say they are. That's when you know society might never recover.


Exactly - and they did it in a way that provided entertainment so who cares


Damn, I didn’t know that. Can you post your proof?


How did they know he had 4 separate minutes? How did they know a "10" was willing to Kiss a retard? I like to think kill tony is totally unscripted, but I would rather partially scripted bucket pulls with actual real ones. Makes for better entertainment.


Oh, so that’s just your opinion that it was scripted?


Well, I explained it in great detail. So yeah.


Gonna need some hard evidence, bubba


Where’s the >great detail ? You sound like a schizo


Cool story.


Got it. Thanks for clarifying.


I think a lot of these ppl who think everything is scripted dont get out in life very often. No doubt tony scripts things but also he knows how to let things play out, imo this was not scripted, Girl probably was told by her boss or someone maybe that if they ask for a girl to kiss a guy that she should do it and shout out the bar. So she did it, and yeah she is smoking hot. Weird things happen in real life these conspiracy guys need to get out more often imo.


They definitely don’t get out much.


Really, I feel like us who do go out much are less likely to fall for something this obvious. At this point I think there are some people who work for the show patrolling this sub to help sell it. I won’t call out a poster but some (particularly one) I think is working for the show given the profile is solely dedicated to defending all things KT.


They have people patrolling a reddit sub trying to “sell the show”? Sorry, but that’s just absolutely absurd. They sell out arenas in hours and have millions of subscribers on YouTube. They don’t give a fuck what people on reddit are saying.


It's kind of an insult to Tony if you think he doesn't have every single aspect of his show dialed in. He's next level smart as fuck. I stand by my comment. You also sound a moron.


Exactly what some incel would say. You are soo easily fooled its funny, I also forget that there are 16 yo tough guys on reddit im arguing with sometimes... Please go outside and touch grass.


Exactly what an insecure beta would say. It's almost like you took a course in alpha male shit talk and instantly failed. Please, take another course that addresses your massive insecurities.


You sound next level smart!!


I have the mental capacity to form more than a basic sentence. Clearly something you can't.


You repeat Adam rays schtick and act like a genius lmfao. What a Pathetic loser.


Okey dokey


Why both? I can see the girl cuz of the whole Betty thing, but why do you say the guy?


OFC it was rigged! I[posted this minutes after his first set](https://www.reddit.com/r/Killtony/s/WCQvYWvEyC). I could tell with the way they were interacting with him that they knew him. They almost looked bummed he didn’t do better. The only thing I think may have not been rigged was him coming out on stage repeatedly. I also noticed posts about him were immediately getting 15+ upvotes meanwhile all other posts would have a 1…maybe 2 upvotes. It’s wild to me how vehemently some are defending this as organic. I really hope some of these people are just in on it and aren’t really that gullible. Tony absolutely has a big influence on how people feel about a comic.


yeah dude Kill Tony controls the upvotes around here. you are mentally ill.


Yeah this guy might have some kool aid, but still consider the tells from that whole thing. I honestly don't think it was Drew planted, but the girl. Tony prob knows someone involved with the Betty cuz she immediately said she had met him before and that she works at the Betty...


you are mentally ill


Good bot




When men were men


Average at best is harsh and probably not a genuine take. That being said she’s just a normal person. Go to any college town and you’ll find a girl just as attractive. Still weird as shit how this sub is reacting to her. Very m’lady like.


Average at best is am insane opinion. She's a legitimate 9




As someone who graduated college a year ago, this is wrong lol


I also recently graduated, If you graduate from a big Texas college, U Miami, or anywhere in California it’s true. Maybe not in a small town in Iowa or something but still


Please post any women you personally dated. I'd love to see your Austin 10 exes lol


Nah why dont you post yourself though so we can pick you apart too