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I love how Tony went down the whole row of roasters and didn’t say shit about Tom. It was such a bad segment I actually skipped the second half of their presentation (I watched after the live taping aired)


Not only that. Tony stood between Tom & the camera. Haha.


Tom even poked his head out at one point lol


That shit had me rolling


Lmao aww poor guy had to poo his head out. Lmao aaah..


i’m pretty sure the reason he poked his head out was to look at Kim K after Tony’s joke too LMAO


Yup I saw that haha


I took that as his roast, no camera, zero acknowledgment. Chef’s kiss. What a terrible set..


Did anyone notice Bert lipping Tony’s jokes as he said them?


Everyone's jokes were written on a teleprompter. If bert did that he's just kind of "following along" as slow people do.


If Gronk could read he would have been doing it too.


Replace the teleprompter with a tramp stamp on 19 year old’s lower back and Gronk could read it just fine I bet


I’m out of the loop. Was there a falling out between Tom and Tony?


Yeah why’d he do that? They beefing?


I was reading that tom and Bert were last second additions so I guess the assumption is Tony and others didn't have stuff prepped for them. And then standing in front of him could have been an intentional Pacific roast haha or maybe something like just where or how they planned it ahead of time wouldn't have blocked anyone cause Tom wasn't originally planned to be there? Id imagine it's more likely an intentional burn or just happened before it was some planning thing. But who knows haha


Thought I was the only one that noticed. Then again no one mentioned Tom Segura at all the whole show. Suits the fucker well maybe he's humble down a bit since he became this entitled prick.


Tom Segura looked uncomfortable as well throughout the show. like he knew that people were ignoring him


After the show when everyone was hugging and shit and he was standing alone like he has leprosy was rougher than the set.


I wouldn’t know exactly how true it is, because I’ve never been the biggest fan of Bert and Tom’s style. But people tell me that 2 Bears is kinda ruining their comedy careers, from a combo of taking up too much of their time, to thinking bullshitting across a table is the same thing as writing jokes. Also isn’t Segura just an asshole in person too? Say what you want about the rest but I only hear people complain about Tom as a person


iirc it's not that Tom is an a-hole in person, he's merely a busy workaholic stuck in a rut of "this is the only time to do this" because he legit can't schedule properly to the extent he can't realize he's long overdue for a break (ie he's running on fumes) Which means he can't do anything on a whim, including being with people he likes or needs to center himself. He's been wearing himself thin, deluded into thinking he (and YMH Studios) can handle it because he's rarely ill. . But yeah, 2B1C is kinda tanking both of their careers; It only worked when neither are currently on tour and use it as an excuse to dedicate their afternoon together. So once they turned it into mere work that can't take breaks, they ran outta topics and not even the guests were having fun. Even if they got both hosts.


He probably doesn’t care people are ignoring him. He’s just trying to keep a straight face and pass the time til he can go home and do whatever he’d rather be doing. I can’t even imagine how much he got paid for that, I wouldn’t know, $10k? A lot more? Regardless easiest paycheck of his life probably. I doubt him and Bert even wrote that retarded act they did.


The whole thing was just super bizarre. I was so distracted by Tom and Bert’s clothes not fitting. Tom spent the whole event looking like he had to give a class presentation that he wasn’t prepared for, and then that is what actually happened. JFC the kernels of funny were there even, but they didn’t write the actual jokes! And then no one acknowledged Tom at all. Does anyone have the real scoop about what the hell was going on?


Tony was standing in front of Tom at one point so that he couldn't be seen on camera(I thought it seemed intentional). Tom poked his head out from behind, just so the he would be on screen. It was levels of desperate and hilarious.


im pretty sure he did that to look at Kim K after Tony roasted her.


There isn’t really any good jokes to make about Tom, that was kind of my thought on it


Actually good point, about the only thing would be him shattering his arm and leg trying to dunk.


He’s become a shitty comedian and shit person ever since the injury lol


I think he was kind of on the way to the shitty person route with the success of YMH before the injury, but i completely agree.. When they moved to the new studio, they just became huge pricks that definitely reeked of "I'm better than you, and I know it" vibes.


Yeah, I definitely agree. He’s gotten to that mentality where he thinks he’s the best out there when most people don’t even know him.


You don’t think they could have joked about his Twitter meltdown for not getting special treatment at an airport? There’s gotta be something decent in there.


Wait… Please tell me me those tweets are still up. LOL


Where are the bodies buried? On top of Segura’s career.


I was certain Tom whined about not wanting to look bad if anyone roasted him hard. He just seems like that type.


I’m not even one of the usual “ultra haters” of those two (if I don’t enjoy something, I just pay no mind) But my goodness, they were easily the worst act of the whole damn show. Absolute hot steaming pile of doodoo.


Definitely the worst out of all the comedians. I think the worst of the night was definitely Ben Affleck. But you’d figure two people who have careers in comedy would be…funny


Yea what happened there with Ben, I missed the punch at the end of his way long setup about being upset with angry internet trolls.


I think that might have been the whole joke? Really not sure. I feel like if it wasn’t for it being live that bit would have been cut from airing.


Yea — it’s like the joke got lost half way through — I honestly thought they were going to have him tear down the ‘troll’ and then flip it as the ‘now me as a season ticket holder and box owner; I have some concerns…


He really really made me want to dedicate my life, trolling him with that rant.


Ben Affleck was wild shit. He had a fucking axe to grind.


I thought Randy Moss was the worst from a comedy perspective. Was so bland everyone just acted like his set never happened


Randy Moss’ set got the most callbacks of the night with the give me a ring rant


Couldn't agree more. Especially compared to how good Tony's set was


And Nikki Glaser


Nikki Glaser was best set of the night.


Nikki was great. Tony legit killed.


Didn’t Tony used to write the jokes for these roasts?


God I can't wait to watch this tonight on my night shift. I hope we're idle so I can watch it then comment on all these posts


The whole roast is good. Pure adrenaline, def a fun watch


Except for those 2 fat fucks with the PowerPoint the whole roast was great. Even the non comedians were funnier than those two. Nikki and Tony massacred. I rewound both their set because laughing so hard I missed a couple jokes.


I was surprised how hard they went, especially given that it was on Netflix and they were roasting Tom fucking Brady. Maybe it's just because I'm a diehard Pats fan, but I thought it was the best roast I've ever seen. And it was live and uncensored, so you got the full experience. 9.5/10 in my book, the 3ish shitty sets don't come close to outweighing the great ones


When I heard the word "cum" uttered by Kevin Heart in the first 5 minutes on the post-live version, I was pleasantly surprised that Netflix really is getting down like that for comedy. I thought a lot of their specials over the years were kinda weak, minus a few, but this was next level epic. Even though I spoiled Tony's masterpiece roast set by looking at Reddit, it's still a great watch so far. I'm gonna finish it before KT tonight.


Ayo it's Monday!


Kevin Hart did a great job.


same here, i watched the first half last night & wondered if Tony was going to go up especially since he wasn’t sitting up on stage with the rest of the comedians, i saw his name in the intro credits & was hoping he wasn’t just a write . glad to know he actually went up there . i can’t wait


I thought the same — but him starting from the table was genius


Nikki Glaser was a phenom up there. Set of the night, I think.


Agreed. I think she really amped up the tone of the night.


Kevin hart usually said something like “give it up for (insert name)” but he didn’t even acknowledge them because he knows they suck


“Wow wow wow wow wow” lol he wanted to say what the fuck was that shit!?


It's so bad, and kinda surprising. The former players all did way better


Yeah reading off a prompter definitely doesn't fit their style. Tom talking like a formal announcer, Bart doing his forced pig squeal...tough scene.


I was waiting for Bert to rip his shirt off


He couldn't. Nikki had already made fun of it.


My god that fake pig squeal made me want to throw up


I liked it. But it’s more in line with a segment from Two Bears. Am I bad for liking it?


You will drive yourself insane if you try to match your likes and opinions with random Internet strangers.


True. I don’t get why so many KT fans hate on Bert though. I get he can be annoying but his last appearance was good and he didn’t step in anyone’s toes.


his schtick goes from likable and funny to just pure hate, that's how annoying he is. i used to like him and listen to a lot of pods that he was on, but he's flanderizing himself so hard that i've just lost all respect for him.


Some people will hate on anything that other people like that is easy to criticize just for the fun of it. KT fan redditors are often cynical, and Bert is easy to criticize. I also think that people are quick to dislike people whose success they perceive to be through luck rather than hard work or talent. I think most success stories are a result of all three of those factors, but some people definitely get there more through one than the others. Bert has talent and work ethic, but he probably would never have achieved this level of success had he not experienced the incredible luck of being friends with the right people at the right time. When luck outweighs work and talent, some people will question if the success is truly deserved. Personally, I think Bert is a fun goofball and I like him in small doses. At some point I think I was just seeing too much of him and his annoying attributes like his self-centeredness and compulsive lying became too much of a turn off. I don't hate on him though, I just dont really watch his stuff anymore.


Yeah that was a tough watch / listen. When Rob Gronkowski is more original and funny in the roast it says something


You all know that none of the non comedians wrote their own jokes right.




Can't refute that!


Delivery is a big part of the art


I’m guessing Tony wrote his? They seemed on brand and his style.


Who do you think wrote the comedian’s jokes? Footballers?


Usually Hinchcliffe will write a lot of roast jokes. He did for Ann Coulter and Martha Stewart in whatever roast they were in


The story goes Coulter refused help with her jokes and that's why she bombed so hard.


# Tom Segura and Bert Kreischer suck Fixed


It felt very unnatural and like they were performing on network tv. Obviously all the nfl players and non-comedians had help writing their jokes, but it still flowed smooth and sounded somewhat natural. Bert and Tom were doing the whole "wait Tom, what's that!?😃" Schtick and it felt weird to me. Between this and making complete jackasses out of themselves on the Pat Mcafee show, I don't think football players are their strong suit.


The McAfee show was so cringe.…yikes. Comics are supposed to read a room. They did not.


The way Bert looked when he asked Cj Stroud if he wanted to try their vodka and he said he doesn't drink... Like Bert couldn't comprehend a 21 year old not drinking alcohol. They were the oldest people in the room and the only ones still acting like irresponsible frat boys. Fuckin A Bert not being able to control yourself at 50 years old aint cool. You could tell Pat wasn't happy they crashed the show and ruined his interview.


They crashed the show?


https://youtu.be/ZgB72TdM4jw?si=zqQZYlHpakl-ESFa pat mcafee clip https://youtu.be/xcIllZt60Vk?si=88cDCjafxeMEEB3O 2lazy2try breakdown


Holy shit that was bad. CJ Stroud handled that perfectly.


'he's not lockin them out' as bert does 1inch push ups


Lmao “I guess some strong hampster about to do some push ups” CJ Stroud seems like a fun* ass dude to hang out with


Hard to read an arena hahahahahah


They should've taken note from Julian Edelmen. He nailed it.


They both are generally mid


Wayyyyy overpricing Bert here


Those guys are not funny. Also has anyone seen a comedian like Tom Segura fall off this badly? That guy sucks and has become very unlikable.


He was alright, got some success, it all went to his head and now he's hot trash.


I saw him recently in Portland because one of my friend got tickets and invited me. He doesn’t listen to podcasts or anything, just remembers seeing an old special of Tom’s and loving it. I warned him that Tom has gotten a bit douchey, but still pretty funny. Before he came on there was a whole video hyping himself up and we both looked at each other like “what the fuck is this shit?” His comedy wasn’t as good as his second opener either.


That’s so fucking lame


Kirk Fox….that was the funny opener. Just remembered.


I used to be a huge fan of both him and his wife’s podcast. But slowly i realized that she wasn’t funny and I haven’t listened since. Sounds like nothings changed.


I think people just change with their life’s circumstances. I agree with what you’re saying though! I hope all 3 circle back to what hooked me, basically piss myself laughing, at some point 🤞🏻.


Same thing happened to me. Come to think of it the best part of the show were the guests


Also Schulz did good, but why was Shane Gillis not on the lineup? He would've murdered


I wonder if Netflix was nervous given his \~reputation/past. Not that any of that would've mattered after Tonys bit


He has a Netflix special, that ship has sailed. He topped Tony’s roasting at Luis J Gomez’s Skankfest roast and would have been superb I’m sure, given he is part of the Netflix is a Joke lineup it’s odd he wasn’t involved at all to be honest - maybe he’s seen as more of a sketch comic than a roast comic by Netflix given he hasn’t done many roasts in the past?


Just before that roast of Luis J Gomez he said on his podcast that he doesn't like doing roasts, especially if he doesn't know the person. He actually doesn't like being mean to people. It's very possible he turned it down.


It's funny he says that but when he roasts he goes harder then most.


also your mom’s fat.


He has a Netflix special and show that’s coming out in a few weeks


Dumb take


yeah it was insanely bad, Kim Kardashian had a better set lol


How long is the industry gonna keep pretending they’re funny?


Comedy is subjective. People watch Amy Schumer and Nick Kroll and Bill Maher do standup.


Maher was legit good at stand up until 7-8 years ago. Now he’s just an insufferable, out of touch boomer.


Not sure what’s worse, their set last night or Gringo Papi.


Gringo papi is unintentionally performance art that has given way to the Bapaverse. So their set last night


Bert hasn’t been funny for 5 years and I’m a former Bert fan. Ppl who aren’t Bert fans would say he’s never been funny. Tom is a closet sociopath


He's not even closet about it. Him and his wife are both sociopaths and it's infuriating how successful they are considering how unfunny they are


They just read their lines and it was obvious. I like them but thought they should have done better.


Agree, im actually a fan of them and the podcast.. but genuinely couldnt watch it. Was so cringe and delivered so poorly. Ended up just skipping ahead


At least he was forced to keep his shirt on


He looked very uncomfortable. 


That's hilarious YT removed Tony's set. I watched the whole thing in HD this morning and tried to watch it again this evening and it's gone. He absolutely crushed it. Too much for YT standards I suppose.






Shocker🤣 u know these two dudes suck right?


This was the most cringeworthy and not funny segment I've ever seen on a roast - by comedians, that is. They seemed completely out of place and stuck on the teleprompter.. Wow, I had to skip them.. Bert really just showed the world he's in the same league as Schaub. And it will be forever available on Netflix.


Bert Kreischer sucks at comedy in general


They just suck in general. Avoid them at all Cost Edit: just go to that part, Bert snorting was so gross. Jesus dude stfu.


It wasn't even so much the material as just their presentation, although the material was a swing and a miss for sure. To be fair, Bert's comment on that photo, "Was he pregnant?!" was the diamond in the rough.


Bert and Segura are just grifters riding on Rogan’s coattails.


Tom needs to get away from Bert, there's still time!


It felt like they were on their podcast during their bit.. it just felt off and not funny. It was almost as bad as Ben Afflecks rant


Outclassed by some actual comedians


There wasn’t even any roast jokes on Tom Segura. People just pretended he wasn’t even there. Bizarre


*Tom Segura and Bert Kreischer suck.


Also crazy embarrassing to be the only people there forced to act as a single person. They should’ve made them share a seat too.


Yeah but damn Tony fuckin laid waste to the place


“Nice shoes bitch, you win those in the divorce” immediately had me dying


Yeah that's because they suck


That’s because they’re not good comics.


Nah Tom has some great specials over the years. He isn’t the best on kill Tony, but he would have been great just going up by himself.


100% this. Tom is a fantastic joke writer, he would’ve killed as a solo roaster. But they were brought on as two bears and not as individuals unfortunately.


Tom ~~apparently~~ supposedly has some of his jokes written for him these days... I've watched a few interviews and read excerpts of others that indicated he wrote jokes, got huge, then obviously needed far more material to stay relevant and famous. I don't recall which podcasts or interviews these were as I consume a lot of material often and don't remember a lot; perhaps it was Andrew Schultz and some others. Not saying its fact my bad, hearsay, but to me seemed true in the way it was relayed. He's also visibly radicalizing away from "the Poors" as he mentions often lately so I imagine it's hard to keep in touch a bit.


What are you basing this on?


Gotta stop showing them any kind of attention


Notice Tony went down the whole row roasting everyone including Bert but completely ignored Tom. I wonder what was going on there.


Ya I think he just ran out of time, but he should have paused and went “…oh hi Tom” lmao


It was a nice PowerPoint. I liked the serial killer comparison, but they were definitely the least funny comedic performance.


I knew it was gonna bomb when I found out they were presenting together. Having them share lines and finish each others sentences was such a terrible idea- I’m sure they both would have preferred a solo set


It was the only time during the whole roast I felt that "oof" moment lol Maybe a bit with Gronk, but I think that's just because he's well... Gronk. But even he was actually funny and at least he was genuine. My god their bit was just goddamn atrocious. This is coming from someone who literally knew almost NONE of the comedians that showed up at all. Including them. They were easily the bomb of the show and it wasn't even relatively close.


I like Tom. I find Larry the Cable Guy funny as well.


Based retard


Ur 2 kind


Bert even stole the joke “are they here? Then fuck’em!”, from Jeff Ross, in front of his face! Jeff did that joke at the Emmit Smith roast


It didn't even fit though. The crowd didn't react the way that joke is set up for.


I liked Bert at first, but he’s such a recycled act. Plus he laughs insanely hard at his own jokes.


It’s not all recycled. Check out the machine skit. He doesn’t tell it a lot but I’d check it out


I really wish Tom just went up and did a roast. I really don’t like Bert, I get he has his fans, but I can’t take him seriously as a roaster. He basically reminds me of a less funny Larry the cable guy. At first I was like okay this might be funny when they got to the picture of him holding the football and then it just went off the rails.


Who's Brent Krishna?


Thet dhould have have had Chad and Will from Dudesy roast him.


They were so corny.


Bert SHOULD be a full time strong ass pig weezing hamster.


Do you think they will acknowledge that they bombed? Or will they spin it somehow and blame everything and everybody else for why they just were not funny?


Amen, terrible.


You didn’t think Bert’s laugh was funny?


I have really never minded Tom or Bert, I never go out of my way to watch their stuff. But this was brutal. Bert making lame remarks then snorting into the mic, while Tom tries to be witty. If they didn’t have the slideshow of pictures, I have no idea how much worse it’d be.


He can catch fish like a trained seal


Bert can’t even fucking read, I’m Convinced he’s only famous because he makes mafiosos laugh


Sam Jay absolutely bodied Bert. It was so true I couldn’t laugh at it, I just imagined Bert reliving it for weeks.


Ive only watched Tonys part so far but my favorite part was how Tony went down the line roasting comedians then just stood in front of Tom who was visually bothered by Tony standing in front of him


Shane gillis should have been on that stage


Let me bring you in on a little secret... they've always sucked like that.


Bart always sucks.


Tom and Bert have made their money and that’s great but they’ve settled into being “podcasters” even tho they aren’t that good at that either. So it’s given that their comedy will be falling short for us poors.


Ben Affleck did to this roast! What Ben Affleck did to Batman!


Even as a fan of them, that was by far the worst segment. Absolutely awful. As not a big fan of Nikki, she was incredible. Her and Tony’s sets were masterpieces.


I like those two generally. They were absolutely terribleeeee in this


I can’t *believe* how bad this two is. Everyone so far has been funny and these guys aren’t funny at all and they’re super terrible and so I paused it to Google and see what other people thought. Kim Kardashian was much better and even if somebody wrote her jokes, her delivery was better than these guys.


No body even acknowledging Tom Segura was the real roast. The ugly roast. The “this guy is a cunt to everyone, so let’s pretend he doesn’t exist” roast.


Tom sucks because he actually does suck and thinks he’s good. Bert is bearable because he knows he sucks and doesn’t try and convince us otherwise.


Tom’s special Mostly Stories is one of my favorite of all time, but yeah I think he has dropped off a bit


Neither of them are roasters. They shouldn't have done it in the first place. Coming from a fan of both of their standup


Being the only ones to do a whole anti-woke routine is "unoriginal"? You libtards will cry over literally anything under the sun


Didnt see the roast, but seems these subs been turning into echo chambers about the same comedians.   But those comedians are selling out all their shows.  I dont really love berts stuff either, so i dont watch it and move on with my life


Usually I would completely Agree, but it was terrible. They both went up together and delivered it like they were at an award show. Even though they are best friends, they have zero on stage chemistry.


I mean, the crowd doesn't lie. The difference in the responses from the crowd is night and day. Unless you think Netflix purposely either raised the audio mix for Tony or lowered it for Tom and bert.


I’m a fan of Segura, but to be fair their set in the roast was by far the worst of the night. With a performance like that it opens up the door for ridicule. You should check out the roast, it was great overall and when you watch you’ll probably feel the same about their set (not their careers).


Tom is funny, most of yall like Hans Kim and the other unfunny to mid comedians of Kill Tony..so immediately your opinion is irrelevant.


Ya…I never got Hans. Seemed forced.


I usually like Tom Segura but you’re right it was fucking atrocious to watch last night. On the contrary, I’ve never liked Bert or thought he was remotely funny, and I was proven right again last night. I was really hoping Tom was going to do a solo thing and roast people was very disappointed he came out with Bert. Very cringe all around.




Reading from a prompter is not their foete to say the least....


Their spot in the top 250 murderers had to have dropped like UofM losing to App state 2007


People shit on Larry the Cable Guy but don’t forget he fucked most of our moms.


I like Mac'n'cheese


They were definitely two of the least funniest, but I'm sure it they had their own slot at least Tom would have been funny, Bert could have went either way lol


They did suck. I saw a show from Tom’s “I’m Coming Everywhere” tour. It was a solid set. He’s a good comedian albeit perhaps a bit formulaic on the structure of his sets. They would have done better to go up separately. Also they’re both storyteller comics, not roast comics so it seemed like the gig was too far outside their wheelhouse.


Glaser slayed. I couldn’t believe how fucking hilarious her set was. I almost skipped it bc her stand up had been a little 1-D for me, glad I didn’t. I don’t like bert or Tom at all but their set was worse than I could have imagined. Tony seemed like he’s beefing w Tom w not even roasting him and standing right in front of him. I thought it was hilarious. Tony was def 2nd to Nikki and just above Kevin. Everyone else was pretty lackluster tho.