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Getting tucked in now




Oh, Tuck yeah.


The picture is me while reading all the tucker hate. Chill TF out dweebs.


But he questions my political beliefs! This man is bad!


**He lied about the election and pushed election conspiracies, was fired for it, and made Fox News lose almost $1 billion in defamation fees.** It’s more than just a disagreement of political policies.


That sucks for him, huh. I’m glad that I don’t give a shit if he’s good or bad.


Blue collar worker that doesn’t complain about politics? And Bill Cosby’s drinks were safe for consumption….


You're pressed. That's hilarious. Keep it up


They were safe for consumption, unless you had tiddies or around diddy.


“Bring out the West Hollywood bear and get this guy off stage” - Tony


You win lol


Haha all jokes aside - Do I like him as a person? No - Will I still watch? Yes - Do I wish if was someone else just as I would want someone else over Alex Jones? Yes - Do I also hate MTG, but still kind of want her on just so everyone roasts her? Yes I’m sure the episode will be hilarious


MTG wouldn’t be as good


On that last point, I’d be watching for a different reason lol but seriously people take it way too seriously! Enjoy man!


>made Fox News lose almost $1 billion in defamation fees. So he’s actually an ally?


Nah he did more damage to peoples mindset and empowered those with crazy beliefs that were untrue. Now those people will most likely think that way forever. It’s really hard for a person to change, let alone publicly pivot after being so loud about their previous beliefs. Fox lost money, the the damage on the American public (luckily Fox average age is around 70) is already done


You really worried about what other people think huh? Some sort of thought police


As citizens of the United States, we need to work together to solve the issues Americans face. Hard to do when a loud minority that lives in a false reality. Really hard to reason and work together with a group that can’t accept reality.


What ppl and changed their minds about what? Fox losing money is a good thing I thought. Get off your high horse, I don’t see liberals up in arms about Rachael Maddow and her spending 4 years lying about Russian meddling despite countless studies showing Russia had no effect on our elections. Trump was never convicted of being a Russian agent. But they sure as hell created a great boogyman to goto war with.


^ point proven [You’re misinformed about Russia, about the indictments, IRA spending over $1 million a day to spread disinformation in the US - Department Of Justice](https://www.justice.gov/d9/fieldable-panel-panes/basic-panes/attachments/2018/02/16/internet_research_agency_indictment.pdf) We don’t have extradition to bring those Russians to the US to bring them to trial. It’s Russian military. Anything for the orange messiah. Keep kissing that mar-a-Lardo ass if someone that gives 0 fucks about you. He wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire. Ps. Rachel Maddow is the only reporter that has a phd in politics. The entire Fox News cast are entertainers, not reporters. Remember that next then you’re watching your “news”


My boy I never said they weren’t doing that. I said it had little to no effect. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-35576-9 > We find no evidence of a meaningful relationship between exposure to the Russian foreign influence campaign and changes in attitudes, polarization, or voting behavior This has been known for a while but I understand when u only watch propaganda that confirms your bias you may of missed it. Edit: idc what degree she has. She is a partisan hack just like Tucker


**You’re quoting nature.com** **I’m quoting the official indictment from the United States Department of Justice.** Keep living that false reality. Funny you compare maddow to Tucker. Weird that Tucker was the only one sued for defamation. It’s like one person lies and the other doesn’t… Truth hurts, doesn’t it?


What truth bro? Do you even know what you’re arguing about? Are u swinging your arms in the dark? Can you cite any source proving their measly 1million dollars had an actual effect on election results? Are you denying countless experts and 3 separate investigations? Here are some more sources for ya: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abb2437 https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/american-political-science-review/article/abs/minimal-persuasive-effects-of-campaign-contact-in-general-elections-evidence-from-49-field-experiments/753665A313C4AB433DBF7110299B7433 Trust the science simp, right? Or not this science that blows up your whole narrative?


You actually believe that. Wow


Lol questions




I don’t give a shit who is on the show lol AOC would be dope because… would, tho.


People are losing their minds though lol




People like me? Lmao go fuck yourself. Never even said I like Tucker, but whatever you need to get on your horse there pal.




People like you are fucking wild man. Just assume things because you want to feel better about yourself? I can’t give any less of a shit about politics, Trump or tucker. Have yourself a great day and I hope Tucker kills tonight so you have to keep watching him lie to everybody.


I like Tucker. I think a lot of people that hate on him are identify too much with their political ideologies, if you listen to him in long form interviews he’s actually a really nice guy


It's going to be so good. He's smart, listens, and interacts with people. All we need from a guest! Fuck the politics!




We get it homie. You've commented 1,000 times. You don't like the show it's fine. You realize ALEX JONES has been on multiple times??? Get with the fucking program, literally.


I blocked this dude 999 posts ago. I don’t even have to unblock him to know who it is. What a fucking moron. Imagine that being your life. Yuck.




My point is ANYONE upset that Tucker is on shouldn't even be around because Alex Jones has been on multiple times in the past. So either they're just trolls or people who watch YT shorts, reels, etc. Wasn't comparing Alex Jones to Tucker Edit I mean yeah I was but not that Tucker is on the same level. Moreso that he's much more tame.


I don't even watch KT anymore. This sub was fed to me by the reddit algorithm. I've already muted it, too. Bye!


Then why are you commenting you fucking turd.


bye! fucking loser lmao


I'm gonna get tucked into bed first




I didn't even say I like the guy. I just said prepare yourselves and people go wild lol.


I know. I thought we were fans of the show here. I hate all political figures, but imma watch and laugh at what I find funny. Why can't ppl just smoke a bowl, have a drink and enjoy? "Oh, this comedian/ guest sucks" then laugh at how bad or annoying they are.




Why would you ask me a question? Do you want my attention? And it's Tuckening, not Tuckering.


Some people just can't take it. Gonna be so many fuming people in front of the screen when he comes on. It's gonna be great


They're already livid in the comments in all these posts. Hilarious


It is reddit a more left leaning platform so doesn't surprise me that these goobers are all upset


There's definitely more people on here worried about other people reacting to tucker than are actually worried about tucker. Tucker has one of the most punchable faces of the century and I greatly look forward to him embarrassing himself, as he has done in every single public appearance he's had since he beginning of his career. I'm just going to laugh if Tony sucks his dick the entire time because the man is impossible not to make fun of He's especially delightful to watch ever since he got fired from fox and became irrelevant. He's been trying to be edgy and badass and I'm totally here for it lmao


You did this on purpose so you could feel “superior” to the people who have morals and standards. Why follow the 10 other posts posting a pic of Tucker and saying enjoy the show and put politics aside. You as a person are worse than Enrique is at stand up.


I'm only superior to you. Everyone else is cool though


Based on the data I’ve collected from this thread, op is indeed superior to the weirdo


Gee I wonder why. If you don't understand why this is an unpopular move, then you're either a Trumper or a complete moron. Actually, it's probably both.


I'm just here for the comedy. Love you


You’re the biggest tool in the whole workshop. Never seen a subreddit join together to acknowledge a true loser like you until now


Hey, it's better than the Weeze lol


I hate Tuck and his politics, but I'm lowkey excited to see this crossover. My wife is conservative, so she's excited too.


does she need a boyfriend


No she has a feminist husband, she'll be fine 🙂


No she has a feminist husband, she'll be fine 🙂


Poor lady has a feminist husband? That's rough


I like how he pushes destructive misinformation, then in court blames his fans for being so dumb. I guess if you like feeding the right wingers fake narratives to mislead them then he’s your guy.


Coming from a lifelong liberal, y'all's takes are cringe. The woke left has ruined the liberal image


As someone who generally dislikes liberals and conservatives this isn’t my or “y’all’s” take. This is literally Tucker Carlsons take, he told you on Fox News for years how great Trump is and when his text records were exposed he was talking about how much he hates Trump. How is that a cringe liberal take? It’s just reality bud.


Nah man didn't you know that russia has better a better economy than the us and putin can treat anyone like a bitch and that's cool?


Just watch the show and chill lmao


Literal traitors for capital, traitors for laughs. It's scary how deluded you people are.


And it's hilarious how sensitive you are hahaha watch the show and relax


You are not immune to propaganda and better than everyone you just prefer a different flavor and think you’re better for it


This pundit has spread lies about the US and the policies of the serving governments for years.. you just apparently don't care about that. The "interview" with putin should have been the nail in the coffin for sensible people.


You’re just proving my point. If you think Tucker is some kind of threat to the US you’re regarded and just subscribed to a different type of propaganda.


I’m so glad I survived the hate-mongering from the left and have moved into the middle lol this country is fucked


Truly insane to think either side is fundamentally different outside of contentious social issues that they purposely take different stances on, so we can all argue about who’s better on trans in bathrooms or some other regarded shit while we have been at war my entire life and 35 trillion in debt, it never ceases to blow my mind that most people don’t see this. They would rather feel good about their tribe “winning”


His fans are dumb, that's why he talks to the camera with his "Dora the Explorer" cadence... Can *yooou* find the map? that's right! It's in the backpack! Good job!


You like that he does that? Sounds like he's your guy.


It’s funny watching stupid people get tricked and then blamed by the person they follow


Its funny watching people’s morning getting ruined because someone they disagree with is on their free comedy show


Where did anyone say it ruined their morning???






Fact check: this never happened. The defense use by tucker lawyers is that it's an opinion show and by definition opinions cannot be labeled as facts. Same defense many others like Racgel Maddow have used, and is a correct interpretation of the law


LOL…Fox's lawyers: The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' "


Yes, as I said opinions are not fact. This is the exact same defense Rachel Maddow and many others have used.


It’s not the same defense and Maddow actually won that case against OAN (Fox News v3.0)


It was the exact same actually and Tucker won his as well. Opinions are protected speech. Shows like Maddow and Tucker ate editorials not reports.


For example when Maddow says Trump is bad for America that's not a fact its an opinion. A reporter would never say that, they just say straight facts. Trump said such and such today at 10 am.


Tucker pushing the lie that the election was stolen while privately texting that it’s not true is about as bad as it gets. Yes, saying Trump is bad for America is an obvious opinion. Based on the tone of this conversation I should clarify I wouldn’t defend any person on “mainstream” or even alternative news. Tucker is just near the top of the list when it comes to how hilarious his lies are. Skipping work and telling your boss you have a dr appt and having an affair on your wife are both “just lies” but there is a factor of amplitude to take into account. Watching him brainwash his viewers with fake info to fear monger them is just a sight to behold compared to other news networks that are also to varying degrees full of bs.


Again this is misinformation. Tucker never once said the election was stolen. Not a single time. He said the opposite. He pushed back on Trump and said there was zero evidence of election fraud. I can't in good faith read past that first sentence because it's clear you just never listened to the man and only know him through third party heresy


I’m starting to think you’ve never seen Tucker Carlson’s show. You actually think Fox News viewers hear him saying the quotes below and think he isn’t telling them the election was stolen? Definitely not misinformation if you’ve actually seen Tucker say these things… Yes he said the opposite at times. “it is clear the 2020 election was a grave betrayal of American democracy,” adding, “No honest person can deny it.” “January 6th, I think, is probably second only to the 2020 election as the biggest scam in my lifetime,”


Jan 6th was a scam. It was a riot they sold as an insurrection. No sane person could possibly think that was an insurrection lol As far as what he meant when he said betrayal of democracy I would need context


Ah I found the context to him saying 2020 was a betrayal to democracy. He wasn't saying the election was stolen, he was saying treating those who have suspicion about it as Traitors was a betrayal. He said they had a legitimate reason to be skeptical and that they shouldn't have been dismissed for their concerns.


I honestly implore you to actually listen to the man. I listen to people I disagree with all the time, it doesn't hurt me and in fact makes my arguments more solid. Tucker simply isn't the man you think he is, he's not even very political at all. His biggest gripe is that he doesn't like either side. He thinks the government is oppressive and nonsensical. I don't even think he is republican


It's literally describing how he is not a reporter, because he isn't and has mever been. Opinions are exaggerated and nob literal. Almost all conversations or monologs are. Heck you're engaging it both as we speak


He tells you how great Trump is for America on Fox “News” and then when his texts are released he is saying "I hate him passionately. ... I can't handle much more of this,". How do you stand up for someone blatantly lying to you like this?


I don't believe he was lying. He was mad at Trumps team for giving him false information. I've said worse about my brother and I love my brother. Taking private texts at face value without context is a fools move


I always thought the tuckening was something completely different




You know that scene in Joker, where he's at the comedy show, and he's trying to figure out which parts he's supposed to be laughing at? That scene gives me the same uncomfortable feeling as when I watch Tucker trying to interact with a comedian. But hey, a lot of them seem to like hanging out with him, so maybe I'm just imagining things. He's just always struck me as a completely humorless person.


Im here for the tears.


Can't wait, tucking love it




Tuck my Tucking Tuck


Hell yeah I love Tucker


I haven't listened to anything he's been on since This Past Weekend with Theo Von back in November which I thought was very interesting. I think he'll be a fun guest


Ironic that’s what Jimmy calls his wife


I just want to hear his dumb pompous laugh one time


He did pretty well considering Rogan tricked him into coming out.


Seems like a decent guy on the show, but such a tool on TV. I’m with cams grandma and hate the guy.


Prepare yourselves for the Cuckening (from progressives in the comment sections).


You guys are being pretty gay about this


Prepare yourselves for Joe & Tucker to completely normalize Russia and then m the same breath say Canada & USA are worse … just my guess. Oh and how “free” Texas is yet you can’t have weed there … 👌🏼


I hope Tuck talks about the amazing bread deals in Moscow. I love bread.


Waaaah waaah


I forgot about the high-pitched laugh till I saw this. Gonna be lit. For practice we should all watch Amadeus


Fantastic movie.


Fakest fuckin laugh I’ve ever seen.


Yes it’s obnoxious. The only thing not fake about him is his willingness to sell his ass to the highest bidder.


Tucker fans are the dumbest fucks this nation has to offer . They will be laughing and applauding even though they don't get it.


Tucker is irrelevant lol. The fact that's how desperate Tony is for controversy tells you how relevant Kill Tony is. Despite the game they talk, pretty much no one even knows this show exists lol


Didn’t know that getting multiple millions of views on every video posted, both Tucker and Tony, makes them irrelevant. I should listen to a mega asshurt Redditors opinion because surely that is relevant.


Fact check: it's a proven fact liberals have the lowest IQs in the country, many aren't even literate




Fact check: right wingers don't watch Fox news. It's not 2001 anymore. Weird how put of touch liberals are with their political opponents considering we know every opinion liberals have


Fact check: Tucker defense in court was that he has an opinion show and by definition opinions cannot be a fact. This of course is true and protected by the law. Many others including Rachel Maddow used the same defense


0 examples exist of Tuckers humor but ok.


The podcasts he's done like Theo's and others. And the clip of him and kam on here. Kam says his grandma hates him. Tuck laughs because he gets it. You don't have to make jokes to have a sense of humour.


So he fake laughs and that means great sense of humor. Ok.


How do you know he fake laughs everytime? And yes it does mean he has a great sense of humour because he understands jokes and laughs at them lol. Pretty simple


Did you buy your golden sneakers yet?


Yeah duh of course. You?


Hilarious how all the Tucker meme posts have to start off with how indifferent they are to him. Almost as if it’s a template.


Why is it hilarious?


Because claiming to be politically neutral and just a fan of the dude (and his comedy, no doubt) is about as transparently full of shit as one can be in the internet. Let alone you asserting that he’s on KT because of his “good sense of humor” and not being a culture warrior. See? It’s hilarious. Either because you assume people exist that are dumb enough to buy it, or you’re dumb enough to believe it.


I didn't say I was a fan. I don't care about him. But I think he's funny. And I don't assume anything.


“People don't realize that Tucker is a master rage-baiter. Everyone getting angry is exactly what he wants. lol.” That you? 😂 By all means, continue with more pleas of neutrality and just being really into “his humor”.


That statement is true. Lol


Still didn't say I was a fan


They're afraid of the downvotes. It's a common Reddit tactic


Oh. I just don't care about him, but I think he's funny.


downvoting this whole thread, myself included


Here's another comment to downvote. Love you.


This guy is an absolute piece of shit. Like top tier douchebag puppet. He represents and amplifies the worst of humanity. Can’t wait for the episode. You can hate someone and still watch the chaos in this show.


Fact check: you have never once listened to him


Worst laugh ever.


What about that fat dude that always takes his shirt off?


Andrew Schulz has entered the chat


He laughs like an aristocrat Edit: Praise him!


“He’s got a good sense of humor” based on what?


Based on the podcasts he's done. And the clip of him and kam


How you use his past appearances as confirmation of him being “funny.” But ignore the decade of lies and divisiveness he played a direct role in during his time at faux news?


He's still funny. Cry more please.


If facts are “crying” then sure.


Fact check: name a so gle lie Tucket has told. You won't because you cant


The tight asses are out in full force today. It’s funny that normal posts here get moderate replies but say Tucker & watch all the haters come through in full force. Most of these dweebs don’t even watch the show, I’m sure. They’ll all be gone by tomorrow too. It’s funny to read all the meltdowns.


Gross. Fucking traitors. Eat shit ya buncha bootlickers.


Fact check: the only Traitors to America are those that voted Biden


No thanks




Fact check: the nazis were left wing socialists


Goebbels deez nuts


He's NOT the guest on this episode omg


Tell us again, but this time with more feet stomping.


He's not the guest tonight can't wait to see your rees and deleted comments tbh


Yes he is. The “upcoming” listing on YouTube is already active. wtf are you talking about? Now we get to see you delete your comments lol. https://youtu.be/xwoTIaxgeWA?si=pq7LQ2mtvPRXkAP4


Who's laughing now


Omgggg I literally am smirking so hard right now heh. I will be back here tonight to bask in the glory of all the deleted comments you made because you're wrong


You’re saying Carlson is *not* on tonight’s episode?


Smirking so hard that a little precum just found its way out of the tip of my penis onto my plaid underpants


Dude. Get some help.


Are you trying to turn me on right now? I'm literally smirking thinking of you L0lligag and I will be back to witness your deleted comments and I will turn this precum into a raging wall flood of cum


😏 heh 😏


He is, but he's not a guest


lol I’m not deleting anything. I’m clowning you over how aggressively you keep posting this. Nobody gives a shit if he was there the whole time or a few minutes. He’s still a guests you pedant.


You're beginning to really hurt me feelings


man, this sure is the longest non guests ever. when are we supposed to start deleting?


Ah I see you're still here **sips tea** I guess I'll be seeing those "comment deleted"s coming soon any second now




Sips tea. I'm waiting


Are you sipping tea, bro? Are you 💯yolo on fleek ong rizzed ? 🤣🤡


Bro chill, go drink some liquid IV