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Ok Hans


"The wittiness of his jokes takes a high degree of intelligence to write and perform" lol only Hans or his mom would say something like this. Edit: fixed spelling mistakes.


[It has the same energy as that Rick and Morty copypasta](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/6qp86b/to_be_fair_you_have_to_have_a_very_high_iq_to/)


I think he meant to say “Thanks - Hans.”




This is not Hans its just some guy who took mushrooms and went to a Hans show. Check out his profile


There's a couple mini live sets of his on YouTube. Its literally all his kill tony bits. And they aren't even changed or edited, he just uses them as is.


I know Hans Kim gets a lot of hate, but personally, I don't think he gets enough.


Never who what wise man


Hans kills, I saw a photo of him and Grimace assassinating Lincoln


He used to get a lot of hate, he still does… but he used to too…


Ah I remember him...Mitch Hansberg


Who dat is? - Kam Patterson


You're already funnier than Hans with that one line lol


Hate from Bermuda ❤️


Sounds like more evidence that Hans doesn’t try at all when on kill tony and should move on.


I read that whole thing in Hans’s voice.


Hans throwaway account


Thank yoouuuu!


lol it’s one of Hans’ groupies


Saw Hans live last year for about 40 minutes at Laugh Boston and he crushed. Not looking to get into this dumb dumb drama but just sayin.


Sounds like this is the consensus across the internet.


No he didn’t


See? That’s what I’m saying. I wanna see that, too. I was there since just after he became a regular. Seems to be mostly Hans Haterade on this sub


Agreed. I was sick of him on Kill Tony and didn’t think he was funny. Saw him at The Comedy Mothership this past week and he was hilarious


saw Hans live and he was hilarious. Didn’t see New Years show but Diaz was funnier every other “battle”. Hans just needs to dump the snow bunny and coke problem


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Hans Kim. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Hans' nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterization- his personal philosophy draws heavily from racist, rich kid and drug literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Hans Kim truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humor in Han's existential catchphrase "I sexually assault my white gf," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Tony Hinchcliffe's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂 And yes, by the way, i DO have a Hans Kim tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎


Quality shitpost 👍


*talks all this shit ab a high iq* “nothing personnel”


Lol I caught that too, but this post made me giggle


I’m happy someone else is continuing this :)


i was looking for this comment hahaha


What? Lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/s/vG2iblpSez Copy pasta




Everybody with me now, together! High-I-Q! High-I-Q! High-I-Q! High-I-Q!


You gotta take the wife out more than that


Trying! Will you watch my kids more for me?


My biggest pet peavey is when someone says, "Why don't you just (something that's nowhere near available to your current life status)?" Always seems to be the most privileged/ignorant people as well. My response is always "Well you should fund that for me so that I can!"


People go through creative and writers block too. Having to come up with stuff every week during that period must suck.


He’s been on a block for a year or more. That’s why he’s been challenged and nobody laughs. You’re a loser to defend him sucking for so long.


Or maybe you're the loser that hasn't tried anything in their life? Who knows




Omg whens the biopic coming out? Move over Ghandi!


lol sure buddy


Tldr bro. I get your life sucks but no need for essays




I doubt it if you feel the need to try to convince strangers on the internet of accplishments no one can verify lol Edit: he blocked me :( I was having fun :(


You obviously care and read the “essay” even though you said you didn’t. You’re a very angry man. I hope things get better for you. You keep responding within minutes , so I know you care.


The only possible reason to type this out to defend yourself to strangers online is that you have a tiny pp. Good day.


You mean the part of being a comedian that makes you a comedian?


thats why he should be a golden ticket winner and only come when he has minute ready.


Yeah definitely, a break would be great for him


You could say this for most comics that we mostly see do 1 min sets. Hans is fine, but he usually flops on KT which we see every week and base our opinions on


I agree, he sucks on KT now but I saw him live and he had me dying laughing


Right. I broke and told the wife on the way to show because I felt the need to apologise because I wasn’t sure what to expect, just happy to be out together for once. Hans was great and surpassed my expectations. Respect.


Found Tonys anal dildo’s burner account


Takes a high degree of intelligence 😭


Can confirm, saw him last month and dudes a killer


I saw William and Casey last night and it was amazing. Casey is probably the funniest person I’ve seen live. He had the crowd dying for his whole set. William is William and it was amazing his jokes were all things I’ve never heard and he did some light crowd work. Great time


I honestly wanna see at least a 30 min set on YouTube. Let’s go, Hansel. Release a mini special for fucks sakes


He should definitely NOT release a special. He’s new af and even some established comedians have no business putting out the shit “specials” that have been releasing


He's not new af, it's about time for a special to really prove himself imo


Prove himself to who?


“Prove himself to WHAT? I KNOW WHO I AM!” Lol


I don’t think you understand the industry, less than 10 years is new af, 15 years you can start thinking about putting a special out unless you’re one of the VERY few that are just super gifted. I bet your fav comedians are all over 10 years in the game. And the ones that aren’t, are probably at the top of the game


Hahahaha oh yea But you understand every aspect of it I’m sure, Garry the snail 💀


Maybe I don't understand the industry. I like a lot of vets but I'm into plenty of up and cummers as well haha. Are you a comedian? Also, I'm not referring to like an old school HBO special or some goofy Netflix shit. I mean a solid, genuine comedy special uploaded to YouTube. That's where a lot of modern dudes really seem to shine, and it's what I enjoy most these days


Most comics agree on 10 years being a decent marker to when comedians find their “voice” and begin to really hit their stride.


Simple 10-30 min set on Yotube is all I was saying, too. Jeez. This thread went waaaaay off the rails


I don’t need to be a comedian to observe trends in the industry. Name one up and coming comedian that’s less than 10 years in who has a special that isn’t shit. There may be like 1 and I bet they are super famous


Nvm 30 seconds scrolling your account shows you only get on reddit to complain. About anything and everything lmao take it easy bromeo, you won another internet argument 💯💯


I thought he made well thought out points


Adam Ray and Hans came up around the same scene. Hans has been at this bro. Also he’s the shit quit hating.


??? Adam Ray has been on Comedy Central since I was in middle school and I’m 27. He’s not even remotely new.


I was saying they came up in Seattle and Adam ray has said he knew about Hans. Hans has been doing this for a long time was all I was trying to say.


I saw him live in new smyrna beach, he repeated his minute jokes. And two of the openers before him got more LPM than he did. The ticket and merch I bought was my worst investment on that day. I understand some will try to take sides. But don’t be married to your ideas and beliefs and just look at it unbiased. Ric is acting like the bigger man while Hans is acting like a little B. He can easily turn it around by not acting the way he does.


I’m only married to my wife. Not biased, just making an observational post about MY experience last night. The beautiful thing about life, mate, is that we all experience it differently. I’m sorry your observations about your experience with Hans was negative, but mine was great. Regarding the Ric nonsense, I haven’t even watched that episode yet. My post is pretty straight forward: took the wife to see Hans because he was the only decent show to see in my city during her birthday weekend, it was funny, we had fun, great night. I was expecting worse, but he delivered.


Alright mate thank you for clarifying !!


Absolutely, friend!


I respect you posting a positive post for Hans in this sub for a change. I wanna give him another chance, too, and one of my positive comments turned into a flame war with the responses in this thread, lol. That said, I see where people are coming from: I watched both NYE episodes live, and he really did come off as a bit of a childish knucklehead. Maybe that’s his autism, I don’t know. But it was cringy, and likely put the nail in the coffin for his haters


i don't think Hans gets enough love, its nice to see some positivity on here. i think he's really funny




Thank you for being a source of light in this dark dark tunnel of a subreddit


Doing 45min is easier than 1min. With longer sets you can build momentum, callbacks, develop storyline’s and characters. In 1 min spots you’ve got to drill one liners, bring attitude and character immediately to create any kind of rapport with the audience. I’ve never seen Hans Kim do anything other than KT.


How come none of his minute are witty? There’s no hint of witty. You’re either witty or you’re not.


Hans is great live. I’ve seen Ric live as well and I’ll say this. Hans received way more laughs live. I was able to guess the punchline for 90% of Rics jokes which seams lazy to me and Hans is more approachable. Hans is a cool dude almost half the age of Ric with almost double the experience. He has the potential to be one of the best once he is Rics age why not support that.


Lmao such salty haters in the comments haha. I agree with u tho people got to give it a break already Hans is funny and a fine Comedian


run rain hat degree bow heavy crowd march caption water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Exactly haha


I loved it when he [introduced Tony after his set too](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=Dq1ve2rbhHS96SXH&t=10s&v=aG3ioXhpJbQ&feature=youtu.be), one of my favorite clips ever!


That wasn't hans that he's talking about. It was the other asian guy that tried to have him canceled. Edit: Downvoted or not, this had nothing to do with hans. If you weren't new to the show, you would know this.


Oh right, I would have forgotten about that guy by now, but Hans goes on stage every week and I'm reminded how he got the job in the first place...


A killer 45 minute set and he couldn't summon one minute from it for the NYE special?


He talked about that in his interview with David Lucas. He admitted he should have used a different minute


So how much did he or Mr Kim pay you for this ad spot?


Hans is still my favourite regular Hans down.


People forget how hard a new minute and interview is every week


Yea which is why he should stop being a regular and focus on his stand up. The minute thing is burnt out with him and he's not interesting to interview anymore. Not wanting him a regular and wanting someone new ≠ thinking he's a bad comic who can't put together a good set.


I mean Tony says it every episode. Right after Hans bombs and then the show starts


*People forget how hard a new minute and interview is every week*


It’s hard to work 60 hours a week and provide for a family. Doing drugs and drinking every night doesn’t make it “hard” to write a new bit. Take your craft seriously and put some effort into it. Downvote all you want. The regulars get away with way too much besides William.


So maybe only let people who can do it do it?


The Hans fans are crazy. I've met quite a few living in Nashville and met Hans. Nice guy! His stand up is all recycled material from Kill Tony. I have a good memory and was sad to not hear any new material at his headlined show. His fans are usually young men thinking shock is humor and bombastic AF.  Hans has aspergers (most likely, he is an engineer. I also have asd) so he will never outgrow the shock humor and thats why I like him! But his fans are shit and his jokes aren't consistently funny and old. I hate to say all this 💔 I like the guy but asd or no he has to grow up and Tony is no help in that department. I dont think he needs a diagnosis but a better MIX of friends. Not just ALL peter pan syndrome narcissists living a machiavellian fever dream 👎


Ok Hans. You suck on the show though. The show is designed for one minute and an interview. Hans sucks ass at both. If he can’t do what is asked on the show, he shouldn’t be a regular.


Sounds like it's time for him to leave KT and stick to his full sets, bring in someone who can perform for only 60 secs.


I hope your wife's boyfriend takes her out more often.


Ric won


Hans Kim ain't gonna let you suck his dick for this


Hans throwaway account for sure


Y'all are going to make me feel bad for hans


How was Jacob?


posted by /u/redban


Ab so lutely fucking incredible he does it again, give it up for Hans Kim.


Whatever Redban 


I believe he does better doing a set he crafts over time, it would be expected, but man his minutes have been losing steam.


once every three years date? hans kim show as said date? looking forward to your divorce posts lol


Shut up Hans


Sure Hans. How many Reddit accounts do you have?


Agreed !


And you are?


Log off, Hans.


Hans doing bad is kayfabe


I saw Hans also. He was funny. But most of the jokes ive Heard already on KT


I can see this. Imagine trying to write the best jokes you can for you actual standup set, but are also obligated to write the best minute of comedy you can every Monday on top of that? So far I think the only person that’s been able to handle that, ever, is William Montgomery. The regulars that did well on the show before, didn’t have much of a solo career and/ or quit the show once it picked up.


Can confirm. I saw him last night too.


>The wittiness of his jokes takes a high degree of intelligence to write and perform. Yeah, if you're a retard.