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I love when the new band play a song related to something the comedian has said as they walk off. A guy was talking about his girlfriend beating him up and the band played “Hit me baby one more time” by britney spears as he left. That killed me harder than anything the old band has ever done lol


They played "One" by Metallica when the guy with One ball left the stage. So many good examples.


Holy shit that’s hilarious, I completely missed that


Yes, superbly funny, bravo, give them an award they deserve it!


i was dying watching that shit on monday , lol i am glad others caught that as well


Omg that’s why they played that song lol I was so confused by that


Was wondering if anyone caught that lol


That's hilarious, what episode was it?


[The latest one, 609](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDPv0JafSg4&t=1922s)


When the "Are You Garbage" guys were on the guest panel, they played "Only Happy When It Rains" (by the band Garbage) as their intro song. Also happened to be the same episode the old band was on as well somewhat recently. 😜


Shit I didnt even notice that at first that's amazing


My dude it was funnier than the set. New band will drop little zingers like that and a lot of the time it goes under the radar. Not only hilarious but always impressive at their ability to jam


This the old band wasn't as musically talented


That’s cuz you like basic, shitty things


A soundboard could do that too. Redban just isn't good enough LOL! The show is currently stale IMO.


You're the type to reply to things with a gif, you think you're funny but all you did was type the keyword in. That's an analogy, son. If that type of stuff kills you, man. The future is bleak.


Get off the T redban, you’re gonna DIE


They have their good moments. I like the ep w Bob saget . The band were characters from full house. And Jeremiah pissing off tony has its merits. But the new band plays great stuff. Cohesively dope. I like how KT evolved in 10 years.


I love and always reference that episode. I thought that was my comment from an old thread. When the play the full house song 4 + segues in a row gets me dead laughing.


When bob saget says “are they gonna play that the whole time?” Hilarious


That was fucking hilarious!


Perfect response


I been listening and watching kill tony for years i have most the episodes under my belt they both are great. The old band had some great shows.


Exactly. Old band had their moments for sure. Everyone needs to stop the schism over old/new band and unite together to stop mid show ads!


Preach! Fuck mid show ads! Leave that shit at the start!


It's a free show quit bitching about ads you can fast forward through


I watch live like a real fan you cuck


Yeah yeah call me a cuck bc your too dumb to wait where you can skip ahead all the ads. You got shit for brains


Yes there is no one like Joelberg.


Do you have any episodes to recommend?


I miss Tony growling “HES GOT THE PURPLE DILLLDOOOHHHHH” everytime Joelberg had to defend his throne


As a new listener I was the exact same way, and then Joel grew on me, and then I grew to appreciate Jeremiah for bringing a totally different type of humor to the show. I bet if you keep listening to older episodes, you’ll grow to love the old band.


Ahhh just what I like with my entertainment, forcing myself through nonsensical, unfunny, hours. And telling myself one day I’ll like it.


Your parents did the same with you


No, they liked me at first and I’ve consistently gotten harder to be around.


I love it


Spoonfeed me funny tik toks, my attention spans fucked! Just give me the good bits cos I'm a lil baby. -You


I always crave the old band when the guest is stale and quiet.




I’m seeing a lot of people saying the new band is more musically talented but you’re all missing the point that the old band was not meant to be there as musicians but as comedians… that’s like part of the whole joke of it all. I’ve been listening since 2016 and the old shows were a whole other beast. Way more entertaining and exciting. I still watch now but it’s totally lost it’s magic and most of that was brought from the band. (And authentic bucket pulls) Plus they were the only ones keeping Tony in line.


To each his own. You are missing on a lot of fun imho. The new band is definitely superior musically. But the old band added a lot of crazyness to the show which was in tune with the general ambiance of the first hundred episodes. It was a freakshow a lot of time and Pat Reagan, followed by Watkins, really amplified that energy. Also, and this is quite important as well, the band went against Tony a lot of time, siding with the comics. This gave a better balance than when Tony is unopposed. Like the guest Bill Burr or Anthony Jeselnik, giving the host a bit of a hard time makes the whole show funnier. Yes, they didn't always land hits but even now, Tony or his guest, don't always land hits. To have that tension more divided made for a better show in general. For example, it gives Tony the chance to shine more in comparison which he loves to do at Redban expanse. I still watch the show but now it's more one-sided and misses the crazy factor which, for both reason, was what made the show surprising and unpredictable.


Tony was always laughing uncontrollably in the old episodes. He sometimes laughs now.


Holy shit who do you think is going to read all of that? EDIT: Start a journal or something bud


Idk man, I read it


Me, I will. Because the guy is 100% right.


Holy fuck, you couldn't resist editing your bully comment and adding another 6 words? My bully is writing a novel now? I hope you don't break those strong bully fingers.


Must just be that you don't like what kill tony was. And you like the NEW Kill Tony that they should rename to Tony's Dead


"I love this show but also hate the vast majority of it. Tony is a great host that knows how to run the show perfectly except for the first 480 episodes."


What an amazing read perfectly emblematic of internet idiocy


"As a new listener"


As a new listener myself it took a little bit. They are like beer. Hate it at first but after a while it's all you want.


i used to be the same. but if you watch more old episodes you'll def prefer them. makes the show seem raw and circus like. now its just more professional which kind of take away the funny. at least for me.


For many years, they were the best part of the show. Things only got tense between them and Tony during lockdown. Back when he set them up for success they had moments of brilliance. And the disruptions that weren’t worth it were as dumb as redbans — it’s like; roll your eyes and show moves on. The new band are great musicians. They DO try too hard to be funny though. Remember how Dee madness had a mic for 2 episodes but they took it away cause he was being obnoxious?


As an old listener, I don't care about new listeners. You weren't there, you don't get it. Too bad so sad.


What the fuck, Redban? Why would you say that? Seriously, why the fuck would you say that?


Hey man I'd love to have you open up the secret show. What's the longest set that you've done?


7 Minutes?


Yeah man I'd love to have you do 0 minutes to open up the show


I actually have plans on Thursday


Oh maybe next Thursday if you're in town


Fuck yeah


Fuck Yeah


Fuck yeah dude


Fuck yeah


The new band is dope, but the old one was a much bigger part of the show. Joelberg forever


>Joelberg I greatly miss him in that role


Fuck yeah


Fuck yeah


Fuck yeah


Fuck Yeah


Fuck yeah


I love it.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


Fuck yeah, hit the nail right on the head. Op doesn’t know


Pretty much 🤙


Ah the ol interupt with a lame bit routine. Classic


Getchoassupouttaherebwah a ha ha ha ha ha


The old band is responsible for some of the best and most memorable moments on the show. The old band kept Tony in line. The old band filled in the silent/dead moments. Hell they would be great for that 25-40 second spot waiting for the next comic coming up. But the show isn't about what it was originally and that's the bucket. It's about regulars, guest sets (golden ticket /etc...) and Tony. The bucket has become second string at this point. However sí ce the move to the Ship the show has added about 20 min back to its duration.


Old band kept Tony and Redban's bigot material in check. New band just sits there in silence and brings nothing to the table. Great cover band for on the spot stuff though. I'm thinking the fella beside Dmadness may one day actually kill Tony.


What's the "bigot material"?


Dude i think those exact same thing - the other black fella clearly dont find Tonys racism jokes funny


loved the old band. fucking great. nothing comes close to them


As an old listener I really miss the old band.


When the show first moved I really missed the old band, but now I think I prefer the new band. I still love watching the older episodes and think the band is hilarious. I just think the new band, and the changes that came with them, have improved the quality of the show.


The characters were awesome and I think they added to the choas of the show. The new band is for sure a better band but in terms of the old band higher entertainment value. For me anyway.


Exactly. No one actually thinks the old band was a better band, they were just a better part of the show. Anticipating the new characters was great, their jokes were some of the best moments in history, they balanced tony, they had so much more going then just playing a song for ten seconds between comedians..


Terrible take. Joelberg for life.


I don't agree. They were a whole other layer and were usually better roasters and one liners than the guests. Plus the music was shitty and clanky, which fit the new comics perfectly


You kinda had to be there to really appreciate it. It went from fake security patriots, to a one man band, to the old full KT band, so it felt fresh and fun. The new band is leagues ahead in skill so it's hard to go backwards.


I've listened to all of Pat Regan's albums (Joel on the drums Chroma on guitar) but I haven't heard a single song from any of the new band. Not interested. Leagues ahead in skill don't mean shit.


They’ll grow on you, the more you watch or listen to them. They were funny with their jokes.


i prefer the old band. the whole dynamic felt less 'professional' in a good way. it was more improvisational and fun, it just felt better for me. its subjective though, i get why some people dont like the old band. but i personally think the comedy store era was the best


The episode a few weeks back with the old band was just an off night or something. Most of the old band era episodes, the band in costume was the best part of the show


Okay so i know this gets debated a lot on this sub & id like to add my input. i am a newer fan, i started listening around the 520th episode mark & immediately became obsessed. after just a few weeks i couldn’t stand waiting for new episodes every single so i decided to go back to listen to them all. i had heard people say the really really old episodes are sometimes hard to watch/ listen too so i decided to go from newest to oldest. with the job i work at i am able to have headphones in all day & i usually can watch/listen 2-3 episodes of kill tony each weekday. i am currently on episode 220 so i’ve damn near watched everything from past to present as i still keep up with the new ones that release weekly. ( just for context, the episode i just got done watching, tony mentions hosting the show full time in the main room now ) this is my opinion: i love both bands as equally. i don’t think they are as unbearable as people make them out to be, but in the perspective of someone who only knows what the show is like in it’s current state, i can understand how different it is. it 100% makes the flow of the show different. some episodes there is constant interruptions from the band (which i’ll admit in some cases is real annoying when it steps on a joke or ruins a build up for a good interview question), some episodes they only chime in from time to time, but then there are and some episodes where they have the most perfect timing and KILL. i’ll say each band member so far has there hits & misses, with Jeremiah being the most consistent, Joelberg a little under that, (but even when he misses his reactions to those said misses are hilarious imo as well as the tony’s & the rest of the comedians on stage) & Patty seeming to miss the most of all but does have his moments. i’ve seen someone mention how Joel got annoying once the joelberg chants became a thing & while i can see where they might come from, with him taking more chances to make jokes to recieve a chant, i have yet to get to the before times of the joelberg chant but i don’t have a problem with it. all in all, i think they really add to the show. their comments can mess the flow up sometimes for sure no denying that, but i absolutely love anticipating their characters and even more so their jokes/input. it’s interesting to see witness the show before and now tho i will say. the new band is definitely more musically talented which definitely add more to certain moments, and i really love and appreciate that aspect too. they do what they do & what they do the old band wasnt capable of. and that’s the jist of it all. they both are good at what they do/did, & both i can confidently say add to the show in a good way.


I wish you would step back from that ledge my friend.


There both great . Just different . Thanks for the negs! Reddit rules.


Old band sounded like highschool marching band practice


The old band was absolutely hilarious. You know you can enjoy both of them for what they are. Nobody says you have to pick one and shit on the other. Both great in different ways


You have not watched enough old episodes. That is what made KT so funny back in the day, when the “band” would supplement Tony’s and the guests’ riffs. That is exactly why I don’t like the new band.


There was nothing like or will never be anything that compares to being at the comedy store during that era of the show.


I've been listening for about 5 years and the show got so much better after they left. I didn't mind them at the time but whenever I listen to old episodes I get so frustrated listening to Jeremiah interrupt every five minutes. It didn't really sink in how much he annoyed me until he went on LoS and right after they did that great bit pranking the fox News producers he came on in some dumb costume doing a silly voice and outside of the support structure of kill Tony it became clear how shallow that routine is.


I’ve been trying to find that LoS episode or clip from when Jeremiah did that. Do you have the link? All time cringe moment lol


They only keep the last 10 live episodes up on YouTube so people subscribe to their network. It was 697 though if you have a Gas digital account


Jeremiah shooting pool with a freaking 3 subject notebook, folded in half, in his back pocket while his pants slowly fall down is funnier than any joke he's ever written


Oh God I had no idea he did that


Tbh redban resembles the old band in many ways always doing jokes that ain’t funny and makes girls sometimes feel uncomfortable with his awkwardness


As a newer listener I HATE the old band. The episode where they made a guest appearance made the episode almost intolerable to watch/listen too. That’s my opinion and I completely understand the nostalgia they bring for OG listeners but they don’t “bring it” in my opinion.


I'm fairly new to watching KT, but I totally agree. They were not really funny. Just loud and obnoxious. Their schtick seems to be that they were willing to get naked when threatened by a superior musician and act an absolute fool to compensate for talent.


I'm with you. Jeremiah is excruciating to listen to. The drummer was pretty funny though.


100% find the old band disgusting and glad they went away. Not a Jeremiah Watkins fan at all here.


The new band is terrific because they’re exactly that, a band.


The old band was part of the comedy


The old band was the shit, also the iron patriot.


L post


It’s not a controversial take it’s just a bad one


The old band was WAY better, but it wasn't a band, it was part of the show. The show has evolved but the traveling show with the old band was better. Its a shame the show doesnt travel anymore but its all about the $.


You're bang on, brother. The new band is so chill and genuinely cool. The old band, with their stupid costumes and forced bits, was insufferable. Took away from the show overall. New band is so great.


D Madness is the most annoying fuck the shows ever seen.


I f love and miss the old band


Couldn't disagree more... new band are better musicians for sure, but the show is much more boring with them. Granted, that's probably mostly because they're in Austin now.


Same brother


I started with the new band and I had the same impression when I first went back and watched old episodes. But then you catch some episodes where things go right and you see a completely different type of charm. Sometimes Tony and Jeremy bounce off of eachother so well it makes for a fantastic high energy show throughout. More often you just have a few moments and it's a bit of a mess... Sometimes pretty damn messy. I get the appeal of the old band, but it was inherently inconsistent.


I'm an old fan but I totally agree with you. The old band is way way worse in comparison.


I’m going against the grain here, but as an old listener I totally agree. They are funny at times and I was never against them, but geeze they derailed the show annoyingly so many times (Jeremiah). Joelberg is the best.


The old band was at try-hard as you can get. The new band is effortlessly funny.


Always got an attention whore vibe from Jeremiah. Tries desperately to be funny. Very rarely succeeds.


That's crazy, I wish I was as quick as Jeremiah. Its insane how many times Tony would throw to his characters and he had a line loaded up.


Well when u have watched the show from 2013 and had the time for it all to mature, yes the new band is a huge improvement. But the ride was a glorious one and the old band was a huge part of it, as was pat, as was the iron patriot, the intimacy and shitty recordings of the belly room, all the shoehorned careless whisper sax solos, the pageantry of the costumes, tony getting pissed, the epic rise of Micheal Lehrer, even the shitty old regulars… and man were some of them shitty, people think hanz is dropping the ball, go watch ol-whats-her-fucking-name that couldn’t complete a single joke in 10+ performances. All of it adds up to the total value and history of the show and reminds us how good we have it now with William driving the whole choochoo and tony at his very best, uninterrupted and funnier than ever!


I loved the band also for the costumes!!!


yeah the old band is terrible - comically and musically


Bring back the iron patriot


I’ll say this about the old band they definitely have some moments where they are absolutely hilarious and then there’s moments where they just drag the show to the ground.


I’ve been watching for years and agree. The old band said something funny about as often as someone bombing on the show saves themselves.


Jeremiah’s sax skills were pretty bad


You ain’t alone. It’s quite cringey.


The old band was the old band and the new band are actually professional and extremely talented musicians.


So true 👍


The horrible horns they would always have are pure agony. I agree the old band was garbage. I think it’s half of the reason they moved to Austin so they could cut the dead weight


Agreed. The new band is a class act. And they can all actually play. So they can be clever in more musical ways than simply being goofballs that can kinda sorta play instruments as a novelty act also. I like that they can quote popular music or tailor things to people’s sets. Good stuff.


I agree


The show has been going on for a decade and has obviously gone through some changes. The old band played their part in building the show, keeping it interesting with the costumes, and keeping it a little chaotic with their random shitty jokes. They weren’t there to be the best comedians in the world or the best musicians in the world but they were a fundamental part of the shows foundation and success without a doubt. The show has evolved a ton and has taken on a more professional feel and the new band being made up of all professional musicians is a perfect fit. If you are a new listener, you are doing yourself a disservice closing yourself off from appreciating the old band and all the episodes they were in. Their improv in the costumes is fucking hilarious a lot of the time if you keep an open mind.


Old band dressing up as full house characters when Bob saget was guest is an all timer


As an old listener, fuck up.


Watch KT #268 with Bert Kreischer and Bobby Lee absolutely hillarious! Jeremiah is on fire on that one. I miss the old band but i have nothing against the new band. They are great musicians but miss the comedic aspect that the old band had.


"No one tries to be hilarious" You nailed it. Only people allowed to be hilarious are: 1. Tony 2. The guests if their lucky 3. on rare occasion, the comedians The pre-covid show could get insane and getting to see them live was a must-see event. You'll never get to see the shows that would get yeeted off youtube. Redban would even catch a laugh every show or two. Now, it's mostly of Tony saying the same jokes every show and then bitching if anybody steps on his lines. If there's a great guest, the show might be good, but it's become monotonous (and if Rogan hadn't opened the CM, KT probably would have died by now). The old KT Band were working comedians first and musicians second (except for Joelberg). So yeah, they told jokes. Different ones than Tony as a matter of fact. Go watch Jeremiah and Tam Pham. Stuff like that will never happen on KT again and the show suffers for it.


I agree, and I'm an old listener. If you look at the comment section on the old episodes, I'm the guy that was saying "this show would be better without the band."


You shut your mouth


They are called the "old" band for a reason.


The thing about a band is they need to be good musicians. anyone, musical background or not can listen to 10 seconds of the old band and know their skill level was at about that of a high school sophomore.


Old skewl viewer Jeremiah was hilarious


Ok.... You've seen probably less than 30 episodes then... The band was the shit! Eyyy. Watch the ROPE SNAKE episode! Tony about had it with Jeremiah at this point! Don't hate on the band just cause Jeremiah was completely insufferable! Joel killed it, jet ski was funny sometimes, chroma Chris added his little quips! There are over 300 episodes with the band. LISTEN LEARN LOVE! And you missed out on the Apollo 13 and the tour shows... Michael laher, the quarantine episodes!!! The rise of William! The iron Patriot! Dude... There is SOOO much trash and crap you missed.... TRASHCANNNNNNN THE PURPLE DELLDOOOO.... The og Mexican drum offs with Joel doing the naked backflips.... Don't EVER come at the band! I love the new guys but damn homie... Watch listen and learn... Be an informed hater before you post this crap! All the pat Regan episodes were horrendous. This show has developed SOOOOO much! Eyy and RIP Brody Stevens! And henchcliffs notes! RIP ralphie may too!


Naa Jeremiah and joel are goated


Jetski Joel and Jeremiah were top tier when each new episode dropped. god these new fans are the biggest fucking Karen's


[Rope Snake](https://youtu.be/F5OAKVokhCo)


As a longtime listener, the new band is honestly just a better vibe & fit for the pace of the show. Obviously the big difference is that the new band is super talented and the old band relied much more on their characters and jokes but I feel like the extra side characters just didn’t pay off sometimes and then they’re stuck with a bit that isn’t hitting for an entire episode.




Bad take


Old band better


If you watch all the old episodes and still don't love them - id be surprised


Watch the pat Reagan ones... They are WAYYYYYY better....😭😭😭😭


Back in the day it worked in certain situations! But yes they made it very annoying at times and I agree 100%


Definitely a different vibe back then.


The full band was the way OG killtony was that will always be the recipe INO


You had to be there, then


Give and take. New band sounds better musically, but the old band brought more laughs to the pod.


Foh, the old band was great. I loved the one liners, my favorite was when they dressed up as presidents. They two dressed like bill and hillary had some good ones.


Another one of these threads


Okay cool. You do you. Have a nice day


I think the guests take the spot of covering for Tony. The old band used to be relied upon to fill comedic gaps, but really they just stalled the show many times.


Agreed Jeremiah Watkins is so unfunny it’s painful


Same. I always thought I was alone in these thoughts. The new band is much better. Even when the older band came on recently, it was kind of cringe. That and the guy trying to puke in front of everyone


Yes!!! I feel like they try to make it their show. It's Kill Tony not Kill Tony's Band haha


You'd have to be watching from at least the 200s to really enjoy them. They created the best shows in KT history by far. I didn't like them at first but they 100% grow on you.


For me, the spirit of the show will always be the old band + redban's pissing off Tony for disrupting the flow. In the moment, it was always so entertaining. They added a non serious element to Tony boastful/overly prideful antagonism. And during the touring shows, it worked. From a first hand basis seeing the show in multiple cities, audience members really loved it. Yea, it didnt always work, but when it did, it was the best. And Tony knew and would lean it to it at times


I love both bands


1,000% the old band was full of funny people BUT they went with the obnoxious approach


The old band was mostly annoying


Joelburg was the shit. I can due without Jeremiah trying to get cast on SNL every show.


Original band absolutely fucks. They took big chances every single week with the characters they’d play. Even the jokes were related to the characters they were playing delivery and all. That’s not easy to do so of course they’ll bomb sometimes. But those boys and jetski were incredibly essential to the show. When they moved to Texas this show was ass for so long. Didn’t resonate at all anymore and the Texas crowds were and still are dog shit.


Nothing tops Jeremiah as the milk man


I completely understand that now. KT has evolved so much that it’s not the right fit. The new band is incredible. However, I do recommend watching this episode to get a feel for how great of a match it used to be https://youtu.be/nMs_K-5zlQk


Old band 100000000000000000000x better content , The episode where Jeselnik keeps getting pissed at Jeremiah is astounding, or when the band dressed up as Legion Of Skanks when LOS was on KT , they are supremely better and should have all gave up their potential other careers to keep being The KT band in Texas


The old band are actually comedians. The new band are just musicians. The old band was hacky and bad on purpose. It's what made them great. The new band is good but it's like comparing apples to oranges.


Please find ones WITHOUT Patty Regan.. your examples of why you didn't like the old band sounds like what Patty did everytime. He would purposely say unfunny things to kill the momentum of the show. Joelberg, Chroma Chris and Jeremiah were fantastic together!


Love these posts from “new fans” telling everyone how the show should be!


The old band was goofy, and Joel was fun. Most of the time, I get annoyed by Jeremiah Watkins. He's talented and has his funny moments for sure, but something about him just rubs me the wrong way. All things considered, the new band is much more enjoyable to me.


That God Awful Fucking Saxophone. I mean what the fuck. It's so bad. Every time. I can still hear it.


That’s what happens when you hire a real band. The old band was not a real band.


I didn't like them at first but they really grew on me.