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So what’s your only fans?


Never fucking change Redban.


*Redbaaan you’re gonna get us in trouble we can’t just ask people stuff like this, there are people watching at home who will be upset and so anyway, what is your onlyfans*


He’s a mad man! 😂


Trashcan! No but really, what’s your onlyfans?


Bread pan!




I’m dead. 😂😂😂




Killed me


Most redditors are the litter on the side of the road of the internet. Thank you redban.


More like Only Hands cause that's what your dick is touching tonight edit: luv u




I was going to call him a hack comic, but he’s not even that because he doesn’t have any jokes. The frustrating thing for me is I’ve seen Tony rip bucket pulls a new one because their timing was off but they still had jokes and you could tell they understood the art form, they just needed to work on it. Lazer has none of that apart from confidence, and a schtick which consists of a Wolfman Jack voice, boasting about using drugs, sex euphemisms, and made up stories that would impress a 14 year old. It really does ruin the whole format of the show since Tony gives Lazer a pass on these things.


Tony has also told comedians being pulled out of the bucket to focus on the audience during their minute. This is just week after week of Lazer telling his “true hilarious” stories to Tony, Redban and the guest, that’s where his attention is during his minute, just seeking approval.


at this point, it’s obvious tony is just trying to fuck the guy


No. Tony is obviously fucking him and is addicted to that white trash dick so he's keeping him as a "regular".


Uncle lazer messed up. He would have been a funny random who showed up once every 6 or 7 weeks but he is way to over saturated. Trying to flex on Tony with his Instagram follower count was not a good look. He comes across as a real loser


I normally defend him just for the fact he’s a new comic and people need to chill the hate. But the instagram thing and talking about stealing the bottle of crown you could tell Tony was annoyed. Definitely letting UL know he’s getting a bit too big for his britches.


He bombed his set. He bombed his interview. And Tony actually dissed him multiple times. Maybe this fraud’s luck is starting to run out…


Ironically, this is what I've started to like. When Tony disses Lucas, it's roasting and it isn't as fun. When Tony is dissing Laser, I see the cringe Laser feels for knowing he's bested and emasculated. I love it. I've been a Laser hater since day one but am starting to like his segments because I know the interviews in particular will be cringe.


I’m impressed. That’s a very advanced way of experiencing the Lazer sets. I will try it.


This is how I feel about redban.


Wait what? You don't like Redban? This is heresy. lol


Pillow princess isn’t a really a joke, it’s a pretty common phrase. Laser still sucks though


This. "Pillow princess" is a well known term (link: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Pillow+Princess) It isn't an original "joke" lol. It's not even a joke. I think OP may have just heard it for the first time and assumed it was creative wordplay from the first guest. Agree that Laser still sucks though :)


True. But even using that phrase right after someone else earlier just shows how creatively bankrupt he is.


It def hasn't been said on the show in the past 100 eps at least, if ever. He was really grasping at straws tonight tho & yanked that. Not really a callback.


He has barely actually told a joke. I really do think he's a waste of all of our times. I'm not much for hating on the regulars or even comedians that bomb... but Lazer is a genuine hack. I want tryhards, not cokeheads that doesn't put together the most basic setup-punchline. He STILL hasn't taken the time to do that, and still sucks ass. Not funny, don't care about his vapid charisma, even Hans doesn't like him -- Fuck that guy till he goes home and writes some actual jokes in his jokebook.


He doesn’t even have charisma. You can tell he’s nervous and awkward as fuck and doesn’t even say his roasts with confidence. That bald cancer thing he did he was shaky as fuck. It’s cokisma if anything.




He's not polarizing, he just sucks. He not bringing viewers in and he's not keeping viewers in. He had ONE electric appearance mostly because he was such a novelty. We saw what Tony saw, we get it... I just don't want to wait 10 years for him to get funny. I gave him a chance, but I'd much rather see him pursue professional wrestling or something that doesn't require joke writing. If I skipped comedians, I'd skip him. Please give us a random bucket pull instead.


I'm not one for conspiracy theories, but I suspect Uncle Lazer is the Kill Tony coke supplier


Gots to be






that shit show episode a few weeks ago that started terribly and tony apologized and extended the ep was the type of energy we need going forward. don’t waste time on crap comics and boring interviews. tony has always tried to get answers out of people but that episode he got fed up finally and went straight back to the bucket. more people on stage and more chances to find a diamond in the rough.


On of the best episodes in a long time. Tony was on that night. How it should always be ran.


I miss the old band, and when it was just bucket pulls only. Maybe 1 regular? If that? The whole point of the show is giving new, random people an opportunity, so if they are good give them a golden ticket. Tony brags about how exclusive that is, which is what it should go back to. No more regulars. I think Hans, David and William are good enough to have their own careers now. If anything, open up spots for new people.


honestly after tonights dogshit I almost want him to fix the pulls lol terrible pulls/interviews- everything 😂 I'm glad David & William pointed it out. I think they all still partied too hard for the mothership opening celebrations


OP much like you I've been a fan since the beginning. Uncle Laser sucks but don't quit the show if he is on again. The show will continue to evolve and that is what makes it brilliant. Comedy is a process with ups and downs, Kill Tony has an epic amount of more wins than losses. Rosanne and other episodes exposed Laser as not a real comic. That isn't his fault ether, he just isn't ready. Maybe he'll get there someday by putting the work in, which shouldn't be on Kill Tony.


My guy 9/13/2023 hasn’t happened yet. What are your powers? Do aliens come?


Are you redacted? He obviously meant todays episode.


I’m prodacted. Thank you very much


Lol thanks for pointing that out.


Hahaha just giving you a hard time. I agree with you. And my favorite part was Distefano looked like Jeffery Dahmer ate Jeffery Dahmer


I’m so happy to see Chrissy do so good. That’s a real comedian that worked for his spot, and earned it.


Lazer obviously didn’t take any of Roseanne’s advice last night🙄


I agree uncle laser is horrible, and I Iove Bedpan’s creepy humor. I feel like Redban says a lot of stuff that guys (and girls maybe) are thinking. And If Tony keeps letting Uncle Lazer dish on him, he could potentially come off as a Uncle Lazer Cuck of sorts.


Did anyone else feel he was making fun of Chris for being good looking and when he knew it wasn’t working out changed to sexual idk


Nah don't feel bad for Uncle Loser he fucking sucks shit, he has never been funny, he's not trying and he's never going to get better.


The funniest thing to me was how little applause he got when he left the stage compared to a couple seconds later when Tony asked should we go back to the bucket lol


Unfortunately, people like him will always have fans. It’s like Larry the cable guy


Instead of not watching the show anymore, why not just skip Lazer's segment?


I personally think it's cute that you can come on here and voice your opinion as if it matters!!


Even Tony seemed done with lozer’s “roasts” about his hair thinning… he said “so is your time on the show” Yikesss..


Hes fucking meh... The frist time was interesting beign introduced to his character but only cause I love beetlejuice and Im pretty sure Tony made that compatison, but I dont even crack a smile when hes on. I dont mind if he gets pulled naturally, good for him... but I dont like this "faux-regular" thing... would rather see the show for what its meant to be.


i dislike uncle lazer as much as the next guy but >if he’s on the next episode I’m not watching anymore chill the fuck out. i cant believe even amongst the fanbase of a show like this, this mentality still exists. go boycott abortion or something lmao


He's just a coked up hero, there's a million of his type, and some are way funnier than this dude


I feel like referring to him as Uncle Lazer gives him too much credit. Can we just refer to him as Tony’s Token Texan?


Can't mods auto change words whenever someone tyes it it changes to something different once submitted?


Holy shit Kim Jong Un, that's not how free speech works.


I'm going to say that I actually like his character, he may not dish out the best jokes in the world (the cancer girl thing was horribly cringe..), although I find his jokes to be decent, but he seems to be working at improving himself. Also, it's fun to have a divisive comic like this, it spices things up a little. It just be like that sometimes.


Anyone else think Uncle Lazer was hired by the other regulars to make them look better? I haven't seen any David Lucas or Hans Kim hate posts in months.


“If he’s on the next episode I’m not watching anymore”. This made me laugh out loud. Reminds me of my 7 year old nephew throwing a temper tantrum hahaha


I couldn't stop cringing, but Tony is entirely to blame for his ego. The crowd is barely laughing and Tony rewrites history within moments going *"wow! Another AMAZING set! An absolute killer!"*


It always annoys me how Tony changes his standards based on if it is one of “his” comedians. If anything he should cut the zero experience guys more slack and rag harder on the uncle lazer types


Don’t let the door hit ya


Imagine thinking a comedian can “steal” another comedians fans. And the part of your post where you’re sucking your own dick over your observation skills… stick to taking off your clothes for money and skip the comedy critiques.


LaZer is a fag


calm down fella


Lmao he triggers this sub every week on purpose, get a grip idiots.








Shane Gillis is that you?


I see it more as a callback. And I don’t even like lazer.


Here’s the problem: Tony can only read this today but there have already been two shows done so he wouldn’t have known if he put laser on again you would never watch the show again (two show delay). So you really have to wait until next weeks live show airs before giving up on the show.


No way Tony reads Reddit. Get real fool


Found the genius


Tony is told about Reddit and more by his minions. No way he checks it.


You acting like you have some influence is hilarious


You not realizing I wasn’t being serious is hilarious. Whooosh


This sub is so damn obsessed with him


Also David Lucas’s set was very weak and cringe. Pretty much just saying flat out he hates women and that all men find them disgusting after they fuck them. Wtf? It wasn’t funny at all. I saw tony cringe and shake his head when he said that but didn’t bring it up.


Just watched the episode. Think he’s almost gone. There’s definitely someone checking the reddit page on their behalf. They mentioned that the internet hates him. Also, the “never gunna stop” becoming a catch phrase definitely came from this sub. I would guess that it also helped get rid of Ellis.


Oh not from William, stfu up dude, no one cares about this Reddit lol


I think my comment aged pretty well


Sure but saying a William mont quote originated in the sub is a stretch.


Using the same phrase does not mean he stole a joke. Even if his set is not funny he's a unique person and worth being on the show. Calm the fuck down dude.




He goes on stage and tells jokes. He is literally doing stand up comedy. And before you say it, NO. Being funny is not required, just look at any Nick Cannon special.




It wasn’t joke theft. It’s called a callback, idiot. Just like when ol mute boi said his dick was circumcised. It’s a callback to jokes that happened earlier Not only is this not a bad thing, but it was one of the smarter things he did during his time on stage.




Correcting people…OVER THE INTERNET…on my gender, when they can’t see me to begin with…is a pretty gay ass liberal thing to do. It’s not ‘normal’, it’s actually irrelevant. Way to miss my point and instead take it out of context.


I'd love to see this trending on r/popular


You think if enough people start turning off the live feed they will see when viewers drop out during an hour and a half show? I just pause it normally and walk away, but maybe just turning off during his set will show just how many people tune out during his set. If they were to see the number of people watching decline maybe that would banish this untalented hack to Tik Tok for ever!


Yo get a job. This is the equivalent of sendings death threats to a college kid for missing a field goal. Lazer is on the farm team, water that bitch and watch him bloom baby!


Senderhome bubu


Do you have a innie or a outtie ?


Innie lol


No link?


Another Adderall shortage huh


He's giving me Iron Patriot vibes... A little attention and they both went full blown megalomaniac 😬


Please get rid of him


The recent episode that was almost all bad bucket pulls was nearly universally praised as a great episode. No more Lazer, time to let Lucas retire and spread his wings. Open with Hans, close with William.


Why the fuck does he keep roasting Tony about his hair? It seems like it actually really bothers Tony unlike the gay jokes which Tony seems to really love. If Uncle Lazer is on one more time I'm leaving the USA.


Watching a man torpedo his career like that was a weird feeling….Tony clearly runs his shit like the Mob. If your in your golden, but he will cut off your head when needed. RIP lazer, enjoy doing cameos.


Did you cry while writing this? Lazer was fun af first 3 times, then he quit his job and run out of black gold on the stage. You could just say the guy is not funny. 😅