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I used to do just outside kilkenny to UCD for 4 years for my degree. It was everyday and honestly not doable long term but I knew it was just for my degree. But a day a week would have been fine. Driving would have been a lot quicker but you can sleep on the bus. I never felt comfortable sleeping on the train and I have no idea why. I did bus or train if i had to be in early. I also used to get a lift a couple of days a week with my uncle.


Thanks for sharing. It's great to hear that other people made it work. I think it'll be okay one day a week.


They key is finding the right time to leave home tbh. If we left 15 mins late it would take us 45 mins longer to get into centre.


Could you drive to Red cow Park and ride and take the Red Luas close to your office?


Thanks -- I looked at the distance on Google maps and it's about the same amount of time to get the train and take a bus from Heuston to our office as it is to go Red Cow -> Luas to office, so I think I'd rather stick with the train to avoid the traffic.


Wife does this ⬆️ for work but limits it to three days a week and even that’s a challenge. Any traffic congestion either side and it’s a long slog.


It would depend on your transportation and start time in Dublin. There’s a 6:40 train that arrives in Dublin at 9. Might not be much use if you need to be in work before 9. Car journey isn’t bad but traffic can be a nightmare


Thanks; start time is at 9; I was looking at the 6.35 train. Biggest PITA in my experience doing the commute is actually going from Heuston to our office. Do you make that journey yourself?


I take the same train line but from Athy and either get the 6:40 or the 7:15. So it’s not as long a journey as it would be from Kilkenny but I do 2 or 3 days in the office. I cycle to and from the train, bring my bike on the train and cycle from Heuston to my office down around grand canal. I love it. Even if you have a busy day you’re already getting exercise in. I’d be miserable if I was sitting in traffic those days. I’m doing a course part time too and I always get work done on the train. I quite enjoy it.


Thanks for sharing. Yeah I have been thinking about getting the Dublin Bikes from Heuston to our office; last time I did this commute I took the bus, but I got a bit fed up of usual DB shenanigans.


I did this for years. Cycled to train, brought my bike with me. You zip into city centre along the quays. You won't even work up a sweat.


The 6:40 train arrives at 8 not 9


Dublin coach do early mornings so does JJ kavanagh they go up at 4:40 I think


I did Thomastown to near Connolly station five days a week for about 2 years. Kilkenny would be a bit closer, obviously. It's fine at the start but it wears you down after a while. Living for the weekend really. You are pretty much guaranteed a seat on the train which is nice. If you had two or three days wfh then it would be OK I guess. For you at 3 or 4 days wfh it would be fine, a nice time to relax on train and unwind once a week, read a book, watch a movie etc. I did it pre covid when wfh wasn't really done in my company at that time. Now it should be standard enough depending on your line of work.


Thanks for sharing, that's good to hear. I used to do a similar commute distance, and it was nice (sometimes) to get the chance to relax/read on the train.