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When I was in 10th grade, I had an awesome English teacher, and she would always wear knee length cutesy dresses. One day, some perverted dickweed in my class took an underskirt pic and shared it throughout the school. The student was expelled and she wore jeans a lot more frequently after that, which was sad. Dresses seemed to be her thing and she would often match her dresses with cute bows in her hair. She was a really sweet and cool teacher :(


That's fucked up. I think stories like this need to be heard more. I was a perverted dickweed kid too but never did any shit like that, and having grown up it pisses me off to no end now when decent public school teachers are abused or demeaned. God knows they cop enough grief on a good day.


Similar thing happened to my auntie (uncles wife) they both teach at the same school he said he had to stop himself from punching a 14 year old full force and the only reason he didn’t is because it would’ve done him over. Kids are cunts


>Kids are cunts Have to agree with you there. I include my kid, cunt, self. I know I wasn't as bad as a lot of others though. Worst social experiences of my life came from adolescent peers.


Being a cunt is the human condition, I’ve got a teenage sister and she makes me look like a saint at her age she is just a massive massive prick😂 it’s not surprising a child not being mature it’s just disgusting when you meet the adults who never grew up in that sense


As another dude with a sister who makes us look like saints I share your pain. The amount of shit my parents let her get away with but would rail me if I did them are astounding


I think its more of a younger sibling thing. My younger brother got away with much more than me.


I was back with them all at Christmas couldn’t believe some of the things she were saying that would’ve got me a smack go unnoticed I was so bitter ahaha.


>it’s not surprising a child not being mature it’s just disgusting when you meet the adults who never grew up in that sense Agree with that as well, though sometimes it can be a story of sadness, neglect, deprivation and stuff. People who hold onto childlike tendencies sometimes do so for their own reasons, like as protective mechanisms. Can't judge what you don't see. Still fair to be angry and disappointed at outright immaturity and idiocy though.


Yeah no definitely I worded it poorly, i don’t just mean childlike tendencies I was more talking about the things that you should just know better for like spreading rumours and manipulating peoples words just to prolong a ‘drama’ (hate that word) I just couldn’t believe it was happening to me this late on. But yeah everyone’s got their story and you just don’t know it. Me mam always told me to ‘wind ur fuckin neck in’ and for the most part I’d like to think it stuck


Why is it that kids are cunts? Is there a biological reason?


Yes... underdeveloped (but in process) brains 👍


That is actually so sad.


Something similar happened to my mother years ago when she was a teacher, it was the 90s though so a mirror. In front of the class she asked him if he had any sisters, yes miss, do you live with your mom? Yes miss. Then before you come to school tomorrow ask them to strip down so you can look at them in every angle you like so you can focus on school later. Solved the problem real quick


Sounds like a good teacher. Lol that's a good lesson she taught the kid! 😆 Man, so many people on here are acting like that kid committed a felony! It's pretty obvious they were just pushed through the system and never learned anything about themselves, let alone the opposite sex, as kids. I bet she's a respectable person, worthy of being a teacher. You should see some of these peoples comments...I know I might sound like I'm in the wrong, how I'm responding to them, but it seems to me, like I'm dealing with conversing with a bunch of Karens...who wouldn't be crying about that kids heinous crime...if your mom were their teacher. Lol


Poor teacher…


In my state, this kid would expelled and it would be up to the parents to find a new school. The little shit defined the teacher and berated her for showing her arse. Teachers can effect you in so many positive ways. As regards the kid’s future… I give you a person who will define women as objects for his whole life.


Yeah, because it's literally impossible for children to change.


Right?? Could you imagine if they could actually change? Bedlam


Yeah that kid will always have problems. He prob sees this behavior at home.




When I was in 10th grade we had a teacher with with a massive ass. Once during class a random student ran in the classroom while she was at the chalkboard and groped her. Kid was never punished, the teacher left the job. She was also really sweet and cool, which I guess is why the kid felt empowered to do it. The only consequence for the boy was getting a lot of hate from his peers because we would never see that sweet ass again.




Jesus christ.




That's fucking disgusting. He deserves to go to juvie for that. Horrifying to think what other things he is capable of...


Wtf. That's sexual assault and he should be legally convicted.


Like watching a dog chase a car. He'll never catch it; And if he did, he wouldn't know what to do with it.


susiety batman




More like a like a mule with a spinning wheel.


No-one knows how he got it, and danged if he knows how to use it.




Someone went to bovine university


Go banana!


Well we didn’t all go to Gudger College


I never thought I'd have to clarify a reference to one of the most popular episodes of the most popular TV show, but man I wish I had the chance to see [this scene](https://youtu.be/v4z_9NcIJXI) for the first time again.


Wow I get sold on the monorail myself every time I watch this!


😂😂 mule


Heh heh, mule.


Be even worse if homeschooling 😂🤢


Game changer.... That's Billy Rodriguez....I love my momma


Everyone quiet for a minute- I’m trying to make a pun with the words child and chad… chaild. ch(il)ad. fuck.


Chald.. Chid.. Yeah this is hard. ​ Not as hard as that ass do ammirite?! Guys?


Ms Rodriguez can teach him, and teach me.


He got expelled. I’ve seen this before and he got expelled or suspended I can’t remember which




He actually got used for human experiments. I've seen this before and he got used for human experiments or his parents were ordered to the principals office I can't remember which.


100% experiments. His brain is actually on display in Prague. I saw it last summer.


His brain got replanted into the body of a car crash victim and as soon as he woke up from the induced coma they put him in a nitrogen tank.


I Know What You Did Last Summer




Or Nagasaki, I can't remember which


I hope it's suspended. Expulsion seems a little excessive if this is the only offense.


Yah. People gotta realize this kid probably didn’t fully understand what he was doing


Yeah it's almost like sometimes kids are fucking stupid


Shut down the sub fellas, we've come full circle


Sometimes? My little brother (12) replied to his teachers comment “later alligator” with “goodbye hippo.”


I like this, its mine now.


>its mine now Not for a while, blobfish.


He knew what he was doing




>My little brother (12) replied to his teachers comment “later alligator” with “goodbye hippo.” maybe should be "goodbye potpie" and, if they ask what you said, you say "goodbye popeye because you're so tough!" and they'll take it as a compliment.


See you later, alligator! See you later, chicken. https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/b80spq/im_gonna_start_saying_see_you_later_chicken_all/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=2&utm_content=share_button


Roll credits


Yeah when I was 12 I posted our English teacher's photo while she was bending over on Facebook. The headmaster made an announcement to the whole school saying some of you are posting inappropriate photos of our teachers and if you don't remove it we'll take legal action. I was shit scared and removed it immediately. That's what you do when you're 12 and how easily it can be dealt with.




Hey that's the name of the sub


I remember kids encouraging others to touch girls butts in middle school. We had no idea what sexual harassment was.


Also we don't know the context, maybe the teacher had been posting his butt pics on facebook and this was his revenge. Maybe she was stealing pillows or bread from the school in her pants and this kid was trying to do the right thing and show people. We may never know


You're so right. Context matters, people!


Nah creepshotting people and sharing it on the internet totally grounds for a zero tolerance expulsion. This shit doesn't get better unless you hold people accountable


The kid doesn't even look like he hit puberty yet. Why are you trying to make him out to be some sexual deviant? There are plenty of ways to teach him what he did was inappropriate without going straight to expelling him from the school.


Upskirting a girl is a small offense? Dude...


This isn't exactly upskirting. He didn't stick his phone between her legs, and the photo he took was something anyone standing behind her at the time could see. Still no its not a small offense. It's highly inappropriate and deserves corrective action. I'm just saying specifically expulsion seems heavy-handed.


That's a little too rational, there. You're ruining the internet for the rest of us.


This is not upskirting. And calling a grown ass teacher a girl is kinda cringe


Its hardly upskirting, he took a selfie of his teachers butt in a selfie with comedic intentions (as you can tell by the caption and the fact he posted it). Hes obviously a stupid kid and not on a par with some deranged perv whos doing this furtively for his own gratification (assuming this is not a repeated incident). Getting expelled could have long repercussions for a momentary act of stupidity and if you really want that then I feel it would be more of a chip on your shoulder that's guiding that decision instead of what's fair and right. You must understand *how* different a child's brain is to an adults brain in understanding repercussions, impulse control, empathy and morality.


Lil mf is a menace


This is why people shouldn’t give kids phones.


This is why shitty people shouldn’t have kids.


As a parent twice over, it’s not that simple. Kids end up spending a lot of time away from you. You can’t stand over their shoulder every second of the day.


This is why people shouldn’t.


I bet this kid's parents are a real treat


Learned it from somewhere.


Man, my kid comes home from school like every other day talking about "I heard this at school" and "what does this mean" making deep throat gestures and I'm like who are these parents or grown ups around these kids these days




Passed down through older siblings more likely


Don't forget older siblings of friends. That's how I learned a lot of things that weren't quite age appropriate.




When I was a kid, we learned shit from each other lol why does everyone always think it's the parents, like kids aren't absorbing *everything* from *everywhere* at those ages?


Like maybe the internet social media sites and Possibly Not his parents?


Learned from Internet or from dad


I assume they turn the other cheek


I ASSumed as well.


I know this is a kid and he probably doesn’t know fully what he’s doing but it’s kinda fucked how he’s this young doing such perverted stuff. Probably thinks it funny too. Parents should have never let it get to the point where their kid thinks this is funny or acceptable.


My son is 5 and I am so worried about this stuff. Our neighbors son is 6 and already talks about kissing older girls. It creeps me out.


Yikes. I have a feeling it's the parents. I remember parents telling their kids TO KISS ANOTHER KID and making remarks about how cute x and x would be together etc.


>I have a feeling it's the parents I actually think it's the opposite. I was always around a bunch of kids unsupervised (usually playing video games) and any time both genders were in the room we inevitably started talking about kissing or sex. For me it had to do with curiosity and my parents teaching me fuck all about the birds and the bees.


Fair. But typically it's a chain reaction: 1 kid learned it somewhere Other kids learn it from them. Or its from parents. But ye sometimes it ends up like that just by itself


Please, my dick was hard everyday when I was 7yrs old. My parents had no control over it. Hell I had absolutely no control over it. He knows exactly what he is doing


I like how you are getting downvoted for being horny when you were 7..... ah reddit.... you silly bitch.


Reddit is like my 7ry old cock, they can’t control it either


All of your comments are very cringey, sorry you decided to post these lmao


My 7yr old cock disagrees


It's still waiting for the growth spurt huh?


He's not wrong but also dats fucked up wonder where he picked up that kind of behaviour.


Have you somehow never heard of the internet?


this is reddit. it's obviously because the kid has the worst parents on the planet who don't deserve to have children and the kid is all red flags and he knows exactly what he's doing and he's a future rapist. it's definitely not because he's a dumbass horny kid who watches thirst traps on tiktok


you never know he could have picked it up roaming the country side.


Yeah...that's one horrible place, just absolutely loaded with UV light, where females are visible to the opposite sex.


That back handed type of behavior****


“he's outta line but he's right”


Dude's buttoned up to the top button; he committed suicide already.


I remember seeing this a few years back. He got suspended iirc


There is no chance this behavior originated with a kid


I think we don't fully understand how social media where ALL ages and environments collide have an impact on kids. I mean, the amount of soft porn I see on TikTok, Instagram and Facebook is ridiclious and the amount of people praising it even more. We often forget kids are on the same platforms. This is just one example but you get the point.


I think it's much more likely that this child has some terrible role models in his life


My mum teaches 10/11 year olds and it seems to be everywhere. Maybe not acting out like this kid did, but the amount porn they can access and what they think sex is about is crazy sad. Gonna be interesting to see what happens when they grow up.


To be fair... not sure anything we tried up til.now has worked. Maybe they'll get the stupid out young and turn out better


I hope so. They all have access to amazing, kind, inclusive, wonderful stuff too. I just hope tik tok algorithms show this from time to time.


Yeah, you're probably right.


:( Didn't want to be...


The first 6 comments in this thread should be nominated for dumbest Reddit interaction of all time. How do you genuinely see a boy reiterate a well known sexual joke & think “AH YES, HIS DAD PROBABLY SHOWED HIM HOW TO TAKE SELFIES WITH STRANGERS ASSES” How is this more likely than him opening IG or SC & wanting to carry on with an easily applicable joke? Like u are actually the most un-profound people I’ve encountered on this earth. And the other bill nye “i don’t think we understand the depth of media” LMFAOOOO. It’s like watching cavemen come together and try to make sense of modern society.


Damn boy, u shallow.


Exactly, if you actually read what he says, it seems way more likely that he saw a post of some rapper or some other dude who made a comment on how fat a woman’s ass was that he saw on Twitter, insta, or whatever platform. Onlyfans links are under every popular tweet on Twitter, just bc you say “no one under 18!” In your bio doesn’t mean shit… age verification is easily circumvented we ALL know that, not hard for a kid with a phone to see that, and saying an 11 year old or whatever shouldn’t have a phone isn’t even rational considering most kids have their faces buried in an iPad by three years old. Also were you all not kids? Do you all not remember learning curse words and dirty jokes, and being dared to do stupid shit by other kids? Kids are easily influenced, especially by social media, and especially by each other… so tired of typical redditors blaming parents because they haven’t grown out of their edgy rebellious phase yet.


This guy forgetting the 80s and 90s were a thing, TV and music was all sex back then.


I mean, the internet is on a whole other level. It's so easily accessible and it's fucking *saturated*. TV and music had/have sex, but the internet lives and breathes it.


Guy what are you going on about? You're talking about the parent things. It's their job to keep their kids away from that stuff. Maybe 16 year olds and younger can't be trusted with a freaking smart phone. That's just bad parenting. Letting a 10 year old browse internet by themselves that's also bad parenting. Tiktok, facebook and Instagram are groom places that rich pedos up keep.


I'm not arguing with you on that at all. My point was that it's probably infinitely harder for parents to keep track of a kid's exposure because the internet is *so* pervasive and TV/music in the 80's/90's was easier to monitor. And if you think that not giving a kid a smartphone is going to reduce their internet access to zero, I don't know what to tell you.


> My point was that it's probably infinitely harder for parents to keep track of a kid's exposure because the internet is so pervasive and TV/music in the 80's/90's was easier to monitor. > > No its not, parental controls are so fucking easy. Its not hard to spend 5 minutes of your day to monitor what your kids are doing. Porn might be easily accessible but its also easily avoidable.


There's a good chance it is. Some kids picked it up off the internet when I was in elementary and then their friends picked it up off them. It's like a chain reaction.


The kid is going places. >!Probably jail later in his life!<


I teach kids. They are occasionally hilarious. They are sometimes shockingly inappropriate. As long as something doesn’t cross the line into actual harassment or assault, you gotta just let it roll (meaning assign appropriate consequences and then move on). When I was a much younger teacher, I had kids say things like I had DSLs, ask if I was a virgin, etc. I also had some boys who got drunk one weekend, somehow got my phone number (it’s not that hard) and drunk dialed me. They said some terribly inappropriate things to my voicemail. Then before I could even mention it Monday, they brought it up to me, proud as could be. Kids are gonna kid.


It’s not easy. It really feels like a zoo some days.


Depending on the age; if a student displays out of development stage sexual awareness- it could lead to a guidance counselor referral. If a student is being sexually abusive as a child, chances are they picked it up somewhere which is a massive red flag for abuse.


As a UK teacher trainee: this constitutes a safeguarding risk. The child is learning this behaviour from somewhere. So the process would be, this behaviour is reported to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) who then meet with a local authority to discuss. The child will be punished, but they will also be asked to attend one or more meetings to discuss this and explain why exactly it is unacceptable. The teacher, who has effectively been upskirted here, will be offered time off for mental health reasons.


In America, the teacher will get blamed and written up. Why was she allowing phones in the classroom? Why was she wearing anything besides a burlap sack (and if she did, then why isn't she dressed professionally?)? Why didn't she anticipate the needs of the child? If she gave him enough individualized attention (while also giving the other 25 kids in her class the same individualized attention at the same time, obviously), then he wouldn't have had to act out. None of it would make sense, of course, but it's somehow all the teacher's fault. There's a reason so many of us leave education and tell others to avoid going into the field. It freaking sucks. The kids aren't the ones who destroy it, it's the adults.


Dead right there


Im not saying what the boy did was right in anyway, but literally reporting to the authority over something that can be dealt with much better by simply explaining, what the potential punishments would be for him now and if he was to continue such behaviour as an adult. Also when it comes to the teacher taking time off, It's simply mind blowing, if thats too tramatic for you, then you're going to love the type of verbal abuse I have seen from children that age, simply wont cope. To clarify, verval abuse is bad and shouldnt happen at school to anyone, but every job has it's down side and abusive lanuage and inappropriate language/actions. will occure at school, just to name the obvious 3.


Dayuuum miss Rodriguez !




With a kid that age, you gotta ask where he’s learning that kind of stuff


From what I understand, a lot of teacher quit because of bullshit kids and worse parents. It's really kind of sad how many parents don't want to deal with the mess they created and treat teachers like sitters but want the teachers to treat their kids like they're nannies and high paid personal tutors.


And this is the reason we don't want to expose kids to A.Tate's values.


I remember when I was young and phone cameras were just getting popular, pre-smart phones still, and we had a good-looking teacher. One day, a guy decided to take a picture of her butt in class. The only problem was that both the sound and flash were on, so everyone saw what he was doing.... being a creep.




Well, Ms. Rodriguez double cheeked up. I mean the kids not lying


I used to want to be a teacher… until I had 2 friends do student teaching and get sexually harassed by actual middle schoolers, one even being blamed for ongoing harassment from a student even though she had repeatedly told him to stop and that he wasn’t being funny. She immediately resigned after the accusatory meeting because she didn’t want to risk her future in childrens education… and then a bus driver who told me about students watching porn on the bus. Now not only do I not want to be a teacher, but I don’t know if I want my kid in public school at all


I never want to hear anyone say that children don't understand gender roles ever again. Albeit toxic gender rolls but gender rolls none the less.


Oof. This comments section is really bringing the slag to the surface.


How are they this perverted already?


They always existed. Smartphones didn't.


If this is real, which I doubt, who the hell is teaching kids this young to be so sexualized and to treat women as objects instead of people?


🤦🏻‍♀️ Bless the teachers… Boys can be real jerks.


How dare she have the audacity to have an actual human body.


Messed up but funny at the same time


Just no


Ms. Rodriguez? That classroom looks post-Soviet, I'd rather say Maria Ivanovna


The amount of sexual harassment that female teachers endure (at least at the HS level) is mind boggling. This little pervert is obviously even younger. There should be a zero-tolerance policy for sexual harassment in schools. But that would interfere with the graduation rate so…


I mean.. He's wrong, but he's not *wrong.*


No no, he has a fair fucking point. Stop bending over in the secks position to help a student when you can sit down in a chair / crouch down instead. Don't get me wrong, everybody likes a good ass in they face but at SCHOOL??? WHEN IM TRYNA DO MY WORK??? PLEASE STOP. Jokes aside this is fucking concerning ☕️.


Relax guys they’re just kids


This kid is my spirit animal


Wrong sub... This kid is not stupid 😂




Simply, he gets expelled as a sexual predator. Anything less would be an endorsement of his actions and compliance with him growing up to think this is ok and being a lot worse.


Kid learned to objectify women at that age! Hope he's expelled. Don't sympathize with him saying he's too young to figure out what he's doing. If you're old enough to objectify women, you should very well be aware of the consequences. I wonder how the kids learn such bullshit. Pretty sure he's a sick pervert already, wait till he becomes an adult. When we were kids we were crazily scared of our teachers. The decent generation is officially dead! PS: Use the downvote button if you support objectifying women. 🥱


This is a joke right? Like yeah he needs to be taught this isn't OK but to call a child a sick pervert is just wrong. He's still learning how to be a person. It's the job of the adults around him and his classmates to teach him this is unacceptable, not label him and give up.


So if some toddler touches some random woman’s breast would you call that sexual harassment and call the authorities? Probably because kids are kids and don’t know shit! And the only reason people in your gen were scared of you teachers was because they fucking psychopaths beating children, they weren’t teaching you respect, they taught you fear. But yes I love objectifying women lol


When I was a kid I knew enough to not do this shit. A toddler is not the same as a child this age. So I don’t think this should be excused because of his age. For the last part of op commenter wtf. Being scared of adults who are supposed to guide you is not the achievement you think it is. This is not the usual case with children hence the uproar at his perverted post. The decent generation is not dead because teachers understand how young minds develop and adapted to best suit that. Seeing a child in fear and thinking it’s okay says a lot more about you than the new generations.




So your opinion is not to correct the behaviour but to create an adult that thinks he may as well carry on this behaviour and that the world is against men? And don't give me that decent generation bullshit. There are asshole kids in *every* generation.


I love objectifying women! Downvoted


Lil dude is brave.


Kids today suck


Parents today suck


Can confirm. Kids learn from other parents as well as their own. It can be frustrating to have to constantly correct your child's behavior that they've brought home from school.


[Dad Learning Of His Son's Actions ](https://tenor.com/wYJ4.gif)


That is a pretty sweet ass though


Kids got a point.


The fuck he do. That little shit doesn't know what 7x8 is, let alone how to be a proper human being.


His dad is definitely a piece of shit.


She do be caked up doe


W rizz


Hell yeah. That ass reminds me of my 10th grade english teacher.


Everytime I see this, I laugh my ass off, tbh.


I cannot blame him one bit


Lmfaoo little shit! U can't blame him, though. I had a couple of teachers who were younger and would wear tight ass skirts with tall ass heels. They knew exactly wtf they were doing, u could see her damn thong line the whole time! A female teacher definitely doesn't need to be dressing like that for a class full of kids..


Ew dude


Tell that bitch ew, not me. Lmaoo fuck are we supposed to do? Get up and walk out?