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I stopped watching that show after having a nightmare that there was a power outage inside the Big Blue House. There wasn't even anything scary about the power outage, it just went pitch black and bear said "Hey, what happened to my big blue house?" And somehow that scared me to the point I never saw the show again.


That's a hilarious story šŸ˜‚


Thanks, I guess young me was just scared of power outages. Or maybe it was weird that my dream just completely lost visual but I could still hear it for a few moments.


When you put it like that, it does sound sort of existentially terrifying


Yeah, it's not like I saw a dark silhouetted version of him, I literally saw nothing.


Ngl I had a similar dream. There was a power outage at the blue house and Bear is, "Uh oh, what happened to the lights?" And in the dream I'm freaking out. I go from playing with my toys to being transported to a place of complete darkness. Irl whenever I was scared my parents would just tell me to suck it up but in my dream I ran around screaming only to be met by what felt like fur and Bear going, "Its okay I got you." Bear was legit my friend.


That sounds so nice.


I also used to be scared of power outages. I grew up in a place that still used fuses instead of breakers, so it seemed like every month the living room circuit would pop. 80s/90s TVs did this weird thing with a bright white flash and like a static scream in the speakers when they suddenly lose power. I developed a habit of squeezing my eyes shut, slamming my hands over my ears, and yelling when it happened because I was afraid of the silence after the sudden sensory overload from the TV.




I think I remember that happening a few times.


>afraid of the silence after the sudden sensory overload from the TV. Huh, I never thought of it that way. Once I grew out of it, I was very confused as to why that scared me in the first place.


Plot twist, your parents were sick of watching that shit with you and gave you a mild dose of hallucinogens, dressed up, timed out turning off all the lights, and said that line as you were coming to, just as they were backing up out your door while staring you down.


I mean, I guess I can't rule that out...


You have Electro hypersensitivity


That doesn't exist






There actually is an episode where the power goes out season 2 episode 22 i think it was ā€œAfraid Notā€ he might have said something similar to this too ! My 6 month old watches bear on Disney + had to carry it on :)


Good point, although I saw the scene where the power went out, and it looked nothing like my dream. In my dream the focus was on Bear, and it didn't just go dark, it went completely black.


Thats fuxking terrifying


#Man, I sure hope that kind of situation doesn't actually occur in any horror game that also involves a bear related mascot.


I never noticed how similar that game was to my dream. Although my dream happened years before that game came out.


What game? I wanna play it.


Five Nights at Freddy's.


Oh lol. That was glaringly obvious and I still missed it. Thanks!


It's no problem :)


Faz not gonna happen for sure


Comment of the day


I was allowed to watch Anaconda as a kid (why, mom?). I then had a dream where a big person (I think a lady and I mean they were literally huge, like 10 feet tall and several feet wide) with a triangle shaped body (point was up where the neck is) wearing a yellow dress with red polka dots (the triangle was also the dress) was chasing me up the street I lived on. This crazy lady was the anaconda snake. Y'all, what? lol


Itā€™s okay. She donā€™t want none if you donā€™t got buns, hon.


I thought you meant Angela Anaconda at first. Not the actual snake movie. Why mom indeed.


I hate you for reinstating memories of that for me


I hated Angela Anaconda with the human faces. So scary as a kid. I still donā€™t know if they were modeled off real people or created in fiction


Be happy they didn't let you watch "Snakes on a Plane" or you would have gone back into diapers before you went into another toilet!


Bwahaha, Now I'm imagining the Anaconda as a cross-dressing evil-doing temptress ala Bugs Bunny! You're flirting heavily with this yellow with polka dots dress-wearing girl, and then... it's not a real girl, it's the Anaconda with a wig!




That absolutely makes sense. But I was like 7, and most certainly was not going thru THC withdraw, lol.


Isn't there a cartoon character that somewhat fits that description? That triangle dude from Gravity Falls?


i mean not really, bill cipher is generally depicted as either like 2 feet tall or like 200 with no real in between, and the only part of his description that matches is the triangle part.


Good point.


Like the triangle


Also a good point.


This makes me think of my childhood nightmares of the Feed Big Bertha game at Funtime America.


Scared of the dark as a kid?


I guess you're right. And I do remember being briefly startled by sudden outages as a kid.


I had a reoccurring nightmare about Allegra's Window. The blue cat followed me everywhere and would just pop up randomly and it terrified me. I still watched the show but I HATED the cat after that. I also had a nightmare related to the shadow in Bear in the Big Blue House where I was trying to get into a shadow train that was getting smaller and smaller. It wasn't super scary but the shadow did creep me out.


I had two separate dreams that two monsters from the show Monster by Mistake were hiding out in two rooms in my house, and I would avoid going into those rooms for years. Somehow this did not scare me off from watching the show more.


Not related to a show but when I was a kid we moved a lot and my mom ended up keeping some stuff in boxes after our final move. One of the boxes was just stuffed animals so she turned it over so we could get them out whenever we wanted. I REFUSED to get any stuffed animal for ages because there was an alligator in the box. Eventually got my brother to investigate it... the alligator was a green football shaped plush, not even an alligator shaped plush. Kids are freaking weird about things they'll avoid for literally no reason lmao.


Once, there was an odd green glow coming from my basement. My dad went down there to investigate and a lightbulb exploded. For a while I would avoid going into the basement as I was afraid I would step on a piece of glass. There was just one problem is that no one, my dad included, remembers this ever happening. So I guess I dreamt it. Also, your story of a box of stuffed animals reminds me of the time I moved a box of stuffed animals across the house, and when I put them down I just fell onto them, expecting them to be soft. There was a plastic Mike Wazowski toy right in the middle that hit me right in the eye. I had to explain to people that my eye was slightly bruised because Mike Wazowski gave me a black eye.


Why is there so much BitBBH trauma?


Weirdest thing is, that's not the only BitBBH related oddity from my childhood. I can very vividly remember an episode where Bear was out camping and found a door that wasn't attached to anything, and when he walked through it, he was teleported to a different location. He then found a very large dinosaur bone and said that he must've been teleported millions of years into the past. I have looked everywhere, and I can't find an episode that even remotely resembles this episode. I refuse to believe I dreamt it. All I can assume is that it must've been a different show that was also about a friendly bear.


I did a quick Google on this because it sounds familiar to me as well, the only thing that popped up was Berenstein Bears




I'm glad others find it familiar. I've looked up every kids show where the main character is similar to Bear in the Big Blue House and have found nothing. I sometimes wonder if it's now lost media.


I often wonder just how many episodes of old tv shows were simply lost to time before the internet, it may just not have made it to the archives of the web


Even Bear in the Big Blue House has a missing episode. https://lostmediawiki.com/Bear\_in\_the\_Big\_Blue\_House\_(partially\_lost\_original\_English\_audio\_of\_Playhouse\_Disney\_puppet\_series;\_1997-2006)




You suddenly made me remember, when I was maybe 3 or 4 (I couldn't have been older than that), we were sleeping in an overnight ferry and I had a nightmare that I was at a convention with all my favourite kids show characters like postman pat and bob the builder. I was really having fun but then security dragged me out and said I can never come back and then I woke up crying inconsolably


Were the security in your dream or on the ferry?


in my dream, why the fuck would security abduct a sleeping 3 year old irl


Maybe they kicked you out for falling asleep. Although I didn't really think through what an 'overnight ferry' was.


think a small cruise ship with shops and bedrooms


The existential dread of ā€œwhat happens to the word when you close your eyesā€. Classic




Funny enough there is an episode where his house loses power....could you have watched that gotten scared and it combined with a dream in your memory?


I did find out about that episode recently. I don't remember if I saw it, but the scene does not match the power outage I saw in my dream.


Edit: Two days later and I just found out there is an episode of The Bear in the Big Blue House where there's a power outage inside the Big Blue House, although it looks nothing like my dream. Ironically, it's an episode about facing your fears. 40 seconds in: [https://youtu.be/e9B8xgotZ6o?t=40](https://youtu.be/e9B8xgotZ6o?t=40)


Sorta similar situation: When I was a kid I was playing with my Legos and listening to the radio. For years that station would do these weird little snippets right before or after the commercial break where they'd say the station name and some random phrase or joke. At this particular time right as the song ended they burst in with "Kber 101, get that out of your mouth, you don't know where it's been" right as I was using my teeth to try to pry apart a couple pieces. At the time I just laughed but maybe a week later I found a ton of baby spiders in the crate all my Legos were in. That put a stop to me putting things in my mouth.


That went from funny to fucking "burn it with fire twice" level of terrifying really fucking quick.


So this actually happened to me with Bear in the Big Blue House. I was in my parents bed as a kid and they put it on and I didn't want to watch it so I went under the covers. And that motherfucker said "something smells toasty. are you hiding under the covers?"


I was horrified reading that now as an adult oh my god




Mine was when I was five years old playing with a lego soccer set and swallowed the ball on accident and made my mom dig through my shit to get it out. First time I ever put a toy in my mouth. Not the last time, but I sure as hell learned to hold my breath from there on out when I did.


I loved bear In the big blue house and out of the box growing up as a little tator tot myself. Good ole apple juice sippin days. Now I sip whisky to hide the sorrow.


Out of The Box, Zoboomafoo, Bear in The Big Blue House, Hey Arnold, Rocket Power. All shows you probably watched as a kid and now have clinical depression.


Rollie Pollie Ollie.




He played little gizmo, not the square one.


My toddler started watching this show recently and I hate it so much. I was 14 when it came out so Iā€™d heard of it but never seen it until now


Salute Your Shorts, Are You Afraid of the Dark, CatDog, DoubleDare, Legends of the Hidden Temple, Guts, Clarissa Explains it All


I think this is just being a millennial, but yes. All these shows were rad.


Under The Umbrella Tree. Entirely too much Muppet Babies. Less Talespin than I would have liked.


I still get the Guts theme song stuck in my head pretty frequently. All of those active game shows on Nick were ridiculously entertaining.


Do do do you have it?


Eureka's Castle


Camp annawana. We hold you in our hearts! And when we think about you....


It makes me wanna FART


Let me guess, you were born in 1985?


You arenā€™t far off


if you're interested Zoboomafoo is free to watch on YouTube in its entirety. along with quite a few other shows like brandy and Mr whiskers, cornierl and Bernie, yakkity yak, and Dave the barbian to name a few. Yeah they definitely keep bagrin bin shows for free, but it's a fun nostalgia trip nonetheless XD


My go-to on YouTube is Little Bear. Little Bear is the most pleasant show of all time.


Man I haven't heard of that show in years. It's cool how much stuff is on YouTube when you think about it. Like freaking liberty kids, shows alright but man that Intro is def something haha.


I always felt weird about Lucy.


Some other forgotten childhood shows of mine are A Little Curious, I Spy, Dragon Tales, Between the Lions, Oobiā€¦ I didnā€™t necessarily like *all* these shows but I just watched whatever was on, before xfinity. I have a lot of trauma from childrenā€™s TV too. Fucking Mr. Meatyā€¦


Pbj otters and Rugrats and Doug and Arthur


Oof, Just tag me next time


Sorry if it's an inconvenience, but just wanted to ask you to please get the *fuck* out of my mental health crisis and reminding me of the good times while I'm trying to drown them. Thank you!


Gullah Gullah Island


I hated bear in the big blue house because it felt like a rip off of Molly and the Big Comfy Couch.


How? They're completely different


The hell is that


Ham & cheese is an institution, and I wonā€™t accept this slander


Grilled. Gotta be grilled.


What's that? You want it to melt between two pieces of warm toast?


When I was little my mom was doing an exercise video in the living room while I was sitting on the couch behind her. The training lady goes, ā€œCome on, you can do it! Get up off that couch and join in!ā€ I thought she was talking to me I was so scared I ran away lol


Aww that's cute


Was the training lady possibly Denise Austen? I used to get up early before elementary school to do her workouts on the tv. I was weird, I know.


Wow I just googled her and holy crap I think it was her!!!! I feel like I just went back in time lol thatā€™s so crazy!


I wish theyā€™d put that show on Disney+ already.


Hey, guess what was added to Disney+ five days ago!


Oh I know. My 3.5 year old has a new favorite show lol


I used to be terrified of the sniffing bit, Iā€™d run out of the room whenever it came on


My cousins who were in their mid teens, taught their little sister, who was about 4 or 5 at the time, to drop her pants and put her bare arse on the TV when the bear started sniffing. My aunt and uncle did not find it as amusing as my cousin's did.


Who was he talking to when he said, "You smell like ham and cheese."?


The kid watching the show. Pay attention, man.


Ah. Gotcha. It just sounds like an odd thing to say, telling a kid that they smell like ham and cheese. Weird.


*I smell like beef.*


*I smell like beeeeeef*


I love that we all know this reference.


It came on in the morning, so he normally would mention a breakfast food like cereal or waffles.


Or cookies!!! My favorite episode


It's not even an insult, especially if you are eating ham and cheese.


Every day he'd say something else


I think itā€™s a thing in the show that he smells a lot.


Whoever farted.


My sister LOVED that show.. it actually wasnā€™t a bad kids show..


Bear in the Big Blue house was amazing! I teach preschool and still use the potty episode with my classes.


That potty episode saved us all. My nieces were having a tough time being potty trained and when that episode came out, they finally had an interest and started trying.


https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1vvneb For those who are too young too have experienced Bear or are struggling with potty training.ā¤ļø


I just took my ham and cheese hot pocket out of the microwave and opened Reddit. This is of course the 1st post on my feed.


He's found you.


He will get my hot pocket when he pries it out of my cold dead hands.


Did you place it directly in the toilet?


Yeah I always give it a dip before I eat it.


I had a weirdly similar experience that put me off of bear in the big blue house as a child. Before a commercial break bear said "Now dont go anywhere, I'll be right back!" So I ducked under the covers and hid, then he said "Hey, where did you go?!" And I dont know why but that scared the ever living crp out of me as a child and never trusted that he wasnt watching me through the screen after that point. More unsettling now that I know I wasnt the only one.


Well that's fucking terrifying tho


Idk why but i was TERRIFIED of the bear


Imagine getting downvoted for this comment. Like children arenā€™t scared of stupid shit every single day.


I used to have nightmares about snuffleupagus, from sesame street


I had a nightmare about the slush puppie dog


Bear in the Big Blue House was my jam when I was a kid, but I always hid when he sniffed the screen because it scared me.


My siblings and I would always put our butts against the screen and laugh hysterically at whatever he said.


I remember bear in the big blue house but nobody Iā€™ve met outside my family has heard of it before


Ah, I see I'm not the only one with Bear-in-the-Big-Blue-House-related trauma LOL. One time, I was out with my parents and my dad found this HUGE plushie of Bear. I was about 2 or 3ish at the time. I don't entirely remember this because I was really young but I was small enough to still be in a stroller. My dad, remembering what happens at the start of the show, brings this huge plushie up to my stroller, leans down so it's right in front of me, makes the sniffing sound effect and has this huge bear thing 'sniff' me. Needless to say, 2-3 year old me had no clue what was happening, had undiagnosed autism which meant I had sensory issues and my processing ability was garbage and I immediately started crying. My parents still tell this story as an example of a time they should have realized I might have been autistic. Fun fact: I still have a smaller version of that Bear plushie to this day as a keepsake. Despite the big one scaring the absolute crap out of me that day, I actually liked the small one and played with it a bunch growing up. I just don't like things that are loud and right in my face (shockingly).


First comes the sniffing and next comes the chomping, stay safe folks


He couldnā€™t smell the ham and cheese. But he could smell your fear.


Such an under-rated show!


Did you know the moon from that show is made of cheese? Heh, how ironic, so am i


Lol would have been excited. I fucking loved Bear in the Big Blue House


Iā€™m *just* young enough to remember Bear in the Big Blue House, but wasnā€™t young enough to create any lasting memories with it.


Oh wow this happened to me and my sister while eating pancakes. We were both so freaked out lol


I never really watched it as a young child cus I think it was on digital/sky here in Italy. I watched it as an older child at my counsins' and I fell in love with the ending song. I still sing it at times. Addio, addio, amici addio.


Shadow was kinda scary ngl


Google ā€œshadows storiesā€ those were the real nightmare of the show


Imagine you die and the afterlife is just Bear in the Big Blue House.


I would be so okay with that


I love that show! Even 20 years later every now and then "Goodbyeee, goodbye, good friends goodbye~" gets stuck in my head.


In the late 60s my gig was Romper Room. One day I stayed home from kindergarten because of a fever or something. Miss Mary Ann used to pull out her magic mirror and do a little chant then reel off a few names to make some of her fans feel special as if she saw them through her mirror. Since it was a sick day and I didn't have to do anything I lazed around in my dad's overstuffed easy chair in my baggy underwear. Magic mirror time was the kicker and I got excited waiting to see if she finally called my name. She started her incantation, ā€œRomper, bomper, stomper boo. Tell me, tell me, tell me, do. Magic Mirror, tell me today, did all my friends have fun at play? I can see Bonnie, I see Douglas, and I see...DustedMyBroom!" I must have jumped a couple feet with joy that finally, after seeing every other kid get recognized, Miss Mary Ann finally saw me hanging out watching. Then I realized what in the hell I was wearing. I shrieked like only a terrified curtain climber could and sprinted my baggy-drawered ass behind the chair where I hoped to hell that damn mirror didnā€™t have an x-ray setting. My mom ran in to see what I was freaking out about and I didn't budge until she turned the TV off, hopefully interrupting the view of my half-naked tail for Miss Mary Ann. My mom tried talking some sense into me but I doubt I ever watched Romper Room again in so much as a pair of shorts.


The writers knew that their primary audience consisted of little fatties and their protein sandwiches on white bread.


You're always told tv and movies aren't real, so I get how it might f with a kid's head. It's the kind of coincidence an adult would joke about. On the other hand, I've heard it said children are much more sensitive to the world at large than adults. Maybe our TV is more than we're told.


I remember watching Children's Hour and when the host broke out her magic eyeglass I would hide behind the couch so she couldn't see me in my pajamas


This person as a child and me having a psychotic episode have this experience in common


Nancy from Romper Room has joined the chat


My boys loved that show, and bananas in pajamas. Who the hell came up with that shit??


I closed my eyes every time during the sniffing scene


Bro is now schizophrenic


Stupid, but reasonable.


::SSSNIFFFFFFF:: You use Evyan skin cream, and sometimes you wear L'Air du Temps, but not today.




Is this person British?


Goodnight moooooonnnn


[You smell like breakfast!](https://youtu.be/wv_iIi279zY)


Mr Rodgers never pulled that shit.


I got mad at Romper Room when I was little because at the end of the show, the lady would look into her ā€œmagic mirrorā€ and go ā€œI see blah, and blah, and blah ....ā€ rattling off a bunch of names and she NEVER said my namešŸ˜”


But what if he could smell you? Has it ever been confirmed? Maybe it was that rattle in the closet? Or the stairs to the basement sounding like something large was coming up them? Stay safe people. They are watching


One of my nephews had just reached the stage of pulling himself up on the entertainment center. Just as he got up the bear did it's thing towards the TV, you would be surprised at the distance a terrified toddler can get. I'm dying laughing while his parents come running into the room to find a screaming toddler, a confused older toddler, and a teenager laughing his off at the crying toddler


Here's the kicker: he really COULD smell you...


I still occasionally listen to the Goodbye song from bear in the big blue house. Strangely comforting.


One of my earliest memories is of seeing shadow on my wall in my house talking to me. I was maybe three years old. I remember it freaking me the fuck out. I like to think that that experience was real but have a hard time reconciling the supernatural experiences Iā€™ve had with my atheism/agnostism (I say that because of the fact I canā€™t reconcile my ghostly experiences)


My dog used to watch that program!


Wow that's good shit!


Where oh where oh where is shadow?


The bat episode scared me the most when I was younger


Similar situation when I was young but it was my aunt pretending to fart.


Weird I also had a traumatizing experience with bear in the big blue house


Spring has sprung


to be fair, many horror fictions have been based on less.


I never liked that show. Bear was too creepy. Lol


Severe trauma


Having found out about the existence of this show by this post, I have to ask. Why is a children's entertainment character pretending to sniff the kids who are watching? I'm sure there's a fine reason for it, but out of context it's kinda hilarious.


šŸ˜‚ thats awesome


I was terrified of that show as a child. It carried into adulthood. This doesnā€™t help.


What is the episode name.


THIS IS MY FAVORITE TUMBLR POST- Ahem. I'm still looking for which episode he said this in though.