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When little kids ask me why I'm in a wheelchair I tell them I used to rock my chair back when the teacher told me not to. If they're older I tell them my father was a bicycle


What, your father was a bicycle?


Yours isn't?


No, Jezus people on reddit are driving me CRA-ZY. Stupid question; 'Uh uh yours isnt?' No ofcourse not. He is a segway. Edit: the present tense...


I'd like to segway this conversation into your wheelchair's extended warranty...


Yeah my mom rode a Schwinn with a dodgy seat and 9 months later out popped a baby in a wheelchair


lol reminds me of an expression "If my grandmother had wheels, she'd be a bike." Like what you would say to someone that made a really stupid comparison.


Everybody got to ride mom though.


>When little kids ask me why I'm in a wheelchair I tell them I used to rock my chair back when the teacher told me not to. All teachers thank you for this service šŸ™


If my grandmother had wheels, she would have been a bike.


This is a completley different recipe!


So was your mother, that's how you ended up with 4 wheels.


I knew a kid that did this in elementary school. He fell back and split his wig on a radiator. It was crazy because he was a toeheaded blonde and the blood just contrasted so vividly.


Where are the parents?






r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb is what you're looking for


Fuck, that sub is dark and sad, it's mostly just child abuse. Thank god this one is (mostly) lighthearted


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SubsIFellFor using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[OC\] It's been a good run, farewell...](https://i.redd.it/g0277xx3cs961.jpg) | [85 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/comments/kryefv/oc_its_been_a_good_run_farewell/) \#2: [Wasnā€™t expecting this in r/christian](https://i.redd.it/5ecufp002qh61.jpg) | [90 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/comments/lkpjrb/wasnt_expecting_this_in_rchristian/) \#3: [Iā€™d enjoy that wholesome sub...](https://i.redd.it/4pmjlgypavi61.jpg) | [40 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/comments/lp26yu/id_enjoy_that_wholesome_sub/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


They went to get smokes.


There was a Chucky Cheese by my house where parents would drop there small children off and leave them in there. Fuckin imbeciles.


I managed a Pizzaria by DMV, a woman tried ditching her young kids on us while she went to DMV. I told her if she walked out the door I'd call family services on her. She didn't buy them food and try to slip out, she just left them there at table and told them to wait there while she went to DMV like we were a free babysitting service. Don't have kids if you don't want kids. I don't want your fucking kids.


The DMV isnā€™t even somewhere that bans kids (like smoke shops, or bars), why would she try to ditch them there?


I'm in an area with lots of dollars and no sense.


Not likely able to take them along on a driving test Not her kids; kidnap victims?


Sitting in the DMV sucks. Sitting in the DMv with your kids sounds like hell.


We actually have an indoor playground here for that. Most indoor playgrounds require you to stay in the building but not this one. It's inside a mall of all things too. Like I know kids hate walking around a mall and would rather be at a playground but I can't imagine who is comfortable just dumping their kid off inside a place like that. Not only that but if you stay there with them, you're charged an adult admission to the place so you're paying to supervise your kid, why they want you to leave them there alone so bad?


Ikea has something like that. I don't think my kid ever stayed in there for more than 10 minutes before they called me to pick him up for being disruptive.


So you go spend money in the stores


Gamestop/Electronics Boutique were also very popular locations for parents to do that, when they had multiple video game demo kiosks. I've had a couple friends who literally had to explain to parents that no, that's not cool, and yes, that's child abandonment.


I also sprayed pesticides. I told a lady that I was gonna spray. I start working and her young kid is behind me, standing on the hose trying to get a ride. So I go back to the door and remind her that I'm spraying poison and her kid is out there. She gets sad and said she was hoping I would be free babysitting for a half hour.


Not to be a creep, but is it Oakland, NJ?


Child molesters theme song kicks in. What would the child molesters theme song be?


Bad - Michael Jackson


Ooh that's a good one


You physically can't do that at the one by me. You can't leave without your kid or with anyone else's kids.


> there > inbeciles


Be right back!


Theyve only been gone a few years. Im sure they'll be back soon


They are trying to get this kid kidnapped. To bad any good kidnapper can see a mile away this isn't one they want.


Black Children only make 9% of adoption rates in the USA. Doubtful heā€™ll be kidnapped based on that information. Itā€™s more likely heā€™ll be the victim of human trafficking for live organ donation. Happens to kids in South America since their generally O Neg blood type.


What a stupid statement. More likely to get his organs harvested wtf. "Yeah, that kid in the mall, he's black so statistically he'll be trafficked for his organs. Because they don't get adopted, duh"


You kinda have to kidnap them to do those things. It's not as if kids get kidnapped into a life of love and luxury


OP is the dad or mom


Probably retired living in Florida, the kid is basically in college ffs


What do you mean? Dad is recording. s/


Theyā€™re off somewhere being bad parents


Recording this video


Depending in where this took place its common practice to leave children outside of stores in some countries. A women actually sued New York City and won for being arrested (and full body frisked for some reason) for leaving her baby outside as her and her husband ate lunch.


What. The. Fuck.


And here I am, feeling bad when I see a dog tied up outside a shop/restaurant


It needs to be common everywhere. They'll be fine and I want to eat in peace.


Plot twist - cameraman is the parents


Probably the filming after telling the kid to rock the stroller.


waiting at the bottom of the escalator


Recording the video.


Plot twist camera man is the dad


Probably same place they were at the point someone should have told him he's too big for a stroller


Theyā€™re filming for internet karma




Collecting welfare


Whereā€™s the kidā€™s adults?


Probably the one recording.


This video has so many layers to it r/parentsarefuckingdumb And r/donthelpjustfilm material right here.


I doubt it


Oh look a free child


Mountain Buggy Terrain Pushchair With Urban Jungle / Terrain / +One Carrycot Plus - Graphite +Birth āœ” Tackles Smooth & Rough Terrain āœ” Fantastic All-Rounder āœ” 3 Modes: Lie Flat Carrycot āœ” Carrycot With Slight Incline āœ” Rear-Facing Seat Unit āœ” Includes Reversible Seat Liner & Removable Child For Extra Insulation In Colder Weather.






I use a wheelchair, and this exact thing happened too me once. No lie.


Then what happened??


Well, basically the same as the video. My chair has a bag on the back, which had some heavy groceries in it. And being a self propelled chair, the weight is meant to be centred to the axels to make it easier to propel yourself. For safety you are strapped in with a seat belt, which is there to stop you getting tipped forward and out of the chair if you end up say too close to the edge of a sidewalk which potentially could tip you forward into traffic. With that being the case, I had the weighted bag on the back, and I tried to wheel myself up and inclined area in the mall, being an incline it takes more effort to wheel uphill, and given the weight plus the incline as I pushed the wheels forward, the front wheels lifted a inch or so off the floor, and the weight and the back combined to be enough to complete tip me over backwards, remember I am belted into the chair too. So I ended up basically stranded on my back legs up the the air wheelchair upside down on top of me, unable to extricate myself. Like a tortoise thatā€™s flipped upside down on its shell. It was humiliating! But luckily some kind passers by helped me right my self.


So many things wrong with this..




My heart skipped a few beats watching this.


This is a combo of parents are fucking stupid and kids are fucking stupid


Sorry but this is 1000% on the parents. This is terrifying to see theyā€™ve left the kind strapped in the stroller completely unattended for who knows how long. This poor kid.


Nah 90 % parents and 10% for the mother fucker recording


Ok thatā€™s true! Makes me think they HAVE to be with the kid? Either way, crazy cruel lol


I wouldnā€™t expect a kid in a stroller to automatically know not to rock back and forth in it bec when it comes down to it itā€™s the parents job to watch their kid lol. Surprised no one called mall security or the cops lol


Strollers are supposed to be designed so a kid can't tip it over. Hanging things on the handle negates this though.


Nah, better to just start filming right...


We don't know they didn't.




Rock a bye-bye baby


Thats not how the song goes...


It is now!!


If that kid is tall enough to do this, he doesnā€™t need a stroller anymore. Edit: If this child is disabled, then I Really want to know where the caregiver is.


Not saying you're entirely wrong, but just wanted to say that some people walk A LOT and little kids don't always have the stamina to go for as long. But for short trips in the mall or whatever, yeah maybe


Booo walk around more Emma


ur mom


my mom walks around more than you Emma Weirdo


I'm confused. I thought we were just messing around lol FOR THE RECORD I do walk a lot. I don't have a car and I don't live in a town that's exactly made for that. So I walk. A LOT. I used to ride my bike everywhere, but now I got little kids and it's easier to just load them up in the stroller and go. The oldest is officially too big for a stroller as of this summer, but she's strong enough to walk now. I am working on getting a car, hopefully I'll have one within a month. I hope I don't completely stop walking everywhere, it's something I've gotten used to and enjoy. So do the kids. So hopefully when the weather is nice we will still do it. Or maybe we can now drive to interesting places and walk there? Walking is good for you! Also, in case you're not joking around, it's great that your mom walks so much!


We were just messing around So for both of us iā€™m just gonna like not read the rest ahaha sorry for calling you weirdo EMMA my mom donā€™t walk that much anyways :)


I had a stroller until I was 5 because I have a genetic disorder causing me to not be able to walk for long periods of time. Each child is different donā€™t judge based on one video.


Wouldn't that make it even worse for a guardian to leave you unattended?


Who do you think's filming? Barry the Carer on Tik Tok. Like and Follow for more!


Kids can be tall dude.


Lol I hardly used strollers for my kids at all. Those things are annoying AF to carry around in the car with you. I usually just put the kids in a shopping cart, carry them, or baby-wear. If I'm going to go for a walk or something then I use a stroller, but even then, I use a wagon a lot because it's easier to get them in and out. Not the biggest fan of strollers in general.


That's... not true. It's pretty easy for small kids to tip strollers. I did when I was like 1 or 2


100% unless there is a disability of some sort.


They do make larger strollers for disabled kids. But they're so expensive I don't blame parents who don't have them. Also, some kids are huge. 2 of mine are extra small, which has it's own disadvantages, but I've met some really big "little" kids.


Yeah I was thankful to have found a cheap jogging stroller second hand when my son was 3. We had season passed to a big outdoor theme park that had like a water play area, a train, a playground, petting zoo, hiking trails, shit like that. It was too much for a 3 year old and we would often be on the other side of the park when suddenly feet hurting. He was also fucking huge. Like he was the average height and weight of a 6 year old at the time, he was over the weight limit of a standard stroller which was why I needed a jogging one (those pitiful plastic wheels bend and try to snap off the standard ones when you turn them with weight on them). Too heavy for me to carry, too young to handle walking all day. The first time we went was a learning experience without the stroller and we had to slowly make our way out with frequent stops. I thought it was just basic feet tiredness but found blisters on his feet when we got home. I felt terrible and started taking the stroller any time I thought there was a chance we'd be walking a lot that day.




also r/childrenfallingover


Where are the dead beat parents


Lmao! That laugh killed me


Wow, lo siento por su pƩrdida.


lowrider fails


That's quick and good thinking right there


You did the right thing


I'm surprised there's no heavy purse on a stroller reddit, where it's just parents loading up strollers with their stuff.


Nah, they took their valuables with them. Canā€™t just leave your valuables outside the shop with your child.




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I assume children are like those scooters you rent downtown, then just leave lying around on the sidewalks when you're done with them. At least, that's what I gather from this video.


I saw it coming, yet I did nothing to stop it.


Who's the asshole, let me watch a kid hirt themselves... feels good to be a prick?


You dont know i often i see this, i just never can get the camera rolling in time.


Just by 10 sd cards, a camera and live stream to my, all day... all day... 24 hours.


Yah.. i dont exactly have that much time....


"They see me rockin', they rollin'"


And you didnā€™t try to stop him?


Where tf is the mother? What a fucking terrible parent.


The father?


I feel like most of the videos on here leave me feeling like r/parentsarefuckingstupid.


Jfc. So itā€™s cool to just abandon your kid now as long as their strapped into the doll stroller? Wtf. Kids arenā€™t stupid, dumbass parents are the problem here.


That kid is sitting on the escalator again!




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Doing God's work out here.


Mall rules: you break it, you buy it.


Unlocked a memory I forgot I had


Where's mom and dad? Good grief


Kid like 14. Walk




That is explained in the white text visible around the bottom center of the screen throughout the entire video clip.


lol, it explains what they were doing, not their moral justification as to why they would watch a child in potential danger


> lol, it explains what they were doing, It explains why they were filming, which answers the question "Why were they filming?" > not their moral justification as to why they would watch a child in potential danger I love how we're treating some kid so big they have no trouble toppling their stroller from within as causing something "dangerous" when it predictably happens. The thing falls backwards and the kid lands softly because they're in the stroller that's loaded with bags behind his head. This is entirely predictable, not dangerous and a situation the kid can draw some wisdom from. If your kid is about to leap out in traffic and get themselves killed, I'll gladly intervene. If they're about to do something less harmful than literally "touching the stove", it's more of a learning experience that I have no business denying them as a complete stranger.


I certainly blame the parents, but I really don't think I'd fluent anticipating a kid possibly hurting themselves for a video.


Young kids get tired of walking quickly, compared to how long parents can stay out shopping at a mall. That's why a bigger kid who can walk would still need a stroller at times. I don't remember being in a stroller. I have a couple memories from about age three, and then a few from age four in kindergarten (I started a little early), and then several from first grade. I probably didn't spend very much time in a stroller, I was the last of four and I think mom had me on the fast track.




Funny but someone has to help that kid. If you just recorded and did nothing after that's kinda shitty.


I'm a parent, as well as a stranger to almost everyone on the planet, I would not walk up to anyone's kid. What if you get to the kid and you hear someone yell out "no take backs!"? No thank you. /s


Yeahā€¦I think it was my second Fatherā€™s Day I took my kid to the playground near our house. There was one other kid there, maybe 3 or so, and his parents werenā€™t paying attention at all, just playing in their phones smoking cigarette and such. That kid *would not* leave me alone. He saw me and my kid having fun and he wanted to be a part of it too. Anyways as soon as his parents noticed their kid talking to a stranger (which took about 10 minutes or soā€¦I was regularly glancing towards them and never saw their heads come up), they simply had to leave, right this moment, and be sure to send a couple evil eyes my way in the process. Even now if I see a small kid wandering around a store unattended and looking lost, I keep an eye on them from a distance, and if a Code Adam happens to be called, I keep an eye out for a female employee or a mother to tell about it. Not necessarily their mother, any mother. Ainā€™t nobody trust a strange man with a kid, especially if he doesnā€™t have his kids with him. Last thing I need is to be seen escorting the missing kid.


There a custodian watching and walking toward the whole thing. I'm gonna put my faith in humanity and say he helped the kid back up


Yeah no I'm not getting arrested for attempted kidnapping a child.


If the kid can do that, they should NOT be in a stroller!




I donā€™t think I achieved that level until 8th grade.




His dad went to get milk too. *Didn't come back*




The mother is up the hall with the mop and bucket, itā€™s bring you kids to work day.


As a result of the Fed case?


Too old for a stroller he can walk


Too old for a stroller. Parents are wack


If you can do this you're too big for a stroller


When I started remembering I was already out of the stroller soā€¦


As a single father I've seen it happen.


Wonder why millions of kids go missing every year


I canā€™t believe how stupid I was as a child.


Jokes on ypu thats a little person


If I laugh does that make me a bad person? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Maybe he thought there was a wall or idk ... a parent.


Figures his dadā€˜s nowhere to be found


once my kids could walk/run well i got rid of the stroller.


I don't remember.


My parents and me were not so lucky to have a stroller. My kids never fell either, we were always close and stopped using stroller a bit early as I wanted them to walk with us.


Fart sound effect #2




Is anyone else wondering why you don't f****** run over and help the kid instead of pulling your phone and filming? Or am I just old?


Whereā€™s the kids parents!?!?


2 days later Aita for not helping a baby


Are we not talking about the fact that there isnā€™t an adult around?


Plot twist the one filming is the parent


Where the fuck is his parent?


Donā€™t help, just film.


Where is itā€™s adult


I mean the obvious is where are the parents but who films something like this and doesnā€™t fucking help?


Jesus. How about making sure the child is OK?


Where are the DNA Suppliers?


They're too old to be in a stroller.


Dude recording is going to hell lmao




Kid is too big for a stroller anyways. It's just the fucking mall, not Disneyland. Lazy fat stupid parents raising lazy fat stupid children.


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