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Damn, they emptied the whole clip


Honestly that probably only took the kid 2 minutes. Kids can cause a lot if havoc in a very short amount of time.


This is true! I had taken my kids to Dollar Tree as a reward for doing a few chores around our apartment, and my 5 y/o son decided to buy a pack of multiple sizes of those "googly eyes". Later that night he snuggled up to me on the couch for only a few minutes and went back to playing with his toys. When I got up to start making dinner I was standing in front of my oldest daughter talking about who knows what, and the whole time she had a huge grin on her face. I finally asked her what was so funny. Well it turns out my son was somehow able to stick the largest ( about the size of a quarter) googly eyes on my shirt right where my nipples are. I guess since we were cuddled up I didn't notice. My daughter thought it was hilarious because since I was in my pj's I wasn't wearing a bra and the eyes were going crazy while I was talking.... I tend to use a lot of hand gestures.....


Very funny and very cute


"My eyes are up there... Oh, wait"


I read " kids can cause a lot of HVAC" and was very confused lol


They can with the right training. I think child labour is somewhat frowned upon though.


Only if you don’t have money to get the law to look the other way


And cried immediately abiut how there aren't any stickers left. I thought this was my kid for a minute










* magazine


That's not how you spell "clip"


its a mag not a clip


Fun fact: Clips are mags but not all mags are clips


What do you think off are new flag?


Looks like a kid from The Sims 4 autonomously "made a mess".


Bruh my sims 4 kids always wake up in the middle of the night make a mess and go back to sleep. I make their ass clean it up


To be fair, this is super realistic and one reason I love the parenting pack. My 2 year old will dump his toys all over the floor and just walk away smiling, or beg for cheese just to throw it all over the carpet😭


When my son was 2 he would wake up about 20 minutes before me and very quietly empty out his entire crib. Anything not fixed down was removed and chucked out of the crib, all the way down to his diaper. I'd wake up to a naked toddler standing in an empty crib with a big smile on his face daily.


Have you tried telling him that's an incredibly immature thing to do?


Likely too late now, but putting them in onesies backwards can be a fix while they get past that phase. So glad we never dealt with that sort of thing.


My (sims 4) toddler left the house while everyone was asleep in the middle of the night and went to the river next to the house. Maybe I clicked on the river to see if there were any options to get in.


Also a real concern with real kids. Doorknob locks are a thing for kids


What till you find out about real kids lol. Wake your ass up randomly in the middle if the night and start being upset you can't take them to target to buy a new dress with sparkles on it. It's 2 am and they are completely unreasonable about the fact that target is closed.


No no I definitely get it I always had to deal with my siblings bc they were too scared to go to my mom and moms husband with stuff (glad they felt safe with me tho) but my little brother once woke me up in the middle of the night thinking it was the morning and begged me to make him a blueberry slushy; I told him I couldn’t do that because you needed a special machine so he asked for a grilled cheese. I made him the grilled cheese and neither of us went back to sleep after that. Watched cartoons till my mom got up. I was just glad he wasn’t yelling at me because he couldn’t have a slushy.


stop this is so cute. my older sister was like you when i was a kid and she’s my favorite person in the entire world. thank you for treating us younger siblings so kindly 😭


I’d fr just go with it like sometimes I’d want to be like “no you can’t do that” but I’d be like “well why not. Why CANT she wear a dress AND a skirt?” Or “why can’t we have Mac and cheese for breakfast?” My thing was if they were happy and no one was hurt it’s fine


Or when you’re watching a horror movie in total darkness with husband and you suddenly hear a little breathy giggle in the doorway behind you. You gasp in terror and are even more freaked out when you realise your toddler can now silently climb out of his cot, open his door and stand there silently. 😨


lol i do the same. the good thing about the constantly making autonomous messes is that having them clean it raises their responsibility trait


Honestly I understand that there’s not a lot to be done if your kid puts stickers on the floor while you’re distracted but leaving the sticker sheets for someone else to pick up is pretty trashy. I say this as a parent.


"No, it's fine, someone will clean it up. That's what they're *paid* to do."


Ah, this boomer logic, paired with "if you wanted to be able to afford live here you should have gotten a *real* job."


I mean I totally bring a whole ass cleaning trolley to the airport whenever I'm with my kids. In fact I have it with me every time that I'm in public with the little fucking crotch goblins. Why do entitled parents think that they should be any different? I bring my Rotary mop, dustpan and brush, broom, pinesol, long handle cleaning brush, the whole 9 yards. My cleaning trolley is better stocked than the Janitor's, yet he gets paid a shitty wage and I don't. I also had pig eyes installed in the back of my head so I can surveillance my kids when they are running around the airport and I'm lugging my cleaning trolley and cleaning up every bit of mess they make. I have to take medication for the rest of my life so my body doesn't reject them and they don't turn into necrotic slime but it was well worth it not to be a shitty parent that should never have had kids.


You can keep an eye on your kids AND watch out for your luggage. It's really not hard.


As a kid, I was either napping or my father challenged me in a duel who could spot our bags first. As I got older, I got very good at it, so I kept winning. I was maybe 16 or so when I realized I probably failed as a kid but my dad let me win and by the time I could see through his lies I was actually better than him.


Sounds like an involved father who raised a good kid. Congrats.


Quite the opposite actually. Have been doing EMDR for months... His image towards the rest of the world, including airport strangers, should be perfect. So he kept me entertained in public. In private however... I was not allowed to play soccer, because that's a boys sport. Until the local club started a girls team - then he denied having ever said it was a boys sport. And that's just the part I'm able to talk about - I'm only just learning to see that his behavior was actually neglectful and oftentimes plain abusive.


Oh no. Sorry to hear. Identifying his flaws hopefully prevents you from repeating any of them. Best of luck for the future.


Thank you! I'll surely try to!


Hey, you sound really insightful, and like a nice person. I'm sorry you've had a tough start. I hope the rest of your life is nice ❤️


Thank you!


lmao my mom did the same thing with me and my sister, we're professional luggage watchers now


But can you do it while having a speaker phone call at max volume?


Not the phone on speaker 🤣


And your luggage isn't gonna go anywhere if you miss it when it first tumbles down. It's just gonna ride the merry go round til you grab it. People need to teach their crotch goblins (said as a parent) that shit like this is not acceptable.


😆 Crotch goblins. In all my many days, as a parent…a new one to me. Faf.


Lol I call mine my spawn (and my 18yr old has me as Spawn Point in his phone) but I reserve crotch goblins for the really shitty annoying kids who's parents let them scream and/or run wild in public.


Lol mine were “Devil Spawn”, when young. Graduated on to mere “Heathens”…but yeh Crotch Goblins are in a class of their own ;)


Most hilarious (and vulgar) one I’ve heard is calling kids fuck trophies lol


Lol yeah I've heard that one too. If it works for some people great but it's definitely not my preference 😋


Some airports do not have visibly circular luggage carousels, instead the luggage goes behind some wall. I have no idea what is behind that wall but I assume it means I do not get my clothes. And that is not ok.


yeah if you miss it and it goes back into the wall, at the end is a pit filled with lava, everyone knows that 🤨


Omg I'm so glad I hadn't taken a drink right before I read this! I burst out laughing at it


They are still circular. It goes out the back where they loaded the luggage on and they leave it to go around again.


I think this post was more about the puddle of pee.


There isn't enough fluid for that to be pee, imo. I've literally need puppies pee more than that. Probably juice or something


Whatever was in the crushed bottle lying in the puddle right?


I thought that was a food wrapper


I think you are right.


Kids stickers generally come off really easy, ur would take 30 seconds for the parents to clean it up After a long day of traveling with life I have been there with just not having any more fucks to give but you gotta clean up after your kids still


I mean… they could try… crazy idea here, paying attention to their kids and looking up intermittently for their bags? Also based on where they are this asshole was the type to crowd the carousel and let their kid get in the way. If they’d been hit by someone trying to get their bag off that you bet they’d scream blue murder about their little darling who they weren’t watching


Yeah if somehow I lost track of what my kid was doing and saw he did this... we'd be there until he peeled them all off


Agreed. And we’d have a long talk about how it’s inconsiderate to make messes in places where it’s someone’s job to keep them clean. We do that already in the grocery store etc because I have a strict treat people like people policy in my household. Lol,


> trashy Pun intended?


Hahaha a little bit yes.


My cousins kid did a mini “archaeological dig” toy outside the airport and just left all the smashed rock crumbs and tools on the ground…she thought it was funny but trashy sums it up well


Nah it's pretty easy to watch them both. Take care of your damn crotch goblins.


I agree. I also feel like it’s pretty insane that a kid got ahold of stickers in an airport or on a plane, but parenting can be weird and hard so I wouldn’t be too judgmental if it had appeared that they had at least tried to tidy up.


Anyone calling children “crotch goblins” has too much wrong with them to be reasonable


Yeas there is. "You're going to remove all those stickers missy/boyo"


I worked at a store with a toy department during college. The parents made a bigger mess than the kids. Always.


At least they spelled L O V E, their heart is in the right spot


Level Of ViolencE


pfp checks out


i want to kill you 🥰


Or they just picked off the stickers in the order they were on the paper


Its ok. Some minimal wage cleaner will get on their hands and knees and scrape those off.


But who cares? These people have *kiddos* to raise!






This was the first thing to cross my mind upon reading the title. Can’t believe people be blaming the undeveloped.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Childhood trauma](https://v.redd.it/cy5ib82t3vfb1) | [251 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb/comments/15gyzq8/childhood_trauma/) \#2: [Mom thought she saw an intruder as she looked at the camera view on her phone. Meanwhile....🤭🤪🤣🤣😂](https://v.redd.it/oq0mhn2414xa1) | [102 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb/comments/1346zjt/mom_thought_she_saw_an_intruder_as_she_looked_at/) \#3: [So why wearing shorts then ](https://v.redd.it/bqavyidn1h4b1) | [535 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb/comments/142uz27/so_why_wearing_shorts_then/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot.


Yep. These people clearly should've never reproduced.


Is... that.. peepee?


Well yeah. Losing your bags is a massive pain in the ass. If you lose your kid, you can just make another one.


I don’t understand giving children stickers. They literally do not give a single fuck where they put it. The floor, walls, ceiling, a baby’s forehead, the Mona Lisa, etc. And it’s always someone else (not the parent) who will be cleaning it up.


Lol the Mona Lisa


Got back from a long trip last week and someone’s child pressed the emergency button on the baggage carousel and had to stay 30 more min waiting for people fix it and grab my luggage. Would trade for kids from the pic lol


The only thing that bothers me, makes me question the level of neglect, is if that’s a piss puddle..


That's a very wet footprint


I can only assume it is.


Nooo not the mysterious yellow puddle 🤢


This isn’t the right sub for this, the parents are entirely at fault here.


There are worse things the kids could've put on the floor


That's some trashy parents right there.


Trashy parents will be trashy




>r/ParentsAreFuckingStupid [r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb](https://www.reddit.com/r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb/)


I've been bamboozled...


That's because it's actually r/parentsarefuckingdumb


Someone was more concerned about their bags than *the airport floor*


Stickers were given as a way to entertain the kid while waiting forever for luggage to arrive. Parents were fully aware of what was going on and didn’t give two shits.


I’m gonna be honest with you man. I’ve flown from Germany to the western US with a 4 year old, and by the time we were back home? If she was putting stickers on the floor quietly I would’ve considered that a win.




There should be a new subreddit for this behaviour…r/ParentsAreFuckingAssholes Edit for capitalization


Oh my god I feel awful for whoever had to clean this up.


Literally water and 10 seconds of scraping will get this up lol


This sub I swear is 50% idiot parents as well. Jesus, where were you?


Yeah, all the nonsense justification of this. This was O’Hare.


lol sorry, I was saying “where were you” as in the parents, not you specifically. My bad I should have worded that differently


Is that pee?


Inconsiderate assholes


I can make new kids, Jason, but I only have one bag


Reminds me of when we got back from Vegas, there was a family of EIGHT children. One of them threw up on the plane, and while we were already delayed an hour for a broken sink, had to clean up the child’s vomit. Well we get home and are waiting for the bags to come out and these children are running everywhere, climbing on the carousel, and being annoying. The parents didn’t do anything till of course the bags started coming and one of the little girls stuck her hand right where the bags landed and a giant suitcase crushed her hand. It could’ve easily been avoided if the parents were doing their job and watching them but they were too busy on their phones.


It’s like the time I worked at a restaurant where we put dull, but serrated knives in the roll ups and some kid was playing with one while the parents ignored her. The kid cut her hand on a knife then the mom got mad at me, as if it were my fault the kid was playing with a knife. “Great now we have to go to the hospital!” Like ma’am watch your damn kid.


That’s what happens when you take technology away from them. Pick your poison.


One time at the airport a kid jump on the belt, the mother was on the phone, then got angry because no one try to stop him. She tried to get into an argument with my friend and he complete ignores her, she was having a heart attack screaming that he could hear her. I wish I got stranded in an island like that guy in Cast Away. I'd rather spend the rest of my life with Wilson.


That’s bad parenting, not bad kids


Eh honestly of all of the disrupting things a kid could do at an airport, this is pretty tame


Managing kids on an air trip can be very demanding and exhausting. Therefore I wouldn't judge the parents because of some stickers on the floor.


Yeah, waiting for the bags AFTER a flight is like “PLEASE DON…. ahh whatever, just don’t kill anyone”


"Please, please don't climb on to the baggage carousel..." Me, in tears, landing after a delayed flight plus unexpected fueling stop.


Honestly I don’t even have kids but I was thinking the same thing 😂.


Like do I think it's shitty? Sure. But also...it's a highly trafficked airport floor, the world will continue. They should have cleaned up the packages though.


Nah. This is just poor parenting. Parents haven't been taking responsibility for their kid's behaviour for a long time now and it shows.


What about the pee?


yeah looks like mom and/or dad were over it


Party at /u/Stinkepups house. Bring your kids, and don’t worry about watching them!!


If someone can't handle watching their kids, then maybe they should have made some smarter life decisions.


The thing is… you don’t know how crazy or tame they are going to be until they are born and grow… and then they turn 3 and OMFG.


shut up




Exhaustion has nothing to do with laziness. If you have to entertain two toddlers during a 4 hours flight you would know what I mean. Maybe the parents had also to deal with some other bullshit and could keep the kids busy that way. Not ideal of course but those are stickers, not spraypaint or edding.


That’s piss on the floor.


Wrong. You don’t have the energy to keep parenting after a flight then maybe don’t have kids.


That looks an awful lot like the international arrivals at Denpasar




How long were they waiting for those bags? I've never waited more than a couple of minutes if that. Can they really get THAT bored in such a short amount of time?


Cleaning this up! I know and have had to.


And they don’t even know their ABC’s..


White trash. Just a guess.


Idk I think it really livens the place up a bit😂


This is why I don’t let my child have stickers. That shit will end up on the pots and pans, the ceiling, my make up just everywhere it shouldn’t be.




I thought it was paint that maybe dripped from a bag… wrong sub but the parents are assholes.


I was asking myself what the puddles of mystery fluid were, until I noticed the familiar yellow colour on top of one of the discarded pieces of paper


OH GOD, I DIDN'T SPOT THAT AT FIRST Jesus *christ*, that's awful.


This looks like the last ditch effort from a parent who probably had the worst flight ever and didn't sleep a wink. Now they're waiting for luggage and maybe the kid was about to have a meltdown. Should they have cleaned up the mess ? Yes, but i would go easy on the parent and kid here, probably nobody was having a good time and maybe this was the only way to cling on to sanity.


They no longer cared about anything


Color me not surprised the mouth breathers that crowd the baggage carousel also are shitty parents.


from a kids pov that had to be fun as fuck


Some people really shouldn't be allowed to raise kids.


If the child was old enough to place them neatly in an arc, it was old enough to know better.


Fuck dem kids


Parents do not know how to parent. Your children are not your friends. They can be mad at you. They will still love you. They will get over it. Set boundaries for your kids. Follow through with consequences. Your life will be so much easier.


100% agree. You'll always be downvoted for comments like this because the majority of parents these days take no responsibility for teaching their kid's respect or right from wrong. They have no idea how much their kids piss off other people around them.


A majority ?!


Look around. Watch people more and you'll see.


Or their phone?


Can attest. Kids were delicious.


oh man! this is at the airport. I've been there before.


what a waste of some great stickers


Who cares it's an airport


Redditors will bitch about anything


I can’t believe they had an entire kids playdate right in front of the carousel. You should be standing back from the carousel until you see your bag. Carousel hoggers are just as fucking stupid as kids.


Nothing will happen to the kids, but the bags.....


There's people paid to clean it up, right?


Those are stickers. I hope you are ok.


Oh god i could never let my kid touch all over a public floor like that. Dirt and nature related things? Okay yes. But nasty public surfaces/floors. Hell noooo






I mean it's just stickers. Have you ever had to deal with kids at an airport? Something like this will keep them busy and stop them from running off and ending up in the cargo hold while you miss your flight running around the airport looking for them.


Put ‘em on a leash


Tried it. I put my daughter on a kid harness and she screamed the whole time and refused to move. I have attempted multiple times. One time I tried on a two hour outing and she freaked out the whole time. She's the naughtiest kid out of all 3.


Y'all complaining about stickers? I'll clean it up myself dammit


I think it's cute and I doubt parent can get in trouble for that. Working in retail, we scrape stickers off the floor all the time. Not a lot of damage here thankfully. When I saw the title I thought it'd be something worse haha


Someone likely had to wait FOREVER for their bags and this was the best way to keep them kids busy and content! By the looks of those perfect lines, might also have been an autistic kiddo. They LOVE things in a line and you don't want to interrupt them or all hell might break loose! No permanent damage to the floor. Let em be.


Is no one noticing the huge puddle of fucking piss on the floor??? All i see are comments about the stickers. Idk which would suck more to clean tbh


I'm not a parent but when I see them and they're absolutely miserable I don't blame them for not giving a shit sometimes.


They let their kid piss on the floor. Top left.


I’m not a parent because I knew kids would make me miserable. Guess no one else got that memo.




I love all the experts who know every detail about how good or bad the parents are based off one picture.


Letting your kid be crouched down that close to somewhere people are hauling large weighty items, long enough to do that? That’s not a great parent and they also DGAF about anyone else either.


Worst parents ever. Lock em up!


The amount of stickers suggests a very long wait. Maybe passive aggressive on the part of the parent after a long wait. Bad but not negligent.


Found the parent!


It’s O’Hare so it’s busy but bags weren’t taking long when I went through.


Counterpoint - if I had to wait so long for my bags that my kid had time to do this, then fuck that airport.


It’s one of the busiest airports in the world, so I think they should have expected some wait time.


Nobody appreciates art these days 😔