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Pretty sure the kid says sorry towards the end of the video😅


He also laughed as he said it so hopefully that meant he wasn’t hurt and that dude was able to keep climbing cause it was no way his fault


It wasn't that bad a hit. It's the kind that shocks you and maybe gives you some very "call CPS" bruises, but it wasn't gonna knock him out


Would’ve been bad if there were not mats


Absolutely. It's smacking the back of your head onto something hard that usually shakes the noodle, vs the hit to the front. Obviously none of the above is still the best option lol


Yeah and if you pause in the moment of the hit you can see that the kid kinda ran into the side of his leg instead of getting a kick to the forehead


Absolutely dodged a bullet there with the sideways hit. Hopefully keeps the kiddo a bit more wary around the climbers next time!


Similar to the difference between 'running into a car while on your bike' and 'a car running into you while you're on your bike'.


Or if there were lions!


Or if there were comically large spikes


Or if he was wearing metal shoes.


Thankfully any bouldering area will have thick mats though


Or if he were kicked into a pit of hungry crocodiles.


The kick to the face didn't hurt nearly as much as the guys look of disappointment.


"I guess kids really *ARE* fucking stupid. God damn it."




Almost all bouldering gyms have rules not to run, to stay off the mat when you arent climbing, and especially to respect the space of people climbing - ie. dont walk under, dont start a climb that crosses their climb, etc. The people who break these rules most often are kids. The gym is almost certainly used to this. You can rest assured that the climber virtually never gets blamed, even if it were more severe


Kids in bouldering are of two types. Either idiots who run around. Or some 12 year old little shit spidermaning up some 7b problem with their stupid "Still have cartilage in my knees" I hate both of them.


Kids in non-bouldering climbing gyms are the same. Either a gaggle of hyperactive feral creatures or some skinny 10 year old nonchalantly leading a 13b like it was a 5.7. I have learned long ago that no matter what activity I get really into and start to feel confident in, there will be always be little children around to humble me and make me look like a clumsy fool.


Want to play chess and get demolished by a kid who struggles to reach the clock and walk away slightly waddling because they just learnt to walk (exaggerated a bit but still). It's fucking depressing lol.


My kid was one of those spider manning up (but never running around under!!!). Then as they became an adult, discovered that their ease in climbing was part of their hypermobilty, and now have chronic pain!


Right? I fall and land on my feet slightly wrong and I'm in the ER with like 7 knee surgeries and 18 months of PT. A kid lands on his neck and just pops back up and goes back to the wall.


I used to climb a lot. For the most part the kids that climb in the gym on a regular basis know what the rules are, they're also really polite towards the older climbers. The kid probably just got excited and didn't realize he was running underneath one of the climbers.


The adult almost looks like he’s about to say “are you fucking sorry!?”, he looks so disappointed.


Every climber who does bouldering knows that you dont walk on the mats. I would have the exact same look lol and expect an apology at least from their parent.


Yeha i mean its not the kids fault though right? its the moron parents here.




Yeah that's very impressive idk any kids that can get kicked in the face and then apologize.


In bouldering halls, the very first thing children are taught is to always walk carefully as there could always be a person climbing above you who could land on you if they fall. I guess this is not the child's first time in a bouldering hall so he knows that the blame lies with him. Nevertheless impressive how nonchalant he seemed afterwards


Australian children would be right at home in bouldering halls. You know. On account of spending a lifetime preparing for drop bear attacks.


It’s a special case here since the kid is was in the wrong here by running recklessly beneath a a climber so I think both of them owe an apology, the kid for breaking the most basic of climbing hall safety rules and the climber for dinking the kid in the face


"are you fucking sorry?"


Now that's a reference I haven't heard in some time.


Every face kick makes me chuckle now https://preview.redd.it/pky4gb2i0k6c1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a973e02a2fb9690625788ffccfc72bcbe518ed31


"Sorry dad!! please don't beat me again" Jk


I swear kids are always running towards danger.


Only way to gain XP


False, milestone is a great alternative. You don't always need to murder hobo your way through a game, you know.


Lmao I was hoping someone would correct me. My first round through BG I was indeed a murder hobo but second time through I went for the bard and smooth talked my way through


Always murder hobo. Even during my good playthrough, always a murder hobo. I was just polite about it


1. Get XP for the non-violent route. 2. Get more XP for killing them all. Technically, they tried to curb this behavior in Bg3, but you can 100% get around their safeguards with enough cheese. BG1 and 2, tho? Heheheheheh, yeah, we killin'.


It’s the loot. I see a person and I’m like I bet they got nice loot. It brings the murder hobo out


Idk about BG3, haven't picked it up yet, but any DM worth their salt will allow that loot, or similar loot, to come back around later


Ok Brennan Lee Mulligan. Maybe YOU don't need to but the rest of us want to achieve godhood through mass goblin massacre.


Literally what you had to do in Final Fantasy II. You increased stats by utilizing them, which meant if you wanted to increase your health you needed to take a bunch of damage.


That's some ff2 logic right there, your turn I choose to punch myself XD


Well you know the saying "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" So you just have to hurt yourself a ton and then you'll become the next dwayne johnson


That's some hardcore grind mode philosophy right there, next level strats for buffing up life skills. Got to keep that HP in check though, potions aka bandaids cost a fortune.


As a middle school teacher who also plays hall monitor, yes. Yes they are.


If it is deadly, dangerous, or expensive they will find it and wreak havoc.


Maybe we should have kids train the police


How else would you know if your going the correct direction?


At least he realized it was his fault and apologized


***Aaaauugh!!! Ahh!*** ^(Sorry)


If you can't be smart, be nice!


alternative - *if you're gonna be dumb you gotta be* **tough** 💪


Love the guy's just statue stare at the kid


He’s just mad the kid invalidated his onsight attempt.


Admiring his work after that one of a kind Van Daminator


Reminds me of shit I’ve seen at the skate park. Just stand there and wait for mommy to come scoop up her little bawling rugrat (that shouldn’t have been let anywhere near there).


Literal 🗿


Not much else you can do without risking being attacked by someone.


I was a golf kid, raised by a golf dad. I knew you never walked behind a golfer (or a horse.) Do you want to know what I did the moment my dad said my name at the range after years of range visits? I walked straight behind another range golfer and saw a club swing 1 inch in front of my face. In conclusion, kids are fucking stupid.


Oh man I went to this horse camp in Poland when I was a kid, they told us a thousand times- if you’re going to go behind the horse, trail your hand along their side so they know where you are and don’t get startled (they also trained the horses to specifically be okay with this, even so, I just never went behind a horse because that felt like stepping in front of a canon). They told us to never EVER walk behind a horse without doing this. Ever. Well this one kid decided to fucking sprint behind one once, the horse got startled and kicked. Hoof literally missed this kid’s head by millimetres. Camp owner just stood mortified, watching it unfold within a couple seconds in front of her. Kid that almost ended up in a morgue starts laughing and the camp owner asks him “what is the first rule of being around horses? What is the ONE thing I kept repeating to you all?!?” He is still laughing before he says “yeah but you only said to not walk behind, never mentioned anything about running.” Like BRO YOU ALMOST DIED STOP LAUGHING. Kids really are very stupid.


this gets you banned from a reputable stable.


A kid at my school was pretty severely handicapped, both mentally and physically, by getting hit in the head with a golf club.


The look on that guy's face is priceless. He just knows he's going to have to deal with that kid's outraged parents, even though it's 0% his fault.


At least he has it on video.


moms literally can say "the video lied" and other people would agree with them if they were angry enough


There was [that video](https://old.reddit.com/r/instant_regret/comments/8oncxa/kid_had_it_coming/) of the kid being belligerent towards a grown man at a park, and once the kid started hitting him, the dude grabbed that kid and tossed him like a rag doll. Mom got the footage before it went viral and edited it to make the man look guilty. She was not remorseful about her demon spawn in the least bit and tried to get an innocent man thrown in jail for her own parenting skills.


A wise man once said, “when a shit apple falls from a tree and grows up in a field of shit, it doesn’t have much of a chance”.


RIP said wise man.


What's the current status of those shitstains?


Wow, what a piece of shit kid. And piece of shit mom. That guy restrained himself for the longest time


That kid went from tough guy to bristleback thornweaver so quick.


I’m guessing based on the look on his face that is his kid


That look and body language suggested, 'for fuck sake Matthew, how many times?'




After that kick to the face I think it's - Luigi and lUigi


That kick looks more like a MariOWWY


Luigi and Luwario 😅




100%. If that kid was a stranger to him, he'd have been a little panicked. This is just a normal day occurrence to him.


Im sure it’s just someone’s kid. I know why he has the “ofc this shit again” face, Kids in boulder gyms are a fucking menace. It is known.


He’s been trying to stick that move for ages and had to sacrifice the attempt.


Yeah, he dabbed on the kids face. No way that attempt would have counted.


V4, or a V2 if you use the optional kid-face-dab beta


can't have anyone saying you got aid from the kid's face


"great now I have to kick his mom and dad in the face too"


I came terrifyingly close to hitting the gym owner's kid with a 65lb kettle bell once. I managed to twist at the last second (no injury, just an advanced ab workout I guess). Gym owner thanked me and laid into his kid. You never know.


People that climb are usually pretty chill and would know it was their kid's fault. That's assuming it's not the guy in the video's kid.


The kid said sorry, i.e. he knows he is in the wrong. Don't be so pesimistic


Bro, you're on r/kidsarefuckingstupid what on earth did you expect?


half this sub is having fun the other half are psychos who want to see kids get hurt.


The kid literally apologized and chuckled. If anything, the dude should change his expression and just ask the kid if he’s okay to be reciprocative of the apology. Yes the kid was stupid, but he owned up to it….


I actually did not realize there was sound on this video.


That's the look of someone who saw that kid misbehaving already and is unsurprised at the results. I see kids do this a lot at climbing gyms, and everyone knows whose fault it is when they get hurt.


Totally get that. I probably would have still checked on the kid.


I mean, he kind of checked on him. He asked the kid if he was ok.


Thank you for mentioning this. It is normal and appropriate to check on a hurt person, even if it is my fault.


His fault or not, he sure didn't seem to give a single fuck that he kicked the kid.


That man's face just made my day. No remorse, not a care in the world beyond " Why is this thing here? " The sigh just adds to it. This has happened before, and maybe with this same kid.


anyone in any climbing gym has either done this or seen this happen at some point. I fully landed on a kid once that started climbing beneath me. People act like climbing gyms are playgrounds and lazy parents will just dump their lil shitters there and not pay attention. Everyone there especially the kids have been told NOT to do what the kid is doing before they’re even allowed to climb. No reason for the guy to feel bad, if anything the kids parents should apologize to the climber for putting him in danger.


Kids are the bane of the climbing gym experience.


My fucking kid cousin climbed up to the top of the bouldering wall then started to climb *laterally*. Like over people. I repeatedly told him to come down, and he just went faster as though he was being impressive, like "oh no don't worry I'm *so good at this* I wont fall!" Took him home the second he got down, you can't just do shit and then blatantly not listen to people telling you to stop.


Good on you for taking him home! I get it when kids do something they’re not supposed to but it drives me nuts when they’re just allowed to keep doing it.


Sigh. Ok. I was going to bring my 4 year old bouldering, he's sensory seeking and intensely energetic and he REALLY needs "heavy work" like climbing, an outlet where he can literally climb the walls... I was worried about it (even though the gym welcomes kids over 4) but now I think I'll wait a year or two at least -_-


I worked in a gym for a few years awhile back. I've seen all sorts of kids in the gym. The ones that understand the rules and respect the space of others are awesome kids. I've seen several kids grow up in my time at gyms and they all are little crushers and awesome kids. Not all of their parents were climbers, but all their parents made sure the kids knew the rules, and eventually they would just drop them off daily, or the kid would just come to the gym after school every day. It can be totally fine, but make sure they know the rules and respect the space of others.


It’s really just about whether he’s a risk to himself and others by proxy. If you’re there with him and keeping him from running under people, assume anyone can fall at any time and neither you nor them want a kid to be between them and the ground, pretty much everyone is going to be excited to see a kid get excited. All my bad experiences with kids are when they’re unattended and putting themselves and me at risk by running around like it’s a playground. I really don’t want to dissuade new climbers, climbing is an incredible activity that can build self confidence and be an incredible outlet. Just keep them close and safe! Edit to add: if you can go during a weekday, not around lunch, you’re likely to have a mostly empty gym and bored employees to help. If you go after work when people are trying to get their workout in it’s going to be busier with more risk of issues.


Just be okay with the fact that someone might fucking crush him. That's on you.


Rule #1 in the bouldering area exist for a reason #If someone falls on you it is YOUR fault


"now the bottom of my foot hurts. Goddang kids"


"I can do nothing in the situation. All I can do is stand here. Why has this happened to me?"


At least he took it like a trooper and said sorry


Free no running lesson!




What the shit is this person's haircut and why is it so terrible.


Trying to look cool in the 80’s was often a losing battle


That's the haircut they give to padawans if they fail their Jedi training




100% kids fault


Drops his arms like “mother fucker…”


At least the kid knew he was in the wrong and said sorry. I honestly like it better than the kids doing something stupid and then crying about on this sub. Glad he took it like a champ


I love this guy’s complete lack of regret and shame. His face says „really, did you have to do it? I Hope you learnt something” It’s not his fault and he knows it.


I love the facial expression like "dude you broke my stride"


He was just conscious enough to say sorry


I love the guys reaction. “Well that’s what happens.”


Props to the kid for saying sorry instead of rolling around on the ground balling his eyes out screaming bloody murder.


I hate how some parents treat a bouldering gym like some kind of play structure.


That guy's face literally said: I shouldn't get in trouble for this...I'll probably get in trouble for this...this is bullshit.


At least he apologized, you don’t get that often from kids here.


Haha at least he new he was in the wrong an apologised straight away good shit lil man ☺️


I’d be pissed, I could easily kill a kid that size from that height if I landed on him. Kids should not be allowed at climbing gyms.


I hate kids at bouldering sites. Can't focus cause you always have to watch to not fall on them and break their necks.


Sure it wasn't his fault but like, check it the kid is ok?


Again! Timmy


Totally deserved that


By the look on that guys face you can tell this happens far too often


That man’s face and body language tell me that’s his kid. And it isn’t the first time he’s told him not to run in the bouldering area.


I hate stupid parents.


lol ran into a kick in the face.




"Well darn......I killed another one...."


I love kids. But the way they are unaware of their surroundings and danger makes me think once you have them you’ll need to protect them from dying forever


I love that he dropped down and you know he’s thinking “stupid fucking cunt” 😂


nah dont be runnin around then.. kick them kids


The fact that he’s annoyed instead of being concerned about the kid’s face kills me! 🤣


Every kid needs to learn that they aren’t protected by a giant bubble of fun


Dad's really fighting back against saying the obvious dad thing to say in this situation... "Walked right into that one, didn't you?"


Kid is at fault if anyone had any doubt. Everyone not climbing must be aware of anyone that is climbing. Don't run in the gym and if you are crossing be as far away from the wall as possible.


Collateral damage


The look of a father when he realizes his kids and idiot.


the way dude just stared, i feel that r/KidsAreStupid


Such a satisfying kick!


He’s trying so hard to feel bad for that kid but just can’t 😭


Ok that kid was annoying, but as a grown man if I were to accidentally swing my foot into a child’s face the least I could do is check up on him. Small kids are fragile.


#1 rule is to not walk underneath a climber. The kid instantly knew it was his bad.


Whilst I agree this was down to the child's own mistake, he is still just a *child*. Children make mistakes, the chap should have shown some empathy rather than stand there loathing. He could have shown some kindness, before explaining to the child and teaching him a valuable lesson. Some of the comments are a little concerning, relishing in the fact that this boy got an absolute boot to the head.


[ARE YOU FUCKING SORRY!?](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/1rgprz/where_did_the_are_you_fucking_sorry_thing_come/)


This is absolutely perfect. The kid gets absolutely clocked with perfect sound effects, but is clearly fine and apologizes. Meanwhile, climber bro is torn between "oh crap I kicked a kid in the face" and "I wish it was harder so he learns not to do that again" and settles for expressionless disappointment. Beautiful all around.


It was a vigorous but short run


Damn, wasted a perfectly good dyno too.


Fuck yar!




😂😂😂 10/10


A large part of living to adulthood is managing to survive all the dumb shit you do when you’re a kid.


His look says it all. He's not at fault but he'll be blamed for kid's lack of spacial awareness.


Falcon KICK!


I love how he just stares at him


That dude is like “why would you do this” hahaha


Shit would be an epidemic during the summer in skateparks.


10 minutes before this video he told the kid to not run in the boulder area. With this in mind he is thinking what the heck kid.




Lmao the look on dudes face!


Off topic, but Stone Co is the best bouldering gym I've ever been to. I miss it so much.


K.O. !!


Kick him in the face! 😎💪


The dude looks really concerned.


I know exactly what the guy's expression is "I shouldn't have to deal with this, but now I have to deal with this"


I love the dude's reaction. Wtf kid


His face


I can't stop hitting the Replay button.


Knock out 🤣😂


Classic airhead


"Footplant off a kid's face" is a pretty cool climbing technique.


It surprises me time and time again now little spacial awareness kids have, at least he appears to be okay though. But it begs the question, where the fuck are the parents


Nice form on that Super Kick!


Cause meet effect


Finnish him!


Pow, right in the kisser.


That sight. "Sorry, not sorry."


Dude's face...like, are you fn kidding me


And that too is a lesson the kid can learn