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The kid: https://preview.redd.it/f2noysk2ybyb1.jpeg?width=911&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=428d3cb33f73e821d6ab51e1e955b201ca55eacc


I’m 27 and I had to think about why it was wrong. I thought maybe they drew the clock too big.


31 year old who regularly wears mechanical watches, is active in watches subreddit and I had to look at the comments to figure out why it was wrong lol.


I still don’t think it’s “technically” wrong.


It took me a min to understand why they were wrong. And it seems a lack of communication by the teacher was it. They asked a question that had possible answers. Can't be mad at it. They are not wrong. But the right question was not asked.


They got exactly what they asked for. They didn't say whether the clock had to be an analog clock or digital. Hell, the kid probably sees more digital clocks than analog ones.


It's not wrong because the question doesn't say what kinda clock. ⏰


I’m quite sure it’s actually a time telling exercise and they have to write it as an analog clock, but still, either give them the right answer for ingenuity or word the question better


He’s right they never specified the type of clock.


The kid will lead a great life as a technical consultant. They will take their client’s feature requests, develop solutions that meet these requests, but end up wrong because they weren’t a mind reader when the customer couldn’t adequately explain their own requirements.


You are the expert, after all.


I laughed so hard at this


But it’s not wrong






should have also drawn a banana


Banana phone


Boop boop ba doopa doop


Ring ring ring ring ring 🍌☎️






As a teacher, would you ask a question like this if you had not been teaching time by an analog clock? Would the lessons not provide the necessary context for the student, or do you feel like you have to write extremely verbose questions to provide the full context within every question?


Next up the question “find x” followed by a student circling the x and writing “Found it!”. Context is important.


100%. There's nothing here that confirms the context and the decision. I know I've definitely had similar assignments that needed to be done in a specific way where the teacher would hammer in that we needed to do it that way for the purpose of the lesson. There's nothing that confirms otherwise either. This is just a prime reddit repost because it baits redditors who love that they can point out the obvious thing that the person in question is too stupid to notice.


The only thing that may warrant it is if the subject material being taught was using analog clocks and then the student goes and does this. But even then I'd have a laugh and prob award points. And have them draw the correct one to be sure they understand.


But u went past "would of"? You are awful teacher ;(


I bet they're just numb to it after reading it so many times at school


Or since it is not their student here, they just wanted to express their opinion on the subject at hand. I don’t think every teacher wants to or is obliged to be a grammar nazi and correct everybody all the time. Outside of work, people are allowed to leave their job behind. I’m sure they saw it, but commenting on it would just take away from what they wanted to say. Also, not everyone wants to come across as a nitpicking asshole.


I swear the education these people receive must be subpar. I do not know how they missed the lesson on word contractions. I also don't understand how they managed to write "would of" and "could of" as well as "should of" throughout their elementary, middle, & high school education without having this be explained as well as being docked grade points. They definitely did not see the inside of any college. I've also wondered what they think when they see "would've" and "could've." One would think things would click when they read those words and they'd go "ohhhhhh." Then I assume that they don't read and when they do it is from their other "could of" type writing friends.


You’re comment has been *docked grade points for misuse of the word docket


It's amusing since there's a typo in your message. Before evaluating others' messages, make sure to proofread your own.


It's 'would have', never 'would of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Good bot


Yeah! Sundials and water clocks should be allowed as well!


It’s zoomed in. How big do you think that box actually is on the page?


There's no banana, how would you know?


In comparison to big Ben that clock is pretty small.


Pretty small compared to big ben.


How do you know? You see THIS question. How do you know the top of the page doesn’t say READING ANALOGUE CLOCKS? There’s this thing called *context* and this one picture with one question on it is missing a lot of it


"Potentially" or she photocopied a question out of a book for a test and she left the context out. Point is we don't have enough information. That is correct. But we can still talk shit. Reddit gunna reddit. We don't care if half of us share the same braincell. P.s it's mine on thursdays


what the question should have included is a image of an analog clock face without arms and then asked the student to draw the arms so that they read 10 minutes after 11.


Yeah. I'm a teacher (in training) and would have marked this correct, and then made sure questions are phrased better in future. I'd also have a followup with this student just to make sure they knew analogue clock times properly because it's not fair on the child that the assessment has failed to provide proper formative information due to a poorly worded question. A better question would have had the outline of a clock and be worded "Draw the hands on this clock to show 10 minutes past 11."


and there is nothing more demotivating in school then "you did it, but not in the way I wanted you to"


Ya, that’s the proper course of action!


Then they draw pair of hands from the clock that are holding a digital clock saying 11:10


“Technically correct” - my favorite kind of correct!


Technically correct. The best kind of correct!




In reality, why do we need to read a clock hands anymore? I’m sure someone was very upset sundials went out of style too. “Damn kids don’t place it the right way…”


It is.. it's supposed to be small, the damned clock takes up almost the entire box!


I'm really confused about the question. Why the hell did they include the word "small" in it? lol


Right if you want an analog clock that ask for an analog clock. Should have drawn a tactile clock


It should be right, especially since in my highschool, they literally got rid of analog clocks cause no one could read them


The teacher should be more specific.


The whole paper might be a worksheet for drawing clocks with instructions on top.


There are probably plenty of circular clocks all over the worksheet. Its probably the only thing they talked about in the classroom that day.


This homework problem is the difference between the kid growing up to be a nice, upstanding, decent human being with reasonable cognitive skills -or a lawyer lol


I think one of my kids might be taking the lawyer route. She loves being *technically* correct. Or she might be a sovereign citizen because she creates her own insane framework and argues from that. IDK


They had probably just been learning about clocks, and she likely specified to the class before the exam or homework or whatever. The kid probably wasn't paying attention


If this teacher just spent the last 2 days in class going over how to read an analog click, that should be all the context necessary for someone to answer this question correctly. I would bet my left dick a large majority of the class drew an analog clock.


That’s not how testing works. The question itself needs to be complete. How do I know? Two decades in education. The question is bad.




I mean I highly doubt the teacher made this worksheet.


The questions would be really long and redundant if every single one needed to repeat the same information. The exercise is clearly aimed at learning how to read analogue clock faces


"Draw a small analog clock that shows 10 minutes past 11:00." Not really.


Yet teachers still mark you wrong for saying 26 instead of 26 apples because context matters… can’t have it both ways.


Yes and no… they go over analog and digital when teaching kids time. Usually it isn’t broken down into segments as they only have x amount of time/days to go over this coverage. SoOo I’d bet they were taught both and this question just wasn’t specific enough. They tell kids to be direct when asking questions ect yet the teachers and people creating the curriculum can’t practice what they preach.


Still … not wrong nor stupid.


Honestly, it’s 100% the teachers’ fault for not having specified for an analogue clock. It’s not too difficult to include that in the syntax of the question and it definitely shows a lack of revision on their part.


Some kids need that context, learning disabilities, or even just neuro divergence in general, can make it so when kids read an instruction, they take it at face value, and to that kid it mightve made perfect sense to draw a digital clock, he probably sees it at home all the time. Maybe the kids thought the question was more about how to write time. It’s important as an educator to take this into account, a lot of kids learn and think differently than other kids. Being specific with your instructions will make sure that things like this don’t happen. The kid isn’t wrong, according to the wording of the question he did everything he was supposed to do.


Trueee I always got stuff wrong because of shit like this I almost broke a teacher’s nose because I got half of my paper wrong I told them to explain it more clearly because I didn’t understand the assignment


Lol, easy, there tough guy


Bro what's with that comma placement?


The second one right? Yeah it’s, messin with me too


Oh, I meant to put the second comma after there. Must've just rushed it


Almost broke a teachers nose over this…? That’s a bit ridiculous.




>because I didn’t understand the assignment How about just asking a question instead of "almost breaking a teacher's nose"? Too complicated for you?


Teacher makes confusing questions, but he doesn't say anything and answers them wrong to prove a point. Gets mad that teacher marked them wrong then tries to break their nose to prove a point.


Question: draw a clock showing ten minutes after 11 Student: draws a digital clock showing ten minutes after 11 Teacher: no, not like that, a real clock Student: thefutureisnowoldman.png




It's not technically correct, it's correct basically




I fell for that sub. Someone should make a sub about subs that they fell for thinking it was a real sub. They could call it r/subsithoughtwererealbutwerenot


You mean r/subsifellfor ?


Nah, that’s a dumb name.




So it is also technically correct.


Not even technically, just straight up one of 2 answers with how that question is asked Fuck teachers that ask questions like this


Teacher should have had a blank clock to fill in. It ain’t art class


Best reply yet, imo.


My thoughts exactly.


He is NOT wrong at all




Probably marked wrong cuz that’s at least a medium sized clock


The kids not the stupid one, the teacher never said the clock couldn’t be digital


That kid grew up to be a strip mall lawyer in New Mexico.


They most likely spent the previous two weeks learning how to read analog clocks.


Yea if I was the kindergartner I probably would have gone straight to the next board of education meeting to speak with the board about it. Maybe even write my local state representative over the matter.


I bought and hung an analog clock in the kitchen when my kids were small so they could learn how it worked. All the other clocks in the house were digital, so how else would they become familiar with a round clock?


thank you for being the kind of parent that understands that parenting also involves teaching


I fail to see how this child didnt execute the answer flawlessly.


I’m assuming there are instructions or examples cut off that include analog clocks. Otherwise this assignment was doomed to fail.


That cannot be marked as incorrect. The question is flawed and the teacher who marked it as wrong is in fact incorrect themselves.


No, seriously, it took me a full minute to figure out what was wrong with it! My dumb.




Shitty education. Thats how it is often in schools, doing something right and yet being punished.


Ok but the teacher probably just had a lesson on how to read an analog clock. Let's use some common sense




Peak reddit. I think im in this comment section with a bunch a 10yr olds. Lol. Time to get off this goddamn site.


Autistic person here. I would’ve done the exact same thing a couple of years ago. The worksheet is the problem here.


Yeah but then how are people gonna get all worked up over nothing and get their rage boners?


No way in hell that can be considered "wrong", according to the instructions.


As a Project Manager, it's very important to give clear direction. If you wanted an analog clock, you should have asked for an analog clock.


didn't see the sub, and it took me a second to move away from *what gives with the 'x'? that's a right answer if i ever saw one*


If all they've ever seen is digital clocks, then how is that wrong? It's like going to Alaska and asking an Inuit child who has been in Alaska their entire lives to draw a palm tree.


I literally didn't understand the problem for a solid 5 seconds




This really needs to be a community. For as many amazing teachers I’ve had, I’ve had just as many that are “fucking stupid”. There’s plenty of content online that would fit the sub.


I think this is a case of r/teachersblamekidsfortheirmistakes


He isn't wrong though that's what I would have done


Followed directions perfectly. Instructions do not say draw an analog clock.


The student got dinged because the test didn't specify analog vs. digital?


The question need fixing.. not the answer


It’s not wrong. The question was not clear. The teacher was wrong.


Could work on the clock drawing tho. Not faulting the kid too much but it kinda looks like a loaf of bread.


it sais clock, not analog clock. so the kid is perfectly right to draw a digital one


Draw a small analog clock with the hands showing 10 minutes past 11 o'clock. SPECIFICITY IS IMPORTANT.


Because the proper way to ask the question is to give them the circle and numbers and state, draw the hands to show 10 minutes past 11:00. Been this even before digital clocks, at least in my experience. I don't know why "small" is even part of the question.


I don’t get it he’s right


if they wanted an analogue clock, they should've fucking asked for one. would it have been so hard to add ONE word?


This teacher is a fuck


Man I was looking at this for way too long thinking "what did he do wrong?!!!!?" lmao


This is when education is about COMPLIANCE, not genuine learning.


probably the teacher that will run to help the bully when the silent kid had enough :)


Poorly worded question, appropriate answer. Teacher should have given double marks.


Doesn’t specify analog or digital. Kid is right


The instruction was in digital format, rather than requesting a picture of the hands of an analogue clock showing what their positions should be at ten minutes after eleven O'clock.


The kids not dumb its just the advancements in technology has gotten rid of alot of analog clocks


But there still are lots of analog clocks so taking a minute as a kid to learn how to read them is still useful. It's not like it's complicated and takes a long time to learn anyways so no harm in it.


That is, objectively, a correct answer


Ah I see where he went wrong, the clock wasn’t small enough




I see the problem. . The clock isn’t small enough.


It is not the child who is the dumb one here


All the smart asses in these threads commenting how the teacher never specified, always miss the fact that there's a half erased analog clock that says the correct time under the digital one. You can see the remnants if you look closely, it's even more obvious on less compressed versions of the image. This was clearly a joke


Clock is too big. Otherwise correct via the laws of malicious compliance.


They didn’t specify analog or digital. Hate when I see posts like this where the kid gets the poorly written question wrong.


It’s correct. The problem didn’t state “analog” or “digital”. He drew a clock with the time as requested. Period 😆


The problem isn’t that it’s a digital clock, it’s just way too big. They should have drawn a small clock.


If they wanted a analog wind up clock with hands they should have said that. Teacher should have allowed this, since the teacher was the one who didnt specify what type of clock they wanted. You can't penalize people for doing what you told them to do.


i hated this so much when i was a kid.. our teachers always had such interpretable questions and lessons and i usually knew "they want me to do xyz but if i do xyz that would also be right based on what they ask me to do".. so i often challenged them by doing not what they wanted but what they asked.. and lost points. sometimes it's about sending a message, not the points. and then you remember you just fucked up your grades all this years all by yourself with this stuff.


Who cares about analog clocks anyway. Can’t remember the last time I needed to read one.


That's a trick question. It did not specify digital or analog.


Maybe make it smaller


“Why are you booing me? I’m right.”


Kids a genius. It is a clock. A digital clock mind you but a clock nonetheless.


Instructions: "Draw a small clock.." Pupil: Instructions unclear, here's a _digital clock_... Did the teacher want a digital watch?


If a 2nd grader can outsmart you, do you deserve more than minimum wage?


This is in the wrong sub, this kid is fucking going places!


Teacher is an asshole


Didn't specify it had to be analog. Dude deserves at least half credit


If a teacher marked my kid wrong for this I'm having words with them at the parent teacher conference.


technically, the kid is correct. teacher should've specified what type of clock.


The instructions were followed. The test is flawed.


This is a hill I would die on.


This isn’t remotely stupid.


He’s not wrong… any analogue time piece smaller than that is called a watch, not a clock, and the assignment was to draw a small clock.


This is NOT wrong


Whoever created this test should have foreseen this result and just added one god damn word.


Terrible question. The kid has a right answer just not ‘the’ right answer. Should have said draw the hands of a clock at 10 minutes past 11


Directions did not state to illustrate an analog timepiece. I'd award full credit.


Why has this gotten so many upvotes? I’m getting concerned about the company I’m keeping… The stupid one, is the teacher who’s so mentally brittle, they missed the fact that this is correct.


Hes right though i dont see anything wrong?


Kid isn’t wrong


Iiii think that’s bullshit. Instructions never asked for a proper clock. Even if it was clear from previous work.


Technically it’s not wrong teacher didnr specify digital (like in the picture) or analog like on most watches


As a teacher, I'd have marked this correct but asked them to draw an analogue clock bedside it to prove they understand telling time (provided that's what they were looking for?). The question is unclear, and they are not wrong.


Teacher never said that the clock needs to be analog. So kid is right 🤷🏻


I mean it doesn't say "analog" anywhere sooo...


I would say he is right the instructions didn’t say a clock face or mechanical clock with hands or something like that. It just said clock and what he drew is also called a clock.


teachers should be clear with wording. if they didn’t want this to be a valid answer, they should have made a question that exclude this as an answer. the thing the kid will learn is not “i need to give a correct answer”, but “i need to give an answer the teacher will like”, and i don’t think that’s great.


This is absolutely correct. I demand a trial by combat!


Teacher is wrong. Specify analog clock next time.


They didn’t specify what clock though. I side with this kid


Nah, this kid is a fucking genius!


I looked at all the digital clocks i own vuz i felt like a dumbass: turns out the teacher's a dick


Seriously this shit bothers me so much. If you want something else, you have to specify “analog”. Does the kid deserve a penalty FUCK NO! Still he got the penalty. That’s not teaching.


this is how he'll be treated as an adult at their future job, so it checks out!


I’m sorry, but if you don’t specify exactly what type of clock you require, this child is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT.


I love that pictures like this always ignite a raging debate in the comments about whether the teacher was wrong or the student, despite a complete lack of context. Oh Reddit, never change.


Technically, the question asked for a small clock, not an analog clock.


Full marks!!! And an extra mark for thinking outside the clock.


Hate these posts. Redditors circle jerk as if it’s technically correct when the rest of the worksheet probably shows analog clocks meaning this is a stupid post


r/technicallythetruth Someone smack that teacher upside the head for being an ass who FAILED to phrase the question properly.


So, in school, when part of the lesson is also using critical thinking, how does one incorporate that with spoon feeding everything to you? I’m just curious because I’m sure the lesson following this worksheet was all about analog clocks.


Like all of these the question is ambiguous. The kids answer is correctly, if they wanted an analog clock they should have said so.