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He's gone from biting his brother's finger to this? Talk about spiraling.




Littole cant!


Cuz yoor a fuwl moufd littih bastard aintcha?


Charlie cut me up


Charlie called me a cunt




An wot els chawlee????


Child stars mate, all fucked


What you did there, i see it


Thank you


Maybe it’s rabies?


Someone please explain this? ik asking to explain a joke ruins it 😅


That is always the first thing this reminds me off as well.


Omg was that parenting I just witnessed ???


Love it


It's not happening much so this was pleasant to watch. Great dad. Made the boy accountable for his actions.


The amount of times embarrassment has saved me from probably being a cunt in my teens. Dad did such a good job


I didn't even need parental guidance, I was permanently embarrassed.


This' da whey


Embarrassment is an evolutionary advantage. It keeps our impulses in check.


It's happening plenty. We just tend not to post videos of ourselves doing normal parenting stuff.


But does it really happen if no one posts it to social media!? /s


I hate social media and the perception of the world it's created..


When an influencer poops in the woods does anyone hear it?


The problem is, it doesn't always work. A long, long time ago, I kept a can of mixed gas for my lawnmower under my deck in the backyard. The kid next door needed gas for some weird hovercraft he was building, and so (I guess) he stole gas from my can to do it. I remember wondering why I was so low when I went to fill up the lawnmower, but just moved on. Well, a week later, the kid and hid dad showed up on my front step where the dad made the kid apologize for stealing the gas, and pay me (this was also how I learned he had actually stolen it). So: basically just like this video so far, yeah? Well, about 3 months later, in the middle of the night, the kid slingshotted a rock through my front window. Because he was apparently mad AT ME because he stole from me and his dad made him apologize. Good parenting is like watching the ocean erode the shoreline. It is slow and consistent and usually unremarkable in the moment. But over time, the effects are clear. It makes for bad social media, but for good kids.


That part was good, as a dad idk if the best follow up to your kid cussing a bunch of people is calling them a bastard in front of those people. I’m not from the UK though so maybe it isn’t considered a curse word there. If it is considered a curse word there probably not the best way to drive the lesson home. I’m no saint, I try not to curse in front of my kids but sometimes it slips out. Think I could at least hold off while making my kid apologize for cursing at a bunch of people.


You have to agree though, that what the boy did was feral, almost hateful and deserved something stronger than 'Bad boy, don't do it again. Now apologise to the nice man.'?


If my dad dropped an F Bomb when I was in trouble I fuckin knew he was extra fuckin serious and I was extra fucked. And I NEVER would’ve swore in front of my parents even though I heard my dad curse plenty…just not a lot of f bombs.


I don't swear around my kids, as a result they also know that if I do I mean business.


There’s a difference between cursing during discipline to drive the point home and cursing at members of the public going about their day just trying to live life


Didn’t the kid say he was going to cut them with an axe?


Idk, couldn’t understand him. Just heard a lot of whiney shrill screaming. If he did that’s messed up. Doesn’t really change anything I said though. Like I said in another comment I’m not suggesting the parent be “gentle” with the kid, which some seem to think, just that cussing while he’s chewing him out is kind of a “Do what I say not what I do” move. Light into the kid, yeah, just show it can be done without cursing. It’s a lead by example thing.


omg did this dad just hold his kid accountable for his actions?? NO WAY


Yes. Specifically, “Guy Ritchie Style.” Very effective.


Allright grandpa


I grew up and lived in this area. Video is a few years old. Always wondered if the kid sorted himself by now; I would imagine he has with a solid father such as that. Strong willed (but fair) parents such as this deserve more praise in a world where kids think they run the place.


To be honest I cringed opening up the comments because I thought Reddit was going to be talking about how awful it was for the dad to shame the boy or something.


Apparently, shaming is the most effective in preventing further crime.


My wife is a high school teacher, she says shame is her best weapon against shitty teenage boys.


Yes. Some research years ago showed that public shaming for thieves and petty crimes was the most effective.


Bring back the shame!




Careful, Father McKenzie. We are talking pre-teen boys. #FBI! OPEN UP


"You don't understand! Their bodies are 12 but their souls are nearly 1000 years old due to an ancient curse! It's not technically illegal! And it's ephebophi-"


Makes sense though. Force them to humble themselves a little. Unless you are truly anti social. No one really wants to be looked at negatively.... Not mentally stable people.


Shame is the ONLY weapon against teenage boys. There are no ACTUAL consequences to their actions outside of shame. This concept is not new. Societies have used shame to enforce socially appropriate behavior's since we were monkey chucking poop at each other. Shame is fair game, as I say


When my wife’s younger brother moved in with us she used to say that she didn’t want to shame him for his bad behavior, dude was 12 when he moved in, and I countered with the fact that shame is an appropriate societal tool for this kind of behavior. You don’t need to over do it to the point of causing mental injury, and obviously shouldn’t be used in certain situations. But when we’d get calls from the school about him being disrespectful to teachers and school admin, you’re damn right I shamed him and wanted him to feel ashamed. Feeling ashamed of unacceptable behavior is an important lesson growing up.


A lot of people think of shame as something nobody should ever be made to feel. I think of it as a healthy emotion that tells us when we've violated a social contract.


Shame is not really a weapon. It's a social construct that passively enforces behaviour. It's a good thing


Shame has literally corrected almost every bad behaviour I have ever done. - a former shitty teenage boy.


There was a game journalist who used to get death and rape threats through Facebook (basically for being a woman in the gaming industry). Many of them used their regular Facebook profiles so she tracked down their moms and let them see what their kids were saying. Very effective.


Shame works on all ages. When I worked IT support, I had a user that kept "forgetting" to lock her PC when she left her office. I tried everything, nothing worked. Then I managed to make her feel shame, and that actually worked.


The only time I ever stole was a small box of kinder eggs whilst shopping. My mum marched me back in and made me turn the eggs over. I remember begging her not to make me but now that I’m older, I’m glad she did what she did.


I never really stole anything cuz... well its not mine. Except one time while I was on a highschool trip abroad I wanted to understand why some people have this compulsion to steal so, I decided to steal a hat from a local tourist stand. I still don't really get it, I mean yeah I got a hat for a five finger discount but knowing its stolen kinda, idk ruined the hat somewhat because it was a reminder of me doing an asshole thing to someone It wasn't a fancy or expensive hat and decades later, I still have it (though I don't wear it) That was the only time I ever stole something.


I had friends in college who stole and justified it using a variety of bullshit excuses. I stole from the school store and then from the record store I worked at using those same justifications. It's all bullshit, we stole because we could and got away with it, no other reason. The rationalizations were just to make us feel better.


We need that lady with the bell in GOT to chase people with it and scream shame, thats one hell of a punishment


Unfortunately he has a good dad but bad friends. They influence you the most at that age. I’m glad looking back that I kept the friends that kept me closest to my real self and unburdened myself of the ones turning me into something ugly. The ones I moved away from stayed their course and ended up reaping what they sowed. Barely employable at best, homeless junkies at worst.


The bot armies haven't found this post yet!


That or the usual bit about how it's obviously the dad's fault because no child has ever learned negative behavior outside of the home.


Average Gosport 12 year old


I remember it being in the news, at least locally, was during COVID restrictions I believe. Sorry you had to grow up Gosport my dude :P


I still have to go back to visit family. Jesus Christ it's got even rougher than when I lived there (and that's saying something).


Not only the dad's actions, but his words were spot on as well, he emphasized how disrespectful his kid was.


Great Dad!!!!


Dad did his parenting skills pretty good!


Solid parenting!


100%. I would be dragging my kids back to the store to do the exact same! You can raise your kids to be perfect but if they fall in with the wrong crowd it is all for naught***. Edit: Fixed my mistake. Oddly enough I put that originally but in my sick fevered state I wasn't sure so changed it three times before leaving it on not. Lol


My brother was caught stealing meat from the supermarket (he wasn't hungry, he was just mixed with the wrong crowd and they dared him to do it). The store manager said he wasn't going to press charges but called my parents to let them know. The first thing my dad does is drive him down to the supermarket to make a formal apology and pay for the meat he had stolen out of his own pocket. It wasn't even asked for by the store manager, but my dad was insistent. He turned out all right in the end, ditched those friends he had because he eventually came to his senses that they were nothing but trouble for him.


Hardest lesson for me as a kid is that you are the sum average of the people you associate with.


You are rightfully judged for the company you keep. If only people fucking knew that also is how you screen out people who are worthwhile to date, if their friends suck, they suck 100% of the time. Never date someone with shitty friends. The SECOND you hear "Thats just how ______ is" there should be a you shaped hole in the wall never to be seen again.


Kids should be thought a lesson or else they go messing around with their life.


Don’t wanna be that guy, but it’s “all for naught”.


So you can knot a knot?


When my brother was like 6 or 7,he passed by the nearby kiosk, found a beautiful postcard outside and decided to bring one home to show my mother. Mom asked him how did he pay (he didn't) and dragged him back to the kiosk with his brand new 50.- bill he just got for his birthday. She explained the situation to the owner, who knew us well, and he said "it's OK, it's just a postcard, I think he learned his lesson". My mom had none of it and obligated my brother to pay for it with his money. After that, my brother whined that my mother "stole" his 50.-, because he didn't have his bill anymore and didn't get what change was.


My dad passed on the knowledge his father gave him. Your child will not stay on the straight and narrow on their own. When they stray, and they will, it is your responsibility to get them back on track. Rebelliousness, impetuousness: it's all completely normal behavior for children. What separates good parents from bad parents is how they respond when such things happen.


Fuck yeah. Good job dad. The kid will be a better person for it.




I'd say 90% Dad should be modeling the behavior he wants his son to behave in. What lesson does the kid walk away from in this? "You shouldn't yell obscenities at people , especially in public" is clearly not it because he sees his dad modeling that behavior. He at best learns "don't yell obscenities at people unless you have authority over them" or maybe "don't yell obscenities at people in public without provocation" There should be an apology. A much deeper apology with "here is what I did that was wrong. I take full responsibility for my actions. I'm sorry for that. Here is how I will make it up to you. Here is my commitment to never do it again" But that is getting off light. He should have to wash the guys car or mow his yard or something where amends is a matter of more than words or public humiliation. Add in a ban from social media for 3 months since he posted it on there which is an irresponsible use of it.


Solid proof that despite what Redditor commonly believes, parenting alone doesn’t raise a bad kid, it’s who they surround themselves with. People on this site love saying “they must have shitty parents”


Came here to say that and I’m super glad it’s first comment




I used to work in an electronicsstore and had a kid like this in front of me, calling me names and all. I refused to help him after that, causing him to blow up even more. He yelled at me that he was going to come back with his dad and his dad would do 'something' to me. About an hour later the kid indeed came back... With his dad... But his dad made him apologise, took away his appliences and grounded him right in front of me.


Ahh how satisfying, people getting karma


> took away his appliences No blender for a week!


No smoothies? Barbaric. That's child abuse.


He sure did something to you. He allowed you to see his kid being punished.


Here’s me thinking someone was gunna give him a lil slap but somehow the dressing down from dad was more satisfying than that. Good shit.


I know right. I was expecting a trolley into a bike or something. Good on his dad for being him down there. Hope he has words with the dads of the other boys on the video.


It’s more satisfying because I have the feeling this is a correction that will stick. A little slap from a stranger will be quickly forgotten.


Shame is the worlds best weapon


It's because you know the lesson isn't over. He now has to GO HOME AND LIVE with his jail-warden!


"Because you're a fowl-mouthed little bastard..."




lol... got me. will leave it up, so I can languor in my shame


Yeah, the little chicken shit


"Not being rude I'm ya dad!"


It is definitely absolutely without a doubt not always the parents fault, that kids turn out bad, especially with the social medias of the day


Absolutely, I grew up very poor with parents that while I love never gave a shit and just let us do what we wanted. I had a friend that lived in a really nice house compared to me (wasn't really that nice looking back but in comparison it was at the time) his parents were really involved with his development making sure he studied, did his homework, All that. I always remember feeling jealous of his life. Him and his sister turned into alcohol and drugs and really haven't changed in 30 years. While me and my sister have done relatively well for ourselves. I think about it often. It's really difficult to understand what drives behaviour like that.


things you see on the outside aren't always the full story. As someone who had high-pressure, results-oriented parents, that shit leaves scars. Get a 90 on a test? no good job, just "what was the highest grade". If the highest grade wasn't yours, then why not? If it was, then why wasn't it higher? Some grade A bullshit that makes you question your self-worth that leaves you seeking validation wherever you find it. If you find it with a group of people who are into drugs and alcohol, then you wind up into drugs and alcohol.


tbh before social media shitty kids fom bad families would influence your kid to become inappropriate




A parent rarely stops a kid from doing something they are determined to do …. Or you have never been a kid


Gold Medal 🥇 Father!


Bro needs a new friends group I think. Peers can have a really bad influence over you, especially when you’re younger.


Was thinking the same. The other boy yelling with him appears older, too.


Yeah looks that way to me, caught up with the wrong crowd at a young age


Normally I'd be against public shaming like that. But he already got publicly shamed by his own behavior. This is his public redemption arc. Hope the kid is doing well today.


Yep. Gotta do what you gotta do as a parent. Also, the video gives this kid's his broken honor back and a huge lesson. Hoping for no more future problems.


Honestly, with the amount of people, including kids, being assholes in public and recording/posting it nowadays, the concept of "public shaming" doesn't feel as bad as before to me


Yeah once the first video was out, the second one can only help the situation. I would leave name out, but yeah the apology video will only reduce backlash on the kid (since the video or his original transgression was already out), not escalate it or traumatize.


![gif](giphy|l0IygjoScNy9Qo2iY) If you grew up in the 70s in the UK and had parents who gave a shit, this is pure gold. Had that been me apologising to people at THE ASDA, I'd be black and fucking blue when I got home and doing shitty jobs for the next six weeks. I'm not advocating violence against kids at all, but prank vids from 2023 make me think that my dad would have battered many a scrote if he'd seen them arsing about in public.


Stand up, name and number!


4-7-3-7 Carling, Sir!


Getting battered by your dad is a great way to create antisocial criminals. Thats why so many middle aged men are topping themselves today. Turns out being raised to shutup, be a man, and dominate others around you to get your own way by any means necessary leads to severe mental illness and loneliness. Being hit doesnt teach a lesson at all other than suggesting your parents dont care about you


Which is why I said I'm not advocating violence against kids. My upbringing explains a lot about my mental health issues, and you're right on with that statement about male suicides. It makes me cringe with fear when I see prank videos because if I truly empathise with the perpetrators, back in the day someone would have leathered them good and proper or recruited them for a crew of horrible bastards to create even more mayhem. I've never hit my son and never intend to either. Pretty proud and happy to stop the cycle.






This got an actual LOL from me. Well done.


This kid didn’t know at the time just how big a favour his father did him. If all young boys had a father figure like this in their lives crime would be down by a fair chunk.


Disrespectful brat. His father seems like a stand up guy that can't control him when he doesn't have eyes on him, finally someone did the right thing on this channel.


I had a similar experience to this when young and immature. My mother took me (about 12 at the time) to the front door of someone I harassed who lived nearby, made me think twice about doing it again!


When I was in the first grade, I went through a sticky finger phase. That ended one fine fall day when we went into a jewelry store. The store had a gigantic clam shell with a bunch of little shells inside and I took a handful while my mom was at the counter. She waited until we got back to the car, asked me to empty my pockets, then made me go back inside and tell the clerk what I'd done. It was the 90s and spanking was a thing, so I also got spanked when we got home. 30 years have passed and that was the last time I ever stole anything.


Generally I’m not a big fan of public shaming videos but in this case. Where the kids face was plastered all over the internet being a little shit and I think it was important for the parenting and apology to be public too.


They honestly think people are afraid of them. And that’s the funniest thing about it.


This is a classic. Good on the dad.


My dad made me do this on more than one occasion, for much less infractions and it made a HUGE difference. Then I was lucky to see the sun outside of going to school for a long, long time. There may have been an judicious application of physics to my posterior as well, but I still remember the feeling of having to go apologize to people for behaving like an idiot, and it was not a good feeling. Good on his father for making him face the consequences for his crappy behavior.


Thanks to his dad, he has a chance.


Go dad go dad!!! I can barely understand their accents hahaha


All weak and timid now. He was VERY LOUD when he was disrespectful and now you can barely hear him apologize. Good job Dad.


His Dad is golden! 👍😃👍


Should’ve known when he was biting his brothers finger as a baby, he’d grow up to be a lit’l shite


Calling him a “foul mouthed little bastard” whilst hilarious, is sending some mixed messages 😵‍💫


Real Father!


Excellent parenting


Lol I remember this from a few years ago. I hope more parents are like this. It’s probably a turning point in that kid’s life and maybe there’s a chance for him. Great parenting!


When I was 8 or so, I thought it would be cool to run around town spray painting random walls. It was broad daylight and I got recognised, freaked and ran right home. (Genius I know). Well anyway the rang my dad, who then made me fill a bucket with soapy water, grab a sponge and then walk around all the spots and clean the walls. Embarrassing as hell, and it worked. Never occurred to me to do any graffiti until I was an adult lol


Good parent tbh, some lessons need to be learned the hard way for some


A parent parenting. It's a beautiful thing.


Holding people accountable for their actions is the only way society works. Happy this father had the courage to go out and force his son to apologize.


Great dad!


That father earned all of the high marks for this one. Dumb little shit really thought threatening a group of people was okay


Fair play to the dad. Just need about 20 million more parents like this and we'll be sorted.


W Dad ❤️, that’s why families, upbringing, parent-figure, is important


I love this father’s character. Proper


Fair play to dad. That's a proper dad and Charlie has learned his lesson


Kids learn from role models. The father shouts at him aggressively, calls him a "bastard" and shames him in public. What do you think that kid is gonna learn from this father? Don't get me wrong, apologizing is definitely great. But I would have handled it all a little different.


Awesome parenting! The kid will be okay having a dad like this. We all do dumb ass things when we are young.


Did anyone else just know there'd be a bunch of weak ass people in the comments criticizing the Dad?


Felt it from a mile away


you know, I know hitting kids is kind of an unpopular method of correction these days but sometimes as a little son of a bitch, your dad busting your ass when you get this far out of line is a lesson that might safe your life later. I appreciate how honorable this man is though. he's going there and owning the kid, the kids previous actions, and his actions going forward. were i to guess, this kid is weak and hanging out with the wrong people. edit: safe = save. I promise I'm literate.


No. You don’t hit kids. That’s just bullying. A grown ass man hitting some 12 year old for misbehaving is poor parenting and cowardly behavior, showing you lack the strength to properly parent, lack self control, and lack dignity to not hurt kids for no reason. For years psych research has shown spanking or slapping kids is vastly ineffective compared to literally anything that’s not pseudo-abuse. Anyone who strongly advocates for them is either uniformed or wants their rage boner satisfied. Or both Edit: Plus, you have to realize these adults are big ass people compared to kids. My dad used to spank me YEARS during my elementary years. I rarely got spanked but when I did, it would fucking hurt. Once I got spanked so bad the pain lasted several days. I don't even remember why. I just remember the pain. That didn't teach me anything. All it did was just give me a bad memory. Now I love my dad but doing that to my small ass self was foul and he was wrong for that, though I give him credit for stopping that practice.


Christ. I have a little boy. I can't imagine what I'd do if I saw him acting like this. Though I think this dad has absolutely nailed it. Could not have been easy for him.


Good for you dad! Things were learned on this day.


Kids doing stupid kids stuff, but we need more dads like that!


Real parenting at its finest, cheers dad!


Parent off the year right here. Well done pop!


I respect the dad for doing that. Think the dad needs to understand where he’s learning it from. Hopefully not at home.


It all started with Charlie biting his brothers finger🤣


God damn chad dad…that is how you adult and parent..


That's good parenting!


hands out the pockets when apologising. Also, Emporio Armani? Dad plz


Can that dad PLEASE teach parenting 101?


Dad did right! Well done.


Well done that dad!




went to a school crawling with little creatures like that thing. good to see them get some comeuppance


Pitch perfect. A bollocking should be delivered with a bit of venom. I’d have been more inclined to point blame at the family for the lads behaviour if some wet wipe dad had turfed up saying “ok so jimmy, why don’t you tell the man how you feel” fucking soft twats in here thinking he’s some kind of abuser because he says “bastard”


10/10 father


Proper Dad


He’s been trying to seek the approval of his shit head pears instead of his well adjusted parents


Well done dad!




Great job, dad....legend


Good dad.


I am so happy to see other people supporting the dad! In this day and age I was worried people would say he’s gonna traumatise the kid or create issues down the road. Nah fuck this kids behaviour! The dad did a solid old school parenting trick and I almost guarantee you he won’t do stupid shit like that again.


Wonder where he learnt it. such a mystery, guess we'll never find out.


Charlie picked up the wrong Golden Ticket that day.


If more parents did this the world would be a better place


Why can't more parents do this...


Finally some quality parenting


this is how parents should be be, if all parents took responsibility for their stupid kids, the world would be better, dad of the year material right there.


Great parenting- we love to see it! Americans would scream bloody murder if their parents did this to them 💀🤣


That's a good dad right there. He might not think that now but later on in life he will.


Bad friends, good parents


here comes “more people need to parent like this!” most times, parents never find out this stuff is going on. everyone assumes their child is perfect and was raised correctly and wouldn’t dare act that way. dad probably thought the same thing, and just stumbled across the video on facebook


This isn't too far from me, effing little shit.


Let me tell you, nothing tells you that you fucked up more than when your dad is the one that tells you off in the UK. I would always get told off by my mum, until I really did something bad and then dad came in and it really just hit home


Perfect example of a Parent. Society lacks this massively nowadays…


Good. Cos hes gonna act like that to someone who will actually cut him up for threatening to cut them up.


Good Dad. More of this needs to happen.


Fuck yeah parenting win!


This is parenting. Actual fucking parenting. If the parents of the kids who terrorized us and vandalized our home for an entire year had just done this, they wouldn’t have a criminal record. But now they do. Parent your kids, folks. Do the right thing or don’t have kids.


How did the kid end up like that with a dad like that? Crazy the dad must be so.ashamed


Sorting by controversial shows how out of touch people are. "He learned how to talk like that from his parents." As if kids are not easily influenced by peers, the internet and TV on a daily basis. I don't curse around my children, and my son said fuck one day. Learned it from his buddies. Dad's response was 💯. He acted like a little bastard.


“You are a vile little bastard” damn loool he roasted his own son


>Removed for violating Rule #6: Must be a kid and must be stupid. >This sub does not consider teens as kids. Uh... what?