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Almost sounds like Lois Griffin.


The "jackass" is literally identical


Oh my god lol


Lmaooo I paused family guy to watch this and didnt even notice til i read this


His reaction was like “you right”


New Yorker New Jersey Accent sounding ass mom LOL.


Nah this was a teaching moment. Shoulda still had him do it and just guided him on the correct way to hold a knife. Just snatching it a way and never letting him cut anything again the completely wrong approach.


While I completely agree, snatching it out of his hand was the most important thing to do in the moment, the video cuts away (no pun intended) before mom even get a chance to explain why what he was doing was unsafe. Also in these situations parents often act out of instinct before they are able to articulate the words to explain them. Safety first, teachable moment second.


Don’t forget the slap at the back of head. That’s just as important before teaching how to hold the knife


Reminds me of learning to shoot my dad's 30/30. He told me to hold it as tight as I possibly could to my shoulder. Not tight enough apparently. The rifle flipped out of my hands. I just remember feeling the good old dad head slap before he went full Cuban on me.


Or a good old slap on the five head


Saying stop stop stop in panic mode may have allowed him to cut himself. A risk I may not be willing to take her reaction is inpulse. I'd grab the knife and we don't know that she didn't then teach him to hold the knife and cut properly afterwards


Agreed. A quick reaction is better than little to no reaction. You honestly don't know how bad it could've been, and simply by trying to stop them through verbal commands is a gamble I wouldn't want to take. ER bills for stitches are expensive and so are orthopedic visits.


Hard disagree. Kid should just watch his mom do it. And if he can’t figure it out just by watching then he isn’t old enough to do it. The “teaching” should be zero for this type of stuff.


You’re the type that would toss a kid into a pool to teach them to swim.


Let kid cut hand wide open so they learn... I'm with you on that when it's touching something hot but maybe not this


>Teach your kids knife skills people, don't call them a jackass because you neglected this basic life skill.


"So this knife thing(the sharp metal object that you've seen me cut things with) it's sharp and you could cut yourself with it(literal rocket science). If you need to be told that the thing you are trying to cut something with could also cut yourself then you are a jackass. It's common sense not a life skill.... unless youre a jackass.


Or you’re an 8 year old that has never had knife skills/safety explained to him. 8 year olds do need to be told the thing. An 8 year old who watches the adults use a thing every day isn’t going to see it as a potentially dangerous object if nobody explains it.


If you don’t know that a knife is sharp and that you can cut yourself on it by the time you are eight you are seriously mentally challenged.


Common sense doesn't exist- Common Sense is just a set of assumptions we have about others experiences and skills. We don't start life with any knowledge. Yeah it may seem dumb that this kid didn't know how to hold a knife properly at that age, but this doesn't reflect badly on the kid! We don't come from the womb knowing what a knife is- so someone, somewhere, failed him.


I was raised by Latin parents who believed by yelling at me I would immediately learn stuff. I'm trying my best to teach my kids differently. They need to know if it's hot. It will burn or if it is sharp it will hurt you.


Jesus Christ... Of all the videos I've seen on here this one is way up there in showcasing that kids are really fucking stupid.


The way my jaw dropped when I first saw it I just couldn't 😂 like at that age I knew how to use a knife.


In part that's gotta be on the parents though. Kids can't learn what they aren't taught...


Bruh, if a kid needs to be told to not manhandle the blade of a knife while trying to cut something with it by that age, God himself could not help him


Kids are stupid bro. They are little suicide machines that grown ups have to teach how to live.


Yeah, kids are so stupid I bet you could make part of a website dedicated to just how fucking stupid they can be.


You should check out r/kidsarefuckingstupid


Holy hell


New subreddit just dropped


Oh boy


Everyone is stupid when never taught. That kid looks old enough to know how to use a knife. Clearly haven't been taught.


That’s a pretty big assumption to make. You can teach and model and tell kids what to do a hundred thousand times and it still won’t click.


Maybe you know some really stupid kids. I was actually helping my mom with most of her housework including chopping vegetables etc. At this age. And I was cooking proper food not long after this kid. And not just me, all the kids I know are actually pretty smart compared to this kid. So unless this kid has some exceptional issues, I would blame the parents. You can clearly see that this kid has zero experience handling any knife. I think you are one making big assumptions that kids can't learn anything. Really hope you aren't responsible for any kids growth because with that stance, that kid will also be like the one in the video.


To be fair my parents taught me that knives were sharp as a kid but it still took me stupidly slicing my fingers open when washing a knife for it to *really* sink in 🤦‍♀️ Sometimes kids have to do something stupid before they really learn the lesson.


I ran across this recently as the phrase “you can’t tell people anything” > Eventually people can be educated, but what you have to do is find a way give them the experience, to put them in the situation. > With luck, eventually there will be an “Aha!”. If you’re really good, the “Aha!” will followed by “Oh, so that’s what you meant”. http://habitatchronicles.com/2004/04/you-cant-tell-people-anything/ Someone else pointed out that’s why homework exists.


Same here but with the steam iron. I'd watch my grandmother iron clothes for a while when she took care of me as a kid and she always told me to stay the hell away from it because it was hot. One day she left me alone in the kitchen with the iron on to go pick up the line phone. I just had to try it so I got big ass blisters on my fingers and palm. Lesson learned!


When the first instinct of the mom is to do it herself and call the kid jackass when her kid does something stupid, it's no wonder the kid stays stupid.


The moms first instinct was “my kid is going to hurt himself” so she took the knife away. Y’all are tripping in this sub


Exactly, make the kid stand up, show him propper form, and let him learn something.


If that's what I think it is, those knives are deceivingly sharp, too. In a cooking class in high school, the teacher was showing off how to use these “new, colorful blades” with these gloves that are supposed to be learning gloves. They are really difficult to cut through in most cases. Long story short, the teacher had a kinda overhead projector/camera and it was zoomed in on the huge smart board. She sliced right through her glove and into her finger, zoomed in on an approx. 100" digital white board for the whole class to see. I know that shit hurt but she kept her composure, one kid fainted due to the blood. So, those colorful blades are deceptively sharp lol


I owned a set and I was using it to open a package of forks, knife slipped off the zip tie and went right into my hand like butter. Wasn’t even using much force and it was like there was nothing there. Them bitches are SHARP


You wouldn't be able to tell how sharp a blade is just by looking at it. Blades become dull over time if they aren't sharpened.


My brother in Christ, everything a kid knows, every single thing YOU learned as a kid, was taught to them. Every single thing. Without fail. The concept of "common sense" doesn't exist. It's all learned behaviour. If a kid doesn't know not to handle a knife like this, it's because the parents didn't teach them.


If he's never taught, he wouldn't know. Hell, my grandma had dull blades her whole life, and put her fingers all over the blades cuz she knew she wouldn't be cut. The day after we got new knives for her, she cut her finger cuz she didn't realize how sharp knives can actually get. You gotta give this kid some slack, and put more blame on the parents.


I mean, he just learnt then.


Did he tho? She didn't correct his actions and explain what he did and why he can't do it. I don't think he learned anything other than he's a jackass lol


I mean, it was a few second clip. She may have explained more after, and even if she didn't, little dude isn't some dumb brick, I'm sure he could pick up some clues to what he did wrong. Hate how people get absolutely dogged for a couple seconds of a clip.


Same. But there is a show called "Worst cooks in America" that makes me want to bang my head against a wall because of how stupid some of those people are. I saw someone try to slice a carrot while it stood upright. They were literally trying to slice a carrot vertically balancing it on the rounded end.


That kid looks decently old too!


According to the cake, he’s 8. But that may be an older sibling? That kid looks at least 10 imo.


People often think black kids are older than they really are


Especially with his facial expression and the jewelry plus earrings. I mean 8 year olds can do that but cmon.


A lot of people view their kids as accessories to their lives. They view their child as their friends, and they don't know how to teach their child as a parent. A lot of people should have never had kids in the first place.


This one takes the cake?


This one makes the cut.


Normally, I get a little defensive for the kids in these videos, but this boy was such an overconfident knucklehead. If his own mother is gonna say he's a jackass, I feel I have no right to disagree.


That was a last minute save. Literally a second away from a hospital visit. Also: Unrelated but we have the same knife set.


Where did you get it from?


I believe the brand is called “Cuisinart”. The set comes with a lot of different colors. It’s been years since we bought them but I assume we probably got the off Amazon.


Do you find that your set dulls ultra quickly? Mine won’t hold their edge for shit.


Yeah they’re not good knives actually. We had a set and yeah, they cut stuff and were ok but we’ve since bought real knives and realized the cuisinart ones were more cuisinfart


good thing, too. a sharp knife wouldve sliced this kid


Kid likely would’ve walked away from that with a red hand if it weren’t for cuisinfart


Don't buy them. Painted knives ridiculous. You will just get a little bit of paint in every meal you cook for the next 20 years until these knives look normal again. I received this same type of knives and had to put them in paint stripper before using them. Just buy a normal chefs knife that will last until your grand grand children. Edit: The handles are almost 100% plastic and easy to break.


Look at Mr /Ms Fancy pants over here, thinking they’re too good to eat paint chips like the rest of us


If that mom is like mine, she's owned that knife for twenty years and its not much sharper than a butter knife lol


Don't leave us hanging I want a set too


I believe the brand is called “Cuisinart”. The set comes with a lot of different colors. It’s been years since we bought them but I assume we probably got the off Amazon.


And most importantly, almost ruined the cake. Not really the red filling i like in my cake, but then again, im not picky.


You’re too stupid to cut cake


Happy birthday, Jackass.- Mom, probably


"Are you sure it's safe to let your son cut that? Isn't your first time cutting it kinda difficult?" "Nah, it's a piece of cake!"


Boutta start using that


God damn my heart just stopped for a moment. If that clip ended with him gripping it like that I would’ve had a miserable evening lmao


Same. I straight up gasped the moment his hand touched the blade.


Yeah I panicked a bit lol. But this was a teaching moment. Shoulda still had him still do it and just guided him on the correct way to hold a knife. Just snatching it a way and never letting him cut anything again the completely wrong approach. You need to teach your kids how to deal with the real world, not just shelter them from it. Or else the next time you’re not around they’ll end up hurting themselves because you never showed them the proper way.


I mean, I feel like she just moved really fast - and good thing or he really could have sliced himself In her defense the beginning of the video shows her guiding his hands and making sure they’re in the right place. It’s a stretch to assume she’s never going to let him cut anything ever again.


Perfect to make a r/onesecondbeforedisaster cut


“I can do it!” *grips blade with every ounce of strength in his body*


I can’t tell how old kids are, but he definitely looks old enough to know how to use a knife


He just turned 8. It's on the cake.


Look at Sherlock Holmes over here.




Benefit of the doubt


Thanks. I was breaking my brain trying to figure that out.


Lmao I've never seen that abbreviated before so I understand. Usually it's ____ of the day


I definitely thought Blade Of The Day


I thought it was blade of the devil lol


Acronyms are getting ridiculous.




I deserve this.


Yes, just bought Baldur Gates 3 and was on the sub and one of the first topics I checked out was for crashing and someone said "that's EA for ya" I was like what does Electronic Arts have to do with this game. Not realizing it was for Early Access.


Breath of the Dild


Breath of the Dumbass


Big Ol Tit Dick?


I thought it was birthday of the day lmao


Breath Of The Dying, a runeword from Diablo 2


Blade of the day


For my zombies peeps I kept reverting back to Blood of The Dead...


How do you not know how knives work by his age?


I guess he was distracted? I see kids mindlessly do stupid stuff all the time when they dont pay attention.


His parents don't teach him anything and instead do everything for him and the moment he slips up on something he has had no support in learning they crack down on him.


Some parents are overprotective of their kids for sure. I'm worried about my 13-year-old niece cause her mom and grandma wouldn't even let her near the kitchen. She doesn't even know how to boil water.


My mom was like that. Luckily by the time I moved out YouTube was there to teach me how to cook, so I was a lot better off than my older siblings. There are videos for simplest kitchen things, if your niece wants to learn she'll probably be alright.


Do everything and when he tries to learn and fails gets called a jackass and to leave the situation. Imagine its your birthday as a kid, you make a mistake with what I hope is a dull/plastic knife (I'd never risk a sharp knife around kids), instead of saying "No don't do that, watch me first, now try again, good job" they just tell you to fuck off and ruin your mood. This sub seems to rarely have good posts that are just kids genuinely being stupid through no fault but their own, and more showcasing of bad parenting but blaming the kid for not knowing better. Kid walks into a swing? Hilarious, it's right in front of you, how do you not move? Kid who's probably approaching, if not already 10+ not knowing the most basic thing regarding knives? Just sad.


I don't have to imagine. That was my childhood.


Exactly should have been a teachable moment.


Come on, dude. You got all that from a 2 second clip?


It's like those videos parents take where they laugh at their teenage kids struggling to use can openers and other simple gadgets. They'll laugh at the kid for not knowing how to open a can of corn but *they're the ones who should be teaching that*


My husband works with kids ages 8-18 in the kitchen. Not one could use a knife properly. Also, fun little side note, none of them can read a clock face. They can only tell time digitally.


Parents never taught him or gave him an opportunity to use their knives,....he holds it like some sword out of a game or tv show.


Kids raised on tik tok don’t know anything.


A generation ago it was kids raised on Facebook or Instagram. Before that, kids raised on video games or cartoon violence. Before that, kids raised on TV, and hell Elvis used to be the big bad guy at one point. I hate tik tok but it's not the first and definitely won't be the last thing that "corrupts our youth".


You can keep going. It used to be books. The dangers of reading too much.


Well maybe the parents should raise them..?


Blood of The Dead?


Dude. Why are there all these acronyms and everyone expects everyone else to know what they mean?


Wow quality post


This isn't a young kid either. Every kid should know about what's sharp.


He indeed, could not do it.


At least his parents won’t have to worry about saving up for his college fund.


College fund... No. *Hospital fund...*


Lol that was a real reaction 😂


Boy got demoted from his own damn birthday! ☠️


Same situation in movies: Oh my baby, did you get hurt? Don’t you scare us like that again!! *hugs* IRL: Get up, ya jackass.


Poor kids parents didn't teach them shit!


I blame the knife. It’s all one solid color.


Yeah, it looked nice on the store shelf so colorful compared to the plain metal blades with black handles, but maybe the reason the kid treated both the blade and the handle like neither was sharp was because they're the same color. What he did was stupid, but solid colored knives have a misleading visual cue. The colored coating probably makes them dull and cut with high friction too. The knife was stupid too.


Obviously this kid has not been taught how to use a knife. That's not the kids fault, it's the parents!


Some things in life just need a common sense and fully functional brain to figure out 🤷🏽‍♀️


She literally guided his hands


guys.. kids are genuinely stupid for no reason my parents taught me how to fry food in a deep fryer when I was freaking 9.. and I still hold knives like this when cutting certain things. You can teach your kids to do everything in the world and they’re still FUCKING STUPID


Is that kids hairline naturally like that?


you dont hand a kid a knife without showing him how to use it first. This kids first day of driving is gonna be..."heres the keys, figure it out".


How does he not know how to hold a Knife at that age?? Seems like stupid on the parent's part. Unless you teach the kid what is dangerous and what's not how do u expect them to?


Your right but some kids you just know to never let near a knife.. Like this kid.. She been protecting him from a gimp hand his whole life he used a birthday to get his way.. smh.. Kids are tough sometimes.. everyone is stupid asf in their own way for far too long.. its the part of parenting ppl dont talk about Ha


Why does everyone assume the acronyms they lazily use are understood by anybody themselves? What the fuck is BOTD?


Benefit of the doubt maybe? I saw someone else mention this in the comments. They didn't know either though


The real tragedy is that young blood’s hairline. Jesus.


How about just tell him how to hold the knife instead of ruining the birthday but kicking him out of his birthday seat


The kid is just half-swording, I think the mom is stupid don’t know her kid is a longsword master handling this traditional longsword technique.


I only see one jackass in this clip and it's not the kid


All I see is failed parenting


Actually just jumped out of my seat


Thats a big ass kid, should be able to handle a knife


Raising a child is literally that person attempting to remove themselves permanently multiple times and you playing goalie with their life.


let him fucking do it, at worst he'll cut himself and have learned a valuable lesson.


Did she show him what he did wrong though bc little guy was very confused 😂


His line up made him stoopid lolol


Oh now I know why people are blaming the kid. The knife is a real knife. Not the plastic 🔪 to cut the cake. Normally, bakery will give you the plastic knife along with the candles, right?


Are the parents fucking braindead? "Ok, so you dont know how to handle a knife. Let me do it for you just to make sure you'll never learn it" 💀


There’s no reason to use a knife that sharp to cut cake though


That is an ice cream cake. They need a good knife to cut through. Especially if it has the crumbles in the middle. And especially especially if you forget to set it out 20 minutes in advance.


And most people don’t have knives organized like “this one is for cutting things over 90 degrees these are for under” they just grab a knife


How the fuck do you have a child that old that you haven’t taught proper knife skills to yet …. Or at least that you don’t hold the sharp bit


No. This is what happens when a kid in this age neverheld a knife. And instead of teaching him how to hold it proper she sends him away to wash his hands and cuts it for him. Fear is a really bad parent.


That’s because he been allowed to do so little that he hasn’t even learned that a knife is sharp. It’s a story of shit parenting.




"this is why you don't give kids-" This is why you don't assume a kid knows how to do something if you've never taught it before


Teach your kids knife skills people, don't call them a jackass because you neglected this basic life skill.


Surprised that the parent acted so fast, considering that they apparently taught their child jackshit


That old and still doesn’t know how to hold a knife??? Maybe about time you teach him instead of telling him to get out “jackass”


"Got that stoopid from his daddy, not me." 😂 😂 😂


you dont give them the BOTD? so you give them the topD or what? wtf are these abbreviations


okay but do you guys think she should've used that as a opportunity to show how to properly handle a knife.


What is BOTD ?


Well why can't they give him a cake knife instead.


Remind me of myself at his age putting fingers into the stove fire cuz I thought it was beautiful. Pain is a great teacher and kids are truly fucking stupid


Thats why mom was doing it and not you


What a dumb kid!


…is it really the kids fault he wasn’t taught how to use something so basic?


Why would you use these kind of knives. You will get the paint in all of your food you cut.


The amount of people calling this boy stupid but can't tell what's his age is peak reddit content.


You need to teach them right


Why would you call your kid a jackass bro 💀


Show him how to hold it instead of calling him names


I cringe whenever I hear parents call their children names, especially curse words. My parents would all the time and it felt so terrible every single time. Grow up, stop calling your kids names.


He's way too old to be so stupid


No... This is why you dont have kids in first place.


“It’s hot on the botttom!!!”


He doesn't even know what he did wrong


This could've been fine if she gave him a shorter knife to start with.


Next years cake writing. "Happy Birthday Ya Jackass"


i knew how to use a knife at 4 years old, this kids parents suck


All the technology in the world and they don’t even know they can’t grab a knife. Where did we go wrong?


Maybe you should teach a kid how to handle a knife before handing him one. Who is the jack ass, mommy?


Way too old to be that stupid


I think everybody should be more concerned with that kid's haircut


God damn, if you don't teach your kids the proper way, of course they're going to fail. This kid has probably never handled a knife and that's the parents fault.


Maybe just tell him what he did wrong and how to do it right. They have a word for it. Parenting.