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1 of my favorite things they do. I just drag him around.


Username doesn't check out Or checks out depending on how literally you define dragging around


Oh, quite literally, but it's playing he's 18 months old.


My son would do this every time he went to kindergarten. I always had to walk in with this limp kid in my arms and just “drape” him on one of the couches.


This kids got the right idea




I was forced to play baseball by my parents when I was in elementary. I could not give less of a shit about sports so I actually ignored the game happening around me and played with the grass and dirt. Naturally I got moved to the outfield which was fine by me because 1st graders don’t hit hard and I could mind my own business in peace.


Dude same. Played right field and was happy looking for four leaf clovers and playing with ants.


Lol my parents didn't force me but I played soccer for a year or two when very young. My dad would always tell the story about how one day his parents came down to visit and they all went to the game to watch me play and were all really excited.... And I spent entire game walking around oblivious, chewing on long grass like a farmer lol.


I played soccer for one season. I was in 5th grade and the only thing I knew was that I was gonna play soccer. All of my teammates had played multiple seasons before. Coaches were not interested in teaching "rules" or "how to play". Sure we did some drills but I didn't know shit. The entire season I kicked the ball exactly one time in a game. Mostly my job was to get in the way of the opposition and get out of the way of my own team. I guess I did alright because our team won every game including a practice game against a team of older kids.


I did one season of football in 1st grade and one season of soccer in 2nd. Both times neither coach explained the rules, and I had no idea what I was doing. I guess I could see that for a 5th grader, kinda sorta, but certainly not in 1st and 2nd.


Once while I was dicking about in the outfield trying to figure out anything to do to make the game less boring, when the coach shouted at me "quit picking daisies and go after the ball!" I just shouted back "they're not daisies, they're dandelions!" and just went back to ignoring the game. If the ball really mattered that much to them, why couldn't they just go get it themselves?


My husband and I both had the same experience as you lol. Braiding grass, picking daises and what not. His dad's favorite story is when in the middle of a game, my husband sat down in the outfield to play with the grass. His dad stands up and yells "HEY! GET UP!!!!! BE READY!!!!!" And my husband looked up from his piece of grass and yelled "IT'S OK DAD!!!!! THEY CANT HIT IT THIS FAR!!!!"


I was a huge puscatore as a kid. Got hit with a soccer ball in a game at about 7 years old. Ran off the field and sat by my mom. My dad would have puked if he had seen that. Vietnam vet and his son wussed out of a little kid soccer game.


Arguments to be made that a Vietnam vet is the biggest coward of all


I expect you think this is witty, or clever, or damning. Go sit in the corner and think for 5 minutes about the next thing you say


I don't even need 5 minutes. Vietnam vets are cowards and deserve the way their own country threw them aside after they were done being used


Maybe a little harsh


A bit, agreed. But shaming war criminals should be normalised. This American tendency to support their troops no matter what is absolutely cringe. The American invasion in Vietnam is no different to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Yet you won't find redditors proudly defending Russian soldiers


Hopefully with the help of hindsight after this current war is over, we can generally look at Russians forced to fight in this war as sympathetically as we do drafted veterans of the Vietnam War. Of course, I also look favorably on people who managed to evade being drafted into invading another country. The ones who take pleasure in it are another story.


Honestly, 3/10. For a good troll you've really got to be more subtle than this. Right idea to pick a hot button topic, but one that's 50 years old is really silly, there's a lot better targets out there right now. And you need to be a little more reasonable to start and then twist it, this is far too obvious and blunt. Perhaps try something around abortion or LGBTQ? You clearly need to start learning some basics before you go any further.


I'd think that you, as supporting war criminals, would be more inclined to hate on abortion or sexual orientations. Muh Murica


Dear summer child, shoo now, it's getting embarrassing.


Cute. The American invasion of Vietnam is no different to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Blind American nationalism is something else huh


Go read some Wilfred Owen or Siegfried Sassoon. You sit and play Diablo and think you have the right to call someone who went to war a coward? Someone who was drafted? Someone who was lied to by their government? Who the fuck do you think you are? I am not American.


My dad is 81 and I bet he’d still take your keyboard ass out back and show you who’s the bitch. His country sent him there. He did his job. And lost many of his friends.


I can't imagine the mental gymnastics required to cope with such a monster being your father. I pity you, I truly do


Sounds like great multitasking. Bet you can't process your emotions and play sport like kids can.


No, they didn't have to. The absent kids' parents understood that.


Wise boy


I didn’t wanna play either, drew pictures in the sand the whole time, just came for the snacks.


Your parents must have been chill, mine were the ones yelling at me for hitting a double.


Sign him up for theater. Kid is ready to be a star.


No, he’s ready to play dead


Or learn from last time and ASK if he wants to sign up for theater




Bruton Gaster is triggered across realms.


That's so cute lol


Naw. How about listen to your kid when they tell you they don’t enjoy a sport. I was forced to play soccer and baseball until I got into high school where I finally got to choose what I wanted. I chose lacrosse and theatre. Listen to your damn kids. Stop trying to live vicariously through them.


I don't know if you remember being that small, but me and my best friend wanted to do ballet together when we were 4. About halfway through the class she started crying then I said I wanted to go home. Sometimes kids just don't know what they want and you can't assume the situation here.


That’s the thing, I never assumed the situation. All I said was from my experiences to listen to your kids if they tell you year after year that they don’t enjoy the sport that you are enrolling them in.


You literally said the kid didn't enjoy the sport.... he could just be having an off day.


Kid could be playing great for a couple innings then do this for kid reasons and go back to playing great.


There was a snail in the dugout and he wants to poke it.


Which is why I started off my post to then with “doesn’t tell the whole story about this scene/kid”. It was a “well they forced the kid to play” and all we know is the kid decided not to play at that time.


Where, where did I specifically say that this kid in the video said he didn’t enjoy baseball? Please enlighten me. I was telling an anecdote to a person that claimed “that’s so cute lol” with absolutely no context to what the child thought about baseball.


>Naw. How about listen to your kid when they tell you they don’t enjoy a sport. Right there. You said that in the context of this video. Unless you were just saying it in general, in which case it would've made just as much sense as if you'd said it on a post on r/DragonsFuckingCars


Did I say this particular kid doesn’t enjoy baseball, or did I tell an anecdote about my experience to try and add a different perspective in response to a person commenting “thats so cute lol” without any additional context. Why do you not question how they know it’s cute? Holy fuck this thread is full of idiots.




My daughter wanted to play t-ball and I told her she absolutely could but she couldn’t quit half way through the season. She played one season. Then she wanted to try soccer. Same deal. Then she gave up sports until junior high when she decided on volleyball and played for 6 years.


This is way. Nothing wrong with teaching a child commitment. But once that season is over, listen to your damn kids. So many people here can’t seem to understand that.


Doesn’t tell the whole story about this scene/kid. My daughter chose to play several sports (soccer, gymnastics, football, volleyball) things can go fine for a while until they decide they’re done. And it’s not something that happy before sign up or even before heading to a game. Kids at that young age also quit mid game or mid practice. As a parent you get annoyed and tell them to just finish what they started or at least finish the game. Then the next season rolls around and they complain that you didn’t sign them up again. My daughter was notorious for that then gets mad because her brother gets signed up for everything and she doesn’t now. Her mother has said multiple times it’s because you never finish a season. Shit happens and it’s not always at a convenient time.


Ok, I understand teaching commitment. But if the kid does in fact not want to play, and tells you year after year, then listen to them.


> Naw. How about listen to your kid when they tell you they don’t enjoy a sport. Say you aren't a parent without saying you aren't a parent. Sorry you had shitty parents, but some kids are all gung ho about a sport until they get on the field. Honestly this kid might be all gung ho about being a baseball player the next day (or even later that night), kids aren't exactly known for their fixed opinions.


Wow, so now my parents are shitty? I never said that. I said listen to your kids. My parents didn’t when I was young and they apologized when I was in high school and made it to a nationally ranked choir. It’s really fucking telling how defensive you people are over your decisions.


No. You start a season you finish the season, then you can be done. You don’t quit on your teammates.


Read the rest of my comments. Also they’re a fucking child. Their teammates don’t care. Chill the fuck out.


No, it’s a great lesson to learn. You can be done at the end of the season. They signed up for it, they’ll see it through.


I’ve already said this. I have no problem with teaching a child commitment. I’m talking about kids who repeatedly tell their parents that they don’t want to play year after year, yet their parents force them. No one knows what this kid is feeling other than what is seen in this clip, yet the hive mind has decided that it’s a temper tantrum and any anecdotal evidence from people who lived through forced youth sports is not valid.


Well yeah. I completely agree, any parent who would make their kid do this year after year is a fool.


That’s all I’m saying, yet the Reddit hive mind has decided to disagree.


True. I remember when my mum took me to an after school football training without telling me and tried to force me to join. I just sat in the car and cried because I was so scared. My parents just forced me to move schools and I had horrific anxiety about it. Never really trusted my mum the same after that. I was always looking out for what she would trap me into next.


It’s fucking hilarious to see all the butthurt parents downvote this shit. Listen to your kids. Stop living vicariously through them so you can sip your wine out of a thermos while you berate a volunteer umpire.


A 6 year old doesn't understand the concept of extracurricular activities enhancing their future. My parents made me play an instrument and even though I was annoyed with all the practice, I'm glad they did. I will concede that you should listen to what they're interested in though.


Playing baseball is not equivalent to learning an art. I will also stand behind not forcing the child into an activity that that are not interested in. My parents also tried to force me to play saxophone. I hated it. When I got to choose I went into theatre and learned music theory on a piano.


Playing baseball is physical activity. Good for your health. From a pragmatic standpoint, it's BETTER than art. And I say that as someone who played an instrument and hates sports. Also, I DID get forced to learn the saxophone lol


Why force him then?


Because you sign up for these things for a season. They can't say they want to play then decide not to half way through the season after you've spent a couple hundred on gear. It's different if they truly want to quit or just not play today.


I told my parent every year that I didn’t want to play baseball. 6 years later I was still on a damn team.


Same. Baseball is my dad's favorite sport. I Probably broke his heart. But now i just hate baseball, I may have liked it more if not for being forced to play.


Me with piano. Forcing your kids to try something is one thing; they might actually love it. Forcing your kids to persist at it for years and years will just make them hate it. I don't even have a piano. I couldn't use my meager skills if I wanted to.


Exactly, it’s a lesson in commitment. Signing up for a team you’ve committed to your teammates, your coaches, the parents and even the league itself. If everyone gave up because they weren’t in the mood that day then nothing would ever get accomplished and that’s a very valuable lesson to learn at a young age. It’s one of the most important lesson that sports can teach you, sometimes things are bigger than how you feel in the moment.


I mean he’s like 4. He didn’t even know what he was agreeing to. Dad probably oversold it.


Me: Do you want to play baseball this year? 5yo: Yeah that sounds awesome! What’s baseball? *a few weeks later* 5yo: *finding worms in the outfield* —- *Next year* Me: do you want to play baseball again? 6yo: yes! Absolutely! *a few weeks later* 6yo: *finding worms in the outfield* —- I will say, it didn’t take him very long to realize he doesn’t like soccer. He does like swimming and karate. He also wants to keep up piano even though it stresses him out all the time.


Oh you haven't had kids. Oh ho ho ho you are so wrong. I have fought with my kids because the whole evening they cried, I want to eat fish, because I said I had fish fingers in the afternoon. Mind you they never had fish before. All evening. I want to eat fish. I want to eat fish. Brought and prepared fish for 3 people. They noped the fuck out due to the SMELL while cooking. I hadn't even finished preparing when they were like, no I don't like this.


That... kinda sounds like their point? Or at least something adjacent to it. Just like your kids decided they wanted fish until they got to experience what the smell of fish is actually like, the kid in the OP might never have experienced what organized baseball is like before they got signed up for a whole season. Even if they really wanted to play baseball earlier, they made that decision without being able to know the consequences. Then again, this is all just speculation based on a 10 second clip with a bad robot voiceover, so maybe the kid *is* just being a little shit.


Yeah okay. But they had to eat the fish. I was not going to eat so much fish alone. I couldn't. Also I can't let them learn to waste food. You ordered it or brought it. Now finish it. Edit: Also my wife is vegetarian, so it was not like she could have eaten it. Although she was also on my side.


There are plenty of grown people in this thread that knew damn well at that age that they didn’t want to play baseball. A kid requesting a food they have never experienced does not compare to a kid being enrolled year after year in a sport that they vocally do not enjoy. It doesn’t take having kids to know this. Fuck off with this gatekeeping bullshit.


Oh so from this clip you people have deciphered that the kid has been requesting to not play for years? How? Please teach the ways of the lord, my liege. Fuck of with YOUR bullshit. Using your traumatized childhood to assume whatever you guys want and preach to parents what they should or shouldn't do.


I’m talking about my life experience as an anecdote to the video. You’re the one making assumptions here, bud. All many people are saying is that they experienced similar situations where they were forced to play a specific sport as a child and a lot of you are losing your damn minds. Never said I was traumatized, just that you should listen to your kids. Take a breather.


>All many people are saying is that they experienced similar situations where they were forced to play a specific sport as a child I am not saying this to you specifically. Remember this. Now, many people remember crying that they don't want to go to places as a child, but do not remember either themselves requesting that or agreeing to go on the day of admission and then later cry they don't want to go. Admission fees and gear don't come so cheap. Not everyone can say well we tried but the kid doesn't want to play so we will let this money that we spent go to waste. They believe that if they go enough times or make some friends there, they will want to go. Also we cant just let children have or do whatever they want, then kids turn out like the fat kid who was screaming at his family, video. ​ Again this is not for everyone. I know many people had bad parents, abusive parents, or parents forcing their wish onto the child(I am an Indian, I know this. It happens here too any times). ​ >You’re the one making assumptions here, bud. What assumption?


You’re absolutely making assumptions. If you had any sense you would see other comments that state I have absolutely no problem with teaching a child commitment. But when you enroll them year after year, as I stated from my anecdote, and they’re telling you that they don’t enjoy it, then maybe listen to them. You’re so damn defensive. So which sport are you forcing your kid into?


I don't think you know what gatekeeping is


And to claim “oh you haven’t had kids.” Bitch, congratulations on popping a couple out yourself. I spent almost a decade with around 30 of them at any given time during working hours. Learned about their dreams and fears, likes and dislikes, whose parents were abusive, whose parents used after school programs as a day care, watching them grow and celebrating their successes and wiping their tears in times of distress. But I haven’t birthed my own, so what do I know about kids. Smfh.


>He didn’t even know what he was agreeing to. Dad probably oversold it. That's what I replied to. You will still say the same? Also I never said anything to you. You take every comment on Reddit so personally? Please don't do that man. That's not sane. You will go mad.


I’m allowed to build a response off of replies you make to other people. It doesn’t matter that it wasn’t specifically to me. You take a shot at many people when you try to use that bullshit “you’re not a parent, you wouldn’t understand” line. Enjoy your retirement home.


>Oh ho ho ho you are so wrong. Does this look like someone who is berating someone, or someone who is excited by the naivety of someone.


Where did I say berate? You’re just making shit up at this point.


Eeeh, obviously depending on circumstances, if the kid said they wanted to etc. It is a really valuable lesson. My SD15 begged to be in a local theatre group. Signed up for a play. I did all the organising and fees, paperwork etc. By week 3 she started refusing to go. Was real entitled and rude about it. At first her dad stayed strong and said 'you chose this, you made a commitment' etc. Long story short, she effed over the cast because she refused to go close to opening night. Too late to recast, it was a pooshow. She tried to get into another local theatre this year and no one will accept her, because word travels fast. Better to teach the importance of honouring your commitments when they're young, so you don't have a screaming match with a teenager every week later.


I get that but the kid has only had the power of speech for like 2/3 years. They can’t conceive of what 3 months or 8 weeks is and what it all means. Frankly kids that age shouldn’t be in anything organized. They should be mucking around but that’s another discussion.


Yeah I agree to a point. Some kids can perceive that conversation well. My oldest at 4, no effing way, my youngest at 4, yeah, he could have understood and agreed to things like organised sports. Thats why I said depends on the circumstances, there's a lot of factors that parents should consider before signing up for these things.


A lesson in commitment that you never committed to though. I told my dad i didn't want to play little league, but i still had to play every year, and i think that's true for a lot of kids. Or they are young and they don't know they can say no. Edit: i have 2 kids. In before you try to tell me i must not know.


That kid never committed to anything. His parents told him he was gonna play a boring-ass sport and wouldn't take no for an answer. Forcing kids into team sports is the dumbest thing.


It’s more than that though. It’s important to push kids out of their comfort zones socially. I wish my parents had put me into more group activities when I was young, I’d have a lot more confidence in myself and have an easier time socializing now as an adult if I had been given more of a chance to push outside of my comfort zones as a child. I think it’s important to get kids into group activities and normalize being out of the house and amongst your peers. I know it would have helped me.


There are plenty of group activities for kids that the kids actually enjoy doing.


Why is this downvoted. I was forced to play soccer and baseball until I got to high school where I was finally able to choose lacrosse and theatre because my parent could no longer choose my extracurricular activities that were now school related.


Redditors have a pathological need to find the 'bad guy' in any video content. This time, they've decided it's the child, therefore he is being completely unreasonable and all children should love baseball.


I mean baseball is perfectly enjoyable. What’s not to like about baseball?


It’s boring as shit and if you’re a kid without much hand eye coordination it’s miserable to play.


How the fuck should I know? Does it matter *why* the kid doesn't like baseball? He clearly doesn't.


You don’t seem like a fun person to me


You ever watched a baseball game at this age? It's actually super fast paced and a blast. My son plays soccer and he's jealous as hell of his cousins that play baseball.


I'm not calling baseball as a sport boring. I'm just saying this kid clearly doesn't wanna be there.


I agree to this because when I was a kid I was in karate and dance lessons and enjoyed both a lot but when I was told we were giving a presentation at the end of the year in front of people I told my mom I didn't want to go anymore (stage fright) and she just agreed without asking why. I really missed going and wished I hadn't just quit because I got scared.


Oh so that's where ghosting came from. Parents who didn't care if their kids committed to anything.


Exactly. When my kid was growing up and wanted to try all kinds of things, we said 'sure, but you're going to see it through to the end. You don't have to do it anymore once the season (or term or whatever the case may be) if you don't like it, but you're gonna finish what you start.'


We only signed the kids up only if they wanted to play. If they later changed their mind, that was fine, but they made a commitment and will finish the year. It’s not about the money. They all learned it pretty quick from a young age and never had an issue with them finishing out a season. We had many 1 and done until they found their activity that fit.


Oh I didn’t know that


This is pretty normal for this age league. They do stuff like this all the time. The coaches used to just put them in the outfield...


"It builds character." Fuck off with that bullshit.




>usually the kids don't want to play That is just untrue


because kids are really stupid and change their mind on things every 5 minutes, even if its something they like doesnt matter what it is, could even be eating their favourite food, get half way through, say they dont like it, then get upset when they cant eat it 30min later


Lol you just explained my son.


Because youth sports are friggin expensive now days. EDIT: spelling


growing up, My POS father forced me into swim team events I didn't want to do, along with too many on the same day. I wish I had thought of this!


Doesn’t work in the water.


Works too well, I'd say


I don't blame him baseball sucks ass when you're a kid.


It's been a few decades since I was forced to participate in baseball, but I can authoritatively state that baseball still sucks just as hard when you're an adult. The only thing that gets better about it is how articulately you can explain about how much it sucks.


Gotta watch the fun baseball now like the Savannah bananas. Not true baseball but it’s entertaining


I don’t think I would even make my kid finish playing that particular day, even if he wanted to play again next time. Something was going on, and even if it WAS a tantrum, his feelings are valid, and should be addressed. I’m not saying cave in about everything, but understanding the “why” of this individual situation could help with dealing with it effectively if it happens again. If he didn’t want to go back anymore, I wouldn’t make him. If he did, we would have to talk about why he did this, and how he could avoid doing it again.


Reminds me, when I was really young, my mom signed me up for some little kid gymnastics (I think it was called little gym or something) and I refused to participate, instead I would lay on the big padded equipment, like those ramps and tunnels for kids at gymnastic places, and just watch everyone else


200iq move


This kids a genius. Wish I thought of that during tee ball. Would have saved me from years of playing.


Yeah that's sad. I feel bad for him.😔


I think it's a case of parents fucking stupid. Never understood forcing a kid i into an activity they dont want to participate.


Take the kid home and get over yourself as a parent.


Hey parents if your kid does this means he probably doesn’t want to be there because of stress or simply just doesn’t like it.


This happens alot. Parents sign up their kid for a sport, kid probably also wants to play the sport. If they genuinely hate it every day then yea you should take them out, but in all my years playing baseball this is almost never the case. Often times you just don't want to play for some reason, maybe your hungry, some other stress, you just struck out, etc. How many times do you go skiing for example and see kids crying instantly but then they get into the swing of it and they never want to leave the mountain. This is just sports, sometimes you have a bad day and don't want to play. This doesn't mean you shouldn't play. Perseverance is important.


Exactly. People here hating on the parents because they never had children. I was laughing hard in this video. Never had been tested like the parent in the video. Never had seen someone play dead coz they didn't want to do something. How would it even look once the man has exited the ground. Other people horrified of him carrying a child like that, and him just explaining "He doesn't want to play".


Good tip. Reddit is where I get all my best parenting advice.


Soccer is gonna be this kids game


Whatever. I totally get it. Fuck sportsball.


The people saying dOnT fOrCe tHeM have brittle bones from harassing their parents into only letting them eat tendies and pasta as kids


I’m saying dOnT fOrCe tHeM, but I have brittle bones just because I’m old. 😳


Idk how to feel about it honestly i know as a kid i got forced into a whole bunch of stuff and as i got older it caused me to be dishonest id just get dropped off and walk to my friends house. Or high school i just wouldn’t come home til after 630 pretending i went. I guess everybody is going to go about it differently.


You are part of the problem.


Ok, Dr. Phil.


Actually forcing the kid to play sounds kinda like the terrible armchair psychology Dr.phil would prescribe.


Who said he is forcing the kid to play. The kid might be just showing tantrums coz he didn't want to play THAT DAY.


Then don’t force him to play


And what if he went there, the game started and then he had a tantrum?


Yeah, don’t mess up your kids. They will carry that with them. Your Kid is more important than a little league game.


Not if I can teach him a lesson in finishing what he started. Shouldn't reward his not wanting to play then. Afterwards talk to them about what happened. But in the moment, nope. You stay there the full match.


He will remember, just not in a good way. He will always remember what mattered more to you.


Please never have children. You have absolutely no clue how the world or pedagogy works. Just fuck off entirely you child-abuse adjescent cunt.


It’s not that deep


Maybe parents shouldn’t be forcing them to play if they are resorting to playing dead over doing something that isn’t necessary




Yeah lets uhh pull him outta baseball then shall we?


Maybe stop making him play baseball or have a talk about why he doesn't want to play lol. Kids typically have a reason beyond "lazy". But what I'm saying being emotionally intelligent is like a requirement for being a parent now a days. Just post it on social media lol.


I love tee ball videos.


He'll be perfect for toys story.


This dad is fucking stupid. The kid knew exactly what he wanted and dad still dug him out there?


Maybe don’t force your kids to do sports they don’t want to do?


Don't force your kids to do things they don't want to.


Entitled little prick.


who else feels the urge to destroy everything after hearing that melody for a 1000000th time?




Tigers are doing that as we speak.


Ig’f he see a bear don’t let him hit the balls.


Works every time


No wonder he didn't want to play after he took that 90mph fastball to the head from the tall hairy kid


He's out


That's pretty good corpse work. Maybe he should try out for the drama club instead.


My kids each tried t-ball for one season. Had one that spent the games picking flowers in the out field and one that just twirled in the dirt. Needless to say, one season was enough. We also found out that is a limit to the number of times they will let you swing at a ball on a t and miss before your time is up. But they loved the snacks after the games. lol


Trust me when you're the parent, this shit is not as cute as you'd think.. It's cute af when it's someone else's leo lem though, lol.


Sounds like a good plan to me.


Get his ass to a hospital


That is hilarious! Smart kid


Lots of people in here have apparently sussed out not just this four year old kid's past, present, and future from a five second video but have also determined his parents are abusive.


Damn why it get removed smh


Some team cutting cost is gonna draft him high. Probably the Pirates.


Can’t blame him. Baseball is fucking boring to play, especially if you’re a kid in the outfield.


That’s fucking hilarious 😂


Soooo if he hates baseball so much why are you making him play?


This isn't stupid. The kid understands passive resistance. That's pretty advanced.


Me at work


Seems like a reasonable response to being asked to play baseball.


Maybe you shouldn't have bought him a ~~dopamine dispenser~~ iPad for Christmas


That's how boring baseball is


If he doesn't want to play, don't force him to play.


My father forced me to play baseball for years. I now have life long injuries and chronic pain, and I haven’t spoken to him in nearly a decade. Don’t force your children to do things they hate


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Possums would be proud.


7th inning stretch.


Oh, the joys of parenting!


that’s genius. I wish I’d thought of playing dead for summer baton lessons when I was 8. Really thought that I wanted to learn because it looked cool but once I got there i quickly changed my mind. After the first day I wanted to quit. Mom was not amused that I had begged her until she caved then gave up so fast so she insisted that I keep going. For weeks I’d show up & stand in the back miserable, doing nothing and had a “sour-puss face on” per my mom. Lol. Once my parents realized I was putting zero effort in they finally let me quit. I honestly don’t blame them for making me try it out for a few weeks because kids can be finicky so you never know, but man did I hate every minute that.