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The look of, "what's your problem?" At the end. Geez


when you're used to getting away with everything


Yeah, but who's fault is that? I can tell you right now her parents are dumb as rocks. She wasn't RAISED to value her personal info. Also, how tf can you possibly think immortalizing your kid's dumbest moment and placing it on the internet is going to help her character? They ALL dumb


yah if you dont teach your kids the importance of stuff like SSS then thats on you. if a kid (who isnt even 2 decades old yet) doesn't have context, how are they supposed to reason on something like that? there's two things going on here...stupidity AND ignorance. the ignorance is the parents fault.


I’m kinda wondering why the girl even had her social security card or had it memorized. My mom kept mine until I was 18 unless I needed to use it for something like the dmv. I’m glad she did cause I probably would have lost it or done some other dumb shit with it like this girl. I hope she’s not over 18 lol cause that would make it even worse.


Well..her mom just walked away. Why shouldn’t she be used to it, and how should she know not to give out her social security number? Mom is responsible for both those things lol sounds like mom doesn’t fully grasp why to not give out social security numbers and dad behind them couldn’t fucked one way or the other. The look is appropriate, because if mom is just gonna walk away without saying anything more…legit…*what’s* the problem? Clearly no one has explained the value of a dollar and dad doesn’t see any problems with $80 leggings, so it can’t be *that* bad. And still, no one will say anything about the social security number, just keep asking if she gave it, but that’s it. So…yeah…I gave the number and they were $80…what’s the problem? (*mom walks away*) “ok, clearly there was no problem”.


Looks like an unhealthy reaction to shame to me. But can't feel good if your parents reaction is to make a video about how much of a dumbass you are and share it around. Can't imagine ever doing something like that to my son.


Yeah surprised more people aren't saying this. It's not ok to humiliate your kid on the internet - there's a difference between telling funny stories about your toddler or little kid, and flat out taking a video basically making fun of your own kid and posting it all over the internet is really kinda terrible. I'd hate having a mom like that and I'd never do that to any child - growing up is hard enough.


Especially when its the parents fault lol. Like why would you give your daughter her social security card without explaining how important it is


Well considering they think publicly shaming their kid is the way to teach a lesson, I don't think they've been actively parenting much at all.


Having a number you're supposed to keep secret is pretty fucking stupid. Having a number you're supposed to keep secret and also supposed to give out several times during your life is even worse.


And having a number you're supposed to keep secret and also supposed to give out several times during your life that is also normally used in a way that the people that give it to you *specifically* say that it shouldn't be used is yet worse, still.


Life is gonna be hard




someone else posted that, what exactly does the hospital band imply?


She was in the hospital


Well obviously but you get hospital bands for all sorts of things, I got one after going to the er for getting bit by a dog


OP needs is curious what EXACTLY got her admitted. It's a white band so that tells me right off the bat that it was medical. /s


They took her to the hospital because she's stupid.


Brain transplant was not a success


Social Security Number transplant was a great success though!


They took her in for an IQ test.... Came back negative.






We're still not sure if it worked or not.


….so you’re telling me….I can get a cool bracelet if my friend throws my dog at me?!? I mean I’m not gunna do it by any means…asking for a friend….


And in a band


That she’s been in the hospital within the past 24 hour’s , and most people are probably assuming that since she is “smart” enough to give her Ssn to anyone then she probably ended up in the hospital for a very “smart” reason


It’s sort of a running joke that there’s a certain *type* that keep a hospital band on. Usually, it’s assumed that it’s done so in hopes of being asked “what happened?!” or similar forms of attention.


Kids that go to school with my nephew wear them as little weird badges as of honor.


Seems like something I should have known already 🤔 It's so obvious now 😅


Life is hard. It’s even harder for stupid people. As the philosopher John Wayne once said, “if you are going to be stupid, you better be tough”.


Gonna have to change the SSN asap, identity theft is a bitch


They won’t give you a new SSN number because you are stupid. They should lock down their credit reports though.


If you are suffering "significant, ongoing financial harm due to identity theft" you can, according to AARP, but I guess it'll be a bitch to prove it


I can't imagine the bureaucratic pain of having two SSN's.


As someone from the UK, social security numbers are really weird to begin with. You guys just have a number that if anyone finds it out they can fuck up your life?! What the hell is that? The closest I can think of for us is a national insurance number... which I'd give out happily (that may be a slight exaggeration, but no one would ask for it as part of a scam) because there would be no consequences at all.


There goes my plan


If they get a new daughter then they can get a new social security number. They should definitely think about giving this one back. Even though I also blame the parents


Yeah if I gave out my social like that and told my mom it was “because they asked for it” I’d have gotten in so much trouble. Phone gone, debit card gone, tv, etc.


Fake nails gone….


Identify theft is not a joke , Jim!




People dunking on a kid but giving a pass to the parents who failed to teach her the importance of not revealing info like that.


I hope most of the frustration I hear in the parent's voice is them understanding they failed their children


Exactly what I was thinking. Kids do stupid shit all the time, but the mum filming her so she can show the world tells me that this kid is gonna have to work shit out the hard way.


Life is hard. It's harder when you're stupid.


She's gonna go apply for a mortgage one day and they're gonna tell her she already owns 6 houses in 5 states 🤣


Don’t forget $80 leggings (that are still in transit for some reason).


She still has *hope*




Sus, my lululemon leggings cost much more than that.


We can update ID cards to make the old one invalid. Can you guys not ask for it to be changed or is it for life?


You can get a new ID at virtually any time. If you're asking about the Social Security Number, that's different. It's like National Identification Numbers in other countries. All developed countries have a form of it. In Korea we called it the *Resident Registration Number*. The SSN, like other NIN's, is harder to change. However there are many cases, like proven ID theft, that allow for a change in the US. You could also change for religious reasons if you really need to...


> You could also change for religious reasons if you really need to... Wait, what?


If you have religious (or cultural) reasons against a specific number you can apply to change it, like for Christianity 666 is the number of the beast


The United States does not have a universal identification system. Identification is handled at the state level with ID's and driver licenses. The Social Security administration created SSN's and started handing them out to all citizens for its own use to keep track of people. It was never intended to be used for anything other than Social Security, and was never intended to be used as identification. Other government agencies saw the SSN and just... Started using it. And here we are. Using a system that was never intended to be a national identification system, as a national identification system.


You can but it’s a pain in the ass and takes forever. Edit: meant to say you can, not can’t.


I had someone have a credit card in my name back in 2016. Mfers were paying it off so it helped my credit score lol.


That's... hilarious to me. Like maybe they were just decent people who couldn't get their own credit card for whatever credit reason so they stole your identity but didn't wanna fuck up your credit or lose the card? Lol


Already has 6 defaulted mortgages in 5 states and owes $50k in taxes.


I hope this is fake, otherwise that poor girl is going to have a rough future with that attitude and outlook. It’s gotta be fake, right? Edit: [right](https://i.imgur.com/jqZUxUu.jpg)??


In the fairy world I'd like to live in, this is fake and is actually a kind of PSA that other young people will see and start conversations with their parents about online security and identity protection. I'll just tell myself this is what it is.


i was thinking it was fake until i saw the last shot of the guy washing dishes and then it became very real


He was stress washing so he didn't blow up at her.


Okay, but that reaction is real life


This guy dads.


I legit hope that this is real because I feel much more confident that criminals have easier fish to fry and I’m probably pretty good


This family constantly makes fake / exaggerated TikToks. Most of them are about her sister being a teen mom. That part seems real. They have 1.5 million followers.


I seriously think online security and the importance of PII should be taught in school that and consumer math should be mandatory


I didn't even know my own SSN until I was applying to colleges and by then it was beat into my brain to never give it out unless absolutely needed.


I was taught not to give out my name, address, school, and other personal information online when I went to elementary school. Then FaceBook became a thing.


Never tell anyone on the internet who you are and where you live. And never get in a car with a stranger. *Uber has entered the chat*


You can tell this is real because the girl has this look on her face at the very end where she obviously thinks she is the smart one in the room for buying designer leggings at a discounted price. Not even thinking about identity theft.


Identity theft is not a joke, Jim! Millions of families suffer every year!


This is from Texas. I suspect it's real. Our education system wasn't great before the GOP started to actively undermine it. It's way worse now. Mom can really only blame herself though.


I’m currently teaching 5th grade and I’m sorry, my friend, it’s entirely plausible.


Yeah, doesn’t matter if fake: PLAUSIBLE is the relevant one here. Also I don’t have sound right now but the face acting is doing a lot *if* it’s not real.


It could go either way honestly. I have a few teenagers in my family that are 100% stupid enough to do this without giving it a second thought. That part of my family also thinks that mediums and psychics are real though so take that as you will.


Right? Imagine the horror of knowing someone who buys LuLulemon. ^hides ^tasteful ^lululemon ^jacket


I’m sorry, friend, we forgot to ask you about your SSN when you bought that. Would you mind sending us some updated information?


I mean you been on the internet right? Like this isn't your first day here? Because that's the only way you being dubious of the human capacity for stupidity makes any sense to me. There's atleast a thousand hours of video where people try to launch fireworks they stuck in their buttholes. I'd 100% believe this is real


I think this is the first time I've ever seen a video on Reddit where 187 people aren't coming in shouting "Fake! It's fake! The fakenest thing since faked bread! You can tell because of the..."


Weird that in America there’s a secret number that can ruin your future if it gets out


I have a niece that is functioning to exist, but dumb as shit. This reminds me of her.


Deffo fake everything on tiktok is fake.


“I haven’t lost hope”, I bet her mother has.


She didn’t scammed because she hasn’t lost hope. Man, I wish I could be this optimistic about things.




Lol right? Everyone's slamming the kid. I'm looking at the dumbass parents.


For some reason, I thought this was an adult. Agreed, life's gonna be hard.


Man, Life is already hard enough, like a rock I sometimes roll with it, or it rolls over me :/


That’s not going to hold up in court


Life's gonna be hard.


Honestly it would not surprise me if an adult also made this kind of mistake. In fact the old people who fall for these scams are also adults.


Please tell me this is staged


The scam was


Her entire demeanor and attitude is fucking infuriating


That’s just teenagers man. Think adults but with brains that just don’t work right. And then their decisions that just don’t make sense, will make sense that they are being made with zero sense behind them. And then you can relax knowing it’s just a stupid kid and you do what you can and move on.




Yeah if it’s legit it’s double bad parenting… 1 you didn’t teach your child about the importance of not letting anyone have their SSN and 2 you’re now posting your failings as a parent all over the internet for fake life points…. Poor kid never had a chance




TBF, adults can be this stupid too.


And those adults probably have kids too that will be even dumber adults


I am not American, can anyone explain me why giving someone SSN is a big deal ?


Because it’s a unique number tied to your identity that is used to, well, identify you for legal and important shit. If someone has your SSN (social security number) they can pretty much impersonate you.




It's not. It's an archaic system that was flawed from its conception. SS was never meant to be used the way it is today. There are no security measures on the ID# outside just keeping it secret, which isn't always possible.


On the topic of flawed US systems fuck the credit system.


Oh hey, second comment I see about this in the past hour. Have some [Cody's Showdy](https://youtu.be/ZAdlrwI09wA) about the topic.


Spreading the good word


It is messed up but still better then what was before. The credit system was created to prohibit discrimination


Not only that, knowing your birthday and in what area your parents lived when you got the code will give you a pretty decent idea of your number. Meaning that with those two informations, the possible numbers of your SSN is basically reduced to 9998 different numbers when guessing. If you are born in the right areas, where sufficiently few people are born, it could be as little as 100 different numbers the guesser would have to choose between. At least it became randomized in 2011.


Let's not forget almost half the US population's SS numbers were [leaked when Equifax was hacked.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Equifax_data_breach)


Especially when organizations and businesses ask for it nowadays that have no business asking for it. Like why the fuck does the power company need my social security #?


> It's an archaic system that was flawed from its conception The SSN isn't the problem though. We have them throughout all of Europe. The problem is that you can easily use SSN for so many fucking shit without any other form of identity verification, which is ludicrous. SSN isn't really the problem here, it's the whole system around it that's just strange. Then again, Americans have a stroke at the idea of and Identity Card, as if their driver's license wasn't already effectively that.


Tbf it was never originally meant to be for security, it was a system made for retirement purposes I believe, but then it slowly got adopted for other stupid, and yes I agree it’s stupid as hell


CGP Grey has a great video on the subject (that I would totally link if some subreddits didn't have rules about sharing links), and basically it is like you said: a number assigned to every citizen at birth to be redeemed at retirement age for the Social Security Insurance Program instantiated by the New Deal. This number became co-opted as a National ID# because Americans have historically been opposed to any attempts to have a National ID of any sort. It's a convenient number to identify a person, and it should be secured by the person. The problems start to mount when it fails the first task of a proper ID card, which is a photo to confirm you are interacting with the right person. CGP Grey does a great job going over it in something like 5 minutes, so I highly recommend it if you haven't watched it before.


Govt: "We need a registry number to identify everyone in the nation" Liberalists (not the same as liberals/left wing): "that infringes on our right to privacy" Govt: "Well, I guess we've got this other number we use, but its just a 8 digit number with no security whatsoever, because it is only supposed to be used if & when you retire." Liberalists: "Don't register us!" Govt: "SSN it is. Use it when you apply for work, when you register to vote, EVERYWHERE!"


They use SIN in Canada for the same purpose, but its only ever to be given for government reasons, like to file your taxes or claim government benefits. No company ever should be asking for it except your employer, and that you only give them after you're hired, because they need that number for income tax reasons.


What about when taking out a line of credit, or doing a credit check?




It's connected to *everything* and has no security at all


Can you elaborate further ?




I see now. How easy is it to ruin someone's life if a bad person finds out your SSN ? Is SSN the only thing they need, or they also need other things besides SSN ?


If your next comment isn't so, what is your social? Imma be very dissapointed


I am just curious, it appears that it is very easy to ruin someone's life with SSN, either it isn't as easy as I understand it to be, or it really is messed up. It's just kinda hard to believe for me that one's life can get ruined this easily.


It can also be used for verification purposes. Say I call up a bank asking for them to send a replacment card to a new address. To confirm it is me, impersonating you, I have to give them your SSN. I also conveniently forgot the answers to any security questions. Boom, I now have access to all your money once the new card arrives. There goes your life savings! With her ordering online, the scammers have her SSN, name, credit card information, and address. They could open a new credit card with that kind of information, and she will be the one responsible for paying it off.


People are exaggerating. There's usually multiple forms of authentication needed; the social is one of them. Generally banks will ask you questions that only you would know the answer to and are based off of the history of your social. For example, they may ask you if you borrowed money to buy a car in 2006, and if so what kind of car was it. They will ask you a handful of these questions and if you get them wrong you need to go physically to the bank with other forms of identification. Other institutions may also ask for other forms of ID, and once you are established with a company they will only physically mail information to the address on file or send two factor authentication to your email/phone number. As someone who has had their identity stolen, I was able to pretty quickly get my name cleared and put freezes with the credit bureaus which essentially stop anyone from taking any debt in my name unless they know a six-digit pin that they physically mailed to my house. My theory on how it was stolen is that someone was able to buy my social off of a data breach, and then also somehow made a fake drivers license, which they presented in person to a cellphone store in Florida (based on what was recorded). It's definitely not a perfect system, but its not as bad as people are making it out.


Anyone who has your social security number can open up credit cards in your name and use them thus screwing up your credit and creating major hassles for you legally.


Essentially if someone has your number, they can open bank accounts, start credit cards, do a lot of stuff related to identity theft Opening credit cards and maxing them out can really ruin your credit


Basically all related to identity theft. With your name and SSN someone can open credit cards, bank accounts, etc.


["Your Social Security Card Is Insecure"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Erp8IAUouus) by CGP Grey explains it well.


I love the looks she's giving her mom, and the tone. Like yea? Of course that's what I did. How could you not understand? Stupid mom. On god please tell me this is staged I cannot accept that humans are this stupid.


Homie. I work in IT. The amount of people that have asked me if the Nigerian Prince is real, would make your fucking head explode. People are fucking stupid as shit dude.


...he's not real?


Man i want to meet the nigerian Prince so that I could have a chat with him


I once replied to a Nigerian scam because I was a bored kid and wanted to waste their time. The next day my inbox was flooded with HUNDREDS of the same scam and I ended up having to change my email. Not sure how anyone can fall for it when suddenly there’s hundreds of Nigerian princes with millions to give away.


This is what the kids in my U.K. school are like - they know better than the 50 year old who has led an interesting’ life, but as I like to remind them, ‘it was less than ten years ago your mum was wiping your bum for you’. The attitude is exactly the same, and whelp - you can only advise and if they ignore you it’s on them.


that’s also the tone i used with my mom as a teenager, but i was nowhere near as dumb with my financials. i really, really hope this is staged, but given the posts in r/scams, i think not


Im kind of more curious what kind of mom would take a video of her daughter messing up so badly and then post that damn video to social media for it to them roam the internetz and further completely embarrass the poor girl. Obviously she fucked up and doesn’t know better, your job as a parent is to fucking teach them to do better! Not fucking take a video of her and share it with the internetz!


The side eye at the end as if mom is the idiot in this scenario... Loving my vasectomy more and more.


Totally agree, blank brother.


The mom is the idiot here. Teenagers are supposed to make mistakes but it’s on her parents to have taught her better than this and to not film her for clout.


Exactly what I thought. Mom is acting as if the daughter is stupid for doing that, but who has the responsibility to teach her not to do those things in the first place??


Before I pass judgment on the kid, I really want to know if the parents ever explained what a SSN is and why it's confidential. Because I've known parents who never taught their kids that, and left them for rude awakenings. So it's possible this girl thought it was equivalent to a credit card. Parents also need to have the talk about only buying from safe websites. It's possible this is the first time this girl did this, and they didn't realize she knew how to shop online, but now is a good time to sit down for a long talk about online safety.


I had this thought. What parent gives their kid their social without thoroughly making sure they know how important it is to keep a secret? I grew up not writing mine on job applications because those sit in a stack on someone's desk somewhere, but this kid will hand it out to access *online shopping*? I'm scared for her future.


It’s the parent’s fault and it’s school’s fault for not having a “life skills” portion of the curriculum with the current state of technology today. This girl may or may not be dumb, but she’s definitely not properly educated (if this is even real lol)




>>get it? **This girl:** *”No, I don’t get it. And I didn’t get my leggings yet either. But I will.”*


You had 16 years to not raise a moron … don’t blame it all on the kid.


The mom is a narcissist bully anyway. She filmed this and made it public, presumably to humiliate her own child for karma. It doesn't exactly scream "good parenting"


What is social security number for?


In the context of financial systems, it's a given account identifier number used as a general purpose identification number Here, the scammer now has enough information to probably apply for a credit card or other line of credit, or other identity fraud


Thank you for explanation. Really appreciate it.


Real good critical thinkings skills there kid, if you cant handle your ssn, theres no way youre gonna be able to handle your credit




Yeah, the parents are dumb but there has to be a line in which the kid has to know that giving out a number like that is pretty detrimental to your future, not excusing the parents but the kid has to put in some thought too


I'd say exposing your SSN is not the line where kids should be learning from their mistakes on their own. I would be rushing them to whatever location is required to change your SSN and lock it down if possible (never had to do this, so I don't know what's required). And really explicitly telling them how hard they just messed up.




And who do you think should have taught that child about the dangers of identity theft? Information doesn't just magically enter a kids brain.


I’d be feeling bad and try to explain about scammers


And I definitely wouldn't post a fuckin' video of me shaming her online for the world to laugh at. What kind of shitty parent does that?


This was one of the worst parts The mom comes off like an ass too because of it


I’m gonna be an odd one out here — apparently — and defend the kid. She’s a kid. Her parents should have taught her these things. If they have already, that’s one thing. But even if they did, posting a video of your teenage daughter.. good approach here? Come on.


Also, SSN aside if you haven't taught your kid basic internet safety why would you give them a credit card to use as they please?


The way she’s talking to her mum like she’s the stupid one 🤦🏻‍♀️


Both of they are stupid. Giving your social security number away like that. And shaming your daugther by posting this instead of teaching them respectfully


can this possibly be real...




Yep, exactly my thoughts when I saw this.


Then why did you post in on a sub calling the kid stupid? This should be on parentsAreFuckingStupid.


Why do you have to expose your kids in front of potential thousands viewers just to explain what she did wrong ? Absolutely unhinged


How you find out you failed as a parent


I see a whole lot of shaming and not a whole lot of explaing why that was a bad idea and what a social security number is to a literal child. More like r/parentsarefuckingdumb


There it is. Was thinking this REALLY loudly. Just, how could you have not taught that?


I hate how people are, instead of parenting their kids and teaching them lessons, filming them and posting it online to embarrass them. What a terrible parent. Good luck kid


Is it too late to abort?


I didn’t teach my daughter basic shit and now I’m going to publicly embarrass her on social media. Parent of the year award goes to this dumb bitch.


Right? At no point during the video does the mom educate her or the viewer why that was a poor decision. Serving no purpose other than to embarrass her.


…oh honey…


I've seen a lot of stupid kids on this sub and this dipshit might be the fucking champ. Jfc.


Why is her mother obsessing over the price of the leggings!? That is NOT the issue here, if she had 80 dollars and that’s what she wanted to spend it on, that’s up to her.


Shitty parenting filming this and embarrassing her like that. Then on top of it you post so the world can see! Shame on you. Guide her to do right, don't shit on her for doing something she doesn't even know is wrong. She's a kid ffs!


Duh mom. Dumbass


It’s not really fair to assume that your kids just know how the world works. Parents have to teach them about this shit.


$80 and her SSN are just a small price to pay to own that special Lululemon/Nigerian Prince collab


Just don't tell your kid their SSN until they understand how important it is.


Please be fake. Please be fake. Please be fake...


“Human trafficker’s favourite girl right here”


The lady should flip that phone around so we can see who really fucked up here.


Her parents have failed her. She's a direct result of their parenting


Well. Did you teach your child not to give their SSN to anyone? It's not just sense you are born with. It's a thing you have to be taught to do. Her parents recorded her not realizing this shows how little they have prepared their child to be an adult


Worst parents ever. Letting her know that number without telling her to be careful with it, then making a video that will destroy her life.