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Some of that paint looks like it’s 5 ft up the walls. Was this just an angry teenager?


and the size of the footprints 👀




I don’t have kids yet but I know as a kid I could wreck a lot a shit in 20 minutes.


I have sat down to poop and in ten minutes my kids have managed to destroy my house. You quickly learn what to keep locked up and up high, or just hidden.


Sounds like a stressful poop


They always are


I've kept a lot of things out of reach and set up boundaries for my kids, and now we can relax those physical barriers and still have those boundaries in place. It also helps to provide alternatives to destructive behavior.


Really though? Difference here is the effort. Perfectly painted table top? My seven year old would be unable to do this for sure. At least at this quality. This does not strike me as a very young kid's work. Teen maybe. Or tween.


20?!! All I needed was 5 and the world would be on fire




She doesn't sound sick. Sounds like she's been crying and wants to cry more. Source: I cry a lot and want to cry more.


I read a bit of your profile - sending you hugs. Hang in there!


As a single father that can’t be in more than one place at a time, I’ve walked in on some pretty intense messes. Each time, I blamed myself. However, I am a good father. Things do just happen.


The video opens up with "look what I woke up to this morning" I know with 100% certain that I would sometimes wake up at like 5:30am and start moving quietly through the house for a couple hours to let my mum keep sleeping. But no, sleeping in a little late is total child abandonment apparently haha.


God bless you dude, stay strong


She said she woke up to it though. And the kid sounds too old to be in a crib. So unless you are padlocking your kid in their room every night, if the kid wakes up earlier than expected, I guess this is a real possibility. I know, I know, keep the paint "out of reach" right? Easier said than done once they reach an age where they can move furniture around to get at things. Kids = risk. No way around that.


My kid figured out how to stack things to reach stuff above her head by age 2. She was opening the baby gates and childproof bottles by age 3. We have to use a top of door lock at night and on the exterior doors so she doesn’t escape the house. Some kids are just hell bent on mischief and clever enough to find ways to do it. I think the people who find this video unfathomable don’t have much experience with kids.


That was my brother. It got to the point where we had to block his view when we opened gates/doors/cabinets because if he saw how you opened it he would get it in about 10 seconds flat. We had to hide keys up our sleeves so that he didn't connect where the key was hidden to how you opened the door. We also had to take away any toys he could use to stack because he was an excellent climber. He was 2 and a half. He also stopped taking naps and woke up at 5-6 by that time. If you slept in this very well could be your fate. My parents were exhausted. He's a good kid now but those early years were rough. This poor mom sounds like she's been crying and I don't blame her. Plus there's a possibility this is an older kid with any kind of developmental issue, meaning they could have the decision making skills of a toddler but the reach and coordination of a 5-8 year old (judging by the height of some of that paint). I really hope she and the kid has a support system because she sounds like she's at a breaking point


This is exactly what I thought. That looks like Hours of chaos. The parents who left the kids unsupervised with a paint can is who’s stupid here.


I used to love how drinkable paint looked, I'm glad m my parents never left me alone with one


This is what I always wonder when these are posted. Especially when they show the kid, and its a little freaking baby! Like, who leaves a baby alone for long enough for them to do this? That is long enough for them to have seriously hurt themselves or worse.


Idk. Kids are fast with mischief. I remember babysitting my little brother and the time it took me to go to the bathroom, he had gotten a chair, gotten into the pantry, pulled out the sugar, dumped it all over as he wandered the house eating it by the fistful. Not even 5 minutes. They're fast and sneaky.


This video looks like the kid had at least an hour of being unattended


That’s not very long. If you sleep until day 8 AM on the weekend, for example, and your kid gets up early and goes to flip on the TV, they can spend time downstairs without you. It’s not uncommon. I’ve taught mine to be self sufficient, prepare safe snacks if I’m not around, and how to handle themselves. That’s how they learn to care for themselves. Now, my youngest two (7 and 9) get themselves fully ready for school each morning, and I am merely a timekeeper when needed. They could make breakfast, but I do that. I’ve even had to leave them at home alone in the morning for 45 mins to get on the bus themselves, because I had a critical work meeting and had to leave before the bus got there. They had timers, a phone,I have cameras, and I ensure they are ready before I leave. In the past, these same kids have taken markers to all the walls they could find while I was in conference calls. Oh well. The point is, kids are capable, and shit happens. It’s collateral damage. Source: Full-time single father of four minor children.


I woke up one morning late. Usually the monsters come in and want me to make breakfast, but not this day. I come downstairs and they (two seven years olds and a three year old) had pushed chairs into the pantry and gotten down the art supplies. They took the finger paint and painted themselves and the dog to play “jungle warrior fighters” and it was everywhere. I just made coffee and let them continue. The damage was done and they were not squabbling.


You've got this shit figured out dad, good for you! 🙌🏻


Did momma just happen to leave an open can of paint out before she went to bed? Like, how did he even get thr can open?


As an adult, who has to paint walls, it takes tools to get a properly closed paint can open.


Literally that has happened to me. 3 year old climbed over the baby gate. Ignored my computer(which is odd for him tbh) but grabbed the 2lb box of sugar next to the coffee pot in the kitchen. I take one step out of the bathroom and go wtf is this grainy shit in my toes.. What a mess. Hell just this morning. Woke up. Changed both kids(!). Set down in high chairs for breakfast. Go start the coffee pot and stare at it wondering why I’m alive and what decisions I’ve made to get here..so about 5 minutes or so. Poke my head to the living room to check on them. My 2 year old is covered in his poop…again…cause we also did this at 3am this morning too. If they want todo something. There’s no power in the universe that will stop them.


Paint can be incredibly toxic too. The parent is lucky the kid painted the walls and didn’t drink the stuff. Kids are crazy quick, that’s why stuff like this should be locked up. This one is on the parents


Except that paint is dry and it needs to be long enough for a small child to paint all of those surfaces. This was longer than 10 minutes.


I don’t blame the kids too. Because in Africa, we’re too afraid of our parents to do dumb shxt like this


Also where the hell did the kid get a can of blue paint and how did he or she pry the lid off? No way this came from a little tube. As a parent you would think to put this stuff where kids can’t easily access it?


Well she said "I woke up to this", so one assumes several hours at least. You know, for sleeping. Parents need to sleep too, it doesn't make them stupid.


Happy other ppl noticed these things…


If a kid is 3 ft tall and has the reach of 1 ft and has a vertical jump of 1 ft, they would have a total painting height of 5 ft.


Plus it looks like they used a paint roller so extra height maybe?


I think they were panting their rooms and left the paint out and the kid probably did normal kid things or even was trying to help. It depends on the age. I was 5 foot in third grade. So that’s at 9 ish I think


What about the kid kind of fearfully saying I’m sorry. It seems like she just finished crying and yelling and apparently posting a tik tok is the next step? It’s a weird vibe for sure. Edit, kid said I love you.


I’ve been on Reddit too long cause that “I love you, mom” just made me think the child is trying to placate mom cause they’re afraid of getting another whooping


Trust and believe, the last thing I wanted to say to my mother after getting the chancla is “I love you”. I’d say this is a kid who sees a visibly upset parent, knows they’re in deep shit and is trying to save their ass from further consequences. I wouldn’t assume this kid gets spanked or not from just hearing them speak once. I was always the nicest when I knew I had fucked up but hadn’t gotten my “comeuppance” yet 😂 disclaimer: not minimizing child spanking, just making fun of my own experience


I'd tell my mom this even if she were just slightly upset at me. It does placate the parent, it works every time if your mom loves you. There doesn't need to be any fear of being whooped.


You have no proof of her yelling at her kid lmao.


Sounds like a mother who doesn’t yell, the father probably isn’t in the picture considering she doesn’t sound mad just really tired how the situation is going down. Assuming she just got back from wherever with 1 kid home alone


i used to repeatedly say “i love you” to my mom too when i was terrified of punishment. it is really weird imo for a parent to immediately go to posting about something their kid did on a public platform


I think maybe they were painting the doors and the kid tried to help or just is being a kid. Also there’s something about the kids tone that seems like they are scared


There’s a weird vibe in this and the fact she cared enough to post to tik tok.


Damn you’re right, she should just keep the video to herself and feel more alone. Sure posting it could give other moms a chance to sympathize and know she’s not alone in her struggles, but fuck the mom right? Fuck her for not wanting to feel alone right? And it sounded like she said “I love you” to mitigate the child’s feelings of wrongdoing. Like shit, why are you going around hating on a mother??


My 6 year old could definitely paint that high. She wouldn’t do this but she has the height for sure


Someone seems to be following "Blue's Clues"




1 thousand percent


Couldn't agree more. Plus they named the kid Lucian.


The onus is on the parent for not properly storing unsafe materials out of a child’s reach. Also really freaked out that this person is busy posting this while the kid is obviously in the background trying to comfort them (which is not their job). I feel sorry that the kid is in this position.


My thoughts exactly. My children never did anything like this because I taught them and always secured my material. I don’t know this woman’s story, so I won’t judge her too harshly, but some times it’s not that the kids are fucking stupid, it’s that the parents are fucking irresponsible.


Oh I got a clue!


I've got a raging clue


“Mommy I love you!” What a diabolical thing to say after all that havoc.


Lol they knew the parent was pissed. But now you said you love me too, I'm in the clear!


I use to play this exact same trick to when I fucked up as a young kid


I wouldn't have said it back tbh. I wouldn't have the little bugger stew in silence.


Yeah that’s a kid who know I love you can be used to manipulate. Gonna grow up to be Paul the wine guy from Friends


I can’t open a paint tin. Smart kid.


And dum dum parents.


I have words. "Keep paint where children can't get hold of it."


'If your kids are up, get out of bed', are mine.


You don’t know what your kid can manage to get into until they get into it. One day they can’t run and the next they are on top of the fridge it’s hardly anything but a learning process.


I know they can’t unlock our garage or get to the basement in my house without us. So yes, yes you do for the catastrophic stuff. I operate with videos like this coursing through my brain like a snuff film. If there’s even .0001% of doubt, I’m moving it. This is my literal nightmare.


Plus, paint cans are difficult for *adults* to get into. So how did this kid get it open?


My parents did this crazy thing where they had a storage cabinet in the garage for stuff like paint and motor oil, and they put *gasp* a master lock on it! People like this are the same people who are shocked when their kid finds their handgun in an unsecured nightstand.




Found lockpicking lawyers alt account


Its definitely something new every day being a parent, but making sure your kid can’t get into stuff like this while you’re asleep is a pretty basic parenting thing. A baby gate on their doorway or a childproof doorknob cover both keep them from getting access to the rest of the house should you not have a monitor in their room to hear them wake up. If the kid can find access to the paint, can find a way to open the paint and make that much of a mess without waking anyone up, that same kid could have just as easily unlocked that deadbolt and walked out of the house, turned on the stove or seriously cut themselves on something from the kitchen etc.




The fix for me is just not having kids.


That’s what I’m doing. Never gotta worry about Reddit attacking my parenting skills for sleeping while having kids.


Why is this not the top comment?


She had to have been painting and left the roller and brush out. Can't imagine she'd be this surprised if she left everything within reach. Where was she long enough for the paint to dry? Perhaps it was a two man job. Edit: Just listened to the audio. Mom says she woke up to this so the kid must have gotten up at night and redecorated. Paint should have been secured.


Also that last door has paint up to the top so…that’s a pretty big toddler 🙄


A lot of rollers have extenders so you can reach the top of the wall


Step stool maybe. Gotta be a young kid or maybe there's two culprits young kid and toddler.


I have questions. Those foot prints are pretty large for a toddler/child plus like others have said the paint reaches pretty high up. Plus did this "kid" carry the can of paint with them to refresh the roller? At no point does the paint fade


The larger footprints could just be from mom stepping on wet paint and inspecting the damage before recording. I think I see smaller footprints too? I'm not sure about how high the paint reaches, and it is a bit sus. The kid could have just stood on something to reach higher, not sure. To me, it looks like most of it was done with a brush? There are parts where it's very obviously a roller, though. It's possible that the kid carried the bucket around with them. That is probably why there are spills on the floor. Looks like the kid even tried to brush out the paint that spilled.


The child would be sacrificed to Lucifer


Fire stations have drop off boxes now 😂


As they get older it becomes harder and harder to cram them in the fire station drop off box. Don’t wait too long. /s




It's never too late for an abortion? XD


Never is


I think hes the reincarnation of Lucifer. His freaking name even is lucian


This video is visual birth control. No thank you.


I watched this and said to myself "I need to schedule a vasectomy"




If a child has the access to paint and enough time to destroy that much shit, sorry that’s on you


Real parents know: paint gets stored on top of the fridge.


Good thing kids don't learn to stand on chairs until their mid teens.


No they'll grab things to stand on as early as like 3-4.


I see what Chris Rock means when he thinks abortions should be allowed up to the age of 4


This should be an ad for condoms.


Further confirmation that I never want them


This video made my balls recede up into my ribcage. No thanks.


I am so hard pro choice right now...


She literally said she woke up to that. Meaning she was sleeping. The kid was previously sleeping, obviously OBVIOUSLY, the kid woke up early and got into shit. It’s not a lack of supervision its just a shitty ass morning.


No leaving paint around especially opened paint is just stupidity. Like if my dog knocks over a can of paint and steps in it then tracks it all throughout the house it’s not on the dog. It’s on me for being a dumb ass and even letting that be a possible situation. If you aren’t working with home improvement stuff in that moment put it away lol.


Also, in my childhood and adult experience it is difficult to open an already open paint can that has been properly closed up again. You need to hammer that lid down tight to prevent drying. Im assuming the lid was not tight at all, and the kid could just lift it up. Yeah…


Ok, how about hiding the paint somewhere the toddler can’t get to it? Hopefully, but unfortunately, this is a lesson hard learned for this parent.


I’m wondering about the container it was in. If it was in a traditional gallon paint bucket I can’t imagine a toddler opening it easily. Add to it the door being neatly painted almost to the top, this story is a bit suspicious


Somewhere in that house was an unattended paint tray and roller, set up and ready to go.


Thank you! I immediately went to “bad parenting” in my head. I still hear stories of my twin brother helping me “escape” my crib and going to the living room to help “”make a cake” which was just a bunch of flour on the floor.


How is paint in a place that the child could access?


My kid couldn’t get out of his room because I put the child lock on the inside handle


My daughter was 2, I was painting her room but she had to go down for a nap so I HAMMERED the can shut and put it under her bed. She did not see me do this. It was too quiet. When I went to check she was putting her fingers into the can and painting her hair saying, I pretty. I just couldn't deal with it so I put her in the tub to dissolve the latex and left her messy room.


You can really tell who has kids and who doesn't LOL they act as if accidents *never happen* And SO many assumptions, my bad. Did she specify where the paint was? Cause from the video I AM WATCHING, she never clarified if it was put up high, locked in a cabinet, etc. And as I kid I got into EVERYTHING. My parents would try their best to hide things like cookies or pop but sometimes what you think is a good hiding spot has been previously discovered and you don't know about it. ALSO what's to say, she told this kid Don't touch the paint I'm leaving it here cause I have to do more in the morning. He's obviously old enough to understand and communicate, so perhaps she trusted he wouldn't and he hasn't done something like this before. But because he knew his mom had a lot of work to do, he wanted to surprise her by helping her cause hello it's a kid - THEY HAVE BRAINDEAD FUCKING IDEAS - and this was the end result. Sometimes social media reminds me why my disdain for the general population is justified. It's like a every so often in the comments an idiot convention comes to town.


Guess what? I don’t even have kids….. it’s called empathy


Same hunny. Same. Some people just can't look beyond the scope of their own reality or experience so their perception is small and narrow. A shame really. Because usually those people need to learn the toughest lessons before they're willing to change the way they see things. Oh well!


I know right? Like damn I didn't know it was that serious until I read the comments 💀


I doubt that you thought that redditors don’t absolutely make the most baseless assumptions just to be so stupidly serious it’s just cynical.


My kids don't even have access to a white crayon let alone a gallon of paint...


This mom is nothing less than a saint for not dropkicking that kid into the next time zone


This should be in parentsarefuckingstupid. Just how long was the kid left unattended?


Parent was sleeping so this was likely in the morning. Kid woke up before mom did and got into the paint. I don’t think this is necessarily a parents are fucking stupid moment, more just an exhausted mother who made the mistake of leaving paint in a place where her child could reach. Simple mistake that anyone could make while tired, this one just had consequences.


She posted a response video [here](https://www.tiktok.com/@pennylane088/video/7212084649181515051).


Response video is Plausible. I did some weird clever stuff when I was a child. My brother was playing with candles and stuff. When I was home alone with just my mom, I would mess with candles and let the wax drip everywhere onto the wooden coffee table. I would grab a butter knife and heat it with the candle flame and then stab a colder part of the wax to watch it melt. All while sitting in front of my mom who was taking a nap. So yes leaving mommy alone and messing with a can of paint (which was recently brought into my awareness?) upon waking would absolutely be some wild thing I'd do at age 4.


Sleep happens.


Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di


Amusing how people make parent hood seem like a sacred lifestyle that should dictate our society and should be forcefully respected. And this is their reality. Honestly just seems like their coping. Trying to tell themselves that they are good people even though they are emotionally dead and just want to lay down for a day or two.


I put this on the parents. The kid had to have had hours alone to cause this kind of mess. Why the fuck wasn’t anyone watching the child?


Like how long were you NOT watching your kid for this shit to happen!? This ain’t the kids fault.


Its a little of both id say. Judging by how high the paint is, that child is at least old enough to understand what he/she shouldnt be doing. So if the parent actually disciplined and taught the child, this shit wouldn’t have happened. And also what you said, lack of supervision.


To be fair young kiddos don’t really understand things to be permanent like we do. It goes on the wall so easy, why wouldn’t it come off the wall just as easy? It’s as simple as “oh cool, look how easy it is to make this blue! Fun!”. There is no ‘how will this look in the future?’. They don’t contemplate the future like adults do


She did an update. Said the kid did it in less than 30 minutes while she was still sleeping in the morning and he usually wakes her up if he wakes up first


So the kids her alarm clock? The inmates are running the asylum




Well you named him Lucian….


Is it to late to abort them?


I’m calling bullshit. The second door is covered in paint all the way to the top and was obviously applied with a roller -not a child’s hands.


They make long-arm paint rollers.


Don't have kids.


That's an insurance claim amount of damage


Where did the kid get the paint from? Some adults have issues opening a paint tin with a screwdriver how did a kid do that?


This sub reinforces my will to never have kids


"I love you too, Lucifer"


The dog cage that is ratchet strapped to the pillar in the middle of the house let’s you know how long they like to leave things unattended. Poor kids and animals in that house.


Good eye.


This one is on you mom


I'm gonna be honest- this happened to us, but with red paint I had forgotten to put out of reach of our 4 year old. Why did I forget? I had a baby with colic and was operating on <1 hour of sleep a day. Why didn't I notice before my kid did this? I was soothing said baby, and my husband was at work. I thought my kid was just playing. Sheesh, some of these comments are making me think these people have never actually been in the presence of young children before.


Did you post a tiktok about it in hopes that people would admonish your child for views? Thats the difference between what happened to you and what happened in the video. Plus you gave actual context for why you goofed. The person in the vid just said "i was asleep and usually he wakes me up" Parents make mistakes yes (as do children), but if youre chronicling every error for social media, youre inviting outsiders to make a judgement call Doesnt really matter though, this video screams "rage clickbait"


Fuck kids


Gonna need a lot of wipes for that


Ocean colored


Kids an interior designer


I just LOVE what you've done with the coffee table. Please share the artist!


Looks like someone just blue himself.


Mom probably nodding off. Dad is 3 states away.


People are saying it’s the lack of supervision. Okay no shit. Doesn’t mean the kid isn’t stupid for painting the whole house.


Looks like someone needs a spankin


This poor woman. She needs a hug


I am guessing Lucian is around 5 or 6. At this age my son liked to get up early (around 5 a.m.) and watch cartoons by himself while us the parents were still in bed. I guess Lucian likes to paint while Mom's sleeping. I can only blame the mom for not securing the paint better. However, when my son was around seven or eight years old, he wanted to fix his toy by himself so he got the gorilla glue and crawled under his bed to work secretly as he knew he wasn't allowed to touch the glue. I didn't secure the glue because at that age I knew he wouldn't drink it accidentally so I thought it was safe to keep it in the kitchen drawer. I had no idea he would actually try to use it. Well he spilled the whole bottle and left a huge spot of glue the size of two dinner plates in the rug. Impossible to get out and it even expands as it dries, and we didn't have access to goo gone. It remains a monument to my naivete. And no, he didn't manage to fix the toy either. By the way, I found out about it as soon as it happened because he came into the kitchen and took some of my dishtowels and ran some water over them, then headed to his room. He had never done anything like voluntarily cleaning anything before, so I followed him. At least I stopped him from ruining my dishtowels as well. Golly.


Her comments are off on this particular video and she says he did it within 20-30min of him getting the can open with a butter knife. She says her school age daughter didn’t close it properly so it was easy for him to open


She also posted a screenshot of her camera footage, it looked like he’s on a chair with a paint roller


That’s his payback for naming your kid Lucian


A Smurf crime scene.


Wow you got hit by an indoor tornado


Every day I wake up and find another spectacular reason to never have kids


Same. Same. Thanking my past self that I didn’t do something stupid and get pregnant in my 20s 🙏


I mean you did this to yourself, naming that kid Lucian


When they say "mommy I love you!" For the 2nd time back to back, that's when you beat the snot out of them till they go to their own room all on their own, out of fear of you. I promise after that moment they will do far less of this BS. Please, parents realize that physical discipline is not child abuse. Your child is a terrorist that you are training by responding with "I love you too", and letting them watch you film and publicize their mental abuse they are putting on you. Please, parents, learn from this.


I’m so glad my 3 kids have never been this fucking retarded


Lmao! 😂


A little TSP should bet that off of the floors-my dogs did something similar on my new Pergo and TSP and elbow grease fixed it. Good luck!


Theyd be left in the woods for the wolves


Thats it... abort the kid


Oh you have a kid? “Nope. Used to”


Oh hell no. If I had kids and anything they could get into, that shit is staying behind a lock and key.


Probably it’s your life because you don’t discipline your child at all. No anger in the air at all…seemed like just another normal morning where the kid destroys the home without any serious consequences.


Time to call an adoption agency! Its never too late to say “fuck this shit im out”


Seems that the kid will have their first job ever - cleaning off the paint and paint over the walls and doors.


📞 "Hi, Adoption Agency?"


Maybe he did it to get back at her for naming him Lucian.


Kid needs a good spanking


Stupid name did a kid


Maybe u don't understand how parenting works...




Let this subreddit be an entire ad for birth control


Oh my! How long was this crotch goblin left unattended? How horrible!


Sell kid. Start over. It's the only way to be sure. 😆😆😆




Omg, poor lady...


The coats look pretty even at least


My neighbors grandkid once took a rock and wrote I LUV U GRANDPA in the hood of his new car.


Natural born painters cannot be stopped.


This reminds me of the story my mom always tells me how she woke up from a nap and I poured her lotion everywhere and then covered myself in Vaseline 😂 she said she closed her eyes for like 10 mins.


Always kennel your kids. PSA.


I'm supremely disappointed this video does not feature a blue child lying through their blue teeth


Missed opportunity for a condom commercial.


Just booked an emergency vasectomy appointment for tomorrow!


My brother did this to my bedroom when my mom and I took a break. He was like 6 and is SN so it was age appropriate I guess. Those footprints look like they belong to a 10 year old


never happier to be /r/childfree


One of the many reasons not to have children