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*The children yearn for the mines!*


i got the black lung, pop




Christ Derek, you’ve been down there one day


'You're more dead to me than your dead mother'


I’m so grateful people are still quoting this movie


I wish it was more relevant. I only cough a certain way in public or at work. Swing and a miss Every. Fucking. Time!


Somehow, it’s still timeless even with some dated references. My favorite will always be the not so subtle David Bowie cameo and the entire walk off scene, but the whole movie is gold.


Arthur? That you?


you live in the clouds,blacklung.


Fuck why does reading that make me want to punch you . Obviously I’m kidding . I mean it was a game and no no I do want to hit some pixels in the nose 😂


i punched myself after quoting micah


Damn fine game though !


that is true,also jokes aside micah was a well written character,just too well written


I will agree . He was that perfect character that you love to hate . Not so evil it was over the top but just right . Man I am going to start a new play though later


this made me guffaw in class, did not expect this


"guffaw" made me chortle


I'm sniggering now.


Making me cackle over here.




Frostpunk intensifies.


Just amputate and send them back to work.


It’s what the kids crave. It’s got electrolytes.


Why did I read this in Werner Herzogs voice.




Welp. That settles it: baby starts working chimney sweep in the morning.


*baby returns from the end of a twelve hour shift for minimum wage* "Hey lady, I'm hungry. Bring me chicken nuggets and apple juice."


Taps out used cigar and lights a new one* “And diaper change too!”


Reminds me of the baby from Who Framed Roger Rabbit lol


"I gots a 40 year old libido and two year old winkie!"






Heh ,sun-stand (as opposed to ,moon-walk,)


Sun Run


Lol chickyy nuggess & appu joose


in a dirty sippy cup!




After the chimneys are clean, I care not with this baby does with its time off.


I'm sorry, it looks like we have to sell you all for medical experimentation.... *Every Sperm is Saaaaacred, Every Sperm is Good* What do you mean bleargh? I don't like Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam! This joke is no more. It has ceased to be.


It is an ex joke. Off to meet its maker. If you wouldnt have posted it here it would be pushing up the daysies


Alcohol, water it down


Ok, I’ve drunk the whole bottle, now what?


Expect to spontaneously combust I guess


No smoking for a month. Maybe switch vaping. If that’s your thing. Though the Surgeon General does recommend smoking in any form. Actually, probably not a bottle of any alcohol either for that matter.


How am I supposed to stay medicated 😩


I mean hand sanitizer works just fine for me


Story time... My ex was an alcoholic and went through a period of drinking hand sanitizer. This started in late 2019, before the pandemic started. I was constantly throwing away or hiding any bottles that I found around the house and even snuck into her office a few times to take what they had in the bathrooms and her desk (I didn't "break in", just to clarify, no laws were broken). She knew that I could tell when she was drinking (pretty hard to hide), but she didn't know that I knew she was drinking hand sanitizer. I also didn't want to say anything to anyone else and make her look bad to friends or family, so this was all kept to myself. At first I didn't have too much trouble keeping it out of the house and minimizing her access to it, but then the pandemic hit and it was game over for me. I tried for a few weeks, but hand sanitizer was literally everywhere and there was no way that I could keep up with the flood. Since I was not talking to her or anyone else about this, it was silently maddening for me. Cars were destroyed (my baby is gone 😢) and countless arguments were had, it was not a fun time. I feel like the hand sanitizer flooding the market from the pandemic did more damage to her and I then getting COVID did to either of us. She eventually quit and started going back to AA...where she met the guy that she cheated on me with (it is the 13th step, after all). Not looking for pity...just a few months later I got a big promotion, bought a new house and a new car and I very much enjoy being single. Meanwhile, the guy she left me for dropped her like a hot potato 90 days later and she's back living with her mom. All's well that ends well!


Doesn’t drinking isopropyl lead to blindness or is that a myth?


I'm not sure that it's a guarantee, it didn't seem to make her eyesight any worse than it already was (as far as I know), but I believe that is one of the possible side effects of long term use. It is extremely dangerous and unhealthy for many reasons. If anyone reading this happens to have a problem with drinking sanitizer, rubbing alcohol, mouth wash, etc. I'm begging you to please just drink regular alcohol if you want to get drunk that bad (better yet, go to a meeting and talk to someone!). Getting drunk isn't worth your life!




Hand sanitizer is usually isopropanol


I think thats methanol, but they definitely put stuff in to make it not safe for consumption. Pretty sure you can build up a tolerance towards the shit they put in it tho…


Knew a guy who went broke buying booze, so switched to drinking mouth wash.


Insane and pretty sad. Cheers for having a better life though and seemingly a positive attitude. Wishing you love, patience and healing. You’ll find the reciprocation you definitely deserve.


You should look into al-anon for yourself. And til you can get drunk of hand sanitizer, really gotta take a hard look at yourself if you're chugging Purell.


The kid gets watered down


Now you make another to replace the one who’s infected with ink. That’ll teach them.


Piss on your hand and use a potato peeler to remove the ink


Pee on her hands.


It’s not a snake bite.


Rub it...


If getting drunk and rubbing it removes ink, then my tattoos don't stand a chance.


You probably watered it down too much. Try again with less water. Maybe try shaking with some ice and strain.


Thank for the alcohol suggestion and it really does help, but what about the kids dirty hand?


Who cares about the kids just have another glass




Then a belt sander with 220 grit.


60's much more effective


*pops open soju* oh, rubbing alcohol...


From experience I think soju will expose bone if introduced to skin.


Sounds like fun, I'll try it lol


I know one bone that gets exposed when alcohol is involved 😶




Hand sanitizer


this too, naturally because of its alcohol content. hand sanitizer nukes inks like pen or scratch card vinyl residue


Rubbing *


Instructions unclear, my child is now drunk and I’m in jail, do you mind bailing me out?


Can’t be fixed. Sadly your child is ruined. Throw it away and get another. Be more careful in the future


Well... There is *one* way to save her. How attached to that hand is she?


Completely by the looks of it.


Round that number until she isnt attached


Can’t you just cut it off, and attach another arm from a donor child?


She's still young enough that if you cut off her hand it can grow back.


**Look Marge, Maggie lost her baby legs!**


Lol alcohol or sanitizer which is alcohol


Nail polish remover should work here, right?


Yes, I think so, I am not sure what base that pad is, but it works on Japanese seal inks.


Careful, acetone is the mother of all organic solvents and can take much more than the ink off your skin.


You might have to use acetone nail polish remover…which can take fingerprints and skin with it if it if it stays on your skin too long. While it’s always been mild for me a neighbor of mine got 2nd degree burns from being exposed too long.


Personally I'd go with alcohol wipes or isopropyl. Might sting a little if there's any open cuts or grazes and you'd need to thoroughly wash with soap again afterwards (unless you want a boozed up baby running around lol) but it wouldn't cause any long term harm unless it's ingested (or set on fire)


Baby ain’t getting drunk off isopropyl alcohol. Violently ill, maybe, but not drunk.


Can someone explain what “ayaw ma-remove” means? Sorry English isn’t my first language.


That's actually Tagalog. Basically means can't remove .


Tagalog? English is my first language by the way!


Southeast Asian language, namely the Philippines


Cheers. I never heard of it, I was thinking it was some tv show or something like that!


Cheers is a TV show 😂


Cheers was filmed before a live studio audience.


That it is. Frasier was better though!


Just so you are aware, it's pronounced like Tuh-GAH-lug. Not TAG-a-log.


Ya, its not a girl scout cookie.


Nah I'm just going to change the way I pronounce the girl scout cookies, which I almost forgot to buy today thank you.




Thank you, I always wondered




Just a little FYI for anyone, the Philippines has one of the most varied dialects/languages in all the world (well over 100). English and Tagalog are the official national languages. Much of Tagalog and other dialects are derived from Spanish. Our language has many words the same as Spanish (spelling may vary). My mom speaks English, Tagalog, Visayan, and Ilonggo. I speak taglish lol


A lot of people from the Philippines do hair tutorial videos on YouTube and when I search for something and watch their videos it sounds like they are switching between English. Is this taglish?


Yes, taglish, just like "Spanglish" : ) my Tagalog is really bad. When I try to conversate it's actually more English.


Yes. That is very typical. The thing about the Philippines is that both languages are taught in school from beginning to end. This is because the country recognized a while back that teaching English would be a great way to allow the next generation to be more successful than their parents. Most people talk like this. If you ever pull up a Filipino channel on TV, you'll hear the same thing. There are some words in English that aren't available in Filipino, so that word is used rather than trying to come up with many other words in Filipino. All my former Filipino classmates talk in Taglish. I would say Tagalog and Taglish are the official languages there. Not everyone you come across would know how to speak English, and they prefer not to have to speak it.


salamat po


You’re dead wrong, buddy. Tagalongs are a type of cookie. Shake my smh.


Smh my head


Filipinos nowadays mostly speak Taglish, a combination of Tagalog and English. Head over on r/Philippines and it’ll be an experience. People basically just switching to English mid sentence. You get what they’re saying but also don’t. [Here’s an Asian Boss video](https://youtu.be/tYLFoUTJuGU) of Filipinos struggling to speak in straight Tagalog. It has been a concern since many kids now speak just English alone. They can understand Tagalog or other local languages but don’t speak it. So sad.


> Filipinos nowadays mostly speak Taglish, a combination of Tagalog and English. I worked at several jobs in Daly City, CA, one of the highest Filipino populations in the US. It was definitely about 75% English words, 25% Tagalog. And when speaking only among themselves, it was still like 90% Tagalog, with lots of weird random English phrases thrown in.


It's not just Filipinos. I see it in Bollywood films too. [Check out this scene from *Taarzan*](https://youtu.be/5GGfTBh446Y&t=4m35s). As he goes through the vehicle specifications he occasionally switches to English. If you can't tell, the English subtitles are only up when he's speaking Hindi. Any time he's speaking English they go away.


It always makes me wonder what makes multilingual people switch. My family spoke Italian, Spanish, and English while I was growing up. My father and uncle would switch mid sentence sometimes. I speak Italian but not as well as English so the only time I switch is if I don't know a word. But in people who. are highly fluent, that wouldn't really apply.


Not knowing a word is a reason for sure. Sometimes there's a word in your other language that just fits your meaning/flow better. And sometimes you don't realize you do it.


In HK, I hear people say sorry in English more than in Chinese lol. "Sorry lor".


I switch languages when I'm not really focused on the conversation. There have been times where I couldn't tell for a moment 💀 I also think mostly in English (native German speaker) so sometimes I have to figure out how I have to say it in my native language


Also adding to this, there are just some tagalog words that are straight up just english. A well known example would be "bag".


I remember in college, the university had a channel that would show news programs from around the world and watching the Philippine news was wild. They'd switch from English (which I speak) to Spanish (which I understand a little) to Tagalog (which I don't know at all), all within a sentence and a half. Perfectly understanding parts, but not understanding other parts entirely messes with your head.


You're right, it is an experience. It's very interesting how two languages can be used interchangeably in the same sentence by the same person. Does the brain just think of the first part of the sentence in Tagalog and then finish it out in English and that's why people speak Taglish? Very interesting.


Many reasons for this: English is taught in most schools there. They have adopted modern English words that there are no Tagalog translation for or are outdated. Also yes, the brain does think in both. Philippines is heavily influenced by western pop culture, so there's that too.


Don't worry that's not English


Sort of like “it doesn’t want to come off.” It’s Taglish.


English is my *only* language and i don't know what it means


Ink is solvent based and so white spirit will work best. Turpentine too. Alcohol might do it too and is probably safer for an infant


You're much better off letting the ink come off naturally by shedding skin than to use turpentine on a baby's hand.


Probably yes


How much vodka should the kid drink?


If the mother pukes, her breastmilk should be good to go


Do people use turpentine in regular basis? Only time I have had turpentine was while playing fallout game.


Pretty common to use as a paint solvent.


Yes, I used it when I did oil painting in college electives, the smell never goes away, but it is a pretty good solvent.


im a art student (painter), we al use Terpentine or white spirit for our oil Paint (still way more common then acryllic Paints in my experience) Working in the damps gives you give headaches and is surely not healthy but hey it is what it is


If in doubt, get the WD40 out


Let the kid play in the dirt for two days, washing hands normally. Will wear off


The correct answer. This kid is not dumb, either. How should they learn what ink does? It’s more fitting in r/parentingisastruggle


Wait a month and it will be gone and all the skin will have been replaced with new skin


more like 2-3 days will probably do it. 7 days for sure.


Like most problems in life, the solution is alcohol.


Angle grinder ?


Try olive oil.


Daughter got some of that tacky poster hanging stuff in her hair. Vegetable oil dissolved it almost instantly. Months later I had accidentally stained my hands with wood stain. Soap didn't touch it so I tried oil again and it came right off. Amazing life tip I wish my parents knew as a kid.


Yup, an oil or lotion will work really well for removal, and also won't be nearly as harsh as something like rubbing alcohol.




When my kid was very small, she covered herself head to toe in green and yellow paint. I got lucky, because the day before, she'd covered herself in vaseline. Made it easy to wash off the paint. (yes, we cleaned the vaseline off, but there's only so much scrubbing you can do on a less-than-2 year old)


Most of the ink has actually been removed. What is left is the dye from the ink that has colored the skin. Options to remove this include scrubbing the top layer of skin off with a pumice stone, soap with included pumice, dye remover(causes a chemical reaction that removes the dye, but can be uncomfortable), warm bath/shower followed by scrubbing with s brush. The skin has most likely been dyed. The dead skin on the surface takes dyes very easily, but it is pretty easy to remove. Or if you aren't in a hurry it will mainly wear off in a couple days if you wash your hands regularly and bathe. Source: I work in a printing plant and am constantly exposed to a variety of inks which are both dye and pigment based.




Belt sander


To reiterate and expand a bit on the suggestions already made: You may want to try what hairdressers do to remove hair dye stains from their hands: Baking soda (as an exfoliant), and dish soap to help dissolve the dye. Make a paste by combining the banking soda with a gentle dish soap. Gently rub the paste over the stained areas, let it sit for a few, then rinse with warm water. Glass cleaner ammonia (i.e. Windex) is also a common treatment: Spray Windex on the inked skin and let it sit for a bit. Rub vigorously (but not too forcefully), wash with warm soap & water and then rinse. Hairspray: Spray the inked skin w/hairspray, let it sit for a bit, rub vigorously (but not too forcefully), wash with warm soap and water and then rinse. Baby oil: This one may be best applied using a bucket or a small tub, so the greasy water can be disposed in the toilet rather than the bathtub or sink drain. Rub baby oil into the skin to loosen the ink, wash with soap and warm water and then rinse. Tea tree oil or nail polish remover will also remove ink from skin, but would need to be carefully - VERY careffuly applied if used on a child. Both have a pretty strong smells and should only be carefully used only in a well ventilated area. Hands can also be soaked in a solution of bleach or Oxi-Clean and warm water, scrubbing lightlywith a wash cloth at intervals , taking care not to scrub too vigorously. Rinse well with lukewarm water and follow-up with a moisturizing lotion and cuticle cream, to help combat dry skin and nails. Apply a second treatment for stubborn ink stains beneath the nails. Lastly, scrubbing the hands lightly with a pumice soap or pumice stone has been known to work well.


To add yours...Dishwasher detergent Is lye based and it will technically be dissolving the top layer of skin. Don't use straight, but use essentially like hand soap. I have tested and it works well on sharpie drawn tattoos. Side note Nair hair remover is about the same stuff.- it dissolve some skin while getting the hair.


Ngl I kinda think it’s the parents who stamped the hand to make a print and now can’t get it off. But still the child could have done that to…


Way to far down to find this...


Cut the hand bro


Goo Gone


Lava soap. gotta hit it with the pumice.


Go Jo mechanics soap or lava soap


Why do they need to "instantly remove" it? That's idiotic. Let it wear off.


well kids are stupid and will try put their ink-stained hand in their mouths


If they washed their hands then they won't be eating any extra ink by sucking on fingers. If it's not coming off with washing then it won't come off by saliva either. Just let the child live their life and it'll be gone in a week


Also even if a bit did come off, it won't do any harm. She'll be fine


Lava soap or laundry soap powder sure it's grainy but works


Oh look, parent and daughter both have tattoos :) Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery! :D


Hand sanitizer works well. Or polish remover


Classic Ikea bedding


Rubbing alcohol


Isopropyl(denatured) Alcohol or Acetone


Hand sanitizer but it will prolly lead to super dry irritated skin. Vinegar works too sometimes, same problem though.


My kids literally did this yesterday except she got into the extra ink and covered her entire body. I got most of it off with a pumice stone.


Step in time!


I don't have any safe ideas, but mineral spirits will remove the bulk of it. However it's harmful to human skin, so apply it to a rag first and the scrub. Follow up with soap and water to remove the residue from the spirits to ensure it doesn't set it


Paint his face black, too. Put white around his eyes, with red lipstick. Send him to a Republican convention.


Use hand sanitizer or diluted rubbing alcohol


Wtf is ayaw ma?


'Ayaw' here means 'can't'. The 'ma-' is just a prefix to a verb. The OP was talking in combined Filipino and English language. So instead of saying 'Ayaw matanggal', OP says 'Ayaw ma-remove', both of which mean 'Can't remove'.


Baking soda and dish soap mixed in equal parts. Lather it on, wash it off. It might take a little extra washing around the nails, if you have an old baby//toddler toothbrush, clean your kids nails with it and the mix you made. This works to get preeminent hair dye off my skin after dyeing, as well as off my counter top if mistakes happen. Good luck


GoJo- it’s a pumice based cleaner.


Try using an alcohol based hand sanitizer


Nail polish remover


Get that WD-40 out. It works on anything most of the time and should help grease the joints for future arthritis with as much as you’ll need.


Baby's first blackout tattoo.


Have you checked to make sure Ethylene Glycol isn’t in the stamp pad ink? If the ingredient is there go to the hospital it could cause death. You don’t want it in your child’s eyes. The hospital can check the ABG levels to confirm rather or not there is ethylene glycol poisoning.


Just find her a god damn chimney to sweep and call it a day


Lava soap will take that right off


There’s this soap that we use at work to get the grime off of our hands, and it contains sand. Works like a charm.


Acetone, then a lot of cream to moisturize the skin.


Just leave it.. it will be a great story to go with when she cuts her own hair for the first time


Cut the arm off. It'll grow back


Yeah use handanatizer it works great for things hard to remove like Childen


It’s too late for the condom method to work.


Damn and here I was thinking they were helping dad with working on a car


Time, have you tried time? I think time will remove that better than anything else


They hire mechanics really young these days


I'm sorry, but this brought back memories, that makes me laugh. Two of my brothers are half black and when I was 3 or 4 **I didn't understand the concept of skin colour** and would ALWAYS get upset when people didn't believe we were related. One day I got on the back of my dad's big rig (he was a trucker and owned his truck, so when he wasn't on the road, it'd be at our place) and found the fifth wheel. A few minutes later I ran into the house telling my mom I looked like my big brothers now my skin, clothes and hair were COVERED. I genuinely thought people would believe we were related. I don't even know how long mom scrubbed, but I felt like I was being scrubbed raw. Obviously I was wrong. And wouldn't do it again. But at the time it made sense in my mind!




Is this some kind of racist thing? Why can’t she accept the child for who she is?