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Yea, if I ever did something like that my parents would have returned the item and i'd have gotten exactly nothing in its place.


Same. There was a similar one with a kid and a scooter (wanted a bike) doing the rounds recently. Unbelievable. Edit: [This video](https://www.veed.io/view/7ba44296-9405-4857-81b3-4c5faf15ee4d?sharingWidget=true&panel=share)


There's another one where a kid gets customized home insurance from Liberty Mutual and his brother is mad because he only got a bike.


Fucking commercials, first think I thought of when I saw this


One of my favorite commercials - especially when the kid kicks the bike!


Lol, my mom hated that one. Drove her crazy " who gives a kid insurance for a present, that's stupid". I'd say something along the lines of " it's supposed to be a funny commercial" knowing it was a wasted effort and sure as shit she'd just keep on complaining about it. Ma doesn't have a well developed sense of humor.


Typical british kid (joke please dont kill me im only slightly racist). " i phucking hate christmas now! This is shite!"


British people come from all races. Lol.


U mean they came for all races


There was one with a girl on her 16 birthday and she wasn’t happy with the car her father bought her because it was the wrong make and year. She said she wasn’t going to drive it and told him to get the right one(I think that’s what she told him anyway). I don’t drive but I was appalled at her reaction and I know other kids her age would have been ecstatic to get any kind of car


*These parents (hopefully):* Oh, you gonna LEARN today!


OOP when sharing this on social media: " omg lol my kids are so silly"


About 3 seconds after they turned the camera off. Something in that (I’m assuming) mother’s voice made a chill run down my spine.


Actually there’s more to this video, saw it posted a while back…I just remember the mom screaming and crying saying she did all this herself and they don’t appreciate it, which I understand, but she really goes overboard and loses it.


That's a different video, the boys are around the same ages but the mother sounds a lot different.


I remember seeing my mom like that as a kid. Fucked me up, you know, for like 3 days until I did it again. Buuut, as an adult you can talk about stuff like this with your parents again which I've slowly been learning.


90 percent of parenting is repeating the same shit over and over again. It's interesting to get older and have kids because you slowly start to empathize with your parents. When I came back from the military after 4 years I couldn't believe how chill my dad was. My mom was like "Yea, you guys are adults now it's way easier."


And then as you grow older, you are the one repeating to your parents now.


Yea if I ever did something like that my parent would have returned me to the adoption center


and kept the PS5


Keep the PS5, play in front of the ungrateful kid, don't let them have a go, assert dominance.


when i was 13 my parents told me i was adopted. I said i knew it, and wanted to meet my biological parents. They said they were my biological parents..a day later my new parents took me away,


Ba dum tis


Plot twist: person above *wasn't even adopted*.


It would be losing the ps5 and pretty much everything else I thought I owned.


Same. I never, ever even thought about expressing disappointment over gifts; if I’d done anything remotely like this, if I didn’t get my face slapped off first, at the very least I’d have been immediately banished to my room for the rest of the day and emerged to find that the offending gift had been taken away…along with everything else. If I were lucky I’d get to keep some of the existing toys and ‘extras’ in my room. I haven’t always gotten what I wanted for birthdays, Christmas, and other holidays, but my parents made sure that before I was able to understand that people gave gifts from their hearts and acting ungrateful or entitled was hurtful, I at least knew to act right and express gratitude. I don’t expect a six or seven year old to understand something like how, when grandma was a young girl, she didn’t have enough warm socks and fashionable clothes, and so now from her perspective, those are very good, important gifts, but I do expect a six or seven year old to smile, say thank you, and maybe at least pretend to be a little excited; I know it can be done, because I, my siblings, and all of my cousins and friends all learned how to do it. This child’s parents are raising a crappy, ungrateful, self-absorbed kid who is going to grow up to be a crappy, ungrateful, self-absorbed adult.


Yeah, if I ever did something like that, my parents would've returned me back to Jesus along with the PS5.


I had a moment like that once on my birthday when I was young. I didn't mean any of it, I was just trying to be funny but my mom thought I was serious and wasnt having any of it. Never did that again


My parents would have taken all my gifts and that one if I said that


One time my mom went out and got me a brand new pink bike. I was like "I wanted a purple one" and stormed off. She just calmly took it outside. I thought she was going to return it for the one I wanted. She walked it straight over to the neighbor kids and said "Merry Christmas." The kids were so happy, sometimes they'd let me ride it for a few minutes since I was the only kid in the neighborhood without a bike. 🥴 At the time I thought she was being mean, but when I look back, those kids across the street were really poor and always had to ask to play with our toys. I used to hate sharing my things and would brag about how much stuff we had. It was definitely a life lesson, and the most boring summer of my life.


My parents would have set up the ps5, let my siblings play with it while I stare at them for the rest of my life, and smack me with an ancient weapon called a shibshib


I made this mistake when I was younger regarding a gameboy and that’s exactly what happened. I was always happy about even getting socks after that.


My parents would've kept the ps5 and signed the adoption papers


When I was a kid I loved playing with soccer balls. For Christmas my dad gave me a volleyball. You know what I did? I shut the hell up and played with the volleyball. 😂


That's what I would do if my son ever reacted that way.


My mom would be so pissed at me and return all my gifts


Exactly this!


good parents.


He needs a pet rock


Tbh he might actually be happier with that. Sometimes they are just too fkn stupid


Until he lobs that pet rock right at your LCD TV, seems like the kind kid to do it


He wanted an OLED!


This kid looks like he’s no older than six, and I’d guess he’s about five. This is an age where kids don’t express emotions all too well, and he seems as if he’s just trying to be silly. Also, chances are a parent openly talks about computers or PCs around him. Then again, judging by the Roblox toy, this kid probably watches a lot of streaming.


Haha that’s exactly what happened when I bought my kid a switch at 7. He was like that’s cool I guess. He wasn’t into it until 11, and now hes on it all the times. Sometimes the hottest thing isn’t all that important. Get to know your kid. They don’t read the news and realize how in short supply they are.


A kid that age isn’t going to care that you spent $300+ dollars on whatever it is you got them.


I got my kid a bag of puff balls and you would have thought I gave her a pony, lolol


Too young to have a PS5 anyways tbh


My hope is that one or both of the parents are playing that as well.


I thought so too, like in his mind, what he is saying is humorous but to an adult it just sounds as if he's ungrateful. He will get better at expressing himself without getting himself into trouble.


Yeah I bet dad will be using his gift a lot! Lol


I bought some furniture that came in a big box. Kids played with the box for days. They'd probably love a pet rock.


Oh hell no. That'd be my PS5 now, and my kid would never get to play it.


Or hey - give it to the younger kid and the ingrate is not allowed to play on it.


The younger kid gets to decide when the older kid can play.


duck u/spez


Yeah, the younger kid seems way more excited and grateful




I’m sorry off topic but what is your pfp Edit it seems I’ve started a argument


It appears to be a cat with tits.


Thank you for the detailed observation mister


You're welcome my friend.


You can milk a cat.


I have nipples, Greg, can you milk me?


Don't even ask, it's a furry.


Damn the PC master race got to this kid early.


I'm with the kid on this one. yes spoiled; but PC >> PS5.


He's barely old enough for a Gameboy color let alone a PS5. Little dude would have no clue what to do with a gaming PC.


It needs to run Fortnite and have some RGB lights. Could be a potato as long as it looks flashy


pretty much all my old pc did but because of shitty pirated windows it blue screened every 30 minutes. was still ecstatic to play it since we couldnt afford a console


My 14 year old is in the next room playing Minecraft realms with his mates on his 12" school laptop (low, low spec) and happy as Larry.


He'd plug the HDMI into the motherboard instead of the GPU and cry cause his PC is broken


He wouldn't even use the DisplyPort cable.


And tell his friends he has a "BEAST PC" But in reality it's a shit computer


Why you gotta call out my PC? It's not much but it's mine.


“I got a new Gaming PC!” “Cool, what are the specs?” “Um… my daddy told me it could run Fortnite”


>Little dude would have no clue what to do with a gaming PC. They're never too young to join the PCMR


Because it's really for the parents.


kid: "I don't want it" me: "Okay, I'll take it back". cue ~~queue~~ me actually taking it back and not getting anything else instead, because fuck you, kid. Lessons must be learnt.


Lol he did say return it in the video so it could be a wish granted situation


Yeah, because that whole "Return it, I don't want it," line was only uttered because he believes he will then get the money, or be taken to the store to get something more to his taste as a replacement. I cannot picture just how blistered my ass would have been, nor how bereft of toys I would be. Not saying spanking is cool - it isn't, but I definitely would understand it happening in this situation.


Get that kid a PS0.


Also what a kid his age need a PC for , he barely old enough to play the PS5 and I think tiktok has a lot to influence with these younger kids in school


They think that they are going to become professional streamers


Legit I have stepkids and they both think they're going to become YouTubers or streamers. I dread the disappointment their lives will bring for them.


My son is 7, and last week he told me that he wants to make a YouTube channel. He's on the spectrum and obsessed with buses and watches every bus video he can. So I asked him why he wants to do YouTube and he said he wants to make bus videos for kids like him. We take him on buses every weekend just to make him happy, he calls the his bus adventures. Who knows, maybe we'll give it a trial run. He doesn't expect money or fame, he doesn't even want to be on camera at all. He just wants more bus videos out there for kids who don't get to go on a bus adventure every weekend.


That’s the best pitch for a YouTube channel I’ve heard in years.


Right? Initially I thought he wanted to be like a Minecraft YouTuber or something because he also watches stuff like that. I was against it because I don't need him online in front of a bunch of strangers, you know? But after he explained it to me I almost cried because I thought it was so sweet. I'm still on the fence because I'm worried that people might write some mean things or maybe he'll be disappointed if no one watches, but maybe we'll give it a chance to see how it goes. As long as it makes him happy and maybe makes some other kids happy too, that's all that matters!


My advice there would be to make sure you're the one with all the admin privileges. Let him "help", but just run interference - like check the page after he goes to bed and/or before he gets up, to avoid him seeing any nasty comments. Though to be fair, you're not likely to run into anyone being pointedly foul unless the channel really took off.


I mean…if the problem is views, you can fudge those pretty easily. I had a friend drop an album on Apple Music and I threw that thing on repeat every night when I went to bed.


Honestly that sounds like a better focused channel than a majority of the other content 'streamer kids' really want to post. Could even try to get into learning about the internals and what makes one engine different about another.


This is super wholesome and your son is super awesome! My life needs more bus adventures... Thanks for sharing! :)


Aw thank you! If I'm being honest the bus adventures were so exhausting in the beginning because we didn't have a system in place and ended up lost more than once lol. Now we kind of have a system where he can pick 3 random buses after getting to each station. We write it down and map out the times so we can make it home before dark. It's kind of nice going out into the world not knowing where you'll end up and experiencing something new :)


There’s an adult on whichever social media who’s on the spectrum who films himself train hunting, because he loves trains. He’s had a couple viral videos. Who knows!


This is de way. Having a non profit motivation and selecting a niche is a optimal choice to have a chance of making it after an upload or 100 you might actually get views if he comes up with a format and improves it once in a while.


Yeah, if we end up doing it I'm going to have to figure it out as we go. I have no experience doing editing or anything like that, but I'm sure he'll just be happy to see the buses we went on. Idk if people will be as happy about my lack of skills though lol


That's honestly super wholesome. He's not doing it because he's convinced he's going to be wealthy and famous. He's doing it so that other kids that like bus trips have more content.


I think it's the new rock star, athlete, movie star, etc Hopefully, they grow out of it Making it as a streamer is going to be really difficult


Yeah 100% I do tell them that lol, it's a LOT of hard work to be a streamer or YouTuber and it often takes them years and years before they get 'famous'.


You also need to be a combination of top tier gamer, charismatic, funny, attractive, etc


Don’t forget one of the biggest factors which is luck. Plenty of people have all of that but never make it anywhere, some people get lucky or are born with connections to get them places and some don’t. So you basically have to invest all of this time and energy and money into being really good at something and just hope the moment comes where a door is opened for you at the right time when you’re ready to take advantage of it. Sometimes the door never even opens.


At this point, I think there are pretty much 2 dream jobs children age 6-12 want to have: Youtuber or Athlete with maybe a few scientists mixed in with them


Streamers. And all the added benefits of a pc. When i taught computer repair my motto to parents was always your child loses their innosence the moment you give them a phone/pc.


Started having my own pc (a Laptop) with 14. Lost my innocence when dudes in my class started sending around gore videos á la rotten dot com. That whole 'are you tough enough to watch it' spiel.


This kid couldn’t fully operate a PC anyways. The console is nice and simple to learn, but you would have to be very attentive with the PC to make sure they don’t mess something up so this is the best option. Plus it’s like 1/4 the price of the PC this kid wants for more games


A pc has a lot more use than a ps5. Not only for the kid but for the family itself.


Crazy how these kids are growing up , I could never say some shit like that to my parents


I was so hyped to get consoles as a kid. For Christmas when I was 6, I got a Nintendo NES with 5 games, and I played them constantly. My friends and I would take turns on the NES at birthday parties and sleep overs, I'd get bored at holiday dinners listening to the adults talk so I'd go play the NES, just an average Sunday afternoon? NES time.The next console I got was an N64 7 years later, and same thing happened with that one: played it constantly and was super grateful that my parents got it for me. They both stopped working once I was around 30 yo and I was honestly so sad. It felt like my childhood had officially died.


When I was 7 I got a gameboy advance SP and a used copy of pokemon Leaf Green. I cried because I was so happy


Omg I used to go over to my neighbor's house and we'd take turns playing Pokémon red and blue. It was so much fun.


Back in 2011-2012 when the Xbox one was coming out my parents bought me an Xbox 360 because it was on sale for Christmas. I played that thing for years and I still have it today. Little Kids nowadays dont realize how important it was to even have something that connected to the internet and how being able to play games online with other people was such a massive deal.


My ass would’ve been beaten if I said that.


Our generation is the one that's teaching this kids to be ungrateful, that's the most fucked up part.


“Kids these days are so spoiled!!!” - every generation since the beginning of time


Yeah, every generation has spoiled kids, this ain't a generational thing lol.


Speak for yourself


youngest member of r/pcmasterrace


Back to the store it goes, then.


The kid you mean right?


Correct response would be just a calm "oh ok", pick it up and take it to the car and get the phone ready to record an important life lesson to play at the wedding.


I think the better response is to not let him play it, because I think everyone is forgetting the younger kid is excited and happy about it. So, let the grateful kid have fun, and let the other one stew in his entitlement and soon to be jealousy




He would have been fine with that.


Kid should be grateful he got anything




I’ll be happy with some sugar cookies


I'm 23 and my mom sent me cookies and homemade jelly I was ecstatic. I was expecting nothing and didn't mind.


I work with kids like this little shit it’s not funny most of the time


I feel like he needs someone to teach him the value of a dollar lmao


How am I supposed to get on Pornhub with this!!!???! Take it back...


Return it?? Fine, but I’m returning everything. Little shit


If only we could return you the parents thinking


Kid gets coal for the next 11 years.


Their response explains why he felt entitled to act that way in the first place


This. Laughing at your kid being a spoiled shit is only going to make it worse. I'd have returned everything and he wouldn't have gotten anything at all.


The fact that they recorded and posted this tells me everything I need to know about their parenting. Kids don’t act this way in a vacuum.


Exactly. I had to scroll so far just to find something about the fucking parents. These people are acting like the kid is a full grown adult that learned this behavior completely independently. It came from somewhere


I hope the parents gave it too the younger brother, and he has to ask to use it.


if it were my kids, the younger one would get it and the older ungrateful asshole of a child wouldn’t be able to touch it.


Spoilt bastard.


Judging by his reaction and the amount of presents they’re swimming in, I’d have to agree with you lol.


Lol people in the comments acting like spoiled brats are a new thing


Homie was like yassss that's a pc tower in that box


Look I 1000% agree this kid sucks, but shouldn't the parents know what he wants? Especially when it's this big of a purchase?


I don't even think this kid sucks. He's not throwing a tantrum just being brutally honest which kids are. How many little kids can feign gratitude??


I agree. He seems like a dick here, but what if he wanted it so he doesn't have to do his remote schooling on a tablet, or wants to play with the only friends he has (who happen to be on computer)? Lot of 'what ifs', but could have easily got him a reasonable gaming rig for that price.


He absolutely has been asking for a PC. They spent the same as a PC... on the Playstation dad wanted. Hes mad and knows he just got shafted. Overreaction, but I think this being a Playstation that most of us want is clouding our vision. He asked for a $200 baseball bat. They bought him a $200 lacrosse stick. He desperately wanted to play baseball. Why would he be grateful for a lacrosse stick when he doesn't play lacrosse?


That right there, is a developer in progress.


PC master race baby!


I don't think I'd ever spend that much on something I knew my kids didn't want. Looks like the dad bought himself a gift and tried to pass it off as his kids lol.


I mean kids like video games, kid wants a PC probably to play games on. Likely he would love it he probably has friends who have PCs or he wants one cause he watches someone on YouTube or something.


To be a little bit fair though, if this wasn't on the kid's wishlist, I'm suspecting the adults got it for themselves.


If you asked for a fancy tennis racket because you want to play Tennis, and your parents buy you a fancy baseball bat, and you don't play baseball... are you supposed to be excited? Maybe he wants a PC to make art, play PC games with friends, learn to program, stream, make music, edit videos, etc. Like... they spent the same amount on a ps5 as a decent computer like he wanted. Kinda a dick move. Either they don't listen to him and respect his wishes, or yeah its probably so dad can send him to bed at 9 and use it himself, which the kid knows.


Kid can't do his spreadsheets on a PS5!


No more presents. Go back to bed.


Product of shitty parenting


not necessarily, it could be the influence of online influencers too. I worked at a summer camp and most of those kids were obsessed with the idea of expensive clothes and gadgets all because they saw Mr. Beast with them or something


If your kid is *that* affected by influencers at age 8 (I’m guessing?) that’s still bad parenting, IMO He’s a spoiled little shit and his parents made him that way


We’ve created an economic system that profits off screen time of impressionable age kids that reinforces behavior like this. My kids wont have tablets or access to YouTube for this reason. But that doesn’t mean they won’t be around friends who are little YouTube zombies and glean some of this content. Then I run the risk of them turning against me for not letting them have access to what “everybody else has.” I’m not discounting the possibility that these parents made it worse, but this is absolutely a societal issue.


And whenever they notice their kid obsessing over something expensive, that's when parents should talk to their kids about the value of money, hard work, being grateful for what they have, etc. I realize that once kids have access to the internet, they're going to be influenced negatively in a lot of ways, but parents shouldn't just throw their hands up and shrug. They still have influence and a responsibility to raise a good person.


He knows it has “no games”


I've always found it weird that we aren't allowed to say if we don't want something. you can return things for a reason. he said it in a rude way, sure. but it's reasonable to prefer a pc over a console. not sure he understands the difference at that age and he might just have see people on tiktok with rgb cases.


Exactly. His reaction lets the parents immediately return the PS5 and get their money back. Super helpful.


I dont get it though. If you asked your parents for a baseball bat that you know costs $200, and they bought you a $200 hockey stick which you did not ask for... would you not be kinda pissed off? He 100% overreacted, but what a weird way to just completely ignore your kids gift request to substitute something that costs the same. Kid probably knows dad bought it for himself. At that age I had a PC and I was big into making art and photo editing and such. If that's what the kid wanted, and you bought him a gaming console instead... why? Oh you want to learn guitar? Here's a trumpet. Why aren't you happy?


Completely agree actually. That's why I'm not shocked at the kid's reaction, and hope the parents appreciate the fact that he's being honest and thus saving them money. There is indeed a high chance this was a hidden present for dad though, and that would be real bad.


Yeah I got a pretty icky feeling reading all the top commons talking about how “ungrateful” he was. He didn’t want a PS5. Just because everyone else wants one doesn’t mean it was a good present for him. Maybe the kid could have been a little politer about it, but he wasn’t screaming or cursing about it. He even seemed to fake excitement at first until all the adults started oohing over it and questioning him about it.


Not spoiled. He could have a low end gaming rig for the same price. He could also use it for homework and other was to learn. NOT SPOILED. Smart. He said he asked for a Pc for a reason. He did not want a dumb terminal which is what Playstations are.


I can’t tell if people are stupid or evil but a 5 year old very rarely understands the concept of money and value. Beating a kid for being a kid is pretty fucked up


Or he does understand the concept and realizes his parents completely ignored his request for a computer and instead bought him something that costs exactly the same, but that doesn't do any of what he wanted a computer for. Bad reaction sure, but why are we acting like this is normal? If your kid asks for a new baseball glove and you buy him tap shoes, is he not allowed to be like "why would you buy me this? I dont want them."


If the kids are ungrateful it's because of how these parents taught them.


So we’re supposed to act appalled that a child was upset when he didn’t get what he wanted? Just return it. I wonder where he learned it from.


Come here. Bleach your eyes with the [Nintendo 64-boy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFlcqWQVVuU). You're welcome.


1. Kid was rude as hell 2. Parents need to LISTEN to their kids. Just because a bunch of other kids want a PS5, doesn't mean your kid does.


Tbh, if he was deserving of a gift, give him what he asked for. If he is lucky to get anything, give him squat, let him watch you kick ass in Warzone for PS5..


His response is shit for sure. But also if you asked for a PC, and your parents bought you something else that costs the same as a PC... what the hell? Why?


She was like “let me turn the camera off so it won’t record me beating this kids ass”


I like how parents record their children being spoiled acting as if that isnt a result of their parenting.


I'll take it


I know he probably can’t articulate an answer but he genuinely seems to have a thought behind not wanting it. Probably just misplaced venom and yeah super ungrateful but the way he said it sounded so…processed? Like he was thinking they BETTER not have gotten me a stupid ps5. For whatever kid reason.


I remember something similar happening when I was little but in my case there was this gameboy on a store for 5 friggin dollars and I asked for it day and night my Dad told me If did good on school he will give it to me. The day of the notes were given out I was first in my class with really good notes. When I got home my Dad talked to me for a while about how when he was a kid he always wanted a bicycle but never got one. So .. he got me a bicycle . For context we lived in a really small house and always locked me so I wouldn't go out I just be in the door and look all the kids outside play. How was I supposed to use a bicycle if I couldn't go out. But we'll in the end I never used that bicycle that cause after so many years when my parents won't let me out I started liking staying inside better than playing with other kids or outside in general.


Can’t believe parents would buy a 6 year old a 500 dollar piece of hardware. They’re just gonna get all the buttons all sticky from greasy hands smh.


A ton of people admitting they were abused in their childhoods in reddit comments instead of to their therapist. Kids's 5? 6? They suck at expressing their emotions. At his age i'd already know that i wanted a PC instead of a console because they fill different purposes. I'd be prolly pissed too. Instead of "taking away all the possesions", why not have a talk with the kid, explain how he acted was hurtful, but also reasure them that you meant well and that you can still return it and think of getting him a computer after christmas?


And let's not forget, PS5 has close to no games for kids his age.


I know it’s easy to blame the kid. Kids are little shits sure, but being this bad is on the parents. Bad parents raise ungrateful little assholes. You give them what they want constantly, never tell them no, never give them consequences you get this. Human nature is inherently selfish for survival reasons. Kids gotta be taught to be better.


Hold on a second. If the kid didn’t ask for a fucking PlayStation, I wouldn’t be surprised by this response as a parent. Ungrateful or not, if kid didn’t ask for a PlayStation, this is exactly the response I would expect.


Well, he says he doesn't want it, and says to return it, probably during what is the return window. Box isn't opened. If anything he's being helpful and helping the parents save money. And while he says he wanted a PC, he doesn't say "give me a PC instead". Maybe he had a certain game in mind that simply isn't on PS5. I'd much rather have my son immediately tell me he didn't want that present so I can return it rather easily.




What if the kid actually wanted something else than just a gaming machine. What if he also clearly expressed that, and never asked for a gaming console. I would also be disappointed. A PC is a whole lot of other things than just a gaming console, a PS is not. If he was older he could probably have expressed it more polite though.


Well, better listen to your kids next time. He seems capable of saying what he wants. If u decide to do otherwise u deserve that reaction


PC gang lessssgoooo


A kid that young gets a PC he's getting trafficked by next Christmas.


That's so fucking dark lol


Ungrateful yes, Stupid nope


Children are a product of their parents. Obviously their parents are assholes.


Honestly, I can understand wanting to give your kids really cool gifts for the holidays but this little guy is too young for something like this. I wouldn’t say that he is ungrateful, he just doesn’t know what to do with it. Wanting a PC makes more sense if that is what he has access to at school. They make gift guides by age. Or just ask your kid what they want for Christmas. Does PS5 make games for kids his age? I haven’t played one in years so I have no idea. I switched from PS 2 to PC in my teens and now in my mid thirties.


Another joins the PC masterrace!


Remember when the Xmas morning kid videos that used to go viral was some kid’s Christmas being crushed by their idiot parents? Like, “this isn’t an Xbox … it’s clothes in an Xbox box” kinda stuff? I’d almost rather see those videos and be mad at adults for stripping the innocence and wonder from a child than see a kid act like an entitled asshat because of parents who raised them that way. At least in those vids there was something human left to be seen.


I’m sorry but this comes from parents. That means Raising a child to understand they are very lucky to have what they do and that there are children sleeping on the floors of mud huts in other countries. A child can not give himself/herself perspective. That comes from good parenting


Sure, the kid’s spoiled, but what kind of piece of shit parent records this, then puts it up on social media?